Dirty walls in a dream. Dream interpretation dirty wall Why dream of washing the walls of a house

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you.

If you see a car or other equipment being washed, you will encounter a dirty job or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you.

If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality.

A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists.

An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing your face with warm water in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come back to haunt the person who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness.

If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money.

Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises.

If you wash in the bath together with a man, this means strong excitement due to the fear of losing the favor of your loved one.

Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions.

Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you.

Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration.

Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited.

Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for.

A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies.

If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends.

Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission.

If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery.

If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair.

Wash someone’s hair or see how others wash it for themselves - you will soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Washing walls in a dream, seeing repairs, general cleaning - means a successful fight against obstacles. A dream means progress towards a goal through legal and illegal means. It’s very good if you dreamed that you immediately admired the results of your work. But why you dream that thorough cleaning of the house did not help change its appearance is interpreted differently in dream books.

General meanings from Miller's dream book

The interpretation of sleep by Miller and other experts comes down to the isolation of the dreamer. In addition, psychologists recommend distinguishing the location of cleaning in a dream. When figuring out why you dream of washing walls, you need to remember who owns the house itself and what its technical condition is:

  • new - to reconsider relationships with household members;
  • dilapidated - to fatigue, depression;
  • stranger - to obstacles;
  • yours - to good news.

Be vigilant

Broken and crooked partitions mean a deal with scammers and swindlers. Tsvetkov's dream book recommends not to rush into implementing your plans. You can be subject to sanctions or fines if you dreamed that during washing they gradually collapsed or fell all at the same time. In addition, skewed structures can symbolize the wrong path.

Trying to clean out a dilapidated home will not bring satisfaction to the dreamer. The more energy you had to spend in a dream on repairing load-bearing partitions, the less energy you will have for household chores in reality. Such people may begin to mope for no reason. The famous Vanga, laying out why you dream of washing walls, advises paying attention to the purity of the water.

Wait for news from afar

Washing the walls of your own home is a good sign. The upcoming news will please both you and your household. In addition, such a dream is a sign of a fateful meeting for someone in the family. There is a chance that the family will increase by adding a new member to it, or a relative who was away will return.

It is very good to see that the water remains clean after cleaning. It’s even better if you dreamed that you were praised for the work you did in your dream. The dream book of Nostradamus suggests urgently checking your mail - it is likely that you will find long-awaited news from a person with whom you have already stopped communicating.

Obstacles will harden

Why dream of washing walls in an office, in someone else’s building, where there are many people, is explained by foreign dream books as a lack of mutual understanding with older relatives. For example, parents may not give their blessing to a marriage if they happen to see the strong supporting structures of the house.

This is a reflection of your inner world, but if there are many rooms, they are a symbol of various facets of your life or nature.

Rooms that are on different floors in a dream: symbolize different levels of your feelings: the higher the room is, the more important this piece of soul is to you.

A clean, comfortable room made according to Feng Shui: a sign of your peace of mind and, as a result, a stable improvement in your life.

An untidy room: a sign of mental discomfort. Most likely, you have accumulated a lot of unresolved problems, and this causes you anxiety, resulting in poor health or an unimportant state of affairs.

If there are strangers in the room who are friendly: the dream suggests that you are in agreement not only with those around you, but also with yourself.

This means that your affairs, especially those related to negotiations, should be moving forward successfully.

If the guests in the room behave aggressively: the dream indicates your internal discord.

If you do not bring your feelings into balance, conflicts and failures really await you in reality.

An unfinished room: a sign of unfinished business and unrealized plans.

An empty, unsightly room: a symbol of loneliness and spiritual devastation.

At the same time, if an empty room is beautiful and filled with pure light: this is a sign of your spiritual renewal.

If in reality you are hatching any interesting plans, they have every chance of success.

Bright light outside the room's windows: may indicate that some external events will help you find harmony and peace of mind.

Darkness outside the windows of the room: warns that you are too withdrawn into yourself. Try to pay more attention to people and the world around you - this will make your life richer and brighter.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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Dreams come to a person for a reason. They carry hidden subtext. But what is it and how to understand dreams? It is worth turning to the interpretation of dreams, then all questions will be answered.

Why do you dream about cleaning? Basic interpretation

Why do you dream about cleaning? It's time to put things in order in your life, put everything in order, reconsider your values, and adjust your environment. Psychologists say that in order for new people and opportunities to appear in life, it is necessary to get rid of everything old and unnecessary. When interpreting a dream, it is worth taking into account all the nuances and behavior of the characters, and the objects that appear in it.

