How to treat rashes and itchy skin? Skin diseases accompanied by itching and pimples. Itchy rash

Rash, accompanied by itching, happened at least once in everyone. Itchy skin significantly impairs the quality of life, leads to anxiety, sleep disturbance and impaired ability to work. Itchy skin causes a desire to scratch it, and this leads to scratching, suppuration, through which an infection can enter the bloodstream.

Itching in itself is not a disease, it is just one of the symptoms of a skin disease or malfunction of the internal organs.

How does the rash appear?

Types of rash on the human body are most often the following:

  • In the form of spots. In this case, the rashes do not rise above the skin, but are on the same level with it.
  • blisters. Rashes rise above the level of the skin, their surface is rough and uniform.
  • Bubbles. It is a cavity filled with liquid.
  • Nodules.
  • Crusts.

Causes of itchy rashes

Causes of a rash accompanied by itching can be:

  • Allergy to drugs, food, in contact with a substance that causes such a strong reaction.
  • Insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps, ants).
  • Skin diseases (scabies, pediculosis, various dermatitis, prickly heat, lichen planus, eczema and others).
  • Nerve disorder.
  • infectious diseases.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.



Itching of the skin with a rash can be caused by intolerance to a certain group of foods or drugs, contact with skin irritating substances (cream, perfume, washing powder, etc.).


Small rash or spots, swelling on the skin, severe itching.

Help measures:

Try not to scratch itchy places,

Take an anti-allergic drug prescribed by a doctor.

You can apply a compress with baking soda diluted in water.

With a large area of ​​​​rashes - take a bath with a solution of baking soda.

Insect bites

Lubricate the bite with a special ointment (for example, Fenistil - gel).

Skin diseases

You need to consult a dermatologist. Especially if:

The rash does not go away within a few days.

The rash covers more than half of the body.

Causes severe inconvenience.

In addition to the rash, other symptoms are present: fatigue, fever, changes in urine or stool.

nerve disorder

One form of allergy. It is also sometimes called urticaria due to its similarity to a rash from a nettle burn. There are acute (up to 30 days) and chronic (more than 30 days).

Most often it manifests itself in the form of a small red rash, less often - in the form of blisters.

If you are very nervous and you have a small rash, it is advisable to take a sedative.

In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary, especially if the rash and itching do not go away within a few days.

infectious diseases

Itching with a rash is often a sign of an infectious disease.

Most often, the rash appears throughout the body, including the head and legs. It is acne on the limbs of an adult that becomes one of the main signs of most diseases. Therefore, if a rash appears there, you should immediately consult a doctor.

And he will make a diagnosis by the appearance of the rash and prescribe treatment.

When do you need to urgently call a doctor?

  • If, after taking the medicine, a rash appears and you feel very unwell, itchy.
  • If, after the appearance of itchy acne, the temperature rises.
  • If the usual red rash has turned into blisters or blisters that itch unbearably.
  • If the same acne appeared in another member of your family.
  • If the rash has an irregular shape in the form of hemorrhages, spreads to the legs and buttocks, accompanied by high fever. These are signs of a formidable disease - meningitis.
  • If the rash appears for no apparent reason, you feel severe itching that prevents you from leading a normal life.

Rashes are often a sign of the development of inflammatory processes, the formation of pathologies, indicate that viruses or infections have entered the human body. Localization can occur on any part of the body, limbs, face, and even on the head under the hairline.

The rash, which appears on the body of an adult, itches, which causes a lot of inconvenience and causes hostile attitude of others. The nature of the rashes is infectious and non-infectious.

The condition of the skin indicates the quality of the work of internal organs and systems. There are many reasons for the appearance of signs of the disease on the skin.

The rash appears when:

  • changes in the functioning of the immune system;
  • allergic reactions caused by long-term medication;
  • pathological diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems;
  • violation of the liver and connective tissue disease;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms.

In addition, the occurrence of acne is catalyzed by stress and nervous disorders.

Diagnosis is based on familiarization with the anamnesis and an objective study of the state of the body, including:

  • determining the places of localization and the order of appearance of rashes;
  • study of the duration of the development process and the nature of the rash;
  • familiarization with the predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • identification of drugs that were taken during the previous time.

It is mandatory to check the presence of pathological diseases in a person and the possibility of contacts with infectious patients. Treatment is prescribed after examining the patient and determining the source of the rash.


Diseases are the most common cause of skin rashes.

