Insulin dosing. Calculation of insulin by bread units. Terms related to insulin therapy and their definitions

High concentrations of glucose in the blood have a detrimental effect on all systems of the body. It is characteristic of type 1-2 diabetes mellitus. Sugar increases due to insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas or poor perception of it. If diabetes is not compensated for, then the person will face serious consequences (hyperglycemic coma, death). The basis of therapy is the introduction of short- and long-acting artificial insulin. Injections are required mainly for people with type 1 disease (insulin-dependent) and severe forms of the second type (non-insulin-dependent). The attending physician should tell you how to calculate the insulin dose after receiving the examination results.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about diabetes

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aronova S. M.

I have been studying the problem of DIABETES for many years. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to report good news - the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences managed to develop a medicine that completely cures diabetes mellitus. At the moment, the effectiveness of this drug is approaching 100%.

Another good news: the Ministry of Health has achieved the adoption special program, which reimburses the entire cost of the drug. Diabetics in Russia and CIS countries before can get the remedy FOR FREE.

Find out more>>

Features of correct calculation

Without studying special calculation algorithms, selecting the amount of insulin for injection is life-threatening, since a person can expect a lethal dose. An incorrectly calculated dosage of the hormone will reduce blood glucose so much that the patient may lose consciousness and fall into a hypoglycemic coma. To prevent consequences, the patient is recommended to purchase a glucometer to constantly monitor sugar levels.

Correctly calculate the amount of hormone by following the following tips:

  • Buy special scales for measuring portions. They must capture mass down to fractions of a gram.
  • Write down the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates you consume and try to take them in the same amount every day.
  • Carry out a weekly series of tests using a glucometer. In total, you need to take 10-15 measurements per day before and after meals. The results obtained will allow you to more carefully calculate the dosage and ensure that the selected injection regimen is correct.

The amount of insulin for diabetes is selected depending on the carbohydrate ratio. It is a combination of two important nuances:

  • How much does 1 IU (unit) of insulin cover consumed carbohydrates?
  • What is the degree of sugar reduction after injection of 1 unit of insulin.

It is customary to calculate the stated criteria experimentally. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body. The experiment is carried out in stages:

  • It is advisable to take insulin half an hour before meals;
  • measure glucose concentration before eating;
  • after the injection and finishing the meal, take measurements every hour;
  • Based on the results obtained, add or reduce the dose by 1-2 units for full compensation;
  • Correctly calculating the dose of insulin will stabilize sugar levels. It is advisable to write down the selected dosage and use it in a further course of insulin therapy.

High dosages of insulin are used for type 1 diabetes, as well as after stress or trauma. For people with the second type of disease, insulin therapy is not always prescribed and when compensation is achieved, it is canceled, and treatment continues only with the help of tablets.

The dosage is calculated, regardless of the type of diabetes, based on the following factors:

  • Duration of the disease. If a patient has been suffering from diabetes for many years, then only a large dosage of insulin reduces sugar.
  • Development of renal or liver failure. The presence of problems with internal organs requires a downward adjustment of the insulin dose.
  • Excess weight. Calculating insulin starts by multiplying the number of units of medication by body weight, so obese patients will need more medication than thin people.
  • The use of third-party or hypoglycemic medications. Medicines can enhance or slow down the absorption of insulin, so when combining medication and insulin therapy, you will need to consult an endocrinologist.

It is better for a specialist to select formulas and dosage. He will assess the patient’s carbohydrate ratio and, depending on his age, weight, as well as the presence of other diseases and medications, will draw up a treatment regimen.

Dosage calculation

be careful

According to WHO, every year 2 million people die from diabetes and its complications around the world. In the absence of qualified support for the body, diabetes leads to various kinds of complications, gradually destroying the human body.

The most common complications are: diabetic gangrene, nephropathy, retinopathy, trophic ulcers, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis. Diabetes can also lead to the development of cancer. In almost all cases, a diabetic either dies fighting a painful disease or becomes a real disabled person.

What should people with diabetes do? The Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences succeeded make a remedy completely cures diabetes mellitus.

Currently, the Federal program “Healthy Nation” is underway, within the framework of which this drug is given to every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS FOR FREE. For detailed information, see official website MINISTRY OF HEALTH.

The dosage of insulin is different in each case. It is influenced by various factors throughout the day, so a glucometer should always be at hand to measure your sugar level and give an injection. To calculate the required amount of the hormone, you do not need to know the molar mass of the insulin protein, but simply multiply it by the patient’s weight (IU * kg).

