Why dream of jumping - interpretation of sleep from dream books. High jumps in a dream

Why dream of jumping? Scrolling through one dream book after another, we find the main meaning of the interpretation: a jump is overcoming or avoiding something. But what exactly, you can find out by remembering in detail the plot of the dream.

Step into the abyss

1. Why dream of jumping off a cliff? Scientists can speculate and hypothesize about this, but the fact remains that the height beckons, despite the fact that you are well aware of the danger. For many, the fear of heights is associated with the fear of succumbing to the temptation of heights.

The interpretation of sleep is as follows: in reality, a risky event is planned. You will be perfectly aware of the risk, but there is nothing you can do about it. If the plan succeeds, you will be visited by an unprecedented feeling of confidence and happiness.

However, jumping off a cliff is a dream not only for adventures. If earlier there was not enough spirit to approach the person you liked, if you need to express an opinion to the authorities or speak to the public, a dream can also portend these decisive events.

2. A dream in which you jump out of a window is interpreted as an unexpected deliverance from a situation that weighs on you. It is very important to remember the details of what you saw, they will show you the way out of life's impasse. Images of a window, vents are symbols of a fresh and unexpected decision, and a jump means action without hesitation.

3. Jump down from the bridge. In this case, the dream book speaks of your difficult current situation. A jump from a height means thoughtlessness of actions, actions on emotions.

The big bridge symbolizes the importance of sleep, you can’t just dismiss it and forget it. We must heed what the dream book warns about: be careful in words and deeds, do not act rashly.

Jump into the water

Jump over a crevice or ravine. Such a dream indicates a successful way out of a difficult situation.

Remember what you felt when you looked deep into the crevice in a dream: fear, embarrassment or overexcitation. These are the very feelings that you have to overcome in reality. Looking down is like looking into the hidden corners of the soul.

You make a jump up. If you jump then to grab onto the bar of a horizontal bar or a branch of a mighty tree, then the dream book interprets this as follows: soon your social status will increase.

But if you have to jump on, escaping from the chase of an angry beast, then the dream carries a different semantic load. In this case, the dream book announces a favorable outcome for you of unexpected and formidable events.

Dreaming that you are jumping over some kind of obstacle:

  • The dream book considers such a dream positively if you deftly overcome the obstacle.
  • If you stumbled, caught on without calculating your strength, remember what exactly prevented you. The dream warns what you should pay attention to, what to beware of.

Dreaming of a jump turning into flight. similar dreams rare and extremely beautiful. Usually dreams that you are standing on top highest mountain, and clouds float majestically by, looking down is breathtaking. Take a step - jump - and ...

The dream speaks of the strength of your spirit - you can do anything! Appreciate this opportunity and direct your energy to good, kind and great deeds. Author: Igor Vaskin

Dream interpretation jump into the water

A jump from a height hints at a hidden desire to find a soul mate, to have a baby. Such a prediction will not be the only one if jumping into the water is dreaming. The context of a dream can completely change the meaning, giving it both negative and positive meaning. When choosing among the many options provided by dream books, why dream of jumping into the water, consider the sensations experienced and the surrounding "scenery".

Diving into the pool in dreams will hint at future changes, the everyday way of life will change with exciting adventures, and those people who live to the fullest in reality will want to equip a nest and deal with everyday problems.

A somersault performed by the dreamer on his own in the sea will indicate future success, since all undertakings will take root and begin to make a profit.

General value

The interpreter gives several completely opposite meanings. The sleeping person will have to remember the details of dreams, so as not to make a mistake with the choice.

Dreaming of ski jumping

  • According to the soothsayer Vanga, immersion under a layer of water symbolizes the solution of accumulated problems, it will turn out to cleanse the soul of oppressive thoughts.
  • The interpreter Tsvetkova insists that the higher the springboard, the faster the cherished desires will come true.
  • At the crossroads there will be a sleeping person after dreams, where she had to dive under water, says Denise Lynn's dream book.
  • As suggested esoteric dream book, jumping from a bridge in a dream - you have to spend money in reality, lose material values, find yourself penniless.
  • The family interpreter will tell you that a single somersault predicts success, and jumping with someone is a symbol of a strong relationship.

The case proposed the day before is risky, but the game is worth the candle, - this is how the Muslim interpreter explains night visions with a somersault from a great height.

Psychological characteristic

Miller's dream book gives several interpretations of stories with unexpected or deliberate falls into the water.

