A person is constantly tearing up what to do. Constant nausea and vomiting: causes, treatment. Lose weight with vomiting after eating

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Vomiting is not a pleasant feeling, it can be caused by both ordinary food poisoning and illness. Often, nausea occurs first. Treatment of vomiting in adults does not take much time, but if it recurs regularly for no apparent reason, this is a reason to see a doctor.

What is vomiting

Vomiting is the process of ejection of the contents of the stomach out through the esophagus. The patient vomits in attacks, each of which is accompanied by characteristic spasms in the abdomen. The ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) code for vomiting is R11.

The composition of the vomit includes the remains of undigested food, a certain amount of gastric juice and mucus. If, in addition, blood clots, bile or pus are noticeable in the mass, you should immediately consult a doctor. Due to foreign impurities, vomit may have:

  • green;
  • yellow;
  • brown and other shades.

Why does a person vomit?

If we talk about the purely physiological side of the process, a separate part of the brain is responsible for vomiting. The body reacts to its irritation in such an unpleasant way. Gagging can also be induced by stimulation of the posterior pharyngeal wall. For what reasons the patient can vomit:

  1. Allergic reaction. With individual intolerance, some foods can cause nausea.
  2. Binge eating. When eating too much food at one time, there is often a feeling of lightheadedness. This is especially true for fatty foods, fried, smoked and a lot of spices.
  3. Poisoning. Too much alcohol or stale food often causes nausea and vomiting.
  4. Smoking. The components of tobacco smoke during smoking fall not only into the lungs, but also into the stomach when swallowing saliva. Excess harmful substances irritate the stomach walls, which causes a feeling of nausea.
  5. Psychological condition. The feeling of lightheadedness can occur with severe stress or too strong emotional stress.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Weak vestibular apparatus.
  8. Head injury. Nausea and vomiting are one of the symptoms of a concussion.
  9. Pregnancy. Vomiting is a frequent companion of pregnant women, especially in the early stages.

Vomiting is often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms:

  • sticky sweat;
  • headache;
  • palpitations, etc.

Classification of vomiting

Depending on the cause, according to the classification, vomiting is divided into two types:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

In the first case, gastrointestinal diseases become the cause of nausea. All other causes are secondary vomiting:

  • infections;
  • nervous system disorders, etc.

Methods of its treatment vary depending on the type of vomiting. First of all, after removing the urge, it is necessary to eliminate their cause.

What is the danger of vomiting

Together with vomit, a large amount of water leaves the body, so if vomiting is constant, this leads to dehydration. In addition, the patient loses many useful microelements, as a result of which the balance is disturbed. What other consequences could there be?

  • the appearance of seizures;
  • suffocation due to ingestion of vomit into the respiratory tract;
  • exhaustion due to the inability to eat normally;
  • damage to the stomach walls;
  • thinning of tooth enamel due to constant contact with an acidic environment.

In very rare cases, vomiting can lead to death. Most often, this happens if the victim lies on his back and cannot roll over himself.

Symptoms and signs of vomiting

First of all, this, of course, is nausea and vomiting, but there are other signs and symptoms of vomiting:

  • abdominal pain;
  • thirst;
  • dry mouth;
  • belching or heartburn;
  • Strong headache;
  • weakness;
  • pallor;
  • trembling in the hands;
  • cold sweat;
  • fever (rare).

It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor or call an ambulance if the following symptoms are added to the listed symptoms:

  • foreign impurities in the vomit (blood, pus, etc.);
  • trauma to the head or internal organs;
  • despite the provision of first aid, vomiting does not stop;
  • child or old age of the victim;
  • a sharp deterioration in well-being.

The causes of vomiting are not always obvious, so further testing will be required.

Diagnostic methods

In the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis of vomiting is not difficult. However, in some situations, it is difficult to establish the cause of this condition only by the symptoms. To make an accurate diagnosis, a more thorough examination for the presence of gastrointestinal diseases or other diseases will be required. In addition to examining, measuring body temperature and determining the degree of dehydration, laboratory tests of blood and urine may also be required.

