Thick, yellowish, odorless discharge. In what cases do women have yellow, odorless discharge

As a rule, bright yellow discharge in women is a signal that the body is infected with germs.

Mucus is always secreted from the vagina of women. Normally, mucous secretions are transparent and thin, do not leave a smell or bright marks. By quantity, they do not exceed a teaspoon per day. Although after sex or before critical days, there may be a little more of them and they may have a pale yellow color.

In order to avoid many incurable chronic diseases in women, they need to be very careful about themselves. And they are simply obliged to notice the color of the mucus.

If the mucus has received a slightly yellow tint, but there is no feeling of discomfort, this indicates the normal function of the reproductive system, except perhaps for small deviations in its work. But the nature, abundance and structure of it depends on many factors. Allocations of an unnatural color with a not very pleasant or pungent "aroma" serve as a signal of a pathology in the functioning of the genital organs.

Often, the yellow color of the mucus released from the vagina indicates infectious infections that are sexually transmitted, or inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system. And such a phenomenon should be the reason for visiting a gynecologist. But even he will not immediately be able to say about the reasons for this phenomenon.

It is worth knowing clearly the reasons for the appearance of such a color of the released liquid in order to understand how dangerous this phenomenon is.

To the reasons yellow color allocations include:

  • genital infections such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc. With such infectious lesions, they are often accompanied by itching and burning. The smell of mucus is reminiscent of rotten fish;
  • infection with venous diseases also often causes a change in the color of the discharge (They also have a yellow tint and a sharp unpleasant odor, but pus is mixed with them);
  • lack of sex in women's lives;
  • prolonged nervous tension;
  • hormonal metabolism disorders;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • violation of the microflora of the mucous surface of the vagina of women;
  • allergy to synthetic underwear or intimate hygiene items, condoms, etc.

It's not always a disease!

Sometimes between periods, the mucus becomes yellow or greenish. Not always this phenomenon becomes a sign of disorder in the body. Color fluctuations occur even due to changes in diet or climate.

If the yellow color of the mucus is not accompanied by other symptoms, then maybe there is no disease either. To do this, you need to carefully “listen” to yourself, listening to the sensations inside yourself. In the case when no deviations are felt, you need to observe the discharge for a while. If any changes are noticed, and the color of the mucus gradually becomes richer, you should definitely visit the antenatal clinic.

When is discharge dangerous?

A woman is generally obliged to appear at least once a year in the office of a gynecologist, and ideally more often. Bright-colored vaginal discharge is often the result of inflammation, especially if weakness and other signs appear. A different combination of such signs indicates different diseases of the genital organs of women.

In the case when the discharge is scarce, has a yellow color, which is diluted with purulent or blood impurities after sex, accompanied by pain, we can talk about such dysfunction of the reproductive system as uterine erosion. This disease is easily treated. But it should be remembered that the disease is never cured by itself.

Often, the discharge becomes yellow with inflammation in the tubes of the uterus. In the case of a chronic nature, the disease is associated with a weakening of the immune system, nervous tension, and a cold.

The disease needs complex treatment with antibacterial drugs.

There are such shades of discharge in cases of colpitis. Colpitis can also be the result of injuries or infections in the organs of the reproductive or urinary system of women.

There is also the appearance of secretions that have a bright yellow tint with vaginal dysbacteriosis. And this is also the reason to pay a visit to the gynecologist.

To make a diagnosis and draw up a treatment regimen, the doctor must determine the causative agent of the disease by conducting an examination.

Self-medication here is often deadly, but a timely appeal to a gynecologist allows you to get rid of the pathology quickly enough.


The discharge of healthy women is called leucorrhea. Normally, leucorrhoea should not have a pronounced odor, cause itching, burning. Any changes can serve as a signal of the development of the disease.

Vaginal discharge is a natural occurrence in the reproductive system of women. The abundance and density of the mucous secretion can periodically change during pregnancy and breastfeeding, taking hormonal contraceptives, at various phases of the menstrual cycle, and with certain diseases. Yellow discharge and. Distinguish between normal and pathological discharge.

