Pain in the right temple in a child causes. Headache in children. Why does the child have a headache? Headache with or without fever. Trigeminal neuralgia, temporal arteritis

Up to 8% of preschool children and almost 80% of school age complain of headaches. The disease is not uncommon in newborns who cannot explain the complaint in words, but there is excessive tearfulness, excitability, regurgitation, sleep disturbance. The head is completely permeated with pain receptors, which are somehow interconnected with all other internal organs. It is cephalgia (soreness of the head) that occurs against the background of irritation of these receptors and the reasons for this can be different: organic, functional, hereditary, various pathologies in the internal organs.

Primary pains

Common causes of pain in the head area, not associated with diseases, is a migraine, the development of which is facilitated by impaired blood supply to the brain. The disease can appear in schoolchildren when emotional or physical overstrain occurs, also after eating certain foods (cheese, chocolate), overwork, and changes in atmospheric pressure. Migraine in a child often has a hereditary factor if close relatives suffered from the disease. It is manifested by seizures, in children under 2 years of age, lethargy, tearfulness, decreased appetite, visual impairment, the appearance of goosebumps (shadows) before the eyes are noted. The pain is aggravated by sudden movements of the head, inhalation of pungent odors, flashes of bright light. Analgesic pills practically do not help.

The causes of headache are often infectious in nature, which may indicate the development of pneumonia, SARS, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract.

An illness in a child often occurs due to depression, oxygen starvation or asphyxia of the brain, poor nutrition, long or vice versa short sleep, physical or emotional overwork during the day.

Features of pain in children

Attacks of pain are less prolonged than in adults. The head is often localized on both sides, usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and abdominal pain.

According to the classification, primary and secondary cephalalgia are distinguished. The causes of pain in primary cephalalgia, as a rule, are not associated with infectious diseases, they often have a hereditary factor or occur against the background of overstrain, dilation of brain vessels. The occurrence of sharp, excruciating, throbbing pain in a child with a diffuse bilateral character, accompanied by bouts of nausea, vomiting and photophobia, can be facilitated by:

  • migraine, often associated with insomnia, the onset of menstruation or hormonal changes in teenage girls, alcohol or smoking, emotional stress, mental (physical) stress;
  • overstrain (a common cause in children), when prolonged seizures appear due to strong contractions of the brain vessels, which are squeezing in nature like a “helmet” on the head. The disease is facilitated by the usual overwork, stress, prolonged stay in the “sitting” position at the desk without movement, at the computer;
  • cluster paroxysmal pains, usually of a boring unilateral nature with a return to the temples, to the eyes. In children (especially boys), there is lacrimation, increased sweating, pupillary constriction and drooping of the upper eyelid on the side of pain.

Secondary pain caused by diseases

The disease, as a symptom, appears as a result of the development of infectious, vascular diseases. In a child, it may be the result of an old injury, a mental disorder, a previous surgical operation, and prolonged medication.

The causes of pain in children are different. A child's head hurts when:

  • sinusitis, increased pressure in the paranasal sinuses filled with pus. The pain usually manifests itself in the morning, increases with the tilt of the head;
  • otitis due to inflammation of the middle ear. Often noted in young children, accompanied by high fever, runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • hydrocephalus, often diagnosed in newborns;
  • intracranial hypertension often due to birth trauma;
  • vascular diseases;
  • decrease (increase) in intracranial pressure;
  • poisoning with drugs, toxins, carbon monoxide;
  • neuritis (muscle inflammation);
  • concussion;
  • tumor development;
  • hypertension due to impaired venous outflow;
  • bruxism (gnashing of teeth in a child at night);
  • meningitis (inflammation of the vessels of the brain or congenital malformations);
  • flu
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • epilepsy;
  • myositis with muscle inflammation;
  • neuritis with inflammation of the trigeminal and facial nerve;
  • encephalitis, abscess with an increase in the brain in volume;
  • development of a tumor in the brain;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • neurosis;
  • diabetes.

The pain bursts, presses on the eyes, in infants it usually manifests itself accompanied by vomiting, convulsions, swelling of the place with an open fontanel.

Why does my head hurt in the morning?

Often a headache in children is not associated with a serious pathology. In the morning, a headache may appear several times a day due to the characteristics of the child's body, irregular daily routine, excessive activity, drinking large amounts of liquid before bedtime (other drinks), being in an uncomfortable position during sleep. Even an uncomfortable pillow can lead to nerve compression in the cervical vertebrae. The lack of oxygen supply to the brain will certainly provoke a headache in children in the morning.

Headaches in the morning in babies who are accustomed to sleeping longer with an increase in blood glucose levels. Both long sleep and lack of sleep are harmful, as well as overeating especially harmful foods (spicy, fatty, fried) at night, which makes the digestive system work all night. In the morning there is nausea, pain in the head and stomach.

The head may hurt in the morning due to a bruise or concussion. Usually in addition there is a violation of coordination of movements, approaches of nausea and vomiting. The same symptoms with the development of a tumor in the brain. The pain in the child is clearly expressed every day in the morning. Increases in the morning, often in conjunction with the approaches of nausea and vomiting. There is a loss of appetite, weakness, drowsiness, with the addition of an infection - fever, cough.

Why is it knocking at the temples?

Pain, throbbing and pressing on the temples, leads to irritation, nervousness, loss of appetite, dizziness and even blurred vision, stuffy nose in a child.

Knocks in the temples when:

  • migraines with a duration in young children of 1.5 hours-2 days;
  • arteritis with swelling of the temporal artery;
  • the development of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • cephalgia (there is pain in the head, accompanied by nausea and recoil to the temples);
  • intracranial hypertension against the background of increased pressure in the vessels, expansion and compression of the brain;
  • abscess with accumulation of pus in places of the alveolar processes (there is a long, shooting, aching pain);
  • neuralgia (pulsates, shoots and gives in the temples);
  • inflammation of the tonsils of the nasopharynx (in children 3-5 years old it usually has an acute course);
  • anemia against the background of a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood;
  • lack of iron in the body (headache for a long time, more than 5 days, accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath).

What causes headaches at night?

In schoolchildren, pain in the head area can be from mental or physical overload received during the day, but newborn children are aggressively affected by various stimuli from the outside. The cause of pain in the head can be an error in eating, an incorrect physiological position of the body during sleep, which can lead to circulatory disorders, and as a result, to headaches.

Even a poorly chosen pillow, a prickly blanket can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the child's body, or a long stay in an unventilated room. Headache at night against the background of medications taken before bedtime, with osteochondrosis (the course of dystrophic changes in the joints, clamping of the nerve endings of the vessels in the column of the spine)

At night, the head hurts in depressed children who have experienced stress the day before, also with an increase in blood sugar levels. With diabetes, the patient often wakes up at night from a sharp and burning pain.

When do symptoms become dangerous for a child?

Kids cannot clearly articulate what symptoms bother them, where and what hurts, but they constantly cry, sleep is disturbed, there is profuse regurgitation and vomiting with a fountain. Children 2-3 years old often complain of fatigue, are constantly nervous, scratch their faces and pull their hair, and mothers sometimes do not know how to help and what to do.

When the pain begins suddenly, changes its character depending on the position of the head, intensifies in the morning, becomes strong and constant, additionally there is confusion, decreased visual acuity, runny nose, cough, fever and intracranial pressure, then the children should be urgently shown to the doctor . Head pain can be a symptom of a serious condition that is always best treated early.

The worst thing that can happen is when a tumor develops in the brain and pain in the head area is the primary symptom of this disease, usually aggravated in the morning with localization more often in the back of the head. As a rule, painkillers are not able to permanently eliminate the symptoms.

How to help?

As a first aid, it is necessary to provide the baby with peace and quiet, apply a wet bandage to the forehead, give tea with lemon, a tincture of soothing herbs (motherwort or valerian) to drink. Of the pills to eliminate pain, you can drink only without a doctor's prescription Ibuprofen, Nurofen in the form of a suspension for babies. Tablets are applicable to use only in extreme cases.

If the pain in the morning began to disturb constantly, then the child needs an examination, blood and urine tests. It is possible to examine small patients by a psychiatrist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, infectious disease specialist. Depending on the existing unpleasant symptoms, it is important to create optimal conditions for the child to eliminate pain in the head area:

  • review nutrition;
  • ventilate the room daily;
  • do not allow a long stay in smoky places;
  • monitor the physical and mental stress of children at school

Children are encouraged to do morning exercises, play sports. Useful massage, swimming, a favorable psychological environment in the house, adjusted diet and daily routine with the inclusion of vitamins and fruits in the diet.

It is important to protect children from stress, depression, excessive overstrain of oxygen delivery. It is recommended that children sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow in order to maintain the shape of the body so that the head and neck are comfortably positioned during sleep.

  • attacks are constantly overcome, in the morning and a day several times in the head area
  • the pills don't help
  • the baby has become nervous and irritable, and the mothers do not know what to do, then self-treatment is useless, a full examination is required, an MRI, CT, ultrasound of the brain, adequate treatment based on the results of the tests.

Headache in the forehead and temples: is it dangerous?

Probably, every person has experienced the appearance of a headache and pain in the temples. This is an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the head, throbbing, or vice versa - pressing pain that radiates to the eyes. How dangerous are these symptoms and how can they be avoided? Headache in the forehead or temples may indicate a serious illness. But this disease does not bypass practically healthy people.

Diseases in which the head hurts in the forehead

Headache in the forehead accompanies many diseases, including those in which patients require immediate hospitalization. This symptom has its own characteristics in each disease. Of these, respiratory infections, ENT diseases, migraines and others are most common.

Flu or flu

With respiratory infections, including influenza, headache is characterized by a feeling of pressure, heaviness in the forehead and temples. As a rule, the nature of the pain is aching and not intense. In such cases, the cause of the symptom is the release of a large number of inflammatory mediators into the blood. In addition to this symptom, respiratory infections are accompanied by severe general malaise, weakness, fever and various catarrhal manifestations. Inflammatory changes in the airways can range from mild congestion of the nasopharynx to severe symptoms of tracheitis, bronchitis, or even pneumonia. Influenza is also characterized by aching muscles and intolerance to bright light.


Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses most often occurs as a complication of a respiratory infection, but can develop with untreated dental caries. The pain in the forehead in this case is pulsating in nature, it can radiate to the eyes and temples. When the head is tilted down, the pain intensifies. In addition, patients are concerned about nasal congestion and mucopurulent discharge from the nasal passages. The disease can occur against the background of general malaise and fever, however, in some cases, headaches and nasal discharge may be the only signs of sinusitis.

Frontitis (inflammation of the sinuses)

With frontitis, a characteristic symptom is pain in the forehead, which disappears for some time after emptying their contents, then returns again. In addition to pain, patients complain of swelling around the eyes, which worsens after sleeping or lying down for a long time. On this basis, frontal sinusitis can be distinguished from sinusitis. With sinusitis, the headache in a horizontal position becomes less intense.

If you are concerned about pain in the forehead and purulent discharge from the nose, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. Purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is fraught with serious complications.


The forehead hurts with inflammation of the meninges quite intensely. Severe headaches are accompanied by nausea, vomiting and high body temperature. Meningitis can develop not only as a complication of a previous respiratory infection, but as a primary disease. Meningitis is characterized by intolerance to light and sounds, severe intoxication and dizziness. A characteristic sign of meningitis is involuntary bending of the legs at the knees when trying to tilt the head to the chest in a supine position.

Children get meningitis more often than adults. In addition to the main signs of the disease, a child with meningitis has a sore forehead and often there are convulsions and skin hypersensitivity. The child literally does not allow himself to be touched, as any touch intensifies the pain. If meningitis is suspected, emergency hospitalization is indicated.

migraine attack

Migraine is characterized by pressure pain in the forehead, radiating to the eyes. The forehead hurts intermittently, the pain is pulsating in nature and occurs in response to some external irritation. This symptom is characterized by the presence of an aura (harbingers of migraine). It can be photophobia or intolerance to loud sounds, dizziness. An attack can last for several hours or days. Since the causes of migraine have not been identified, there is no specific treatment.

arterial hypertension

With an increase in blood pressure above its "working" level, dull aching pains occur in the forehead. This symptom manifests itself as a result of local spasm of cerebral vessels and accompanies almost every episode of pressure rise. After bringing the pressure back to normal, the pain will disappear.


The causes of this pathology are violations of the autonomic reactions of the body without identified somatic diseases. Forehead, temples, occipital region - pain can occur suddenly for no apparent reason as a result of increased reactivity of the nervous system in response to external stimuli.

Causes of headaches in the temples

A headache in the temples often occurs in practically healthy people as a result of overwork, nervous strain, and improper alternation of the work-rest regime. Malnutrition or abuse of various intoxications. In some cases, pain in the temples accompanies diseases:

  • Hormonal tumor of the adrenal glands (pheochromocytoma). The reasons why the forehead hurts with this pathology is an increased release of vasoconstrictor substances (adrenaline) into the blood by the tumor tissue. This disease is characterized by frequent sharp attacks of rising blood pressure. The attack can last from several minutes to two hours, accompanied by a sharp blanching of the skin and profuse sweating.
  • Arterial hypotension. The reasons why the forehead hurts with this pathology is a local swelling of the meninges. When blood pressure drops below its "working" level, patients complain of a feeling of ache in the temples, nausea, darkening before the eyes and cold sweat. After returning to baseline, all symptoms usually disappear.
  • Increased intracranial pressure. This condition develops after traumatic brain injury, may accompany brain tumors, diabetes, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and other diseases. Headache in the temples in these cases is on both sides, strong, constant and accompanied by sensations of "whistling noise".
  • Inflammation or arthrosis of the mandibular joint. In this case, the pain in the temples can radiate to the back of the head and descend down to the scapular region. The disease is accompanied by reflex clenching of the jaws, muscle pain and gnashing of teeth.
  • Neuralgia or inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. With this disease, the forehead, temple area and other parts of the face (facial muscles, taste buds of the tongue, etc.) are involved in the process. The causes of impaired innervation of the face and soft tissues of the head are inflammatory or ischemic changes along the course of the trigeminal nerve or its part (facial nerve).
  • Psychogenic pain without obvious physical pathology. This variety affects people of the hysteroid type, with increased irritability, fatigue and anxiety.

In addition to these reasons, the following factors can provoke pain in the forehead and temples in practically healthy people:

  • Alcohol intoxication. As a rule, with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially of low quality, a hangover syndrome develops the next day. In addition to dull aching pains in the forehead and temples, a person is worried about nausea, dizziness, weakness, and intestinal disorders. Hangover syndrome is accompanied by signs of dehydration.
  • Premenstrual syndrome. In a certain number of nulliparous women in the second half of the menstrual cycle, due to an imbalance of hormones, fluid retention occurs in the body. In addition to edema, women are concerned about periodic bouts of headaches and increased irritability.
  • Menopause. In women during the period of fading of the reproductive function, pain in the head is accompanied by neurotic symptoms and disturbances in the water-salt balance. As a rule, with menopause, this symptom is the cause of a natural decrease in estrogen production.
  • Fasting, dieting, long intervals between meals. The cause of headaches in these cases is a deficiency of glucose in the blood. The symptom quickly stops after the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Chronic lack of sleep, excessive work activity are often the causes of frequent tension headaches. In these cases, it is important to stay in one position for a long time during the working day, which is often observed in office workers. Prolonged tension of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle causes vasospasm and provides oxygen starvation of the brain. In this case, light gymnastics, a properly organized mode of work and rest, as well as daily walks in the fresh air help well to relieve pain.