How to treat?

In most cases, the disease can be managed independently. First aid for vomiting is as follows:

  1. The patient must be put to bed, making sure that access to the container for vomiting is free. The head should be below the level of the body.
  2. You can not interfere with the process - in case of poisoning, toxins are released from the body along with vomiting.
  3. Before giving any medicine, it is important to make sure that most of the contents of the stomach have already been expelled.
  4. If the stomach is empty and vomiting continues, mint drops or activated charcoal can be used. The number of tablets depends on the body weight of the victim.
  5. At first, you should do without food, but drinking is simply necessary to prevent dehydration.
  6. With too much vomiting, neuroleptics, for example, Aminazine, help.
  7. When complaining of abdominal pain, the patient should be given pain medication.

Here are some more home remedies for nausea:

  1. If you are concerned about vomiting during pregnancy, you can drink lemon water in the morning or eat more ginger, adding it to your meals.
  2. Soda solution helps with nausea (1 teaspoon per glass of boiled water).
  3. Strong black or green tea helps to relieve nausea.

If the patient continues to feel sick for 1-2 days, it is necessary to call a doctor.

What to do with vomiting in children

Unlike adults, the treatment of vomiting in children must be approached with greater care. Many parents mistakenly believe that the baby is vomiting because of too fatty food or because of poisoning, and if the attack is one-time, then you don’t have to worry at all. In fact, everything can be much more serious:

  • meningitis;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • allergic reaction to medications;
  • severe poisoning;
  • ailments accompanied by a very high temperature.

A sick child needs a complete gastric lavage until only water comes out instead of vomit. After the stomach is completely cleansed, a strict diet will be required.


Preventive measures

  1. To prevent vomiting, first of all, you should monitor your own diet. It is better to throw away poor-quality or expired products immediately, and not to hope that just one day of delay will not do harm.
  2. For those who suffer from "seasickness", it is best to ride in the front seats. If possible, it is better to look only into the windshield, and not the side ones. It is also not recommended to read books, constantly shaking text while driving can also cause nausea.
  3. Babies under 6 years of age should definitely be given antipyretics at very high temperatures. Otherwise, a strong fever and cough can provoke vomiting. If this does not help, and even more so there are complications after vomiting, you should consult a doctor.

Project consultant, co-author of the article: Ovchinnikova Natalya Ivanovna| Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist, Infectionist
Experience 30 years / Doctor of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Diploma in General Medicine, Novosibirsk State Medical Institute (1988), Residency in Gastroenterology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (1997)

Nausea and vomiting are the symptoms that can occur in a person at the most unexpected moment. Therefore, it will be useful to know what to do in such cases (especially when the necessary medicines are not at hand). Tips and recommendations on what to do with vomiting will be useful to almost every person.

First of all, it should be noted that in most cases it is impossible to resist the gag reflex, since it is a protective measure of the body against intoxication and poisoning. When a person begins to vomit, toxic substances (toxins) come out along with the contents of the stomach, which contributes to recovery.

However, there is one exception that you should definitely pay attention to - this is if the vomit is stained with blood, or if the vomit is dark (almost black) in color.

The dark red color indicates internal bleeding, and in such a situation, in no case should a person provoke a gag reflex, so as not to aggravate the situation. In case of bloody vomiting, it is urgent to call a doctor, and the patient should be carefully laid on one side. It is also desirable to provide access to fresh air, and apply a cold compress or ice pack to the stomach.

What to do for common symptoms of vomiting

If this is not observed, then you need to let the body get rid of toxic substances. When a person feels that he is starting to feel sick, and the reason for this is something from the food he has eaten relatively recently, then the following actions must be taken:

What to do if you feel sick in a public place

It is obvious that it is much easier to cope with malaise when you are in your home. But what if a similar situation happened to a person away from the apartment (for example, in public transport, on the street or at work)?