According to statistics, 1 unit of insulin is the maximum limit for 1 kg of body weight. Exceeding the permissible threshold does not improve compensation, but only increases the chances of developing complications associated with the development of hypoglycemia (low sugar). You can understand how to choose the dose of insulin by looking at the approximate indicators:

  • after diabetes is diagnosed, the basic dosage does not exceed 0.5 units;
  • after a year of successful treatment, the dose is left at 0.6 units;
  • if diabetes is severe, then the amount of insulin increases to 0.7 units;
  • in the absence of compensation, the dose is set to 0.8 units;
  • after identifying complications, the doctor increases the dosage to 0.9 units;
  • if a pregnant girl suffers from type 1 diabetes, then the dosage is increased to 1 unit (mainly after the 6th month of pregnancy).

Indicators may vary depending on the course of the disease and secondary factors affecting the patient. The algorithm below will tell you how to correctly calculate the insulin dosage by choosing the number of units from the list above:

  • At one time, no more than 40 units of insulin are allowed, and the daily limit varies from 70 to 80 units.
  • How much to multiply the selected number of units depends on the patient’s weight. For example, a person weighing 85 kg and successfully compensating for diabetes for a year (0.6 units) should inject no more than 51 units of insulin per day (85*0.6=51).
  • Long-acting (long-term) insulin is administered 2 times a day, so the final result is divided by 2 (51/2=25.5). In the morning the injection should contain 2 times more units (34) than in the evening (17).
  • Short-acting insulin should be used before meals. It accounts for half of the maximum permissible dosage (25.5). It is distributed over 3 times (40% breakfast, 30% lunch and 30% dinner).

If glucose is already elevated before the introduction of the short-acting hormone, then the calculation changes slightly:

  • 11-12 +2 units;
  • 13-15 +4 units;
  • 16-18 +6 units;
  • 18> + 12 UNITS

The amount of carbohydrates consumed is displayed in bread units (25 g of bread or 12 g of sugar per 1 XE). Depending on the grain indicator, the amount of short-acting insulin is selected. The calculation is carried out as follows:

Our readers write

Subject: Defeated diabetes

From: Lyudmila S ( [email protected])

To: Administration

At the age of 47, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In a few weeks I gained almost 15 kg. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, feeling of weakness, vision began to fade. When I turned 66, I was already steadily injecting myself with insulin, everything was very bad...

And here is my story

The disease continued to develop, periodic attacks began, and the ambulance literally brought me back from the other world. I always thought that this time would be the last...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article helped me completely get rid of diabetes, a supposedly incurable disease. Over the last 2 years I have started to move more, in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day, my husband and I lead an active lifestyle and travel a lot. Everyone is surprised how I manage to do everything, where so much strength and energy comes from, they still can’t believe that I’m 66 years old.

Who wants to live a long, energetic life and forget about this terrible disease forever, take 5 minutes and read this article.

Go to article>>>

  • in the morning, 1 XE covers 2 units of the hormone;
  • at lunchtime, 1 XE covers 1.5 IU of the hormone;
  • in the evening the ratio of insulin and bread units is equal.

Calculation and technique of insulin administration

Insulin dosage and administration is important knowledge for any diabetic. Depending on the type of disease, slight changes in calculations are possible:

  • In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas completely stops producing insulin. The patient has to take short- and long-acting hormone injections. To do this, take the total number of permissible units of insulin per day and divide by 2. The long-acting type of hormone is injected 2 times a day, and the short-acting one at least 3 times before meals.
  • In type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin therapy is required if the disease is severe or if drug treatment does not produce results. Long-acting insulin is used for treatment 2 times a day. The dosage for type 2 diabetes usually does not exceed 12 units at a time. A short-acting hormone is used for complete depletion of the pancreas.

After completing all the calculations, you need to find out what technique for administering insulin exists:

  • wash your hands thoroughly;
  • disinfect the stopper of the medicine bottle;
  • draw air into the syringe equivalent to the amount of insulin injected;
  • Place the bottle on a flat surface and insert a needle through the stopper;
  • release the air from the syringe, turn the bottle upside down and draw in the medicine;
  • the syringe should contain 2-3 units more than the required amount of insulin;
  • stick out the syringe and squeeze out the remaining air from it, while adjusting the dosage;
  • disinfect the injection site;
  • inject the medicine subcutaneously. If the dosage is large, then intramuscularly.
  • Disinfect the syringe and injection site again.

Alcohol is used as an antiseptic. Wipe everything with a piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab. For better absorption, it is advisable to inject into the stomach. Periodically, the injection site can be changed on the shoulder and thigh.

How much does 1 unit of insulin reduce blood sugar?

On average, 1 unit of insulin lowers glucose concentration by 2 mmol/l. The value is checked experimentally. In some patients, sugar drops by 2 units once, and then by 3-4, so it is recommended to constantly monitor glycemic levels and inform your doctor about all changes.