What is considered normal

The discharge of healthy women is called leucorrhea. They are usually transparent or whitish, sometimes turning yellow. Normally, leucorrhoea should not have a pronounced odor, cause a feeling of severe itching, burning. Yellow discharge with clots may be observed after ejaculation. Hormonal changes in the body of women (ovulation, pregnancy, etc.) are often one of the reasons for changes in color and viscosity. If such phenomena do not create discomfort, are not accompanied by other symptoms, then there is no reason for excessive concern.

Pathological discharge

Any changes in the color and smell of the vaginal fluid can serve as a signal for the development of an infectious disease or inflammation. If yellowish leucorrhoea becomes too abundant, causes increased itching, hyperemia of the external genital organs, has a pronounced putrid odor, is combined with pain symptoms, impaired urination, you should consult a gynecologist.

The appearance of yellow pathological whites is often provoked by pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory diseases, for example, vaginitis and colpitis of various etiologies. During the active development of the disease, itching occurs, which may increase or decrease depending on the stage of development of the pathology. The composition of such vaginal discharge is distinguished by the presence of dead leukocytes and microbes in the smear.


For the onset of adnexitis, the appearance of yellow discharge in large quantities is characteristic. Treatment must begin immediately.


Pathological discharge has a yellowish color, can cause. Women are concerned about abdominal pain that worsens during sexual intercourse.

Bacterial vaginitis

Pathological leucorrhea during the development of bacterial vaginitis is very abundant, has an unpleasant odor, is yellow, and causes burning.


For the acute form of the course of salpingitis, abundant yellowish discharge from the vagina is characteristic, and for the chronic form, it is scarce. There are severe pain during menstruation and urination, flatulence and poor appetite. Treatment is carried out under medical supervision.

The amount of secreted vaginal fluid is quite small, of a characteristic yellow color. You may need serious treatment.


A green-yellow color of purulent discharge is characteristic, a pungent odor is very pronounced. Perhaps burning.


Characterized by yellow vaginal discharge, which accompanies an unpleasant odor and burning sensation.


Allergic reaction

Wearing underwear made from non-natural fabrics, using hygiene products and condoms sometimes lead to severe itching of the external genitalia and the appearance of yellow discharge. Identifying and eliminating the allergen will help get rid of such symptoms.

Allocations at various gestational ages

The nature of the discharge in women during pregnancy varies depending on the gestational age. In the first trimester, an increase in progesterone levels leads to a thick yellow discharge without a strong odor. In the second trimester, abundant and transparent whites are considered the norm. , may indicate a possible disease. Vaginal discharge of a bright yellow color in pregnant women is often one of the symptoms of inflammation of the fallopian tubes and appendages (ovaries) resulting from the development of a bacterial infection.

After induced abortion

During the first decade after the artificial termination of pregnancy, brownish discharge is considered normal. This is because there is not heavy bleeding in the internal reproductive organs. Some blood seeps into the external genitalia and clots in the process.

In some situations, the occurrence of yellow-brown vaginal discharge after an abortion also indicates the possible presence of benign polyps in the internal cavity of the uterus. Such local hyperplasia, as a rule, does not entail serious consequences in women, however, it can provoke periodic pain sensations, especially during sexual intimacy.

Pathological discharge can occur as a result of the development of a severe inflammatory disease of an infectious origin. The causative agents of such diseases are most often staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli and Enterobacterium Proteus. The body of a woman after an abortion is weakened, immunity is reduced, which contributes to the easy penetration and rapid activation of such pathogenic microorganisms.

A change in the usual color of vaginal discharge to yellowish is not always an alarming symptom. If at the same time they are not accompanied by pain, do not create additional inconvenience, do not have a foreign smell, then most likely there are no serious reasons for concern. It is enough to pay increased attention to the hygienic care of the genitals, replace synthetic underwear with natural ones, use hypoallergenic cosmetics and perfumes and proven quality barrier contraception during sexual intimacy.

