What does the color of snot mean. Discharge from the nose: purulent, yellow, green snot with blood, transparent, reasons for what to do Mucus from the nose is red

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Discharge from the nose is a characteristic sign of damage to the upper respiratory tract by a respiratory viral infection. Clinical signs of SARS: serous discharge from the nose, swelling of the mucous membrane, difficulty in nasal breathing - often in combination with fever, which in young children can be high. Discharge from the nose gradually thickens, but remains quite transparent, viscous with influenza, often sanious. Laboratory data may not be changed. The results of bacteriological studies are negative. Usually the duration of the disease is 4-5 days. Prolonged rhinitis with serous or purulent discharge suggests that the patient has a bacterial complication or sinusitis. In this case, a bacteriological examination of the discharge is necessary. Relapses and reinfection are possible, especially in cases of illness of other family members.
The presence of a constant mucopurulent discharge from the nose in combination with blockage of the nasal passage indicates a foreign body or congenital underdevelopment (atresia) of the choanae. A foreign body in the upper respiratory tract is observed in children more often after one year of life and usually causes serous-purulent discharge from one nostril, often with an unpleasant odor. With choanal atresia, there is no connection between the posterior nasal passages and the nasopharynx due to their closure by the embryonic membrane. In the case of bilateral atresia, the child breathes through an open mouth, he develops dyspnea, which makes it possible to diagnose atresia soon after birth.
Profuse, transparent or white viscous discharge is characteristic of allergic rhinitis, which can be observed in the first year of life, but is most often observed at the age of 1-2 years or more, i.e. after repeated exposure to allergens. It can be seasonal (hay fever) or year-round due to exposure to other inhalant allergens (house dust, animal hair and dander). In this case, about 20% of the cells in the nasal secretion are eosinophils.
Clinical picture. The main symptoms of seasonal rhinitis are swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, rhinorrhea, itching of the eyes, palate or pharynx, sneezing paroxysms (especially in the early morning hours). These signs are often mistaken for a "cold". The most constant symptom of perennial rhinitis is difficulty in nasal breathing. Recurrent nosebleeds and/or otitis media are also possible. Headache and drowsiness are often noted. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity may be slightly hyperemic or pale, edematous. The nasal secretion is usually clear and watery, but often becomes purulent with secondary infection. Polyps are often found in older children, especially with paranasal sinus infection or aspirin sensitivity.
Some children have an increased sensitivity to chemical components in the air (the smell of tobacco), unexpected changes in ambient temperature, which is manifested by prolonged swelling of the mucous membrane and rhinorrhea - vasomotor (idiopathic) rhinitis. Unlike allergic rhinitis, in this case, rhinorrhea is caused not by allergic, but by nonspecific factors.
All symptoms of rhinitis can be with rhinosinusitis. In addition, pain and a feeling of fullness in the sinuses are possible. In young children, the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses most often become inflamed. Frontal sinuses up to 6 years are rarely infected. With superinfection, the most common pathogens are Haemophilus influenzae, beta-hemolytic streptococcus, pneumococcus, and occasionally Staphylococcus aureus. X-ray examination reveals decreased transparency, mucosal thickening greater than 4 mm, and/or fluid level in the affected sinus. Recurrent episodes of sinusitis are caused by allergenic effects, anatomical defects that impair sinus drainage, or precipitating factors such as diving, as well as congenital diseases of the respiratory system (cystic fibrosis, Kartagener's syndrome).
Enlarged adenoids affect mucociliary clearance and contribute to a significant disruption in the flow of mucus from the nose. They are detected by rhinoscopy or direct digital examination through the oropharynx.
Constant abundant mucopurulent discharge from the nose mixed with blood is observed with syphilis.
Initially, unilateral, and then bilateral serous-hemorrhagic discharge, causing irritation of the skin of the upper lip, is characteristic of a localized form of nasal diphtheria.
Prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops (more than 7 days) can lead to rebound reactions and secondary swelling of the nasal mucosa with subsequent development of chemical rhinitis.

An important diagnostic information is the nature of nasal discharge.

The periodically appearing muconasal secret cannot be considered a symptom of the disease; rather, mucus performs its natural function - protection, moisturizing the tissues of the nasal passages. A runny nose that differs from natural discharge in volume, intensity, color and consistency of discharge may be a sign of the first stage of the disease. The nature of nasal discharge is the first signal of an unhealthy state of local and general immunity.

Types of muconasal mucus:

  • Transparent, small in amount of discharge - a variant of the normal state without signs of respiratory pathologies.
  • Coryza with yellow or greenish discharge. This type of mucus signals an acute form of a viral or bacterial disease.
  • A mucous secret with a clear green tint is a sign of the onset of purulent inflammation. Most often, the process is localized in the paranasal sinuses (sinus paranasales).
  • A runny nose of a yellow tint is a signal of a developed purulent process, less often it may indicate a reaction of the nasal excretory system to a certain type of antibiotic therapy.
  • Mucus interspersed with blood, bleeding is a clear sign of vascular disorders and a violation of the norm of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • The brown tint of nasal discharge may indicate a number of serious pathologies, tobacco abuse, or an extremely polluted environment (dust, industrial exhaust).

There are several more typical signs when the nature of nasal discharge helps the doctor quickly find out the etiology of the inflammatory process:

  1. The liquid consistency of the mucus indicates a low level of mucin. This, in turn, is a clear sign of a viral or allergic disease (washout of the virus, allergen). Also, abundant clear mucus may indicate the first stage of a viral infection.
  2. Viscous muconasal secretion is a symptom of bacterial "invasion" when mucin production is activated to envelop and excrete molecules of bacterial agents. In addition, a runny nose with a decrease in the intensity of accompanying symptoms may indicate the final stage of inflammation and early healing.

Purulent discharge from the nose

The acute process of inflammation, which is accompanied by purulent discharge from the nose, is called purulent rhinitis in the practice of otolaryngol. The causes of this condition can be various diseases, but a bacterial infection is the leader in this list.