Dreamed of jumping from a tower? Waking up will take some time to make a final decision. The choice made will radically change the course of life familiar to the dreamer.

Go with a run into the sea - auspicious sign for women, personifying the desire to have a baby, strengthen family relationships.

Dive in a dream under the waves

After dreams of this kind, Miller does not advise men to rush, they need to think through the action plan more carefully so as not to lose business because of a mere trifle.

Raging waves according to Freud will tell about troubles, immovable water surface when immersed, it promises joyful changes, concomitant luck.

Details and Details

Waking up, the interpreter recommends remembering all the events. This is necessary to restore a holistic picture of sleep. Having received it, it will turn out to make out the signals of the subconscious, inquire about the state of affairs of the soul, find out about the existing obstacles on the way.

A beautifully entered person into the water in waking dreams will easily do any work. Strong inner rod it will not be possible to break, even with excessive psychological stress.

Diving from a height is a sign of self-confidence.

If, while making a jump, the dreamer experienced fear that constrained movement, then there is a need to end the relationship, start new period life.

You may dream of a plot where a flying person crashes into the water. Signs of such a plan are always interpreted negatively, portending difficulties not only in the working field, but also pointing to health and financial problems.

Where did the dreamer jump from

As with all night visions, important element is the location of the events.

Dive in a dream from a cliff

  • As the dream book interprets, jumping from a height into the water - plunge into the pool of feelings, completely surrender to the surging emotions.
  • Professionals dream of jumping, talking about the desires and aspirations to develop their skills.
  • As insists modern dream book, jumping off a cliff to a person who is not involved in such a sport is an unfavorable sign that promises trouble, trouble, grief.
  • Dreams, where you had a chance to go down on a bungee, predict a fun time with old friends, the dream also hints at the need to visit the parent's house, take a walk in a familiar area.

A vision warns of an existing threat to life, where, according to the plot, a person falls into a river or lake from a cliff, but if the sleeping person acts only as an outside observer, then in reality danger lies in wait for someone close.

Water condition

What kind of water did you see, dirty or crystal clear? Such an important detail can change the resulting prediction.

If you happened to fly down from the waterfall, then all desires will turn out to be real, for their implementation you will need to put a little effort and love into the cause.

professional swimmer

The master of diving, having seen a familiar plot, can count on the recognition and respect of colleagues.

A professional swimmer jumping from a springboard in a dream symbolizes the upcoming difficulties that will not be easy to cope with.

When a sleeping person had a chance to jump, reality will upset, make you worry, but thanks to the support of relatives and friends, after a series of troubles, a ray of hope will appear.

Did you watch the competition according to the scenario? Such a person tends to hyperbolize everything, that is, to exaggerate current events. The vision also characterizes the sleeping person as a person who is able to write down other people's achievements at his own expense.

Additional predictions

Being at sea is a sign of a missed chance. Wake up to be for a long time regret the missed opportunity. The interpreter advises not to dwell on what happened, because, doing self-digging, the dreamer will miss another opportunity.

The sea breeze blowing on you is a tailwind in reality. After seeing the picture, boldly begin to embody desires.

The human brain identifies a fall into a swampy pond with gossip, provocations, and foul language poured onto a person.

Somersault, as you know, symbolizes cyclicality. Making a maneuver during the jump, the esoteric interpreter will tell that the sleeping person walks in a circle in search of a solution, not realizing the chosen false direction.

If you feel that you are drowning, then in reality there is a need to say goodbye to the ballast pulling "to the bottom", to move away from freeloaders, dependents.

Your mark:

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of jumping

Jump - “You can’t jump higher than yourself” (limit of possibilities), “jump for joy”, “jump for pain”. Jumping - Jumping down a wall in a dream - to reckless actions that bring only disappointment. Watching someone's successful jumps is a harbinger of a surge of energy and strength with which you will cope with any troubles.

For a young woman, a dream in which she jumps over an obstacle means that she will achieve her desires after the resistance of fate and the struggle for success. In general, a dream in which you jump over something portends success in all noble undertakings; falling during the jump portends some difficulties. Jump - C high altitude- an unusual thing, see Dive.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Jump like an image in a dream

Jump - You torture yourself; across the moat - getting rid of debts; through stones - after work, good luck. Jump - On the spot or skipping, find the use of your energy, do not waste it. From the tower into the water, you are too hasty in decisions. We must listen to the folk wisdom "measure seven times, cut one." From the cliff down, into the void, you have not yet decided on your life task and rush into other people's affairs.

