Monetary maintenance of municipal employees

The main incentive in official activity is the monetary content.

The monetary allowance consists of the official salary of a municipal employee in accordance with the position of the municipal service he fills and the monthly salary of a municipal employee in accordance with the class rank of the municipal service assigned to him, which constitute the monthly salary of the municipal employee. In addition, employees have monthly and other additional payments.

Earlier, in the Krasnodar Territory, the law “On the maximum wage rates for deputies, members of elected bodies of local self-government, elected officials of local self-government exercising their powers on a permanent basis, municipal employees, employees of municipal unitary enterprises and institutions” was in force, which established the structure of the salary, salaries and allowances. According to the Law of the Krasnodar Territory dated 03.06.2009 No. 1741-KZ, this normative act became invalid, and the provisions on the remuneration of employees were included in the regional law “On municipal service in the Krasnodar Territory”.

Local self-government bodies independently determine the amount and terms of remuneration of municipal employees. The amount of the official salary, salary for the class rank of a municipal employee, other additional payments and the procedure for their implementation are established by municipal legal acts of the representative body of the municipality in accordance with the law Russian Federation and the legislation of the Krasnodar Territory.

It has been established that the size of the official salary and salary for the class rank of a municipal employee should not exceed the size of the official salary and salary for the class rank of a state civil servant of the Krasnodar Territory in accordance with the ratio of posts established by Law No. 1244-KZ.

So for the positions of the municipal service and the positions of the state civil service of the Krasnodar Territory, taking into account the qualification requirements for the relevant positions of the municipal service and the positions of the state civil service of the Krasnodar Territory, the following ratio is established:

1) the highest position of the municipal service - the highest group of positions of the category "heads" of the state civil service of the Krasnodar Territory;

2) the main position of the municipal service - the main group of positions of the category "specialists" of the state civil service of the Krasnodar Territory;

3) the leading position of the municipal service - the leading group of positions of the category "specialists" of the state civil service of the Krasnodar Territory;

4) senior position of the municipal service - the senior group of positions of the category "specialists" of the state civil service of the Krasnodar Territory;

5) junior position of the municipal service - the junior group of positions of the category "providing specialists" of the state civil service of the Krasnodar Territory.

Further, based on the ratio of positions, it is possible to produce the ratio of salaries of the monetary content. For civil servants of the Krasnodar Territory, they are established by the regional law "On the monetary maintenance of state civil servants of the Krasnodar Territory". The results of the correlation of salaries are presented in the table.

Table 1 - Approximate salaries of municipal employees in the Krasnodar Territory

Salaries for class rank are presented in table 2

Table 2 - Salaries for class rank.

Class rank of municipal service

Salary for class rank (rub.)

Active Municipal Councilor 1st class

Active Municipal Councilor Class 2

Active Municipal Councilor 3rd class

Municipal councilor 1st class

Municipal councilor 2nd class

Municipal councilor 3rd class

Councilor of the municipal service 1st class

Municipal Service Counselor 2nd class

Municipal Service Counselor 3rd class

Referent of the municipal service of the 1st class

Referent of the municipal service of the 2nd class

Referent of the municipal service of the 3rd class

Municipal Service Secretary 1st Class

Municipal Service Secretary 2nd Class

Secretary of municipal service 3rd class

Additional payments include:

1) a monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service in the municipal service. Its size naturally depends on the length of service of the municipal service:

from 1 to 5 years - 10%

from 5 to 10 years - 15%

from 10 to 15 years - 20%

over 15 years - 30%;

2) a monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service. The procedure for payment and the specific amounts of this allowance are determined by the representative of the employer, based on the following amounts:

a) for the highest group of positions in the municipal service - from 150 to 200 percent of the official salary;

b) for the main group of positions in the municipal service - from 120 to 150 percent of the official salary;

c) for the leading group of positions in the municipal service - from 90 to 120 percent of the official salary;

d) for the senior group of positions in the municipal service - from 60 to 90 percent of the official salary;

e) for the junior group of positions in the municipal service - up to 60 percent of the official salary;

3) a monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret, in the amount and in the manner determined by the representative of the employer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4) bonuses based on the results of work for the month (quarter) and year, the procedure for payment of which is determined by the municipal legal act of the representative body of the municipality (the maximum amount within the wage fund is not limited);

5) a monthly monetary incentive, the amount of which is established by a municipal legal act issued by the representative body of the municipality in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Krasnodar Territory, and which should not exceed the annual monetary incentives for state civil servants of the Krasnodar Territory (table 3);

Table 3 - Approximate amounts of monthly monetary incentives for municipal employees in the Krasnodar Territory

6) a one-time payment in the provision of annual paid leave and material assistance paid out of the wage fund of municipal employees in accordance with the regulation approved by the representative of the employer.

Municipal employees are made other payments provided for by the relevant federal laws and other regulatory legal acts and paid at the expense of the wage fund of municipal employees.

When forming the annual wage fund for municipal employees in excess of the amount of funds allocated for the payment of official salaries, funds are provided for the payment of salaries for the class rank and additional payments, in the number of official salaries, the amount of which for each of the payments is determined by the representative body of the municipality.

The annual wage fund of municipal employees, based on the number of official salaries, should not exceed the annual wage fund of state civil servants of the Krasnodar Territory.


On approval of the Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulations on the monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials of local governments of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk (as amended on November 29, 2018)

Document's name:
Document Number: 47/139
Document type:
Host body:
Status: current
Acceptance date: October 30, 2008
Effective start date: November 01, 2008
Revision date: November 29, 2018

On approval of the Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulations on the monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local self-government of the municipality of the city of Bl


On approval of the Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulations on the monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials of local governments of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk

Dumas of 01/29/2009 N 51/02, of 02/25/2010 N 5/19, of 04/29/2010 N 7/45, of 09/30/2010 N 15/105, of 10/28/2010 N 18/129, of 03/29/2012 N 3 8/32 , dated 09/27/2012 N 46/92 , dated 09/26/2013 N 64/102 , dated 09/09/2014 N 80/89 , dated 02/22/2018 N 42/14 , dated 11/29/2018 N 50/118)

Having considered the draft decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma submitted by the mayor of the city of Blagoveshchensk "On approval of the Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulations on the monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials of local governments of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk", in accordance with the Laws of the Amur Region of June 30, 20 08 N 71-OZ "On some guarantees to persons filling municipal positions in the Amur Region", N 74-OZ "On the remuneration of municipal employees in the Amur Region", taking into account the conclusion of the permanent deputy commission on budget, taxes and finances, on the basis of Article 20 of the Charter of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, the Blagoveshchensk City Duma decided:

1. Approve the Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk (Appendix N 1).

2. Approve the Regulations on the monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local self-government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials of local self-government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk (Appendix N 2).