First of all, you need to quickly assess your condition. If it feels like there will be no vomiting, and nausea can be “endured” (this is undesirable, but circumstances force you), then one of the following medicines should be taken, thanks to which the nausea will stop:

These medicines allow you not to reach the stage of vomiting, and also slightly improve a person's well-being. Anything can happen, so you should always have at least something from this list with you. If there are no medicines with you, then you can advise the following algorithm of actions:

  • The patient needs to find a quiet and calm place where he can sit or even lie down. Do not make sudden movements.
  • Take deep breaths in and out.
  • Do not make quick eye movements, as this can cause vomiting attacks. It is best to close your eyes for a while or to look closely at some thing that is in front of your eyes. The nausea should pass.

When it feels clear that vomiting in a public place cannot be avoided, then all that remains is to find a bag and a secluded corner and hope for the understanding of the people around, since this can happen to anyone.

Vomiting in adults and children

Every reasonable person should know what to do with vomiting in adults and children, since in some cases this knowledge can save a person's life. The children's body is often vulnerable to various kinds of infections. The child's stomach may reject this or that food, or react in this way to acute unpleasant experiences. Children get sick, and there is nothing to worry about.

However, if the child vomits frequent, that is, more than once or twice an hour, then this is a reason to call a doctor at home. Be sure to look for some other alarming symptoms:

Adults should not take their health lightly either. This is an important question - with nausea and vomiting, and what should be avoided. Sometimes it is enough to drink a drug such as no-shpa when vomiting. Nevertheless, in some cases, instead of solutions and tablets, one must take “feet in hand” and run to the doctors. A mature person should pay attention to whether the following symptoms are present during nausea and vomiting:

Self-medication is often the cause of the deterioration of the patient's condition. And by constantly doing this, people can turn a fairly ordinary situation into a hopeless situation. If a person wants to treat himself, then he should know what certain actions can lead to.

What absolutely can not be done with nausea and vomiting

Do not take antibiotics (without a doctor's prescription). If the cause was gastritis or an ulcer, and the person is taking anti-infective drugs, then such treatment will be useless at best.

If a person vomited at night, then he should not go to work in the morning! The fact is that the body is weakened after vomiting, and it needs at least a day to fully recover; otherwise, nausea may return at the most inopportune moment.

The use of folk remedies to combat nausea and vomiting is highly discouraged. Strange recipes in the style of "dried watermelon rind added to a tincture of dried marigold and linden petals soaked in bread sourdough" will be useless at best.

List of remedies that help with nausea and vomiting

  1. Adsorbents such as Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smecta and Carbolong. They are inexpensive, so these drugs (at least one of them) should be in every home medicine cabinet.
  2. Saline solutions (home remedies). The following recipe is quite suitable: in one liter of water, dissolve a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon (small) of soda and six teaspoons of sugar. The resulting solution should be drunk slowly, taking one sip every few minutes.
  3. Saline solutions (medicines). Solutions such as rehydron and gastrolith are considered the most effective. They not only replenish lost moisture, but also prevent dehydration in the future. This also includes hydrovit, orolite and dextrose solution.
  4. Sorbent No. 1 for any poisoning and intoxication -. The porous structure of the tablet should be taken into account, due to which the tablet absorbs only those toxic substances that have not yet been dissolved in the blood. In case of severe poisoning, activated charcoal alone will not be enough.
  5. Tinctures. Some have long proven their effectiveness in the fight against certain diseases. Tincture on mint leaves is an excellent way to normalize well-being. Forest berries (in particular, blueberries) are also recommended for treatment.

It is necessary to drink a lot in order to restore the moisture lost during vomiting. For a while, you should give up caffeinated drinks, as well as alcohol and any soda. It is best to drink warm water or green tea.

Vomit- this is a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach (sometimes the duodenum) through the mouth (rarely through the nose).