Yellow leucorrhoea, with an unpleasant odor, causing pain and itching in the genitals, frequent urge to urinate should not be ignored by women. You should immediately consult a specialist. Based on the results of the examination and the tests obtained, the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Do not self-medicate. Improper drug therapy can lead to the emergence of intractable resistant pathogenic groups of microorganisms.

Allocations in women are considered a factor in the normal functioning of the reproductive system. The menstrual cycle, pregnancy and childbirth, the presence or absence of diseases, the state of microflora can affect the color, texture and smell of discharge.

In certain situations, yellowish discharge in women may indicate a dangerous health condition that threatens chronic diseases, miscarriage, infertility, and problems in intimate life.

It is important to know the causes of yellowish mucus, understand when they are considered normal, and be aware of preventive measures to prevent and treat suspected diseases.

When is yellow discharge considered normal?

The mucus in the vagina moisturizes and cleanses it, allows bacteria to enter the body, accelerates the movement of sperm to the egg, and improves the quality of sexual intercourse. This mucus consists of cells of the epithelium of the vagina, leukocytes and microorganisms that live in it (bacteroid, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria).

How to get rid of female disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she told what drugs she took, whether traditional medicine is effective, what helped and what did not.

The phase of the menstrual cycle affects the amount, smell and color of discharge:

Yellowish discharge in women is normal in all phases of the menstrual cycle. It is necessary to worry about the state of the body if the mucus becomes darker, an unpleasant odor appears, as well as discomfort during sex or menstruation. It is better for a woman to take all tests for examination for inflammation or infections.

Causes of yellow mucous discharge in women

Light yellow discharge


bright yellow slime

It may appear due to such problems:

  • The beginning of the inflammation process. Venereal diseases may be accompanied by the appearance of secretions. At the same time, the appearance of mucus is accompanied by a number of other symptoms - pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region, pain during urination, and a sharp unpleasant odor. In this case, you need to urgently visit a gynecologist.
  • Malignant tumor of the genital organs can also manifest itself by abundant secretion of rich yellow mucus.

yellow green color

This highlight color is obtained as a result of:

  • The appearance of diseases that are sexually transmitted. In the case of unprotected sex, green discharge may appear, which are the first signs of the presence of diseases. Foamy yellow-green mucus indicates the appearance of trichomoniasis - an infection accompanied by itching, burning and swelling of the genital organs. Trichomoniasis is the first stage of vulvovaginitis. Thick greenish discharge in copious amounts appears due to infection with mycoplasmosis or chlamydia. Thrush or candidiasis is accompanied by the appearance of yellow-green mucus with a sour smell. In addition to sexual infections, these diseases develop due to weakened immunity or the use of special medications.
  • Inflammatory processes. Yellow-green discharge indicates problems with the reproductive system. Diseases of the tubes of the uterus or ovaries are accompanied by general weakness, fever, acute, aching pain in the groin area. Diseases must be treated immediately, otherwise they can develop into chronic diseases.
  • With colpitis and oophoritis. In the case of colpitis, the discharge becomes thick and may contain a small admixture of blood. Oofirite affects the female reproductive system in such a way that there is a failure in the frequency of menstruation: they may be delayed, the duration of the menstrual cycle increases, and the volume of blood released changes.

The appearance of yellowish discharge without odor

Yellow mucus without an unpleasant odor appears in every healthy woman during the normal functioning of the genital organs. After sexual intercourse, a copious amount of yellowish mucus is secreted - vaginal secretion.

If sex was contraceptive and semen did not enter the vagina, then the yellow discharge is the result of the activity of the gland that produces vaginal lubrication.

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“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We opted for one drug - which helped to cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to ... As soon as I started taking it, it became much easier, you even feel that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have sexual relations with my husband again, otherwise everything was without much desire. "

Discharge with an unpleasant odor

Allocations appear in any woman, while they have a slight vaginal odor, which is not felt when all hygiene standards are observed, but is felt with strong arousal or during sex. The natural smell of secreted mucus excites the partner and is the norm in the work of the reproductive system.