The etiology of their development may be different, but they have characteristic accompanying symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • chills, malaise, dizziness;
  • loss of appetite, nausea;
  • violation of the digestive tract, diarrhea;
  • runny nose, cough, headache.

Pain when swallowing, pain in the eyes, noise in the ears are also possible. Infectious diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets. The rash appears in the initial stage of the disease and spreads virtually throughout the body.

Non-infectious skin lesions occur with allergies and diseases of the connective tissue or blood vessels, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, thrombocytopenic purpura, lichen and others.

Rash from the sun

A certain type of allergic reaction that occurs in people who are sensitive to ultraviolet light.

  1. In 60% of cases, it appears on the face, and in the rest on open areas of the body.
  2. It is manifested by the appearance of redness with itching, with prolonged exposure to the irritant, blisters may occur or peeling begins.
  3. After the disappearance of the rash in the places of its localization, the skin remains pigmented.

The disease is genetic and appeared as a result of long-term use of certain medications.

Rashes after childbirth

They develop as a result of a decrease in immunity and weakening of the body caused by pregnancy and childbirth.

The reason may be:

  • chronic diseases;
  • disorders in the gallbladder and liver;
  • psychological stress;
  • lack of calcium and a weakened immune system of a woman.

An increase in cortisol synthesis with a simultaneous increase in progesterone upsets the balance, leading to hormonal changes. The use of creams, ointments, medications, and improper diet can cause an itchy hive-like rash.

What does the appearance of the rash mean?

Any type of rash is the primary element, as it appears on clean skin. Depending on the intensity and location, it indicates violations in the work of the whole organism or its individual systems.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis only on the basis that the rash on the body of an adult itches, since additional studies are required.

Skin neoplasms are of several types:

  • liquid bubbles,
  • scaly formations;
  • with hyperemia of the affected area;
  • rising on the skin;
  • randomly located, similar in color to the dermis.

In fact, with all rashes, itching, burning, dryness and peeling of the skin are observed.

small rash

May appear during the latent phase of the disease.

On the skin, this type of rash is represented by papules, vesicles or spots:

  • have a shade from pale pink to bright red;
  • slightly convex to the touch;
  • skin in places of their location is rough.

The place of localization, as well as the dynamics of distribution, is determined by the type of disease and its duration.

Large rash

The rashes are shaped like mosquito bites. May appear as pimples, dots or spots. Large spots cover certain parts of the body with vitiligo, typhoid, syphilitic roseola, toxicoderma. The spot on palpation partially disappears, and then reappears.

red rash

Mostly appears in people with hypersensitivity to food and drugs. It is a clearly defined area of ​​​​the skin of a bright red color. With erysipelas and diseases of an infectious type, the localization of the rash slightly rises.

Watery rash

Blisters, consisting of vesicles, mostly round in shape, filled with a cloudy, clear or bloody liquid, are a skin lesion of an infectious or allergic nature.

  1. Rashes with a diameter not exceeding ½ cm, located in the epidermis or under it, appear with herpes, eczema, allergic dermatitis, chickenpox, shingles.
  2. Larger manifestations are located on inflamed and unchanged skin and appear due to the detachment of the epidermis from the dermis. The basis is insect bites, plant burns, urticaria, toxic-allergic dermatitis, as well as hereditary genetic diseases.

If this type of rash does not go away within 24 hours and tends to increase in places of localization, then the help of a specialist is needed.

Diseases that cause rashes

In most cases, the appearance of a rash on the body in an adult, especially if it itches, is evidence of the onset of diseases.

  1. With some types of infection, skin lesions persist until complete recovery, while with others they may disappear after the transition of the disease to a new phase of development.
  2. All rashes have specific signs by which one can assume the type of pathology.

Children's diseases in adults often give a picture different from the classical form.


Appears on different parts of the body in the form of small rashes, which can gradually merge into a single whole.

The reason may be:

  • high sensitivity to a certain type of pathogen, such as food, chemicals, animal hair, insect bites and others;
  • violation of the mechanism for the production of antigens and antibodies as a result of prolonged use of drugs, or a malfunction of the immune system;
  • release of enzymes and proteins from leukocytes.

The shape, total area and rate of formation depends on the source of the catalyzed irritation.


This rash on the body of an adult is very itchy, especially in the evening and at night. The reason is the scabies mite, making its moves in the upper layer of the epidermis.

