Dating number: what awaits your couple? Horoscope: How the day you met affects the fate of your relationship Dating and communication at a club party R-city

Horoscope: How the day you met affects the fate of your relationship.Have you ever wondered what the day you met means and what it signifies for your couple? Interesting, isn't it?! So let's find out.

Astrologers are convinced that not only the compatibility of partners’ zodiac signs is of great importance for relationships and marriage, but the day they met is also equally important. Based on the date of the first meeting, a Astrological forecast, according to which you can determine what awaits your relationship. It will be love, mutual understanding, strong bonds; or nothing good will come from meeting you.
Astrologers divided the year into the zodiac signs familiar to everyone. But in this case, each zodiac sign means the period of the day of your first meeting.

Let's look at this with an example:If the day you meet falls on 12th of April, then the zodiac sign of your acquaintance is Aries(it covers the period from 21.03 – 20.04)Now find out your dating zodiac sign, and what to expect from your relationship!

Aquarius (21.01 – 19.02)

You are a very unusual couple. Your quirks and oddities surprise many. You give each other freedom. The relationship is highly intellectual.

Fish (20.02 – 20.03)

Your contact is almost telepathic. There is real mutual understanding in your couple. But try to use all your love and patience to correct your inadequate assessment of reality.

Aries (21.03 – 20.04)

Your acquaintance is love at first sight. But the relationship cannot be called stable. Frequent arguments and resentments can always create a risk of relationship breakdown.

Taurus (21.04 – 21.05)

You are in a stable relationship. Whether they are based on nice gifts or on a general idea - you know better. In addition, material relationships in your couple are not the least important. But sex is still more important for your union.

Twins (22.05 – 21.06)

The intensity of your relationship, constant quarrels and reconciliations do not let you get bored. You love visiting, traveling and other active pastimes. But your couple's burning issue may be one of ethics and morality. Unfortunately, mild betrayals can occur from time to time.

Cancer (22.06 – 23.07)

Your union is imbued with deep feelings, real kinship of souls. Intuitive complementation of each other's needs, close emotional contact greatly strengthens your relationship.

You strive to create a common home. Sometimes these relationships can have a paternalistic overtone on the part of one of the partners. The only fly in the ointment that can cause aggression is the closedness of one of the partners.

a lion (24.07 – 23.08)

You are often told that you are a beautiful couple. Usually this is a very vivid connection with strong feelings. Common creativity, hobbies and interests create even greater harmony. Your relationship will be greatly strengthened with the advent of children. Just do not allow mistrust and suspicion into your union - this can provoke real deception.

Virgo (24.08 – 23.09)

Your relationship is intellectual. You can even work freely together and implement joint projects. The harmony of relationships can be destroyed due to too much attention to trifles and details.

Scales (24.09 – 23.10)

There is a fairly strong connection in your union. Your type of interaction is partnership. You know how to make a relationship truly beautiful: how to show each other attention, how to please each other with a gift. You both want to get your passport stamped, but astrologers warn about the dangers of living a double life.

Scorpion (24.10 – 22.11)

This zodiac sign fills your relationships with passion and jealousy. Dramatic changes are always possible in your couple. Your social contacts are especially intense. The imbalance of the union, lack of peace and violation of personal boundaries can destroy your harmony in relationships.

Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12)

You are united by a common life position. Ardentness and strong feelings also do not bypass you. You are true partners in the union. You also don’t forget about your couple’s social activity.

Capricorn (22.12 – 20.01)

Ambiguous connection. Despite some secretiveness in feelings, stiffness or even excessive coldness, you may have long-term plans and strong relationships. You are united by common aspirations.

Relationship forecast by date of acquaintance

Love relationships can be influenced by various factors. Numerology is no exception. To inveterate skeptics this may seem like a sick fantasy or ridiculous naivety.

Of course, neither numerology nor astrology can unambiguously determine the weather of your relationship, but they are quite capable of influencing their development. Approximately the same as magnetic “storms” that can have a certain, albeit insignificant, effect on the state of your body.

Therefore, numerology and date of acquaintance are quite comparable things. Well, let's check it out.

Numerology of the fate of your relationship - how to make a forecast?

So, remember the date you met. Guys, by the way, most often have a short-term memory for these things, and sometimes even a temporary one, but there’s nothing terrible about that - women, as a rule, remember everything.
In order to calculate the numerological number of your acquaintance, you need to add all the numbers of the year, month and date of your meeting to the final and unambiguous number. So, an example:
November 20, 1991 – November 20, 1991 = 2+0+1+1+1+9+9+1 = 24 = 2+4 = 6
This means that number 6 patronizes your relationships. The meaning of each number is shown below.

Numerology. compatibility of partners by date of acquaintance.