Cleaning your own home

If you dream that you are cleaning your own home– it’s time to put things in order in matters of the heart. It is worth establishing relationships with loved ones and stopping being offended over trifles. This means that the time has come for self-development and self-improvement.

If in a dream it was not just cleaning, but general- stunning events will happen soon. Sweeping away cobwebs in a dream means improving relationships with friends and colleagues. If a man had a dream in which he wipes the dust in his own home, he will soon marry a dishonest woman. She will be bad at housekeeping and very scandalous. This marriage will not last long.

If a woman dreamed that she had terrible, black floors in her house– she was slandered undeservedly. If she doesn’t want to wash them, her strength has dried up to prove she’s right. Cleaning the bathroom is a sign of wealth; if a woman washes the toilet in a dream, in reality she will receive profit from hidden sources.

Cleaning someone else's house

If you dream that you are cleaning someone else's house- in reality you will receive unpleasant news that will change the course of events in your life for a long time. It is almost impossible to avoid them. If in a dream you sweep up someone else's trash, in reality you are overly concerned about other people's affairs and because of this your own life suffers.

If you dream of cleaning a strange and dilapidated house– you are haunted by sins and grievances from the past. What to do with them, how to break this guarantee - the dream will tell you. If you dream that you are cleaning your workplace, you will soon change your job. Wiping dust and sweeping away cobwebs in the workplace means intrigue, gossip and dirty tricks at work.

Clean up the street

Cleaning the street promises attempts to improve relationships with loved ones. Perhaps the person is experiencing remorse. Then in reality he will try in every possible way to rid himself of them. If a person in a dream burns collected garbage and old things, in reality he will easily deal with all the difficulties and problems that await him.

If you dream of cleaning a cemetery- you will soon receive an inheritance that will radically change your life. A speedy trial is possible. Someone may ask for help. There is no point in refusing this. If you have a dream about clearing snow, problems will arise that will have to be solved urgently.

Help with cleaning

If you had a dream in which you have to watch others clean– in reality you will have to resort to manipulating people. But you have to manipulate wisely, otherwise your friends and colleagues may turn away later.

If a girl dreams that she is cleaning with her ex-man, husband– she will easily free herself from the losses of the past and be able to start a new life. Everything old will disappear from her life, and new prospects for developing relationships will appear.

Why do you dream about cleaning - interpretation by Y. Longo

Y. Longo states in his dream book that cleaning is only dreamed of by those people who in reality are really tired of routine, who have a lot of problems and troubles. In a dream, a person tries to cleanse his life of accumulated garbage. Such a dream prompts you to get down to business and solve all your problems. If it seems that problems cannot be overcome, it’s just you!

You should not initially grab the most difficult option, you should weigh the pros and cons and act wisely. Problems need to be solved one by one, gradually, just as cleaning happened in a dream - step by step. Admiring the result of cleaning in a dream means the end of everyday work and the beginning of hard work on oneself.

Not cleaning yourself, but resorting to the help of assistants, promises the need to seek advice. Perhaps your true friends will give you a helping hand in a difficult situation.

If you patiently watch how other people clean, it means that in reality it will not be you who will work - they will work for you. And this is a very good prospect, taking into account the fact that such dreams promise career advancement and strengthening of financial positions. The dream book also advises not to be lazy and to fully thank those people who are always ready to provide it for their help. This is quite important. In order not to lose your authority in the eyes of your colleagues, you should do some of the work yourself.

Why do you dream about cleaning according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller points out in his dream book that cleaning always portends positive changes in life. If a woman sees how she happily cleans her house, in reality her work will be appreciated by all members of the household. The husband will definitely become closer and dearer, the children will begin to appreciate. They will become obedient, and the husband will become flexible. The main thing is to accept these changes without fear or sarcasm, because it can harm the family idyll.

The lack of desire to wash the floor always indicates that trouble is just around the corner and the person who had the dream anticipates a catastrophe, but does not want to change anything radically. What to do in this case? It is worth taking into account the warning that the dream sends and taking active action. Otherwise, long-term stagnation in affairs, both professional and love, is possible.

Such a dream can portend illness and loss. The body itself gives signals that something is wrong with it. That he is dirty from the inside and if you don’t start taking active steps now, then a slight malaise can turn into a chronic illness.

