What is myopia of the 1st degree of the eye. Mild myopia (stage 1): what is it, treatment of both eyes. Secrets of traditional medicine

Myopia of a weak degree in both eyes (or myopia) is a visual impairment in which a person loses the ability to clearly see distant objects. Such a pathology can manifest itself at any age, however, the first symptoms of the disease often appear in children from 7 to 12 years old. Myopia has an impact on a person's lifestyle, determines the course of pregnancy resolution. Optical devices and surgical methods are used to correct visual acuity. A weak degree of myopia can be corrected with special gymnastics, which is easy to do at home.

Physiology of vision

The main role in the perception of the image, its transformation and transmission of impulses to the brain is played by the retina. It is located on the back wall of the eyeball. The color rendition of visual images is regulated by special cells: rods and cones. The rods are less sensitive and "responsible" for night vision. Three types of cones are located in the functional center of the retina - the corpus luteum. They capture the red, blue and green colors of the spectrum.

Before reaching the retina, the image passes through the refraction system, which consists of:

  • The cornea (cornea). It also performs a protective function.
  • The vitreous body, which occupies most of the eyeball. It consists of water in which hyaluronic acid, proteins and electrolytes are dissolved.
  • The lens, which looks like a biconvex lens. In addition to refraction, it takes part in accommodation (a mechanism for focusing vision when viewing objects that are at different distances from the eyes).
  • Aqueous moisture. The value of intraocular pressure depends on its level.

The main role in visual acuity is played by the lens and cornea. When looking at an object near, the muscles of the eye tense, the ability to refract increases. When focusing on something far away, the muscles relax, the lens becomes flattened, and the level of refraction decreases.

What happens with myopia?

With normal visual acuity, the distance from the cornea to the back of the eye is 23.5 mm. When this value is changed, the image is not focused on the retina, but in front of it. A person loses the ability to clearly see objects located far away - myopia develops. There are two types of myopia depending on the physiological causes:

  • Axial myopia occurs with increasing focal length.
  • Refractive myopia occurs when the radius of curvature of the cornea is violated.
  • Mixed myopia or a combination of the two listed types of disease.

Along the course, progressive myopia is distinguished, in which vision deteriorates, despite optical correction with glasses or contact lenses. Often a similar situation is observed in children and adolescents of school age due to a strong load on the eyes. Usually by the age of 15 - 16 the process stops. And after 45 years, vision begins to recover due to the compensation of myopia by physiological senile farsightedness.

With standard myopia, the course of the disease does not undergo any changes. This form of pathology lends itself to optical correction. Transient myopia is reversible. It develops under the influence of certain factors (diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, long-term drug treatment). The cause of this form of myopia can also be swelling of the lens, overstrain of the eye muscles.

Degrees of myopia

The change in visual acuity is taken into account in the following classification of myopia. However, first you need to dwell on the concept of "diopter". In ophthalmology, the ideal refractive system of the eye is conditionally taken as zero. If a lens is needed to correct a violation, in which vision is focused on objects located, for example, at a distance of 1 meter, then this lens has a value of 1 diopter. To determine the refractive power, it is necessary to divide the unit by the focal length in meters. Depending on this value, there are:

  • A weak degree of myopia, which means visual impairment, not exceeding 3 diopters.
  • Average degree. In this case, the deviation from the norm is 3 - 6 diopters.
  • A strong degree of myopia is more than 6 diopters. With this form of the disease, a person does not see objects that are relatively close. Such a diagnosis is a contraindication to conscription into the army.

A weak degree of myopia is considered by many ophthalmologists not as a pathology, but as a physiological feature of vision. If a person's work is not associated with increased concentration of attention, special optical correction is not required. The first symptoms of the initial stage of myopia are fatigue and headache after eye strain (computer work, reading, playing on the phone or tablet).

Reasons for the development of the disease

According to medical statistics, about half of the world's population suffers from myopia of one degree or another. According to the international classification of the latest edition (ICD 10), the disease was assigned the code H52.1. Myopia, which arose against the background of malignant eye pathology, was excluded from this group. Since the 18th century, doctors have been trying to determine the cause of myopia. To date, scientists agree that the main role is played by heredity.