3. Recognize as invalid:

decision of the City Duma dated December 1, 2005 N 7/89 "On approval of the Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipal service of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulations on the remuneration of elected officials of local government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials of local governments of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk";

decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated May 25, 2006 N 14/73 "On introducing amendments and additions to the decision of the City Duma dated December 1, 2005 N 7/89" On approval of the Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipal service of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulations on the monetary remuneration of elected officials of local self-government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers for permanent basis, and other officials of local self-government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk";

Decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated September 27, 2007 N 33/96 "On Amendments to the Regulation on the Monetary Salary of Municipal Employees of the Municipal Service of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulation on the Monetary Remuneration of Elected Officials of the Local Government of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk, Deputies Exercising Their Powers on a Permanent Basis, and Other Local Government Officials of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk, approved by the decision of the City Duma of December 1, 2005 N 7/89";

Decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated November 29, 2007 N 35/136 "On Amendments to the Regulation on the Monetary Salary of Municipal Employees of the Municipal Service of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulation on the Monetary Remuneration of Elected Officials of Local Government of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk, Deputies Exercising Their Powers on a Permanent Basis, and Other Local Government Officials of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk, approved by the decision of the City Duma dated December 1, 2005 N 7/89 ";

decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 3, 2008 N 40/24 "On Amendments to the Regulations on the Monetary Salary of Municipal Employees of the Municipal Service of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulations on the Remuneration of Elected Officials of Local Government of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk, Deputies Exercising Their Powers on a Permanent Basis, and Other Local Government Officials of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk, approved by the decision of the City Duma of December 1, 2005 N 7/89";

decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma of May 29, 2008 N 42/62 "On Amendments to the Regulations on the Monetary Salary of Municipal Employees of the Municipal Service of the Municipal Formation of the City of Blagoveshchensk, approved by the decision of the Duma of the City of Blagoveshchensk of December 1, 2005" .

4. This decision is subject to official publication in the newspaper "Blagoveshchensk" and comes into force on November 1, 2008, except for the provisions specified in paragraph 5 of this decision.

5. Clauses 3.1.6, 3.1.7 of Annex No. 1 to this decision and clauses 7.1, 8.1 of the Regulations on the procedure for paying additional payments to municipal employees of the municipal service of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk come into force on January 1, 2009.

6. To impose control over the execution of this decision on the permanent deputy commission on budget, taxes and finance (S.V. Kalashnikov).

city ​​of Blagoveshchensk

Appendix N 1. Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk

Appendix No. 1
to a decision
Blagoveshchensk City Duma

(As amended by the decisions of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated January 29, 2009 N 51/02, dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45, dated September 30, 2010 N 15/105, dated October 28, 2010 N 18/129, dated March 29, 2012 N 38/32, dated 2 09/07/2012 N 46/92 , 09/26/2013 N 64/102 , 09/09/2014 N 80/89 , 02/22/2018 N 42/14 , 11/29/2018 N 50/118)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation has been developed on the basis of the Law of the Amur Region "On the remuneration of municipal employees in the Amur Region".

1.2. This Regulation determines the amount, terms of remuneration and the procedure for paying additional payments to municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk (hereinafter referred to as municipal employees).

2. Monetary maintenance of municipal employees

2.1. The financial support of a municipal employee consists of the official salary of a municipal employee in accordance with the position of the municipal service of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk he fills (hereinafter referred to as the official salary), as well as monthly and other additional payments (hereinafter referred to as additional payments).

2.1.1. The salaries of salaries for positions of the municipal service are annually increased (indexed) in accordance with the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma on the city budget for the corresponding fiscal year taking into account the inflation rate ( consumer prices), their sizes are subject to rounding up to the nearest whole ruble.

Duma dated 11/29/2018 N 50/118)

2.2. Additional payments include:

monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service in the municipal service;

monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service;

monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret;

lump-sum payment upon granting annual paid leave;

monthly cash bonus;

material aid;

monthly bonus to the official salary for a class rank.

Duma dated 04/29/2010 N 7/45)

2.3. Other payments are made to municipal employees (an allowance for an academic degree, an allowance for conducting a legal examination of legal acts and draft legal acts, preparing and editing draft legal acts and their endorsement as a lawyer or executor with a higher legal education), provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the region.

2.4. To the financial allowance of a municipal employee, a district coefficient and a percentage bonus to wages for work in the southern regions are established Far East.

2.5. Municipal employees are set official salaries in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the region and the Charter of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk (Appendix No. 1 to this Regulation).

3. Additional payments to municipal employees

3.1. Additional payments are established for municipal employees:

3.1.1. Monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service:

for the highest positions of the municipal service - in the amount of 150 to 200 percent of the official salary;

for the main positions of the municipal service - in the amount of 120 to 150 percent of the official salary;

for leading positions in the municipal service - in the amount of 90 to 120 percent of the official salary;

for senior positions in the municipal service - in the amount of 60 to 90 percent of the official salary;

for junior positions in the municipal service - up to 60 percent of the official salary.

3.1.2. Monthly bonus to the official salary for years of service in the municipal service:

Municipal service experience

Salary Percentage

From 1 year to 5 years

5 to 10 years

10 to 15 years old

Over 15 years

3.1.3. Monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret - in the amount and in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.1.4. Bonus for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks - taking into account the provision of tasks and functions structural unit, performance job description(the maximum size is not limited).

3.1.5. Monthly monetary incentive, assigned differentially (the maximum amount is limited to three official salaries).

(clause 3.1.5 as amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated September 27, 2012 N 46/92)

3.1.6. Monthly bonus to the official salary for a class rank within the ratio of class ranks of municipal employees and class ranks of state civil servants of the region established by the Law of the Amur Region (Appendix No. 2 to this Regulation).

