What to do if your own dog growls at you? How to make your dog love you What to do if your dog

A dog, of course, is a man's friend, if it is kind and well-mannered .. But there are dogs, meeting with which does not bode well. When they see you, they don’t wag their tail, but only bare their teeth and stare in such a way that you want to turn around and run wherever your eyes look.

Most often these are stray dogs. They have no owners, and many do not like people, because they were once offended by them. Often these dogs gather in a pack and are very dangerous. They can even attack and bite a person, although he does not touch them.

Usually these dogs live in a place that they consider "their own". Most often it is a wasteland, garages, parking lots, construction. It is better not to go to these places without adults.

But there is also a completely different situation. You calmly walk down the street or even along own backyard when suddenly a pack of dogs decides that this is their place too. They jump up, start barking, and run up to you like they want to bite you.

What should you do in this case:

Gather strength, do not be afraid and do not run away.

If you run, then one hundred percent unfamiliar dog will run after you. Here her hunting instinct is already beginning to manifest itself. Of course, it is very unpleasant when dogs begin to bark in unison when approaching you. But if the dog barks, it means that he wants to agree with you that you leave. Therefore, it does not bite, but only warns.

You must stop immediately.

Then you need to calmly and confidently talk to the dogs. Say what you want, even the lesson given for today, only firmly and confidently. If you start sucking up to dogs, speaking in a plaintive tone, then this will be your big mistake. If you yell at them, the dogs will not be scared at all, but will get even more angry.

Don't turn your back on the dogs, go back to where you came from. Just slowly and calmly. Wherein:

Never look dogs in the eyes. Don't make sudden movements. Don't wave your arms.

When the dogs stop following you and stop, you can turn your back on them and walk away slowly. No matter how much you want to - in this case, do not run.

Dogs also don't like cyclists very much. If you've been followed by a pack of dogs that are barking and trying to catch up with you, then you'd better stop and get off your bike. We must wait until they calm down and slowly leave. If you decide that you need to increase speed, then they will get even more angry and may bite. If they pounce on the bike, then it is better to leave it, and slowly leave yourself.

But apart from stray dogs very dangerous are those who have loving owners. These are dogs designed by nature to attack: bull terriers, rottweilers, bullmastiffs. But if they were not brought up well, they can be very dangerous to people.

If this dog has blocked your path, ask its owner to call the dog aside. And you yourself never communicate with other people's dogs, do not try to pet them. Never be rude to the owner of this dog, because she will decide that you are attacking him and rush him protect.

Do not forget that even a familiar dog can suddenly become angry if she has puppies. A dog who considers you his friend - wags his tail. If she presses her ears, raises upper lip- opposed to you.

And in general, it is not necessary to be afraid of all dogs in general. Most owners raise their four-legged friends well and they are true friends.

We all know that a dog is a man's best friend. But there are situations when dogs attack people. In addition, sometimes they attack each other, both children and adults can become witnesses of such incidents. It seems to many that the dog attacks suddenly, without visible reasons. However, as a rule, this is not true. If a dog attacks, what to do in this situation, how to respond to an attack, will prompt understanding of the reasons for its behavior and taking the necessary measures.

Reasons for the attack

There are not so many reasons why an animal can attack. Causes of aggression in dogs can be as follows:

  • Protecting your own territory. As a rule, the territory is guarded and protected by attacking potential enemies, dogs. Female dogs rarely do this. Probably, many have noticed a situation in which an animal accompanies you to a certain place, then abruptly stops and goes back. This territory, which the dog passed behind the person, she considers her own possessions, and therefore protects it.
  • Protecting your offspring. A dog will always protect its puppies, however, how it will do this depends on each individual, its breed, and so on. Some will simply growl, threaten with a grin, while others bark deafeningly and even try to attack passers-by.
  • Inadequate, poorly educated, not trained There are also owners who believe that their pet should snap at other people, thereby showing that they are protecting their owner.

How to Avoid a Dog Attack

Dog attacks on people are not uncommon. But it is best to do everything in the beginning to avoid this. To begin with, understand why the animal behaves this way, assess the situation, see if its offspring are nearby, if it is aggressive in itself. Maybe the dog feels threatened by his master or jealously guards the territory that he considers his own. In these situations, simply walk around the dog, but never run away! The animal may rush after you in pursuit for the purpose of intimidation.

