Year of the Rabbit (Cat) horoscope – love compatibility. Cat (Hare) (calm person)

The cat always falls on its paws. This is the lucky one. Gifted, moderately ambitious, pleasant companion, modest, reserved, refined, virtuous. Everyone knows this. He speaks well and knows how to evaluate himself. But in many advantages there is one drawback, although small, but no less important: the Cat is a superficial person and his best qualities are also superficial. He loves society and society loves him. She loves social gatherings and sometimes gossips, but she does it subtly, tactfully and carefully. He loves to receive guests, and everything in his home is done with refined taste. He is a man of the world: some would call him a snob. He's pedantic. Catwoman displays her culture with gusto. She may study some subjects deeply for the sole purpose of shining, while she has no idea about other more important things.

The cat usually doesn't lose his balance. He is calm, unperturbed. There is more sentimentality in him than real sensitivity. A small personal trouble upsets him more than the great troubles of other people. War and hunger in the world affect him only when he personally suffers from it, but he suffers so much that he may not be able to stand it and die. A cat may cry for a minor reason, but is quickly comforted. The melancholy of women of this sign is one of the main trump cards of their charm. According to the structural horoscope of G. Kvasha the Cat:

Thinking type: realistic

Social type: open extrovert

Psychological type: dreamer

Temperament: melancholic

Sign of fate: lucky

Adequate age: 70-85

Vector Host: Dragon

Vector servant: Rooster

Romantic marriage: Ox, Snake

Patriarchal marriage: Hare, Goat, Pig

Equal marriage: Rat, Monkey

Spiritual marriage: Tiger, Horse, Dog

The cat is conservative. He hates everything that can shake his life, everything that can cause complications. Most of all, he strives for comfort and safety. Does not undertake anything without first weighing all the pros and cons. For this caution, people admire and trust him.

IN financial situation he will always be happy. He is smart in business and whoever signs a contract with him will never go wrong. This is a good speculator, he has a gift for profitable deals. In short, a calm cat is as dangerous as business man. He will be successful in trading. Having good taste, he can be the owner of an antique store. Can be a lawyer (advocate, notary) or diplomat, provided that his life is not at risk.

A woman of this sign will be able to shine in all types of activities that require taste, hospitality and good representation. A man of politics should choose a wife born under the sign of the Cat - both secular and modest, who will bring a lot with her presence.

Affectionate and helpful to those he loves, the Cat easily separates from his loved ones in favor of his friends. He has no sense of responsibility to his family and often treats his family and children as strangers, preferring friends of his own choice to them. The maternal instinct of this sign is very limited, but mothers always do their duty.

The Cat takes good care of the Goat, in whom he appreciates artistic taste. He will bring her his own comfort and her whims will not touch him. Everything will go well with the Dog and the meticulous Pig. But the Rooster infuriates him with his fanfare, and he must avoid the Rat like the plague.

With the Tiger, his relationship in love and business will be strained. A cat, less strong, can always do a pirouette and leave the game - they have common breed and he is not afraid of the Tiger.

The Cat will have a restless existence during the three phases of life under one condition: if he does not encounter exceptional situations, dramatic events, or insurmountable obstacles. Wars, revolutions, disasters are not his business, he does not like being an opponent. But if he does not resist, he may go crazy, commit suicide, or leave his homeland, being weak. Asian peoples are distrustful of the Cat. They say that sorcerers turn into cats. In Europe they were burned alive, accused of conspiring with the devil. But, apparently, such a bad reputation is not very deserved. The Egyptians, for example, revered the Cat as a god. God, sorcerer or man, there is something mystical in his gaze. His apparent weakness can develop into dangerous strength.

> Year of the Rabbit

The Rabbit, like the Cat, has the ability to land on its feet when falling. Person born in the year of the Rabbit, is distinguished by increased individuality, modesty, kindness, he is very talented, he has exquisite taste and a sense of beauty. In society he feels at ease. Representatives of the Year of the Rabbit have increased compassion for the people around them. For close and dear people, he is a reliable and faithful comrade.

The qualities that distinguish the Rabbit from other people are the following: resourcefulness, intelligence, quick response to the situation and its analysis, immediate decision-making. He is well aware of those life moments that are associated with the achievement of certain goals. The rabbit is aware that there are things in the world that cannot always be obtained. The representative of this sign has an optimistic attitude and looks to the future with hope.