(clause 3.1.6 as amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

3.1.7. A one-time payment upon granting annual paid leave - in the amount of two official salaries.

3.1.8. Financial assistance - in the amount of one official salary.

3.2. A municipal employee who has an academic degree and works in the relevant profile is set a monthly allowance in the amount of:

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

candidate of science - 10 percent of the official salary;

doctor of sciences - 20 percent of the official salary.

3.3. A municipal employee who fills a position in the legal service, whose main duties include conducting a legal examination of legal acts and draft legal acts, preparing and editing draft legal acts and their endorsement as a lawyer or executor with a higher legal education, is set a monthly allowance of up to 50 percent of the official salary.

3.4. The procedure for paying a monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service, bonuses for performing particularly important and complex tasks, monetary incentives, a lump sum payment when granting annual paid leave, an allowance for an academic degree, a monthly allowance to the official salary for a class rank, material assistance and other payments are provided for in Appendix No. 3 to this Regulation.

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

4. The procedure for the formation of the wage fund

4.1. The payroll fund for municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk includes the following means for payments (per year):

official salaries - in the amount of twelve official salaries;

a monthly allowance to the official salary for a class rank - in the amount of four official salaries;

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

a monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service - in the amount of fourteen official salaries;

a monthly allowance to the official salary for length of service in the municipal service - in the amount of three official salaries;

a monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret - in the amount of one and a half official salaries;

bonuses for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks - in the amount of three official salaries;

monthly monetary incentive - in the amount of thirty-three official salaries;

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated September 27, 2012 N 46/92)

a one-time payment in the provision of annual paid leave and material assistance - in the amount of three official salaries.

4.2. The wage fund for municipal employees is formed at the expense of the funds provided for in paragraph 4.1, as well as at the expense of:

for the payment of a district coefficient, a percentage bonus to wages for work in the southern regions of the Far East;

for other payments (an allowance for an academic degree, an allowance for conducting a legal examination of legal acts and draft legal acts, preparing and editing draft legal acts and their endorsement as a lawyer or executor with a higher legal education), provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the region.

4.3. The head of the local self-government body has the right to redistribute the funds of the payroll fund for municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk between the payments provided for in paragraph 4.1.

4.4. Savings on the wage fund remain at the disposal of the local government and are used in accordance with the provisions approved by it for the payment of bonuses, additional incentives, for the provision of material assistance and for other payments of a one-time nature.

Appendix N 1. Sizes of official salaries of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk

Appendix No. 1
to the Regulation

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated November 29, 2018 N 50/118)

Job title

Official salary, rub.

First Deputy Mayor of Blagoveshchensk

Deputy Mayor of the city of Blagoveshchensk, chairman of the control and accounting body

Deputy Chairman of the Control and Accounts Body

Chief of Staff of the Mayor of Blagoveshchensk, business manager

Head of department with status legal entity; chairman of the committee having the status of a legal entity; head of department with the status of a legal entity

Deputy head of the department having the status of a legal entity; deputy chairman of the committee having the status of a legal entity; deputy head of the department having the status of a legal entity;

auditing body auditor

Head of the department of the apparatus of the local self-government body

Deputy Head of the Department of the Office of the Local Self-Government Body

Head of department: apparatus, administration, committee of a local self-government body, control and accounting body

Deputy head of the department: apparatus, administration, committee of the local self-government body, head of the sector

Advisor to the head of the representative body of the municipality, advisor to the mayor of the city of Blagoveshchensk

Head of the press service of the representative body of the municipality, head of the press service of the mayor of Blagoveshchensk, press secretary of the mayor of Blagoveshchensk

Chief Inspector of the Control and Accounts Authority

Leading Inspector of the Control and Accounts Authority

Senior Inspector of the Control and Accounts Authority

Inspector of the control and accounting body


Chief Specialist

Leading Specialist


Lead Inspector

Appendix N 2. The amount of the monthly allowance to the official salary of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk for class rank

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulation

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

Class rank of municipal employees

The amount of the monthly allowance to the official salary for the class rank, in rubles

Active Municipal Councilor 1st class

Active Municipal Councilor Class 2

Active Municipal Councilor 3rd class

Municipal councilor 1st class

Municipal councilor 2nd class

Municipal councilor 3rd class

Councilor of the municipal service 1st class

Municipal Service Counselor 2nd class

Municipal Service Counselor 3rd class

Referent of the municipal service of the 1st class

Referent of the municipal service of the 2nd class

Referent of the municipal service of the 3rd class

Municipal Service Secretary 1st class

Municipal Service Secretary 2nd class

Secretary of municipal service 3rd class

Annex N 3

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulation

(as amended by the decisions of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated January 29, 2009 N 51/02, dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45, dated September 30, 2010 N 15/105, dated September 27, 2012 N 46/92, dated November 29, 2018 N 50/118)

1. General Provisions

1.1. The regulation was developed for the purpose of material interest of municipal employees in improving the quality of work performed, increasing performance discipline, the level of responsibility for the work performed, developing activity and initiative in the implementation of tasks in the field professional activity.

1.2. This Regulation establishes the procedure for payment:

monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service;

monthly allowance to the official salary for length of service in the municipal service;

monthly cash incentive;

a monthly allowance to the official salary for a class rank;

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

bonuses for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks;

lump-sum payment upon granting annual paid leave;

financial assistance;

monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret.

1.3. Additional payments are established and paid:

municipal employee of the administration of the city of Blagoveshchensk, the Blagoveshchensk City Duma, the control body of the city of Blagoveshchensk on the basis of an order of the head of the local government;

heads of departments, departments, committees that have the status of a legal entity, on the basis of an order from the mayor of the city of Blagoveshchensk;

(As amended by the decisions of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated September 30, 2010 N 15/105, dated November 29, 2018 N 50/118)

paragraph is excluded. - Decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated January 29, 2009 N 51/02;

municipal employees as part of departments, departments, committees with the status of a legal entity, on the basis of an order from the head of the structural unit.

2. Monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service

2.1. The monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service is established for each municipal employee as a percentage, depending on the position held.

The amount of this allowance depends on the intensity of work, work in irregular working hours, the importance and urgency of the work performed, the employee's initiative in completing tasks.