Stories from our readers

Conquered diabetes at home. It's been a month since I forgot about sugar spikes and taking insulin. Oh, how I used to suffer, constant fainting, calls to the ambulance... How many times have I gone to endocrinologists, but they only say one thing - “Take insulin.” And now it’s been 5 weeks and my blood sugar levels are normal, not a single injection of insulin, and all thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with diabetes!

Read the full article >>>

How to use

The use of long-acting insulin creates the appearance of the pancreas working. Administration occurs half an hour before the first and last meals. Short-acting and ultra-short-acting hormones are used before meals. The number of units varies from 14 to 28. Various factors influence the dosage (age, other diseases and medications, weight, sugar level).

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones have diabetes.

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Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which an absolute or relative deficiency of the hypoglycemic hormone is determined in the human body.

This hormone plays an important role in the human body, but its main function is to lower blood sugar.

Patients with type 1 diabetes are prescribed lifelong insulin injections.

People suffering from type 2 diabetes may be limited to taking tablet medications for a long time. Injections are prescribed to them in case of decompensation of the disease and the appearance of complications.

Physiological basis of insulin therapy

Modern pharmacology creates complete analogues of the human hormone. These include pork and genetically engineered insulin. Depending on the time of action, medications are divided into short and ultra-short, long-term and ultra-long. There are also drugs that mix short-acting and long-acting hormones.

People with type 1 diabetes receive 2 types of injections. Conventionally, they are called “basic” and “short” injections.

1 type is prescribed at the rate of 0.5-1 unit per kilogram per day. The average is 24 units. But in reality, dosages can vary significantly. So, for example, in a person who only recently learned about his illness and began injecting the hormone, the dosage is reduced several times.

This is called the diabetic honeymoon. The injections improve pancreatic function and the remaining healthy beta cells begin to secrete the hormone. This condition lasts from 1 to 6 months, but if you follow the prescribed treatment, diet and physical activity, the “honeymoon” can last a longer period. Short-term insulin is injected before main meals.

How many units should I put before eating?

To correctly calculate the dose, you must first calculate how much XE is in the prepared dish. Short-acting insulin is injected at the rate of 0.5-1-1.5-2 units per XE.

It is important to understand that each person’s body is individual and each has its own needs. It is believed that doses should be greater in the morning than in the evening. But you can only determine this by monitoring your sugar levels. Every diabetic should be afraid of overdose. It can lead to hypoglycemic coma and death.

When the disease is first diagnosed, the person is hospitalized in the endocrinology department, where knowledgeable doctors select the necessary doses. But once at home, the dosage prescribed by the doctor may not be sufficient.

That is why every patient attends a diabetes school, where he is taught how to calculate the medicine and choose the correct dose based on bread units.

Calculation of doses for diabetes

In order to choose the correct dose of the drug, you need to keep a self-monitoring diary.

It states:

  • glycemic level before and after meals;
  • eaten bread units;
  • administered doses.

With the help of a diary, figuring out your insulin needs will not be difficult. The patient himself should know how many units to inject and determine his needs by trial and error. At the beginning of the disease, you need to call or meet with an endocrinologist more often, ask questions and get answers. This is the only way to compensate for your illness and prolong your life.

Type 1 diabetes

With this type of disease, the “base” is injected 1–2 times a day. It depends on the chosen drug. Some last 12 hours, while others last a whole day. Among short hormones, Novorapid and Humalog are most often used.

In Novorapid, the action begins 15 minutes after the injection, after 1 hour it reaches its peak, that is, the maximum hypoglycemic effect. And after 4 hours it stops working.

Humalog begins to act 2-3 minutes after injection, reaches its peak after half an hour and completely stops its effect after 4 hours.

Video with an example of dose calculation:

Type 2 diabetes

For a long time, patients do without injections, this is due to the fact that the pancreas produces the hormone on its own, and the pills increase the sensitivity of tissues to it.

Failure to follow a diet, excess weight, and smoking lead to faster damage to the pancreas, and patients develop absolute insulin deficiency.

In other words, the pancreas stops producing insulin and then patients need injections.

In the initial stages of the disease, patients are prescribed only basal injections.

People inject it 1 or 2 times a day. And in parallel with the injections, tablets are taken.

When the “base” becomes insufficient (the patient often has high blood sugar, complications arise - decreased vision, kidney problems), he is prescribed a short-acting hormone before each meal.

In this case, they should also take a diabetes school course on calculating XE and correct dose selection.

Insulin therapy regimens

There are several dosing regimens:

  1. One injection - this regimen is most often prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes.
  2. A multiple injection regimen is used for type 1 diabetes.

Modern scientists have found that more frequent injections imitate the work of the pancreas and have a more beneficial effect on the work of the entire body as a whole. For this purpose, an insulin pump was created.