Inflammation of bacterial etiology is divided into the following stages:

  1. The phase of swelling of the nasal mucosa (dry phase). Difficulty breathing, itching in the nostrils, there may be a series of sneezing reflexes without noticeable muconasal discharge.
  2. The bacterial phase, when the nose is literally "clogged", and you have to breathe with the help of inhalations and exhalations through the mouth. This is the stage of formation of mucus clots with a high content of mucin.
  3. Purulent discharge from the nose. Rejection phase of bacterial infection molecules. Puffiness subsides, breathing becomes easier, but in general, the state of health may worsen, the temperature rises, and a headache appears.

If you stop the inflammatory process at the first or second stage, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing sinusitis and its variety - sinusitis. The third phase, launched and not treated in time, triggers the mechanism of inflammation in the nearby areas of the nasopharynx, pus accumulates in the sinuses of the nose. This condition is assessed by doctors as an acute, complicated form of bacterial inflammation.

Symptoms, signs that may accompany purulent discharge from the nose:

  • Runny nose does not go away within 10-14 days.
  • A strong headache joins the mucous secretions, which can be aggravated by turning or tilting the head.
  • Nasal mucus acquires density and a characteristic shade of yellow with green blotches.
  • It is very difficult for the patient to blow his nose, it requires considerable effort.
  • The discharge has a specific unpleasant odor.

Provoke purulent mucus most often such bacterial agents:

  • Staphylococcus.
  • Mollicutes.
  • Streptococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus).
  • haemophilus influenzae.
  • Moraxella catarrhalis.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Proteus mirabilis.
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae.

In addition to bacteria, a purulent secret can be provoked by viruses:

  • Rhinovirus.
  • Coronaviridae.
  • Influenza viruses (influenza).
  • Parainfluenza (parainfluenza).
  • Adenoviridae.
  • enterovirus.
  • Human orthopneumovirus (HRSV).

Almost all of the listed pathogens are classified as opportunistic pathogens, so active immune defense is the main barrier to viruses and bacteria. Taking care of the immune system, a person reduces the risk of an attack by malicious agents by at least half, and also speeds up the recovery process without any negative complications.

Clear nasal discharge

Allergies are almost always accompanied by nasal discharge. The runny nose of allergic etiology is specific, it is detected quickly, because it has characteristic signs. Clear discharge from the nose in allergic people can be as follows:

  • Atypical lacrimation associated with eye irritation.
  • Rhinorrhea, when the runny nose does not stop even after taking vasoconstrictor nasal drugs.
  • Feeling of itching, burning, dryness in the nasal cavity.
  • Difficulty breathing due to swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  • Cough, series of reflex sneezes.

Thick nasal discharge

Viscous, thick mucus is a clear sign that the level of mucin has increased in the muconasal secretion. Therefore, there is every reason to assume the presence of a bacterial infection in any area of ​​the respiratory tract, including the ENT organs. Thick discharge from the nose is rarely abundant, more often their volume is negligible and they tend to accumulate inside the nasopharynx. The mechanism for changing the consistency of secretions is as follows:

The onset of a disease of viral or bacterial etiology is accompanied by a profuse runny nose, clear, liquid mucus. It is released actively and in large quantities. So the body tries to “wash out” harmful infectious agents.

  • Thick discharge from the nose is a sign of the end of the inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa. Usually such a thickening is observed 2-3 days before recovery.

What can cause thick nasal discharge?

  • bacterial infection.
  • Dryness of the nasal mucosa.
  • Inflammatory process in the lungs, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • General hypothermia of the body.

An experienced therapist can quickly differentiate the etiology of respiratory inflammation:

  1. Viruses provoke a runny nose of a liquid consistency, transparent, water-like mucus.
  2. Thick nasal discharge is a compensatory function when the body tries to stop the bacterial invasion by enriching the mucus with a specific protein - mucin.

A clinical marker for accurate diagnosis is not only the consistency of nasal secretions, but also their color. For example, a thick muconasal secret, colored yellow or green, indicates a possible spread of infection to the bronchotracheal system, to the lungs.

If viscous, thick discharge turns white, brownish, yellow-green in color or is accompanied by persistent bleeding, has an unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult with your general practitioner or ENT doctor.

Nasal discharge with odor

A specific, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, a runny nose is called an ozena. Discharge from the nose with a smell is a clear sign of a running atrophic process in the nasopharynx. This disease has characteristic signs that are visible and felt without special diagnostic examinations:

  • Obvious atrophic changes in the nasal mucosa.
  • Thick, scanty nasal discharge.
  • Mucus tends to shrink and form into crusts that have a fetid odor.
  • Crusts - a greenish hue, often with an admixture of blood, pus. Separate easily just as they grow back
  • Chronic atrophy leads to a noticeable thinning of the lateral, lower and upper walls of the nose - osteomalacia, bone resorption. Due to pathological atrophy, the nose gradually expands.
  • Respiratory function is disturbed, up to DN - respiratory failure.
  • A person gradually loses the ability to smell, the sense of smell is lost (hyposmia, anosmia).
  • The general condition of the patient deteriorates significantly, as well as the quality of his life, social and family problems appear due to the fetid odor emitted.

This form of rhinitis atrophica - atrophic rhinitis met in antiquity. Records of Hippocrates, Galen, Egyptian healers have been preserved, fixing a fairly large number of diseases with "spoiled juice flowing from the head." Despite such an ancient “age”, ozena as a nosology has been little studied and its etiology is still considered unspecified. There are several versions confirmed by objective scientific research, statistics:

  • Ozena is caused by a violation of sanitary standards and poor nutrition, malnutrition.
  • Pathological atrophy of the nasal mucosa and odorous discharge is a consequence of chronic anemia.
  • Ozena has a genetic etiology. The disease is transmitted through the generation.
  • Discharge from the nose with an odor is provoked by enterobacteria (klebsiella ozaenae)
  • Ozena most often affects female patients.
  • The stench is explained by a chronic dystrophic process, the destruction of protein. Atrophy of the nasal mucosa, metaplasia of the epithelial tissue leads to the production of hydrogen sulfide, 3-methylindole, indole, which have a characteristic odor of feces.