2.2. When establishing a monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service, the presence of the employee necessary for the performance of work in the position of education, work experience and practical experience and the importance and complexity of the work to be done.

2.3. In the absence of the necessary professional training, as well as special knowledge, skills and abilities, lack of practical work experience, the monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service, the bonus is set at a minimum.

2.4. When a municipal employee enters the municipal service of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, he is set the minimum amount of the monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service, which can be increased after the probationary period or after three months, if the probationary period was not established, based on the feedback on the results of the work of the municipal employee of his immediate supervisor. IN exceptional cases for highly qualified specialists, at the request of the head of the structural unit, allowances can be established ahead of schedule.

2.5. The monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service for an employee is established for the duration of the employment contract or tenure in a particular position.

2.6. The monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service may be increased or reduced depending on the performance of the municipal employee.

Proposals on establishing or changing the amount of the monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service are submitted to the head of the local government, the head of departments, departments, committees that have the status of a legal entity, the immediate supervisor of the municipal employee.

3. Monthly bonus to the official salary for years of service in the municipal service

3.1. The monthly allowance for length of service in the municipal service is established depending on the length of service in the municipal service.

3.2. The calculation of length of service for the purpose of assigning a monthly allowance to the official salary for length of service in the municipal service is compiled by an employee of the personnel department on the basis of a work book.

3.3. The monthly seniority bonus is paid from the moment the right to its appointment arises or its size changes.

3.4. In case of temporary substitution, the monthly allowance for the length of service is charged on the official salary for the main job.

4. Award for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks

4.1. Municipal employees are set a monthly bonus for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks in the amount of 25% of the official salary.

4.2. The monthly bonus for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks is paid for the time actually worked.

4.3. The head of the local self-government body, heads of structural subdivisions with the status of a legal entity, have the right to increase the amount of bonuses for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks at the expense of the payroll fund.

4.4. In the case of a disciplinary sanction, a reduction in the amount of the monthly monetary incentive, the bonus for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks is not paid to the municipal employee.

5. Monthly cash bonus

5.1. According to the results of work, a differentiated monthly monetary incentive is established for municipal employees (the maximum amount is limited to three official salaries).

(clause 5.1 as amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated September 27, 2012 N 46/92)

5.2. Monthly bonuses are paid for actual hours worked.

5.3. The main conditions for the award are:

the results of the work of municipal employees, achieved through the timely and high-quality performance of work in the main areas of activity of the structural unit;

timely and quality execution official duties taking into account the personal contribution of the employee to the overall results of the work (the importance and complexity of the work performed, efficiency and professionalism in resolving issues within their competence, in preparing documents, fulfilling the instructions of the head);

application in the work of modern forms and methods of labor organization;

compliance with the established rules of internal labor regulations, the procedure for working with official information.

5.4. The amount of the monthly monetary incentive can be reduced by an individual municipal employee who has made official omissions or violations labor discipline, in the billing period for the following reasons:

untimely or poor-quality performance of official duties - up to 50%;

untimely or poor-quality performance of tasks, orders of the head - up to 50%;

violation of the deadlines for responding to letters, complaints, deadlines for agreeing on draft regulatory legal acts - up to 50%;

justified complaint about inattentive attitude towards citizens - up to 50%;

violation of the internal labor regulations, abuse of office, non-compliance with the norms of professional ethics, etc. - up to 50%;

use for non-official purposes of means of material and technical, financial and information support, other municipal property and official information - up to 60%;

application of a disciplinary sanction to an employee - up to 100%;

absenteeism - 100%.

5.5. Municipal employees who are subject to disciplinary action, the amount of the monthly monetary incentive may be reduced on the proposal of the head of the structural unit, depending on the severity of the offense committed.

5.6. A reduction in the amount of the monthly monetary incentive may also be made for other omissions in work not specified in paragraph 5.4 of these Regulations, taking into account the specifics of the work of the structural unit.

5.7. The reduction in the amount of the monthly monetary incentive is established by the administrative act of the head of the local government body or the head of the department, department, committee, which is a legal entity.

6. Monthly bonus to the official salary for class rank

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

6.1. The monthly allowance to the official salary for the class rank is paid to the municipal employee according to the position held.

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

6.2. The payment of a monthly allowance to the official salary for a class rank is made from the date of the decision to assign the first or next (extraordinary) class rank.

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

6.3. The size of the monthly allowance to the official salary for a class rank is not subject to reduction or cancellation.

(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated April 29, 2010 N 7/45)

7. Lump sum when granting annual paid leave

7.1. A one-time payment in the provision of annual paid leave is paid once in the amount of two official salaries of a municipal employee.

7.2. The payment is made once. If a municipal employee is granted leave in parts, the payment of material assistance is made when the first part of the leave is granted.

7.3. If a municipal employee who has worked for a full financial year has not used the vacation, the stipulated lump-sum payment when granting annual paid leave is paid at the end of the financial year.

8. Financial assistance

8.1. Municipal employees are paid material assistance in the amount of one official salary when they go on annual paid leave once in a financial year.

8.2. If a municipal employee is granted leave in parts, the payment of material assistance is made when the first part of the leave is granted.

In the event that a municipal employee who has worked for a full financial year does not use the vacation, he is paid material assistance at the end of the financial year.

8.3. Municipal employees hired during the financial year and who have not completed a full financial year are paid material assistance in proportion to the number of full months worked in a given financial year, based on current salaries.

8.4. Worked less than a year due to dismissal own will, in connection with a transfer to another job, admission to educational institutions, conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces, dismissal due to a reduction in the number or staff, payment of financial assistance is made for the time actually worked.

8.5. Municipal employees in the presence of savings on the wage fund can be paid material assistance in the following cases:

the difficult financial situation of a municipal employee in connection with the loss or damage to property as a result of a natural disaster and other unforeseen circumstances (fire, burglary, accident of water supply systems, heat supply and other circumstances);

death of a municipal employee (at the written request of one of the relatives or friends of the deceased);

death of close relatives (husband, wife, children, parents, brother, sister are considered close relatives);

sanatorium-and-spa treatment (if there is a medical certificate);

birth of a child;

treatment requiring the purchase of expensive medicines(if supporting documents are available).