A sharp unpleasant odor of secreted mucus indicates infectious or inflammatory diseases, disturbances in the functioning of hormones or the reproductive system. It does not disappear even after all hygiene procedures, and can repel a man.

Yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor is divided into two types:

  1. mucus with a sour smell;
  2. discharge with a rotten odor.


The reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor of secretions can be different:

yellow discharge during pregnancy

Conception entails a significant restructuring of hormones in the female body. Not only the usual habits of a woman change, but also the color and amount of mucus secreted. In the first weeks of pregnancy, a mucus plug is formed that protects the fetus from negative external influences.

Thus, the female body takes care of the safety of the child, therefore, along with the usual secretions, the remains of the mucous plug appear, it is they who have a light yellow color.

In the third or fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus actively grows, changing the functioning of the female body and weakening the mother's immunity.

In this period, allergic reactions to the fabric of underwear, panty liners, intimate care products are not uncommon. Inflammation in the ovaries and uterine tubes can also be accompanied by the appearance of yellowish discharge.

A few weeks before birth, the mucous plug comes off, so there is a copious amount of light yellow mucus. A few months after giving birth, at the final stage of the exit of the mucous plug, a woman may notice the release of yellow mucus.

After childbirth, the secreted mucus changes its color:

  • after one week it has a reddish tint and a liquid structure;
  • after two to three weeks, the color changes to yellow-brown;
  • after a month, the discharge becomes yellowish-whitish and resembles an ichor in consistency.

Yellow discharge may appear due to an abortion or after an artificial birth.

Due to hormonal changes, pregnant women may suffer from a disease such as cystitis, which is accompanied by a transparent yellow discharge. The normal course of cystitis passes without the appearance of a smell.

My personal history

With premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge, it's over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared experience:

It is scary when women do not know the true cause of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic, every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about a new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores immunity, which simply restarts the body and includes the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of diseases...

Discharge before menstruation

Allocations change their color and consistency before menstruation. They first appear in young girls about a year before the first menstruation. The maturation of the cell is accompanied by the release of yellowish mucus, which becomes liquid a few days before the onset of menstruation.

The greatest amount of discharge may appear a week before menstruation. Under stress, not only the amount of mucus changes, but also its color - it becomes darker.

With the normal functioning of the body during menstruation, the discharge is homogeneous, odorless and does not leave marks on underwear.

In case of pain and burning, an increase in the volume of mucus, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Allocations during menopause

During menopause, the activity of female hormones decreases. With menopause, the amount of discharge decreases, as the functioning of the ovaries decreases. Mucus during normal functioning of the body has an almost transparent shade, a uniform consistency and no smell.

Darker mucus can be released for several reasons: benign tumors in the uterus, hormonal disorders, oncological diseases, diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse.

During menopause, a woman should carefully monitor her body and regularly visit a doctor in case of the slightest deviation.

In what cases is it better to consult a doctor?

The appearance of yellowish discharge in women causes concern for the health of the body. When the secreted mucus is normal, a woman does not have to worry about the state of her genitourinary system. But when the structure, shade and smell of mucus deviate from the norm, it is necessary to seek the advice of a gynecologist.


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It is worth resorting to the help of a doctor in such cases:

  • When, along with yellow secreted mucus, a woman experiences constant itching and burning;
  • With acute pain, itching and burning sensation during toileting or sex;
  • With the release of yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor that does not disappear after all hygiene conditions are observed;
  • Frequent urination can also become a condition for consulting a doctor;
  • When the color of the discharge changes from light yellow or cream to greenish, light brown or blood red;
  • There should be no lumps in the secreted mucus. Heterogeneous discharge may raise suspicions about the presence of infections and inflammations;
  • On the underwear should not remain white discharge of a curdled appearance or greenish foamy mucus;
  • Abundant secretion of mucus mixed with pus is the cause of acute inflammation, so you also need to see a doctor;
  • Inflammation of the external genitalia and pain in the lumbar region;
  • If a pregnant woman has a large amount of yellow-green mucus. In some cases, this indicates the presence of a complex infectious disease that can lead to fetal death and miscarriage in the early stages. With the appearance of chills or fever, the appearance of external inflammation, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