Don't pedal the arrival to your charasmatic task. If you wake up jumping from a height your haste can lead to tragedy. Jump - Torment yourself - through the moat - getting rid of debts - through stones - after work - good luck. Jump, jump - Joy; dismissal from work; risky decision. Jump out of somewhere, jump over something - get out of a difficult situation.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of jumping in a dream

Jump, jump - If a young woman sees a dream in which she jumps over an obstacle, it means that she will achieve her desires after resisting fate and fighting for her luck. In general, a dream in which you jump over something predicts success in all noble deeds, but a fall portends some difficulties.

You jump down from the wall - a dream predicts you reckless actions that bring disappointment. Watching someone's successful jumps means that you will find a surge of strength and energy that will help you overcome fate. Jumping in a dream - So fussing over trifles. Jump into the water - Clean - tears, good; in muddy - bad, they will scold. Jump - in a dream you seem to have jumped over a hole or a ditch - what you have in mind will not go smoothly, but you will cope with all the difficulties.

Erickson's Dream Interpretation

If you see Jump, what is it for?

I dreamed of Jumping - taking risks. Jumping over an obstacle is a struggle to fulfill your desires; fall when jumping - some difficulties; jumping down from the wall - reckless acts that bring disappointment; anxiety; jumping on you - a surprise; to see how someone successfully jumps is a surge of strength and energy to achieve the goal.

Jump - into the air - lose your position, through stones - difficulties will be left behind, through a ditch, moat - get rid of debts and promises. You dreamed of Jumping - You will achieve the fulfillment of desires. Imagine that you are jumping high and far. Jumping is easy for you. You seem to be flying above the ground. You dreamed of Jumping - over something in a dream - to avoid danger.

Jump in a dream (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Jump - in a dream you seem to be jumping over some object - success awaits you in good deeds, for unkind ones - it’s better not to take it. You seem to be unable to jump over some object - you will have minor difficulties in business, but you will not get out of the plan. It’s as if you are jumping off from somewhere - you will soon commit a reckless act that will later surprise you.

A young woman dreams that she is jumping over something - this woman has to fight for her future; in order to achieve something, she will have to sacrifice something; she will not find without losing. Jump - you will achieve a high position in society, enter the circle of people that you have always dreamed of. Imagine a large sports arena where high jump competitions take place. You go to the start. You are very well prepared, you are in great shape.

You run and jump. The stands explode with cheers, the fans chant your name. The judges fix a new record, you won! Your teammates run up to you to congratulate and express their admiration. You all jump together in unison, throwing out your hands in victory gestures, then you are rocked on your hands.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Jump in a dream

  1. Jumping in a dream has a dual meaning. Jumping up is trying to achieve something better for yourself, jumping down is a descent into the Unconscious. Jump in one place - experience joy (see also Dance and Dance).
  2. Any repetitive movement in a dream will usually mean that you need to reconsider your actions and express yourself in some other way. On psychological level jumping up and down in a dream can mean confinement to a situation without the ability to move forward or backward.
  3. In some religions, spiritual ecstasy is achieved by jumping. It is a way of exploiting the physical in order to reach the spiritual.

In a dream, did you have to jump voluntarily or under duress? This is a clear hint that it is necessary to apply decisiveness and act now. Dream Interpretations will help to establish what else the indicated action in dreams means.

Why dream of jumping on Miller's dream book

For a young woman to see a dream in which she jumps over some obstacles means that very soon she will reach her intended goal and get what she has been striving for for so long.

All your wishes will come true, you just have to wait a bit. If you dream of jumping up, this dream suggests that in reality a person will be lucky, luck, if, on the contrary, a person falls, it means that some difficulties will soon overtake him, some kind of bad luck will happen.

If a person has a dream in which he jumps off some kind of barrier or step, it means that he will soon commit completely meaningless acts that can lead to trouble.

Wangi's dream book - why dream of jumping in a dream

Vanga's dream book says that jumping in a dream means torment that will soon befall a person. He must be ready for such a combination of circumstances.

Also in Vanga's dream book it is said that jumping over a pit, a moat, means that soon a person will get rid of the problems associated with money debts forever. If a person dreams that he is jumping over stones, the dream promises future luck, which will soon befall him.