The amount of material assistance to municipal employees is provided for in the collective agreement.

8.6. The decision to provide financial assistance good reasons, which led to a difficult financial situation of a municipal employee, is accepted on the basis of a written application of a municipal employee with the submission of copies of documents confirming these circumstances. An application is not required for the payment of material assistance for annual paid leave.

9. Monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret

9.1. Municipal employees admitted to state secrets on a permanent basis are paid a monthly percentage bonus to their official salary for working with information constituting state secrets.

9.2. A monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret is paid to municipal employees in the amount and in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Annex N 2. Regulations on the monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local self-government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials ...

Appendix No. 2
to a decision
Blagoveshchensk City Duma
dated October 30, 2008 N 47/139


2. The procedure for establishing a monetary reward

2.1. Remuneration for the work of persons holding municipal positions is made in the form of a monthly monetary remuneration (attachment).

2.1.1. The monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local self-government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials of local self-government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk is increased (indexed) annually in accordance with the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma on the city budget for the corresponding financial year, taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices), their amounts are subject to rounding up to the nearest ruble upwards.

(clause 2.1.1 was introduced by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated November 29, 2018 N 50/118)

2.2. In addition to the monthly monetary remuneration, the following additional payments are made to persons replacing municipal positions:

lump-sum payment upon granting annual paid leave - 50% of monetary remuneration;

monthly percentage bonus for working with information constituting a state secret, in the amount and in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

monthly supplement for a degree:

1) PhD - 2%;

2.4. To the monthly monetary remuneration and other payments specified in this article, a district coefficient and a percentage bonus to wages for work in the southern regions of the Far East are established.

3. The procedure for the formation of the wage fund

3.1. When forming the payroll fund for persons filling municipal positions, in excess of the funds allocated for the payment of monthly monetary remuneration, the following funds are provided for payment (per year):

lump-sum payment when granting annual paid leave - 0.5 monetary remuneration;

monthly percentage bonus for working with information constituting a state secret - in the amount of 0.3 monetary reward.

3.2. The payroll fund for persons holding municipal positions is formed at the expense of the funds provided for in paragraph 3.1, as well as at the expense of:

for the payment of a district coefficient, a percentage bonus to wages for work in the southern regions of the Far East, established by the laws of the region;

for the payment of an allowance for an academic degree, provided for in paragraph 2.2 of section 2 of these Regulations.

3.3. Other conditions for the formation of the wage fund for persons holding municipal positions may be established by federal laws and laws of the region.

3.4. Savings on the payroll fund remain at the disposal of the local governments of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk and are used in accordance with the provisions approved by them for the payment of bonuses, additional incentives, for the provision of financial assistance and for other payments of a one-time nature.

Application. The amount of the monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local self-government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials of the local government.

to the Regulation


(As amended by the decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma dated November 29, 2018 N 50/118)

Job title

Monthly cash remuneration, rubles (excluding the district coefficient and the percentage allowance for work in the southern regions of the Far East)

Mayor of Blagoveshchensk

Chairman of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma, filling the position on a permanent basis

Deputy Chairman of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma, filling the position on a permanent basis

65195On approval of the Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulations on the monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials of local governments of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk (as amended on November 29, 2018)

Document's name: On approval of the Regulations on the financial allowance of municipal employees of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Regulations on the monthly monetary remuneration of elected officials of local government of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk, deputies exercising their powers on a permanent basis, and other officials of local governments of the municipality of the city of Blagoveshchensk (as amended on November 29, 2018)
Document Number: 47/139
Document type: The decision of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma of the Amur Region
Host body: Blagoveshchensk City Duma of the Amur Region
Status: current
Acceptance date: October 30, 2008
Effective start date: November 01, 2008
Revision date: November 29, 2018

1. Payment for the work of a civil servant is made in the form of a monetary allowance, which is the main means of his material support and stimulation of professional service activities in a civil service position to be replaced.

2. The monetary allowance of a civil servant consists of a monthly salary of a civil servant in accordance with the position of the civil service he fills (hereinafter referred to as the official salary) and a monthly salary of a civil servant in accordance with the class rank of the civil service assigned to him (hereinafter referred to as the salary for the class rank), which constitute the salary of the monthly monetary allowance of a civil servant (hereinafter referred to as the salary), as well as from monthly and other additional payments (hereinafter referred to as additional payments).

3. The size of official salaries and salaries for the class rank of federal state civil servants are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation. For certain positions in the civil service, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation may establish a monetary allowance in the form of a single monetary remuneration, which takes into account the official salary, salary for a class rank and monthly allowances for official salary for length of service in the civil service, for special conditions of civil service, for work with information constituting state secrets, but does not take into account bonuses and monthly monetary incentives.

4. The size of official salaries and salaries for the class rank of state civil servants of the subject of the Russian Federation are established in accordance with the regulatory legal act of the subject of the Russian Federation.

5. Additional payments include:

1) monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service in the civil service in the amount of:

2) a monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of civil service in the amount of up to 200 percent of this salary;

3) a monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret, in the amount and in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4) bonuses for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks, the procedure for payment of which is determined by the representative of the employer, taking into account the provision of tasks and functions of the state body, the execution of official regulations (the maximum amount is not limited);

6) a one-time payment in the provision of annual paid leave and material assistance, paid at the expense of the wage fund for civil servants.

6. The amounts of monthly monetary incentives paid to federal civil servants are established differentially for federal state bodies by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

7. The procedure for paying a monthly allowance for special conditions of the civil service is determined by the representative of the employer.

8. The procedure for the payment of material assistance at the expense of the wage fund for civil servants is determined by the relevant provision, approved by the representative of the employer.

9. In cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a regional coefficient (coefficient) is established for the monetary maintenance of a civil servant.

10. Other payments are made to civil servants, provided for by the relevant federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

11. The amount of salaries for positions in the federal civil service is increased (indexed) annually in accordance with the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year, taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices). The decision to increase (indexation) the amount of salaries for positions in the federal civil service is taken by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation.