Nausea- this is a painful feeling of discomfort in the upper abdomen, chest, oral cavity and pharynx, often preceded by vomiting.

In order to draw any conclusions about the causes that caused vomiting, it is advisable to conduct an examination of the vomit after each occurrence. In this case, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • the amount of vomit;
  • their consistency;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • the presence of food debris and their composition;

as well as for the presence of pathological impurities:

  • blood;
  • mucus;
  • pus;
  • worms;
  • a lot of bile.

Depending on the nature of the vomit, the following types of vomiting are distinguished:

  • freshly eaten food;
  • congestive vomiting (of long-eaten food);
  • bile;
  • bloody;
  • fecal;
  • purulent and others.


Undigested food may indicate

  • complete absence of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the gastric juice (gastric achylia),
  • violation of peristalsis of the esophagus or its other lesions,
  • intestinal infection.

When vomiting pure gastric juice of high acidity, it can be assumed that the pancreas is damaged, characterized by increased secretion of gastrin.

  • A putrid odor can be observed with decaying stomach cancer,
  • the smell of alcohol - with alcohol poisoning,
  • the smell of acetone is about acetonemic vomiting (a symptom that develops as a result of a metabolic failure in children, ketone bodies and acetone accumulate in the blood).

Bloody vomiting (hematemesis) always indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and requires emergency medical attention and clarification of the causes.

The presence of little-changed blood (liquid or in the form of loose clots) indicates a short stay of blood in the stomach (for example, with food bleeding), or achylia.

With a stomach or duodenal ulcer, vomit takes on the color and appearance of coffee grounds. Usually such vomiting is accompanied by chalky (black semi-liquid stools with a characteristic unpleasant odor).

An abundance of bile in the vomit is observed

  • with narrowing of the duodenum,
  • reflux gastritis,
  • with biliary colic,
  • with complications after operations on the stomach.

Laboratory diagnostics

If it is not possible to establish the cause of vomiting, then its cytological, chemical examination and examination for the presence of intestinal infections are carried out.

A blood test can help identify many causes of nausea and vomiting, such as suspected inflammation of appendicitis, cystitis of the liver and gallbladder, myocardial infarction, neuroborreliosis, food intolerance, or metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus.

Urinalysis is indicated mainly for kidney diseases (such as kidney failure, cystitis, renal colic).

Intestinal examination is performed primarily for nausea and vomiting associated with infectious diarrhea (eg, salmonella infection).

(H2 breath test) can prove incompatibility with milk sugar (lactose), fructose (fructose).

The infection usually develops in two stages:

first presents with flu-like symptoms and fever, headaches, and muscle aches;

after a short-term improvement, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and, possibly, paralysis and disturbances of consciousness reappear.

  • Neuroborreliosis: Lyme disease is a bacterial infection, the causative agent of which (Borrelia) is transmitted by ticks. In five to ten percent of patients, the infection, months or years after the tick bite, passes to the nervous system and signs of the disease are nausea and vomiting.
  • Brain Contusion: If nausea and vomiting occur immediately after a head injury, but the patient remains fully conscious, then there is likely a brain contusion. With persistent vomiting, you should call an ambulance!
  • Concussion/traumatic brain injury: If nausea and vomiting occurs immediately after a head injury and the patient then loses consciousness, the cause is a concussion (mild head injury) or higher-level head injury. You should immediately call an ambulance doctor!
  • Brain tumor: Nausea and vomiting that cannot be explained with gastrointestinal disease, and most often early in the morning and on an empty stomach, may indicate a brain tumor. Another possible warning symptom is new headaches that get worse over time. They are especially noticeable at night and early in the morning, but may occur spontaneously during the day.
  • Motion sickness (traffic sickness): on a boat, on a bus, car, or train can throw off balance in the vestibular apparatus, causing nausea and possibly vomiting.
  • Meniere's disease: Patients constantly experience attacks of sudden dizziness (nausea and vomiting), tinnitus and acute hearing loss.