Number meanings

1. Number of the Sun.
The symbol of number 1 is the ambition of partners and self-confidence. As a rule, relationships are capable of uniting some common professional and business qualities, aspirations for high achievements and growth. Often partners with this acquaintance number strive either for general cooperation, or, on the contrary, secretly compete with each other.
What can interfere with a relationship? In this case, the stumbling block may be envy and the desire to prove something to the other half.
In addition, the numerology of fate in relationships warns lovers - a romance with this dating number is often subject to “noble” interventions from family and friends. Try to listen to your heart without taking outside advice to heart.
What can bring a couple together? A variety of emotions, events, impressions. Romantic meetings, travel, diverse and educational conversations can contribute to your love.

2 - number of the Moon.
Implies romance, softness, sentimentality. Even in relationships that initially begin on self-interest and sex, moonlight can illuminate the path to true love for lovers. However, for this you need to be patient, because you may be hampered by lack of confidence in yourself and your partner, doubts about feelings, and weakness of spirit. But, having overcome everything, you will be able to build a reverent relationship in care and tenderness.
What can interfere with a relationship? According to the numerological relationship forecast, elementary haste and the desire to speed up events can hinder love and your romance. Any forcing of events in a relationship can destroy a couple, so be patient and avoid sudden and enchanting changes.
What can bring a couple together? A protracted candy-bouquet period can cement the union. The beginning of a relationship must certainly be romantic. Long-term and long-term married relationships can be refreshed by separations and dates that can bring new emotions and sensations.

3. number of Mars.

This number contributes to the creation of strong families, which difficulties can only strengthen. Mars will help you analyze your behavior and avoid future mistakes. “Troika” will assist in resolving financial, everyday and psychological disagreements, which will only help strengthen your love connection. Numerology of love advises not to lose prudence.
What can interfere with a relationship? The most important thing is other people's envy of your happiness. The planets advise you to beware of intriguers and conspirators in your company, people capable of meanness. In addition, couples with this dating number should beware of laziness.
What can bring a couple together? New goals, peaks and ways to achieve them. Joint affairs and concerns. Fresh ideas, romantic evenings and trips. Refresh your relationships with positive emotions.

Number 4 – Mercury.

The planet gives couples sociability and allows for frank conversations in relationships, thereby helping to avoid boredom together. And couples with this dating number rarely have to be alone - their communication attracts friends and relatives. They will be the first to be approached for advice, as well as money. By the way, the “four” also promises the couple material well-being and stability.
What can interfere with a relationship? Excessive gullibility of the couple and interference of surrounding people in the relationship. Be sociable, but not too open. Don't wash dirty linen in public. In addition, avoid jealousy and other troubles. Try to lend money to reliable people, otherwise this may become a reason for a quarrel on domestic grounds.
What can bring a couple together? First of all, trust in each other will help you pass any test. In addition, the numerological forecast advises the couple to pay more attention to their relationship and not waste a lot of energy on the problems of others.

5. number of Jupiter.

Planet of great happiness. A wonderful number according to the numerology of fate. It promises you a successful marriage and a wonderful future, when your relationship, even after fifteen years of marriage, will not be devoid of sensuality and love.
What can interfere with a relationship? But even these relations cannot be called cloudless. If a quarrel occurs in a couple, it can be accompanied by impulsive separations and no less stormy reconciliations. Try to moderate your emotionality - this will help maintain feelings and respect for each other.
What can bring a couple together? As stated above, restraint in quarrels. Also try not to descend into insults in your emotions. Before blaming each other, analyze the situation with as much objectivity as possible.

6. Venus number

A numerological relationship forecast promises owners of this acquaintance number many feelings and experiences. Often this number is haunted by secret admirers and exes who are trying to lead the couple to separation. They are often accompanied by a showdown and jealousy (and most often not without reason).
What can interfere with a relationship? Affairs on the side, betrayals and secret sighs for former passions.
What will hold the union together? The ability to forgive, patience, loyalty. Try to make compromises.

7. Saturn number.

It promises misunderstanding and even non-acceptance of the relationship by others. Cold Saturn can take the heat and feeling out of a relationship. Most often, such a couple rarely visits, and there may be only a few friends. However, this does not bother lovers much, since the world for them exists only in each other. But talented children are often born in such a couple.
What can interfere with a relationship? Excessive talkativeness and excessive isolation from the outside world. Don't forget about the people who love you. At the same time, do not take harsh criticism of your “strangeness” addressed to you.
What can bring a couple together? Balance of relationships, mutual concessions, romantic madness. If you like all this, everything will be fine. In addition, don’t think too much about whether your partner was offended by the under-salted borscht. Look at the world and relationships a little more simply.