So, how to behave when attacked by a dog:

  • The main thing is not to panic. If a dog attacks, the first thing to do is to remain calm.
  • In no case do not turn sideways to the dog, or even more so with your back, this is a direct call to attack for the animal. Turn your face to him and your whole body.
  • Do not try to run away from the dog, they have a strong instinct to chase the fleeing, and therefore freeze and stand still, do not move.
  • Don't show that you are afraid. Animals feel fear, anger, so they will try to attack.
  • If a dog is running at you, but the distance between you is still large, you can try to do this: jump forward sharply, right in her direction, this can be confusing and she will stop, or even leave.
  • This action helps: bend down sharply and pretend that you are picking up a cobblestone from the ground and throwing it. If pebbles, sticks are lying under your feet, take them and throw them at the dog advancing on you, even a handful of small stones is better. In this way, you let the animal know who is stronger, and they do not attack such, of course, if they are not infected with rabies.
  • If there are no stones and other things under your feet, use a bag, an umbrella, keys, everything that is at hand.
  • Another easy way is to shout loudly at the animal. The command "Fu" should be said in a loud, steady, confident voice.

  • Try to keep your balance, it's very important. After all, the dog will rush at you with a force that can knock you down, you can fall, and then it will be much more difficult to fight him off, there will be a large area for biting, including the face.
  • There is a possibility that you will have to kill an animal in order to protect your life. Therefore, you need to be mentally prepared for this.
  • Take a body position in which one leg is forward - this is When the dog rushes at you, sharply put your hand forward, this will be what it will rush to in the first place, that is, this is such a distracting maneuver. And immediately kick her on the head with your foot.
  • when attacking, it will try to bite the hands. And here stray dogs they attack from behind, basically throw themselves on their feet, do it on the sly.

All of the above tips apply mainly to healthy individuals not infected with the rabies virus. In the case of rabid ones, shout as loudly as possible, try to attract the attention of others, fight back as you like. After all, it is almost impossible to avoid the bites of an animal infected with rabies, but you need to fight back so that the wounds are compatible with life.

What to do if you could not avoid a bite

The most important thing to understand is that you should not hope that the dog that bit you is not contagious. If you hope for this and do not see a doctor in time, the consequences will be extremely serious. It is important to start administering the vaccine in a timely manner to avoid the development of rabies with subsequent possible death.

If you see direct indications that the dog is inadequate or infected with rabies, saliva drips from it, it violently throws itself at everything that it sees nearby, at everything moving, cannot control itself, be careful. In this situation, it is extremely important to prevent a bite. After all, it is contained in saliva. And if an animal bites you, the virus can enter the body through saliva.

The effectiveness of the vaccine administered depends on the timeliness of assistance. Therefore, immediately after the bite, contact a nearby medical center. If you are seriously injured or you are far from the settlement, immediately call an ambulance.

Ways to protect yourself from an attacking dog

Once in such a situation, many are lost, especially from fear of being bitten or from ignorance. If a dog attacks, what is the first thing to do in an attempt to minimize or avoid damage? Remember the following tips:

  • When the animal rushes to the hand or face, at the moment when it approaches the attacked point, immediately do the following: if the dog has chosen the hand as the point of attack, abruptly leave the place where you were standing, quickly bend it at the elbow, press it to the chest. If the target of the attack was the face, in this way you will protect it from being bitten by repelling the dog with your elbow and protecting the face with your hand.
  • A sharp departure from the place where you just stood will allow you to avoid being bitten by the body, the animal can only catch on clothes, and itself will fly past.
  • When the dog rushes to the foot, again abruptly leave the point of standing, and beat off the head with your hand. Leaving him several times, you thereby discourage him and he will simply get tired of attacking you.
  • On sale, you might have noticed self-defense products to scare away dogs: all sorts of sprays, cans, aerosols. But you should not use them, because in almost all cases of an attack, they only anger the animal even more, provoking subsequent aggression.

How to protect yourself from a fighting dog

Stray dog ​​attack or domestic dog, just guarding his master - this is not so bad. Even an individual infected with rabies is sometimes less dangerous than an aggressive fighting breed. If a dog attacks, what to do is more or less clear from the tips above. The wounds will heal, if you immediately go to the hospital, the vaccine will not allow the virus to develop, and the person will recover.