The moves are similar to convex whitish lines located in places characteristic of the development of itching.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

The disease is toxic-allergic in nature.

It is considered a malignant type of exudative erythema.

  1. The process involves the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, as well as the organs of the genitourinary system.
  2. The cause is an allergic reaction to taking antibacterial drugs.
  3. Due to the suppression of the protective reactions of the body, the skin and small blood vessels suitable for it are damaged.
  4. One of the symptoms of development is the numerous rash of purplish-red spots with blisters rising above them, in which there is blood or a watery fluid.

The exact mechanism causing the disease has not been established. Some experts believe that the hereditary factor plays an important role here. According to statistics, 1/10 of patients die.

Fungal infections

It appears as a small rash, more like a speck or an insect bite.

  1. For the fungus to grow, certain conditions are necessary, so the main sites of lesions are wet areas of the body: toes, armpits and groin, the abdomen under the fat fold, the mammary glands, the scalp and face.
  2. The disease is transmitted by contact.
  3. You can get infected in the shower, pool and other public places.
  4. The rash is constantly wet and itchy. Puffiness of white or red color, diaper rash is formed around them.
  5. There is a tendency to merge several places of manifestation into one.

The color, type and nature of the rash varies depending on the type of pathogen.

Intestinal infections

The appearance of rashes in intestinal infections is secondary, since the main symptom is diarrhea, vomiting, fever, weakness, chills and swollen lymph nodes. A rash on the skin is typical for typhoid and typhus, paratyphoid A and B, with intestinal yersiniosis, helminthic invasions, cholera, dysentery and a number of other diseases.

contact dermatitis

The lesion occurs with direct contact of the skin with an irritant.

  1. In places of localization, a very itchy rash appears.
  2. The areas of the rashes are prone to infection and require special care.
  3. To get rid of the disease requires an accurate identification of the cause and its elimination.


The defeat of staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus causes the formation of a rash with pus on the skin. They penetrate deep into the skin through wounds and begin to develop in case of malfunctions in metabolic processes, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of the circulatory and central nervous systems. Therapeutic methods of treatment with long-term use of drugs of certain groups can become a catalyst for the disease.

Sweat and greasy hair are mainly affected, hair follicles suffer:

  • the inflammatory process captures the superficial and deep levels;
  • a rash appears on the skin at the site of the development of the disease, consisting of small bubbles filled with a cloudy liquid;
  • after healing, the crust falls off without leaving scars.

Without a special course of antibiotics and treatment of skin lesions, it is impossible to stop the disease.


The inflammatory process around the hair follicle caused by the ingress of a staphylococcal infection can cause its purulent-necrotic disease.

  1. Hypovitaminosis, diabetes and chronic intoxication can provoke the formation of multiple rashes.
  2. At the initial stage, only the follicle is affected, and subsequently it spreads to the adjacent sebaceous gland.
  3. After opening, thick pus is released and in the ulcer that appears, a rod can be seen, which is subsequently also rejected with purulent masses and blood.

The disease can be localized in one area and be widespread. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of specialists. The main reason for the appearance of rashes is poor hygiene.


In the initial stage, it is characterized by the appearance of small red rashes around the hairs, which then turn into pustules:

  • after opening, a crust forms on the skin;
  • complications cause the formation of boils and abscesses.

Development occurs in violation of metabolic processes, as well as non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.


A disease in which inflammation of the skin occurs, most often accompanied by severe itching. The first symptom is the appearance in the upper subcutaneous layer of pink blisters and a rash. In the affected areas, the cover is thickened, dry, reddened and flaky.

When combing, the places of skin rashes become wet and bleed. The catalyst can be the constant exposure to a certain stimulus. The appearance of the disease in 60% of cases is due to heredity and genetic predisposition. Seborrheic eczema in adults is rare. It can be triggered by stress and hormonal disruptions.

She is characterized by:

  • the presence of scabs on the eyelids and in the external auditory canal;
  • on the face it appears in the locations of the sebaceous glands;
  • does not itch and is easy to treat.

Due to the large number of types, the treatment of the disease is carried out on an individual basis.


The rash on the body of an adult is localized mainly on the elbows, knees and head, it does not itch too much. In a neglected state, it can go to the ears, chest and other parts of the body.

  1. In 90% of cases, the disease is hereditary. May occur due to infection.
  2. At the initial stage, small, pink-red dry plaques of a round or oval shape appear.
  3. For this type of rash, a silvery, constantly crumbling coating is typical.