Other reasons

  • Acute glaucoma: accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and intolerable, unilateral forehead and eye disease. The affected eye becomes red and hard, vision is blurred. Due to the risk of blindness, contact your doctor or your nearest eye clinic immediately!
  • In diabetes (diabetic ketoacidosis): Nausea, vomiting, and cramping pain in the upper abdomen are warning signs. Other symptoms of this dangerous metabolic disorder can be intense thirst, fruity breath. Call an ambulance immediately!
  • Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy: Nausea and/or morning sickness, loss of appetite, and reluctance to eat certain foods appear in 70 to 90 percent of early pregnancy. Doctors talk about complications. Vomiting does not depend on food intake, does not occur at rest, and is not associated with any other disease. It usually starts in the sixth to eighth week and lasts until the 12th week of pregnancy. Women lose a lot of fluids, electrolytes, and also weight, so treatment is a must.
  • Fear, anxiety, pain, disgust: some people react to such factors with nausea and possibly even vomiting.
  • Side effects of drugs: Nausea and vomiting can occur as an undesirable effect of various drugs, such as tablets, antibiotics.

What to do with vomiting?

If nausea and vomiting are accompanied by symptoms of a disease requiring treatment, you should consult a doctor.

But what about nausea and vomiting in harmless cases, such as in the car, with a fever, stomach flu, or during pregnancy? In such situations, you can take steps to alleviate the condition:

  • you should refrain from eating for at least one day or at least limit its amount;
  • drink sweet tea with a small amount of wheat crackers;
  • eliminate alcohol, caffeine, raw, fatty foods, and hot spices for a while.

If nausea is accompanied by vomiting, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids (at least two to three liters per day).

You can purchase special formulations at the pharmacy that will restore lost electrolytes and prevent fluid loss from the body.

  • For nausea during pregnancy It is best to have breakfast in bed in the morning.
  • Food should be light.
  • Eat small carbohydrate-rich meals throughout the day.
  • Avoid spicy and fatty foods, coffee, black tea, carbonated drinks.

The reflex act of vomiting arose in the process of human evolution and is always preceded by nausea. Both nausea and vomiting are subcortical reflexes, therefore, they cannot be suppressed by an effort of will, and the human consciousness cannot control them. The main purpose of vomiting is to cleanse the body of toxins, poisons, chemical compounds that have entered it from the outside or are produced by its own tissues and organs.

Various pathologies and conditions manifest themselves as nausea and vomiting. These may be the only symptoms of the disease, or reflex acts appear in combination with other signs. Vomiting is always preceded by nausea, a feeling that is difficult to confuse with other sensations. Symptoms of nausea - "sucking in the stomach", salivation (saliva) increases, the person becomes pale, throws him into a cold sweat, a feeling of faintness and a fainting state increase.

Vomiting is the ejection of stomach contents through the esophagus and mouth. It is manifested by seizures, which are caused by contractions of the abdominal muscles. Vomiting is accompanied by pain in the stomach, the person is covered with sticky cold sweat. During vomiting, the larynx and soft palate rise, and the epiglottis descends, which protects the respiratory tract from vomit.

The vomiting center located in one of the ventricles of the brain is responsible for the occurrence of this complex reflex. It is excited by the action of impulses from the labyrinth of the inner ear, from mental stimuli, chemical reactions excited by the ingress of poisons, toxins, drugs into the blood, as well as by irritation of individual receptors in various parts of the body. The most sensitive receptors are located on the posterior wall of the pharynx; they are also supplied with the peritoneum, mesenteric vessels, and bile ducts.

Causes of nausea and vomiting:

    Pathologies and damage to various parts of the central nervous system;

    Food, drug, alcohol intoxication;

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    Psychogenic causes;

    Very severe pain of any origin.