Ophthalmologists note that if one or both parents suffered from visual impairment, then the child also has a risk of first-degree myopia at an early age. With uncomplicated heredity, the risk level of the disease does not exceed 10%. Further deterioration of the course of myopia depends on a number of factors. Among them:

  • Insufficient content in the child's food of vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal formation of eye structures. These are minerals such as zinc, manganese, copper, etc.
  • Overstrain of the eye muscle due to an unreasonably close distance from the eyes to any object: books, monitors, tablets, notebooks.
  • Concomitant diseases (astigmatism, strabismus).
  • Congenital disorders of the structure of the eye, for example, hereditary myopathy.

Identification of the exact cause, type and stage of myopia is important in determining the tactics of treating the disease. With a strong deterioration in vision, correction is necessary for the convenience of the patient himself. However, with regard to prescribing glasses for a patient with stage 1 myopia, the opinions of doctors differ. However, such a correction is not prescribed for children due to the high risk of visual impairment.


Mild myopia can be detected during a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist. Determination of visual acuity is carried out according to all known tables (optotypes). For the diagnosis procedure in adults, schemes with letters or incomplete circles are used. For younger children, tables with pictures are suitable.

Symbols on optotypes are arranged in rows, and with each line their size decreases. The table is attached to a device with special lighting at a height of 120 cm from the floor. The examination begins with a questioning of the patient about complaints. The definition of visual acuity is carried out as follows:

  • The patient sits down on a chair located at a distance of 5 m from the table.
  • The doctor dims the lights in the office so that only the symbols on the optotypes are illuminated.
  • A person is put on special glasses that allow you to cover one eye with an opaque lens.
  • The optometrist selectively points to the symbols and asks to name them.

The table has 12 rows. When reading each subsequent, located below the row, the doctor conditionally increases visual acuity by 0.1. The value at which a person does not have problems when looking at objects and inscriptions at a distance is one. In case of deviation from the norm, the ophthalmologist begins the selection of lenses and writes down their diopters, which determine the degree of myopia for both eyes.

Additionally, an examination of the state of the organ of vision is carried out using digital technology. In addition, it is necessary to check the fundus. To do this, dilate the pupil with drops of atropine.

Optical vision correction

Glasses will help restore visual acuity. To correct myopia, concave lenses are needed, which is indicated by a minus sign. With mild myopia, constant wearing of glasses is not required. It is recommended to wear them only when necessary, for example, at a lesson at school or at a lecture at an institute, when driving a car, etc. To select glasses, the doctor determines the desired diopter value (it is indicated by the letters OS for the left eye and OD for the right) and the intercenter distance between the pupils (PD).

What is Myopia, Astigmatism and how Orthokeratology can help

Mild myopia in both eyes

Myopia: myths and reality. Children's doctor.

Myopia or myopia: unique information! Overview, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.

Myopia of a weak degree in both eyes - how to treat?

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Turning off attempts. © Myopia of the eyes during pregnancy

Diagnosis is not a sentence - Myopia (Myopia) (Zarina Khalikova)

The patient chooses the frame for glasses according to his taste. Then, under it, taking into account the recommendations of the ophthalmologist, lenses are made of glass or optical plastic. There is no difference between them. However, doctors recommend plastic as it is lighter and stronger. Its only disadvantage is the higher cost.

After 20 - 22 years, if mild myopia causes discomfort in everyday life, glasses can be replaced with contact lenses. They are convenient to use, allow you to freely engage in sports, swimming. You can also forget about such a problem as fogging of glasses with a sharp temperature drop. When choosing contact lenses, attention should be paid to the following aspects:

  • Duration of operation. This parameter is determined by the moisture content in the lens and its air permeability. The lower these figures, the longer the wearing period. So, there are quarterly, monthly, two-week and one-day lenses. It is worth noting that the most comfortable for the eyes are lenses with a short period of use.
  • Wearing mode (12-hour or 24-hour). But, despite the assurances of the manufacturers, doctors recommend leaving the lenses overnight in extreme cases.