But the attack of a fighting dog directly threatens life, it can easily cripple, leaving a part of an arm or leg without, or even kill. How then to behave if the attacker The most important thing is to find something that can protect you from bites: it can be a jacket, a bag, an umbrella, any thing that will not allow you to get to the body.

Also remember that the main target of a fighting dog's attack is the neck, that's where it will aim. And he will not leave you alone until he takes the prey. You can hit as hard as possible between the eyes to frighten her as much as possible and make her lose her bearings. If you succeed, shove any object into her teeth so that she takes it for a trophy or prey, then she will stop attacking and leave.

Fall after being attacked by a dog

Worst of all, when the dog manages to knock down and knock the person to the ground. In such a situation, it is very difficult to give any advice, and the means of self-defense will no longer help, because a person already begins to act instinctively, reflexively taking a pose in which he will receive the least amount of damage. The resulting shock does not allow to think and act constructively. Still, try to pull yourself together in such a situation. And remember, if a dog attacks, what to do after a fall:

  • waving your arms and legs, try to hit the dog in the nose;
  • protect and hide your neck from the fighting;
  • if the dog moves rather slowly, grab it by the ears, or even better, throw it to the ground yourself and start strangling;
  • in the most extreme cases, both the victim and the police have the right to kill the animal.

The most terrible option is an attempt to attack a dog pack. But here it is important not to panic and drive away at least one of the pack, thereby showing the rest that you are stronger. And the attack can be avoided.

Cyclist and dog attack

An animal can attack not only a pedestrian, but also a person on a bicycle. And this case is quite common. Surely, many, while taking a bike ride, noticed dogs that abruptly begin to run, trying to bite the pedaling legs.

The main thing is not to panic, not to show your fear. In no case should you sharply increase the speed of movement, because not only will this only provoke the animal, besides, the dog is quite capable of picking up speed more than yours much faster. If, nevertheless, she grabbed her leg, sharply press the brake. Thanks to the inertia of the attacking dog, it will be thrown forward. After that, get off the bike, putting it between you and the animal like a shield.

Attack of other dogs on the owner of the dog

In addition to the fact that an animal can simply attack a walking person, there are also situations when, walking with your own pet, you can stumble upon aggression from other dogs, whether they are domestic dogs with an owner, or street, stray dogs.

If the attack has already been committed, do not stretch the grappling dogs, this will only aggravate the situation. It is better to throw a scarf, scarf, jacket, anything on the head of the attacking animal that will confuse it, stop seeing the target of the attack. Let your pet off the leash at this moment, he will either run away or fight back the attacker. If possible, pour water over the grappled attackers.

If you are in a situation where an attack is only possible, but not yet committed, try to avoid it: give your dog the “sit” command, and drive away the one that tried to attack. This will let your pet know that you will deal with the situation on your own, thereby avoiding your pet grappling with the attacker.

> How should you behave if your dog is attacked by another? (cases and tips)

How should you behave if your dog is attacked by another? (cases and tips)


well, that’s who can do anything! you can meet the attacker with a kick or a flying brick! but not everyone can do that! she has the opportunity to move and defend herself freely. while the dogs chatter their teeth and roll head over heels, it’s better not to climb, firstly it’s useless, secondly it’s dangerous, in this case you can even suffer from your dog! when the dogs entered the fray and stopped in place, it’s time separate them. it is best for each of the owners to take their dog by the collar, by the paws, tail, by the scruff, which is convenient for someone, and gradually stretch the dogs. You don’t need to pull sharply, otherwise the dogs may be seriously injured. let go, you can open your teeth with an improvised object or squeeze your neck with a collar or leash, the main thing is not to overdo it! when the grip weakens, quickly stretch the dogs. and when you leave after the fight, look around. and it often happens that


the dog is lowered for the second time or simply not zherzhivayut.

but if the owner of the attacking dog does not want to break up the fight or just doesn’t exist, then fights without rules begin! I think that all means are good to protect your dog! As a rule, if the owner is still there, then after a minute of such a fight he himself pulls his dog out of my mouth, and carries off his feet.