For the Rabbit family and home life are one of the main components of his life. He does everything possible to preserve and preserve all the values ​​of the family hearth. In addition to family, the Rabbit has positive feelings towards the surrounding nature and animals. He is a romantic in life.

The peculiarity of the Rabbit is its ability to empathize with the feelings of other people, and, if necessary, help them and support them. If a representative of the Year of the Rabbit occupies a leadership position, then his subordinates are very important to him in his work, he feels responsible to them.

Emotions take over the Rabbit on rare occasions. As a rule, he is a quiet and calm person. There are life situations, when internal experiences do not give the Rabbit peace. Depending on the situation, this representative may, without thinking through the consequences, quickly solve the problem without fear of risks. But, at the same time, the Rabbit can approach such a situation from a different point of view and express increased caution and thoughtfulness in its actions.

If something suddenly invades his peaceful life, the Rabbit begins to worry greatly. He cannot stand personal difficulties in life. To achieve success in work, the Rabbit requires safety and comfortable living conditions.

Most of the representatives of this year are distinguished by their ability to conduct business, increased entrepreneurship, and a sense of responsibility. They are well aware of situations when they owe something to someone. The Rabbit is characterized by pedantry. He treats every little detail with special importance and accuracy.

These people are closely connected with art. They are characterized by an extraordinary perception of the world, colorful imagination, and extensive imagination. They love a narrow social circle consisting of family and friends. Noisy companies with strangers The rabbit doesn't like it. Thanks to my knowledge and positive traits character, they can win their place in society and gain their own authority. They show great success in their work, however, at the same time, they may not have knowledge in other areas.

Over time, Rabbits only improve their financial condition. They always win in any transactions and thus receive a good income. They have the ability to catch everything on the fly. Therefore, the Rabbit will not miss his chance and will always take only the best from life.

Representatives of the fair sex, born in the year of the Rabbit, have success in many areas where beauty and taste are present. They are very hospitable. Using their melancholic character traits, they only win. Thanks to such qualities, Rabbit women charm others with their charm and attractiveness.

The rabbit must consciously avoid difficulties, dramatic incidents, and any obstacles in life. Only then can he be in peace and harmony. Any catastrophic situations, martial law and everything connected with this are not interesting to him and do not bother him much. However, as soon as this invades his personal space, his life, the Rabbit begins to take everything to heart. This year's representative will do everything possible in any way to protect himself and his family from such difficulties.

Those Rabbits who love communication are distinguished by politeness and sincerity, who know how to find correct solution in any situation, they can perfectly manage their feelings and emotions. And those representatives who are characterized by isolation and particular shyness prefer loneliness and love to meditate. However, they are endowed with deep feelings and experiences. Sometimes such rabbits can have the ability to foresee the future and have the ability of divination.

According to the peoples of the East, Rabbits are the owners of God's spark, who inherited skills and abilities from sorcerers, shamans and priests.

Compatibility of the Rabbit with other signs

Rabbit and Ox

In such a situation, the behavior of the Ox is of paramount importance. In a marriage, the Rabbit must lead exclusively, and the bull must be subordinate to him. Friendly relations between such signs are possible at the level of secular strata. A business relationship between the Rabbit and the bull also takes place. However, the Rabbit often takes advantage of the Ox's patience and tries to use it to its own advantage.

Rabbit and Rat

Marriage between these signs is not desirable. The unprincipled behavior of the Rat greatly irritates the Rabbit and he wants to eliminate him with all his might, but at the same time he tries to control himself and not follow through with his intentions. And friendly relations between these representatives, as a rule, do not work out, as well as relationships at work. A situation may arise that the Rat will be in danger if it conducts a joint business with the Rabbit.

Rabbit and Tiger

Their relationship has many problems. But, at the same time, the Tiger can see many positive qualities in the Rabbit, namely his calmness and goodwill. The opposite also happens. The Rabbit relates well to many aspects of the Tiger's character. Their relationship cannot last long; over time, they begin to conflict, which leads to their breakup. Friendly relations between them do not always develop, because the Rabbit and the tiger often fail to achieve mutual understanding of each other. As for relationships in the business sphere, they take place due to the fact that both of these signs take a lot of necessary and useful things from each other. The tiger's daring personality traits go well with the Rabbit's caution.