It is known that the cause of the occurrence is the accelerated growth of skin cells, but this issue has not been thoroughly studied. Visually, the manifestations are similar to eczema, as a result of which psoriasis is often mistaken for it.


This disease can be the result of an infectious infection and occur as a concomitant with lymphomas, leukemia and other disorders of the hematopoietic system. Called by a representative of the herpesvirus group. Most often found: multi-colored, pink and shearing species.

Basically, skin rashes are located segmentally and have one-sided localization:

  • location is not limited to a specific area of ​​​​the body;
  • presented as a rash in the form of vesicles having a slight indentation at the top;
  • neoplasms appear gradually, one group after another;
  • in places of defeat, the skin has redness with a brownish tint.

For ringworm, hair loss is typical in the places of its formation and the formation of suppuration. After the end of the development process, scars remain at the site of the rash, as well as areas of depigmented skin.


It mainly appears as a response to food or drug intolerance, and can also occur after the administration of serum in the treatment of the underlying disease.

The places of localization on the chest and limbs speak about the allergic nature:

  • appear unexpectedly and quickly;
  • can change shape and location;
  • always itch a lot.

If the cause was contact with an irritant, then the rash on the body of an adult in places that came into contact with the allergen is very itchy. These rashes do not have a characteristic appearance, they can be both spotty and maculopapular, they tend to merge. Under the condition of further exposure to the allergen, an increase in the number of rashes occurs.

In areas where rashes persist for a long time, papules and blisters appear, and peeling of the surface layers of the skin may also begin.

syphilitic rash

Appears in the second period of development. It does not cause any discomfort, it is detected only by visual inspection. A small rash occurs on the abdomen. May be expressed as papules, nodules or spots. The patient during this period is already a carrier and serves as a source of infection. The duration of the rashes is from 1 to 1.5 months, after which they disappear without a trace.

When reappearing:

  • localized in the groin, on the shoulders and chest, near the anus;
  • rashes are single and have a pale color.

Left untreated, the disease is the cause of irreversible damage to the internal organs and the brain.

Localization of the rash

Depending on the location of the rash, the nature of the spread and the form, the rash can indicate both allergic reactions and be a signal of skin diseases.

On the face

This area is difficult to hide, so its defeat with a rash causes the most trouble to the patient.

The reason is:

  • corticosteroid drugs used in therapy;
  • cosmetics and ointments containing an allergen;
  • inadequate personal hygiene;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • age-related hormonal changes;
  • concomitant and chronic diseases.

In addition, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and frequent visits to spas can cause a weakening of the protective reactions of the skin and lead to a rash.

On the body

A rash on the trunk is an indicator of the development of infectious diseases:

  • small red spots scattered throughout the body and not having an exact localization occur with syphilis, pink lichen and drug toxidermia;
  • for psoriasis, dermatitis, allergies and most childhood infectious diseases, a red rash in the form of papules is characteristic, which forms small neoplasms that gradually spread throughout the torso.

Only a dermatologist can make a diagnosis after examining the test result.

On legs and arms

Dermatitis, fungal infections, poor personal hygiene, autoimmune and other diseases can lead to skin lesions on the hands and feet and the appearance of various rashes on them.

It is impossible to ignore the rash on these parts of the body, as they can signal a weakening of the body's defense reactions, as well as be a consequence of an allergy to the use of a new product or the use of an inappropriate composition of the product.

Rash all over body

The appearance of redness, papules, plaques and rashes on all parts of the body most often occurs with diseases characteristic of childhood, such as measles, chickenpox, rubella.

Despite the fact that in an adult these diseases are more severe than in children, nevertheless, with proper and timely access to a doctor, they do not pose a danger.

Much more dangerous infections and comorbidities, accompanied by a rash all over the body:

  • scarlet fever;
  • types of typhus;
  • enteroviral and meningococcal infections.

Multiple manifestations of the rash are characterized by pseudotuberculosis, tuberculosis and other diseases.

What does it mean if the rash itches?

Not all rashes are accompanied by itching. It is a symptom of a certain number of diseases.

In any case, when a rash appears, a dermatologist's consultation is necessary, this is especially important if:

  • lasts for several days and the amount does not decrease;
  • a similar phenomenon is present in someone from the close environment;
  • in addition to rashes, there are other symptoms of diseases;
  • rashes begin to turn into blisters.