The doctor after a thorough examination, according to the results of the tests, will establish an accurate diagnosis. Based on the results, drug treatment is prescribed, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

During the period of taking medications, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. Without the permission of a doctor, you should not use medicines on your own, stop taking prescribed drugs.

Preventive measures

In addition to regular visits to the doctor, compliance with all the rules of intimate hygiene, it is necessary to carry out disease prevention.

Main preventive measures:

  • A woman needs to go to the gynecologist regularly– at least twice a year;
  • moderate exercise allow you to maintain strong immunity of the body and normalize the work of the hormonal background;
  • The main cause of inflammatory and infectious diseases is sex without the use of contraception. When having sex, you need to use barrier contraceptives. Some hormonal contraceptives can also lead to heavy discharge.
  • Improper nutrition also affects the health of the genitourinary system. A woman's diet should be balanced, it should include fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, meat and fish, and dairy products. Do not oversaturate the body with an abundance of flour sweets, salty and fried foods.
  • To maintain hygiene of the genital area, you need to use only proven products. In some situations, you can use folk remedies - decoctions of medicinal herbs and flowers.
  • In order to avoid an allergic reaction to the materials from which the underwear is made, it is better to choose clothes made from natural materials. Cotton and linen sets of underwear allow you to maintain a healthy state of the genitals. Underwear should be comfortable and free, not put pressure on the body.
  • Sexual relations are best maintained with a permanent proven partner. The constant change of men can lead to serious sexually transmitted diseases.

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    We wish you good health!

The appearance of yellow discharge from the vagina is often a cause for concern. Their presence does not always indicate a violation. Consider the main reasons for their appearance, list the pathologies in which such symptoms are noted, methods for diagnosing diseases of the reproductive system in women.

Yellow discharge in women - causes

Yellow discharge observed at different periods of the menstrual cycle is often the reason for a visit to the gynecologist. At the same time, doctors note that normally the discharge should be colorless or have a slightly whitish tint. They are called whites. A change in color, consistency and volume indicates the presence of a violation in the reproductive system of a woman. Common reasons for their appearance include:

  1. Violation of the hormonal background. A change in the concentration of sex hormones in the blood may be accompanied by an increase in the production of secretions, changes in their color. At the same time, additional signs appear, in the form of a failure in the frequency, duration of menstruation, and their volume.
  2. Taking hormonal drugs. Prolonged use of oral contraceptives can lead to changes in the functioning of the reproductive system. In such cases, there is an increase in secretions, a change in their color.
  3. Overvoltage, stress. Against the background of experiences, there is an increase in the production of adrenaline, which suppresses the synthesis of sex hormones. As a result, their concentration decreases, which leads to menstrual irregularities.
  4. Sexual infections. Even at the beginning of the disease, the first sign of an infectious process or inflammation in the uterus is pathological discharge. The causative agent, multiplying, inhibits the growth of the normal microflora of the vagina, changing the pH values, creating favorable conditions for its further development and vital activity. In this case, the woman notes the occurrence of concomitant symptoms, including:
  • burning;
  • hyperemia;
  • swelling of the vulva.