This is a special pump into which an ampoule with short-acting insulin is inserted. From it, a microneedle is attached to the human skin. The pump is set to a special program, according to which an insulin drug gets under the skin of a person every minute.

During a meal, a person sets the necessary parameters, and the pump will independently administer the required dose. An insulin pump is an excellent alternative to constant injections. In addition, there are now pumps that can measure blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, the device itself and monthly consumables are expensive.

The state provides all diabetics with special syringe pens for injections. There are disposable syringe pens, that is, after the insulin runs out, it is thrown away and a new one begins. In reusable pens, the cartridge with the medicine is replaced, and the pen continues to work.

The syringe pen has a simple mechanism. In order to start using it, you need to insert an insulin cartridge into it, put on a needle and dial the required dose of insulin.

Handles are available for children and adults. The difference is that for children's pens the insulin step is 0.5 units, and for adults it is 1 unit.

Insulin should be stored on the refrigerator door. But the syringe that you use every day should not be in the refrigerator, since the cold hormone changes its properties and provokes the development of lipodystrophy, a common complication of insulin therapy, in which lumps form at the injection sites.

In the hot season, as well as in the cold season, you need to hide your syringe in a special cover that protects insulin from hypothermia and overheating.

Rules for administering insulin

The injection itself is not difficult. For short insulin, the abdomen is most often used, and for long (basic) insulin, the shoulder, thigh or buttock is used.

The medicine should get into the subcutaneous fat. If the injection is performed incorrectly, lipodystrophy may develop. The needle is inserted perpendicular to the skin fold.

Algorithm for administering a syringe with a pen:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. On the pressure ring of the handle, dial 1 unit, which is released into the air.
  3. The dose is set strictly as prescribed by the doctor; changes in doses must be agreed upon with the endocrinologist. The required number of units is collected and a skin fold is made. It is important to understand that at the beginning of the disease, even a slight increase in units can become a lethal dose. This is why it is necessary to frequently measure your blood sugar and keep a self-monitoring diary.
  4. Next, you need to press on the base of the syringe and inject the solution. After the medication is administered, the fold does not go away. You need to count to 10 and only then pull out the needle and release the fold.
  5. You should not inject into a place with open wounds, skin rashes, or scar areas.
  6. Each new injection must be performed in a new place, that is, injecting into the same place is prohibited.

Video tutorial on using a syringe pen:

Sometimes people with type 2 diabetes have to use insulin syringes. A bottle of insulin solution can contain 40, 80 or 100 units in 1 ml. Depending on this, the required syringe is selected.

Algorithm for administration with an insulin syringe:

  1. Use an alcohol wipe to wipe the rubber stopper of the bottle. Wait until the alcohol dries. Draw the required dose of insulin from the bottle + 2 units into the syringe, put on the cap.
  2. Treat the injection site with an alcohol wipe and wait until the alcohol dries.
  3. Remove the cap, release the air, and quickly insert the needle at an angle of 45 degrees into the middle of the subcutaneous fat layer along its entire length, with the cut side up.
  4. Release the fold and slowly inject insulin.
  5. After removing the needle, apply a dry cotton swab to the injection site.

The ability to calculate the dose of insulin and correctly perform injections is the basis of diabetes treatment. Every patient must learn this. At the beginning of the disease, all this seems very difficult, but very little time will pass, and the calculation of the dosage and the administration of insulin itself will occur automatically.

Insulin is produced by the pancreas. Sugar obtained from food is responsible for the amount of the substance. The hormone is involved in the transport of energy to tissues and organs.

A healthy person produces as much insulin as is necessary to process the resulting glucose.

Diabetics must adjust their diet or receive additional hormones.

For type 1 diabetes, insulin injections are the only way to prolong the patient’s life.

Letters from our readers

Subject: Grandma's blood sugar has returned to normal!

From: Christina ( [email protected])

To: Site Administration


My grandmother has been suffering from diabetes for a long time (type 2), but recently there have been complications in her legs and internal organs.

In type 1 diabetes, the total amount of insulin decreases. With type 2 of the disease, tissue sensitivity to the hormone decreases. In the first case, injection treatment is the only way to help. In the second, insulin therapy is prescribed as the disease progresses.

Each patient is given a different type and amount of medication.

According to the method of production, insulin is divided into 4 types:

  • human – obtained from the human body using E. coli;
  • pork - obtained from the pancreas of pigs;
  • from cattle - synthesized from the pancreas of large animals;
  • whale - obtained from the pancreas of whales;
  • genetically engineered - synthesized from the pork pancreas, replacing an amino acid that is not identical to humans with a suitable one.

Genetically engineered insulin is identical to human insulin. It is most often used in the treatment of diabetes. Bovine whey has three different amino acids and is prescribed in rare cases due to allergic reactions to the drug. Whale hormone differs even more from human hormone and is prescribed extremely rarely.