Rabbit and Bunny

Due to certain circumstances, the union between these signs can be happy, but only if one point is fulfilled. One side must obey and obey the other side in everything. Their friendly relations develop positively and are long-lasting and strong. Also, business relationships between Rabbit and Rabbit can be successful. And if these signs work in the same premises, for example, both are engaged in legal practice, then success is guaranteed for them.

Rabbit and Snake

A marriage between these signs can be successful. They have a feeling of love at first sight. In order to preserve the love that has arisen and not begin to hate each other, they must constantly keep their feelings and emotions under control. In friendships there is often cunning; they like to simmer for a long time and try to talk each other out. In business matters, they can succeed if they both try.

Rabbit and Dragon

The Dragon really likes the fact that the Rabbit can make concessions and is optimistic about life. At the same time, the rabbit does not approve heightened feeling the power of the Dragon. When they find mutual understanding, success and good luck will be guaranteed. The Rabbit and the Dragon often fail to build friendship with each other. It's better for them not to be friends at all. In the business sphere, they can achieve success provided that the Rabbit only gives necessary advice and don’t interfere anywhere else. Only the Dragon should have the decisive vote.

Rabbit and Goat

They can have a good union, since these two signs have a lot in common: wild imagination, expanded imagination, desire for art. Even when the Goat is capricious, the Rabbit is able to ignore such quirks. The friendly relationship between them will be strong thanks to their mutual desire for high things. Also in business, both representatives of these signs will be successful, and if they choose free professions, their success will only increase.

Rabbit and Horse

The marriage relationship between them may be successful. The Rabbit's ambition is in perfect harmony with the horse's love for life. Representatives of the Year of the Rabbit always strive to understand and respect the feelings of their partner. However, if they conflict with each other, this may negatively affect their relationship. They are destined for a long-lasting friendship. Their business relationships will also be successful and will have signs of sporting competitions with mutually beneficial features.

Rabbit and Rooster

A marriage between them is doomed to failure, since these two signs are the complete opposite of each other. Due to the fact that the Rooster is constantly playing theatrics, this greatly irritates the Rabbit. Also, their friendly relations may not work out due to increased activity Rooster. In the business sphere of their relationship, they may face failure, because both parties are secretive and reserved in their work.

Rabbit and Monkey

They may be lucky and build a strong marriage, even though they have different views. Cause of luck family life for such signs is their mutual complement to each other. The Monkey does not let the Rabbit get bored, and he always takes care of her. The friendship will succeed, but the business will most likely fail.

Rabbit and Pig

Marriage relationships between these signs can work out, since they respect each other and do not argue over trifles. However, it is very important that in their marriage they do not experience infidelity on the part of the Pig. IN narrow circle they can develop a strong friendship. In business matters, they will also have success and many prospects due to the fact that the Pig will be successful in business, and the Rabbit will be distinguished by its agility. They may end up getting rich.

Rabbit and Dog

By being faithful together, they can have a great marriage. Just like a friendship that will be long and strong. The dog will be able to feel reliable support and shoulder in the Rabbit’s face. In the business sphere, they will also experience fantastic success, as their desire for hard work will bring results. These two signs are perfect for each other because they complement each other. The Rabbit shows his gentle character and balanced disposition, and the Dog in return gives him his devotion.

In order for everything to be good in life, we are accustomed to following the advice of astrologers and reading horoscopes. By Chinese horoscope, each person, depending on the year of his birth, corresponds to a certain animal. It influences his character, relationships with people, choice of profession and even his future. Perhaps the most mysterious personality of the calendar is the two-faced sign - the Rabbit (Cat).

Year of the Rabbit (Cat) sign characteristics

The Year of the Rabbit and the Cat is imbued with mysticism and mystery. The double name of this sign causes mistrust. This is due to the fact that the Chinese tradition calls the sign a Cat, and the Japanese tradition calls it a Rabbit. At first glance, the animals have nothing in common, but this is far from the case. Both animals, even when falling, proudly stand on all four legs. The ability is transferred to a person; it is believed that he is not deprived of luck and fate always smiles on him.

Only both animals in the Asian tradition are not credible. They are credited magical abilities and talents. The cat and rabbit were associated with witches and sorcerers. Many of the representatives of dark forces, according to legend, could easily turn into cats. But it is precisely the dual personality of this sign that makes him both a positive and negative character.