Why do you dream of cleaning according to the esoteric dream book, Freud’s dream book

The esoteric dream book gives a slightly different interpretation of what cleaning means in dreams:

Wash windows - open your eyes to a difficult situation;

Washing windows in someone else’s apartment means opening another person’s eyes to the problem;

Wash the floor - open the way, remove negativity that interferes with movement towards the goal;

Revenge dirt with a broom - fight off evil tongues;

If the water from washing the floor is black all the time, it means there is a lot of negativity on the person;

Cleaning at work means getting bogged down in professional problems;

Wash the walls - seek protection and patronage.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is cleaning and at the same time it is very difficult for her both physically and mentally, she will be left to raise the child alone. If cleaning is easy and relaxed, the child’s father will take on the main responsibilities.

Cleaning for other people and getting paid for it is a possible job option with a good salary. If cleaning is a job and not a household necessity, then you should find time for yourself and go on vacation. If a man dreams of cleaning the floor after his woman, she is thinking about breaking up the relationship.

If there is a lot of dust in the apartment and you have to wipe it off from all surfaces, the person has been harboring grievances for too long, and they have led to negative health consequences. If cleaning in a dream takes place joyfully, then in reality there should be no problems, either in the personal or professional sphere.

If you dreamed that you had to clean an apartment where a person no longer lives, relatives remember him. It is worth reminding living relatives about yourself and lighting candles for the deceased. Then you will sleep peacefully, and all matters will be resolved much faster.

Freud explains dreams about cleaning by saying that the human body requires cleansing, so illnesses are possible. Most likely, they will be associated with the reproductive system. If a woman dreams that she is going through old things, she does not consider herself attractive. If cleaning brings pleasure, then your partner brings joy and happiness. If a woman is dissatisfied with the results of cleaning, then conflicts will begin in her personal life. Sexuality in Freud's interpretation plays a leading role.

In order to make a full interpretation of a dream, it is worth taking into account all the little things and nuances. It is worth remembering that dreams warn of possible developments of events. Thanks to such tips, you can avoid problems and increase joy. The main thing is not to panic, but to expect a positive result.

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    For the girl, destroyed wall in dream is a double symbol, which is explained depending on the situation that arose in reality. On the one side, dreamed the picture may indicate that the barrier of misunderstanding between the dreamer and her loved one has been broken and a truce will come. Wash walls in the house in dream, indicates the presence of monotonous and painstaking work that needs to be done. For women, the vision speaks of the need to take care of household chores. Read more

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    « Dream Interpretation wash Walls dreamed, for what dreaming in dream wash Walls".I soap walls in the maternity hospital. and for some reason the midwife told me wash walls, but not completely, but only a wide horizontal strip along walls. walls They were tiled, but they showed signs of repair. they were stained with plaster. I thought in dream that she gave me this task so that I could give birth faster. but I wasn’t pregnant and I don’t understand how. Read more

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    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If in dream You washed windows, then a completely different life will soon begin. Universal dream book promises new acquaintances, impressions, a change of place of residence. If dreamed that they washed the stairs, it will be possible to change your position to a more prestigious and respectable one. Clean up walls in the house - a change in social status. Laundered in dream surface to a “mirror shine”? Get ready for a new, respected position. Description of what dreaming wash table, Grishina also gives. Read more

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    If wash house in dream some helpers help you - husband, children, friends - then dream portends the need to acquire reliable assistants, allies in real life, which will appear in your life very soon. If in your dream you have already washed the house and are now admiring the cleanly washed floors, walls or windows dream portends a time of calm and stability that will come in the near future - such dreams promise the opportunity to finally do what you love and devote your time to loved ones. Read more

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    Wash house. House cleaning in dream can be interpreted in completely different ways. the washing up floors in the house becomes an indispensable harbinger of separation or significant loss. If in dream If you have washed the house and are admiring the results of your labor, stability and prosperity await you ahead. Clean floors walls and windows promise a real opportunity to do your favorite things, in addition, you will be able to spend more time with family and friends. Read more

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    If in dream You washed walls, dream means an attempt to create a strong position. What exactly this concerns can be determined by the location or location walls in your dream. Wash window in dream- to insight. You can find a way out of a difficult situation thanks to the help (direct or indirect) of other people. Now you need action, not passive waiting. Read more

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    For what dreaming cleaning. How wash walls. How to clean the house. In dream dreamed about it dirty floor and you wash it is a sign that success and changes await you in life, but wash an already clean floor foreshadows troubles and separation. the washing up floors in dream, which does not complicate you and does not take much time, predicts a quick reception of guests. Read more

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    For what dreaming cleaning of the apartment? More often, dreamed Cleaning an apartment or house symbolizes the desire to cleanse one’s own energy: to leave negative emotions, grievances, disappointments in the past, to regain the trust of loved ones, or to ask for forgiveness from someone who was thoughtlessly offended by the dreamer. Wash in dream dirty walls– a warning that a loved one will have serious troubles: a serious or even fatal illness, an unpredictable course of the disease, loss of interest in life, negative thoughts about the future... Read more

