Bulanova before and after surgery. The Russian singer made plastic surgery and changed beyond recognition (photo). The secret of eternal youth

The place where talents are born is St. Petersburg. What other evidence is needed, because the next heroine of our article was born in the city on the Neva. And not just a heroine, but an Honored Artist of Russia, singer, actress, TV presenter and favorite performer of our mothers. This spring, Bulanova turned 49 years old, around this age, ladies begin to struggle with age-related changes, in today's article we will try to figure out whether the artist Tatyana Bulanova turned to the hands of plastic surgeons or is it well-chosen makeup and a good hereditary predisposition.


Tatyana was born on March 6, 1969. The girl grew up in a friendly and loving family, where her father was a military man, and her mother was a photographer. In early childhood, the future star had to make an important choice that influenced her entire future life, torn between rhythmic gymnastics and a music school, the girl chose music.

Tatyana had two attempts to get an education. First, she entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture at the faculty, training in which promised her a future position as a librarian. After studying for three years, in 1989, the girl entered the school-studio of the St. Petersburg Musical Hall in the vocal department. However, Tatyana did not finish her studies here either.


The meeting with her future husband, Nikolai Tagrin, who turned out to be the head of the musical group "Summer Garden", prevented education. Thanks to this group, Tatyana was noticed, her first tour began.

In 1991, she received the Grand Prix for the song "Don't Cry", which was gaining popularity. And since 1992, Tanya has acted not only as a performer, but also as a composer. The most popular hits were such songs as "Lullaby", "Clear My Light", "My Beloved", and of course we will not disregard the masterpiece "My Dream".

In 1996, Channel One invited the singer to perform in the program "Field of Miracles", as a gift for the song she sang, she was given citrus fruits and skates. Having gained popularity on lyrical compositions, Tatyana decided to experiment. In 1999, a rock-style album called "The Flock" appeared. Tatyana also tried herself as an actress. We saw her in the series "Gangster Petersburg" and "Street of Broken Lanterns", where she played the role of herself.

Personal life

The marriage with Nikolai Targin lasted until 2005, the marriage brought Tatyana not only popularity, but also her son Alexander.

In the fall of 2005, Tatyana registers a relationship with a young athlete Vladislav Radimov. After 2 years, the lovers have another son, Nikita. Currently, Tatiana is again in active search. And with her new image, she will not have to sit in brides for long. Rumor has it that the artist had an affair with a young colleague Alexander Popov.

The first changes in the appearance of the famous singer took place back in the 2000s. The mole that was showing off on the cheek suddenly disappeared. And the once plump nose has become sleeker and clearer. The fact of rhinoplasty is confirmed by the photos below.

This year, fans again noticed plasticity. Tatyana definitely rejuvenated, the oval of her face became more taut. Also, the changes affected the shape of the artist's eyebrows, most likely she did an endoscopic lift of the temples and forehead. As for the figure, Tatyana never suffered from excess weight. According to herself, the secret of harmony is simple - eat twice a day and only until 18:00.

The artist was not afraid to change her hairstyle. Curly blonde hair acquired a pink tint, and the star changed the length to a trendy short hairstyle. Tatyana's dramatic transformation is being vigorously discussed by her followers on Instagram. The singer herself is in no hurry to comment on external changes, and why? After all, finances and modern medicine allow Tatiana to stay young, and for how long, Tatyana decides.

Judging by the fresh photos on Instagram, the 49-year-old singer resorted to the help of plastic surgeons.

In recent pictures, the artist's face has changed beyond recognition: Bulanova's face oval has become more defined, the shape of the eyebrows and chin has changed.

Commentators reacted violently to such changes in appearance: “The nose has become completely different! Successful plastic surgery”, “It doesn’t look like itself, but the result is excellent.

Note that in older pictures, the singer looks completely different.