Classification by speed of impact

Depending on the course of the disease, there are 5 types of drugs based on the speed and duration of exposure:

  • Ultra-short action. Effectiveness occurs 10 minutes after the injection. Administered before or immediately after meals, subcutaneously. Valid for no more than 3 hours.
  • Short action. Effective in 30 minutes. Taken before meals. The effect lasts 6 hours.
  • Medium action. The drug is administered 2 times a day at the same time. The effect begins after 1.5 hours and lasts no more than 20 hours.
  • Long-lasting. The effect occurs 3 hours after administration. The duration of the effect is 24 hours. It is administered 1-3 times a day.
  • Combined drugs. They combine speed and average duration of effect.

Ultra-short and short-acting drugs imitate the work of the pancreas after eating.

After eating, the body produces an anabolic steroid that can convert the resulting sugar into energy. Medium and long-term injections imitate the functioning of the digestive organ outside of food intake. Between meals, the body independently produces glucose, the processing of which requires a certain amount of insulin. In case of complete failure of the pancreas, simultaneous use of short and long-term medication will compensate for the functioning of the organ.

An incorrectly calculated dose of insulin causes death. When the hormone level is exceeded, the body's sugar level sharply decreases, which causes a glycemic coma. The dose of the anabolic steroid is calculated individually by the doctor, but a diabetic can help with the correct dosage determination:

  • It is necessary to purchase a glucometer; it determines the amount of sugar anywhere, regardless of time. You should measure your sugar levels throughout the week: in the morning on an empty stomach, before meals, after meals, at lunch, in the evening. On average, at least 10 measurements are taken per day. All data is recorded in a notepad.
  • Special scales will monitor the amount of food consumed and help in calculating the consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In diabetes, diet is one of the important components of treatment. The amount of nutrients should be the same every day.

The maximum insulin value when calculating dosage is 1 unit per 1 kilogram of body weight. Increasing the maximum value does not improve and leads to hypoglycemia. Approximate dosages at different stages of the disease:

  • When identifying complicated type 2 diabetes, 0.3 units/1 kg of weight is used.
  • If an insulin-dependent degree of the disease is detected, 0.5 units/1 kg of weight is prescribed.
  • Over the course of a year, with positive dynamics, the dosage increases to 0.6 units/1 kg.
  • For severe cases and no compensation, the dosage is 0.7-0.8 units/1 kg.
  • If complications occur, 0.9 units/1 kg is prescribed.
  • During pregnancy, the dosage is increased to 1 unit/1 kg of weight.

1 dose of the drug - no more than 40% of the daily requirement. Also, the volume of injection depends on the severity of the disease and external factors (stress, physical activity, taking other medications, complications or concomitant diseases).

Example calculations:

  1. For a patient weighing 90 kilograms who has had type 1 diabetes for a year with positive dynamics, the insulin dose is 0.6 units. per day (90*0.6=54 units – daily insulin requirement).
  2. The long-acting hormone is administered 2 times a day and is half the daily dose (54/2 = 27 - the daily dose of long-acting insulin). The first dose of the drug is 2/3 of the total volume ((27*2)/3=18 – the morning dose of a long-term drug). The evening dose is 1/3 of the total volume (27/3=9 – evening dose of long-acting insulin).
  3. Short-acting insulin also makes up half of the total hormone norm (54/2 = 27 - the daily dose of a fast-acting drug). The medicine is taken before meals 3 times a day. The morning dose is 40% of the total norm of short-acting insulin, lunch and evening doses are 30% each (27*40%=10.8 – morning dose; 27*30%=8.1 units – evening and lunch doses).

If the glucose level is high before meals, the calculation for taking fast insulin changes.

Measurements are made in bread units. 1XE = 12 grams of carbohydrates. The dose of short-acting medication is selected depending on the XE value and time of day:

  • in the morning 1XE = 2 units;
  • at lunch 1XE = 1.5 units;
  • in the evening 1XE = 1 unit.

Depending on the severity of the disease, calculations and dosages vary:

  • In type 1 diabetes, the human body does not produce insulin. Hormones of rapid and long-acting action are used in treatment. For calculation, the total allowable value of insulin units is divided in half. The long-lasting drug is administered 2 times a day. Short-acting insulin is administered 3-5 times a day.
  • For severe type 2 diabetes, a long-acting medication is administered. Injections are carried out 2 times a day, no more than 12 units per injection.

1 unit of insulin lowers blood sugar by an average of 2 mmol/l. For an accurate reading, continuous blood sugar monitoring is recommended.

Types of therapy

Insulin therapy and its types

The goal of insulin therapy is to administer an amount of the drug close to the patient’s physiological norm. Up to 80% of the hormone is administered during the day, the rest is administered at night. This regimen of taking the drug is close to the physiological production of the hormone in a healthy person.