Positive qualities of the sign

Either magical connection with dark forces makes the cat (rabbit) special, or something else, but luck follows on his heels. He is smart and knows how to present himself to the public with dignity. Positive traits and noticeable advantages do not prevent him from being modest. But even here the animal does not cross the line and never allows itself to be hurt. Behind the external “weakness” of the personality lies a strength that breaks out if the sign is in danger. If you “awaken the beast,” then it can safely fight back even strong signs.

One can only envy the cat's taste. As if nature itself had endowed him with a feeling inner dignity and the ability to behave in society. In addition, people love the rabbit because it is always open to new contacts and will happily receive guests in its luxurious home.

The animal doesn’t like to brag either, but it won’t hide its advantages either. He is a real explorer. The rabbit is interested in everything, he is interested in everything, loves to learn and can always demonstrate high level intellectual development. It is with his mind that he loves to shine.

The Cat (Rabbit) personality is optimistic, he is ready for difficulties and rarely loses his balance. But even among the representatives of this sign there are very sensitive people who take other people’s misfortunes as their own. In emergency situations, you can rely on the cat; he will definitely help, since he has a highly developed sense of duty. The sign is much more upset by its misfortunes; it may even cry and complain about fate. But the stress does not last long and the rabbit (cat) pulls himself together and gets down to business.

There should be complete order and comfort in affairs. He thinks first and only then acts, but in case of danger he becomes very resourceful.

High intelligence makes a cat an indispensable employee. He can do different things at the same time and manage to do everything. The rabbit is especially lucky with money. But this is less a matter of luck than of calculations. He gets things done and is clearly focused on a positive result.

A rabbit is capable of creating a strong family. He loves children very much and is ready to sacrifice everything for them. Most often, financial support falls on the shoulders of the animal. The rabbit will not betray and will, but maintain peace within the family hearth.

Negative qualities of the sign

The year of the rabbit (cat) brings smart and observant people, but they also have hidden dark sides.

The rabbit often experiences fear that literally makes his heart jump out of his chest. To get rid of fear, he calculates everything and arranges everything in such a way that everything around him is calm and harmonious. The cat does not like to violate the usual order of actions, it unbalances him. He will not accept changes and will defend his interests.

The cat can be romantic, but does not often waste time on empty fantasies. He is the owner. And it is extremely difficult for him to build relationships with other people. He can terrorize his partner and constantly test him.

The most difficult character trait of a rabbit (cat) is excessive self-involvement.

Best birth dates, months and times

Very often we are tormented by questions: When is the year of the rabbit? year of the rabbit what years? year of the cat what years? year of the cat and rabbit what years? And this is not just like that. After all, it is in this year that talented and prominent figures. For example, Fidel Castro, Frank Sinatra, Confucius, Joseph Stalin, Catherine de Medici, Queen Victoria, Albert Einstein, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Henri Stendhal, Edith Piaf, Walter Scott, Leon Trotsky and many others.

The best time of year to give birth to a rabbit is summer. In summer he feels comfortable and does not like the winter cold at all. Rabbits born in summer are happier. But most favorable time Spring is considered, and the best month is March.

The cat rules early time. From five to seven in the morning. Lucky cats will be those born on 3, 4, 6. Or 26, 27 or 29.

Most suitable professions

A rabbit or cat has high intelligence and a great thirst for knowledge. These qualities make him simply an irreplaceable employee. The cat never stops unless it's finished. He is strictly focused on positive results.

Representatives of this sign make real rich people. They are always ready to provide for their family and they do this very successfully. The rabbit's kind heart attracts people to him and he can easily establish partnerships with them, having calculated and weighed everything in advance.

But you shouldn't get hung up on it. The cat is not the only one who can boast of a rich mind. He just has golden hands. He can safely engage in creative activities or even tailoring.

He can make a good career in business, medicine, culture or law.

Love and relationships

Building a relationship with a person born in the year of the rabbit is not easy. A representative of the sign can be very attentive and gentle, or on the contrary, he can behave extremely selfishly. Rabbits are usually very good at communicating with others; they attract people with their excellent sense of humor.

The rabbit is always ready to provide for his loved ones, but his loved ones must reciprocate his feelings and support his comfort. He is used to living in his own world, in which order and comfort always reign. A cat's partner must sacrifice everything to build a strong relationship with him. If the cat does not feel mutual return, he will begin to terrorize his spouse.

Rabbits develop strong relationships with Dogs or Pigs, who are ready to keep the cat cozy in the house and shower it with love. Even if love doesn’t work out, the rabbit will never leave his partner and will be faithful to the end.