Yellow, odorless discharge in women

In the absence of additional symptoms, in the form of structural changes in the structure of organs, burning, redness, itching, odorless yellow discharge can be considered as a normal, temporary phenomenon. When their duration exceeds 2-4 days, additional signs mentioned above appear - you should consult a doctor. Yellow discharge in odorless women should not be ignored, the causes of which are as follows:

  1. Adnexitis. Inflammatory process, localized in the uterine appendages, provoking yellow discharge in women. Often accompanied by copious discharge, which acquire a purulent appearance. When the process enters the chronic stage, the ladies, on the contrary, fix a daub - a small amount of discharge from the vaginal cavity. Over time, additional symptoms appear, in the form of pain in the back, lower back. Sexual intercourse is often accompanied by painful sensations in the groin. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. bacterial vaginitis. The disease can provoke yellow discharge in women, odorless. With this violation, damage to the walls of the vagina by pathogenic microorganisms is noted. As a result, the nature of the discharge changes. All this is accompanied by aching, painful phenomena in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation in the vagina.
  3. Salpingitis. With such a violation, damage to the fallopian tubes is fixed. In the acute stage, yellow discharge is observed in women, pain in the side, from inflammation.
  4. Allergic reaction. Doctors have found that a change in the nature of vaginal discharge may be associated with the consequences of using synthetic underwear, the use of a certain type of hygiene products.

Yellow discharge with smell in women

A phenomenon such as yellow discharge with an odor may indicate the presence of an infectious process in the reproductive system. They are accompanied by severe itching, burning, swelling of the pubic region. Common illnesses include:

  1. . A clear symptom of the disorder is a frothy discharge of a green or yellow hue. A characteristic feature is the presence of the smell of spoiled fish. At the same time, hyperemia of the labia minora occurs, which causes itching. During sexual intercourse, the lady experiences severe pain.
  2. Chlamydia. Sexual infection caused by chlamydia. Yellow discharge in women during this period, as the disease progresses, becomes purulent. Burning also appears during urination, due to the fact that the process can pass to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract.

It must be said that such diseases are very similar in symptoms. Differential diagnosis is based on carrying out:

  • smear on microflora;
  • bacteriological seeding material.

yellow-green discharge

Yellow-green discharge in women appears with the development of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. Pus gives them a green tint. Diseases with similar symptoms include:

  1. . There is an increase in the secretion of secretions, which become thick. In some cases, blood impurities may be recorded.
  2. . A disease affecting the female sex glands. As a result, the synthesis of hormones is disrupted, which leads to malfunctions of the menstrual cycle: delay, lengthening of menstruation, decrease or increase in the volume of secretions.

Light yellow discharge

It is worth noting that short-term, white-yellow discharge in women can be considered as a variant of the norm. At the same time, the lady is not disturbed by anything, discomfort and pain are absent. In the presence of impurities of pus, mucus, burning and itching, pain in the genital area, frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain, doctors make an assumption about the development of gonorrhea. For diagnosis, a swab is taken from the urethra and vagina.

yellow-brown discharge

The yellow discharge observed in women often acquires a brown tint, which indicates the presence of blood in them. Yellow discharge from the vagina, with impurities of blood, is recorded with such a violation as cervical erosion. The disease itself is characterized by the appearance of lesions of the mucous membrane, with the formation of ulcers that bleed. The discharge itself indicates the attachment of an infectious process, which requires appropriate antibiotic therapy.

Yellow discharge and itching

Yellow discharge and itching in women can be recorded with a disorder such as candidiasis. It's called a fungus. As the disease develops, a woman fixes the appearance of a curdled discharge, which is accompanied by severe itching. Yellow discharge with a sour smell is a classic symptom of vaginal fungal infection. Treatment is reduced to the normalization of the vaginal environment, by prescribing antifungal ointments, which are used topically.

yellow discharge before period

According to the physiological characteristics of the female body, during the ovulatory process, an increase in the intensity of leucorrhoea occurs. The reason for this is an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone. Under its action, girls can fix yellow discharge. At the same time, they are short-lived, disappear on their own after 2-3 days, do not cause additional symptoms.

yellow discharge after period

Abundant yellow discharge after the last menstrual period is a sign of violations. Among those:

  1. . Inflammation of the vaginal cavity. Pathogenic microorganisms, fungi can provoke this process.
  2. . Inflammation of the uterine cervix, which is accompanied by profuse purulent discharge.

yellow discharge during pregnancy

During gestation, a woman does not notice menstruation. At the same time, small, colorless discharges, similar to daily ones, are fixed. Yellow-green, odorless discharge in women in position may indicate a complication such as an infected abortion. As a result, the death of the baby occurs, the pregnant woman fixes the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • signs of inflammation in the blood test.

