What not to do on a clean Thursday. Folk signs in money matters: when to lend and borrow

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Today is Clean Thursday 2018. What not to do: signs and customs for putting things in order

Clean Thursday 2018: what you need to do for purity of soul and body © Depositphotos

The very name of the day "Clean Thursday" implies cleansing the body and putting things in order in your home. This concept includes bathing, general cleaning of the house and a lot of laundry. It is believed that anyone who has dirt in his house on Maundy Thursday will be in dirt and quarrel all year.

After a general cleaning on Maundy Thursday, the house and the garden plot cannot be cleaned until Easter itself, otherwise you can "pour rubbish in the eyes of Christ lying in the tomb."

Dirty water after the general cleaning of the house, in which the negative energy washed away from the dwelling accumulates, cannot be poured out within the house. It is better to pour it in places where nothing grows, for example, in stones or on the road.

From Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, in no case should you leave unwashed dishes and soaked, but not washed linen.


What not to do on Clean Thursday 2018: traditions during fasting

On Maundy Thursday, fasting is still going on, so fast food cannot be eaten on this day. Many believers do not even allow themselves to loosen fasting, but adhere to dry eating without vegetable oil and hot meals.

Those people who are more serious about fasting and Holy Week adhere to the rule that on Maundy Thursday you should first stand in the church for the morning liturgy and take communion. Thus, before communion, one cannot eat or drink anything, even holy water, and one cannot do anything around the house.


What not to do on Maundy Thursday: cooking for the Easter table

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According to customs, on Maundy Thursday you can’t bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, and prepare other Easter treats until the house is cleaned.

And, of course, since Holy Week is still going on, fasting cannot be broken while cooking. This is a particularly "hard" test for those housewives who are used to taking samples from cooked dishes.

After all, it is from Maundy Thursday that preparations for the celebration of Easter begin, baking Easter cakes, coloring eggs, cooking cold appetizers and meat dishes, unusually delicious aromas will soar in the house, but nothing can be tasted.


What not to do on Clean Thursday 2018: rituals so that money is not transferred

For many of us financial sphere is of great importance in life. And I want the family to have material well-being and prosperity.

There is a ritual of counting money on Maundy Thursday so that money is kept in the house all year round. You should count all the cash in the house three times so that no one sees. At the same time, you can not talk to anyone and answer phone calls otherwise this rite will not work.

On Clean Thursday and before Easter, you can’t give away anything of value from home, as well as lend money, because well-being can be “give away” along with values.

There is also a sign that you can ask God for well-being, good luck, and even new job. But you can’t ask for money and wealth directly.


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During Orthodox holiday everyone can get rid of the accumulated negativity and lie down in their lives prosperity. On Clean Thursday, even ordinary cleaning can be turned into a money ritual. You can learn how to do this from our article.

On April 5, everyone can ask for support from their heavenly patrons. Remember that rituals should not harm other people. Do not be greedy, because all the money in the world cannot be earned. However, to bring into life the energy of monetary luck these days is within the power of everyone. Eliminate the negative attitude, and then you can succeed. On Pure Thursday, start any business with a prayer that will allow you to cleanse yourself of negativity and tune in to good luck and prosperity.

How to attract money on Clean Thursday

1. Before you wash the floors, put three coins of different denominations in a basin or bucket. Lower them into the water one by one, while saying: “Coins are earned by honest labor, not taken away, not stolen. The first will get rid of debts, the second - from unnecessary expenses, the third will attract money ". Mop the floor and throw the water out over the threshold. Take the coins to the house and hide in a secluded place.

2. From the very morning on Maundy Thursday, be sure to recount your savings. Tune in to positive thoughts and think about what you will do with your savings. Be sure to leave a small amount in order to make any charitable contribution. The energy of goodness and creation will return to you, multiplied several times, and the money that you gave will also return to you in good.

3. On this day, you should not borrow and lend, so that the monetary energy remains in your home. If loans cannot be avoided, read the plot: "Money for a good cause is always returned on time."

4. If you have a pair of old shoes in your house, place a coin each with the words: “The roads are well-trodden in boots, it’s time to say goodbye to shoes. As soon as the shoes are found, the coins are taken away, the money will go back to the house.”. Take your shoes to a crowded place, and open wide on the way back front door with words: "Welcome!".

5. Scatter coins around the house, saying: “How much wealth is scattered around the house - no one thought how many times I step on a coin, so much will be added to my wallet.” Do not remove the coins for 24 hours and try to have the household step on them as often as possible. Then put the money in a piggy bank or opaque container. As soon as it is filled, the monetary energy in your home will become a regular guest.

6. You can talk about wealth with a wallet. To do this, put it on the windowsill during dawn. It must contain at least one bill and a coin. As soon as the sun rises from the horizon, say: “The radiant sun comes into the world, drives the night away, relieves negativity. Light up my wealth. Boost your finances. Not for a bad deed, but for the benefit of the money will go.