Which of the five types of rabbit is yours?

Depending on the year of birth, each cat or rabbit has a certain element that influences its character and personality:

  • Tree. This element applies to people who were born in 1915 and 1975. Of all the rabbits, they are the smartest and most savvy. They have a wonderful sense of humor and a very sharp heart that skillfully notices positive and negative traits character. But often such a cat feels too confident and sometimes selfish.
  • Fire. The element of fire left its mark on everyone who celebrated their date of birth in 1927 and 1987. Such rabbits are also not deprived of intelligence, but lack pride. They are easily ready to start learning and adapt to its features. And for this, nature rewarded them with a special view of the world.
  • Earth. Birth years 1939 and 1999 make the rabbit a down-to-earth materialist. He is open, hardworking and likes to speak directly, without embellishment.
  • Gold. Noble metal in 1951 and 2011 he gave us real goodies. These cats really don't like change.
  • Water. This element last corresponded to the sign of the rabbit in 1963. In 2023, water will again become the cat's companion. Such a cat is very gentle and light, but unlike the others, it lacks a strong mind. He strictly adheres to his principles and does not like to violate them.

Compatibility of Rabbit (Cat) with other signs

In order to build relationships with people correctly and harmoniously, you need to know how different signs are combined Chinese calendar. It is not recommended to even make friendly acquaintances with some, with others there is hope for wonderful and long-term relationships, and with others it is only possible to conduct business.

The likelihood of a relationship between a rabbit and a monkey developing is high, but it will not last long. But they will definitely be remembered by both for their sensuality and emotionality. The monkey will not be interested in getting to know his partner and trying to understand him, but the cat, on the contrary, will be looking for peace of mind, which she cannot give him. Only the Monkey can benefit from a relationship, revealing new facets in it. But there is still a chance to build friendly relations.

High development prospects love relationship between these signs. The basis of the relationship will be the mutual desire for wealth. The rooster will love the cat very much for his good taste and originality of personality. It is best if the Rooster is a man and the woman is a Cat. Then the man will be proud of his woman. If the cat is a man, then friendship can be crowned with greater success than love.

There is a possibility of a relationship, but not high. They can irritate each other and even drive each other crazy. In this case, conflicts and betrayals cannot be avoided. But if you still manage to build a relationship, then in such a marriage both partners will be happy.

A pig and a cat will make a wonderful couple. The pig will give him support. It is best to build a relationship between a cat woman and a pig man. A man will allow his woman to always feel safe. They will happily raise children.

Neither love nor friendship is possible between a rat and a rabbit. At the first meeting, they evoke only negative emotions in each other. The rat is not used to feeling sorry for others and likes to assert itself at their expense, which the cat really doesn’t like.

Ox and Cat are an ideal couple. And even time will not destroy their idyll. They look harmonious together and complement each other. They have a good time together and do things. There is usually no basis for conflict either, they are simply created for each other.

Relationships can arise and even have a positive outcome. The Tiger will appreciate the Cat and his intelligence. They will be happy to talk. But such an idyll, that in friendship, that in love will not last long. The tiger is very active and loves to travel; he is not ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of the cat.

Rabbit. These two will be very good together. They will neither argue nor be jealous. Both cats will happily make their home cozy and learn new things. Together they can even take a risk and open a business, and achieve success.

The very first meeting will show that the dragon and the rabbit are well suited to each other. Partners have a chance to build a strong marriage if the Dragon’s pride does not interfere with them. But the Cat is happy to give up the championship if no one disturbs his comfort and coziness.

They have poor compatibility. They don't like each other right away. There is a chance of friendships arising, but very small. The cat will sense danger from the snake, so it will decide to avoid it and not take risks.

The Horse and Rabbit will be very comfortable together and not at all bored. Things will go well at work, in love, and in friendship. The cause of disagreement is different views. The cat is used to weighing everything, and the horse likes to act quickly and decisively. But if both partners reach an agreement, they will become perfect couple or best friends. Goat. A goat and a rabbit are the best option for a relationship. But these two rarely marry and are usually attracted to completely different people.

Just like a cat, he also loves peace and comfort, and therefore together they most likely will not be able to achieve the peace that they so dream of. Things won't go well at work either. The Goat will spend everything that the Cat earns, and he will not like it. Between them there is understanding, tenderness and ease of communication. They understand each other well and will become best friends. To achieve success in family life, you need to decide in advance what your future life will be like and who will do what.