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    Scrub in dream a stain on the floor or wall, including from blood, a symbol of duplicity, not a sincere attitude towards household members or work colleagues. See how the floors washes someone outsider - to intrigue, betrayal. Perhaps the vacant position at work will be filled by another applicant. What does it mean? dream: dreamed What am I dreaming? Read more

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    To me dreamed about it dream Where I am soap floors in a huge house, nice!) I only have such beauty in dream I saw it. hmm. I can’t figure it out dreams but in my opinion the child will answer you that wash floors are not the same thing walls or ceilings+).Read more

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    I dreamed about it Wall, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book dreaming Wall in dream in dream have you seen this symbol? Dream: I’m lying on the beach, the sun is bright, there are still people not far away, a man pesters me to hug, a neighbor offers help, while I was getting rid of the man, I look towards the sun, and there is a building wall, I get ready and leave, he follows me, I go to the children playing, there my son. Read more

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    if you dreamed, what do you clean in the office - then you need to somehow get rid of your rivals or competitors. Clean snow or mud outside in dream- this is a sign that you will make every effort to remove all obstacles in your life path. See. also: why dreaming cleaning, why dreaming soap, for what dreaming bucket.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream You washed walls, dream means an attempt to create a strong position. What exactly this concerns can be determined by the location or location walls in your dream. Wash window in dream- to insight. You can find a way out of a difficult situation thanks to the help (direct or indirect) of other people. Now you need action, not passive waiting. Read more

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    Interpretation dreams Wall, dream Wall, dreamed Wall. Dream InterpretationDream Interpretation Wall. See in dream what you are facing wall, which blocked your path, portends that you will not withstand the pressure on you and will lose even what you have already achieved, Jump over in dream through wall- means that you will overcome obstacles and fulfill your desires. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    wash walls.Had a dream white Walls, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dream white Walls in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream You washed walls, dream means an attempt to create a strong position. What exactly this concerns can be determined by the location or location walls in your dream. Wash window in dream- to insight. You can find a way out of a difficult situation thanks to the help (direct or indirect) of other people. Now you need action, not passive waiting. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Wall collapses, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Wall is collapsing in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! for me dreamed as part walls V my the house began to crumble, in dream there were all family members, mother, father and deceased brother, partly for his actions walls began to collapse. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream whitewash Walls, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming whitewash Walls in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I whitened light green wall, but not all, but partially, she spread a transparent film on the floor. It wasn't my home, and I was not alone. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If dream dreamed about it in the morning.If in dream You washed walls, dream means an attempt to create a strong position. What exactly this concerns can be determined by the location or location walls in your dream. Wash window in dream- to insight. You will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation thanks to the help (direct or indirect) of other people. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    What does it mean in dream Soap- The period of failure will soon end. Imagine that you soaping up yourself from head to toe, washing away all the dirt. Big dream book Phoebe. Interpretation sleep Soap: To you dreamed Soap what is this - the period of failure will end, and you will begin to be lucky in everything. There is creative visualization, which can only be carried out if we feel that our space has been captured. Dreamers should imagine themselves scrubbing walls room three times to clean it (remembering to let the water drain).Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream You washed walls, dream means an attempt to create a strong position. What exactly this concerns can be determined by the location or location walls in your dream. Wash window in dream- to insight. You can find a way out of a difficult situation thanks to the help (direct or indirect) of other people. Now you need action, not passive waiting. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "somn"

    Means dreamed that I seem to be at my parents’ house, talking with my father, then my brother comes, and I grab a bucket and start wash wall. Wall such multi-colored small tiles. If in dream you are covered with a copper basin, beware of zinc and dark polymers in reality! If the basin was dirty and sucky, then it’s time to regret your dubious dealings, dropped panties and secretly bulging bumps! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream You washed walls, dream means an attempt to create a strong position. What exactly this concerns can be determined by the location or location walls in your dream. Wash window in dream- to insight. You can find a way out of a difficult situation thanks to the help (direct or indirect) of other people. Now you need action, not passive waiting. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream You washed walls, dream means an attempt to create a strong position. What exactly this concerns can be determined by the location or location walls in your dream. Wash window in dream- to insight. You can find a way out of a difficult situation thanks to the help (direct or indirect) of other people. Now you need action, not passive waiting. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    wash walls.Had a dream build The wall, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming build The wall in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it!