Each person metabolizes glucose differently. Processing 1 unit of bread requires from 0.5 to 4 units of insulin. To find out the required dosage of the solution, you need to measure your sugar level after eating.

Knowing the number of bread units in the product, you can calculate the insulin rate. If sugar remains high after the injection, the dose of the drug is increased.

Types of therapy

Two methods of insulin therapy are used to treat diabetes:

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  • Traditional therapy. In treatment, short- and long-acting insulins are used. Up to 60% is due to the use of long-term hormone, 40% to rapid insulin. The diet and injection times are strictly observed. Snacks, skipping meals, unscheduled sports, and stress are excluded.
  • Intensive therapy. In treatment, short- and long-acting insulins are used. The short-acting hormone intake is calculated depending on the food consumed. Strict adherence to a diet is not required; exercise and snacking are allowed.

Methods of drug administration

For the convenience of administering insulin, special devices have been created that are used quickly and easily. There are three ways to administer the drug.

Metabolism occurs regularly in a healthy human body. This procedure also involves the hormone insulin, which is produced from foods consumed. Depending on the body’s needs for the hormone, this process is regulated automatically.

If there is an illness, the insulin dose is calculated for injections, which are aimed at maintaining the body’s performance.

The calculation actions are carried out by the attending physician with special attention, since an excessively large dose of artificial injection can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

Important. For type 1 diabetes, injections are prescribed without fail, and for type 2 diabetes only if necessary and insufficient drug therapy, which is aimed at lowering blood sugar levels. In this case, treatment may be prescribed with injections and medications at the same time.

Preparing to perform calculations

Insulin is calculated per unit of your weight. Therefore, if you have this disease, these indicators should be monitored regularly. Also, in addition to this, the duration of the disease is taken into account, namely its length of service in years.

It is worth noting that the preparatory stage includes a complete examination of all human organs, as well as the collection of tests. Based on this, the maximum dose of insulin per day is established for a person suffering from diabetes.

Carrying out calculations in units of measurement

Calculation of the dose and administration of insulin requires strict adherence to all rules for the procedure. To do this, 1 unit is taken per unit for calculating the dose of the hormone. per kilogram of human body weight For a disease such as type 1 diabetes mellitus, an injection dose of no more than 1 unit is allowed.

In addition, different types of disease are taken into account: decompensation, ketoacitosis, and special attention is paid to diabetic pregnant women.

Important. In the initial stages of the disease, only 50% of the normal insulin injection is allowed.

After one year of the disease, the dose is gradually increased to 0.6 units. Unexpected spikes in a patient's blood glucose levels can also have a significant impact. In this case, the doctor may prescribe an increase in the injection dose to 0.7 units.

As a rule, for diabetics with different types of disease, the maximum dose of the hormone is different:

  • For decompensation, use no more than 0.8 units;
  • For ketoacytosis, no more than 0.7 units is allowed;
  • For pregnant women, the maximum dose is 1 unit.

For the initial administration of an insulin injection, it is extremely important to have a glucometer at home. This device will allow you to clarify the exact need for the number of insulin injections, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. This is related to this. that the doctor is not always able to accurately recognize the amount of insulin required for the human body.

A stable reaction of the cells of the human body to artificially synthesized insulin occurs only with a prolonged method of use.

To do this, it is advisable to adhere to the recommended injection schedule, namely:

Along with this, doctors often use a different method of administering artificial insulin using ultra-short or intensive use. In these cases, the dose of the synthetic drug should not exceed 28 units. per day. The minimum dose of the drug for this method of administration is 14 units. Your doctor will tell you exactly what dose to use per day.

How to calculate insulin, example

  • To make insulin dose calculations more convenient, the following abbreviations are commonly used in medicine:
  • Long-acting insulin (LAI);
  • Total dose of insulin injection calculated per day of use (SSDI);
  • Short-acting insulin injection (RAI);
  • The disease is type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM-1);
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2);
  • Ideal body weight (M);

Ideal body weight (W).
With a human weight of 80 kilograms and an insulin injection rate of 0.6 units, the following actions are carried out:

Multiply 0.6 by 80 and get a daily rate of 48 units.

For the initial stage of type 1 diabetes, the following steps are used: 48 is multiplied by 50 percent of the norm, namely by 0.5 units. and receive a daily rate of 24 units. insulin injection.

It is important to note that this is the traditional form of calculating the dose of insulin, and it changes depending on weight, by substituting your body weight parameters instead of 80 kg.

Thus, we can draw a small conclusion that everyone can calculate the dose of insulin for themselves, however, before using the injection, it is recommended to undergo a full examination and consult with your doctor.

It is also important to remember that with ICD, a new injection is given before each meal of the day.