Final part

Years of the Rabbit

Start Date End Date Related Element Heavenly Branch

02/02/1927 01/22/1928 Yin Fire Ding Mao

02/19/1939 02/08/1940 Yin Earth Ji Mao

06/02/1951 01/26/1952 Yin Metal Xin Mao

  • From 01/29/1903 to 02/15/1904 - Year of the Water (Black) Rabbit;
  • From 02/14/1915 to 02/02/1916 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Rabbit;
  • From 02/02/1927 to 01/22/1928 - Year of the Fire (Red) Rabbit;
  • From 02/19/1939 to 02/07/1940 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Rabbit;
  • From 02/06/1951 to 01/26/1952 - Year of the Metal (White) Rabbit;
  • From 01/25/1963 to 02/12/1964 - Year of the Water (Black) Rabbit;
  • From 02/11/1975 to 01/30/1976 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Rabbit;
  • From 01/29/1987 to 02/16/1988 - Year of the Fire (Red) Rabbit;
  • From 02/16/1999 to 02/04/2000 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Rabbit;
  • From 02/03/2011 to 01/22/2012 - Year of the Metal (White) Rabbit;
  • From 01/22/2023 to 02/09/2024 - Year of the Water (Black) Rabbit.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Cancer.

Character Strengths

A person born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat, Hare) has clearly expressed diplomatic qualities. He is pleasant and polite in communication, knows how to listen carefully to his interlocutor, and therefore makes the most favorable impression. The rabbit has the gift of persuasion. Even if his proposal or idea is of no interest to another person, the Rabbit will find the right words and convince him otherwise. He knows how to influence even entire groups of people, but at the same time he never acts aggressively or rudely.

Sophistication is second strong point characteristics of the Rabbit. Of all the characters eastern horoscope it ranks first in elegance. By nature, the Rabbit is endowed with good taste and aristocratic manners, and the environment in which he grew up has almost no influence on him.

Since people like the Rabbit and inspire confidence in them, he can easily make the necessary contacts and provide himself with a decent standard of living. A representative of this sign will find a way out of almost any situation, but will not do it with his own hands. However, it is not the method of action that is important, but the result.

Character Weaknesses

A person born in the year of the Rabbit attaches great importance to little things, and often because of this is distracted from the essence. He is so concerned with minor details that the final result may suffer as a result. This happens especially often when everything could be decided by quick action. While the Rabbit hesitates in making a decision or developing the perfect plan, there will be someone more agile.

The intelligent and sophisticated Rabbit is powerless in the face of arrogant people who behave rudely. He himself is not aggressive, and the only method of defense that he knows is the manifestation of cunning and intellectual superiority. Unfortunately, this is very often not enough to defeat your opponent. If the Rabbit finds himself in a difficult situation and the environment around him is hostile, he begins to panic. In a panic, he is inclined to make mistake after mistake, and if outside help does not arrive in time, he will have a very hard time.

In love

The Rabbit does not always act decisively, but at the same time he has every chance of winning over the one he is interested in. He has few equals in charm. A rabbit will never shock a person with an unexpected declaration of love. First, he will become close to him as a friend or well-wisher, simultaneously observing how they react to him. A person born in the year of the Rabbit does not like to take risks, and personal life this also applies.

The rabbit is conservative. He welcomes only permanent relationships, and even if they have long since exhausted themselves, he will not rush to break them off. Very often this person is so afraid of losing what he has, but is no longer happy, that he misses real chances to find happiness in the company of another person.

The Rabbit is a rather secretive sign of the eastern horoscope. If the situation develops in such a way that he begins to lead double life, then he will follow all security measures so as not to give himself away. It will not be easy for him to make a choice. A rabbit can live for two families for years, waiting for everything to be resolved by itself.

In career

Intelligent and courteous, the Rabbit is one of the most ambitious signs of the Chinese calendar. He strives to occupy a high position in society, and achieves his plans through cunning and veiled actions. The rabbit does not walk over heads, does not behave arrogantly and straightforwardly, so its competitors often have no idea that they have a rival.

This person takes his job with full responsibility. He always has the cleanest workplace, and everything is in its place. The Rabbit's thoughts are also in order. He is attentive, notices any little things, and he also has an excellent memory. If a representative of this sign holds the position of assistant manager, then the success of the business depends primarily on him.