The situation..... A dog is running, you are walking with yours on a leash. You stop, wait until the runner is called away, and she already runs with aggression or even without it and does not hear the commands of her master. She didn't hold her own. They grappled. The hostess runs and yells, then accuses you that without a muzzle (such a killer breed they say, and she has, let's say, a Lablader there), naturally the forces are not equal, we win and remain extreme .... observers of the fight are already gathering and why then they take the side of the Lablader ... From the outside, it seems that two dogs are fighting, one with a clear superiority .... The owner of the Labrik runs around and wails at the top of his voice, and the owner of the Rottweiler is trying to separate the pack .... What to do? your excuses are of no interest to anyone, tk. you have a Rottweiler. Then rumors spread .... what an evil dog you have, etc.


well, they all went! who are they to justify themselves to them? in the end, the leash is hanging on the Rottweiler, and you are standing next to it. and the mistress of the Labrador runs from somewhere! we also have such owners, they say my dog ​​is not aggressive, she walks where she wants and throws herself at whom she wants, and the Rottweiler angry dog, so I am obliged to drive her in a muzzle! and what is mine the dog is walking on a leash, doesn’t touch anyone, but someone, not evil, rushes and tries to bite, and I’m serving her with my feet and asking the owner to pick her up for half an hour, nobody cares! You can’t explain to such owners that there should be mutual respect and rules of conduct they are the same for everyone. so first I ask you to take the dog for good, then I warn you. that if you don’t keep yours, then I won’t either, and if they don’t understand this either, I just don’t keep it, come what may!. as a rule, the fight doesn’t end. of your dignity to fight the weak!


Ksyusha, the impression is that you very often "fight" or, maybe, it was only a couple of times, but brightly :-P ... I was "lucky" - my catastrophe was sharpened for a fight initially from puppies (she died recently 11 years). any walk turned into... 5 rev/sec all-round view... all of you speak correctly, with knowledge of the matter (ch), but I often had enough to wave my hand at another dog, even one that seemed to be prepared... there was everything, and he was bitten by his own in the heat of the moment ... it’s better to get around


Yes, we fight, unfortunately, often. It’s not even that my dog ​​is aggressive. Of course, he also likes to fight, but training is first of all and he doesn’t attack first. There are just a lot of owners who, when they see a girl with a dog, and not a healthy man, they take and poison their dog just for fun or for the sake of self-affirmation. Now it’s easier - I have become an adult and can explain to a person who he is and where to go, and when the dog appeared, I was 15 years old, and who will listen to the child? Yes, unfortunately, we have a lot of dishonest people. And there are those who will let the dog go, and they are not interested in where it walks and what it does!

my dog ​​is an excellent fighter, but I don’t like this business! anyway, the fight is not complete without bites! so we have enough experience!


Going out into the street, the head begins to spin 360 degrees, you begin to peer into every bush, sometimes you can’t see the dog behind the bush, and then it jumps out .... on .... bite me ... "keep me seven, I myself I'm afraid of myself..." Why don't others look after their own so vigilantly? (sc) and sometimes, when your start on someone, you look for the nearest tree to wrap the leash... we have been baited and let down by their dogs so many times that as a result I have a dog that throws itself at males.... small ones are sometimes ignored , but ridgebacks, Caucasians, shepherds ....... wow. And at this time he doesn’t hear my commands (pretends) This is despite the fact that he “hangs” on the stricter ... I don’t understand what the “joy” is - if the dogs grapple? This is to treat later and all that .... :-S *-)


We try to bypass all leashless dogs.... ;-) Yes, and the time of walks, mmm... different between us and those whom we don't like or who don't love us... :-D


We fought with all the males in the area. You don't always follow through. Sometimes such a tactic worked - we disagree with the owner of another dog in different sides. But it is better, of course, to prevent a fight. Now I remembered many of our "fights" ... I can't come up with unambiguous advice.


my male dog has never been the first to attack any dog... that's how he is with me... but they attacked him... calmly and with dignity hangs pendals on the handler, and there were a couple of cases when he also marked them after the pendals and walks then calmly ... although those owners who are sure that their dog has teeth for beauty are to blame for all dog fights ...