Ozena treatment consists in deodorization and maximum elimination of symptoms.

Liquid watery discharge from the nose

Clear, water-like mucus is called rhinorrhea. Liquid discharge from the nose is the main symptom of upper respiratory tract disease, infection. The activation of mucus production is associated with the parasympathetic innervation of the nasal cavity. Elimination (removal) of harmful agents, washing out of the irritating factor occurs due to the increased work of enterocytus caliciformis - goblet enterocytes and glandulae nasi - mucous glands. The discharge of water from the nose can be triggered by such reasons:

  • Allergic reaction (allergic rhinorrhea, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis).
  • Hyperactivity of the glandulae nasi function due to a disorder of the autonomic nervous system.
  • TBI - .
  • Displacement of the nasal septum of congenital etiology.
  • Entry of foreign bodies into the nasal passages.
  • Diseases of viral etiology in the acute phase (catarrhal stage).
  • Nasal liquorrhea, which has its own specific provoking factors.
  • The initial stage of sinusitis, catarrhal sinusitis with secretions of a serous consistency.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis.

Liquid discharge from the nose, especially of an allergic nature, is often accompanied by increased lacrimation, sneezing, and shortness of breath due to the expanding swelling of the mucous tissue of the nasopharynx. It is important to stop the inflammatory process in time at the first stage, a clear marker of which is liquid discharge from the nose. Prolonged swelling of the mucous membrane disrupts not only the drainage work of the nose (paranasal sinuses), but in a matter of days can become a favorable “base” for the development of a bacterial infection.

Serous nasal discharge

Acute rhinitis is conditionally divided into several forms, which in turn are directly caused by etiological factors and general characteristics of the inflammatory process. Serous discharge from the nose or serous rhinitis has specific signs due to the characteristics of the fluid. Inflammation, accompanied by serosa - serous secretions, is a serum exudate, which contains protein fractions. Such a liquid is normally produced to moisten the internal cavities; during the pathological process, it seeps through the capillaries more actively, flowing out in large volumes. A sign of developing respiratory inflammation is a serous discharge from the nose. Rhinitis occurs in different forms, but one way or another, the acute form goes through three main stages:

  1. Dry period, when nasal congestion is noted, desiccation of the mucous membrane.
  2. Wet stage, accompanied by active secretion of mucus of serous consistency.
  3. A purulent period when the mucus contains decay products of bacteria.

Rhinitis acuta - an acute inflammatory process in stage II is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Activation of the inflammatory process and, as a result, nasal congestion.
  • Serous transudate is released in large volume.
  • In the composition of serous secretions, NaCl, ammonia can be detected, which cause irritation of the nasal mucosa.
  • With an increase in inflammation, the work of enterocytus caliciformis - enterocytes is activated, the nasal secret acquires a mucous-serous consistency.
  • Serous rhinitis is accompanied by lacrimation, inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes.
  • A patient suffering from acute rhinitis may develop otitis in parallel.

The stage of serous discharge lasts several days, during this period it is possible to stop the inflammation and prevent its development. The standard period, during which the runny nose gradually subsides, lasts no more than 10 days. If at the end of this period the symptoms persist and a persistent headache, fever joins it, you should contact an otolaryngologist, a general practitioner to rule out sinusitis or sinusitis or get adequate treatment for the identified

Foamy nasal discharge

The norm is considered to be a transparent consistency of mucus, foamy discharge from the nose - this is a sign of the activity of a specific component - mucin. Mucoproteins are responsible for maintaining the level of moisture in the mucous tissues, and also protect the cavity from pathogenic elements, capturing them and preventing hemaglutenation - gluing of erythrocytes affected by the virus. An increase in the amount of mucin, an increased viscosity of the nasal secretion is a direct indication of the development of an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity.

The main clinical signs that determine the stages of infection of the nasopharynx:

  • The release of clear mucus in a large volume is the initial phase of a runny nose.
  • Foamy discharge from the nose is the peak of the development of inflammation, especially if the mucus becomes thick and white.

In addition to a viral or bacterial infection, the viscosity and foaminess of the mucus can provoke the following reasons:

  • Increased dryness of the air indoors or outdoors.
  • Abuse of nasal preparations, narrowing the capillaries, drying up the nasal mucosa.
  • ]

    Curdled nasal discharge

    The nasal cavity is a pathway for the penetration of various infectious agents into the nasopharynx and respiratory system. ENT organs are most often exposed to viruses and bacteria, but are also vulnerable to mycoorganisms - a fungal infection. Curdled discharge from the nose is one of the symptoms of otomycosis, pharyngomycosis and other diseases from the category of mycoses.

    The main factors causing the appearance of fungus in the nasal cavity:

    • Decreased activity of the immune system.
    • Avitaminosis.
    • chronic stress.
    • Long-term course of hormonal therapy.
    • course of antibiotic treatment.
    • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
    • Diseases of the internal organs in a chronic form.
    • Metabolic disorders of various etiologies.
    • Endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus).
    • Nose injury.
    • HIV, immunodeficiency pathologies.
    • Tuberculosis.
    • Dental intervention and infection of the nasal cavity.

    Curdled discharge from the nose as a sign of fungal rhinitis may indicate such diseases:

    1. Mucorosis - mucormycosis, a disease of the respiratory organs, fraught with destruction of the bone tissue of the paranasal sinuses. Most often it is a consequence of diabetes.
    2. Nasal candidiasis - 90% of cases of fungal infections of the nasal cavity.
    3. Darling's disease (histoplasmosis), blastomycosis - diseases characteristic of the countries of Asia, Africa, South America. Rarely diagnosed in European countries.