12. The amount of salaries for civil service positions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is increased (indexed) annually in accordance with the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the corresponding year, taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices). The increase (indexation) of the salaries of the monetary content for civil service positions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

13. Federal civil servants who fill positions in the civil service in a state body located outside the territory of the Russian Federation are paid salaries in foreign currency and in rubles in the manner and in the amount established by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

14. For certain positions of the civil service, a special procedure for remuneration of civil servants may be established, in which remuneration is made depending on the indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional performance, determined in a fixed-term service contract. For civil servants, whose remuneration is made in the specified special order, the terms of remuneration established by other parts of this article are not applied. Generalized indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of state bodies, the adoption and implementation of managerial and other decisions, as well as legal, organizational and documentary support for the implementation of these decisions, common to state bodies and civil servants, are approved by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, respectively.

15. The list of civil service positions for which a special procedure for remuneration of labor can be established, as well as the procedure for establishing the remuneration of civil servants, provided for in paragraph 14 of this article, are approved accordingly by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

16. The remuneration of labor provided for by part 14 of this article is made within the limits of the established payroll fund for civil servants.

17. Specific indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of the state body, the adoption and execution of managerial and other decisions, as well as the legal, organizational and documentary support for the implementation of these decisions, are approved by a legal act of the state body in accordance with the specifics of its tasks and functions.

The salary of civil servants differs from the standard salary. The wage requirement is one of the essential conditions service contract. As a rule, the remuneration of a civil servant does not depend on the results of his professional activity. An exception is made for civil servants holding individual positions. In their urgent employment contracts the dependence of the amount of remuneration on the indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional performance can be established.


This is the main part of the cash content.
The deposit consists of:
official salary;
salary for a class rank.

The amount of salary depends on the level of qualification of a civil servant, the professional tasks performed by him and is established by a regulatory legal act.

Additional payments

The additional part of the allowance consists of regular (usually monthly) and lump-sum payments. Their accrual and amount depend on certain conditions.

Seniority allowance

The monthly bonus to the official salary for the length of service is stimulating. Its purpose is to encourage the civil servant to continue working. The right to receive a monthly seniority bonus arises if there is at least a year of civil service experience. The amount of the allowance is established by the Civil Service Law and depends on the length of service:
Length of service in the civil service The amount of the monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service
From 1 year to 5 years 10% of the official salary
From 5 to 10 years 15%
From 10 to 15 years 20%
Over 15 years 30%
The procedure for calculating the length of service, as well as periods of public service and other periods of holding positions that are included in the length of service, are approved by Decree No. 1532. In addition, other periods of work may be included in the length of service:
if it is provided for by the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation;
if the relevant experience is necessary for the employee to perform official duties in accordance with the official regulations and there is a corresponding decision of the state body.
In the second case, you can include in the length of service no more than five years of work.

Allowance for work with the state secret

The monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for working with information constituting a state secret is aimed at ensuring that employees who are admitted to state secrets on a permanent basis fulfill the obligation not to disclose this information.
The size and procedure for paying this allowance are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 No. 573).
The amount of the allowance depends on the degree of secrecy of the relevant information:
Maximum monthly allowance:
"Special importance" From 50 to 75%
"Top Secret" From 30 to 50%
"Secret" with access to verification activities From 10 to 15%
"Secret" without verification activities From 5 to 10%
Specific amounts of allowances are set by the representative of the employer, taking into account the amount of information to which these persons have access. The duration of the period during which the relevance of classifying information is also affected.

Monthly cash incentive

This incentive payment is aimed at ensuring the proper performance by the employee of the duties assigned to him by the service contract and job regulations.
The payout amounts are as follows:
Federal state civil servants from 1 to 14 salaries Decree No. 763

Federal state civil servants of the central office of the Russian Foreign Ministry, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, territorial bodies - representative offices of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the territory of the Russian Federation from 0.3 to 2.8 salary Decree No. 442

Award for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks

The purpose of the award is to increase material interest in effective work and high-quality performance of the tasks facing the relevant state body. The employer's representative determines:
what job assignments are “especially important and complex”;
frequency of payment of bonuses (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.);
performance indicators of employees, taking into account which the issue of bonus payment is decided, and bonus conditions;
the procedure for deciding on the payment of bonuses, etc.
According to the courts, the representative of the employer has no right to expand the list of conditions for the payment of bonuses.

One time promotion

A one-time promotion is a type of bonus. It is paid if it is possible to save the funds of the payroll fund established by a specific government agency for a calendar year.
Such payment may be made for impeccable and efficient civil service, merit in the relevant field of professional activity and other achievements. The bonus is paid in connection with anniversaries of a civil servant, retirement, conferment of honorary titles, state and departmental awards and distinctions, as well as in connection with state and professional holidays, etc.
The grounds and procedure for the payment of a one-time incentive are determined by the representative of the employer. The amount is set as a multiple of the official salary of a civil servant or his monthly salary.

A one-time incentive is also paid when they are awarded by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, when they are awarded honorary titles of the Russian Federation, insignia, orders and medals of the Russian Federation. In these cases, the amount of payment is from 1 to 10 monthly salaries, depending on the type of incentive (award).
Another part of the salary of a civil servant is allowances and additional payments of a compensatory nature

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State educational institution higher vocational education

"Nizhny Novgorod State University them. N.I. Lobachevsky"

Second Faculty of Distance Education

Salary of municipal employees

Discipline: Economics of the municipal economy


3rd year student

groups 2-33 GMU/11

Krivdina Anna Viktorovna


Pertseva Lyubov Nikolaevna

Nizhny Novgorod 2010


Chapter 1. Development of wages for municipal employees

1.2 Payment motivation labor activity at the enterprise

Chapter 2. Improving the wages of municipal employees in the Tarem village council

2.1 Remuneration of municipal employees in the Administration of the Tarem Village Council

2.2 Formation of the wage fund in the administration

List of sources used


At present, the policy is also changing significantly, both in the field of remuneration and social support workers. The functions of establishing the forms, systems and amounts of wages, as well as material incentives, have been transferred directly to enterprises.

An employee's income is determined by his personal contribution to the enterprise. Minimum size wages of employees of enterprises is established by law.

The main regulatory document labor relations is currently collective agreement an enterprise in which all the nuances of wages are fixed.