Olga Reutova, all dogs are different. And it's not all about education. 8oI When another male (in my case, also a Rottweiler) attacks a dog as a puppy and pierces the muzzle, then this grown-up puppy starts to tear everyone himself - and this is normal in the animal world. (hu) He is perfectly trained by me, but the incident of childhood left its mark. And of course, he will fight and sometimes attack first. Although to this day, I don’t allow him to fight, but sometimes you just don’t have time to keep track of other dogs, and this is the responsibility of other owners. I'm not even trying to explain something to someone, to warn and ask the owners of other dogs to take their living creatures on a leash. I'm just also lowering my rotvak. Tired of fighting with the stupidity and rudeness of other dog owners. My health is dearer to me (because sometimes it’s not so easy to hold a 50-kilogram rotvak, I weigh less myself) than the health of their dogs


Here again. : "(Yesterday we went out for the night for 5 minutes to relieve myself .... I'm waiting for the completion of the case, mine is fastened on a leash, when he finished, we turned around to go back and in front of us was a shepherd, I started to drive her away, mine on its hind legs, and that laying his ears on us pret. My stands on hind legs, I I hold my hand under my throat, the shepherd dog is rushing at us. Mine is spinning, naturally I don’t hold it and put it on 4 paws .... mine clings to the neck of the shepherd dog, the mistress immediately appears and starts yelling that mine is without a muzzle .. let's take yours off my shepherd dog. Yeah, take it off ... it’s easy to say .... we don’t hear commands, the eggs are spinning on the drum for us at all .... I shout to her find a stick ... brings a bar - it doesn’t fit into my mouth naturally, I’m already starting to hit my head, and he at least henna.... 8oI. In general, I tore it off ... at that time, of course, a lot of "well-wishers" accumulated, and everyone is against me .... They are yelling that such a dog (Rottweiler) should be driven in a muzzle.



None of them saw the situation, but they protect the shepherd (cat. without a leash and a muzzle at all). In general, I am extreme ..... :-S. Some of her boyfriends came and started harassing me that he would shoot my dog. The girl yells that her dog is 12 years old. And what, what is 12 years old, you can drive without a leash ??? 8oI In short, she took my phone. and says that I will have to pay for all the treatment.... (there was a lot of blood... :-S). ...... and went not in the direction of the house, but further for a walk.?!?!?! How so? (md) This morning, someone came to the door and rang, probably she... I didn't open...



We also had an unpleasant incident with dachshunds. We were already walking to our house, the owner came out. with two dachshunds. Mine was on a leash, those were in free flight. So they had a family contract - one barked and distracted from the side of the muzzle, the second slyly grabbed where it got it and hung like a pear. I ask the owner to pick up the dogs, he me with arrivals, like there is nothing to go here with wolfhounds. I had to remove the vicious sprat myself, my soba does not touch anyone at all, and even more so the little ones. Me and I say people idiots, what a master, such and dogs. It was possible, after all, to recall our little ones, but it was difficult for us to get around - we would have to make a huge detour to approach our house!

There are cases in which the owners of four-legged friends are faced with a problem when the dog growls at the owner. What to do in such a situation? Before deciding how to wean a dog from such a habit, you will need to determine the cause of aggressive behavior.

In addition to growling, the dog may begin to bark or defiantly refuse to follow commands. Angry behavior may be accompanied by excessive guarding of bowls, toys, or some personal items. In the same way, an animal shows discontent if it does not want to endure, for example, washing or processing wool. If the dog began to growl at the owner, then he, first of all, feels confused and defenseless.

Causes of aggression

Experts identify a number of reasons that contribute to aggressive behavior:

  1. The dog feels like the undisputed leader in the house. This often happens with spoiled pets, whom a person tries to please in everything, constantly treat them with something tasty. Then the animal can grin at the owner if he tries to come up and take her thing (bowl, toy).
  2. A dog can show anger if a person treats him cruelly. It will be something like a warning to step aside. Or the pet growls at the owner when she is scolded or scolded for something.
  3. Feeling of ownership. This is more characteristic of young males, especially during the period of growing up and self-affirmation. The dog does not perceive the owner in any way. Natural instincts just work - he strives to become a leader. The pet may begin to occupy previously forbidden territory, showing its importance and fearlessness.
  4. Aggression of a young mother is quite common. This is the natural behavior of a bitch protecting her puppies from the family she lives with.
  5. Desire to win. This is inherent in young animals or puppies. Their goal in the game is to win. Accordingly, they seek to intimidate the enemy by all available means.

If there are no obvious reasons for the dog's irritation and aggression (it does not play, nothing is taken from it, it does not hurt, it does not have newborn offspring), then these are signs of dominant behavior. Usually, main reason is permissiveness from childhood and indulgence of man in everything. To correct this behavior, you will have to understand the essence of the problem itself.