Foods that cause headaches

  • Imported fruits and vegetables with a high content of nitrates (water-salt metabolism is disturbed and edema of the meninges develops).
  • Excessive consumption of foods rich in tyramine (chocolate, aged cheese, nuts)
  • Imported beef and chicken meat with nitrates and antibiotics.
  • Drinks containing caffeine: coffee and tea, energy drinks. The cause of malaise in these cases is a spasm of cerebral vessels.
  • Foods high in monosodium glutamate

Headaches in children

Mental functions of the child are formed before the end of adolescence. The child depends on the opinions of adults, teachers and peers. Any failure or conflict can provoke a child to develop headaches of psychosomatic origin. In these cases, the child is concerned about:

  • headache of a compressive nature, often radiating to the neck and temples;
  • weakness or irritability
  • lack of appetite,
  • nausea,
  • sleep disorders.

If such symptoms appear with a certain regularity, the child should be examined by a neurologist and pediatrician. It is possible that recurrent headaches in a child are associated with some disease of the nervous system or ENT organs.

In healthy young children, the causes of headaches may be adverse environmental conditions.

  • Soul room.
  • The air temperature is above 28 degrees.
  • Strong chemical odors (gasoline, paint, cigarette smoke, etc.).

In addition, an important role is played by the observance of a rational interval between meals and drinking regimen. Young children do not tolerate long breaks between meals and dehydration. In these cases, to rid the baby of discomfort, they will help to quickly stop pain without the use of drugs.

Why does the head hurt in the temples - we find out the reason

Headache localized in the temporal region is a common and unpleasant syndrome. There are a large number of nerve nodes in this area, and even the slightest pressure can cause a pain attack. It is worth considering the problem of temporal pain from the point of view of its causes, since this is only a symptom indicating the development of a particular disease.

Causes of cephalalgia in the temples

A typical picture of pain in the temples are intense, sharp, shooting or pulsating sensations, short or long-term. The pain syndrome is formed for various reasons, often not even related to the head.

  • Migraine. A neurological ailment, a typical symptom of which is headache attacks, localized on one side. May present with localized sharp pain in the left or right temple, causing irritability and nervousness. When tilting or any other movement of the head, the intensity of sensations increases.
  • Disorder of the tonic function of the walls of blood vessels. Due to violations of the tone of the vascular elements, pain occurs either in the head, in particular in the temples, where the mass of blood vessels is concentrated, or in the back. In addition to painful sensations, the condition is accompanied by sleep disturbances, numbness of the limbs, dizziness, tinnitus, etc.
  • Poisoning. The state of intoxication is often reflected by temporal pain, nausea, liquefaction of the stool, and pain in the digestive tract. Poisoning occurs due to contact with low-quality substances used in the manufacture of toys, building materials, household appliances, furniture, etc. Toxic vapors are released into the air, and with constant ingestion, they cause cephalalgia in the temples, in the frontal part, cough, allergic rhinitis.
  • Increased pressure inside the skull. The fluid puts pressure on the membranes of the brain, pain occurs first in the temples, then spreads to other areas. Violated clarity of vision, nausea and vomiting, sometimes blood from the nose.
  • Increased blood pressure. The state of hypertension causes aching or throbbing pain in patients. An increase in performance can form during heat, weather changes, due to stress and other factors.
  • Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep every day becomes a source of poor health, weakness, and headaches in different parts of the head.
  • Atherosclerosis. The lumen of the vessels narrows, they become clogged, due to which the burning temporal pain becomes prolonged and sometimes even permanent.
  • Cluster pain (often in men). Inherent in patients with obesity and the habit of smoking. This type of pain usually occurs in spring or summer and has several features:
  • Trigeminal neuralgia. When the nerve fibers in the skull are damaged, chronic attacks of wild pain with shootings are formed, lasting up to two minutes.
  • Head injury in the temporal region. After an injury, sensations usually increase with light pressure on the temples or when the mouth is opened.
  • Illnesses of an infectious nature, a cold. Angina, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, sinusitis - in addition to fever, congestion in the nose and throat, chills and general weakness, there may be temporal pain in the complex of symptoms of these diseases.
  • Changes in the body with age. With age, a person has problems with the state of blood vessels, pressure, sensitivity to weather changes increases, so several factors can influence the onset of pain at once.
  • Changes in the hormonal background. During puberty, during pregnancy and menopause, patients may experience pain in the temple area. There are also similar sensations before and during menstruation.
  • dental problems. Pain in the temple area, aggravated by touch, may be a consequence of the removal of a wisdom tooth in the corner of the jaw, dental implantation procedures, and even more simple dental procedures.
  • Osteochondrosis in the neck. It causes a violation of the normal blood supply to the head, pain occurs in the temples and in the back of the head.
  • Overvoltage. Characterized by aching and pressing pain, occurs on both sides. Typical for office workers who are at the computer for a long time. Muscles, constantly being in good shape, are poorly supplied with blood, which causes discomfort.
  • psychogenic factor. Aching pains can be the result of mental disorders. Often, the sensations may be accompanied by tearfulness, increased irritability, anxiety, and increased fatigue.
  • Eating certain foods or fasting. A complete refusal to eat causes severe pain in the temporal region, and they can occur within a day from the start of fasting. It has been proven that foods and drinks with monosodium glutamate in large quantities form an attack of pain in about half an hour, which radiates to the forehead and ear.
  • Consequences of flights by plane and climbing to heights.
  • Influence of external factors on the child. In infants, discomfort in the temples can be formed due to external stimuli - bright light, noise around or stale air.

Video about the causes of temporal pain

Headache is a common problem, and in order to eliminate it, it is important to clearly understand the type of disturbing problem and the sources of its occurrence. This video describes the main types of pain and methods for their elimination.


What to do?

Cephalgia significantly reduces the quality of life, while being a symptom of many dangerous diseases. The condition requires a visit to a doctor for diagnosis and correct therapy:

  • for migraines, complex therapy is prescribed to eliminate the narrowing of the arteries as the main cause of pain;
  • nonspecific pain is eliminated by the appointment of analgesics;
  • psychogenic pains, pains of overwork require rest, courses of psychotherapy, spa treatment;
  • in case of vascular pathologies, physiotherapeutic procedures and drugs are prescribed that increase or decrease vascular tone;
  • chronic high blood pressure usually requires lifelong administration of targeted drugs.

Symptomatic relief of temporal pain usually involves taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc.).

Headache in the temples

The temporal regions are very special parts of the head. A large number of nerve endings and blood vessels are concentrated in them, which are not hidden under the thickness of the bone, as in other areas, but are located close to the surface. Therefore, the temples should be protected from injury and monitor the occurrence of pain in them especially carefully.

Causes of pain in the temples

Headache in the temples can occur for a variety of reasons. Including in the presence of serious diseases.

  1. Painful spasms in the temples can be caused by muscle tension: overwork - mental and physical, strong emotions and meteorological dependence.
  2. Overheating or hypothermia cause the blood vessels to expand or narrow unnecessarily, and the nerve endings located in the walls of the arteries of the head respond accordingly.
  3. Infectious diseases - viral or bacterial. Vascular tone under the influence of toxins produced by microorganisms changes. In addition, swollen tissues press on each other, which also gives a lot of discomfort. For example, with otitis, inflammation changes the pressure in the ear canal, from which it begins to knock in the ear, and it is unpleasant to break the temple.
  4. Whiskey hurts after drinking alcohol, when a hangover sets in. The brain lacks glucose, water and oxygen, besides it is poisoned by the decay products of alcohol.
  5. External stimuli such as loud sound, bright light. Various kinds of strong odors can also cause pain - an abundance of perfume, inhalation of smoke, including cigarette smoke, chemical paints and liquids to remove them.
  6. Pain in the temples can manifest itself as a result of a violation of the tone of the cerebral veins and arteries. In young people, this may indicate autonomic disorders, intracranial hypertension. In people after forty years of age and older, such pain occurs with an increase in blood pressure (hypertension), atherosclerotic changes in the brain. In this case, a person feels a “hoop”, squeezing his head at the temples, heaviness, pulsation.
  7. Throbbing pain in the temples is one of the main symptoms of migraine (or scientifically hemicrania) and cluster pains. As a rule, it extends to half of the head or is localized strictly in the temples, radiating into the eye area. It is joined by a change in smell, taste, a general breakdown, flickering of "flies" before the eyes and photophobia. As the condition worsens, nausea and vomiting may occur. Attacks can last from half an hour to several days. If the pain drags on, then the migraine can even end very sadly - the so-called migraine stroke.
  8. Changes in hormonal levels throughout life may be accompanied by headaches with localization in the temporal region. During puberty, a hormonal “storm” occurs, to which the vessels primarily react, because they carry blood and various substances throughout the body. This can also be noted during the sexual withering of the body - menopause. Migraine pain often occurs in women during menstruation and a few days before them.
  9. Severe throbbing excruciating pain in the temple area can be a manifestation of such a rare disease as giant cell (or temporal) arteritis, in which the walls of the arteries become inflamed.
  10. Whiskey also hurts when the work of the nerve channels that connect the craniocerebral zone and the spinal cord worsens. There may also be disturbances in balance and coordination, nausea. At the same time, the head is spinning, in the eyes it often darkens and doubles.
  11. With the defeat of the temporomandibular joint, there is pain in the temples, the back of the head. Sometimes it captures the entire back of the neck and descends to the very shoulder blades. The main signs of pathological changes in the joint are strong involuntary closure of the jaws, grinding of teeth, which aggravate the situation by causing muscle tension that provokes a headache.
  12. Headaches can be not only of physical origin, but also mental. For psychogenic pains, aching intermittent soreness of the temples, forehead, irritability, fatigue, tearfulness, and sometimes a tendency to hysteria are characteristic. A person complains about the inability to concentrate, a feeling of anxiety, a feeling of discomfort in the whole head.
  13. Headache in the temples after eating certain foods. But this should be mentioned separately.

Foods and supplements that cause pain in the temples

  • Monosodium glutamate, E621. In a quarter of people who consume products with this additive, half an hour after eating or earlier, exciting temples and forehead pains in the head, dull, pulling, or pulsating, sharp, may begin. Often join increased sweating, shortness of breath, muscle tension of the jaws and face.

Monosodium glutamate is commonly added to processed foods to enhance flavor and aroma. Usually this:

Dry and canned soup semi-finished products;

Condiments and spices;

Ready-made gravies, sauces;

Some types of snacks made from potatoes (chips) and bread (crackers).

Also, this substance may be contained in:

Turkey meat cooked in its own juice;

Roasted nut kernels.

  • Sodium nitrite, E250. Approximately 15-20 minutes after eating a meal with this supplement, a painful pulsation appears in the temples.

Sodium nitrite serves as a preservative, a color fixative for meat and fish products, and an antibacterial agent against the causative agent of botulism. It is found in:

Hot dogs, or rather in sausages and sausages;

In canned fish and meat (stew, pates);

Ham, bacon;

Sausages (salami, doctor's, Bolognese);

Smoked fish.

  • Sweeteners (aspartame e951, neotame e961). With a single use of products with these substances, as a rule, no adverse effects occur. But not if a person suffers from a metabolic disorder - phenylketonuria. Or if you use such products constantly. Additives that replace sugar, when exposed to temperatures above +30 ° C (human body temperature), decompose with the release of phenylalanine, which negatively affects the nerve cells of the brain, and aspartic acid, which overexcites the nervous system. Accordingly, behavioral disorders, insomnia, depression and headaches are provided.

Sweeteners are found in:


Low-calorie desserts;

Confectionery for diabetics;

Sweet soda like "Light";

chewing gum;

Yogurt and ice cream;

Vitamins, cough drops.

  • Other foods that can cause pain in the temples:

Chocolate, or rather cocoa beans, contain phenethylamine, which can cause vasospasm.

Tea, coffee - caffeine, stimulating the nervous system.

Red wines, cheese - the substance tyramine, which causes narrowing of the arterial lumen.

Soy - monosodoglutamate, vegetable protein.

Treatment of pain in the temples

Often the reason why whiskey hurts is treated symptomatically. For example, if high blood pressure is to blame, experts recommend using mild drugs, such as captopril, capoten.

If the cause is colds and sore throats, then it is necessary to take measures to eliminate intoxication and reduce fever. To do this, today there are a lot of funds in the form of a powder for preparing a hot drink (Teraflu, Coldrex), taking old aspirin + analgin will help to significantly alleviate the condition.

If the cause of pain in the temporal region of the head is due to overstrain, excessive excitement, then the following will help to soothe the pain:

Airing the room or walking in the fresh air;

Cool compress;

Warm bath. If it is not possible to take a bath or shower, you can simply immerse your hands in hot enough water and hold for a while, wash with warm water.

Massage of the head, temples and neck;

Essential oil of lavender or tea tree. A few drops in an aroma lamp or bath.

Lemon or orange peels. They need to be applied with the inside to the painful area and kept for 10-15 minutes;

A single dose of antispasmodics (no-shpa, citramon, spazgan).

In the case when the head hurts in the temples for a long time, the pains are periodic, too strong and accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms, it is worth visiting a doctor. After all, in order to eliminate pain, you need to understand the cause. And only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Its duration, depending on the cause and nature, can range from a few seconds to hours. With severe temporal headache caused by severe pathological processes, there may be a deterioration in coordination, memory, concentration, vision and hearing.

The main causes of pain in the left temple

Temporal pain is so common that it is sometimes very difficult to diagnose the cause of their occurrence. They can occur under the influence of external factors (for example, overwork, nervous breakdowns, lack of sleep or malnutrition) or pathologies that develop in a latent stage. In the latter case, evidence of this is left-sided temporal pain, in most cases accompanied by concomitant symptoms.

The main reasons for the development of intense and regular pain in the left temple may lie in the following diseases and pathological abnormalities:

  • Migraine. One of the most common conditions in which pressing pain develops in the temporal region, in particular, on the left side, while it radiates to the region of the upper jaw and eyes. At the time of the attack, which can last up to several hours, there is pressure in the region of the left temple with a strong pulsation of the temporal artery, which increases under the influence of bright light and sharp sounds, the sense of smell is exacerbated, sensitivity to odors is increased, which can provoke nausea and vomiting. Additional symptoms are fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, while the patient cannot fall asleep.
  • Meteorological dependence. Acute spasmodic or pressing pain occurs in the region of the left temple when weather conditions change, atmospheric pressure, and also during magnetic storms. Against the background of pain in the temporal part, hyperemia of the eyes, aching bones of the skull and aching toothache appear.
  • Temporal arteritis. The disease, which develops as a result of inflammation of the temporal and carotid arteries, is typical for patients over the age of 50 years. Left-sided temporal pain is evidence that the vessels located on the left side are affected. Pulsating acute pain is complicated by fever, weakness, soreness of the temple during palpation, chewing and talking. In severe cases, the disease gives complications to the organs of vision, which can lead to blindness.
  • Osteochondrosis. A fairly common cause if the temple hurts on the left side. Pain occurs as a result of a clamp in the neck of the artery that supplies the brain with blood. Salt deposits that have accumulated in the cervical spine also disrupt the flow of cerebrospinal fluid to the brain and the supply of oxygen. This leads to an imbalance in ICP and the development of aching temporal pain.
  • Stroke. Burning intense pain appears due to rupture of the vessel and hemorrhage in the brain. The left hemisphere is more prone to strokes, therefore, when an attack occurs, left-sided pain in the temple is observed, radiating to the ear and spinal region. There is also hyperemia of the eyes, loss of orientation or consciousness, impaired speech and partial paralysis.
  • Brain tumor. The growth of a neoplasm is often accompanied by unilateral temporal pain of a pulsating nature, a decrease in reflex functions - memory, hearing, vision, attention. Additionally, there is insomnia and loss of appetite.
  • vascular atherosclerosis. Pain in the left temple appears as a result of narrowing of the vessels of the brain and impaired blood circulation through them. Accompanying symptoms are memory impairment, decreased mental activity and concentration, pallor of the face, impaired blood flow in the limbs, fatigue and pathologies of the heart muscles.
  • Infectious or cold diseases. Pain in the temple on the left side can manifest itself against the background of the development of such acute processes as left-sided tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, influenza, inflamed dental nerve, stiff muscles of the cervical or facial region. In this case, the pain is boring or pulling in nature, aggravated by tilting or turning the head.
  • Left-sided lesion of the trigeminal nerve. It occurs as a result of infringement of nerve endings, accompanied by intense, sudden shootings in the temporal region, spasms of the facial muscles, pain sensations radiating to the area of ​​the cheeks, lips, teeth, ears and eyes. The intensity of the attacks fetters for the duration of the movement, not allowing the patient to move.

There are many other, no less important reasons, under the influence of which there are left-sided temporal pains. All of them require careful diagnosis, identification of concomitant symptoms and the appointment of adequate treatment aimed at stopping inflammatory and pathological processes, and reducing the level of discomfort that occurs with pain in the temples on the left side due to this.

Treatment of pain in the left temple

To select the optimal method of treatment of temporal pain, it is necessary to determine the cause and nature of its origin. If it is caused by external irritating factors, then it is enough to eliminate them so that the pain syndrome decreases or disappears. When diagnosing serious pathological processes or developing diseases, it is necessary, in agreement with the doctor, to use traditional or alternative medicine.

The main methods of treatment that can be prescribed for pain in the left temple are:

  1. Medications. Shown to relieve pain syndromes and inflammatory processes, normalize the work of the circulatory system and brain structures. Depending on the cause of pain, the patient may be prescribed analgesics, diuretics, non-steroidal drugs, nootropic, hormonal or vasodilators, adsorbents, drugs that improve metabolism.
  2. Surgery. It is prescribed in emergency situations when drug treatment is not effective, and the patient's life is in danger. It is carried out with severe head injury, tumors, hematomas, abscesses, excessive pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid on brain areas.
  3. Physiotherapy procedures. They are used as an adjunct therapy to drug treatment, help to eliminate the root cause of temporal pain due to magnetic or ultrasonic influence.
  4. Reflexology and massages. Exposure to active reflex points with fingers, heat or cold can reduce or eliminate pain in the left temple, normalize the functioning of the main vital systems.
  5. Homeopathy. Medicines of organic origin are prescribed for chronic diseases, a symptom of which is pain in the temple. Their dosage and action are designed for a long period of administration and a cumulative effect.
  6. Ethnoscience. Essential oils and medicinal herbs are recommended for use during remission and after consultation with a doctor. Tinctures, decoctions, teas, inhalations help relieve short-term attacks of temporal pain or prevent their occurrence.

The method of treatment of left-sided temporal pain as a symptom of a certain disease or pathology is developed on an individual basis, taking into account the age and condition of the patient. It can be based only on taking medications, but in most cases, for the effectiveness of the result, it is supplemented with other types of therapy.

Prevention of temporal headache

You can reduce the frequency and intensity of the manifestation of attacks of temporal pain with the help of simple and affordable preventive measures, the main of which are:

  • Adjustment of the diet with the introduction of a large amount of fruits and vegetables, and the exclusion of spicy, salty foods, as well as foods saturated with monosodium glutamate;
  • Taking time to rest, ensuring a full day's sleep;
  • Performing physical therapy and regular walking;
  • Limit or stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Taking a contrast shower and warm baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

The implementation of these procedures and periodic examination by a specialist will not only significantly reduce the occurrence of pain in the temples, but also prevent the exacerbation of diseases that provoke its development.

Choosing a doctor or clinic

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The left temple of the head hurts a lot - why does this happen and how to get rid of it?

Pain in the head, developing into a pulsation in the temples, is one of the most common symptoms that the population of the planet complains about. This brings inconvenience in everyday life, causes irritability, does not allow you to focus on important points. Sometimes such manifestations are associated with overwork and constant tension, sometimes they are attributed to migraines. Often such problems occur in people suffering from drops in blood pressure, it is this that causes pain in the left temple.

An unexpected headache can appear even under the influence of a change in weather conditions, since at this time a change in pressure also occurs in the body. In 80% of cases, headaches are associated with jumps in blood pressure.

If frequent bouts of pain in the left temple are observed, it is necessary to consult a neurologist or immunologist to find out why this happens in an individual case. The first can diagnose problems associated with changes in the functioning of brain neurons, the second - a deterioration in immunity against the background of another disease or detect problems with the thyroid gland.

Diseases that cause pain in the left temple

Most often, such pains are trying to be cured on their own, with the means that can be found in the home medicine cabinet. But such self-medication can lead to negative consequences.

If the left temple hurts, the following diseases are possible:


An increase in intracranial pressure is expressed in the form of squeezing or bursting sensations, dizziness, “flies” in the eyes, and a feeling of nausea may also be present. Sometimes there is sweating, bags under the eyes, weakness in the body. Feelings intensify at night. Similar problems are associated with spinal injuries. With increased intracranial pressure, such symptoms are stronger and last longer.

Vascular diseases

If the work of the heart and blood vessels becomes sluggish or, on the contrary, more active, blood pressure comes to indications that do not correspond to normal ones. In the case of increased pressure, pain in the left temple has a pulsating and stabbing character. In case of its decrease - pulling and aching, weakness in the body and dizziness are added. In most cases, such conditions arise as a result of a sharp change in the weather, stress, physical and mental stress.

Inflammatory diseases, allergic reactions

During a cold or allergy manifestations, the inner membranes swell and swell in the nasopharynx, and a lot of mucus appears in the sinuses. This is what causes a strong pulsation in one half of the head, passing into the forehead and cheeks. At elevated body temperature, the temple may ache. The same symptoms are possible with other inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, ears, and oral cavity.

Intoxication due to heavy alcohol consumption or food poisoning

Also, aching and shooting pain may occur due to the erroneous use of medicinal herbs or other means. A similar reaction of the body to the inhalation of smoke, such as cigarette smoke, or chemical fumes from varnish, paint, gasoline, etc.

A sharp change in the amount of hormones in the body occurs more often in women

Headaches are accompanied by puberty, childbearing, menstruation, sometimes premenstrual days, menopause. These conditions are accompanied by an excess of prostaglandins in the body, which provoke the appearance of pain in the temple, the parietal part of the head, and the frontal lobes.

Problems or injuries in the temporomandibular joint area

Sensations are similar to migraines, complemented by aching in the back of the head, neck, forehead, back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulders. Arise due to incorrect position of the joint or its displacement, which causes tension in the muscles. a patient suffering from this disease tries to find a comfortable state, while involuntarily clenching his teeth and grinding his teeth.

Food, or rather, some additives and substances present in food. A frequent provocateur is monosodium glutamate, which is present in instant foods, some canned foods, meat products, sauces, spices and seasonings. Nitrites, abundantly present in meat and fish delicacies, are also a source of pain in the temple. Another culprit, phenylethylamine, which constricts blood vessels, is found in some sweeteners. They can be used in medicinal syrups, lozenges, cold preparations, products for diabetics and weight loss products, various sweets: soda, chewing gum, candies. After eating these foods, there may be a dull and throbbing pain in the left temple and in the forehead. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by sweating, difficulty breathing, tension in the muscles of the jaws and face.

Migraine - the cause of pain in the left temple

Migraine is a very unpleasant disease, which often causes throbbing in the left temple. It is not fully cured. The disease can be transmitted from parents to children, which according to statistics is 75%. But there are means of combating it - these are various antidepressants and sedatives that are aimed at reducing the feeling when it hurts a lot on the right and left.

Often the disease manifests itself as a feeling of fear and fear of bright light, noise, which is accompanied by dizziness and nausea, as well as a desire to be alone with oneself. The pain syndrome is so strong that it gives an impulse to the ears and eyes. Discomfort is created only in the temporal region, and not on the entire surface of the head. Sometimes there is sensitivity to the perception of any smells and sounds. People often notice sounds and smells that were previously invisible to them.

Migraine is often confused with temporal pheochromocytoma because the symptoms are very similar to each other. Therefore, people incorrectly prescribe a course of treatment for themselves. There is a difference between these diseases. For example, pulsation with pheochromocytoma can last from only 5 minutes and no more than 2 hours, with migraines, pain can last up to two weeks without interruption. The best option would be to contact a specialist who will make an accurate diagnosis and not self-medicate.

Methods for relieving pain in the head with pain in the left temple

The most popular and effective method is head massage. It is produced using the pads of the fingers. To do this, they press on the points where the strongest sensations are present and massage clockwise, thereby relieving tension from the temporal region of the head. In order for the effect of massage to be effective and to do without the use of medical devices, it is recommended:

  • hide from all annoying factors;
  • massage should be carried out in a room with subdued lighting;
  • doctors advise using creams with essential oils, such as asterisk or boro-plus;
  • after the procedure, it is necessary to lie down at rest for minutes;
  • in addition to massage, you can exercise the eyes, which also helps to relieve pain.

For people suffering from headaches in the temples, an important factor is the observance of the daily routine. You should follow a certain diet and sleep at least 6-7 hours a day. In order to have a sound and healthy sleep, it is recommended to drink linden tea or orange juice before that.

A cold or hot compress can be a good method. We apply it to that part of the head where there is a pulsation, this will relieve tension from the muscles, allow you to relax. The duration of the procedure should take minutes.

An important factor in the prevention of this disease is a good rest of the eyes. Do not allow yourself to work at the computer for a long time, take breaks and blink more often.

Coffee can be a great helper if your head hurts a lot. One cup a day will be enough. No need to abuse this drink. Caffeine itself can cause pain. You can include chocolate and some green tea in your diet.

Chamomile tea is another useful remedy if your head hurts on the left side. Sometimes chewable vitamin C tablets, fresh or juiced oranges, and cherry nectar help. An excellent means of prevention and treatment are walking in the fresh air, doing gymnastics or yoga. Try to be in a well-ventilated room, oxygen is good for the body, especially if you have a headache.

The use of painkillers without the recommendation of a doctor should be made only if all these methods have not helped. If there is a chronic nature of the disease, it is imperative to consult a specialist to find out why this is happening.

Pain in the left temple

Pain in the left (or right) temple may be caused by the presence of a cyst or tumor in the brain. Tumors can occur after a stroke. To accurately determine whether it is a tumor or a cyst, it is necessary to undergo a contrast MRI in a hospital. If the test shows. That it is a cyst - forget about it, if it is a tumor, then it requires serious treatment.

In any case, with headaches in the temples, you need to make a tomogram and an x-ray of the cervico-collar zone. Temporal pain may be the result of cervical osteochondrosis. And it is useless to treat just a headache, but you need to treat cervical osteochondrosis.

Headache in the temples of a child

What causes a child's head to hurt?

Up to 8% of preschool children and almost 80% of school age complain of headaches. The disease is not uncommon in newborns who cannot explain the complaint in words, but there is excessive tearfulness, excitability, regurgitation, sleep disturbance. The head is completely permeated with pain receptors, which are somehow interconnected with all other internal organs. It is cephalgia (soreness of the head) that occurs against the background of irritation of these receptors and the reasons for this can be different: organic, functional, hereditary, various pathologies in the internal organs.

Primary pains

Common causes of pain in the head area, not associated with diseases, is a migraine, the development of which is facilitated by impaired blood supply to the brain. The disease can appear in schoolchildren when emotional or physical overstrain occurs, also after eating certain foods (cheese, chocolate), overwork, and changes in atmospheric pressure. Migraine in a child often has a hereditary factor if close relatives suffered from the disease. It is manifested by seizures, in children under 2 years of age, lethargy, tearfulness, decreased appetite, visual impairment, the appearance of goosebumps (shadows) before the eyes are noted. The pain is aggravated by sudden movements of the head, inhalation of pungent odors, flashes of bright light. Analgesic pills practically do not help.

The causes of headache are often infectious in nature, which may indicate the development of pneumonia, SARS, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract.

An illness in a child often occurs due to depression, oxygen starvation or asphyxia of the brain, poor nutrition, long or vice versa short sleep, physical or emotional overwork during the day.

Features of pain in children

Attacks of pain are less prolonged than in adults. The head is often localized on both sides, usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and abdominal pain.

According to the classification, primary and secondary cephalalgia are distinguished. The causes of pain in primary cephalalgia, as a rule, are not associated with infectious diseases, they often have a hereditary factor or occur against the background of overstrain, dilation of brain vessels. The occurrence of sharp, excruciating, throbbing pain in a child with a diffuse bilateral character, accompanied by bouts of nausea, vomiting and photophobia, can be facilitated by:

  • migraine, often associated with insomnia, the onset of menstruation or hormonal changes in teenage girls, alcohol or smoking, emotional stress, mental (physical) stress;
  • overstrain (a common cause in children), when prolonged seizures appear due to strong contractions of the brain vessels, which are squeezing in nature like a “helmet” on the head. The disease is facilitated by the usual overwork, stress, prolonged stay in the “sitting” position at the desk without movement, at the computer;
  • cluster paroxysmal pains, usually of a boring unilateral nature with a return to the temples, to the eyes. In children (especially boys), there is lacrimation, increased sweating, pupillary constriction and drooping of the upper eyelid on the side of pain.

Secondary pain caused by diseases

The disease, as a symptom, appears as a result of the development of infectious, vascular diseases. In a child, it may be the result of an old injury, a mental disorder, a previous surgical operation, and prolonged medication.

The causes of pain in children are different. A child's head hurts when:

  • sinusitis, increased pressure in the paranasal sinuses filled with pus. The pain usually manifests itself in the morning, increases with the tilt of the head;
  • otitis due to inflammation of the middle ear. Often noted in young children, accompanied by high fever, runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • hydrocephalus, often diagnosed in newborns;
  • intracranial hypertension often due to birth trauma;
  • vascular diseases;
  • decrease (increase) in intracranial pressure;
  • poisoning with drugs, toxins, carbon monoxide;
  • neuritis (muscle inflammation);
  • concussion;
  • tumor development;
  • hypertension due to impaired venous outflow;
  • bruxism (gnashing of teeth in a child at night);
  • meningitis (inflammation of the vessels of the brain or congenital malformations);
  • flu
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • epilepsy;
  • myositis with muscle inflammation;
  • neuritis with inflammation of the trigeminal and facial nerve;
  • encephalitis, abscess with an increase in the brain in volume;
  • development of a tumor in the brain;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • neurosis;
  • diabetes.

The pain bursts, presses on the eyes, in infants it usually manifests itself accompanied by vomiting, convulsions, swelling of the place with an open fontanel.

Why does my head hurt in the morning?

Often a headache in children is not associated with a serious pathology. In the morning, a headache may appear several times a day due to the characteristics of the child's body, irregular daily routine, excessive activity, drinking large amounts of liquid before bedtime (other drinks), being in an uncomfortable position during sleep. Even an uncomfortable pillow can lead to nerve compression in the cervical vertebrae. The lack of oxygen supply to the brain will certainly provoke a headache in children in the morning.

Headaches in the morning in babies who are accustomed to sleeping longer with an increase in blood glucose levels. Both long sleep and lack of sleep are harmful, as well as overeating especially harmful foods (spicy, fatty, fried) at night, which makes the digestive system work all night. In the morning there is nausea, pain in the head and stomach.

The head may hurt in the morning due to a bruise or concussion. Usually in addition there is a violation of coordination of movements, approaches of nausea and vomiting. The same symptoms with the development of a tumor in the brain. The pain in the child is clearly expressed every day in the morning. Increases in the morning, often in conjunction with the approaches of nausea and vomiting. There is a loss of appetite, weakness, drowsiness, with the addition of an infection - fever, cough.

Why is it knocking at the temples?

Pain, throbbing and pressing on the temples, leads to irritation, nervousness, loss of appetite, dizziness and even blurred vision, stuffy nose in a child.

Knocks in the temples when:

  • migraines with a duration in young children of 1.5 hours-2 days;
  • arteritis with swelling of the temporal artery;
  • the development of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • cephalgia (there is pain in the head, accompanied by nausea and recoil to the temples);
  • intracranial hypertension against the background of increased pressure in the vessels, expansion and compression of the brain;
  • abscess with accumulation of pus in places of the alveolar processes (there is a long, shooting, aching pain);
  • neuralgia (pulsates, shoots and gives in the temples);
  • inflammation of the tonsils of the nasopharynx (in children 3-5 years old it usually has an acute course);
  • anemia against the background of a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood;
  • lack of iron in the body (headache for a long time, more than 5 days, accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath).

What causes headaches at night?

In schoolchildren, pain in the head area can be from mental or physical overload received during the day, but newborn children are aggressively affected by various stimuli from the outside. The cause of pain in the head can be an error in eating, an incorrect physiological position of the body during sleep, which can lead to circulatory disorders, and as a result, to headaches.

Even a poorly chosen pillow, a prickly blanket can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the child's body, or a long stay in an unventilated room. Headache at night against the background of medications taken before bedtime, with osteochondrosis (the course of dystrophic changes in the joints, clamping of the nerve endings of the vessels in the column of the spine)

At night, the head hurts in depressed children who have experienced stress the day before, also with an increase in blood sugar levels. With diabetes, the patient often wakes up at night from a sharp and burning pain.

When do symptoms become dangerous for a child?

Kids cannot clearly articulate what symptoms bother them, where and what hurts, but they constantly cry, sleep is disturbed, there is profuse regurgitation and vomiting with a fountain. Children 2-3 years old often complain of fatigue, are constantly nervous, scratch their faces and pull their hair, and mothers sometimes do not know how to help and what to do.

When the pain begins suddenly, changes its character depending on the position of the head, intensifies in the morning, becomes strong and constant, additionally there is confusion, decreased visual acuity, runny nose, cough, fever and intracranial pressure, then the children should be urgently shown to the doctor . Head pain can be a symptom of a serious condition that is always best treated early.

The worst thing that can happen is when a tumor develops in the brain and pain in the head area is the primary symptom of this disease, usually aggravated in the morning with localization more often in the back of the head. As a rule, painkillers are not able to permanently eliminate the symptoms.

How to help?

As a first aid, it is necessary to provide the baby with peace and quiet, apply a wet bandage to the forehead, give tea with lemon, a tincture of soothing herbs (motherwort or valerian) to drink. Of the pills to eliminate pain, you can drink only without a doctor's prescription Ibuprofen, Nurofen in the form of a suspension for babies. Tablets are applicable to use only in extreme cases.

If the pain in the morning began to disturb constantly, then the child needs an examination, blood and urine tests. It is possible to examine small patients by a psychiatrist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, infectious disease specialist. Depending on the existing unpleasant symptoms, it is important to create optimal conditions for the child to eliminate pain in the head area:

  • review nutrition;
  • ventilate the room daily;
  • do not allow a long stay in smoky places;
  • monitor the physical and mental stress of children at school

Children are encouraged to do morning exercises, play sports. Useful massage, swimming, a favorable psychological environment in the house, adjusted diet and daily routine with the inclusion of vitamins and fruits in the diet.

It is important to protect children from stress, depression, excessive overstrain of oxygen delivery. It is recommended that children sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow in order to maintain the shape of the body so that the head and neck are comfortably positioned during sleep.

  • attacks are constantly overcome, in the morning and a day several times in the head area
  • the pills don't help
  • the baby has become nervous and irritable, and the mothers do not know what to do, then self-treatment is useless, a full examination is required, an MRI, CT, ultrasound of the brain, adequate treatment based on the results of the tests.

Headache in the forehead and temples: is it dangerous?

Probably, every person has experienced the appearance of a headache and pain in the temples. This is an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the head, throbbing, or vice versa - pressing pain that radiates to the eyes. How dangerous are these symptoms and how can they be avoided? Headache in the forehead or temples may indicate a serious illness. But this disease does not bypass practically healthy people.

Diseases in which the head hurts in the forehead

Headache in the forehead accompanies many diseases, including those in which patients require immediate hospitalization. This symptom has its own characteristics in each disease. Of these, respiratory infections, ENT diseases, migraines and others are most common.

Flu or flu

With respiratory infections, including influenza, headache is characterized by a feeling of pressure, heaviness in the forehead and temples. As a rule, the nature of the pain is aching and not intense. In such cases, the cause of the symptom is the release of a large number of inflammatory mediators into the blood. In addition to this symptom, respiratory infections are accompanied by severe general malaise, weakness, fever and various catarrhal manifestations. Inflammatory changes in the airways can range from mild congestion of the nasopharynx to severe symptoms of tracheitis, bronchitis, or even pneumonia. Influenza is also characterized by aching muscles and intolerance to bright light.


Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses most often occurs as a complication of a respiratory infection, but can develop with untreated dental caries. The pain in the forehead in this case is pulsating in nature, it can radiate to the eyes and temples. When the head is tilted down, the pain intensifies. In addition, patients are concerned about nasal congestion and mucopurulent discharge from the nasal passages. The disease can occur against the background of general malaise and fever, however, in some cases, headaches and nasal discharge may be the only signs of sinusitis.

Frontitis (inflammation of the sinuses)

With frontitis, a characteristic symptom is pain in the forehead, which disappears for some time after emptying their contents, then returns again. In addition to pain, patients complain of swelling around the eyes, which worsens after sleeping or lying down for a long time. On this basis, frontal sinusitis can be distinguished from sinusitis. With sinusitis, the headache in a horizontal position becomes less intense.

If you are concerned about pain in the forehead and purulent discharge from the nose, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. Purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is fraught with serious complications.


The forehead hurts with inflammation of the meninges quite intensely. Severe headaches are accompanied by nausea, vomiting and high body temperature. Meningitis can develop not only as a complication of a previous respiratory infection, but as a primary disease. Meningitis is characterized by intolerance to light and sounds, severe intoxication and dizziness. A characteristic sign of meningitis is involuntary bending of the legs at the knees when trying to tilt the head to the chest in a supine position.

Children get meningitis more often than adults. In addition to the main signs of the disease, a child with meningitis has a sore forehead and often there are convulsions and skin hypersensitivity. The child literally does not allow himself to be touched, as any touch intensifies the pain. If meningitis is suspected, emergency hospitalization is indicated.

migraine attack

Migraine is characterized by pressure pain in the forehead, radiating to the eyes. The forehead hurts intermittently, the pain is pulsating in nature and occurs in response to some external irritation. This symptom is characterized by the presence of an aura (harbingers of migraine). It can be photophobia or intolerance to loud sounds, dizziness. An attack can last for several hours or days. Since the causes of migraine have not been identified, there is no specific treatment.

arterial hypertension

With an increase in blood pressure above its "working" level, dull aching pains occur in the forehead. This symptom manifests itself as a result of local spasm of cerebral vessels and accompanies almost every episode of pressure rise. After bringing the pressure back to normal, the pain will disappear.


The causes of this pathology are violations of the autonomic reactions of the body without identified somatic diseases. Forehead, temples, occipital region - pain can occur suddenly for no apparent reason as a result of increased reactivity of the nervous system in response to external stimuli.

Causes of headaches in the temples

A headache in the temples often occurs in practically healthy people as a result of overwork, nervous strain, and improper alternation of the work-rest regime. Malnutrition or abuse of various intoxications. In some cases, pain in the temples accompanies diseases:

  • Hormonal tumor of the adrenal glands (pheochromocytoma). The reasons why the forehead hurts with this pathology is an increased release of vasoconstrictor substances (adrenaline) into the blood by the tumor tissue. This disease is characterized by frequent sharp attacks of rising blood pressure. The attack can last from several minutes to two hours, accompanied by a sharp blanching of the skin and profuse sweating.
  • Arterial hypotension. The reasons why the forehead hurts with this pathology is a local swelling of the meninges. When blood pressure drops below its "working" level, patients complain of a feeling of ache in the temples, nausea, darkening before the eyes and cold sweat. After returning to baseline, all symptoms usually disappear.
  • Increased intracranial pressure. This condition develops after traumatic brain injury, may accompany brain tumors, diabetes, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and other diseases. Headache in the temples in these cases is on both sides, strong, constant and accompanied by sensations of "whistling noise".
  • Inflammation or arthrosis of the mandibular joint. In this case, the pain in the temples can radiate to the back of the head and descend down to the scapular region. The disease is accompanied by reflex clenching of the jaws, muscle pain and gnashing of teeth.
  • Neuralgia or inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. With this disease, the forehead, temple area and other parts of the face (facial muscles, taste buds of the tongue, etc.) are involved in the process. The causes of impaired innervation of the face and soft tissues of the head are inflammatory or ischemic changes along the course of the trigeminal nerve or its part (facial nerve).
  • Psychogenic pain without obvious physical pathology. This variety affects people of the hysteroid type, with increased irritability, fatigue and anxiety.

In addition to these reasons, the following factors can provoke pain in the forehead and temples in practically healthy people:

  • Alcohol intoxication. As a rule, with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially of low quality, a hangover syndrome develops the next day. In addition to dull aching pains in the forehead and temples, a person is worried about nausea, dizziness, weakness, and intestinal disorders. Hangover syndrome is accompanied by signs of dehydration.
  • Premenstrual syndrome. In a certain number of nulliparous women in the second half of the menstrual cycle, due to an imbalance of hormones, fluid retention occurs in the body. In addition to edema, women are concerned about periodic bouts of headaches and increased irritability.
  • Menopause. In women during the period of fading of the reproductive function, pain in the head is accompanied by neurotic symptoms and disturbances in the water-salt balance. As a rule, with menopause, this symptom is the cause of a natural decrease in estrogen production.
  • Fasting, dieting, long intervals between meals. The cause of headaches in these cases is a deficiency of glucose in the blood. The symptom quickly stops after the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Chronic lack of sleep, excessive work activity are often the causes of frequent tension headaches. In these cases, it is important to stay in one position for a long time during the working day, which is often observed in office workers. Prolonged tension of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle causes vasospasm and provides oxygen starvation of the brain. In this case, light gymnastics, a properly organized mode of work and rest, as well as daily walks in the fresh air help well to relieve pain.

Foods that cause headaches

  • Imported fruits and vegetables with a high content of nitrates (water-salt metabolism is disturbed and edema of the meninges develops).
  • Excessive consumption of foods rich in tyramine (chocolate, aged cheese, nuts)
  • Imported beef and chicken meat with nitrates and antibiotics.
  • Drinks containing caffeine: coffee and tea, energy drinks. The cause of malaise in these cases is a spasm of cerebral vessels.
  • Foods high in monosodium glutamate

Headaches in children

Mental functions of the child are formed before the end of adolescence. The child depends on the opinions of adults, teachers and peers. Any failure or conflict can provoke a child to develop headaches of psychosomatic origin. In these cases, the child is concerned about:

  • headache of a compressive nature, often radiating to the neck and temples;
  • weakness or irritability
  • lack of appetite,
  • nausea,
  • sleep disorders.

If such symptoms appear with a certain regularity, the child should be examined by a neurologist and pediatrician. It is possible that recurrent headaches in a child are associated with some disease of the nervous system or ENT organs.

In healthy young children, the causes of headaches may be adverse environmental conditions.

  • Soul room.
  • The air temperature is above 28 degrees.
  • Strong chemical odors (gasoline, paint, cigarette smoke, etc.).

In addition, an important role is played by the observance of a rational interval between meals and drinking regimen. Young children do not tolerate long breaks between meals and dehydration. In these cases, to rid the baby of discomfort, they will help to quickly stop pain without the use of drugs.

Why does the head hurt in the temples - we find out the reason

Headache localized in the temporal region is a common and unpleasant syndrome. There are a large number of nerve nodes in this area, and even the slightest pressure can cause a pain attack. It is worth considering the problem of temporal pain from the point of view of its causes, since this is only a symptom indicating the development of a particular disease.

Causes of cephalalgia in the temples

A typical picture of pain in the temples are intense, sharp, shooting or pulsating sensations, short or long-term. The pain syndrome is formed for various reasons, often not even related to the head.

  • Migraine. A neurological ailment, a typical symptom of which is headache attacks, localized on one side. May present with localized sharp pain in the left or right temple, causing irritability and nervousness. When tilting or any other movement of the head, the intensity of sensations increases.
  • Disorder of the tonic function of the walls of blood vessels. Due to violations of the tone of the vascular elements, pain occurs either in the head, in particular in the temples, where the mass of blood vessels is concentrated, or in the back. In addition to painful sensations, the condition is accompanied by sleep disturbances, numbness of the limbs, dizziness, tinnitus, etc.
  • Poisoning. The state of intoxication is often reflected by temporal pain, nausea, liquefaction of the stool, and pain in the digestive tract. Poisoning occurs due to contact with low-quality substances used in the manufacture of toys, building materials, household appliances, furniture, etc. Toxic vapors are released into the air, and with constant ingestion, they cause cephalalgia in the temples, in the frontal part, cough, allergic rhinitis.
  • Increased pressure inside the skull. The fluid puts pressure on the membranes of the brain, pain occurs first in the temples, then spreads to other areas. Violated clarity of vision, nausea and vomiting, sometimes blood from the nose.
  • Increased blood pressure. The state of hypertension causes aching or throbbing pain in patients. An increase in performance can form during heat, weather changes, due to stress and other factors.
  • Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep every day becomes a source of poor health, weakness, and headaches in different parts of the head.
  • Atherosclerosis. The lumen of the vessels narrows, they become clogged, due to which the burning temporal pain becomes prolonged and sometimes even permanent.
  • Cluster pain (often in men). Inherent in patients with obesity and the habit of smoking. This type of pain usually occurs in spring or summer and has several features:
  • Trigeminal neuralgia. When the nerve fibers in the skull are damaged, chronic attacks of wild pain with shootings are formed, lasting up to two minutes.
  • Head injury in the temporal region. After an injury, sensations usually increase with light pressure on the temples or when the mouth is opened.
  • Illnesses of an infectious nature, a cold. Angina, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, sinusitis - in addition to fever, congestion in the nose and throat, chills and general weakness, there may be temporal pain in the complex of symptoms of these diseases.
  • Changes in the body with age. With age, a person has problems with the state of blood vessels, pressure, sensitivity to weather changes increases, so several factors can influence the onset of pain at once.
  • Changes in the hormonal background. During puberty, during pregnancy and menopause, patients may experience pain in the temple area. There are also similar sensations before and during menstruation.
  • dental problems. Pain in the temple area, aggravated by touch, may be a consequence of the removal of a wisdom tooth in the corner of the jaw, dental implantation procedures, and even more simple dental procedures.
  • Osteochondrosis in the neck. It causes a violation of the normal blood supply to the head, pain occurs in the temples and in the back of the head.
  • Overvoltage. Characterized by aching and pressing pain, occurs on both sides. Typical for office workers who are at the computer for a long time. Muscles, constantly being in good shape, are poorly supplied with blood, which causes discomfort.
  • psychogenic factor. Aching pains can be the result of mental disorders. Often, the sensations may be accompanied by tearfulness, increased irritability, anxiety, and increased fatigue.
  • Eating certain foods or fasting. A complete refusal to eat causes severe pain in the temporal region, and they can occur within a day from the start of fasting. It has been proven that foods and drinks with monosodium glutamate in large quantities form an attack of pain in about half an hour, which radiates to the forehead and ear.
  • Consequences of flights by plane and climbing to heights.
  • Influence of external factors on the child. In infants, discomfort in the temples can be formed due to external stimuli - bright light, noise around or stale air.

Video about the causes of temporal pain

Headache is a common problem, and in order to eliminate it, it is important to clearly understand the type of disturbing problem and the sources of its occurrence. This video describes the main types of pain and methods for their elimination.

What to do?

Cephalgia significantly reduces the quality of life, while being a symptom of many dangerous diseases. The condition requires a visit to a doctor for diagnosis and correct therapy:

Symptomatic relief of temporal pain usually involves taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc.).

Headache in the temples

The temporal regions are very special parts of the head. A large number of nerve endings and blood vessels are concentrated in them, which are not hidden under the thickness of the bone, as in other areas, but are located close to the surface. Therefore, the temples should be protected from injury and monitor the occurrence of pain in them especially carefully.

Causes of pain in the temples

Headache in the temples can occur for a variety of reasons. Including in the presence of serious diseases.

  1. Painful spasms in the temples can be caused by muscle tension: overwork - mental and physical, strong emotions and meteorological dependence.
  2. Overheating or hypothermia cause the blood vessels to expand or narrow unnecessarily, and the nerve endings located in the walls of the arteries of the head respond accordingly.
  3. Infectious diseases - viral or bacterial. Vascular tone under the influence of toxins produced by microorganisms changes. In addition, swollen tissues press on each other, which also gives a lot of discomfort. For example, with otitis, inflammation changes the pressure in the ear canal, from which it begins to knock in the ear, and it is unpleasant to break the temple.
  4. Whiskey hurts after drinking alcohol, when a hangover sets in. The brain lacks glucose, water and oxygen, besides it is poisoned by the decay products of alcohol.
  5. External stimuli such as loud sound, bright light. Various kinds of strong odors can also cause pain - an abundance of perfume, inhalation of smoke, including cigarette smoke, chemical paints and liquids to remove them.
  6. Pain in the temples can manifest itself as a result of a violation of the tone of the cerebral veins and arteries. In young people, this may indicate autonomic disorders, intracranial hypertension. In people after forty years of age and older, such pain occurs with an increase in blood pressure (hypertension), atherosclerotic changes in the brain. In this case, a person feels a “hoop”, squeezing his head at the temples, heaviness, pulsation.
  7. Throbbing pain in the temples is one of the main symptoms of migraine (or scientifically hemicrania) and cluster pains. As a rule, it extends to half of the head or is localized strictly in the temples, radiating into the eye area. It is joined by a change in smell, taste, a general breakdown, flickering of "flies" before the eyes and photophobia. As the condition worsens, nausea and vomiting may occur. Attacks can last from half an hour to several days. If the pain drags on, then the migraine can even end very sadly - the so-called migraine stroke.
  8. Changes in hormonal levels throughout life may be accompanied by headaches with localization in the temporal region. During puberty, a hormonal “storm” occurs, to which the vessels primarily react, because they carry blood and various substances throughout the body. This can also be noted during the sexual withering of the body - menopause. Migraine pain often occurs in women during menstruation and a few days before them.
  9. Severe throbbing excruciating pain in the temple area can be a manifestation of such a rare disease as giant cell (or temporal) arteritis, in which the walls of the arteries become inflamed.
  10. Whiskey also hurts when the work of the nerve channels that connect the craniocerebral zone and the spinal cord worsens. There may also be disturbances in balance and coordination, nausea. At the same time, the head is spinning, in the eyes it often darkens and doubles.
  11. With the defeat of the temporomandibular joint, there is pain in the temples, the back of the head. Sometimes it captures the entire back of the neck and descends to the very shoulder blades. The main signs of pathological changes in the joint are strong involuntary closure of the jaws, grinding of teeth, which aggravate the situation by causing muscle tension that provokes a headache.
  12. Headaches can be not only of physical origin, but also mental. For psychogenic pains, aching intermittent soreness of the temples, forehead, irritability, fatigue, tearfulness, and sometimes a tendency to hysteria are characteristic. A person complains about the inability to concentrate, a feeling of anxiety, a feeling of discomfort in the whole head.
  13. Headache in the temples after eating certain foods. But this should be mentioned separately.

Foods and supplements that cause pain in the temples

  • Monosodium glutamate, E621. In a quarter of people who consume products with this additive, half an hour after eating or earlier, exciting temples and forehead pains in the head, dull, pulling, or pulsating, sharp, may begin. Often join increased sweating, shortness of breath, muscle tension of the jaws and face.

Monosodium glutamate is commonly added to processed foods to enhance flavor and aroma. Usually this:

Dry and canned soup semi-finished products;

Condiments and spices;

Ready-made gravies, sauces;

Some types of snacks made from potatoes (chips) and bread (crackers).

Also, this substance may be contained in:

Turkey meat cooked in its own juice;

Roasted nut kernels.

  • Sodium nitrite, E250. About a minute after eating a meal with this supplement, a painful pulsation appears in the temples.

Sodium nitrite serves as a preservative, a color fixative for meat and fish products, and an antibacterial agent against the causative agent of botulism. It is found in:

Hot dogs, or rather in sausages and sausages;

In canned fish and meat (stew, pates);

Sausages (salami, doctor's, Bolognese);

  • Sweeteners (aspartame e951, neotame e961). With a single use of products with these substances, as a rule, no adverse effects occur. But not if a person suffers from a metabolic disorder - phenylketonuria. Or if you use such products constantly. Additives that replace sugar, when exposed to temperatures above +30 ° C (human body temperature), decompose with the release of phenylalanine, which negatively affects the nerve cells of the brain, and aspartic acid, which overexcites the nervous system. Accordingly, behavioral disorders, insomnia, depression and headaches are provided.

Sweeteners are found in:

Confectionery for diabetics;

Sweet soda like "Light";

Yogurt and ice cream;

Vitamins, cough drops.

  • Other foods that can cause pain in the temples:

Chocolate, or rather cocoa beans, contain phenethylamine, which can cause vasospasm.

Tea, coffee - caffeine, stimulating the nervous system.

Red wines, cheese - the substance tyramine, which causes narrowing of the arterial lumen.

Soy - monosodoglutamate, vegetable protein.

Treatment of pain in the temples

Often the reason why whiskey hurts is treated symptomatically. For example, if high blood pressure is to blame, experts recommend using mild drugs, such as captopril, capoten.

If the cause is colds and sore throats, then it is necessary to take measures to eliminate intoxication and reduce fever. To do this, today there are a lot of funds in the form of a powder for preparing a hot drink (Teraflu, Coldrex), taking old aspirin + analgin will help to significantly alleviate the condition.

If the cause of pain in the temporal region of the head is due to overstrain, excessive excitement, then the following will help to soothe the pain:

Airing the room or walking in the fresh air;

Warm bath. If it is not possible to take a bath or shower, you can simply immerse your hands in hot enough water and hold for a while, wash with warm water.

Massage of the head, temples and neck;

Essential oil of lavender or tea tree. A few drops in an aroma lamp or bath.

Lemon or orange peels. They need to be applied with the inside to the painful area and kept for 10-15 minutes;

A single dose of antispasmodics (no-shpa, citramon, spazgan).

In the case when the head hurts in the temples for a long time, the pains are periodic, too strong and accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms, it is worth visiting a doctor. After all, in order to eliminate pain, you need to understand the cause. And only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Parents are usually not alarmed when a child complains of a headache - if it is accompanied by a cold with fever and severe fever. As a rule, with the right treatment prescribed by a doctor, all the symptoms of the disease disappear, and with them the head stops hurting. But how to relate to the fact that the baby complained of pain in the head, while being completely healthy? How should this be perceived - as an alarming symptom or just a childish invention?

Why would a healthy child suddenly have headaches? Parents often believe that this is a purely “adult” disease, and this simply does not happen in children. And they are delusional.

In fact, the head can hurt regardless of the number of years lived. It affects very young children, and adolescents, and people of mature age. According to the international classification, there are 13 main groups and 162 types of headaches. Surprisingly, many of these species are not directly related to head problems in any way.

Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine the root cause of the ailment in order to deal with it, and not with painful sensations. Of course, it is impossible to consider all the reasons here, but it is quite possible to identify several of those that can cause severe headaches that seem to appear out of nowhere.

Vascular disorders

Of all the vascular diseases in children, the disease is the most common. This term, which comes from two Greek words - “hyper” and “tonos”, literally means “excessive tension”.

Hypertension occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the brain. With strong pressure surges, the vessels narrow. It does not matter whether this phenomenon is permanent or temporary - the main thing is that the various systems of the body are not sufficiently supplied with blood. It negatively affects them; the brain is especially affected. The reason for the diagnosis of "hypertension" is a systematic (within a month - more than three times) increase in arterial blood pressure.

Factors provoking the development of hypertension can be: heredity, weather conditions, sleep disorders, etc. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and correct daily routine are very important as preventive measures against hypertension.

Do not rush to give the child medicine - first take a short walk with him in the fresh air. Against this type of headache, soothing tea with chamomile or mint, an infusion of hops, cloves, meadow clover and geranium flowers (1 tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused until cool. Take a quarter cup before meals) and beet juice (a third of a glass 3 -4 times a day)

If hypertension is present in a child in a mild form, the headache quickly stops. In more severe cases, medication may be necessary. Without proper treatment, hypertension can lead to pathological changes in blood vessels and internal organs.

Improper nutrition

Headache attacks in children under the age of five are often provoked by eating certain foods. For example, sausages, sausages, and other processed meats may contain nitrites, preservatives that stimulate vasoconstriction. For an adult, this dose does not pose any danger, and the child's body does not know how to react to preservatives. A headache attack is caused by the substance tyramine, which is abundant in nuts, yeast, and some types of cheese.

Dietary supplements containing sodium chloride, sodium nitrite, and aspartame can also cause pain. An overdose of vitamin A is also dangerous. In addition, the nutrition of his mother during pregnancy affects the condition of the baby. If she did not eat enough while waiting for the baby, especially in the last trimester, this could lead to a decrease in sugar in her blood. This negatively affects the brain function of the child and leads to the fact that immediately after birth, he will suffer from headaches.

If the cause is indeed malnutrition, the headache is often accompanied by severe vomiting or indigestion. Let the child drink as often as possible - otherwise dehydration may occur. It is useful to give the child green tea with elderflower or St. John's wort. And an infusion of birch leaves will help relieve an attack of pain (pour 1 tablespoon with a glass of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours and drink it cold).

If the baby is prone to bouts of pain, it is important to give him food at least five times a day in small portions, and also avoid foods rich in carbohydrates. All the necessary vitamins and supplements can only be prescribed by a doctor. It is important to observe their dosage, in no case exceeding it.


Experts believe that the migraine-causing gene is hereditary and is passed down through the maternal line. So if a mother suffers from migraine attacks, then this ailment is likely to be passed on to her child. due to insufficient production of serotonin in the brain (this substance is directly related to headaches). Migraine attacks are characterized by throbbing pain in one side of the head, which is accompanied by nausea.

It is not yet possible to completely cure a migraine, but it is quite possible to remove its attack. Sleeping in the fresh air or in a ventilated room will help block a seizure that has just begun.

    Freshly squeezed juice of viburnum or black viburnum is also an excellent remedy for migraines.

    You can drink a decoction of St. John's wort (1 tablespoon of dried grass is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat, and then infused under the lid; drink a tablespoon before meals) or potato juice (twice a day, two tablespoons).

    It is useful to massage the head before going to bed. Massage is done with both hands, starting from the forehead, gently leading to the back of the head.

neurological problems

Neuralgic headache occurs when the trigeminal nerve is affected. A characteristic feature of this type of pain is recurring pain sensations with a short time interval, sharp and short, like an electric shock. Sometimes the pain is aggravated by coughing, sneezing, and even a sudden movement of the head. Sometimes it is accompanied by involuntary contractions of the facial muscles. The causes of neuralgic pain are mainly colds and certain types of infectious diseases (mumps), as well as problems with the cervical vertebrae.

In this case, the pills can only give temporary relief. It is good to treat neuralgia with heat, so warming up (Solux, UHF, sandbags, etc.) can give a good effect. Acute attacks of pain are relieved by a warm compress from cabbage leaves ( you can take leaves instead) and radish juice.

You can also give your child a drink of tincture of wormwood or yarrow (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, leave until cool and drink 5-6 times a day for a tablespoon). To prevent problems with the cervical vertebrae, it is important to monitor the posture of the baby. Do not put it on a soft bed, but instead of a pillow, use a special cushion to support the neck.

Head injury

Children quite often experience head injuries, which can lead to brain injuries. The most noticeable sign of a head injury is loss of consciousness after a fall. But sometimes there are simply no visible symptoms: the child fell, hit, cried and calmed down. Everything seems to be fine. But if after a while the child becomes capricious, complains of a headache and darkening before the eyes, this should alert the parents.

Very young children can throw back their heads and constantly arch their backs, their "mother's fontanel" swells slightly - this is a sure sign that a blow or a fall was not without consequences.

Immediately after the fall, you should put the child on the bed and turn off the light if it is too bright. Then rub the bruised area - this will help prevent the formation of edema and bruising. You can just gently massage with your palm, or you can apply a cold compress (with water or ice). For a few days after the fall, avoid noisy and moving games with the baby, and if he shows signs of a concussion, such as dizziness or vomiting, go to the doctor immediately.

Psychological problems

The emotional state of the child is directly related to how he feels - this truth has been around for many years. Stressful situations, psychological overload cause a strong tension in the child, and pain comes along with it. In stress, the sensitivity to pain in a child decreases due to a decrease in the level of serotonin and endorphin in the brain.

No need to think that stressful conditions can only cause negative emotions, such as depression after separation from parents in kindergarten. An overly eventful day or noisy, active games before bedtime can also cause a headache in the baby. True, it will not be sharp and strong, but its monotony and duration will also not have the best effect on the child.

In this case, painkillers will not help, and the emphasis is on mild sedatives. Overexcitation and subsequent headache perfectly relieves peony tincture (twice a day, a teaspoon). Of course, it is impossible to protect the baby from all stresses, but you can teach him to develop a protective reaction. It is very important to set the right example here. The child imitates his parents in everything, so if you show him that you are able to maintain composure and endurance even in the most difficult situations, the baby will learn from you.

Talk to your child about his fears, doubts and worries, teach him not to keep them in himself. If you explain to him several times that his worries are groundless, he will believe you and calm down. It is useful to teach a child to play sports from an early age. You can try modern relaxation techniques such as massage or breathing exercises. And, of course, try to give your child positive emotions - this is a good compensation and a powerful incentive for relaxation.

Headache in infants can be triggered by a number of external factors that an adult may not pay attention to. It is too bright light, lack of fresh air, loud noise. A very small child is not yet able to communicate with the outside world with the help of words - he expresses his discontent through crying. And parents should be able to determine the root cause of this crying and eliminate it in time.

If the child squints while crying, twists his head and seems to hit her on the pillow - perhaps there are irritating factors that cause the crumbs to have a headache. In the first three months of life, a child may experience.

This type of pain eliminates sleep well in a ventilated room or in the fresh air (for example, while walking). The child should be comfortable. Some children like the "background" of the TV, but still try to turn it on as little as possible. Artificial light in the baby's room should be soft and muffled, the lamps should not shine directly on him. Ventilation is very important - especially in winter, when the central heating is on, it makes the air dry.

You should not use aroma candles and aroma lamps that are popular today with a child. These remedies are considered soothing and relaxing, but still aromatherapy has a powerful effect, and it is not known how it will affect the delicate children's body.

P.S. All of the above remedies for relieving headaches have contraindications. Check with your pediatrician before using them.

Everyone suffers from headaches. Most often, people are worried about pain in the temple on the right. What can cause it? It is important to determine how serious the disease is may mask this harmless symptom.

Pain in the right temple often disrupts the working regime of people, forcing them to interrupt work and take forced rest or even sick leave. People of all ages and specialties suffer from it.

The reason for such a wide coverage of the disease in a huge variety of causes: from a runny nose to a tumor.

Pathology of the skull and volumetric formations of the brain

Often the cause of a headache in the right temple is brain injury, tumors or abscesses. With a traumatic brain injury, discomfort may not occur immediately after the impact, but after some time. The tumor and abscess are accompanied by similar symptoms, but the tumor develops for a longer time.

Characteristic Pain in traumatic brain injury is dull, combined with nausea and dizziness. The victim of a blow should be taken to a doctor as soon as possible - sometimes the injury is accompanied by intracranial hemorrhage, the symptoms of which appear after an hour or two "bright window". Before arriving at the hospital, it is better not to give the victim any pills or food, only a small amount of liquid is possible.

Similar sensations can also occur with a brain tumor or abscess.

But, since these volumetric formations squeeze the brain tissue - pain worse in the morning and at night, in a horizontal position. With an abscess, it has a pulsating character, significantly worsens when the head is tilted down, combined with severe weakness and fever. It should be remembered that a brain abscess always develops as a result of another infection - pneumonia, otitis media, sepsis and affects people with immunodeficiency when the human body passes microbes from the blood into the brain tissue.

Depending on its location, a tumor, along with an abscess, can additionally manifest itself in different ways: paresis, paralysis, impaired sensitivity, epileptic seizures. A sharp loss of hearing or vision on the one hand, obsessive odors, sudden severe dizziness, with a loss of balance should alert you to the tumor.

The diagnosis of brain formation is confirmed by MRI, and the treatment is carried out by a neurosurgeon: it can be surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Neurological diseases

The causes of damage to the trigeminal nerve can be:

  • inflammatory process,
  • various infections (even the flu),
  • injury,
  • dental disease,
  • stress,
  • hypothermia.

Pain on the right will occur with damage to the right trigeminal nerve. it one of the worst pains in the body. Neuralgia is manifested by bouts of sharp, shooting pain, which periodically subsides. At the moment of an attack, a person tries to sit still, because any action only intensifies the painful sensations. Trigeminal neuralgia is treated by a neurologist. Ordinary painkillers usually do not help, and anticonvulsants are often prescribed. Many physiotherapeutic methods cope well with neuralgia: acupuncture, UHF. If the cause of the attacks is a disease of the teeth, then, in addition to the neurologist, the dentist will treat the person.

As a rule, the removal of a diseased tooth permanently eliminates the symptoms of neuralgia.

Inflammation of the brain and membranes

Meningitis - inflammatory lesion of the membrane and encephalitis inflammation of the brain itself always accompanied by pain in the right temple. Their cause is an infection - meningococcus, streptococcus, influenza virus, measles, rubella, chickenpox. Do not forget about viral tick-borne encephalitis, which is caused by the bite of an infected tick. Encephalitis never goes away without consequences: a headache or seizures can remain for life.

Characteristic The pain in the head with meningitis and encephalitis is severe, pressing, combined with nausea, epileptic seizures may occur. With meningitis, from the first hours a rash appears, similar to asterisks, which rises higher from the legs. If a rash occurs on the face, this is an extremely unfavorable symptom. Meningitis can also be easily recognized by the characteristic posture of a person - curled up, as if freezing, but the head is thrown back. This is a reflex position for headache relief.

Pain in meningitis increases dramatically when looking at a bright light or a loud sound. This should alert a person with a headache.

Inflammation in encephalitis can capture both the entire brain and in places, foci. Depending on the location of the focus, encephalitis can be manifested by decreased vision and hearing, paralysis of the arm or leg, epileptic seizures, and changes in the psyche.

For any suspicion of meningitis and encephalitis, an ambulance team should be called, which will hospitalize a person in an infectious diseases hospital. Most often, he will be treated in the intensive care unit, by infectious disease doctors and a neurologist. Treatment of inflammation of the brain and its membranes is always very long, includes antibiotics, antivirals, drugs that reduce intoxication.

First aid for symptoms of encephalitis or meningitis is quite difficult to provide, one can only recommend that a person be taken to a doctor as soon as possible.

Vascular diseases

Vascular damage, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, migraine, temporal arteritis can cause pain in the temple on the right. Atherosclerosis is caused by high cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is deposited on the walls, narrowing the lumen of the vessel - little blood and oxygen enters the brain.

High blood pressure - hypertension - occurs more often in older people and, if not controlled, can lead to a brain stroke. Temporal arteritis (or Horton's disease) is an inflammatory disease of blood vessels, most often the temporal artery, that affects older men.

The causes of migraine are not known for certain, but it has been proven that it occurs more often in women, is hereditary, can accompany hormonal changes, and is associated with vasodilatation of the brain.

Characteristic Vascular diseases, in addition to headaches, are accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, flies before the eyes, nausea and vomiting. Painful sensations of the head with atherosclerosis or hypertension - pressing, bursting, provoked by stress, physical activity or a violation of the intake of drugs that reduce blood pressure.

For temporal arteritis, a sharp increase in pain when pressing on the temple is very characteristic. This pathology can be seen externally by swelling and redness of the temple. Arteritis is a systemic disease of all vessels and is treated by a rheumatologist. The diagnosis is confirmed by a blood test with signs of inflammation and a biopsy of a piece of the artery wall. The treatment is quite serious, including hormonal drugs, so you should not take temporal arteritis lightly.

Migraine headaches always affect only one half of the head - moreover, with the same frequency, the right or left. If it always hurts only on the right or left, this excludes the diagnosis of migraine. Attacks proceed within several days, forcing the person to quit work. Often people close themselves in a dark room and avoid loud sounds - these symptoms are similar to meningitis, since migraines also irritate the membranes of the brain, but this is not dangerous.

Ordinary painkillers for migraine do not help, and antispasmodics can only worsen the condition, because the vessels of the brain are already dilated. The neurologist or primary care physician that the sick person sees will usually recommend a drug called sumatriptan, which is designed specifically for migraine attacks.

Often, non-drug methods also help: a contrast shower, foot massage. But the best thing is the prevention of seizures. To do this, you should lead the right lifestyle: get enough sleep, develop stress resistance, avoid foods that can cause migraines: wine, cheese, chocolate.

Hormonal disorders during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause

Any changes in the balance of female hormones can cause headaches. Such painful sensations are always associated with something, for example, with the last days of the menstrual cycle or with the onset of menopause. Menstruation is accompanied by fluid retention in the body, which causes discomfort.

Pregnancy is also a kind of dysfunction of the hormonal system, which can cause pain in the temple on the right.

Characteristic Pain with hormonal disorders is not pronounced, dull in nature. It can be aggravated by nervous experiences. As a rule, these painful sensations quickly pass after rest, after the end of the premenstrual syndrome or the resolution of the pregnancy. Excellent for such pains, folk methods of treatment help: soothing infusions of mint, lemon balm and oregano.

Infectious diseases

Any contagious diseases, be it influenza, tonsillitis or just SARS, always force a person to complain of a headache. However, the main symptom will be infection: high fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat.

And the cause of the headache is intoxication due to bacterial and viral particles in the blood.

Characteristic Pain during infection can be localized in the temple on the right, on the left, or throughout the head. They are well eliminated by painkillers. Such pain in the right temple usually occurs in the late afternoon and almost never happens in the morning, it is proportional to the fever - the higher the body temperature, the stronger the pain.

With the flu, a headache in the temples is often the very first symptom, preceded by a high fever and cough. Flu can be suspected, given the season - the period of the epidemic and possible contact with a sick person. In this case, it is best to immediately take antiviral drugs:

  • Ingavirin
  • Tamiflu
  • Relenza
  • Arbidol

If they are consumed in the first 24 hours, then a viral infection, with a high degree of probability, will be avoided.

With ARVI, the headache is usually less pronounced, it joins the already existing symptoms of a cold - a runny nose, cough. But the antiviral agents listed above will also be effective in acute respiratory viral infections.

Tension headache

This so-called stress headache. The reason for such unpleasant sensations is neurosis, prolonged overstrain and fatigue. Schoolchildren and office workers who are forced to engage in mental work for a long time, work with a computer suffer from it. Prolonged position in an uncomfortable position at the desk causes tension in the muscles of the neck, which provokes pain.

Unpleasant painful sensations in the head are also caused by stressful situations - scandals, excessive nervousness, small work that requires great care or work moments accompanied by a high level of responsibility.

Such situations involuntarily cause vasospasm and a change in the normal balance of biologically active substances in the brain.

Characteristic Painful sensations of the head, which arose due to tension, are often strong, reducing a person's performance. This is a dull, oppressive feeling that people compare to a hoop or helmet squeezing the head. Tension-type headache usually resolves well after taking painkillers or after a long rest.

If such sensations accompany absolutely every working day, or make you take more than 2 painkillers more than 2 times a week, then we are talking about chronic tension headache. This dangerous condition can lead to depression and deterioration of the work of all other organs.

Such a situation should force you to increase your stress resistance or change the type of activity to a less exciting one.

Diseases of neighboring organs

Many of the organs located directly next to the brain, when affected, cause pain in the temple on the corresponding side:

  • Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the eyelids
  • Sinusitis is an infection in the sinuses of the skull,
  • Otitis - inflammation of the ear (inner or middle),
  • Dental problems - caries, periodontitis.

Pain in diseases of neighboring organs always quite strong, which is explained by similar innervation, in which the trigeminal nerve is involved.

With sinusitis, pain is pressing, bursting. They are combined with nasal discharge, difficult breathing, night snoring. Sometimes, the cause of sinusitis is polyps, and then instead of discharge from the nose, a person is only worried about a headache and the inability to breathe through the nose. Sinusitis is treated by an otolaryngologist. Depending on the type of sinusitis, this may be the appointment of antibiotics, the removal of polyps, the opening of the sinus cavity with the removal of pus.

With otitis media, the pain can be shooting, aggravated by pressing on a point located in front of the ear canal or behind the ear. A person may be disturbed by hearing loss, tinnitus or congestion, discharge of pus from the ears. An otorhinolaryngologist can also treat otitis media - prescribing both local drops and oral tablets. Usually these are antibiotics - tsiprolet, rifampicin and others.

The lack of treatment of otitis media with reduced immunity can lead to serious complications - a brain abscess.

Conjunctivitis, in addition to pain, is accompanied by discharge from the eyes and sensitivity to light. Depending on the type, there may be bacterial conjunctivitis - with a yellowish-white discharge that sticks together eyelashes in the morning, or viral - with transparent lacrimation and severe redness of the eyes. Treatment of conjunctivitis is simple, it is the work of an ophthalmologist. Antibacterial (tsiprolet) or antiviral drops (ophthalmoferon) are prescribed.

Pain due to lack of oxygen

lack of oxygen may occur in a stuffy unventilated room, and, for example, when climbing uphill or descending into deep caves. At the same time, the right temple of the head hurts due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the brain.

An excess of carbon dioxide in stuffy rooms always causes drowsiness and pain in the temple on the right or left.

Characteristic Usually these painful sensations are not expressed, they are dull in nature. Headache due to lack of oxygen is always accompanied by dizziness, drowsiness and fatigue. You can easily eliminate such a headache with ordinary ventilation. In severe cases, a hyperbaric oxygen chamber may be used. Climbers climbing the mountain take an oxygen tank with them in order to avoid hypoxia.


Some of the foods, oddly enough, can make your head hurt. Products containing tyramine have this property - this is red wine, expensive cheeses, chocolate, and some seafood. Chocolate, in addition to tyramine, contains caffeine, which together cause vasospasm and pain in the right temple.

Now it becomes frequent "hot dog" pain.

This feeling occurs after eating a large amount of foods containing nitrites:

  • corned beef
  • salami
  • bacon
  • hot dogs
  • smoked fish

In this case, the pain is quite strong. A person usually himself guesses about the role of products in causing a headache. Painkillers are not very effective. It takes time for the excess spice or tyramine to be eliminated from the body. You can speed up this process if you use a large amount of pure water. Some people are exceptionally sensitive to tyramine and drinking even small amounts of red wine or cheese, especially both together, causes them severe headaches.

Weather change, magnetic storms

Often the right temple hurts and with a sudden change in atmospheric pressure due to changes in weather conditions. This is due to a change in vascular tone in response to barometric changes.

Such pains are not characteristic of all people, only some of them are especially sensitive to the pressure of the surrounding air.

Characteristic Unpleasant sensations in the temples associated with pressure drops are dull and bursting in nature. They greatly affect a person's performance, as they react poorly to painkillers. The only way to alleviate your condition is to use sedatives, vitamins and psychologically prepare in advance for changes in the weather.

Wrong posture while sleeping

Pillow too flat or too high can cause muscle tension, clamping of the vessels of the neck and provoke morning pain in the right temple. Similar sensations are caused by the wrong posture during sleep - with a turn of the head or with a hand under the neck.

In order to avoid such situations, you should carefully choose the pillow and position for sleeping.

Characteristic Painful sensations occur in the morning, after waking up. It is easy to understand why the head hurts after improper sleep: the reason is the stiffness of the neck muscles. In the most severe cases, the pain does not go away within a few hours. But usually morning exercises and muscle rubbing help to cope with pain in the temples after sleep.

First aid for soreness of the temple on the right

Depending on the situation, a person with a headache may need immediate help or treatment may be delayed. Some conditions do not require medical intervention and can be managed independently:

If the headache is not accompanied by any other symptoms, the person as a whole feels well, then it is worth taking a painkiller and, if possible, sleep.

Painkillers that you can take (after consulting your doctor first):

  • paracetamol - 0.5 g 3-4 times a day;
  • spazmalgon - 1 tablet, 2-3 times a day;
  • ketorol - 1 tablet, up to 3 times a day;
  • ibuprofen - 0.4 to 3 times a day;

All drugs should be taken after meals with plenty of food and only if they are not contraindicated.

There are traditional medicine that can be used for pain in the temple:

  • tea with lemon balm or mint;
  • chamomile tea;
  • green tea with honey;
  • tea with oregano;

For pain in the temple with hypertension, blood pressure should be measured and, if it increases, take a medicine that reduces it - nifedipine, captopril or moxonidine.

If the headache is related to stress, then a sedative, even a simple mint tea, will help get rid of it.

With the discomfort that accompanies infections and colds, it should be remembered that this headache is associated with intoxication. So, in addition to painkillers and antipyretics, it makes sense to drink a large amount of liquid - compote or fruit drink.

It is possible that the headache precedes the loss of consciousness. It is worth trying to prevent a blow when a person falls, lay him down, free him from ties and neckerchiefs and try to bring him to himself with a scream, patting or splashing water.

If the loss of consciousness is caused by a stuffy room, then the help of doctors will not be needed.

There are situations when emergency medical intervention for a headache in the temple cannot be avoided:

  • If the loss of consciousness after a headache is prolonged, the person does not wake up after 2-3 minutes, or, in addition to the episode with fainting, there are: nausea, vomiting, mental changes, then it is recommended to call an ambulance as soon as possible.
  • With a traumatic brain injury, first of all, it is required to stop the bleeding if there is an open wound. Cold should be applied to the impact site - ice wrapped in cotton cloth. Put the person down and do not let them rise - after an injury, dizziness often occurs.
  • Tumors, abscesses, encephalitis may be accompanied by an epileptic seizure. During it, things that can injure should be removed from the person - scissors from the hands, sharp objects nearby. The head should be held on its side and try to detect the time of the seizure. It is strictly forbidden to place foreign objects in the patient's mouth - spoons, hands, etc. This only causes additional harm - broken teeth.

In all these cases, after providing first aid, you should call an ambulance or take the injured person to the emergency department as soon as possible.

If any headache in the temple lasts for several days, not relieved after taking painkillers and sedatives, then you should definitely contact your local therapist in order to find out the causes of the disease.

How to forget about pain in the joints and spine?

  • Does pain limit your movement and fulfilling life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systemic pain?
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Read the opinion of doctors on this issue

Ivan Drozdov 12.05.2017

Headache in the right temple is so common that most people do not pay attention to the cause of its occurrence, and therefore limit themselves to taking painkillers. In fact, it can signal violations in the vital systems, ongoing inflammatory processes in the temporal region, or diseases of the brain structures.

The main causes of pain in the right temple

Right-sided temporal pain, which takes on a pronounced and regular character, can be a sign of disturbances in the functioning of brain structures and life-supporting systems of the body. The main causes of pathological processes and pain as symptoms in this case are:

  • Violations of the tissues of the brain and cranial bones (hematomas, cranial injuries, abscesses, tumors of various origins).
  • Inflammation or destruction of the nerve processes (lesion of the trigeminal nerve).
  • Infectious lesions of the membranes of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis).
  • Inflammation or damage to the blood vessels (temporal arteritis, atherosclerosis, spasms that cause migraine attacks, hypertension or hypotension).
  • Hormonal dysfunctions associated with menopause, menstruation or pregnancy in women.
  • Muscle spasms caused by overexertion, nervousness, stress.
  • Inflammatory purulent processes that develop in the reflex organs and the jaw region (conjunctivitis, sinusitis, otitis media, dental diseases).
  • Improper functioning of the liquor system and intracranial hypertension as a consequence.
  • Influence of viral infections (ARVI, tonsillitis, influenza).

Irregular pain in the right temple can be caused by external irritating factors:

  • Uncomfortable posture during sleep.
  • Lack of oxygen (poor ventilation of the room, the influence of such natural factors as descending into the dungeon or climbing to a height).
  • Magnetic storms or a sudden change in weather.
  • Food with a lot of spices.

After the elimination of external stimuli, temporal pain, as a rule, disappears on its own, however, if a pathological process or disease is suspected, the body should be examined and appropriate treatment should be carried out.

Varieties of headache in the right temple

The pain syndrome that develops in the temple on the right side has different manifestations. By the nature of the pain, whether it is aching, shooting or pressing, one can judge the causes of its origin and concentrate as quickly as possible on the choice of a method for eliminating them.

Throbbing pain in right temple

Occurs with an imbalance of arterial or intracranial pressure, migraine attacks, provoked by nervous strain, severe fright, stressful situations. Also, the cause of pain may lie in right-sided pulpitis - inflammation of dental tissues or nerve endings.

Aching pain in right temple

A sign of neuropsychiatric disorders, appears against the background of irritability, anxiety, weakness and fatigue. Painful sensations of a aching nature can be one of the manifestations of intracranial hypertension.

Shooting pain in right temple

Occurs with temporal arteritis or damage to the trigeminal nerve on the right. In the first case, lumbago is accompanied by weakness, lack of sleep, fever, soreness of the temporal artery. With the defeat of the trigeminal nerve, backache in the temporal zone is complemented by spasms of the facial nerves and pain radiating to the jaw, eye, ear, cheek.

Pressing pain in right temple

A symptom of disorders that occur in the cervical vertebrae. In diseases such as osteoarthritis or osteochondrosis, the work of the system that supplies the brain with blood is hindered. If the right-sided vertebral artery is affected, then pain sensations of a pressing nature also occur on the right side.

Dull pain in right temple

Feels like a dull pain like aching. It is often attributed to a psychogenic type of pain, but it can also be a symptom of trauma to the brain or skull bones. Short-term one-time pain can occur against the background of an emotional outburst, a regularly manifested pain syndrome requires attention from specialists.

Medical treatment

When developing a course of drug treatment, the fundamental factor is the cause of the origin of pain in the temple, after which the discomfort in the temporal region disappears. However, to relieve short-term pain caused by overwork, adverse weather conditions, or to alleviate the condition during the course of severe pathologies, painkillers from the group of analgesic, non-steroidal, triptan, opioid or narcotic drugs may be prescribed to the patient.

The most common and affordable medications that relieve temporal pain, depending on the cause of its manifestation, are:

  • Citramon - taken at the beginning of the development of an attack, the dose per day is no more than 6 tablets, the duration of admission is no more than 10 days. The drug is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as persons who have impaired blood clotting, have a predisposition or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, renal and hepatic systems.
  • Spasmalgon - taken as needed, during migraine attacks no more than 6 tablets per day. The duration of treatment with the drug is up to 5 days. Caution should be taken when taking pills for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, circulatory system or allergies.
  • Paracetamol - helps not only relieve temporal pain, but also reduce the temperature, so it is attributed to viral and colds. It is allowed for lactating women and pregnant women, while its dose cannot be more than 4 g per day.
  • Nurofen is an effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug, allowed for infants, pregnant and lactating children, however, it has a number of contraindications for taking in diseases of the intestines, stomach, blood and optic nerves. Side effects will be minimized if the duration of administration does not exceed 3 days, and the daily rate is 400 mg for an adult.

To relieve intense attacks that develop as a result of traumatic or acute inflammatory processes, the patient may be prescribed one of the potent abortifacients - Sumatriptan, Tramadol, Butorphanol, Morphine, Fenamil. These drugs relieve pain in the shortest possible time, but they are quickly addictive, so they are sold by prescription and the doctor should determine the appropriateness of taking them.

Folk methods of treatment

When using folk methods, you need to remember that temporal pain is a symptom of pathology or abnormalities occurring in the body. Only after an examination, consultation with a doctor and diagnosing the cause of the pain syndrome, you can make compresses and take medicinal herbs in the form of teas, tinctures, inhalations or baths.

Effective and non-contraindicated ways to get rid of temporal pain are:

  • Green tea with honey and lemon juice. A spoonful of honey and juice of ¼ lemon are added to a cup of warm tea.
  • Vinegar compress. Apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon) is diluted in 1 liter of water at room temperature. A soft cloth is soaked in the solution and applied to the painful area.
  • Cabbage leaf compress. A leaf of fresh cabbage is slightly crushed with hands until juice appears and applied to the painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temple.
  • Temple massage with essential oils. A few drops of rosemary, menthol, lavender or lemon oil are gently rubbed into the sore temple. A combination of all of these oils is possible.
  • Head massage with a comb with wooden or bone teeth. As a result of gentle and gentle combing of the hair, blood circulation through the vessels of the head improves and the pain in the temple area subsides.

You can relieve pain in the temple with the help of acupressure self-massage, however, this technique should be used with caution in the elderly, and should not be used in children and pregnant women in the later stages. For temporal pain, a point in the palm of your hand is used, located at the base of the index and thumb. The female point is located on the right hand, the male point is on the left. The membrane between the bases of two fingers is squeezed from both sides until pain appears and it is acted upon in a circular motion for several minutes.

Herbal teas and decoctions of elderberry, oregano, chamomile, lemon balm relieve pain in the temples due to the cumulative effect, so you need to drink them for a certain period of time - from a week to a month. The recipe for the composition and dosage for use depends solely on the root cause of the pain and should be prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. Otherwise, a drink that is useful at first glance can provoke disruptions in the work of other vital organs.


Pain in the right temple can be prevented if you know the nature of its origin and take a number of preventive measures:

  • Balance the daily diet: give up spicy, salty, spicy dishes and fast foods, include cereal cereals, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, natural juices in the main menu.
  • Do daily therapeutic exercises, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the work of the circulatory and cerebrospinal fluid system, and preventing the appearance of pain in the temple on the right.
  • Include walks in the daily routine, especially in the evening, and daytime sleep.
  • Periodic use of antihistamines or antidepressants as prescribed by a doctor if the pain is caused by seasonal allergens or prolonged stress.
  • Massage sessions or physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at preventing the exacerbation of a disease such as osteochondrosis, and pain in the temple on the right as its symptom.

The implementation of these simple rules will positively affect the work of the whole organism and will reduce the risk of right-sided temporal pain.

Headache in children is not a disease, but a symptom of various diseases and disorders occurring in the body. If the child complains of headaches, it is necessary to conduct an examination and establish their cause. That is why accurate diagnosis is so important.


Frequently asked Questions

". There is a high probability that you will find the answer to your question there right now, without wasting time waiting for a response from a consultant doctor.

Tatyana asks:

Is it true that headaches in children under 5 years of age can be provoked by malnutrition?

consultant information

Good afternoon, Tatyana! Headache in a child can indeed be the result of eating habits. However, the main reasons may be that one or another food provocateur is present in the diet. This factor is especially important in the development of migraine (headache of a throbbing nature, with one-sided localization and other characteristic signs). In such cases, there may be many food "allergens", but each patient, as a rule, has the only one or, less often, a small group of products. These are cheeses, chocolate, citrus fruits, foods enriched with monosodium glutamate, mayonnaise, canned food, etc. In other situations, a headache in a child may be the result of constipation with an unbalanced poor diet. In such cases, “self-poisoning” of the body with metabolic products develops, which “irritate” vascular receptors through the circulatory system, this triggers the next cascade of biochemical reactions, followed by a reaction of the nervous system and the development of pain syndrome. Therefore, a headache in a child should be a reason to reconsider the nature of his diet, and of course - to seek advice from a pediatrician. Be healthy!

Dinara asks:

What remedies can be taken when a headache bothers children 5-7 years old?

consultant information

Good afternoon, Dinara! First of all, it is necessary to find out the reason why the child had a headache. And they can be different. Therefore, you should contact a pediatrician, and if necessary, a pediatric neurologist. Taking painkillers in an acute situation is certainly possible. And the drug of choice may be paracetamol, acceptable in pediatric practice, at an age dosage (10-15 mg / kg - a single dose). Examination by a pediatrician is essential to clarify the nature of the child's headache (eg, secondary symptomatic headache, primary headache of vascular origin), the time of its onset, duration, its relationship to emotional factors, exercise or overwork, combination with other complaints (nausea , vomiting, intolerance to bright light, noise), etc. Only after finding out the true cause of the headache in a child can adequate treatment be prescribed. The constant use of painkillers as a “method of treatment” can cause the formation of dependence on the intake of these drugs - this is the main mechanism for the development of another type of headache in children (abuse headache). Take care of your health!

Oksana asks:

The child is 6 years old, goes to the first class, in the evenings his head often hurts, the child always has a headache in the same place. This is the right temple, and the pain seems to be throbbing, sometimes even vomiting, and also says that it hurts him to look with his right eye. Requires the lights to be turned off completely. Tell me, is it because of the heavy load? What should we do?

consultant information

Good afternoon, Oksana! A headache in a child with the symptoms you describe requires a mandatory examination of your baby by a pediatric neurologist. But given the description, a simple form of migraine is very likely. This type of headache in children is usually unilateral, throbbing. Pain is accompanied by severe nausea, less often - vomiting, intolerance to bright light and loud sounds, after the attack is over, the child is lethargic, drowsy. In cases where there is such a headache in a child, sleep often brings relief. This is a headache of a vascular nature, and very often has a hereditary origin. There are many reasons that can trigger a migraine. This includes emotional and physical fatigue, hunger, fatigue, too long sleep, allergic factors, incl. potential food allergens (hard cheese, walnuts, chocolate, etc.), pungent odors (with increased capillary permeability of the vasculature of the nasal cavity), sounds, food additives, and others. A headache in a child of this type requires a timely appeal to a pediatric neurologist and the start of treatment. In this case, of course, the lifestyle of the child should be adjusted. Be healthy!

Ludmila asks:

The child is 4 years old, fell off the swing, did not lose consciousness, was in the emergency room, the doctor said that there was no reason for concern, but in the evening his head began to hurt. Was the doctor wrong? Why did the child have a headache?

consultant information

Good afternoon, Lyudmila! Head or neck trauma can be a common cause of headaches in children. It should be noted that such pain does not always appear in a child immediately after the incident - for example, after a few days. Therefore, it is important not to miss the connection between headache and possible trauma. This requires the supervision of a specialist (pediatric neurologist) in dynamics. In order to clarify the child's condition (in addition to neurological examination, examination of the fundus), additional instrumental diagnostics (for example, echoencephalography, magnetic resonance imaging, etc., if necessary) may be prescribed. When complaining of a headache in young children after a previous injury, the possibility of a concussion cannot be ruled out at once: the absence of loss of consciousness and the general satisfactory condition of the child immediately after the incident cannot reliably guarantee the absence of violations (the so-called "bright gap" in the state of the baby, when required carrying out echoencephalography, observation in dynamics, etc.). Therefore, a second examination by a pediatric neurologist is strongly recommended to clarify the causes of a headache in a child. Be healthy!

Masha asks:

A 4-year-old child has a sore throat, a high temperature. Could this cause a headache in the temples of a child? Do I need to give any medication?

consultant information

Good afternoon, Masha! Headache in a child is one of the most common manifestations of intoxication syndrome in infectious and inflammatory diseases. Intoxication ("poisoning") of the body is the result of the active life of pathogens and increased intake of metabolic products into the circulatory system. This leads to a violation of the dynamic constancy of the internal environment of the body, and certain components of metabolic disorders cause irritation of certain receptors. At the same time, complaints of headache in a child may occur in response to irritation of sensitive structures (pain receptors) in large blood vessels, areas of the dura mater, etc. Attention in such cases should be paid to the underlying disease and the elimination of intoxication of the body as the main cause of headache The child has. Complex treatment is coordinated only by the pediatrician observing the child. At the same time, in cases of a significant increase in temperature (above 38.5 °C), the drug that will have both an antipyretic and analgesic effect is acetaminophen (paracetamol) at a dose of 10-15 mg / kg. Take care of your health!

Veronica asks:

Hello, I have a question. A 7-year-old child, can Citramon or Analgin be taken with a headache in a child of this age?

consultant information

Good afternoon, Veronica! Headache in children, as in adults, is only a symptom, a sign of various disorders in the functioning of the body. Therefore, the appointment of any pharmacological preparations must be justified. To do this, you should find out the cause of complaints of headache in a child. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician (if necessary, examinations of other narrow specialists). Depending on the cause and mechanism of headache development, certain therapeutic measures are prescribed - drug and non-drug therapy. Painkillers (analgin, citramon) should not be the only guideline in preventing headaches in a child. Moreover, their uncontrolled constant use can cause the development of an absolutely independent type of headache - the so-called. abuse headache that develops in response to the abuse of analgesic (painkillers) drugs. An acceptable drug with analgesic effects for children is acetaminophen (paracetamol) - a single dose of 10-15 mg / kg. However, its appointment should be based on individual medical recommendations. Take care of your health!

Tatyana asks:

My daughter is 15 years old, she has hypotension and a severe shooting headache, what tests should she do?

Doctor neurologist of the first category, Ph.D.

consultant information

Dear Tatyana!
In your situation, you first need to consult a neurologist and, depending on the identified symptoms, you will be assigned additional examinations (MRI, duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck, radiography of the cervical spine, echocardiography, etc.)

consultant information

Dear Tatyana!
Headache and hypotension are caused by a certain dysfunction of the nervous and hormonal systems, which must be identified and eliminated during examinations. If you want to conduct high-quality examinations in a clinic that deals with headaches professionally, or at least find out what needs to be examined, I recommend that you look at the website of the Headache Medical Center (

Marina asks:

My daughter is 12.5 years old, menstruation has recently begun and every month the day before the start of menstruation she has a headache, is this somehow connected? What should be done if a headache in children in such cases?

consultant information

Good afternoon, Marina! Headache in children associated with the growth and development of the body, changes and fluctuations in the hormonal background is not uncommon. However, in order to adequately control the situation and prevent the initial hormonal imbalance from developing into a persistent premenstrual syndrome already in an adult girl and woman, it is necessary to consult a pediatric gynecologist. Considering that premenstrual syndrome in adolescence is also not uncommon, however, its diagnosis is associated with certain difficulties (after all, many symptoms and manifestations may be the result of the maturation of the body), a specialist will help determine specific therapeutic measures. To do this, you will need to determine the relationship of a headache in a child with possible other signs of periodic hormonal imbalance in the body. Before visiting a doctor, you should pay attention to the child’s exercise and rest schedule (including taking into account individual sleep needs), sufficiency of physical activity and exposure to fresh air, regular meals, etc. Be healthy!

Victoria asks:


consultant information

Good afternoon.
There is such a thing as often and long-term ill children. These include children who get sick more than 6 times a year. This is due to the weakened immune system of the child. The weakening of the immune system occurs as a result of many reasons, these are hereditary factors, and chronic foci of infection in the child or in his environment, improper regimen, nutrition, stress, as well as frequent episodes of illness weaken the child, creating a vicious circle. When visiting kindergarten, some children often get sick as a result of several factors. This may be a constant re-infection due to a chronic infection in someone around, an unsuitable regimen or diet for the child, unscrupulous staff who allow the child to become hypothermic, stress associated with separation from the mother and attending a kindergarten, conflict with children or staff in kindergarten, as well as contact in the garden with sick children.
To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to start with a child's regimen, provide good nutrition, exercise, walks in the air, hardening, and psychological comfort.
All the best.

Xenia asks:

From time to time csy complains of dizziness. There is no dizziness during active actions, but dizziness occurs at rest or during a lesson. This year I have been suffering from a lot of colds. What do we have to do?

Neurologist-epileptologist, Ph.D.

consultant information

Try to alternate the periods of your child's activities with active rest, set aside time for daytime sleep, avoid excessive mental overload. To reduce brain symptoms associated with a violation of the tone of blood vessels, it is possible to recommend taking drugs that have a positive effect on cerebral circulation, as well as on the ability of blood to be in a liquid state. One of these groups is


(drugs that affect the functions of thinking). An active study of the possibilities of using the drug showed the possibility of prescribing nootropics in children over 1 year old with disorders of the brain functions with minimal brain dysfunction. The good tolerability of the drug and the absence of serious side effects allows long-term treatment (up to 6-12 weeks, followed by a decision on the advisability of continuing to take). It is necessary to spend at least three weeks of taking nootropics before the issue of improving the condition is decided.

Ludmila asks:

Daughter 6 years old. In March, she began to complain of a headache, especially after visiting a kindergarten. He behaves actively, plays, reads, draws, only sometimes he will come up to me and complain of a headache. He says that his forehead and temples hurt. In May, she had been ill with tick-borne encephalitis, underwent a course of treatment, after which she never complained until September. Now again complaints of headaches during the day and in the evening.

consultant information

Hello Lyudmila! The main cause of headaches in children is nervous and physical fatigue, as well as insufficient fluid intake. However, other, more serious causes of pain cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a neurologist and undergo an examination, which must necessarily include computed tomography of the brain (to exclude such causes of headaches as tumors, brain aneurysms and other organic pathologies of the nervous system). Take care of your health!

Tatyana asks:

hello. I’m already a mother of 4 children. In connection with the birth of a baby, we had to move. And the local specialists didn’t inspire confidence in me. horror ... .. my baby is very calm - as far as 3-month-old children can be calm. older children gave me a lot more trouble at this age. we had both tremors and terrible regurgitation. and restless nights. and all sorts of tones. The little one doesn't have any of that, thank God. but our pediatrician sends us to a neurologist so that he gives us permission for vaccinations ...... .. after examining the baby, the neurologist sends us to NSG. when I asked what indications we have for this .. the doctor didn’t really answer me ... I don't care about my baby. when I told her that I would not do this until she named the reasons why she was sending us to the NSG - she got nervous, stopped insisting and prescribed us the medicine CYNARIZIN - it can be used for children after 5 years and GLYCISED - it is for children after 3 years ... .and the side effects are such that I am horrified ... and now I don’t know what to do ... please tell me what indications a child of our age should have for NSG so that I can make sure that the appointment is correct ... because we have one device ... charge dearly…send everyone…many thanks in advance.

Pediatric neurologist, Ph.D.

consultant information

Good afternoon. Thanks for your question! I respect thinking parents who defend the interests of the child! Indications for NSG may be certain complaints of parents, disorders in the neurological status during examination by a neurologist, a complicated anamnesis of the child. In total, the child should demonstrate a certain amount of anxiety. There are diseases, the first and only manifestation of which for a certain time will be only the “calmness” of the child, or rather, too much calmness. From a legal point of view, it is possible not to conduct an NSG and not follow the doctor's prescriptions, but then the entire responsibility for the child's health falls on you. The doctor is obliged to name the grounds for both examination and treatment. In your case it is better to visit other neurologist. In general, a neurologist does not allow vaccinations; a district pediatrician, an immunologist or an immunological commission have this right. A neurologist, guided by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, can only focus on cases where occupational vaccinations are contraindicated due to the neurological condition of the child.

Galina asks:

My son is 5 years old. Recently, about once a week, when he goes to bed, he began to complain of a short-term pain in the head in the back of the head, either on the left or on the right. Pain comes and goes. During the day he is active, you can say too active. Whether it is necessary to address to the neuropathologist?

Doctor-neurologist of the highest category, Ph.D.

consultant information

Dear Galina! First of all, you should know that headaches most often occur when the brain is tired. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to reduce psycho-emotional stress, normalize sleep patterns, nutrition, the nature of nutrition, remove all stimulants (chocolate, tea, cocoa, chips. Chewing gum, soda, I'm not talking about coffee, I think that this is not). More fresh air, communication with peers, less TV or computer. If within a month, subject to the regimen, the situation does not improve, you need to consult a doctor.

Oksana asks:

On a series of MR tomogograms, weighted by T1 and T2 in three projections, sub and supratentorial structures are visualized.
Subependymal in the region of the middle third of the right temporal horn, a microcystic inclusion of an aqueous form with clear contours, without perifocal reaction, up to 0.5 * 0.3 cm in size, is determined.
MR signs of a subependymal microcyst in the region of the temporal horn of the right lateral ventricle, slightly pronounced: asymmetry of the lateral ventricles, external symmetrical hydrocephalus.
What to take and do!! to relieve pain!!

Doctor-neurologist of the highest category, Ph.D.

consultant information

Oksana, this cyst has no causal significance in the origin of the headache. You need to understand that you, rather, live with her for many years. It is possible that it is congenital. Write how long headaches bother you and what they are. Another important point: if you take painkillers more than 2 times a month, this can cause a headache in itself. It is most reasonable to contact a qualified doctor, you can go to the Headache Medical Center in Kyiv or Dnepropetrovsk (

Olga asks:

An 11-year-old girl has often had a headache for the last 2 months. Went to school the pain intensified

Doctor-neurologist of the highest category, Ph.D.

consultant information

Olga, your daughter needs a consultation and examination by a neurologist. Headache can be an independent disease or a manifestation of some other diseases of the body. Do not take headaches lightly, a timely diagnosis suggests the right approach to treatment and regimen for your daughter. Uncontrolled use of painkillers can increase the frequency of headache and make it chronic. It is advisable to see a neurologist who is trained to diagnose and treat headaches.

Smirnova Olga Leonidovna

Neurologist, education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Work experience 20 years.

Articles written

Children's health is a priority for all adults. And if a child has a headache, then some parents panic, and some simply do not pay attention to it. And both sides are wrong: headaches in children can be very different, but even in a serious situation, panic is not needed, as well as indifference. Healthy children also complain about them. And it will not be superfluous to show them to the doctor, especially if the baby has a constant headache.

Possible reasons

Sources of headaches in children can be very different. A conscious complaint of pain in the head may be in a child of 5-6 years old, but not earlier. After all, it is from the age of five that they can describe their feelings. In children up to a year old and a little older, pain syndrome can be detected by a number of signs.

Interesting! Headache in preschool children occurs in almost 4-7%, and in adolescence - already in 60-80%.

Almost all structural components of the human head from the venous sinus to large vessels are equipped with pain receptors, which can provoke pain by reacting with certain substances. People of all ages may experience what doctors call headaches. It doesn’t matter who is faced with cephalalgia: a baby of three or four years old or an elderly person is always unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous. And all because a headache in children or adults is not a specific sign of some kind of pathology, but a symptom of many diseases.

Cephalgia is usually divided into 2 main types:

Primary when the child has only a headache, and there are no other accompanying symptoms. This suggests that cephalalgia is not caused by a virus, bacterium or other pathogenic flora. Its varieties are:

  • migraine;
  • bunch pains;
  • from .

Secondary when this is not the main symptom, but a concomitant of some kind of disease or pathology. Often, secondary cephalgia occurs during infection, an increase in temperature. There are more than 300 officially registered reasons why a child has a severe headache, but the most common of them are:

  • post-traumatic condition;
  • the influence of external factors that provoke a special condition - from the onset of an allergy to a reaction to the weather;
  • inflammatory process such as sinusitis;
  • overdose of drugs for headaches.

Reason: migraine

Migraine most often occurs in a child 10 years of age and older, sometimes lowering the age threshold is possible, and most often in cases where parents suffer from such pain. Migraine occurs due to a sharp narrowing and / or expansion of cerebral vessels. At the same time, the child complains of a headache in only one part of the head, calling it. In addition, the baby may feel sick and vomit, he will react negatively to light and noise.

Important! A migraine attack in children can last from 4 hours to three days.

To provoke a migraine attack in a child of 3-16 years old can:

  • strong emotional experience;
  • hunger;
  • abuse of certain foods that provoke pain (chocolate, canned food, nuts, cheese, etc.);
  • very cold water;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • phase of the menstrual cycle for girls;
  • sleep mode failure;
  • a long trip in one transport or spending a lot of time at the computer;
  • diseases of a general type.

Reason: tension

More than 90% of headaches are a reaction of the baby's body to prolonged or severe stress. Such a headache in a child is the result of mental overstrain, which provoked a spasm of the muscles of the head and its vessels. Usually such an attack lasts from several minutes to several days, but not more than a week.

At the same time, not only the frontal part hurts, the pain encircles the entire head of the child, like a helmet. Feels tight and tight. All this does not affect the normal activity of the baby, but school performance can seriously decrease. The peak of the attack may be accompanied by nausea and lack of appetite, a negative attitude towards light and noise.

Interesting! To the main reasons for such pain, doctors began to attribute chronic inflammatory processes in the meninges, which provoked streptococcus. As evidenced by notes in medical journals.

Causes of bundle pain

Interesting! Bundle pains are more common in boys than in girls.

Acute and chronicforms

Often, parents, figuring out the problem, completely forget to determine whether this pain is acute or chronic. And in vain, because this is what can give the main clue to identify the reason why the child has a headache.

Causes of acute headache

Headaches in children 3-10 years of age and older are often acute and paroxysmal. And there are many reasons for this:

Infections of the intracranial type, which can provoke:

  • specific childhood infections like measles or rubella;
  • common infectious diseases from tonsillitis to malaria;
  • inflammation in the ear, teeth or paranasal sinuses;
  • salmonellosis or cholera;
  • purulent foci in the brain;
  • encephalitis;
  1. When a part of the head was injured or it was all, as well as with a bruise of the brain.
  2. Mental overstrain or diseases such as neurosis, depression.
  3. Vascular problems extracranial (high blood pressure or kidney disease) and intracranial (primary migraine or vascular anomaly).
  4. Hemorrhage in the brain or its membrane.
  5. An increase in intracranial pressure due to a tumor or, then the child has a headache in the frontal part.
  6. Reaction to prescription or withdrawal of caffeine-, amphetamine- or vasoconstrictor-based medications.
  7. Reaction to inhalation of toxic chemicals such as nitrates, lead fumes, dichlorvos, etc.

Often for acute pain in a child of 8 years or another age, there may be an atypical cause:

  • performing a lumbar puncture;
  • excess physical activity;
  • problems with visual function, including glaucoma;
  • inflammatory processes in the nerves located inside the skull.

Causes of Chronic Headache in Children

Frequent headaches in children often become chronic. They can last for weeks or even months. In the forehead area, a child may get sick due to migraine, bundle or tension pain, which means that all their causes can be considered causes of chronic pain.

But if the child has no reasons related to the state of health, then you should pay attention to:

  • his cap, headband or goggles, which may be tight and cause pain if used for a long time. This is true for children who are 5 years old or younger, because they rarely pay attention to such things;
  • cold and its effect on the baby, because even a child of 8 years old can have such a reaction not only to a long stay in the cold, but also to cold food and, especially, to ice cream. The effect of cold on children of the first year of life is very dangerous.

Symptoms and diagnosis

So, in a child of 7 years old, the doctor can ask about his pain, because at this age it will not be a problem for him to describe it. But to make a diagnosis, a 4-year-old baby will need careful testimony from the parents. In order for the diagnosis to be complete, many questions will need to be answered. Not only about how the baby reacted to pain, but also about the duration and frequency of attacks. Sometimes children, even at the age of 12, cannot remember if they feel sick during an attack, but for a doctor this is very important.

Therefore, you need to be ready to give such answers. Often, 7-year-old children suffer from a school load that is new to them, and the doctor will need information not only about the duration of classes, but also a complete list of them.

Important! Headache in the forehead, which happened for the first time and is acute, with increasing intensity, is a reason to urgently take the child to the hospital, because it is often the result of a dangerous disease that can lead to death.

It doesn’t matter if your child is 11 years old or a year old, but if there is at least one of the following dangerous symptoms, then a doctor’s call is mandatory:

  • sharp and very severe pain in the head;
  • her character is unusual;
  • pain is affected by a change in the position of the head;
  • if she fell ill in the morning after a night's sleep;
  • there was a sharp change in the nature and frequency of seizures;
  • it is difficult for the child to remain conscious, it becomes confused;
  • Before that, the kid hit his head.

If a child of 7 years old can learn about his pain, then from small children you will not get a clear description. Parents of infants can identify the problem by the following symptoms:

  • a state of extreme excitement;
  • incessant crying;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • vomiting fountain;
  • repeated and profuse regurgitation;
  • a large fontanel stands out above the general level of the skull.

Babies of the third year of life will already be able to show where the discomfort is and talk about it. At seven years old, most often the problem is closely related to the common cold and other colds. Children 9 years of age and older may suffer from ill-fitting glasses or lenses.

Emergency help

No matter how old your child is - six, eight or three, he will need first aid for a headache. Depending on the situation, it may include:

  1. Providing the child with a comfortable rest in a quiet and peaceful environment, preferably in bed. And make sure he sleeps.
  2. Applying a cool wet washcloth to the head.
  3. Removing nervousness with a dose of lemongrass and eleutherococcus.
  4. Raising the tone with warm tea with lemon.
  5. Taking a decoction of soothing herbs, such as motherwort and valerian.
  6. Exclusion from the child's diet of all foods that provoke migraine attacks.
  7. Taking medication.

The last point should be carried out only when all the previous ones have failed. It is important to remember that only a small part of adult drugs are approved for children, and only for older people. In other cases, such attacks are treated with special children's drugs, which were prescribed by a doctor, and not advised by a pharmacist in a pharmacy.

Important! Without a doctor's prescription, you can treat headaches in children with Ibuprofen and Nurofen . Do not exceed the dose indicated in the instructions for them, which is strictly tied to the weight and age of the child.


Prevention is always easier than cure. Therefore, it is useful to take the following preventive measures into service:

  • regular and proper nutrition;
  • strict sleep schedule;
  • often walk in the fresh air;
  • sleep only in well-ventilated rooms;
  • monitor a favorable psychological climate in the family;
  • often communicate with the baby;
  • exercise or engage in other beneficial physical activity.