Why dream of jumping on Freud's dream book

Skydiving in Freud's dream book means that a woman is waiting for new sexual adventures with a new partner. The dream book also says that if a person jumps into the water, this indicates that it is time for the couple to have a baby.

If a girl dreams that she is jumping into a pond, replenishment in the family can soon be expected. Jumping into the air means deprivation of occupying positions at work.

Esoteric dream book - jump in a dream

By this dream book jumping means that a person should decide where to properly direct energy. If a person dreams that he is jumping into the water, this suggests that he should think again about decision so that it does not become hasty and thoughtless. You should not take on unnecessary other people's affairs if a person dreams of jumping into the void.

Why do I dream of jumping or someone jumping - dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The dream book says that to see yourself jumping over obstacles in a dream means that very soon determination will bear fruit, luck will smile on the person who sees such a dream and he will be able to overcome all the hardships of fate. If you dream that a person is jumping from a tower, it means that in reality a person should think before taking rash risky actions.

English dream book - what does it mean if you dreamed of jumping

Seeing yourself in a dream jumping over some hills, ravines, stones means that very soon a person will be able to cope with the current difficult situation in his life. Also, such a dream gives guidance to a person so that he continues to achieve his goals, no matter what. Obstacles according to this Dream Interpretation are only temporary, soon fate will give good luck to a person who has a dream in which he jumps.

Why else dream of jumping

  • Why dream of jumping into the water. Jumping into the water dreams of a quick replenishment in the family or a great desire to have a baby. Another interpretation of jumping says that jumping into the water means rash acts that will entail not very pleasant consequences.
  • Why dream of jumping from a height. Such a dream suggests that fate will soon bring a surprise, you need to expect sharp turn from fate, as a result of which a person is waiting for new events in life, to which he will have to get used.
  • Why dream of jumping frogs. To dream of frogs jumping nearby means future surprises and joys. If the frog jumps on the surface, you should expect quick financial success. If a frog jumps in the water not far from you, it means that too rash actions can bring disappointment in life.

Dream Jump in an esoteric dream book

Jumping in place or jumping around - such a dream tells you that it's time for you to stop wasting your money. vital energy and find a better use for it. We jumped into the water from the tower - this dream betrays your haste in decisions. It's time to remember folk wisdom"Measure seven times - cut one." From the cliff, into the void - this indicates that you are obviously not doing your own thing, since the main occupation of life has not yet been determined by you. You just shouldn't rush into self-determination. If you woke up after jumping from a height, such a dream warns that your haste can lead to tragedy.

Interpretation of sleep Jump (jump) in Miller's dream book

If a young woman sees a dream in which she jumps over an obstacle, this means that she will achieve her desires after resisting fate and fighting for her luck. In general, a dream in which you jump over something promises you success in all noble deeds, but a fall portends some difficulties. If in a dream you jump down from the wall - the dream promises you reckless actions that bring disappointment. Watching someone's successful jumps means that you will find a surge of strength and energy that will help you overcome fate.

Jump in Vanga's dream book

If you dreamed about how you jump with a parachute, then this means that you are ready to take risks in order to achieve what you want, but you did not think that you were risking not only your own well-being, but also the lives of your loved ones. Wait out your sudden impulse, and you will still achieve what you are so recklessly striving for. The dream in which you jumped from a high tower and did not crash is a sign that you will have to make a very important and responsible decision.

The meaning of sleep Jump on the dream book of O. Smurov

Jumping over some kind of obstacle in a dream means that you will successfully overcome difficulties in some business. Sometimes it is believed that such a dream is good for those who owe money, but do not want to give it back. Jumping to climb up is a harbinger of an obstacle, to overcome which you will need to be smart or dexterous. Jumping from top to bottom in a dream is a sign of danger in a risky business you have started. If you successfully jumped off and did not get hurt, then the dream portends you that you will successfully get out of a difficult situation and successfully avoid a great danger.

Dream Jump in the English dream book

Jumping in a dream - this means that you are destined, thanks to courage, perseverance and diligence, to cope with an abundance of trials and obstacles. For non-family, a dream means the devoted affection of the chosen ones, as well as the fact that parents will not oppose their union. We jumped over some kind of obstacle, overcoming it without much difficulty, which means that you will overcome the barriers on your way and you will confidently move further towards a goal that has long been set. Such a dream tells you that perseverance can ensure victory even in the most seemingly hopeless business.