To reduce itching, you can take sedatives and antiallergic drugs.

Treatment Methods

The main thing when choosing methods of influence is the correct diagnosis of the causes of the disease.

  1. Methods depend on the form and extent of the leak and may require surgery.
  2. Initially, conservative treatment is used with the use of physiotherapy, the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ointments, antifungal drugs, as well as external treatment of rashes.
  3. The treatment regimen is selected individually depending on the form and cause of the lesion.
  4. Non-infectious and non-allergic rashes can be treated with traditional medicine.

Any skin lesion should be treated under medical supervision. The dosage of the medications taken is also agreed with the specialist.

Popular Rash Treatments

To stop the side effects and negative reactions of the body that occur with skin rashes, antihistamines are used.

The most common are tablets such as:

  • Claritin;
  • Allegra;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Semprex.

Doctors consider Suprastin and Tavegil to be a universal remedy, as they quickly relieve symptoms. The negative side is the feeling of drowsiness that occurs in patients due to CNS depression by the drug. Corticosteroids are used in the absence of dynamics in treatment.

These are hormonal drugs and therefore require an exact dosage:

  • Metipred;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Diprospan.

Additionally, topical medications are used. The greatest effect is achieved when using Levomikol, Lokoid, Gistan and more ointments.

All drugs have a number of contraindications, so self-medication is not recommended.

Folk remedies

The combination of traditional and traditional medicine allows you to accelerate the achievement of a positive effect.

  1. Compresses from a decoction of oak bark promote wound healing and relieve inflammation.
  2. Rubbing apple cider vinegar on eczema-affected areas of the skin leads to a reduction in their area.
  3. Allergic reactions are removed with Kalanchoe juice diluted in a ratio of 1/3 with water.
  4. Well relieves itching juice of hawthorn, horsetail burdock and red geranium.
  5. Celery juice added to food improves immunity and helps get rid of hives.

The use of plants that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver helps to remove harmful substances from the body, which has a positive effect on the treatment of rashes.

Video about skin rash, causes and what to do

Acne on the face:

Causes of a skin rash:

Skin itching is a specific uncomfortable sensation in the upper layers of the epidermis that occurs in response to irritation of nerve receptors. Itching occurs in response to external or internal stimuli and is considered by some scientists to be a form of pain. Why itching may occur and what to do in such cases, our article will tell.

There are many criteria for assessing itching: by localization, intensity and nature of occurrence. For proper diagnosis and treatment, it is also very important to determine the accompanying symptoms: rash, peeling, hair loss in this area of ​​the body, as well as the formation of cracks and wounds.

Itching is divided into the following categories:

  • Localized when a certain place itches. This can be the scalp, elbows and inguinal folds, the anus (anal itching), perineum and other parts of the body.
  • generalized in which itching occurs all over the body at once. May indicate the presence of tumors, diseases of internal organs, hormonal imbalance, allergies and mental disorders.

The frequency of occurrence of itching of any localization is also important. Usually, with constant itching, other alarming symptoms also occur: insomnia, irritability, soreness and hypersensitivity of the skin. If the body itches, there is a high risk of scratching and infection in the wounds.

You should definitely visit a dermatologist, even if itching appears without rashes and redness. The doctor can advise local painkillers, as well as, if necessary, appoint a consultation with narrower specialists: an allergist, immunologist or endocrinologist.

Causes of itching without rashes

Most dermatological diseases are manifested precisely by a rash of a different nature. At the same time, there is a certain category of diseases in which there are no skin rashes or they appear slightly. Usually, the skin on the body itches under the influence of the accumulation of toxins and histamines in the upper layers of the epidermis, and there may be several reasons for such phenomena.

The main factors affecting the appearance of itching:

  • Overdrying of the epidermis due to temperature fluctuations, lack of moisture, or under the influence of external negative factors.
  • Fungal infections of various localization.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys. In this case, the body is prone to intoxication with metabolic products.
  • Side effects after taking certain medications.
  • A negative reaction of the body to stress or deterioration in mental health.
  • Hormonal imbalance, especially often occurs during pregnancy.
  • An allergic reaction of the body upon contact with plant pollen, chemicals or toxins.

On the mucous membranes, itching most often occurs with fungal infections (a common example is thrush in women), with some sexually transmitted diseases, or bactericidal inflammation of the skin. In these cases, additional symptoms are added to the main symptom: mainly a rash, the nature of the appearance of itching (more often in the evening and at night), as well as fever, weakness and changes in blood counts. If itching appears without a rash, you should look for other causes.