Causes and examples of dominant behavior

Despite the fact that dogs live with people, they remain pack creatures by nature. True, now they consider those people with whom they live to be a flock. Right well-bred dog for the leader will take his master, in her opinion, everyone should obey him. If she was not immediately given to understand who is in charge here, then she decides that she herself can make a choice. And she will make a choice, of course, in her favor. That is, dominance is the typical behavior of the leader of a dog pack.

The dog begins to develop this line of behavior gradually. The owner may not even notice changes in behavior at first, and the pet will attribute the ignore to its own advantage. Nothing aggressive will be observed for the dog. But gradually she begins to growl at the owner. She will begin to show anger and an animal grin when she decides that she has already taken the highest position in the house. To avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to stop his attempts to show dominant behavior from the first days of the puppy in the family.

How can you tell if your dog is showing dominant behavior? There are several signs:

  • the animal goes to bed in the master's bed, and when you try to drive it away, it growls and bites the owner;
  • the first to start eating what he wants (a puppy needs to be fed from childhood after family members have eaten);
  • brings his food to the center of the room, and when he tries to drive it away, he growls;
  • if the dog did not like the people who came to visit, then the owner can no longer calm her down or take her to another room;
  • the pet tends to go not next to the person, but in front;
  • does not perceive commands, if he wants to play, he behaves obsessively.

It happens that the dog obeys the owner, but constantly growls and barks at the children. That is, the animal recognized the "leader", but considers itself the second person after him and does not perceive the family as an authority. This happens when other family members appear after the dog (the birth of a child) or when parents yell at children in front of an animal.

How to re-educate a dog

To wean a dog from growling at its owner, first of all, it is necessary to determine the reasons for this behavior, to analyze the actions of the animal. If there are signs of dominant behavior, then it's time to start raising a dog.

One of the most necessary things for an owner who wants to raise and train a dog is an ultrasonic whistle. Recommend to everyone, especially to aggressive dogs. How can he help? In case of aggression, it can be used to emit an ultrasound that is inaudible to a person, which irritates the dog. Over time, the pet will develop a reflex that it is impossible to growl, and she will understand who is the boss in the house.

All actions should be carried out taking into account the type of aggression, habits and character of the pet. There is a re-education algorithm recommended by experts:

  1. Identification of signs. It is better to make a list that may contain the following items:
    • does not allow a person to approach his bowl in the process of eating;
    • aggressively greets guests;
    • does not accept commands.
  2. Analyze your behavior and determine why the dog thinks he is the main one, and also write down the main points:
    • agreement that the dog refused to follow the command;
    • moving aside if the dog began to growl;
    • the animal receives praise and treats for nothing.
  3. After identifying the signs and causes, it is worth thinking about the methods of education. For example, working out commands with a pet, feeding the animal only after all family members have eaten. When showing aggression, the dog must be punished and in no case should you show fear of its growl or grin.
  4. You need to start training as soon as possible. At the same time, all family members should participate in the process. If someone takes pity on her, spoils her, treats her, then she will put herself higher in her hierarchy than this person. If you cannot correct the situation on your own, then you can contact a qualified dog handler, he will help you draw up a program, build the right line of behavior.

Prevention of dominant behavior

Any problem is easier to prevent than to fix. So that in the future the dog does not rush at the owner, it is worth educating it correctly from childhood. This is especially important when there is a dog in the house. large breed. Although, with poor upbringing, a small decorative dog can be more dangerous than a shepherd dog. Do not pay attention to the characteristic "dominant breed". People make these animals.

Now it is worth considering the main lines of behavior that allow the pet to understand its place in the house:

  1. The pet must clearly understand where he will sleep. This should be his only place. It is better if it is not just a rug, but a comfortable place (a special couch). It must be taught from childhood. At the command "place", the dog must obediently go to its territory to sleep. It is not a problem if during the day the dog will find some place for himself to rest (for example, hide in the shade, or lie in the sun), but in no case should you take the sleeping places of family members. It is good if sometimes the owner will sit in the place of the pet, showing that he is more important and has the right to do so.
  2. The pet must learn to eat only at the command of the owner.
  3. Entertainment must begin and end at the initiative of the host. On command, the dog must give the person any toy. If the dog growls, demanding something back, then you can’t obey him.
  4. The animal must endure everything hygiene procedures no matter how unpleasant it was.


All behavioral problems often occur with the wrong attitude towards the animal. A dog will love a person even more if he feels his power in the house, realizes his place in the family. If this does not happen on time, and it will not work to re-educate the pet, then, most likely, you will have to part with it.