Rabbit Man

The rabbit is primarily a symbol of constancy. A man born under this sign is conservative, homebound and leads a measured lifestyle. For him, everyday comfort and the company of close people nearby are very important. The Rabbit man cannot stand loneliness and can only feel comfortable in a couple.

For a permanent relationship, a calm and economical woman, focused on family and home, is ideal for him. The Rabbit man is not very sociable, so if his chosen one regularly disappears in the company of her friends, the couple will face a series of conflicts. This man is jealous. He definitely won’t create violent scenes with breaking dishes, but he knows how to create a tense atmosphere like no one else.

The representative of this sign has a very secretive character, so those who know him well enough can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The rabbit is afraid of criticism, but does not admit it. He can only open his soul to that person who is ready to accept him as he is.

Rabbit Woman

The Rabbit woman is pleasant to talk to, and people feel comfortable and relaxed around her. At the same time, she doesn’t let anyone get close to her, preferring to keep a certain distance. She has many acquaintances and friends, but few friends. She prefers to spend free time in the company of truly close people, tries to avoid crowded places and noisy companies.

When communicating with men, the Rabbit woman behaves intelligently and reservedly. She gives the impression of a lady from high society, who, at the same time, does not emphasize her mannerisms, and therefore it is pleasant and easy to be with her. She belongs to the type of woman who waits for the initiative to get closer from a man, but has a greater chance of success than the more decisive representatives of the fairer sex.

IN family relationships it is constant. The Rabbit woman maintains comfort in the house, she is a wonderful housewife, loving wife and a caring mother. After marriage, communication with other men ceases to interest her, and she devotes all her energy only to her family.

We are accustomed to the Avestan astrological school, in which it is customary to divide the entire year according to zodiac signs. Eastern sages believe that during all 12 months humanity is under the protection of one or another magical animal. These are Horse or Dog, Ox or Buffalo, Snake or Dragon and so on. Each of them has their own temperaments and habits, which they generously share with us, subordinating our destinies to their life rhythms. Moreover, in Chinese, these animals also personify luck, calmness, prudence or, conversely, suspicion, stinginess, and ferocity. Therefore, some years are marked by economic and political stability and a calm environmental situation. Others, on the contrary, are characterized by crises, small and large wars, and natural disasters.

Rabbit, aka Cat

Consider, for example, the year of the Cat. The next zodiac cycle begins with it. What is interesting: this cute pet is considered their good patron by the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, i.e. the Chinese. The Japanese call it the year of the Rabbit (or Hare). And if in nature cats come in a variety of colors, then rabbits are only white, gray, brown and black. However, we have already met the Fire Hare and the Blue, while the year of the Cat has always been modest color range. But both animals are not short of cunning. According to legends, the modest Bunny (aka Kitty) put the Dragon himself to shame. And few of the other heroes of the astrological zoo are capable of such a feat!

Distinctive features

So, it's the year of the Cat. Let's find out how they see theirs pet in China. Firstly, the cute purr is considered a very happy and lucky animal. Don't forget that if he falls, he lands on all 4 paws. And therefore, most of the troubles are successfully experienced and come out of troubles unharmed. And if you take into account the saying about his 9 lives, it becomes clear: the year of the Cat should be calm. If troubles happen, they will be resolved positively and easily, just as they arose. According to Chinese astrological teachings, the Cat is simply obliged to provide well-being and a comfortable existence, if not to everyone, then to the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth for sure!


“Neither friend nor foe - but so...”

Alas, not a single large family, where many relatives are gathered under a common roof, can do without outcasts. So is Kotyara - for some zodiac signs a sweet and easy-going brother, for others - a rival with claws. And some people are completely ignored. Without his mercy, the hard-working Ox, the fussy Rooster, and the restless Pig will have to survive this year. When distributing generous pieces of pie, alas, the Cat bypassed them. Therefore, the signs have no choice but to lead their usual lifestyle, work hard and only hope for happy changes. The main thing is to try to avoid stress and scandals - they are so tiring! In the end, one day everything ends, and so does the unpleasant year!

Let's sum it up

In general, as they say, the years of the Cat pass under the “plus” sign. And to support yourself, protect yourself and find a good helper, get this cute animal at home. You'll get a loyal friend, a fun playmate, a gently purring creature, and even your own personal doctor! A wonderful living talisman that brings good luck and happiness to its owners - isn’t that great?!