What diseases does itching of the skin of the body indicate?

Skin itching without the manifestation of rashes may indicate a high content of toxic substances in the blood. These may be metabolic products that are not excreted from the body with liver or kidney dysfunction. Such itching is often called toxic, and it will pass only after the main problem is eliminated.

During pregnancy, complaints of itchy skin are also often received. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, stretching of the skin due to an increase in the abdomen, as well as purely psychological discomfort.

What diseases can cause severe itching:

After taking certain groups of drugs, constant itching can also be observed. Usually, specific treatment is not required in this case, an unpleasant symptom will disappear after the drug is discontinued. Most often, drugs based on the hormone estrogen (including contraceptives), erythromycin, opium drugs, anabolic steroids, acetylsalicylic acid and its derivatives can “boast” of such an effect.

In what cases you need to see a doctor

Itching is not the most uncomfortable symptom, but it can indicate more serious problems in the body. For any pathologies, you should consult a doctor, but in some cases it may even become vital.

Urgently to the doctor:

  • Against the background of itching, rashes or purulent wounds appeared.
  • The temperature has risen.
  • Itching is accompanied by swelling and star-shaped spots on the body.
  • There is a mental disorder, behavior changes.
  • Difficulty breathing, there are signs of anaphylactic shock.

Only a doctor can determine what it may be and the appropriate treatment. Itching is not a separate disease, but only a symptom, so the patient will not get better from temporary measures. If the whole problem is dry skin, applying moisturizers will eliminate the problem, but more often than not, constant itching is a sign of more serious pathologies.

How to help yourself if the whole body itches, but there is no rash

Home methods for eliminating such uncomfortable manifestations can be used in extreme cases, when for some reason a visit to a doctor is temporarily unavailable.

To relieve the condition of severe itching will help:

  1. A contrast shower will help relieve itching for a while.
  2. A warm herbal bath will also help relieve discomfort.
  3. If the area of ​​itching is small, you can apply an ice pack or a wet wipe.
  4. Cooling creams with menthol are also used, but only on areas without wounds and rashes.
  5. Mild sedatives (valerian, motherwort tincture) will help get rid of nighttime itching.
  6. To humidify the air in the room, use steam or a proven method - drying wet clothes on a battery.
  7. If you suffer from nighttime itching, you can wear soft gloves on your hands to avoid scratching the skin.

All these measures will help relieve itching if there is no rash. In case of skin reactions, you should definitely go to a dermatologist without self-medication. In some diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to limit contact with water for a while, so a relaxing bath can only do harm.

Prevention measures

You can save yourself from itching in advance. It is enough to follow the rules of hygiene, regularly change underwear and bedding, choosing the most natural and hypoallergenic fabrics. In winter, it is very important to properly care for the skin, preventing it from drying out and chapping. Well "work" daily washing with a warm decoction of herbs that soften and soothe inflamed skin. Detergents should be chosen with the most non-allergenic composition.

It is also very important to follow the principles of a healthy diet, give up smoking and alcohol, as well as "harmful" foods: canned and smoked food, sweets with a chemical composition and carbonated drinks. Timely examination of specialists and control over existing diseases will help prevent the development of serious pathologies. In addition, it is imperative to avoid stressful situations and conflicts.

Itching in different places on the body is an unpleasant symptom. It can occur under the influence of various factors and be a sign of serious diseases. Most often, itching occurs due to irritation of the nerve receptors of the skin. If itching bothers you constantly or has a pronounced localization, you must definitely visit a doctor to determine the causes of this discomfort.

Rash multiple changes in the skin and mucous membranes are called: elements that differ from normal skin in color, texture and appearance. Rashes can be on the abdomen, chest, face, arms, legs. Patients describe the rash as spots, redness, pimples, bumps, goosebumps, blisters, blisters, pustules, mosquito bites, and the like. The type of rash can sometimes indicate a disease, but it is impossible to diagnose yourself by the appearance of the rash, you must consult a doctor.