7. Many housewives use water to wash windows and doors, in which they put charmed coins and a handful of Thursday salt. The words of the conspiracy are simple: “I’ll wash the house clean, I’ll wash the windows and doors from dirt. money luck it won’t pass by a clean dwelling, it will turn into my house. ” After cleaning, place the coins on the windowsill and near the threshold and do not remove them for three days.

8. Hold a few coins in your hand and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Then go outside the threshold of the house, clutching the money, and say the words of the conspiracy: “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinful slave (name). Grant your forgiveness and blessings". Throw money in an arc, as if sowing seeds, and say: “In the name of goodness, the land gives a rich harvest, feeds people, adds strength. So my money will give good shoots, they will go to a good cause.

On Clean Thursday, you can perform any ritual that will attract financial abundance into your life. In addition, at this time you can attract the energy of love and good luck, which will definitely enter your life after the celebration of Easter. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.04.2018 02:31

Everyone dreams of having material possessions. But to live without denying yourself the necessary, and sometimes allow ...

If we consider Clean Thursday, what cannot be done, then a lot will relate to church canons. People love this day so much that you can and even need to do a lot. Everything needs to be sorted out in order so as not to get confused.

During Holy Week, every day has its own meaning. Moreover, there are certain church traditions and rituals, which are mixed with folk signs. Clean Thursday is very popular among the people and there are many things that must be done on this day. But are there any restrictions on?

What the church says

As on the other day of Holy Week, divine services will be held in churches on Thursday. On this day, we remember the last supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples and how Jesus established the sacrament of the sacrament. The Thursday service is often referred to as the "great standing" (or simply the "passion"). This means that in no case should you sit in the church during the service. Here is the first ban on Maundy Thursday.

Also during the service, believers buy candles and go home with them. It is believed that candles brought home should burn out in the red corner. Such a ritual protects the house from the evil eye. It's like a tradition of the evening from Thursday to Friday.

Another post: how to eat right

Many believers who observe fasting are concerned about the question of what cannot be eaten on Clean
Thursday. On this day, the restrictions are not as strict as on the first three days of Holy Week and the following days until Easter. Food can be cooked, but without the use of vegetable oil. Although, many believers try to adhere to the principle of dry eating on Thursday, and then Friday and Saturday - until the bright Easter of Christ.

In general, on Maundy Thursday, a true believer goes to church in the morning and defends the liturgy, then be sure to take communion. But before communion, you can’t eat or drink anything. Therefore, everything described above can also be called certain important prohibitions on Pure Thursday.

Order in the house

What can you do on Maundy Thursday:
Start preparing Easter meals. You can boil vegetables and other ingredients for salads. Someone already on this day pours aspic, begins to paint eggs. The day is perfect for putting the dough on Easter cakes.
Count the money so that they are kept in the house all year round. This is done in secret from all family members until sunrise, at 12.00 and at sunset.
You can ask God for well-being and a new job.

Despite the fact that there are many prohibitions on Maundy Thursday, this day is extremely active for every person. A lot needs to be done. Therefore, it is better not to waste your valuable time on what is “not possible” and fully focus on what is “possible”.

Pure four is the fourth day of Passion Week. This day is associated with a lot of trouble and things that must be completed during the day. And what exactly should be done on Maundy Thursday before Easter? Consider the obligatory to-do list, in their proper sequence, so as not to forget anything and how to prepare yourself and your home for the bright Easter holiday.

Briefly about the meaning of Maundy Thursday

To understand why one should do what can already be called a tradition on Maundy Thursday, one should turn to the history and meaning of this holiday.

During the service in the temple on this day, they remember the Last Supper, during which the Savior of mankind predicted that he would be betrayed by one of his disciples, and also established the Sacrament of Baptism, dividing bread (from my flesh) and wine (from my blood) between the apostles. Also, at the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of each apostle, showing an example of virtue, humility and selflessness. In part, it is because of this act (washing of the feet) that Maundy Thursday is commonly called Pure Fours.

It is believed that on Pure Thursday it is necessary not only to purify your soul with prayers and the ritual of washing, but also to put your home in order. Any deed on this day should be treated as a step towards the complete healing of the soul from evil, and all deeds should be done with joy and prayers.

What to do on Maundy Thursday

Since the day is going to be troublesome, you should wake up early. First of all, after waking up, you should wash your face or bathe with soap, it is believed that water on Maundy Thursday (especially in the early morning) is endowed with healing powers. With her help, as well as with the help of Epiphany water, you can heal ailments, strengthen immunity, attract good luck in life.

When all bath procedures are completed, it is necessary to start general cleaning of the house, yard and barn (if we are talking about private housing). One of the signs says that you need to wash windows and frames with water charged with money: for this you need to dip coins into a basin of water, and then, with such water, wash every corner of the window, every crack, so that wealth can easily enter the house and not leave it.

In addition to washing windows and frames, every corner in the house should be taken care of: circle cabinets and shelves from trash, throw spoiled food out of the refrigerator, wipe the dust, polish the floor. If there is some unfinished repair work in the house, then on Pure Thursday they must be brought to mind.