Vomiting is not a specific symptom, but the assessment of its characteristics in combination with other manifestations and the study of vomit can greatly facilitate the diagnosis of diseases.

What disease can persistent vomiting indicate?

There are various groups of diseases that occur with constant vomiting. Depending on the nature of its occurrence and features, the disease is diagnosed:

    Central vomiting-, hypertensive crisis, brain tumors and abscess, damage to the inner ear;

    psychogenic vomiting- hysterical neurosis, bouts of cyclic vomiting in children;

    Hematogenous-toxic vomiting-, acetonemic vomiting with, porphyria, carbon monoxide poisoning, alcohol, drugs, cytostatics, radiopaque substances, exposure to toxins of viruses and bacteria in infectious lesions;

    Visceral vomiting- pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (,), diseases of the biliary and urinary tract, atony and;

    Vomiting with a putrid odor – ;

    Vomiting with fecal odor- intestinal obstruction;

    Hematemesis -;

    Vomiting with bile - complications after surgery on the stomach, biliary colic, narrowing of the duodenum 12;

    Vomiting with undigested food- gastric achilia, achalasia of the esophagus.

To clarify the diagnosis, a bacteriological, chemical, cytological study of vomit is carried out, the relationship of vomiting with food intake is studied (vomiting morning, early, late, on an empty stomach, nocturnal and cyclic).

Why can there be vomiting of water?

This type of vomiting is extremely rare, except for artificially induced vomiting during gastric lavage.

Causes of Vomiting Water in Children:



    Pathology of the ear, throat, nose.

All these reasons are due to the ingestion of a large amount of mucus into the stomach. It drains from the nose and mouth through the throat and esophagus into the stomach. Irritation of its mucous membrane causes vomiting. The result is vomiting water without impurities.

In the absence of visible causes of the disease, this symptom manifests itself due to excessive dryness of the air, exposure to air in frosty weather, and also due to an allergic reaction. In this case, the release of a large amount of mucus is a protective reaction of the body to the negative influence of the environment. Then everything happens according to the algorithm described above - mucus irritates the gastric mucosa, where it gets in excess.

It is not difficult to eliminate this symptom in children, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for life and cure the pathology of the ENT organs.

If vomiting of water is diagnosed in an adult, this may be due to long breaks between meals. Gastric juice is secreted reflexively, and the longer the break between meals, the more juice is formed in the stomach. If a large amount of juice causes vomiting, it may appear that this is vomiting water. Visually, these liquids almost do not differ from each other.

For various reasons, a person does not feel that he is hungry, however, the body needs food. This condition leads to excessive production of gastric juice and vomiting that looks like water.

Can there be vomiting with mucus and why?

The admixture of mucus is found in many pathologies in both children and adults. Diseases in which vomiting with mucus is diagnosed:

    Diet disorders in chronic gastritis;

    Damage to the mucous membrane by alkalis or acids (suicide attempt, accident).

Vomiting with mucus in infants is a variant of the norm. However, in this age group, such vomiting may be the result of mucus accumulation during inflammation of the bronchi. A baby cannot cough it up due to age. When children use products of a special consistency (milk, jelly, fruit juices with pulp), vomiting with mucus is also observed.

Can there be black vomit and is it dangerous?

Black vomit can be a sign of a serious pathology or have a physiological cause. Some foods stain vomiting black: chocolate, dark-fleshed berries, etc. Knowing about their use on the eve of vomiting, you can only focus on stopping this unpleasant symptom.

Vomiting in the form of "coffee grounds" is a great danger. It indicates bleeding in the stomach or duodenum. The peculiar appearance of blood indicates that it has oxidized and coagulated under the influence of gastric juice.