The disadvantages of contact lenses include their relatively high cost. Their care and storage require the regular purchase of solutions and cleansing tablets. With untimely replacement, there is a risk of developing the disease "Bacterial conjunctivitis", increasing dryness of the cornea and other complications. The selection of contact lenses is carried out by an ophthalmologist. The doctor will explain in detail the rules of operation. If, without changing the diopter, the quality of vision in glasses decreases, this indicates progressive myopia.

Eye exercises

With myopia in both eyes of a mild degree, it is recommended to look at objects in the distance - this is an effective and simple exercise. But at the same time, you do not need to squint and strain your eyes. It is enough to slightly cover the eyelids. You should also read books printed (but not electronically) in low light. In this case, the paper should be kept as far away from the eyes as possible. During a walk, it is necessary to observe moving objects (for example, cars) with peripheral vision. For the treatment of mild myopia once a day, it is necessary to perform the following set of exercises:

  • Print a symbol or letter on a piece of paper. Look at it from a distance of 90 - 100 cm, then read a few lines in dim light from a distance of 25 cm.
  • Make a chart at home to check your eyesight. Their detailed description can be found on the Internet. Read every line. The initial distance should be 3 m, over time it should be gradually increased to 6 m.
  • Draw a symbol on paper. View from the closest possible distance, stretch out your hand and look at it again. Perform 5 - 6 times.
  • Print three letters on whatman paper, which are at a distance of several centimeters from each other. Take a tape measure or ruler 1 m long. Bring one of its edges to the eyes, the other to the paper. First, look at the end of the tape measure, then look at the first letter along it. Repeat the same for other characters.

Between exercises, you need to blink often, make rotational movements with the eyeballs, without turning your head. If you feel tired, you should close your eyes, cover them from above with your palms and relax. In addition, it is necessary to constantly follow the rules for working at a desk or computer. You also need to give your eyes a rest from time to time.

Features of pregnancy with myopia

Contrary to popular belief, myopia of any degree, even severe, is not an obstacle to natural childbirth and childbearing. Cesarean section is not indicated for increased intraocular pressure and the risk of retinal detachment. Therefore, all pregnant women must visit an ophthalmologist when registering for a period of 10-14 weeks and before childbirth. If the ophthalmologist did not find any pathology, then myopia of the 1st degree during pregnancy does not serve as a restriction to physiological childbirth. During this period, it is allowed to wear lenses.

With regard to the surgical treatment of myopia symptoms, many techniques have recently been developed. They allow you to safely and painlessly restore visual acuity. Surgical treatment of mild myopia does not require, with the exception of the progressive form of the disease. According to patients, a noticeable improvement occurs after several months of regular visual gymnastics.

Treatment of mild myopia by laser correction helps to restore the visual apparatus in full. Myopia, or myopia in other words, is a visual defect that occurs as a result of a pathological change in the eye lens. In this case, the image is focused not on the retina, but in front of it. Diseases of a weak degree do not allow you to clearly see objects in the distance. They are perceived unclearly, and the outlines are blurred.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Myopia may develop gradually or remain permanent.

  • In the first case, myopia aggravates the condition every year and can lead to complete loss of vision.
  • In the second, if certain rules are followed, it responds well to treatment. The refractive power of the eye is measured in diopters. With normal vision, the data is 1. With myopia, they acquire negative numbers.

Depending on the severity of the disease, 3 degrees of pathology are distinguished. A weak degree of myopia is the initial stage of the pathological process, when the results range from -1.25 to -3 diopters. With an average reach 6, with a high - more than 6 diopters.

Myopia of the 1st degree is manifested by headaches and rapid eye fatigue. Objects in the distance look blurry, without clear outlines. The person begins to squint to sharpen the image. There is a desire to bring objects with small inscriptions closer. Before the eyes, midges and flashes may occur.

Often mild myopia develops in children during adolescence. During the formation of the body from 7 to 12 years old, there is an intense load on vision associated with the beginning of the educational process.

  • heredity, if the parents have a pathology of vision, there is a high probability of developing abnormalities in the child;
  • lack of vitamins in the body due to malnutrition;
  • intense eye strain during close contact with a computer, TV, reading and writing in poor lighting;
  • chronic diseases;
  • wrong approach to the selection of lenses and glasses;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • brain pathology;
  • reduced accommodative function, which leads to lengthening of the eyeball.

To avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to diagnose the pathology in the early stages and correct vision.

Diagnostics and correction

The diagnosis of mild myopia can only be made by a specialist after undergoing a comprehensive eye examination. Initially, the doctor conducts an examination and checks visual acuity using special tables.

The patient closes one eye and identifies the indicated letter on the table board. Depending on the size of the sign, the doctor makes a presumptive diagnosis. Further, the ophthalmologist may prescribe studies:

  • biomicroscopy - diagnostics using a slit lamp;
  • skiascopy - checking the pupil for refraction of light;
  • fundus examination;

Based on the tests performed, an adjustment and treatment of a mild degree of myopia is prescribed. They include the use of glasses and contact lenses.

Glasses should only be worn when necessary, when reading or watching TV. When using these devices, the gaze is directed forward, this position of the eyes does not affect the work of the peripheral muscles and can lead to a decrease in vision.

The best option is the use of contact lenses. They are worn directly on the eyeball and move simultaneously with the pupil, without interfering with the work of all the necessary muscles.

For children, vision correction is carried out only after the introduction of atropine into the eyes, which makes it possible to distinguish true myopia from a false disease. As a result of the action of the drug, vision improves and the correction is prescribed more accurately. After the diagnosis, the ophthalmologist will tell you how to treat mild myopia.

Treatment of mild myopia

Treatment includes the use of several therapies, depending on the degree of progression of the disease. With a diagnosis of mild myopia, treatment is carried out with conservative methods. Vitamins are prescribed as healing drugs:

  • A - contributes to the normal functioning of the retina;
  • B1 - regulates the metabolism in the body;
  • B2 - relieves eye strain;
  • ascorbic acid - helps to strengthen the sclera of the eyes;
  • nicotinic acid - improves blood circulation, dilating blood vessels.

These drugs are available for oral administration and as eye drops. To strengthen the vessels and walls of the structure of the organs of vision, drugs containing calcium are prescribed:

  • Trental;
  • Rutin;
  • Calcium gluconate.

To prevent eye spasm, use drops: Mezaton, Irifin. Physiotherapy procedures help to stop the development of pathology.

Myopia of the first degree can be cured by laser eye correction. This modern operation allows to reduce the curvature of the cornea using strong radiation. Pathology of mild and moderate severity is amenable to correction. In preparation for the operation, a thorough examination of the condition of the cornea of ​​​​the eye is carried out.

All data is entered into a computer that makes calculations for the operation. The procedure is carried out on the basis of a developed program, so the risk of error is minimized. The patient is instilled with drugs to relieve sensitivity and dilate the pupil, fix the head and eyelids, and carry out the necessary corneal incisions.

The operation lasts a few minutes, then the patient returns home. After the procedure, you must follow all the doctor's instructions: drip antibiotics into your eyes, sleep only on your back in the first days, and observe eye hygiene. This manipulation allows you to cure myopia and restore the vigilance of the eyes.

Myopia prevention

Prevention consists in applying a few simple rules and using special exercises. If there is already a low degree of myopia in both eyes, these measures will help prevent its further development and improve the condition of vision.

Prevention of the diagnosis of mild myopia is:

  • in observance of visual hygiene: it is necessary to illuminate the workplace well, not to read at close range, spend time moderately at the TV and monitor;
  • in a balanced diet: it is recommended to use foods containing vitamins for the eyes;
  • in the use of well-chosen optics;
  • in regular gymnastics for the eyes;
  • in the alternation of work and rest.

In addition, from an early age, it is necessary to teach the child to keep all objects under consideration at a distance of 30 cm: drawings, books, pictures, etc. This not only helps prevent eye pathology, but also prevents the development of diseases of the spine. Myopia occurs primarily from eye strain.

To relieve fatigue, there are several easy exercises. Gymnastics helps to normalize the metabolism in the eye muscle, improve its tone, increase blood circulation in the retina of the organs of vision.