New directions in the region social guarantees income indexation and compensation for population losses due to inflation. Enterprises are looking for new models of remuneration that give scope for the development of personal material interest. But before constructing a mechanism for remuneration in the new conditions, it is necessary to determine what wages are, since many economists and practitioners persistently argue that instead of the concept of "salary" the concept of "earned income" should be used.

However, the most important thing is not to look for new terminology, but to reveal in more detail the essence and properties of the economic category "salary" in the changed conditions. The definition of wages as a share of the social product distributed according to labor among individual workers is contrary to the market.

The definition of wages as part of the total social labor, national income, formed at the level of society, obscures the connection between wages and the direct source of its formation, with the overall results of work. labor collective.

The topic I have chosen “Remuneration of municipal employees: problems and ways to improve them” is relevant, since wages for most citizens of the country are the only source of income, and its size affects their consumer abilities and ability to accumulate funds.

my goal term paper- study of problems related to the remuneration of municipal employees, as well as the study of the impact of wages on the economy.


1.1 Organization of remuneration of municipal employees

The size of the official salary, the amount and procedure for establishing allowances and other payments to the official salary of a municipal employee are determined by the regulations of local governments in accordance with the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The monetary maintenance of a municipal employee (salary), as well as any other employee, is a remuneration for work, depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments(surcharges and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions that deviate from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in areas subject to radioactive contamination, and other payments of a compensatory nature) and incentive payments (additional payments and allowances of a stimulating nature, bonuses and other incentive payments).

It is interesting that the legislation on municipal service uses the term “monetary allowance” instead of the similar “salary” contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which is due both to the specifics of the work of municipal employees and to the peculiarities of calculating the monetary allowance itself.

In the Federal Law "On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation” it can be noted that the minimum official salary of a municipal employee cannot be lower than the minimum official salary of a civil servant of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation. His maximum salary may not exceed the maximum official salary of a civil servant of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation. In essence, this means that the minimum and maximum salaries of a municipal and civil servant in a given subject are equal. What is the amount of this salary?

We ask this question not by chance, because in many respects the amount of salary is an incentive for citizens with the appropriate education (legal, economic, managerial) in resolving the dilemma: to enter or not to enter the municipal service. After all, it is no secret that today citizens holding municipal positions do not always have a proper education. And the financial support of a municipal employee is the main means of his material support and stimulation of professional service activities. Wage- one of the factors in attracting trained people with higher education. Practice recent years shows low professional level municipal employees, many of them lack the necessary knowledge and professional skills and, accordingly, the low efficiency of their management decisions, lead to the loss of the authority of local governments in the eyes of the population.

So, let's turn to the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation": according to paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 50, the size of official salaries and salaries for the class rank of federal civil servants are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation. The size of official salaries and salaries for the class rank of state civil servants of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation are established in accordance with the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if there is no special law that establishes the amount and method of calculating the financial allowance of municipal employees in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, then the minimum and maximum salary can be determined based on the minimum and maximum salary of a state civil servant of this subject.

1) monthly monetary remuneration;

2) monthly monetary incentive;

3) a monthly percentage bonus for working with information constituting a state secret;

4) monthly percentage bonus for work in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

5) monthly allowance according to the district coefficient for work in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

6) bonuses for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks, for anniversaries and public holidays;

7) bonuses based on the results of work for the year;

8) a one-time payment in the provision of annual paid leave and material assistance paid at the expense of the payroll fund;

9) other allowances in accordance with federal legislation.

Specific figures for the maximum salaries of all categories of municipal employees are given in the annexes to this law.

The norms of Article 17 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Municipal Service" establish that a municipal employee has the right to an annual paid leave of at least 30 calendar days. That's two days more than expected. Labor Code RF for all employees (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For certain categories federal laws and laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation may establish annual paid leave of longer duration for municipal employees.

In addition to the annual paid leave, a municipal employee for length of service is granted, in the manner and under the conditions determined by federal laws and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, additional paid leave (the duration is determined by the length of service in a municipal position and the group of municipal positions held).

Annual paid leave and additional paid leave are summarized and, at the request of a municipal employee, can be provided in parts. At the same time, the duration of one part of the granted leave cannot be less than 14 calendar days.

A municipal employee may be granted leave without pay for a period not exceeding one year, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

1.1. Motivation of payment for labor activity at the enterprise

The motivation system at the enterprise level should be based on certain requirements. The main ones are:

Providing equal opportunities for employment and promotion based on the criterion of labor results.

Alignment of the level of remuneration with its results and recognition of personal contribution to overall success.

Job security for workers participating in specific productivity improvement schemes.

Creation of appropriate conditions for the protection of health, safety and well-being of all employees.

Providing opportunities for the growth of professional skills, the realization of the abilities of employees, the provision of training programs, advanced training and retraining.

Maintaining an atmosphere of trust in the team, interest in the implementation of a common goal, the possibility of two-way communication between managers and employees.

In addition to the generally accepted classification of motivation methods (Fig. 1), they can be divided into individual and group, as well as external - rewards coming from outside, and internal - rewards given by labor itself (feelings of the significance of work, self-esteem, etc.).

Wages cannot be the sole purpose of labor. In itself, monetary (financial) incentives make motivation at the enterprise effective when the latter functions as a system based on the following basic principles:

Communication, cooperation and agreement between employees and management regarding the general principles of the system.

Reasonable system for evaluating work and determining the scope of the latter.

Well thought out and justified measurement and evaluation criteria; weighted standards, control over them, periodic review; clear alignment of incentives with performance; remuneration, especially additional, not for the accepted level of performance, but for the one that is stimulated and primarily associated with quality.

The same principles form the basis of the organization of wages in the enterprise.

In the Administration of the Tarem village council, bonuses are paid to employees in accordance with the relevant regulation agreed with the trade union committee.


2.1 Remuneration of municipal employees of the administration of the Tarem village council

The salary fund of the Administration of the village council is approved annually by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the Pavlovsk municipality.

The remuneration of an elected official exercising his powers on a permanent basis consists of a monthly allowance (including official salary), an annual one-time payment and material assistance.

The remuneration of municipal employees is made in the form of a monetary allowance, which consists of the official salary of a municipal employee in accordance with the position of the municipal service he fills (hereinafter referred to as the official salary) and a monthly qualification allowance to the official salary for professional knowledge and skills, which constitute the salary of a monthly monetary allowance (hereinafter referred to as the salary salary), as well as monthly and other additional payments.