Calorie or XE calculation

In this case, X corresponds to the amount of energy necessary for a person to maintain the performance of internal organs within normal limits.

In this case, for comparison and subsequent linking to XE, individual methods of linking growth to this value, as well as the norm of permissible calorie consumption, are considered:

Example of calculating the XE indicator

If the patient is 167 centimeters tall, use the following value 167-100=67. This value is approximately equated to a body weight of 60 kilograms and a level of physical activity is used as moderate, at which the daily caloric intake is 32 kcal/kg. In this case, the calorie content of the daily diet should be 60x32=1900 kcal.

This must include the following components:

  • No more than 55% carbohydrates;
  • Up to 30% fat;
  • Proteins no more than 15%.

Consequently, for the processing and daily absorption of carbohydrates, the body requires 1900x0.55 = 1045 kcal or 261 grams of carbohydrates.

It is important in this case that 1 XE is equal to 12 grams of carbohydrates. Thus, we receive information that the patient can use 261:12=21 XE

The daily intake of carbohydrates is distributed according to the following principle:

Based on this, we can make a small conclusion that a patient with diabetes can consume from 4 to 5 XE for breakfast, from 6 to 7 XE for lunch, from 1 to 2 XE for an afternoon snack, and also from 4 to 2 XE for dinner. 5 HE.

High concentrations of glucose in the blood have a detrimental effect on all systems of the body. It is characteristic of type 1-2 diabetes mellitus. Sugar increases due to insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas or poor perception of it. If diabetes is not compensated for, then the person will face serious consequences (hyperglycemic coma, death). The basis of therapy is the introduction of short- and long-acting artificial insulin. Injections are required mainly for people with type 1 disease (insulin-dependent) and severe forms of the second type (non-insulin-dependent). The attending physician should tell you how to calculate the insulin dose after receiving the examination results.

Features of correct calculation

Without studying special calculation algorithms, selecting the amount of insulin for injection is life-threatening, since a person can expect a lethal dose. An incorrectly calculated dosage of the hormone will reduce blood glucose so much that the patient may lose consciousness and fall into a hypoglycemic coma. To prevent consequences, the patient is recommended to purchase a glucometer to constantly monitor sugar levels.

Correctly calculate the amount of hormone by following the following tips:

  • Buy special scales for measuring portions. They must capture mass down to fractions of a gram.
  • Write down the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates you consume and try to take them in the same amount every day.
  • Carry out a weekly series of tests using a glucometer. In total, you need to take 10-15 measurements per day before and after meals. The results obtained will allow you to more carefully calculate the dosage and ensure that the selected injection regimen is correct.

The amount of insulin for diabetes is selected depending on the carbohydrate ratio. It is a combination of two important nuances:

Clinical picture

According to Decree No. 56742, every diabetic can receive a unique remedy at a special price!

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Institute of Diabetology Tatyana Yakovleva

I have been studying the problem of DIABETES for many years. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to report good news - the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences managed to develop a medicine that completely cures diabetes mellitus. At the moment, the effectiveness of this drug is approaching 100%.

Another good news: the Ministry of Health has achieved approval, according to which the entire cost of the drug is compensated. Diabetics in Russia and CIS countries before On July 6th they can receive the remedy - FOR FREE!

  • How much does 1 IU (unit) of insulin cover consumed carbohydrates?
  • What is the degree of sugar reduction after injection of 1 unit of insulin.

It is customary to calculate the stated criteria experimentally. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body. The experiment is carried out in stages:

  • It is advisable to take insulin half an hour before meals;
  • measure glucose concentration before eating;
  • after the injection and finishing the meal, take measurements every hour;
  • Based on the results obtained, add or reduce the dose by 1-2 units for full compensation;
  • Correctly calculating the dose of insulin will stabilize sugar levels. It is advisable to write down the selected dosage and use it in a further course of insulin therapy.

High dosages of insulin are used for type 1 diabetes, as well as after stress or trauma. For people with the second type of disease, insulin therapy is not always prescribed and when compensation is achieved, it is canceled, and treatment continues only with the help of tablets.

The dosage is calculated, regardless of the type of diabetes, based on the following factors:

  • Duration of the disease. If a patient has been suffering from diabetes for many years, then only a large dosage of insulin reduces sugar.
  • Development of renal or liver failure. The presence of problems with internal organs requires a downward adjustment of the insulin dose.
  • Excess weight. Calculating insulin starts by multiplying the number of units of medication by body weight, so obese patients will need more medication than thin people.
  • The use of third-party or hypoglycemic medications. Medicines can enhance or slow down the absorption of insulin, so when combining medication and insulin therapy, you will need to consult an endocrinologist.