In the absence of these symptoms, the pregnant woman feels normal, doctors may assume that odorless yellow discharge during pregnancy is caused by a change in hormonal levels. With the onset of gestation, a restructuring of the hormonal system occurs. Because of this, in the short term, pregnant women can record a change in the volume, color and consistency of discharge. At the same time, the expectant mother is not worried about anything.

Experts say that women should only have white discharge. Transparent highlights are also acceptable. They call them whites. It happens that such discharge becomes yellow, but inflammation is not always the cause, as many believe. Perhaps the reason lies in a change in the hormonal background, taking birth control pills, or severe stress is to blame. If the yellow discharge does not cause you itching, anxiety, burning, discomfort, pain and does not smell, then you can consider them normal discharge, that is, “whites”. If you still experience the symptoms that were listed above, yellow discharge may indicate that you have some kind of infection in your body.

Causes of yellow discharge in women

Many experts believe that in ninety-six percent of women, the amount of vaginal discharge increases precisely during the period of ovulation, their pregnancy, or before the onset of menstruation. However, keep in mind that during pregnancy it is necessary to be attentive to all changes of this form, because it is during this period that the female body is most susceptible to various infections.

As a rule, all sexually transmitted infections that are transmitted only sexually are provoked by microorganisms. They cause strong discharge, inflammation, burning and discomfort. They are most common in the presence of trichomoniasis. This disease leads to the appearance of foamy secretions, which are characterized by a yellow-green color. In addition, a woman during this period feels a very strong itching, painful burning sensation and severe irritation of all genital organs. The nature of leucorrhea, at the same time, depends on which infection trichomoniasis is combined with. Not infrequently, this disease is observed with gonorrhea, viral diseases of the female genital organs, chlamydia.

With gonorrhea, vaginal discharge appears, which has a very unpleasant odor, purulent character and a greenish tint. This disease often causes severe pain during urination. Such secretions mainly provoke inflammation and external organs.

Every woman has bacteria in her vagina. Only thanks to beneficial bacteria is the formation of normal microflora and acidity, which protects the female body from various infections. However, it should be borne in mind that a woman cannot feel a bad microflora in any way, because she is not capable of causing any symptoms. The number of bacteria begins to change due to improper care or due to the appearance of bacterial vaginitis. During this period, a woman feels pain during sexual contact, burning and discomfort.

Yellow discharge sometimes appears in the presence of cervical erosion. Ninety-eight percent of cases are characterized by inflammation during erosive processes. Inflammation of this kind also appears due to the fault of bacteria. Not infrequently, after sexual intercourse, the discharge comes with an admixture of blood.

With inflammation of the female internal organs, the nature of the whites can also very often change. Often, it provokes their inflammation, which is formed in the fallopian tubes. These diseases require immediate treatment, because they often lead to infertility and surgical complications.

If you notice that you have "abnormal" discharge, and they are tinged with yellow, but there are no negative symptoms, you should not start to worry. In such a case, you must do the following:

  • use linen exclusively from natural fabrics;
  • use only high-quality, good products for personal hygiene;
  • carefully monitor your personal hygiene;
  • always observe maximum caution during sexual contact, protect yourself.

If the discharge is accompanied by itching, pain, bad smell and difficulty urinating, you should immediately seek help from a highly qualified women's doctor. Only through careful examination and reliable analyzes can the true cause of the disease be determined.

Every woman needs to know that the vaginal ecosystem is considered a complex system that can be easily disrupted, but severely, due to improper treatment. This can lead to long-term treatment in the future and problematic restoration of the microflora. This often takes years. That is why in no case should you self-medicate.