8. Uranus number.

A very unpredictable relationship. The numerological forecast of love for a couple and the date of acquaintance promise to be careful in such a romance: any little things can outshine the sunlight of the cloudlessness that accompanied your love just yesterday. Lovers can be subjected to various tests, sometimes constantly whispering about love, sometimes announcing separation in the relationship. But despite the cries about the latter, separation is unlikely to happen, because a difficult period of misunderstanding and disagreement will certainly become a good experience for the relationship and develop into love.
What can interfere with a relationship? Eternal reproach, brain drain, excessive care and constant control.
What can bring a couple together? It is very important to respect each other’s personal space, allowing your loved one to pursue himself and personal hobbies.

9. Neptune's number

The date of acquaintance with this number has a number of features - dreaminess and passion. Neptune tends to invent ideals and build sandcastles, which leads to a frequent surge of short-term, albeit sensual, romances. Most often, the passion in such love overshadows the subsequent disappointment, but the breakup in most cases is painless. But pleasant memories and vivid emotions remain in the memory as an irreplaceable experience in building relationships.
What can interfere with a relationship? Imposing oneself as a partner, annoying calls and conversations in the first days of meeting about a future together. Enjoy the romance that has flared up in you and let go of your emotions - let them circulate freely in space.
What can bring a couple together? Moderate manifestation of imagination and its implementation with romantic ideas, sudden trips, wonderful emotions. Even if your romance is short-lived, like a flash, it will certainly remain in your memory as a pleasant adventure.

Of course, the relationship forecast based on the date of acquaintance should not be taken unambiguously. Numerology (relationship compatibility) does not determine the basic weather of your feelings and your future - everything depends on you. But the planets can have a certain influence on our destinies, and there is nothing wrong with the tips listed above. So, if they work for you, take them into account.
Warmth and love to you!

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How do zodiac signs meet? Your personal experience of communicating with representatives of different zodiac signs has probably guided you to search for people of suitable signs with whom relationships will be harmonious.

Services of a professional astrologer of all types: personal meeting, online, by e-mail and Skype.

Cost: 1500 rubles per hour of consultation.

Can you guess from just one conversation or dance with a person who they are based on their zodiac sign? We hope some of our tips will be useful.

ARIES. He speaks loudly, moves energetically, hears only himself and often interrupts, rolls his eyes expressively, gives you commands: Look there, look here! Let's move to another table! - this means he is difficult to see at this table, or he is far from the dance floor. As soon as the fast music starts, Aries will immediately start dancing, and at the same time they will hurry you up: Well, quickly, let’s go dancing! They definitely want to be first.

Some item of clothing will almost certainly be red; for women, for example, it could be a bag or a mobile phone. The man wears a tie or jumper. If you are driven home in a red car, then its owner is Aries or Scorpio.

CALF. While everyone is talking or dancing at the R-city dating evening, he is eating, preferably heartily and with desserts. The conversation will inevitably touch on money, the financial well-being achieved to date. Taurus are often well versed in etiquette, so if your friend (or acquaintance) paid attention and appreciated how the table was set, how beautiful the dishes were, and noticed that they didn’t put napkins, this is a Taurus.

For Taurus, tactile (sensual) sensations are important; they have a developed sense of beauty, so a man will give flowers at the first opportunity, and a woman will find a way to stroke a sweetheart or cuddle up to a strong man’s shoulder.

TWINS. Consummate storytellers. Speech flows like a river, you wonder how they know so many jokes, sayings, proverbs and sayings, well, just for any occasion in life. Their restless nature and communication, Geminis rush back and forth, they cannot sit still.

They know, well, just the whole globe... Even if it’s your first time in a new company, hello and greetings to everyone, all their friends and acquaintances. They don’t attach much importance to equipment, they dress as if in a hurry, not everything can be combined and thought out. The main thing for Gemini is to receive new information and pass it on to the next one. We went to the R-city dating party in Moscow, found out what, where, how, got to know everyone - wow, there will be so much talk! Great!

CANCER.“The eyes are the mirror of the Soul,” you will think when you catch their attentive, timid and studying gaze; this is a cautious Cancer tuning into your wave. Once the “safety test” is passed, they will join you and can be excellent listeners. And then, having trusted you, Cancer will begin to talk about his family and how dear his childhood memories are to him, you will learn that school teachers were like family to them and where their grandparents were from.

If you heard something like: “It was windy this morning, and mom said don’t forget to wear a scarf,” you can be sure that you have met a Cancer. Having been carried away by the conversation, you yourself did not understand that they said such a thing, perhaps you did not attach due importance to the “subtle movement of his soul,” and they were already offended by you - this is natural for Cancers. Their mood is no more stable than the weather, and can change several times during the evening. On the way home, Cancer will probably need to stop by the store to restock his refrigerator.

A LION. Proud posture, joyful laughter, luxuriant hair, men often prefer to extend their hair onto the facial area, which is expressed in an artistically designed beard. At the same time, behind it, like behind a mask, one can hide one’s spontaneity and the fear that their work will not receive recognition.

Dating and communication at a club party R-city

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