OI myopia can be prevented using the following exercises:

  1. Sitting on a chair, tilt your head back and close your eyelids as much as possible for 5 seconds, then expand them, lingering for 10 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.
  2. Without raising your head, make rotational movements of the pupils clockwise and counterclockwise, repeat 2-3 times;
  3. Standing on straight legs, stretch your arms forward, focus on your index finger and slowly bend and unbend your elbow, bringing your finger to the tip of your nose. Repeat 3-5 times.
  4. Approaching the window, you need to select an object on the horizon and peer into it for 3-5 seconds, then turn your eyes to the window. Repeat 3-5 times.

Myopia or myopia is an eye disease in which a person sees well up close, but at the same time objects located far away can be seen with difficulty. According to statistics, 80% of the population of our planet suffers from myopia of various forms. The main part falls on a weak degree of myopia in one or both eyes at once. Myopia without appropriate treatment can progress, resulting in a person seeing less and less into the distance.

For some time, weak myopia can still be compensated by the functioning of the accommodation apparatus, which adapts the lens for normal distance and near vision. But over time, its compensatory ones exhaust their ability to refract light rays and complications begin to develop, which ultimately lead to complete loss of vision.

A little about the disease

Myopia develops due to various anomalies in the structure of the eyeball or due to a violation of its ability to refract light rays. As a result, images of distant objects are focused not on the retina, as in a healthy person, but in front of it. Because of what they are perceived as vague.

Mild myopia was determined by ophthalmologists in the interval from -0.25 to -3 diopters. At this stage, glasses are not needed for constant wear, a person needs them only for hard work associated with a constant look into the distance. Up close, a person’s vision is normal, but distant objects are already seen in a blurry form, so you have to constantly strain your eyes. Each millimeter of growth of the eyeball increases the degree of myopia by -3 diopters.

Varieties of the disease

Although a mild degree is initial, it can progress quite quickly. Often the disease actively develops in childhood. In turn, a weak degree is divided into several types.

According to the nature of the flow, the following forms are distinguished:

  • stationary, in which myopia does not go into another stage, but remains stable;
  • progressive. Mild myopia progresses by one or more diopters per year;
  • transitory. Caused by certain medications or concomitant diseases;
  • twilight. A person sees poorly into the distance only with the onset of darkness;
  • malignant. A rapidly progressive form that can reduce vision to over 20 diopters in a short time.

According to the mechanism of development, a weak degree of myopia is:

  1. Axial. It develops due to an increase in the eyeball.
  2. Refractive. It is caused by strong refraction as a result of a thickening or thickening of the eye lens (crystalline lens);
  3. Mixed. It arises due to the simultaneous action of these two mechanisms.

According to the cause, the disease is divided into true and false. False myopia of the first degree or is a consequence of spasm of the eye muscles. As soon as the spasm is eliminated, vision is restored.

Real myopia is caused by more serious causes, the elimination of which takes much longer and the process is not always completed successfully.

Causes of weak myopia

Mild myopia develops for various reasons, and depends on many, which has a significant impact on vision.

You should know that this is a disease, the most common cause of which is heredity. If one of the parents has myopia, it will occur in children in 25% of cases. If the father and mother have myopia at the same time, then the child will develop it in 50% of cases. Hereditary myopia is manifested under the influence of negative factors and students. The disease progresses up to 18 years, then up to 40-45 years remains unchanged.

Another reason is a weak accommodative apparatus, due to which there is a rapid elongation of the eyeball.

Influenced by constant work at the computer or with small details, eye strain at school when reading and writing without rest.


At first, weak myopia does not appear much. But as vision deteriorates below one and a half diopters, discomfort begins to appear when viewing distant objects.

Symptoms indicating mild myopia are as follows:

  • constant eye fatigue;
  • have to squint to see distant objects;
  • when reading, writing, there is a desire to lean or approach the subject under consideration;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes after long exertion;
  • dryness and redness of the organs of vision.

The presence of one or more signs for a long time is a reason to visit an ophthalmologist.

Features in childhood

Myopia in children can actively develop, reaching a high degree. The reason is that until adulthood, the teenager's eyeball continues to lengthen, which means that any visual load contributes to a quick one. In children and adolescents in educational institutions, it is recommended to carry out preventive ophthalmological examinations several times a day with a vision test according to the tables.