    The clinical manifestations of a fungal infection of the nose are as follows:

    • Itching, irritation of the nasal cavity.
    • Sneezing reflex in series.
    • Persistent headache.
    • Chronic congestion of the nasal passages.
    • Periodic bleeding of the nasal mucosa.
    • Sensation of a foreign body in the nasal passages.
    • Curdled discharge from the nose of various shades and consistency.
    • Characteristic bad smell from the nose.

    Curdled, thick consistency of mucus is most often observed with candidal lesions of the nose; Treatment of mycoses of ENT organs is always long and complex, including not only antimycotics, but also vitamins, microelements, and a special diet. After the end of therapy, a preventive examination, examination within one year to avoid relapses and strict personal hygiene are recommended.

    Thick discharge from the nose

    The function of the nasal mucosa is protection, moisturizing the nasopharynx due to the constant production of secretions. Nasal secretions contain a specific protein, mucin. The higher its concentration, the thicker the mucus. Dense discharge from the nose is a clear sign of mucin activity, which in turn indicates a developing inflammation of the nasal mucosa. What causes thick nasal discharge?

    • Mucin performs a passive protective, buffer function - lubricates, adsorbs, dissolves any microparticle pathogenic for the mucous membrane.
    • Mucins have their own specific gel-like consistency.
    • The mucociliary system is a barrier to infectious agents, allergens.
    • The higher the threat of infection, the greater the production of mucin and the viscosity, the density of the secreted mucus.

    Thick, thick mucus from the nose can be a sign of such diseases:

    • Viral infection in the acute stage.
    • Bacterial inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
    • Allergy to dust microsubstances, down, feathers.
    • A neglected, undiagnosed disease of the bronchopulmonary system.
    • Sinusitis of bacterial etiology and its types - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis.

    A patient with thick nasal discharge should seek medical attention if the symptoms do not disappear within 5-7 days and tend to get worse. It is also necessary to be attentive to the concomitant manifestations of the disease - to headache, changes in body temperature, shortness of breath, dizziness, signs of general intoxication of the body.

In a healthy state of the body, there should be no discharge from the nose. The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are lined with a mucous membrane moistened with mucus. The cells of the mucous membrane provide its protection from the penetration of bacteria, viruses, aerosols and other foreign particles. In the case of inflammation, damage to the cells of the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses is noted, as a result of which discharge appears from the nose. The color of the discharge can presumably make the correct diagnosis.


Acute rhinitis is one of the most common upper respiratory diseases. It can occur as an independent disease or as the onset of an acute viral infection. Acute coryza affects both halves of the nose. Symptoms of the onset of acute rhinitis are the appearance of sneezing, dryness and burning sensations in the nose and nasopharynx. In this case, the general condition may not be violated. A few hours later, a copious amount of mucous secretions begins to appear from the nose. After 2-3 days, the discharge from the nose becomes purulent, there is a gradual decrease in their number, and by the 7-10th day, as a rule, recovery occurs. If there are sensations of heaviness in the head, headache and pain above the eyebrows, in the forehead, in case of fever during acute rhinitis, you should be examined by a doctor to exclude sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis). This disease is characterized by the appearance of purulent discharge, the advantage arising from one half of the nose.

Chronic runny nose (vasomotor rhinitis)

Most often, chronic rhinitis occurs as vasomotor rhinitis. There are neurovegetative and allergic forms of the disease. Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis are the appearance of nasal congestion, bouts of sneezing, profuse mucous-serous discharge from the nose. For the neurovegetative form, the symptoms are similar, but less pronounced, in the case of the allergic form, they are stronger. In the allergic form, it is often impossible to breathe through the nose without the use of vasoconstrictor drops, and almost always a liquid flows from the nose, clear and light, like water. If such symptoms appeared with the neurovegetative form of vasomotor rhinitis, then this may be caused by changes in barometric pressure, cooling and other climatic conditions, as well as neuropsychic factors. The occurrence of an allergic form occurs under the influence of allergens, which can be pollen from flowers and plants, pet hair, dust, certain foods, food for aquarium fish, microbes, drugs, washing powders and much more.

allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by the appearance of bilateral discharge from the nose, which is watery in nature. Allergic rhinitis is manifested by light transparent discharge, which is accompanied by constant sneezing and severe itching.

Inflammatory process of a bacterial nature

When an inflammatory process of a bacterial nature occurs, the discharge becomes yellowish, creamy or green. The discharge itself appears in the form of mucus. From the second day of the illness, a transparent watery liquid may begin to stand out from the nose.

Inflammation of the adenoid vegetations

In the case of inflammation of the adenoid vegetations, a large amount of discharge enters the pharynx, and a morning cough appears. Children are more susceptible to this disease.


Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or more paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis can be acute, recurrent acute and chronic. The duration of acute sinusitis is no more than 3 months. Recurrent acute sinusitis can recur 2 to 4 times a year. Chronic sinusitis lasts more than 3 months. Sinusitis manifests itself differently depending on the age of the patient.

The manifestations of sinusitis include the appearance of nasal congestion, mucous or purulent discharge from the nose, pain in the sinus area. Often the disease is characterized by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of symptoms of intoxication (weakness, headache, loss of appetite), swelling of the cheeks and eyes on the side from which the sinus is affected, pain in the sinus area. Often the development of sinusitis occurs after the transfer of a viral infection. The most common symptom of sinusitis in all children, especially those under 10 years of age, is a persistent nasal discharge that is watery or mucusy. Sometimes parents may notice the appearance of bad breath in a child.

Cerebrospinal rhinorrhea

For cerebrospinal rhinorrhea, the appearance of watery discharge, characterized by the flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the nose, is characteristic. The development of the disease can be caused by the presence of a congenital defect of the sieve-like plate or the release of fluid around the olfactory nerves.

Traumatic rhinorrhea

The occurrence of traumatic rhinorrhea is associated with a fracture of the base of the skull with involvement of the sieve-like plate. Neoplastic rhinorrhea is caused by brain tumors that grow into the roof of the nasal cavity. The manifestations of the disease include the appearance of unilateral watery discharge of a transparent color, odorless. They do not leave any stains on the handkerchief. There is an increase in the secretion of the jugular veins during compression and during coughing.

Oromaxillary fistula

An oromaxillary fistula is a fistula located between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus. It is the reason why water and food can come out of the nose on one side.

Cyst of the maxillary cavity

As a result of emptying the cyst of the maxillary cavity, a yellowish serous fluid may appear from the nose, it contains cholesterol crystals.

Discharge associated with the presence of a foreign body in the nose

If the discharge has an unpleasant odor, then their occurrence may be due to the presence of a foreign body in the nose.

Discharge from the nose is a symptom of a number of pathologies: from banal or allergies to chronic purulent or swelling of the nose. In healthy people, there is no discharge from the nose. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity produces a certain amount of secretion, which has a bactericidal and moisturizing effect, destroys microbes and brings them out.

Nasal discharge contains immune factors that protect the body from pathogenic biological agents and their toxins.

Discharge from the nose is a response of the body to external influences - hypothermia, infection or penetration of an allergen.

Types of secretions

Excess liquid content - exudate or transudate is formed in the nose with the development of pathology. Exudate is a fluid formed during inflammatory diseases. Transudate is formed due to swelling.

The color of the discharge and their shade is different - yellow, green, white, brown and even black. By the color of the liquid discharge, you can establish the causative factor of the pathology.

By nature, the discharge is:

  • serous- watery liquid of viral or allergic origin.
  • Purulent- greenish-yellow discharge, which is a symptom of a bacterial infection.
  • Bloody - discharge with streaks of blood, indicating a trauma to the nose or head, an increase in blood pressure or mucosal degeneration against a background of a viral infection.


Discharge from the nose of an inflammatory nature is formed when,.

  1. Acute respiratory viral infections are characterized by the appearance of copious, liquid, clear secretions. With secondary bacterial infection, they become purulent, thick, cloudy, gray or yellowish-greenish color.
  2. Infectious rhinitis is manifested by the outflow of discharge from the nasal cavity through the nostrils, sneezing, itching, bad breath and painful sensations in the nose.
  3. Sinusitis is characterized by the exit of contents through the pharynx, which leads to its infection and development. Patients appear, and.
  4. Small objects entering the nose cause reactive inflammation. In this case, the discharge from the nose first has a mucous character, and then becomes serous-purulent with an unpleasant odor.
  5. Mucus constantly flowing from the nose is a possible sign of a tumor.
  6. If a runny nose is accompanied by a loss of smell, one can suspect nasal.
  7. Cerebrospinal rhinorrhea is the flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the nose. At the same time, the selection copious, watery, with impurities.
  8. White discharge from the nose indicates developed candidiasis.
  9. The result of a nose injury is often bloody discharge, swelling and pain in the nose and surrounding tissues. With fractures, deformation of the nose or the entire face is noticeable.

Symptoms associated with nasal discharge


  • Acute rhinitis manifested by sneezing, itching and burning in the nose, soreness in the throat. The condition of the patients remains satisfactory. The next day there is a profuse, mucous discharge from the nose, which eventually becomes purulent and mild. Acute rhinitis is often accompanied by the release of not only mucus from the nose, but also blood, often with clots. Inflamed small vessels of the mucous membrane are easily damaged, which leads to development. Recovery occurs in ten days. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, sinusitis or may develop.
  • Symptoms vasomotor rhinitis are: sneezing, nasal congestion, profuse nasal discharge. Patients often cannot breathe on their own without the use of vasoconstrictor drops. Discharge from the nose is liquid, watery. The reasons for the development of vasomotor rhinitis are sudden changes in pressure, hypothermia, stress. Prolonged runny nose is manifested by brown discharge, which contains dried pus and.

  • For allergic rhinitis characterized by the appearance of watery discharge from both halves of the nose, constant, often paroxysmal sneezing, lacrimation, sniffling, burning and severe itching in the nose, as well as itching of the pharynx and palate. Specialists pay attention to other signs of allergy - itching of the skin and rash, lack of temperature.

In a child, nasal discharge causes a lot of problems and trouble for adults. Children become restless, capricious, sleep poorly, refuse to eat.


Yellow, purulent discharge from the nose is a sign of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, most often sinusitis. The disease is a complication and occurs as a result of the addition of a bacterial infection. Sinusitis is manifested by abundant purulent, yellow-green discharge from the nose and intense pain in the projection of the sinuses, aggravated by tilting the head down. Among the nonspecific symptoms of pathology, cough, nasal congestion, headache, and fever are distinguished. Patients complain of signs of intoxication: aching headache, fatigue, malaise, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance. The cheek and eye on the side of the lesion swell.


Nasty coryza. This is a chronic pathology in which the structures of the nose atrophy. The etiology of ozena is not fully understood. There are several theories of the origin of the disease - genetic, anatomical, physiological, infectious, neurogenic, endocrine. Clinical signs of ozena are: viscous discharge from the nose with a putrid odor, a large number of crusts in the nose, impaired sense of smell. Patients with ozena have a characteristic appearance: they have an underdeveloped facial skull, thickened lips, dilated nostrils and nasal passages. The disease prevents a person from living a normal life, communicating with others. Patients withdraw into themselves and limit their contacts. Often it comes down to depression.

"Dry" nasal discharge

Dryness in the nose is a problem that is no less troublesome than nasal discharge. This is a sign of a rare autoimmune disease that affects the glands that produce nasal mucus. Dry nasal mucus is a crust that is quite difficult to get rid of. The mucous membrane of the nose synthesizes a viscous substance that blocks and removes dirt.