Changes in the appearance of the artist commented on the plastic surgeon. “Judging by what I see, most likely, the singer underwent an endoscopic forehead and temple lift. This procedure allows you to raise the corners of the eyebrows, making the look more open,” he told one of the Russian publications.

The doctor also suggested that lipofilling of the face was done. "Missing volumes in the area of ​​the cheeks, nasolabial folds, temples, around the eyes are being replenished. And fractional rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté may have been done. And of course, biorevitalization. The complex of these procedures allows you to make your face younger in a short time, the oval toned, and the look more open," says the surgeon.

The artist herself has not yet commented on the transformation that has taken place.

As UNIAN reported, Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda, who is expecting her second child,.

Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova was born on March 6, 1969 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Height 160 centimeters, weight 53 kilograms. Pisces horoscope. She grew up and was brought up with her brother in the family of a photographer and a torpedo miner. The craving for creativity in the girl began to manifest itself at school. She was engaged in gymnastics, but this business quickly bored her and she began to master playing the piano, and later on the six-string guitar.

In 1987, Tatyana entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture at the library department, but did not graduate from it and already in 1989 she was enrolled in the vocal department of the St. Petersburg Music Hall. She also studied there for a short time, as she met Nikolai Tagrin and almost immediately began performing with his Summer Garden team.

In 1996, Bulanova left the band and began working on her solo career. She also tried to act in films and even released her own program. Having tried herself in different roles, by 2010 Tatyana nevertheless returned to her musical work, she released solo songs, and also recorded compositions with other singers.

Bulanova's type has never been a reason for discussion, but recently photographs of Tatiana with a completely new appearance began to appear on the Internet, which caused a stir in discussions from the press and followers around her person. All these changes are the result of well-executed plastic surgery. Comparing new photos with earlier pictures of the singer, you can trace the changes in the oval of the face, gaze, shape of the nose, lower lip and chin.

According to the comments of the plastic surgeon, it is known that Tatyana underwent an endoscopic facelift, lipofilling, fractional rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté, as well as biorevitalization. All these procedures benefited Bulanova, but the singer herself refuses to comment on changes in appearance.

Bulanova's personal life has no sensational stories. Her first husband was the head of the "Summer Garden" Nikolai Tagrin, their marriage lasted more than 13 years. There is a common son Alexander. The second time Bulanova married in 2005 for the football player Vladislav Radimov. The marriage lasted 11 years. The couple has a son, Nikita.

Instagram − bulanova.official

Tatyana Bulanova belongs to the type of women who become more beautiful over the years.

But, sometimes, because of their own discontent, women go to extreme measures.

Tatyana has repeatedly admitted that she is not satisfied with the appearance of the shape of her nose and chest.

She said that if it were not for her cowardice, she would gladly solve problems with the help of plastic surgery.

Perhaps the singer still plucked up courage.

Who is Tatyana Bulanova?

Charm in years

Tatyana Bulanova is 49 years old, but she does not look her age at all. She belongs to the type of women to whom the years only add beauty. From childhood, Tatyana did not stand out for her attractiveness - a chubby nose, an ugly mole on her cheek, a lisp.

But now Bulanova has become a very beautiful and charming woman. Such transformations have recently led to thoughts that he had a hand in it. Bulanova Tatyana after plastic surgery became unrecognizable and refreshed.

A little about the past

Born, Studied

In 2015, Bulanova takes the Chanson of the Year award and again another gramophone.

Some media outlets wrote that the singer made and removed an ugly mole. But, Bulanova denied this with confidence, emphasizing that she was very afraid of pain and plastic surgeons. Although, if not for this, then with pleasure.

In one of the interviews, the girl said that harmony is given to her with difficulty. At one time I tried different pills, but they did not bring the desired result, so the singer has such a body thanks to her merits.

plastic change

Pop star Tanya Bulanova once admitted that she was not satisfied with her appearance - but she was not ready to trust a plastic surgeon, and various beauty procedures were apprehensive. Bulanova said that she once decided on, after which she lost the opportunity to speak for some time.