To detect myopia, they turn to an ophthalmologist who conducts a visual examination and other diagnostic measures.

Before treating a mild degree of myopia, a number of diagnostic techniques are carried out. They are reflected in the table.

Diagnosis method. Description.
Visometry. Table vision check.
Ophthalmoscopy. Examination of the fundus.
Tonography. Checking the outflow of intraocular fluid.
Perimetry. Definition of visual fields.
Ophthalmometry. Identification of the optical power of the corneal layer of the eye.
Skiascopy. The study of the movement of the shadow in the pupil.
Refractometry. Testing the ability of the eye to reflect light rays.
Tonometry. Determination of intraocular pressure.
Ultrasonography. Identification of the length of the eyeball to determine the possible pathology.

If, after research, it turns out that a person really has a diagnosis of "mild myopia", then appropriate treatment is prescribed.


Can mild myopia be cured? Mild myopia is very well corrected. eliminate by removing the spasm of accommodation.

The treatment of true myopia is carried out, optical, in an operative way. In childhood, Sidorenko glasses are often prescribed. Spectacles with diverging lenses are selected, with which you can shift the focus so that it falls on the retina.

With a weak degree of myopia, they are necessary only when viewing distant objects. Glasses are made individually for each person after a thorough diagnosis, taking into account the distance between the pupils, the degree of myopia in both eyes or one and other important parameters.

Important! In no case should you independently select and buy corrective glasses without consulting a doctor. Wearing them will only harm the eyes, myopia will progress.

Drug therapy is indicated for false myopia. Special preparations (drops) are prescribed, which relieve the spasm of accommodation, which leads to the restoration of normal vision. Drops are prescribed if there is no progress in myopic processes, in the absence of the need for optical correction and other methods of treatment. Irifrin, Taufon, Ujala are often prescribed.

There is no cure for true myopia. Only vitamin complexes are used, which contain vitamins important for the eyes (retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine, lutein).

Hardware corrective techniques help well:

  1. electrophoresis. Relieves eye strain, lowers intraocular pressure.
  2. laser stimulator. Improves vision, eliminates eye fatigue.
  3. Color magnetic stimulator. Promotes the work of the optic nerve, eliminates eye spasms.

Good help and. The most effective exercises are considered to be increased blinking for a couple of minutes, drawing a “eight” or a diamond with the eyes, moving the eyes up and down, left and right, vertically and horizontally.

With the daily performance of such gymnastics, the muscles of the eyes relax, hypertonicity is eliminated, microcirculation in the vessels improves, metabolism normalizes, and degenerative processes are inhibited.

The absolute elimination of myopia gives the operation - scleroplasty. It is carried out only with the rapid progression of the disease. The most popular procedure is laser vision correction, in which myopia is corrected with a laser beam in 15 minutes.

Traditional medicine for mild myopia

Alternative methods of treatment for myopia of the first stage can be considered as additional measures to maintain eye health. It includes the reception of decoctions, infusions, teas. You can daily take blueberries in all forms (frozen, fresh, in the form of fruit drinks), tea from currant berries and leaves of this plant, infusion or syrup of rose hips.

Nettle helps a lot. Its leaves in the amount of 50 grams are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 4 hours. Strain and consume 2 tablespoons before meals in the morning and evening.

All of the above natural medicines contain a large amount of vitamin C, as well as various micro and macro elements necessary for the eyes.

Initial myopia during pregnancy

Pregnant women with stage 1 myopia should see an ophthalmologist regularly. Usually, a weak degree of the disease during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the mother and baby, but if pathological changes are found in the fundus, then the question is raised about the advisability of a caesarean section.

During childbirth, a woman has to strain a lot, including eye muscles experiencing tremendous stress, which can lead to detachment or rupture of the retina. There is a high risk of deterioration or even complete loss of vision. Conducting a caesarean section eliminates attempts during childbirth, respectively, avoids complications from the organs of vision.

Sports and myopia

A weak degree of myopia is a reason for correcting your lifestyle. If you neglect these rules, the disease will progress very quickly.

A person with myopia should not engage in heavy sports such as bodybuilding, weightlifting, powerlifting, boxing, hockey, wrestling. If you do not pay attention to these recommendations, myopia will progress.