What does a rash look like (types of rash)

The most common skin rash is formed by the following elements:

  • spots. A spot is a reddened area that does not protrude above the level of the surrounding skin. Redness is associated with excess blood flow. When pressing on it with a finger, the stain disappears, and after the cessation of pressure it appears again;
  • nodules(papules) - compacted areas, slightly protruding above the level of the skin. Most often, papules are round or conical in shape. Papules can merge with each other, forming plaques, sometimes quite large in area (for example, the size of a palm). When pressed, the papule also loses its color;
  • bubbles(vesicles). A bubble is an element, as a rule, of a rounded shape, rising above the level of the skin and representing a cavity filled with a clear, cloudy or bloody liquid;
  • pustules(blanks). A pustule is a vesicle with purulent contents. The skin at the base of the pustule may also be affected by inflammation;
  • blisters- hollow elements of a round or oval shape, slightly elevated above the level of the skin, resulting from a limited and acute flowing edema.

The above items are called primary because they occur on clean skin.

In the course of the disease, rashes appear at the site and secondary elements:

  • plots hyperpigmentation or depigmentation(the skin loses its natural color, becoming either darker or discolored);
  • peeling(scales are formed - particles of the dying upper layer of the skin);
  • erosion(superficial damage to the skin resulting from the opening of the vesicle and abscess). In severe cases, ulcers may occur - a violation of the integrity of the skin, capturing all layers of the skin - up to the subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • when combing - abrasions both superficial and deep;
  • crust(it is formed as a result of drying of the departments of the weeping surface - for example, in place of burst bubbles, pustules, as well as ulcers and erosions);
  • plots lichenification(skin tightening with enhancement of its pattern), etc.

Rash in infectious diseases

The appearance of a rash on the skin is typical for infectious diseases that children mainly suffer from: chickenpox (chickenpox), rubella, scarlet fever, measles.

When rashes are found throughout the body, including on the scalp, on the mucous membranes, and sometimes even on the palms and feet. The elements of the rash first look like specks of pink or red, rounded. Then bubbles form in this place. After 2-3 days, the bubbles dry up, after which crusts form. At the same time, elements of a rash at different stages can coexist on the body. In general, rashes last 5-10 days.

When the rash forms small pink-red spots of a round or oval shape. Usually the rash appears first on the face, and then spreads throughout the body. The rash usually lasts from 2 to 4 days (sometimes up to 7 days), then disappears - without pigmentation and peeling.

It is characterized by a dark red (crimson) rash. Unlike the rubella rash, elements of the measles rash can coalesce. The rash appears sequentially: first - on the face, neck and behind the ears; the next day - on the trunk, on the third day the rash covers the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, including the fingers. The skin affected by the rash becomes rough. From the fourth day after the appearance, the rash begins to fade in the same order that it appeared. At the site of the rash, brown scaly spots remain for another one and a half weeks.

The rash appears as numerous very small red dots that stand out against the background of reddening of the skin. The rash covers the whole body, but is most intense in places of natural skin folds, in the lower abdomen and on the sides of the body. A characteristic feature of scarlet fever is the normal color of the skin and the absence of rashes in the so-called nasolabial triangle (the area formed by the base of the bridge of the nose and the corners of the mouth). The rash fades in 3-7 days, leaving no pigmentation behind. After the disappearance of the rash, the skin begins to peel off, and on the palms and feet it comes off in layers.

Also, a rash on the body is observed with , enterovirus infection, syphilis, tuberculosis and some other infectious diseases.

If the rash is caused by an infectious disease, skin rashes are usually accompanied by other symptoms, primarily fever and intoxication. However, you should not try to make a diagnosis on your own, including by the type of rash. Currently, diseases often occur in atypical ("blurred") forms, many symptoms may be absent, and the manifestations of the rash may be mild. However, the very appearance of a rash against the background of other symptoms indicates the severity of the disease.

The most alarming is the appearance of a hemorrhagic rash. Such rashes are caused by rupture of superficial capillaries and represent petechial hemorrhages. When pressed, the elements of the hemorrhagic rash do not disappear and do not even turn pale. This rash may indicate meningococcal infection(meningococcal sepsis - blood poisoning). This disease is deadly and develops rapidly. Its initial symptoms are flu-like (high temperature, ). If a rash is detected against this background, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Rash on the skin with allergic diseases

The rash is common. An allergic nature has a rash in the form of red swollen spots on the abdomen, chest, limbs, less often on the face, which quickly appear, change shape and location, and are accompanied by severe itching. This disease is called

One of the manifestations of the body's reaction to irritating factors is skin rashes. Various changes on the surface of the skin indicate malfunctions in the body. The rash can be non-infectious in nature or be the result of infections (viruses, fungi, bacteria). Allergic rashes are classified as non-infectious.