TO monthly payments relate:

bonus to official salary for length of service;

bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service;

bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret;

performance bonus;

Additional payments include:

lump-sum payment upon granting annual paid leave;

financial assistance.

Municipal employees are entitled to monetary remuneration in connection with the anniversary and length of service in the municipal service.

official salary;

monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service;

monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service;

a monthly bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret;

bonuses based on performance;

monthly cash incentive;

lump-sum payment when providing annual paid leave and material assistance.

2.2 Formation of the wage fund

When forming the wage fund for municipal employees of the Administration of the Taremsky village council in excess of the funds allocated for the payment of official salaries, the following funds are provided for payment (per year):

1) a monthly qualification allowance to the official salary for professional knowledge and skills - in the amount of four official salaries;

2) a monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of municipal service - in the amount of fourteen official salaries;

3) a monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service - in the amount of three official salaries;

4) a monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret - in the amount of one and a half official salaries;

5) bonuses based on the results of work (for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks) (hereinafter referred to as bonuses) - in the amount of two salaries in cash;

6) a one-time payment in the provision of annual paid leave and material assistance - in the amount of three monthly salaries;

7) monetary remuneration in connection with anniversaries or length of service in the municipal service;

8) monthly monetary incentives - in the amount of eighteen official salaries.

The remuneration fund for municipal employees of the Administration of the Taremsky village council is formed at the expense of the funds provided for by this article, as well as at the expense of funds for other payments provided for by federal laws.

When forming wage funds for employees of the Administration of the Taremsky village council in excess of the funds allocated for the payment of official salaries, the following funds are provided for payment (per year):

1) a monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service - in the amount of three official salaries;

2) a monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service - in the amount of 7.2 of the official salary;

3) a monthly percentage bonus to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret - in the amount of one and a half official salaries;

4) bonuses based on the results of work (for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks) (hereinafter referred to as bonuses) - in the amount of two official salaries;

5) monthly monetary incentives - in the amount of twelve official salaries;

6) a one-time payment in the provision of annual paid leave and material assistance - in the amount of three official salaries;

7) monetary remuneration in connection with anniversaries or length of service.

The wage fund for employees of the Administration of the urban settlement is formed at the expense of the funds provided for by this article, as well as at the expense of funds for other payments provided for by federal laws.

Municipal employees are given a monthly qualification bonus to their official salary for professional knowledge and skills in the amount of up to 40.5 percent of their official salary.

The size of the bonus to the official salary for professional knowledge and skills is established by the order of the Head of the Tarem village council in accordance with the classification of municipal service positions.

The payment of a qualification allowance to the official salary for professional knowledge and skills is carried out within the limits of the wage fund established by the Administration of the Tarem Village Council.

The monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service is an element of material incentives for municipal employees and employees.

The monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service for municipal employees and employees of the Administration of the Taremsky village council is established personally by the order of the Administration of the Taremsky village council, taking into account the complexity, intensity, and special mode of its work. The bonus to the official salary for special conditions of service may be increased or decreased when the degree of complexity or intensity or the special mode of work changes.

The monthly allowance to the official salary of municipal employees and employees for length of service is established as a percentage of the official salary on the basis of the protocols of the commission for establishing municipal seniority for municipal employees of the Administration of the urban settlement in the following amounts:

with experience of municipal service from 1 to 5 years - 10%,

with the experience of municipal service from 5 years to 10 years - 15%,

with the experience of municipal service from 10 years to 15 years - 20%,

with more than 15 years of municipal service - 30%.

The payment of an allowance to the official salary for length of service is carried out within the limits of the wage fund established by the Administration of the Tarem Village Council.

Bonuses for municipal employees and employees are an element of their material incentives and are accrued based on the results of their work on a monthly basis personally in the amount of two monthly salaries per year (as a list or in general).

Bonuses for municipal employees, employees are made for the actual hours worked. The time actually worked includes the time spent on a business trip, on advanced training courses, study leave. For the period of temporary incapacity for work and the next vacation, the bonus is not charged.

The grounds for the award are:

exemplary (timely and high-quality) performance of official duties, tasks, orders and instructions of the management;

timely and high-quality preparation of documents;

manifestation of professionalism, creativity, use modern methods, technologies in the process of performance;

careful, rational use of material, technical and financial means, other resources;

performance of particularly important and complex tasks.

In case of omissions in the work of a municipal employee, an employee may be deprived of the bonus in part or in full for the month in which the misconduct is committed, by order of the Head of the Tarem Village Council, indicating the reasons for depriving the bonus.

Employees who have worked part-time billing period in connection with dismissal due to redundancy, at their own request, transfer to another job, admission to educational institution in the direction of this organization, retirement, conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as for other good reasons, the bonus is paid for the time actually worked.

If there are savings on the wage fund, municipal employees and employees can be additionally rewarded, based on the order of the Head of the Taremsky village council.

Financial assistance is paid on the basis of the order of the Head of the Tarem Village Council or at the request of a municipal employee or employee.

In the event that a municipal employee, an employee has not fully worked a calendar year, financial assistance is paid at the rate of three salaries (respectively, salaries of money or officials) in proportion to the time actually worked in the manner prescribed by these Regulations.

In the event of marriage, the birth of a child, the death of close relatives (spouses, children, parents), illness, a municipal employee, an employee may be provided with material assistance at the expense of savings in the wage fund in accordance with the order of the Head of the Taremsky village council in the amount of the official salary.

Monetary remuneration to municipal employees serving in connection with anniversaries or years of service in the municipal service is paid in the amount of the salary of the monetary content.

Payment of monetary remuneration is carried out within the limits of the wage fund established by the Administration of the Taremsky village council.

For the successful and conscientious performance of municipal employees, employees of official duties, long and impeccable service, the performance of tasks of particular importance and complexity, the following types of incentives can be established:


announcement of gratitude with a monetary incentive;

rewarding with a valuable gift;

rewarding diploma Administration of the urban settlement;

monetary reward in connection with anniversaries and years of service.

Anniversaries are:

anniversary dates of birth - 50 years, 55 years, 60 years, 65 years from the date of birth;

length of service in the municipal service or length of service - 20 years and then every subsequent 5 years.


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