To maintain a clear and clear vision, it is important to follow the preventive rules, which are to strengthen the organs of vision and the correct distribution of visual load. They come down to this:

  • regular gymnastics for the organs of vision;
  • exclusion of reading while lying down or in a moving vehicle;
  • when working at a computer or watching TV every 40 minutes, take a break to rest your eyes for 5-15 minutes.


It should be remembered that weak myopia of the right, left eye is a disease prone to progression. Nearsighted people are not recommended to stay in very hot rooms for a long time (baths, saunas). But extreme cold should also be avoided.

You should also think about choosing a profession. It should not be associated with visual overload. When exercising, you need to monitor the heart rate (it should not exceed 150 beats per minute).

The result of technological progress and general computerization has become a rapid development in people. According to statistics, about every third inhabitant of the planet has myopia, or myopia, 1 degree. What it is was known back in the time of Aristotle, who noticed that some people squint when looking at distant objects. But then it was a rarity, but now many people can clearly see only what is located close to them. Usually the disease develops in childhood, and by the age of 15, a third of schoolchildren receive a diagnosis of myopia of the 1st degree.

What it is

A healthy eye sees because the rays of light, reflected from different objects, are projected on its retina and create an image. If myopia develops, then this happens because the eyeball is slightly lengthened. As a result, the image is projected not on the retina, but slightly in front of it. Therefore, a person with myopia sees distant objects indistinctly. Modern experts believe that this may be due to underdevelopment of the lens muscles. Therefore, the eye becomes more oval and cannot perform its functions normally. The disease can be of different types. According to how far the image is projected from the retina, there are mild, moderate and severe myopia. It happens also or complicated by others. But the most common is myopia of the 1st degree. What it is is known to many mothers of school-age children. The disease usually begins before the age of 18. Then vision can only worsen or remain at the same level.

Causes of the disease

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, myopia of the 1st degree of both eyes is already observed in children of 7 years old. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to recognize the first symptoms of the disease. They may only show up in the fact that the child often squints or tilts his head to look at

something that is far away. When reading and looking at close objects, there are no problems. This is the main symptom of the disease, therefore, having noticed it, you need to show the child to the doctor. If treatment is not started on time, myopia can progress. Most often this occurs before the age of 20-22, but visual impairment can also occur at an older age. Progressive myopia without treatment can lead to retinal detachment and blindness. Frequent headaches and visual fatigue are sometimes added to the deterioration of vision. Therefore, you need to take seriously the fact that the child was diagnosed with "myopia of the 1st degree."

How to treat the disease

Now there are three ways to improve vision:

Usually, the method of treatment is selected by the doctor depending on the age of the patient, his state of health and the degree of visual impairment. It is easiest to help a child if he has 1st degree myopia. The treatment in this case will consist in the fact that the small patient is assigned glasses, which he does not have to wear all the time. Special exercises are also prescribed - color pulse therapy, electric sound, phonophoresis and pneumomassage. Before the age of 22, vision correction with surgery is performed only in very rare cases.

Myopia 1 degree in children

Acquired myopia is very rare in preschool age. Most often, the disease is congenital. If this happens, then the first symptoms are observed already at the age of 1 year. Later chance of developing myopia
decreases because the child's eye grows and its structure changes. Usually vision begins to deteriorate in children at school age. This is due to an increase in visual load and non-compliance with hygiene rules. To correct the disease before the age of 20, glasses are used, which do not have to be worn all the time. To choose the right glasses, you need to accurately determine the condition of the child's vision. To do this, during the examination, "Atropine" is instilled into the eyes, causing relaxation of the ciliary muscle.

Myopia prevention

Preventive measures must be taken to prevent vision deterioration. Most of all, this applies to children from 7 years old, because in adults myopia rarely progresses. What should be done:

  • monitor the nutrition of the child, he should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals with food;
  • ensure proper seating and lighting when reading and writing;
  • do not allow prolonged TV viewing and being at the computer;
  • teach the child to perform special suggestions for the eyes.

Now more and more children are graduating from school with a diagnosis of "myopia of the 1st degree." What is it, parents need to know in order to prevent visual impairment.