To alleviate the condition of patients, ENT doctors recommend using. Before using them, you should clean the nasal cavity and rinse it with saline - Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin. Only after cleansing procedures can the medicine be used.

Vasoconstrictor drops and getting on the mucous membrane, affect the blood vessels, narrow them and eliminate swelling. Breathing through the nose becomes free. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs gives only a temporary effect. Their constant use can be harmful to health. The vascular wall ceases to maintain optimal tone on its own. Cancellation of the drug causes a constant runny nose.

The pharmacy chain sells a large number of products from this group - Otrivin, Xylometazoline, Tizin.

In order to permanently get rid of the common cold, you need to find out its cause and deal with it.

For the treatment of clear discharge from the nose patients are prescribed antiviral or antihistamines topically in the form of drops and orally in the form of suspensions and tablets. Antiallergic nasal sprays - "Kromoglin", Kromoheksal", "Flixonase", antiviral drops - "Grippferon".

Purulent, green-yellow discharge is treated with antibiotics.- antibacterial sprays in the nose "Isofra", "Polydex".

With sinusitis it is necessary to ensure the outflow of pus from the inflamed sinus, normalize ventilation and suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Patients undergo a puncture of the maxillary sinus, prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, local antiseptic solutions for and vasoconstrictor drops that facilitate nasal breathing.

"Euphorbium compositum" is a homeopathic spray designed to treat the common cold in children. The components of the drug restore the nasal mucosa and eliminate signs of inflammation.

You should definitely visit an ENT doctor if the discharge:

  1. They have an unpleasant odor and any color other than white and yellow,
  2. Accompanied by fever
  3. Are the result of traumatic brain injury
  4. Last over 3 weeks.

Physiotherapy widely used to treat rhinitis and its manifestations. Patients are prescribed laser and ultrasound treatment, electrophoresis, ultraviolet exposure, acupuncture. You can supplement and speed up the treatment by regularly performing breathing exercises.


Traditional therapy for nasal discharge is supplemented with folk remedies.

Video: runny nose and cold medicine "Doctor Komarovsky"

Discharge from the nose may be due to various reasons. Discharge from the nose in a healthy body should not be. The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are lined with a mucous membrane, which under normal conditions should be moistened with mucus. Mucus is produced by the cells of the mucous membrane and provides its protection from viruses, bacteria, aerosols, and other foreign particles. During inflammation, the cells of the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses are damaged (functionally in acute inflammation and often irreversibly in chronic inflammation), a discharge from the nose appears. The color of nasal discharge can help make a correct diagnosis.

Why do snot appear?

The causes of snot development are infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious cause of snot

The infectious cause is viruses that provoke the development of an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Upon contact with the nasal mucosa, the viruses develop there within 3 days. During this time, they destroy the integrity of the mucous membrane, and it becomes vulnerable. This fact becomes favorable for the attachment of a bacterial infection. All this causes the appearance of snot.

Especially often those children who are in groups (kindergartens, schools) are prone to runny nose. Outbreaks of rhinitis are observed in autumn, winter, spring. At this time, the child's body, immunity is weakened. Therefore, the activity of bacteria increases. A runny nose can be provoked by a sharp fluctuation in temperature, in particular, as a result of hypothermia of the child's body. Especially hypothermia of the legs, feet plays a significant role in the development of rhinitis.

Non-infectious cause of snot

Non-infectious causes of snot are:

  • dust,
  • certain odors,
  • allergy,
  • ingress of small foreign objects into the nasal cavity.

The color of nasal discharge can tell about the cause of the onset of the disease and the stage of its development. An increase in nasal discharge is a symptom of an inflammatory process in the mucosa. The color of the discharge suggests the cause of inflammation or informs about the stage of development of the disease.

Discharge from the nose can be a symptom of the following diseases:

yellow snot

What are the reasons for the appearance of yellow snot in an adult or child?

Regardless of age, yellow snot can appear for a variety of reasons:

  • The final stage of the disease has begun.
  • The body removes dead epithelial cells, dead pathogens and cells of the immune system, which is why the mucus has a yellow color.
  • Complications began in the form of a purulent process. Perhaps the patient thus manifests sinusitis, chronic sinusitis or otitis media.
  • If a similar symptom occurs at a certain time once a year, then the causative agent is a plant that blooms during this period.
  • Yellow snot with a thick consistency can be released as a result of excessive dryness of the air in the house.
  • Not infrequently, this is an allergy manifestation caused by dust or feathers in the pillow.
  • In smokers, mucus secretions may turn yellow due to the deposition of nicotine on the mucosa.

If yellow snot occurs in a person with good health and no runny nose, there is every reason to immediately consult a doctor. Such discharge can be manifestations of serious diseases of the nasopharynx, including cancer.

What to do if yellow snot flows from a child

In babies up to a year, a runny nose does not proceed in the same way as in older children and adults. This is due to the special structure of the nasal cavity. Nasal passages in infants are much narrower and thinner, blockage with mucous secretions occurs much faster. The appearance of thick yellow snot in an infant should be a serious cause for concern and immediate medical attention, as it may indicate the onset of mucosal edema.

Treatment of diseases that cause yellow snot

If yellow snot appears, you should consult a doctor who can determine the disease after the examination. If the cause of the discharge is an allergic reaction, treatment can be prescribed only after the identification of the allergen. Chronic sinusitis, sinusitis and otitis media require complex therapy. Find out in detail about such a variety of otitis media as catarrhal otitis media. Preparations and procedures should be prescribed by a doctor after determining the disease. If the cause of the appearance of yellow snot is a common cold, available drugs that can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy will help.

brown snot

When a patient (adult or child) has brown snot, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. Thus, you can protect your body from serious consequences. To begin with, it is important to understand the underlying factor. In most cases, irritants are viruses and bacteria that have entered the maxillary sinuses through the nasal cavity. Only a precise determination of the cause of inflammation can constitute an effective therapy.