After cleaning, the housewives got to cooking. should be baked on Maundy Thursday, it is believed that until Easter they will not deteriorate and remain fresh and soft. You should knead the dough and read a prayer, then the traditional Easter treat will turn out to be magnificent, tender and very tasty. Also, you should go to the store and buy products for holiday table For Easter, be sure to buy eggs for dyeing.

If we talk about chores in the kitchen, then it is worth mentioning such a tradition as the preparation of Thursday salt. Despite the fact that it is usually prepared in monasteries, some housewives also want to have such salt in the house for personal use. It is believed that thursday salt endowed not only with healing power, but also magical. Therefore, it is used both for the treatment of ailments, and for removing damage, the evil eye, for love spells. But, such use of salt is not welcomed by the church, since all this is considered to be remnants of paganism (except, of course, the use of salt for healing purposes).

And the final important thing on Maundy Thursday is a visit to the temple. In the temple it is desirable to take communion and confess. This is necessary in order to completely cleanse the spirit and body, because only on Maundy Thursday you can beg for all sins, even mortal ones.

What is forbidden to do on Maundy Thursday

Many prohibitions on this day are directly related to what must be done. So, for example, you can not leave your house untidy. It is believed that if you are too lazy and do not put the house in order, then quarrels and misunderstandings will reign in it for a year. You can’t even start cooking until the house is cleaned. That is why the sequence of actions on Clean Thursday is as we described above.

In addition, despite the fact that on this day it is customary to prepare treats for the Easter table, the dishes cannot be tasted, because great post continues, and to break it means to cross out all your efforts in the past. In addition, Holy Week is the strictest week of Lent. Of course, if a person cannot fast due to health reasons, but he is allowed to indulge.

Also, in Pure Fours, you can’t lend anything, since financial well-being can leave the house for the whole year. It is impossible to lend not only money, this also applies to any things and objects.

According to church canon, on Maundy Thursday one must pray hard, and therefore the church recommends not to give too much attention to worldly affairs if they interfere with prayers.

Knowing what you can do on Maundy Thursday, you can adequately prepare for the meeting of Bright Easter, because this is almost the final stage.

You will be surprised, but there is a list of things not to do on Maundy Thursday. Of course, we are used to the fact that more obligatory deeds are connected with this day of Holy Week than any prohibitions. You need to clean the house, wash, count the money and go to church. But what prohibitions on Maundy Thursday should you pay special attention to?

You should definitely go to church this morning. After the service, communion will take place, which on Maundy Thursday has special power. Indeed, on this day, the events of the Last Supper are remembered. It was during this last supper with his disciples that Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of the sacrament. He handed over the bread and said it was his flesh. He passed the cup of wine and said it was his blood.

What not to do! In the church on this day, in no case should you sit. The whole service must be defended to the end, and then take communion.

In the evening, you can also go to the service, which takes place from Thursday to Friday. This evening you need to buy a candle and keep it lit throughout the service. After that, you need to bring the candle home, do not extinguish it on the way, and put it in the corner with the icons to burn out completely. It is believed that this Thursday candle will bring happiness to the house.

What not to do! You can not extinguish a candle throughout the service, on the way home and already at home. The candle should burn out completely next to the icons.

Can't leave dirt

Of course, the most important thing not to do on Maundy Thursday is to leave dirt in your apartment. Cleaning is a must given day and the church even recognizes it, despite the fact that the rite has its own pagan roots.

What not to do! It is impossible not to devote your time on this day to cleaning your own apartment, house or yard. If you leave dirt in your home, then dirt and quarrels will haunt your family throughout the year.

On Clean Thursday, cleaning should be carried out as carefully as possible. It is necessary to wipe the dust where on a normal day your hands simply do not reach: behind the sofa, on bookshelves, on the chandelier, on the cornices. It is also important to clean good mood and with good thoughts. It is believed that this approach will surely bring happiness and joy to a person throughout the year.

What else can not be done on Maundy Thursday:

  • lending money or things . It is said that a loaned thing on this day can convey to another person the happiness and health of the owner. Therefore, it is best to transfer questions of this kind to other days.
  • Do not eat animal products on Maundy Thursday because Lent continues. According to the nutrition calendar, you can cook food, but without the use of vegetable oil. However, many believers who fast on Maundy Thursday adhere to the rule of the previous three days: dry eating.
  • Before Communion, which is held after the morning liturgy, you can not eat anything and even drink plain water .
  • Do not pour dirty water after washing the apartment within the house. It is best to take it outside and pour it under a tree.
  • Do not leave unwashed dishes or unwashed laundry: in Good Friday all these things can no longer be completed.

Now you know exactly what not to do on Maundy Thursday. And this means that you will be able to focus on what you need and can do on this day. We remind you of the main ways to. Tomorrow, on Good Friday, you can no longer clean up, you also need to refrain from cooking and other household chores.