It is better for a specialist to select formulas and dosage. He will assess the patient’s carbohydrate ratio and, depending on his age, weight, as well as the presence of other diseases and medications, will draw up a treatment regimen.

Dosage calculation

The dosage of insulin is different in each case. It is influenced by various factors throughout the day, so a glucometer should always be at hand to measure your sugar level and give an injection. To calculate the required amount of the hormone, you do not need to know the molar mass of the insulin protein, but simply multiply it by the patient’s weight (IU * kg).

According to statistics, 1 unit of insulin is the maximum limit for 1 kg of body weight. Exceeding the permissible threshold does not improve compensation, but only increases the chances of developing complications associated with the development of hypoglycemia (low sugar). You can understand how to choose the dose of insulin by looking at the approximate indicators:

  • after diabetes is diagnosed, the basic dosage does not exceed 0.5 units;
  • after a year of successful treatment, the dose is left at 0.6 units;
  • if diabetes is severe, then the amount of insulin increases to 0.7 units;
  • in the absence of compensation, the dose is set to 0.8 units;
  • after identifying complications, the doctor increases the dosage to 0.9 units;
  • if a pregnant girl suffers from type 1 diabetes, then the dosage is increased to 1 unit (mainly after the 6th month of pregnancy).

Indicators may vary depending on the course of the disease and secondary factors affecting the patient. The algorithm below will tell you how to correctly calculate the insulin dosage by choosing the number of units from the list above:

  • At one time, no more than 40 units of insulin are allowed, and the daily limit varies from 70 to 80 units.
  • How much to multiply the selected number of units depends on the patient’s weight. For example, a person weighing 85 kg and successfully compensating for diabetes for a year (0.6 units) should inject no more than 51 units of insulin per day (85*0.6=51).
  • Long-acting (long-term) insulin is administered 2 times a day, so the final result is divided by 2 (51/2=25.5). In the morning the injection should contain 2 times more units (34) than in the evening (17).
  • Short-acting insulin should be used before meals. It accounts for half of the maximum permissible dosage (25.5). It is distributed over 3 times (40% breakfast, 30% lunch and 30% dinner).

If glucose is already elevated before the introduction of the short-acting hormone, then the calculation changes slightly:

  • 11-12 +2 units;
  • 13-15 +4 units;
  • 16-18 +6 units;
  • 18> + 12 UNITS

The amount of carbohydrates consumed is displayed in bread units (25 g of bread or 12 g of sugar per 1 XE). Depending on the grain indicator, the amount of short-acting insulin is selected. The calculation is carried out as follows:

  • in the morning, 1 XE covers 2 units of the hormone;
  • at lunchtime, 1 XE covers 1.5 IU of the hormone;
  • in the evening the ratio of insulin and bread units is equal.

Calculation and technique of insulin administration

Insulin dosage and administration is important knowledge for any diabetic. Depending on the type of disease, slight changes in calculations are possible:

  • In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas completely stops producing insulin. The patient has to take short- and long-acting hormone injections. To do this, take the total number of permissible units of insulin per day and divide by 2. The long-acting type of hormone is injected 2 times a day, and the short-acting one at least 3 times before meals.
  • In type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin therapy is required if the disease is severe or if drug treatment does not produce results. Long-acting insulin is used for treatment 2 times a day. The dosage for type 2 diabetes usually does not exceed 12 units at a time. A short-acting hormone is used for complete depletion of the pancreas.

After completing all the calculations, you need to find out what technique for administering insulin exists:

  • wash your hands thoroughly;
  • disinfect the stopper of the medicine bottle;
  • draw air into the syringe equivalent to the amount of insulin injected;
  • Place the bottle on a flat surface and insert a needle through the stopper;
  • release the air from the syringe, turn the bottle upside down and draw in the medicine;
  • the syringe should contain 2-3 units more than the required amount of insulin;
  • stick out the syringe and squeeze out the remaining air from it, while adjusting the dosage;
  • disinfect the injection site;
  • inject the medicine subcutaneously. If the dosage is large, then intramuscularly.
  • Disinfect the syringe and injection site again.

Alcohol is used as an antiseptic. Wipe everything with a piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab. For better absorption, it is advisable to inject into the stomach. Periodically, the injection site can be changed on the shoulder and thigh.

How much does 1 unit of insulin reduce blood sugar?

On average, 1 unit of insulin lowers glucose concentration by 2 mmol/l. The value is checked experimentally. In some patients, sugar drops by 2 units once, and then by 3-4, so it is recommended to constantly monitor glycemic levels and inform your doctor about all changes.

How to use

The use of long-acting insulin creates the appearance of the pancreas working. Administration occurs half an hour before the first and last meals. Short-acting and ultra-short-acting hormones are used before meals. The number of units varies from 14 to 28. Various factors influence the dosage (age, other diseases and medications, weight, sugar level).