Diseases that cause bleeding in the digestive tract:

    Neoplasms of any etiology (tumors,);

    Injury to the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines;

    hemorrhagic disease;

    Ulcerative lesions of the stomach or small intestine;

    Side effects of drugs that can cause damage to the stomach or intestines (Indomethacin, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, drugs, steroid hormones);

Gastric or intestinal bleeding is accompanied by dizziness, weakness. The patient's skin becomes pale, a feeling of apathy appears, a person may fall into. These symptoms are a reason to immediately call an ambulance, as delay can be life-threatening. If black vomit is the only symptom, you should still see a doctor as soon as possible.

At what disease can there be a temperature of 38 and vomiting?

Diseases in which there is a combination of vomiting and high fever:

    Acute appendicitis;

    Acute respiratory viral infection;

In the vast majority of cases, these symptoms are observed precisely with infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Children can react with vomiting to fast in any inflammatory process.

The initial manifestations of an intestinal infection and a viral disease are very similar: in both cases, hyperthermia, redness of the throat, and vomiting are observed. Specific symptoms appear a little later.

In any case, when vomiting is combined with a temperature of 38, it is urgent to call for "emergency care". It is impossible to differentiate poisoning from an attack of appendicitis without a medical examination. Acute appendicitis requires urgent surgical intervention, serious poisoning involves treatment in a hospital.

Antibiotic drugs have a large number of side effects, and vomiting occurs with the use of these drugs along with other symptoms.

Causes of vomiting while taking antibiotics:

    Vomiting is a side effect of a particular drug;

    There is an incompatibility of the antibiotic with concomitantly taken drugs from other pharmacological groups;

    During antibiotic therapy, there was a violation of the diet or there was alcohol consumption.

The appearance of vomiting directly depends on the form in which the drug is taken. Antibiotics in the form of tablets are more likely to cause vomiting than the same drugs used in the form of injections. Do not refuse a particular medicine if its oral use causes vomiting. It is worth trying intravenous or intramuscular administration. Adjusting the dosage to reduce the volume or frequency of taking the drug will reduce the risk of this unpleasant side effect, but at the same time the effectiveness of the treatment may suffer.

Antibiotics that can cause vomiting:


    Azithromycin (Sumamed);



    Ciprofloxacin (Tsiprobay, Tsiprinol, Tsiprolet);



    Metronidazole (Trichopolum, Metrogyl);


    Cefpodoxime (Cefodox);



Drugs that provoke vomiting when used simultaneously with antibiotics:

    NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Indomethacin);

    cardiac glycosides;


    Potassium sulfate, iron sulfate;


Alcohol and eating fatty foods during antibiotic therapy provokes vomiting and exacerbates this side effect.

Can the temperature rise after vomiting and why?

An increase in temperature after vomiting indicates that there is poisoning, hepatitis, intestinal infection (salmonellosis, dysentery). Poisoning with poor-quality food manifests itself as diarrhea, a combination of nausea and vomiting, and abdominal pain. An increase in temperature can be observed after vomiting. This suggests that toxins have entered the bloodstream. Despite the fact that an attack of vomiting somewhat reduced the amount of poisons that entered the body, even their minimum amount can cause hyperthermia.

Activities for detoxification of the body:

    Gastric lavage;

    Taking diuretics (Furosemide);

    Reception of sorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel).

If these measures did not give the desired effect, and the temperature did not return to normal, most likely, the cause of hyperthermia is an intestinal infection (dysentery, salmonellosis) or viral hepatitis. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to consult with an infectious disease specialist.

Can worms cause vomiting?

Worm infestations provoke vomiting in both children and adults. Its appearance is specific - it is a foamy discharge of white color. It does not appear immediately after infection, but after 2-3 weeks.

At the first stage, a sick person may develop a dry cough and dermatitis, similar in appearance to hives with allergies. At the end of the first stage, these symptoms are accompanied by nausea, profuse salivation, and signs of anxiety.

Complications and consequences of vomiting

Short-term vomiting does not cause significant harm to the human body. Prolonged vomiting, on the contrary, causes serious metabolic disorders.

Complications and consequences of prolonged vomiting:

    There is a decrease in the volume of intracellular fluid, the loss of hydrogen ions, alkalosis develops - a change in the acid-base balance towards alkaline substances;

    As a result of the loss of potassium and its excessive excretion by the kidneys, hypokalemia occurs;

    Metabolic disorders lead to loss of consciousness and;

    As a result of hypokalemia, arrhythmia, muscle weakness, nocturnal polyuria appear - an increase in the volume of urine excreted along with frequent nocturnal urination;

    In severe vomiting, rupture of the mucosa of the esophagus, transmural rupture of the esophagus, rupture of the mucous membrane of the esophageal-gastric junction, accompanied by heavy bleeding, is possible.

These complications are especially relevant for children, debilitated patients, the elderly. Mentally disturbed patients may aspirate vomit into the respiratory tract. These complications lead to respiratory disorders, the occurrence of aspiration pneumonia.

With the help of vomiting, the human body is released from toxic substances.

An exception is vestibular disorders during motion sickness, a condition after a traumatic brain injury, severe nervous strain, stress.

First aid rules:

    You can not stop the vomiting act, you should wait for its completion;

    After this, the person needs to be seated, cover the chest and knees with a towel or clean rags, put a bucket, a basin at an accessible distance;

    If a person suffering from an attack of vomiting can only be in a prone position, care should be taken to keep his head below chest level;

    An unconscious patient should tilt his head to one side so that he does not choke on vomit;

    After each attack, you need to rinse your mouth with cool water;

    Bed rest with such attacks is observed only if you feel unwell;

    To stop vomiting, apply Motilium, Cerucal, mint drops, Scopolamine (with motion sickness), if necessary, a sorbent (activated charcoal).

Particular caution should be shown if there are blood impurities in the vomit, they look like coffee grounds. This is a sign of stomach bleeding and requires immediate medical attention. The loss of large amounts of fluid during vomiting leads to dehydration. It is necessary to return the lost fluid as soon as possible with plenty of fluids and restore the optimal concentration of mineral salts.

Solutions for the relief of mineral deficiency:

    Regidron, Trisol - normalizes water and electrolyte balance, prevents dehydration;

    Gastrolit - in addition to the above properties, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, since the drug contains chamomile extract. Gastrolit is poured with boiling water and infused until completely cooled;

    Salt solution of own preparation - add 1 tsp to 1 liter of boiled water. salt, 1/2 tsp. soda, 7 tsp. sugar, mix thoroughly until the components are completely dissolved.

Any saline solution should be drunk in small sips at intervals of 5-10 minutes. You can alternate this drink with unsweetened tea or 5% glucose solution. This technique will help to avoid an overabundance of salts.

How to stop vomiting?

This symptom occurs for many reasons. You can eliminate vomiting by applying in each case a specific etiotropic treatment aimed at combating the cause of the disease. If the cause could not be identified, symptomatic agents are used to stop vomiting.


    In case of violation in the work of the vestibular apparatus, causing vomiting during motion sickness, Scopolamine, Ciel are taken. The optimal dose is 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Contraindications to the use of the drug Ciel - driving a car, as it reduces the concentration of attention;

    Vomiting after chemotherapy and radiation therapy in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, as well as repeated bouts of vomiting against the background of gastroenteritis, are eliminated with Emetron and Setronon. The main active ingredient of these drugs is ondansetron, the release form is tablets, injection solution. Contraindications - hepatitis of various etiologies;

    Vomiting, the appearance of which is associated with the work of the central nervous system, is successfully stopped by the drugs Motilium and Cerucal. It can occur with migraine, traumatic brain injury, atony of the stomach, gastroenteritis. Preparations are taken 1 tablet before meals 3-4 times a day;

    Vomiting, as a symptom of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, is eliminated with the drug Cisapride (Coordinax). The remedy is more effective than Cerucal and Motilium, but its spectrum of action is limited by the digestive system. Scheme of application - 1-2 tablets before meals;