With prolonged inflammation in the sinuses, pus forms, and the patient develops brown snot. This shade indicates that the pus dries up. When such crusts get into the mucus, they dissolve, causing the discharge to turn brown.

More brown snot indicates the presence of fungi in the nose. As a rule, candidiasis fungi and molds are concentrated in the sinuses. The result of this pathogenic interaction is white mucus, which eventually turns brown. The cause of this coloration is more neglected inflammation.

green snot

The appearance of such snot, as a rule, is the second stage after the initial transparent, mucous discharge. A change in the color of the snot is a sign that a dangerous bacterial infection has settled in the body. Moreover, the color of the discharge indicates how many bacteria are in the baby's body. The brighter the discharge, the more bacteria, respectively.

Often such snot appears during the period of adaptation of the child to a new environment. often it can be a serious move to a new home, or at a time when the child is just starting to go to school and kindergarten. This is the first time a child has come across such a concentration of people in one place. In this case, it is worth getting sick to one baby, others immediately pick up the infection. And in the autumn-winter period, when the immunity of a small organism is weakened, the activity of bacteria is especially high. All these factors provoke the appearance of green snot in a child.

Clear and liquid snot

Do not think that these are light snot and they can pass by themselves. In time, untreated snot in the future can lead to the development of more terrible diseases, for example, bronchial asthma. The appearance of such a runny nose is always associated with unpleasant nasal congestion and swollen mucous membranes. This may be due to the appearance of a dangerous bacterial infection or an allergic reaction. Such symptoms can be caused by any plants in the room, food, animal hair, bird fluff, or household chemicals.

Also, the child may be uncomfortable at a certain temperature or humidity, these indicators also play a big role. It will not be superfluous to wash the child's nose with ordinary saline or sea water. These formulations are sold in pharmacies. You can use vasoconstrictor drugs. They need to be instilled into the nose, so they reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane and, accordingly, the amount of discharge from the nose also decreases.

It is important to remember that only the elimination of the specific allergen that caused them will help to finally get rid of snot. Think about whether your relatives have an allergy to something, perhaps it was inherited by the child. Ventilate the room where the child is often and do wet cleaning twice a day, because dry air promotes the spread of bacteria and allergens

Snot in the chest

Unfortunately, parents themselves create the conditions for their newborn child, under which it begins to get sick more often. Abstinence from walks, excessive wrapping of the child, leading to overheating, insufficient room hygiene, combined with excessively dry air - all this leads to the appearance of snot in the baby. Of course, hypothermia and contact with sick children are contraindicated for babies, however, newborns rarely get sick for these reasons, but the excessive care of parents who do not always know how to properly care for the baby becomes a reason for the disease.

Snot in babies appears in response to irritation of the nasal mucosa, which can be caused by several reasons. Often, the appearance of snot indicates hidden infectious diseases, however, snot of a transparent color in moderation should not cause concern. If there are no additional symptoms, then there is a high probability that the runny nose is non-infectious in nature and will pass within a few days.

Snot in the baby is not treated. They pass by themselves after the elimination of provoking factors. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs is highly undesirable, since they only muffle the symptoms. The same can be said about antibiotics, which are ineffective in the common cold, which is of a viral nature.

Treat the baby should be very careful. A child who is breastfed receives all the necessary vitamins with mother's milk. Moreover, a sick mother gives, along with milk, the antibodies necessary to protect the child, which are not yet produced by his own immunity. Therefore, it is not advisable to limit contacts between mother and child during the period of illness.

If a baby has snot, then this does not mean at all that he should refuse to walk. Moreover, regular exposure to fresh air helps to eliminate puffiness and normalize respiratory function. To relieve a runny nose, it is useful to wash the nose, which can be done with a cotton swab dipped in salt water.

Questions and answers on the topic "Snot or discharge from the nose"

Question:Hello. I suffered from a wet cough with a runny nose for two weeks. The last days began to pass, but I had to ride in a very stuffy train for nine hours - and away we go! A lot of white, yellow and brown snot, temperature 38-39, again the same wet cough. What could it be? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Answer: Hello! If a wet cough is accompanied by a rise in temperature to 38, this is a serious signal that an active inflammatory process is taking place in the body, requiring immediate treatment. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if additional alarming symptoms are present: paroxysmal cough, especially at night; wheezing and whistling that is easy to hear when breathing; bright color of sputum (yellow, green, orange); traces or blood clots in the sputum; cough with fever does not go away for more than 2 days. The reason is not a common cold, but an infection that has entered the body. It is almost impossible to distinguish a viral disease from an infectious one without tests. This requires sputum culture for microflora, which is prescribed by a doctor.

Question:Hello! A 3.5-year-old child fell ill with a sore throat, purulent snot appeared. I wash with Aqualor forte. Please tell me, is this remedy enough for purulent discharges, or do you need something stronger, for example, protargol? And are purulent snots with angina in the order of things, they cannot provoke sinusitis or otitis media? Please advise how to treat them.

Answer: Hello! With angina, the tonsils are involved and the fact that only the palatine ones, so it is possible that there is a relationship, but you have to look. Purulent discharge from the nose, of course, can provoke sinusitis, including sinusitis and otitis media, or rather tubo-otitis. Aqualor is a salt preparation that does not heal, but only helps to remove the contents, so we also need a drug that heals. How and with what to treat fully you will be told by the doctor at the internal reception.

Question:Hello, the child has runny snot. What drops can be dripped? Cough coughing up, what kind of syrup can I drink? The child goes to kindergarten, after three days liquid snot appears. There is no temperature, is it possible to do without antivirals, since we drink them often?

Answer: Good afternoon The use of antiviral agents should not be ignored. Their use from the very beginning of the disease helps the disease not to become complicated and not lead to the need to take an antibiotic. But if after 4-6 days the symptoms do not weaken or do not go away, then this already means that a bacterial infection has occurred and it is time to be treated with an antibiotic. And it doesn’t matter if there is a temperature and wheezing in the lungs! There are symptoms of inflammation and the reason for them is infectious, by itself it will not go anywhere. For washing the nose, there are various products based on sea water with special nozzles, Aqua Maris Norm, for example. Natural water of the Adriatic Sea with a natural set of healing minerals and a continuous stream of irrigation gently washes the nasal mucosa of the child, allows you to wash off bacteria and stagnant discharge from the nose, help fight inflammation, and strengthen local immunity. And from coughing it will be reasonable to connect erespal. So the child will receive full treatment and this will help him not to get sick further. Get well and don't get sick!

Question:A child (3.5 years) for about a week, sometimes smelled of snot from his mouth, his nose was blocked. There was no fever or other symptoms. Actively humidified the air in the apartment, walks in the fresh air. Rinse your nose, blow your nose. Now snot is flowing in a stream, green. What does this mean and what to do? They signed up for the local lore, but to wait almost 2 weeks.

Answer: Unfortunately, this means that your home treatment was ineffective. If there is a small amount of discharge from the nose, they do not flow forward, but backward, and any signs of this runoff should be a signal to the parents or pediatrician to start the use of local anti-infective treatment - for example, topical antiviral agents, such as fluferon drops in the early stages of the common cold. But when there is a large amount of opaque discharge, like yours, nasal sprays with antibiotics, such as isophra or polydex, are most justified.

Question:Hello! My son (5 years old) often gets green snot. No temperature. Why not treat! Isofra, protargol, rinoflomucil and pinosol. We will be treated and in a week everything will be all over again! What else can I try or start giving some antibiotics?

Answer: As a rule, taking oral antibiotics with purulent discharge from the nose, not accompanied by any other symptoms, does not give a lasting positive effect - just like local treatment. I think that after the next exacerbation, you will need to do a cytological examination of the discharge from the nose immediately after the purulent discharge disappears. If neutrophils are found in the cytology, this will mean that the infection on the nasal mucosa is not suppressed and then you will need to try to cope with it with additional measures, such as quartz in the nose and throat and inhalations with interferon (most often purulent snot appears against the background of viral infections pessimizing on the mucous membranes of the nose).

Question:Recently got sick, we are 2.5 years old. Need advice on how to treat? On the 1st day, we were with transparent snot (on the back wall). There was no outside manifestation. In turn, on the advice of a doctor, I purchased Nazivilin, Aqualor Spray, but I have no idea in what order to drip and rinse. Maybe something else worth buying? Tell me what is better and how to do it correctly, I'm afraid that the matter, due to my inexperience, will not reach the "cuckoo". Not a very pleasant process. You understand why the child once again visits the doctor.

Answer: Good afternoon It makes sense to use Nazivin only if the nose is stuffy, and it will be a much more natural method to use Rinomaris spray to eliminate stuffiness, it contains both a long-acting vasoconstrictor component and sea water, which helps not to dry out the mucous membrane. To cleanse the nose, Aqua Maris Norm is used with natural water from the Adriatic Sea, which is considered one of the purest in the world. Its use allows you to rinse the nose deeply enough and wash out the secretions with infectious agents, thanks to a special continuous jet and a convenient nose nozzle. The minerals of the Adriatic Sea water can strengthen local immunity, have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. You can also use inhalations with essential oils and phytoncides, plentiful warm drinking, frequent airing. If the discharge from the nose becomes thick or changes color, then after cleansing the nose, protargol or albucid is used.

Question:My son (5 years old) has been sick for the third week. First there was a high temperature - 38-39, cough, runny nose, bad throat. Treatment - kagocel, inhalipt, ibuprofen as an antipyretic, nasal lavage, nazakar. The temperature subsided after three days, but the cough was terrible - bronchitis, so augmentin was prescribed. It became easier. But now there is a huge problem - it is impossible to blow your nose - such viscous snot! You can just pick them up and pull them! I've been sick before, but I've never experienced anything like this. Prompt, what is it such and how to treat?!

Answer: Good afternoon Definitely need a consultation and examination of the ENT doctor. The fact that they were treated with an antibiotic is good, since during this time the infection is already complicated by a bacterial one and requires special treatment. You can liquefy the discharge from the nose by using Aqua Maris Baby, thanks to a continuous stream and a special mineral composition, it allows you to wash deeply accumulated secretions, strengthen local immunity and restore the functioning of the mucosa. Also, in parallel, the doctor may advise taking cynabsin or sinupret in order to clear the sinuses of the child. But first of all, the child must examine the ENT and make his verdict.

Question:Good afternoon, please help my son 2.2 g. We have six months of snot. The first day of snot - on the second day of bronchitis. The child had adenoids and that's all. Rinicytogram was taken: squamous epithelium 8-12-15, leukocytes 20-30, neutrophils 88, lymphocytes 6, eosinophils 6, mucus+++. I wash myself with saline with dolphin. Previously, sodium sulfacyl helped. But we dug it so much. Which doesn't help now. Even if we recover snot for 3-4 weeks, then there are no reapers for 5. And again all over again. We have two bronchitis a month, I don't know what to do anymore.

Answer: You have a picture of infectious inflammation in your rhinocytogram, but unfortunately you did not indicate whether you did it against the background of purulent discharge from the nose or in a relatively calm state. If this was done when the child was in a relatively normal condition, it is most likely a viral infection persisting on the mucous membranes, presumably either adenovirus or respiratory syncytial (both of which, as complications, can lead to bronchitis). In this situation, one or two courses of inhalation with interferon through a compressor inhaler (nebulizer) usually help well. Such inhalations must be carried out firstly, as prescribed by a pediatric immunologist, and secondly, under the mandatory control of a rhinocytogram - it will be extremely important for us to know whether we managed to cope with a persistent viral infection or not.