In the past, Tatyana rarely experimented with her appearance, she didn’t even change her hairstyle and color. She did cosmetic procedures, but she still regrets some of them.

After looking at a photo of the 26-year-old singer by a plastic specialist, and comparing with today's pictures, a noticeable change in the tip of the nose, skin tightening on the chin, endoscopic forehead and temple lift, which is characterized by raised eyebrows and an open look.

The first husband was the leader of the group "Summer Garden" Kolya Tagrin. Their relationship lasted 13 years and they had a son in 1993. The union was unique.

Tatyana always maintained good relations with Radimov, and when the two of them were noticed at the premiere of the play, rumors spread about the resumption of relations. Despite the fact that the couple broke up, they still have not parted. Together they celebrate the holidays, raise a son. Tatyana admitted that she does not exclude a new marriage. Of course, with such an appearance, this is not excluded.

The future singer was born in Leningrad 49 years ago in the family of a photographer and a torpedo miner.

In elementary school, Tanya was fond of rhythmic gymnastics, but soon left her for the sake of music.

She mastered the piano and guitar, and then decided to connect her life with singing. After school, Bulanova entered the library department of the Literary Institute, but quickly realized her mistake and transferred to a vocal school. In 1989, student Tanya met the head of the Summer Garden group and successfully joined the team.

She toured with the group and soon became very popular, recording the first tracks and a record. In the mid-90s, the "Summer Garden" broke up, and the young Bulanova went on a free voyage.

In solo work, the singer was drawn to experiments in music.

She released the rock album "Flock" and moved away from tearful songs towards the dance genre, but remained true to the image of a feminine blonde.

Tatyana Bulanova's plastic surgery: before and after photos

Bulanova did not let her fans forget about herself for a second, appearing either in Dancing with the Stars or in the show Just Like It. The audience followed not only creativity, a stormy personal life, but also the appearance of the singer.

Bulanova claimed that she would not use the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons: Botox injections once made temporarily deprived her of the ability to speak. According to her, she underwent only one operation - a long time ago she removed her appendix.

However, recently the singer posted pictures on Instagram that amazed her followers. New photos led fans to think that Tatyana Bulanova had plastic surgery. “Successful plastic, very young!”, “Do not recognize you here! No more than 25 years!!!” - wrote followers surprised by the transformation of the artist. Tatyana Bulanova really changed dramatically almost beyond recognition: the oval of her face tightened, her eyebrows raised, and her gaze became wide open.

Fans are excitedly wondering what is the reason: fillers or a surgical facelift? Experts in aesthetic medicine tried to figure it out and came to the conclusion that Tatyana Bulanova could do an endoscopic lift both in the temporal region, and also smooth out age-related changes with the help of lipofilling.

Most likely, Tatyana also underwent a course of biorevitalization and hardware rejuvenation of the neck, as the skin in the pictures looks more elastic and fresh.

It is possible that the singer made facial plastic surgery using an endoscopic technique, in which micro-cuts are hidden in natural folds behind the ears and in the scalp. The "invisible seam" technology used by "star" plastic surgeons preserves the natural appearance and facial expressions, so the audience does not even know about the secret of the idol's youth. Fans rejoice at the singer's fresher, albeit created by doctors, appearance, and Tatyana herself does not comment on rumors about plastic surgery.

Personal life of Tatyana Bulanova

The new image gave rise to talk about the artist's love and reunion with her ex-husband, football player Vladislav Radimov. Tatyana was married twice - the first marriage with the leader of the Summer Garden group Nikolai Targin broke up after 13 years, the second with Radimov after 11 years.

The singer frankly spoke about the reasons for the divorce, but still continued to communicate with her ex-husband.

Recently, Bulanova and Radimov were noticed together at the premiere of the play - and this fact made the press talk about the resumption of relations.