In adults, an allergic rash can occur for a number of reasons, depending on this it can be of a different nature. In case of any manifestations of rashes, the help of a qualified specialist and timely treatment are needed.

Probable causes

An allergy rash is a consequence of the body's high sensitivity to various substances. A skin reaction can appear instantly, or it can be the result of a long-term accumulation of allergens. The immune system of allergy sufferers perceives substances that are quite harmless to others as a danger to the body. It produces protective antibodies, causing an allergic reaction.

Common allergens:

  • medicines (especially external);
  • perfumery and cosmetics, household chemicals;
  • metal objects made of nickel, lead, cobalt;
  • exposure to cold or heat;
  • vapors of paints and varnishes from the air, and other toxic substances;
  • (milk, nuts, fish, eggs and others);
  • insect bites;
  • stress and irritability.

All allergic diseases, due to which a rash appears, are pathological reactions of the immune system. Therefore, the main cause of allergies is a malfunction of the immune system, which is caused by various factors.

Forms and types of rashes

An allergy rash in adults has different manifestations:

  • - blisters in local areas or throughout the body. There is also hyperemia of the skin and severe itching. Outwardly, urticaria resembles a nettle burn. Blisters can merge together, forming single lesions.
  • - more often occurs after direct prolonged contact with the allergen (synthetic fabric, metal, paint). At the site of contact with the irritant, redness appears, then bubbles filled with transparent exudate appear.
  • - begins with itching, then nodular rashes and infiltrations appear, plaques with rounded indistinct borders. Puffiness is well expressed. Blisters may subsequently appear, which, after violation of integrity, turn into weeping erosive areas. first manifests itself in childhood in those people who have a hereditary tendency to it.
  • - first appear pale pink irritations on the skin, spots. Gradually they become dark red, itchy. The surface of the spots is rough, the skin is rough, flaky. Usually eczema is localized on the face and limbs. But as the rash progresses, it can appear all over the body.

Effective methods and general rules of treatment

First you need to determine the primary source that caused the rash. To do this, you need to undergo an examination, contact a specialist. When identifying the allergic nature of the rash, it is necessary to limit the contact of the skin and the body with the irritant as much as possible.

Medicines for oral administration

After identifying and eliminating the source of the disease, medical treatment is resorted to. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating edema, reducing itching and inflammation. The main medicines for manifestations of allergies should be. They are selected by a specialist, based on the severity of the manifestation of the rash, the age of the patient.

Antihistamines of the 1st generation are suitable as a first aid for quick relief of symptoms:

For longer use, modern drugs of the 2nd and 3rd generation are used, which have a minimum of side effects:

In the absence of progress in treatment with antihistamines, resort to the help of corticosteroids. Their intake should be strictly controlled by a doctor. The course of treatment by them should be strictly regulated in time.

Effective hormonal agents:

  • Hydrocortisone.

On a note! Do not abruptly stop taking corticosteroids. The dosage should be reduced gradually (no more than 1/3 of the daily dose per day).

As additional means to eliminate allergic rashes, sedatives can be used if you need to put the central nervous system in order:

  • Novopassit;
  • Sedavit;
  • Valerian tincture.

To speed up the removal of allergens from the body, they take (for example, Atoxil and others.).

Local therapy

Go to the address and read about what the blood test for immunoglobulin E shows and see the transcript of the results.

Prevention of allergic rashes

In order to minimize the likelihood of allergies, you need to follow the precautions:

  • Before applying cosmetics and local medicines, it is necessary to test their effect on a small area of ​​​​skin. If a rash, redness does not appear, the product can be used.
  • Before going outside in the cold or heat, use special protective creams.
  • Exclude from the diet foods containing preservatives, dyes, synthetic thickeners.
  • Strengthen immunity (harden, play sports, walk in the fresh air).
  • If it is known for sure that a person has a predisposition to allergies, avoid contact with suspected allergens as much as possible.

Allergic rashes can appear in any adult, even if he is not allergic. Malfunctions of the immune system increase the risk of allergization. It is impossible at the first sign of a rash to run to the pharmacy and buy any remedy you like, the doctor should prescribe medications. The causes and nature of the rash can be different. This means that treatment methods may differ. Only a correct diagnosis and the help of a qualified specialist can be a guarantee of an effective fight against the problem.

Learn more about what an allergic rash is and how to deal with it after watching the following video: