Like a nervous state. Nervousness with irritability - a serious diagnosis or "cockroaches" in the head? How to prevent the development of nervous disorders


Increased irritability is formed on the basis of chronic fatigue syndrome. The causes of the manifestation of the symptom can also be headaches, exacerbation of chronic ailments, physical overwork, lack of sleep, failure in the daily routine. If a person succumbs to irritability, then his hormonal background begins to change and immunity decreases.

Clinicians have determined that the causes of irritability are internal and external.

Internal provoking factors include such diseases:

  • depression;
  • anxious feeling;
  • neurasthenia;
  • feeling of hunger;
  • stress after injury;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • severe fatigue;
  • alcohol and drug abuse;
  • inability to express oneself;
  • brain dysfunction.

Doctors refer to external factors as causes associated with the external environment that cause discontent. The wrong actions of people, traffic jams, cataclysms or other annoying things can provoke a symptom.

The reasons fall into three more categories:

  • physiological - often diagnosed in the female before menstruation, when the hormonal background changes, they can also occur during pregnancy, menopause, thyroid disease. Nervousness and irritability in women can progress from a feeling of hunger, a lack of vitamins and trace elements, and the use of drugs;
  • psychological - characteristic of the manifestation of lack of sleep, fatigue, anxiety, fear, stress, addiction to nicotine, alcohol or drugs;
  • genetic - excessive impact on the nervous system. Irritability is not a symptom, but a character trait.

Constant irritability can be a sign of such pathologies - diabetes, SARS, influenza, stress, mental illness.

If irritability is manifested along with tearfulness, then most likely the problem lies in somatic diseases, lack of vitamins, pregnancy or hormonal disruptions when menstruation begins.

Also, the symptom often manifests itself without any objective reasons. As a rule, in adults, this phenomenon is associated with somatic disorders or internal experiences. Under such circumstances, irritation is formed in people with mental disabilities. The group of such individuals includes those who cannot accept the realities of the world, agree to certain rules and cope with social problems. In such cases, people are diagnosed with a "mental disorder", and from time to time irritability, aggression, anger or other manifestations may appear.

It was previously mentioned that irritability often appears in women when hormonal levels fail. However, this symptom is increasingly formed in men. This is not surprising, since the male body secretes many hormones that can decrease or increase.

During the period of lack of testosterone, the stronger sex manifests abnormal nervousness, aggression and irritability. The formation of the symptom may be associated with the fear of developing impotence.

The symptom can also occur in young children from two years of age. The causes of irritability can be such factors:

Irritability can also appear as a symptom of severe pathologies - perinatal encephalopathy, allergies, infections, food intolerance, psychiatric ailments.


Irritability in men and women is manifested in increased excitability and the formation of negative emotions in relation to minor provoking factors. Any little thing can cause a person to have an attack of anger and irritability. In order to be able to distinguish this symptom and know how to prevent it, the patient needs to understand in what symptomatology it manifests itself.

When a person is irritable:

  • the intonation and volume of the conversation changes;
  • movements are sharper;
  • accelerates the movement of the eyeballs;
  • the oral cavity is dehydrated;
  • palms sweat;
  • breathing becomes too fast.

Sometimes there may be a desire to get rid of all your emotions, or in psychology this process is called “throw out negative emotions”. If you do not do yourself an emotional discharge, then flashes of anger, neurosis and other negative reactions may periodically appear. Such signs inform a person about a mental disorder, and force the patient to contact a psychotherapist.

When irritability appears, men complain of fatigue, drowsiness and depression. But the female body, with outbreaks of hormonal disorders, provokes such signs - high temperature, sleep disturbance, mood changes, conflict, anxiety, anxiety.


An increasing number of people are interested in the question of how to get rid of irritability. In the modern world, this issue is very relevant, since the number of external provoking factors has increased and people are much more susceptible to them. In this regard, doctors offer different ways to deal with irritability.

For all patients, clinicians have derived general rules of behavior when irritability is detected:

  • alternate work;
  • engage in physical and mental stress consistently;
  • when working at home, you can do cleaning or cooking, and for office employees you can go for a walk outside;
  • drink the daily norm of water;
  • get enough sleep;
  • ventilate the room;
  • eat healthy food.

Considering the question of how to deal with irritability, it may seem that there is nothing difficult in this. However, many people who have a symptom provoked by external stimuli have difficulty in adequately eliminating the symptom. Quite often, people try to relieve stress with nicotine and alcohol, but this is completely wrong. Using these drugs can only aggravate the situation, damage the brain and other cells and tissues of the body.

Also, doctors do not advise to cope with the disease by drinking strong coffee and tea. They lead only to a temporary effect of activity, and then fatigue and aggressiveness return with a new intensity.

Psychologists advise all patients to cope with bouts of irritability in simple ways:

  • do not focus only on negative emotions;
  • to express their troubles to relatives and friends;
  • restrain outbursts of anger, do not show them to loved ones;
  • learn to yield in different situations;
  • set realistic goals;
  • do more sports and walk outside;
  • engage in auto-training;
  • get enough sleep;
  • with frequent manifestations of irritability and fatigue, a short vacation is needed.

In the treatment of a symptom, medical methods can be used. Medicines are prescribed to the patient with severe irritability and the development of mental ailments.

If there is irritability during pregnancy or from depression, then the patient is prescribed antidepressants. They improve the patient's mood and reduce the attack of negative emotions.

If the cause of the symptom was lack of sleep, then sleeping pills and sedatives are prescribed. Full sleep will lead to the normalization of the mental state and the patient will be more calm.

Also, in the treatment of such a manifestation, folk remedies are excellent. To calm the nervous system, doctors recommend using herbal medicinal preparations:

Honey, walnuts, almonds, lemon, prunes can be added to the infusion. All these natural products contain many useful trace elements and have an anti-stress effect.

In the treatment of irritability, doctors advise first trying different methods of self-treatment, which will be aimed at analyzing one's own behavior and accepting realities. If a person learns to control himself, then his mental state will improve significantly and irritability will disappear.

"Irritability" is observed in diseases:

Withdrawal syndrome is a complex of various disorders (most often on the part of the psyche) that occur against the background of a sharp cessation of the intake of alcoholic beverages, drugs or nicotine into the body after prolonged consumption. The main factor due to which this disorder occurs is the body's attempt to independently achieve the state that was with the active use of a particular substance.

Avitaminosis is a painful human condition that occurs as a result of an acute shortage of vitamins in the human body. Distinguish between spring and winter beriberi. There are no restrictions regarding gender and age group in this case.

Adenoids in children is an inflammatory process that occurs in the pharyngeal tonsils, and is characterized by an increase in their size. This disease is typical only for children aged from one to fifteen years, the most frequent exacerbations occur in the period from three to seven years. With age, such tonsils decrease in size, and then generally atrophy. It manifests itself in various forms and degrees, depending on factors and pathogens.

Adenocarcinoma of the uterus is an oncological process that leads to the development of malignant neoplasms in the area of ​​the female reproductive system. A characteristic feature of this disease is the defeat of the upper layer of the uterus - the endometrium. A tumor formed from abnormal cellular structures of glandular tissue is asymptomatic in the first stages. There are no age restrictions. However, at risk are women aged 40–60 years.

An adenoma formed on the thyroid gland is a benign neoplasm with clear edges, which has a fibrous capsule. Such a tumor is not soldered to the surrounding tissues, has a small size, and is absolutely painless. The danger of an adenoma on the thyroid gland lies in its possible degeneration into a malignant neoplasm, therefore, if the tumor is growing rapidly, its immediate removal is indicated. The operation consists in excising the neoplasm together with the capsule, followed by sending it for histological examination to confirm or refute the presence of cancer cells in the adenoma.

Allergic bronchitis is a type of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. A characteristic feature of the disease is that, unlike ordinary bronchitis, which occurs against the background of exposure to viruses and bacteria, allergic bronchitis is formed against the background of prolonged contact with various allergens. This disease is often diagnosed in children of preschool and primary school age. For this reason, it must be cured as soon as possible. Otherwise, it takes a chronic course, which can lead to the development of bronchial asthma.

Angiodysplasia is a pathological process, as a result of which the number of subcutaneous vessels increases. In the case of the gastrointestinal tract, this can lead to internal bleeding, which is extremely life-threatening. It is noted that such vascular disease can be congenital. In newborns, capillary angiodysplasia is localized in the face, lower extremities, less often hands.

Hookworm infections are helminthiases caused by worms of the nematodosis group, that is, roundworms, which also include human roundworm and pinworms. Ankylostomiasis, depending on the type of pathogen, can be of two forms: necatoriasis and hookworm.

Anuria is a condition in which urine does not enter the bladder and, as a result, is not excreted from it. In this condition, the amount of urine emitted per day is reduced to fifty milliliters. With this clinical symptom, not only the absence of fluid in the bladder is noted, but also the urge to empty.

Apnea is a pathological process caused by one or another etiological factor, which leads to a short-term cessation of breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea in newborns is quite common - up to 60% of cases. In premature babies, this figure reaches 90%. In this case, both a violation of the breathing process and its stop are possible, but not more than for 10 seconds. In most cases, sleep apnea goes away after 3-5 weeks.

Apraxia is a disease characterized by a violation of the performance of complex purposeful actions that a person has the ability and desire to perform. The problem is not related to muscle weakness or coordination disorder, but arises at the practical stage.

What is arterial hypertension? This is a disease that is characterized by blood pressure indicators above 140 mm Hg. Art. in this case, the patient is visited by headaches, dizziness and a feeling of nausea. Eliminate all the symptoms that have arisen can only be specially selected therapy.

Arterial hypotension is a fairly common pathology, which is characterized by a persistent or regular presence in a person of tonometer readings below 100 to 60 millimeters of mercury. The disease can occur at any age, which is why it is also diagnosed in babies and females during pregnancy.

Inflammatory ailments, which are accompanied by the manifestation of constant pain in the joints, are called arthritis. In fact, arthritis is a disease that contributes to the thinning of the cartilage of the joints, changes in the ligaments and joint capsule. If the disease is not treated, then the process aggravates, leading to joint deformity.

Asthenic syndrome (asthenia) is a neuropsychiatric ailment, which is usually included in the clinical picture of neuropsychic, nosological forms, as well as somatic symptom complexes. This state is manifested by emotional instability, weakness, increased fatigue.

Astheno-neurotic syndrome (syn. asthenia, asthenic syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropsychic weakness) is a slowly progressive psychopathological disorder that occurs in both adults and children. Without timely therapy leads to a depressive state.

Asthmatic bronchitis is an ailment that has an allergic etiology, and affects mainly large and medium bronchi. Asthmatic bronchitis is not bronchial asthma, as many people think. However, clinicians note that this disease can become one of the etiological factors in the development of bronchial asthma. The disease has no restrictions regarding age and gender, but the main risk group is children of preschool and primary school age, especially if allergic diseases are recorded in the anamnesis.

Atypical autism (syn. autism spectrum disorder, infantile autism) is a neuropsychiatric disease that causes a violation of perception and understanding of the surrounding reality. The disease can lead to permanent mental retardation, or STD. The development of such a pathological process is due to a violation of the structures of the brain, which in most cases is irreversible.

Autoimmune gastritis is a pathological process of unknown etiology, in which the body begins to produce cells that destroy the tissues of the stomach, resulting in an inflammatory process. According to statistics, this form of gastritis is diagnosed extremely rarely - no more than 10% of the total cases of gastritis. It has no restrictions regarding age and gender.

Aphakia is a congenital or acquired disease, which is characterized by the absence of the lens in the organs of vision. Most often, the pathology is secondary and develops mainly in people over 40 years of age. Lack of therapy leads to complete loss of vision.

Aphthous stomatitis is a type of ordinary inflammation of the oral mucosa, accompanied by the appearance of aphthae, i.e. small white ulcers with a red border, which are in the shape of a circle or oval (may occur singly or appear in large numbers). The main symptoms of the disease are - unpleasant sensations in the form of pain and burning, aggravated during meals. Neoplasms heal in about ten days, leaving no traces behind, only some types of ailment can provoke scars.

Affective disorders (synonymous with mood swings) are not a separate disease, but a group of pathological conditions that are associated with a violation of internal experiences and external expression of a person's mood. Such changes can lead to maladjustment.

Addison's disease or bronze disease is a pathological lesion of the adrenal cortex. As a result, the secretion of adrenal hormones decreases. Addison's disease can affect both men and women. The main risk group is people in the age group of 20–40 years. Addison's disease is characterized as a progressive disease with a severe clinical picture.

Bronchiolitis is an inflammatory disease that affects only the small bronchi (bronchioles). As the disease progresses, the lumen of the bronchioles narrows, which can lead to the development of respiratory failure. If the treatment of bronchiolitis is not carried out in a timely manner, then the connective tissue in the bronchioles of various sizes will begin to grow and clog the pulmonary vessels.

Bruxism in children or adults, the scientific definition of the phenomenon of grinding teeth, which often appears at night and sometimes during the day. This problem is faced more often by children than adults, and boys and girls are equally affected by the disorder. And although such a pathological condition is not too serious, it can cause the development of caries and other problems in people, so it must be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

A zoonotic infectious disease, the area of ​​​​damage of which is mainly the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, reproductive and nervous systems of a person, is called brucellosis. The microorganisms of this disease were identified back in 1886, and the discoverer of the disease is the English scientist Bruce Brucellosis.

Bulbitis of the duodenum is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the organ, namely its bulbar section. This is due to the fact that the contents of the stomach enter the bulb of this organ and infection with Helicobacter pylori occurs. The main symptoms of the disease are pain at the site of the projection of the intestine, the intensity of which is different. With untimely treatment of such inflammation, complications may appear that are harmful to human health and are eliminated only with the help of surgical medical intervention.

Vaginal candidiasis is a disease that most women face. This is a fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of fungal flora in the vagina. Normally, in a woman's vagina, the fungal flora is in a meager amount, but under certain conditions, the fungi begin to actively multiply and displace the normal microflora, causing vivid symptoms.

Vulvar vestibulitis is a pathology of the external genital organs in women, which is characterized by redness and swelling of the mucosa in the area of ​​​​the entrance to the vagina, as well as severe pain.

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With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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Questions and suggestions:

Nervousness as a symptom of various diseases

What is nervousness?

  • tendency to depression;
  • increased suspiciousness and anxiety;
  • headache attacks;
  • heartbeat;
  • lability (instability) of the pulse and blood pressure;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • increased sweating;
  • decrease in performance.

Depending on the cause of nervousness, the symptoms listed above can be combined in different ways and supplemented by signs of the underlying disease.

Causes of increased anxiety

Constant fatigue and nervousness with cerebral palsy

This kind of exhaustion can be caused by various factors. Often this is elementary negligence in relation to one's own health:

  • wrong daily routine;
  • lack of sleep;
  • nervous and physical overload;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • excessive consumption of tonic substances (tea, coffee, etc.).

Cerebrosthenia often develops among schoolchildren and students during the period of passing exams, among office workers who practice deadlines, as well as among people who lead a hectic lifestyle (even those who are not burdened by physical or mental labor - immoderate entertainment also exhausts the nervous system).

In such cases, the clinical picture of cerebrosthenia develops against the background of the underlying disease, so that the signs of nervousness are combined with the symptoms of a particular pathology that led to the exhaustion of the nervous system.

Strong nervousness, as a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • circulatory disorders in the central nervous system caused by impaired vascular tone of the brain;
  • pathology of neuroendocrine regulation underlying the disease;
  • factors that caused the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia (as a rule, stress, chronic infections and intoxications, occupational hazards, abuse of alcohol, nicotine or caffeine contribute to the occurrence of pathology).

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by a combination of severe nervousness with vascular disorders, such as lability of the pulse and blood pressure, palpitations, pain in the heart, headaches and dizziness.

Signs of nervousness in encephalopathies

  • atherosclerotic;
  • hypertonic;
  • alcoholic;
  • post-traumatic;
  • diabetic;
  • uremic (with renal failure);
  • hepatic (with severe liver damage);
  • toxic (with exogenous intoxications, for example, lead encephalopathy in case of poisoning with lead salts).

Nervousness in encephalopathies is included in a complex of other asthenic symptoms, such as increased fatigue, headache, decreased physical and intellectual performance.

Nervousness and fear in anxiety states

Tearfulness and nervousness before menstruation

In addition, a number of other pathological symptoms are characteristic of premenstrual syndrome:

1. Signs of impaired water and electrolyte metabolism (swelling of the face and limbs).

2. Headache attacks, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

3. Signs of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (lability of pressure and pulse, pain in the heart area, excessive sweating, palpitations, accompanied by attacks of fear and anxiety), which in especially severe cases have the form of acute sympathetic-adrenal crises (an anxiety attack accompanied by pain in the region of the heart, increased blood pressure, palpitations, ending in increased urination).

4. Symptoms of endocrine shifts (breast engorgement, acne, increased sensitivity to odors, temporary greasiness of the skin and hair).

The state of increased nervousness with menopause in women and men

Menopause in women

  • hypersensitivity (tearfulness);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decrease in mental and physical performance;
  • drowsiness;
  • deterioration of memory and creativity.

In the same period, pathological menopause is characterized by specific disorders of neuroendocrine regulation: hot flashes (feelings of heat in the head and neck), dizziness, headaches, palpitations, lability of blood pressure and pulse, sweating, pain in the heart area, etc.

Menopause in men

1. Neoplastic processes in the prostate gland.

2. Renal, liver and heart failure.

Nervousness with hyperthyroidism

  • nervousness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • fussiness;
  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decrease in performance.

The above symptoms often lead to the fact that patients become extremely quarrelsome, and poor relationships in the family and at work, in turn, further aggravate mental disorders, which often leads to the development of anxiety disorders or depression.

1. Drug therapy.

2. Radical surgery (removal of part of the hyperplastic gland).

3. Treatment with radioactive iodine.

How to get rid of nervousness?

Treatment of nervousness caused by various diseases: general principles

How to treat nervousness with insomnia?

Folk remedies

Motherwort is a herbaceous perennial plant that has long been used in folk medicine as a sedative.

Melissa officinalis (lemon mint, mother liquor, censer, bee) is a perennial herb whose Greek name (melissa) literally translates as honey bee.

One of the most popular preparations: lemon balm essential oil (15 drops inside to relieve nervousness combined with heart pain).

A good soothing effect has a bath of Scots pine needles. To prepare it, take 300 g of pine needles and boil for 15 minutes in 5 liters of water. Then the broth is insisted for about an hour, filtered and poured into a warm bath.

Nervousness and irritability during pregnancy

The reasons

  • exogenous causes (troubles in the family or at work);
  • psychological problems (neuroses of pregnant women);
  • somatic pathology (anemia, hypovitaminosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases).

At a later date pregnancy, nervousness can be one of the signs of such a serious pathology as late toxicosis of pregnant women, so if this symptom appears, you should consult a doctor.

What medicines for nervousness can be taken during pregnancy?

Nervousness in a child

The reasons

  • The blurring of the time frame, characterized by a gradual increase in crisis symptoms, and their same gradual decrease.
  • Uncontrollability: it should be remembered that the child during these periods is not only poorly influenced by adults, but he himself does not always properly cope with his own affects.
  • Breaking old stereotypes of behavior.
  • Rebellion-protest directed against the outside world, manifested by extreme negativism (the desire to do everything "on the contrary"), stubbornness and despotism (the desire to subordinate everything and everything to one's will).

The following crisis periods of development are distinguished, when a healthy child may develop nervousness:

1. The crisis of one year is associated with the appearance of speech. It usually flows subacutely. In view of the particularly close relationship between mental and physical development at this stage, it has multiple somatic manifestations, such as a violation of biorhythms (disturbance of sleep and wakefulness, appetite, etc.). There may be a slight delay in development, and even a temporary loss of some previously acquired skills.

2. The crisis of three years is associated with the awareness of one's own "I" and the beginning of the formation of the will. Refers to particularly acute crisis periods. Often times it's hard. External influences such as a move, first visits to a preschool, etc. can exacerbate the crisis.

3. The crisis of seven years, as a rule, proceeds more gently. Crisis symptoms are associated with an awareness of the importance and complexity of social ties, which outwardly manifests itself as a loss of the naive immediacy of early childhood.

4. The crisis of adolescence with the flow in many ways resembles the crisis of three years. This is a crisis of rapid growth and development, which is associated with the formation of the social "I". The age limits of this period are different for girls (12-14 years old) and boys (14-16 years old).

5. The crisis of adolescence is associated with the final formation of value orientations. Age limits are also, as a rule, different for girls (16-17 years old) and boys (18-19 years old).

Nervousness is caused by internal restlessness, which a person is hardly aware of, usually he cannot name its causes.


It is not possible to describe the whole variety of manifestations of pictures of nervousness. Which of them are the most common?

In some, this is expressed in increased fatigue, reduced efficiency, irritability over trifles, headaches, and sleep disturbances. In others, this is revealed in absent-mindedness, inattention. Hence the complaints of memory impairment. There is an unreasonable fear that a person will not cope with the work (although in this case there is no reason for this). In still others, nervousness manifests itself in increased excitability and rapid exhaustion. Fourth have mood swings, more often in the direction of depression, depression. Tearfulness, capriciousness appear. All this can be accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of “psychological discomfort”.

Among other things, "nervousness" can be expressed in unpleasant sensations of internal organs - the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, excretory systems, impaired appetite, etc.

In a state of nervousness, peculiar gait disturbances are sometimes observed without any organic lesions of the musculoskeletal system. At times, unusual disturbances of sensitivity are found, also not associated with an organic disorder of the nervous system. There may be a weakening of sexual function in men and menstrual irregularities in women.

Sometimes nervousness, especially often in childhood and adolescence, among other things, acts in the form of twitching of individual muscle groups on the face, neck, muscles of the upper shoulder girdle. Occasionally you can see how the whole head twitches. This kind of tics can also occur in adults.

Somatic disorders

Nervous people often complain of feeling unwell, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath. They are characterized by headaches, migraine attacks, sweating, lack of appetite, pain in the lower back, upper and lower extremities, sleep disturbance. Many nervous people cannot tolerate foods that stimulate the central nervous system (eg, alcohol, coffee). They also have sexual disorders (such as frigidity).

Mental disorders

The most characteristic psycho-emotional disorders: constant internal anxiety, mood swings, depression and fear. Often nervous people are not self-confident, too sensitive, irritable, shy, distrustful. All these symptoms are very tiring for the patient, and he tends to exaggerate their severity. Many of us get nervous from time to time. Sometimes we avoid meeting or communicating with people, withdrawing into ourselves. If such a state becomes habitual, then mental disorders develop - a constant feeling of anxiety arises, behavior changes.

Doctors and psychologists use the following terms to refer to nervousness: psychasthenia, or neurasthenia (when the causes of nervousness are mental or somatic), psychovegetative syndrome, autonomic dystonia or dysregulation.

The reasons

In nervous people, ailments manifest themselves in the form of disturbances in the activity of various organs due to increased sensitivity and imbalance of the autonomic nervous system. Such people are easily excitable, therefore, at the slightest problem, they experience characteristic physical (somatic) ailments and mental disorders.

Psychological pressure

A driving test can become an insurmountable obstacle for a nervous person. The fear of an exam is so great that a person forgets everything he has learned. Increased excitability and imbalance of the autonomic nervous system is caused by various factors: increased excitability may be congenital or accompany certain diseases (for example, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland). Often, nervousness appears when the hormonal balance is disturbed. Constant nervousness can be observed with a mental illness, such as psychosis.


If the cause of nervousness is any disease, then first of all it is necessary to begin its treatment. Therefore, people with increased nervous excitability should consult a doctor (even in the absence of pronounced symptoms of a somatic disease). It often turns out that nervousness is associated not with physical, but with mental disorders or innate hypersensitivity. You need to tell your friends about your problems, and if this does not help, you should contact a psychologist. Many nervous people are helped by regular autogenic training exercises or meditation. In addition, it is recommended to increase physical activity (sports are shown), therapeutic baths and spa treatment also have a beneficial effect. Sometimes the treatment of nervousness is facilitated by a change in eating habits (eating fresh vegetables and fruits, yogurt, products made from wholemeal flour with bran).

For most sensitive people, inner harmony is restored after they find a counterbalance to their professional activities. If a person is engaged in mental work, moves little, then in his free time he should go in for sports (for example, running or walking).

Often, nervousness is a normal condition. It occurs in situations associated with emotional overstrain (for example, before a session with students). After the decline in psychological stress, nervousness also quickly disappears, i.e. she does not need to be treated.

  • - consultation of a psychotherapist;
  • - birch leaves;
  • - dill seed;
  • - valerian root.
  • "Psychological clinic: a guide to the prevention of mental disorders", P.V. Volkov, 2004.
  • “How to manage yourself and your life”, A.V. Kurpatov, 2005.
  • how to treat neurosis

A common component of the treatment of neurosis is the use of tranquilizers. However, long-term and regular use of these drugs is not recommended due to the rapid and strong addiction to them. In addition, tranquilizers impair memory and attention to an irreversible level.


Nervousness is a symptom of increased excitability of the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of a sharp reaction to external stimuli, increased excitability, and sometimes some psychological disorders. However, in some cases, the manifestation of this symptom is due to the current physiological state. Nervousness during pregnancy or in the premenstrual period should not be considered as a manifestation of any pathology, but such a condition of the expectant mother can affect the health of the child, so it is better to seek advice from a specialized medical specialist.


Nervousness and irritability in women or men can be due to both certain pathological processes in the body and psychosomatics. It should also be noted that this condition is not always associated with pathologies in the functioning of the nervous system. Increased nervousness can be a manifestation of pathologies of various organs and systems.

Clinicians distinguish such possible etiological factors:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • menopause period;
  • constant sleep deprivation and excessive physical activity;
  • alcohol abuse or drug use;
  • the period of bearing a child - nervousness during pregnancy is quite common, especially if this is the first birth;
  • oncological processes in the body;
  • pathology of the biliary tract;
  • post-traumatic encephalopathy;
  • atherosclerotic dementia.

Separately, psychological ailments should be singled out, since in their clinical picture this symptom almost always manifests itself:

In addition, nervousness should not be ruled out as a sign of overwork of a person, being in stressful situations or frequent nervous overexertion.

Nervousness in children may be due to the following etiological factors:

  • transitional age;
  • nervousness of the mother during pregnancy;
  • change of scenery - moving, changing schools;
  • unhealthy psychological situation in the family;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • psychological disorders.

The manifestation of nervousness in a child requires consultation with a child psychotherapist. Ignoring this symptom at an early age can lead to the development of serious psychological disorders in adulthood.


The general clinical picture includes the following signs of nervousness:

  • irritation, for no apparent reason;
  • restlessness, sudden attacks of fear;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance - a person either experiences increased drowsiness, or suffers from insomnia;
  • deterioration in performance.

If the cause of this symptom is a psychological disorder, then the clinical picture may be supplemented by the following signs:

  • bouts of aggression;
  • visual and sound hallucinations;
  • increased sweating;
  • suspiciousness and anxiety;
  • a sharp negative reaction to ongoing events, for no apparent reason;
  • deterioration in cognitive abilities;
  • memory impairment - it is difficult for a person to concentrate on certain objects and remember elementary things;
  • impaired consciousness - the patient may not remember his attacks.

With such a clinical picture, you need to seek help from a psychotherapist, and not self-medicate. You need to understand that such a state of a person is dangerous not only for him, but also for the people around him. In addition, the clinical picture can develop quite rapidly, and irreversible pathological processes can begin, which will lead to a deterioration in the mental abilities of a person and the inability to exist normally without outside help.

Nervousness during pregnancy can be supplemented by such signs:

  • a sharp change in mood - bouts of crying and depression can be replaced by laughter and a positive mood;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • drowsiness, weakness.

In most cases, nervousness during pregnancy is a completely normal reaction of the body to physiological and hormonal changes. However, if nervousness is complemented by other symptoms and the general condition of the pregnant woman worsens, you should consult a doctor for advice.


With pronounced signs of this symptom, a consultation with a psychologist and a neurologist is required; in more complex cases, treatment takes place with the mandatory participation of a psychotherapist.

To establish the underlying factor, the following laboratory diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • psychological tests.

The diagnostic program may include additional methods of diagnostics and psychological testing, depending on the current clinical picture.

How to deal with nervousness, the doctor can establish only after accurately determining the etiology of this symptom. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications.


Based on the results of the study, the doctor can determine how to treat nervousness. Drug therapy may include drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • hormonal;
  • to stabilize blood pressure;
  • to improve brain function.

Preparations of this type should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription, since an overdose can lead not only to physiological disorders in the body, but also to psychological disorders.

If nervousness is diagnosed during pregnancy, then taking medications is, if possible, excluded. You can overcome this condition of a woman through decoctions or tinctures from special herbs. You can use tea from chamomile, mint, milk with honey, motherwort tincture diluted with water. However, before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

In some cases, to eliminate the symptom, it is enough to reconsider your daily routine - allocate enough time for rest, start eating right and give up excessive amounts of alcohol.


In this case, the following preventive recommendations can be distinguished:

  • exclusion of stress, nervous strain;
  • the optimal amount of time for rest;
  • moderate mental and physical activity;
  • timely elimination of all pathological processes.

If you feel unwell, you should seek help from specialized medical specialists.

"Nervousness" is observed in diseases:

Adrenal adenoma is the most common neoplasm of this organ. It has a benign character, includes glandular tissues. In men, the disease is diagnosed 3 times less often than in women. The main risk group is people aged 30 to 60 years.

A parathyroid adenoma is a small, benign growth of 1 to 5 cm in size that can independently synthesize parathyroid hormone, causing symptoms of hypercalcemia in a person. The parathyroid glands are located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland, and their main purpose is to produce parathyroid hormone, which is involved in calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body. Adenoma leads to the fact that parathyroid hormone begins to be produced more than necessary, which causes the symptoms of this disease.

Adnexitis is a unilateral or bilateral inflammation of the appendages, including the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Inflammation of this type is formed due to the action of various microorganisms, which can be tolerated in an acute or chronic form. It should be noted that adnexitis, the symptoms of which are quite common among women, defining the disease itself as one of the most common gynecological diseases in the field, is also characterized by the occurrence of frequent relapses. Moreover, this inflammation, as a rule, captures both organs at once, and its danger lies in the formation of subsequent infertility for every fifth woman who is ill.

Allergic asthma is the most common form of asthma, occurring in almost 85% of the child population and half of the adult population who currently live in the country. Substances that enter the human body during inhalation and provoke the progression of allergies are called allergens. In medicine, allergic asthma is also called atopic.

Astheno-neurotic syndrome (syn. asthenia, asthenic syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropsychic weakness) is a slowly progressive psychopathological disorder that occurs in both adults and children. Without timely therapy leads to a depressive state.

Asymptomatic or latent pneumonia is a rather dangerous disease, since it is not accompanied by the characteristic symptoms of this disease. Localization of the disorder is often observed in a separate segment of the lung. Due to the absence of symptoms, the disease is diagnosed in the later stages. Asymptomatic pneumonia affects people of any age group, in particular young children.

Intracranial hypertension is nothing more than increased intracranial pressure, more commonly known due to the prevalence of the use of this particular definition. Intracranial hypertension, the symptoms of which are often caused by a pathology that forms in the brain, is formed due to an increase in the volume of contents in the cranial cavity, in particular, this content can be cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), blood (with venous stasis), tissue fluid (with cerebral edema ), as well as foreign tissue, which appeared, for example, as a result of a brain tumor.

Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland is a benign formation, which is a consequence of the growth of gland tissue. At the initial stage of development, such a pathology does not cause significant harm to health. However, if treatment is not started in a timely manner, the tumor can degenerate into a malignant one, which entails a direct disruption of the thyroid gland. According to statistics, today the disease is diagnosed in 740 million of the world's population.

Physical inactivity is a pathological condition that is characterized by a violation of almost all functions of the human body (respiratory, digestive, hematopoietic and circulatory functions). All this happens for one reason - a decrease in motor activity. As a result, the contractility of muscle structures is significantly reduced.

Intestinal dyskinesia is a fairly common disorder in which this organ does not undergo organic damage, but its motor function suffers. The underlying factor in the occurrence of the disease is considered to be the prolonged influence of stressful situations or nervous strains. It is for this reason that gastroenterologists and psychologists are treating patients with a similar diagnosis.

Capsulitis of the shoulder joint is a pathological process that causes damage to the capsule and synovial membrane of this area. It is characterized by the manifestation of severe pain and a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the affected shoulder, which can lead to disability. In the medical field, the disease is commonly known as adhesive capsulitis. This disorder affects both sexes, but according to statistics, the disease most often occurs in women over the age of forty.

Chorea minor (Sydenham's chorea) is an ailment of rheumatic etiology, the development of which is based on the defeat of the subcortical nodes of the brain. A characteristic symptom of the development of pathology in humans is a violation of motor activity. The disease affects mainly young children. Girls get sick more often than boys. The average duration of the disease is three to six months.

Methemoglobinemia is a disease in which there is an increase in the level of methemoglobin or oxidized hemoglobin in the main body fluid of a person. In such cases, the degree of concentration rises above the norm - 1%. Pathology is congenital and acquired.

Gouty arthritis (gout) is a disease of an inflammatory nature, which is accompanied by a limitation of joint mobility and can lead to their deformity. In most cases, the disease occurs in men, while their peak incidence increases by the age of 40-50, women rarely get sick - according to statistics, 5-8 women out of 1000 suffer from it.

Premenopause is a special period in a woman's life, the period of which is individual for each female representative. This is a kind of gap between a weakened and fuzzy menstrual cycle and the last menstruation that occurs during menopause.

Colon cancer is a malignant tumor that affects the intestinal mucosa. The presented pathology can begin its formation in any part of the organ. Most often, patients are diagnosed with colon cancer. This disease is very common and the number of sick people is increasing every year. Today, bowel cancer ranks second in the world among oncological pathologies.

The disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases of various organs and systems, is called reactive arthritis. Often, inflammation of the joints occurs as a result of infection with infections of the genital organs, urinary system, or even the gastrointestinal tract. After infection of the body with infections, the development of reactive arthritis can be observed in the second or fourth week.

A concussion is a pathological condition that occurs against the background of receiving one or another specific head injury. A concussion, the symptoms of which are in no way associated with vascular pathologies, is accompanied by a sudden impairment of brain function. Remarkably, concussion is diagnosed in about 80% of cases when an injury occurs.

Subatrophic pharyngitis is an ailment in which there is an overgrowth of connective tissue in the pharynx and nearby lymph nodes. People affected by this disease complain of a strong deterioration in well-being, irritability, discomfort, pain, dry throat, insomnia against the background of these symptoms.

Thyroiditis is a whole group of diseases that differ in etiology and are united by a single common process, which is inflammation of the tissues in the thyroid gland. Thyroiditis, the symptoms of which are determined depending on the specific form of the course of this disease, can also develop into strumitis - a disease in which the enlarged thyroid gland undergoes uniform inflammation.

Thyrotoxicosis is a pathological condition characterized by a persistent increase in the level of hormones produced by the thyroid gland (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). This condition is also called thyroid hormone intoxication. Such a pathology of the thyroid gland leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems in the human body, and also negatively affects the functioning of the gland itself.

Trypophobia is a condition in which a person has a panic fear when seeing holes, cluster holes (many holes), bubbles in the test, skin abscesses, etc. Trypophobia, the symptoms of which, despite the fact that the disease is not recognized in official medicine, notes about 10% of the population, manifests itself in the form of nausea, itching, nervous trembling and general discomfort when the listed causes of this phobia appear in the field of view.

Scabies in children is one of the most common and at the same time painful childhood diseases. It is characterized by damage to the skin and the development of a large number of complications. A child can get sick at any age. The provocateur of the disease is the scabies mite, which lives only on the human body, which is why it is not possible to get it from animals. The predisposing factors include non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Enuresis is such a pathological disorder in which patients experience involuntary nocturnal (mostly) urination. Enuresis, the symptoms of which are mostly observed in children, however, can be diagnosed in adolescents and in a certain percentage of the adult population, in addition, this disorder can occur in patients during the daytime.

Euthyroidism is a condition of the thyroid gland in which the functioning of the organ is disrupted, despite the fact that the level of thyroid and thyroid-stimulating hormones is normal. This term is usually used by clinicians to characterize the results of the analyzes obtained. But, despite the fact that clinical euthyroidism is a physiological condition, serious illnesses, such as endemic goiter or autoimmune thyroiditis, can begin to progress against its background.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Nervous state symptoms

Nervousness is a state of intense excitability of the nervous system, leading to sharp and acute reactions to minor stimuli. Often this condition occurs along with irritability, anxiety, anxiety. Nervousness manifests itself in various symptoms: headaches, insomnia, a tendency to depressive states, increased suspiciousness, lability of the pulse and pressure, decreased performance. Depending on the cause, the symptoms are combined, making up symptom complexes.

Increased nervousness is perceived as imbalance, incontinence, therefore, such people are often mistakenly perceived as ill-mannered, dissolute personalities. Therefore, it would be advisable to undergo an examination, establish the cause and begin treatment for irritability and nervousness.

Causes of Nervousness

Nervousness always has a reason, a person just does not become nervous if he is doing well. All causes can be divided into physiological and psychological.

The most common physiological causes of nervousness are diseases of the endocrine system, digestive tract, lack of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, hormonal disruptions.

Among the psychological causes of nervousness: stressful situations, lack of sleep, depression, fatigue, anxiety.

Sometimes ordinary situations that a person would not pay attention to in peace cause irritability and emotional outbursts, for example, knocking a hammer, screaming, weather, music.

Many often admire people who know how to restrain their emotions, suppress nervous impulses in themselves, but they do not realize what it costs them, what is the price of such endurance and willpower. For health suppression of emotions is extremely harmful. When a person does not give vent to experiences, nervousness is formed, tension builds up inside, “pressure” is formed and “steam” must go somewhere, and in this case, it comes out in the form of painful symptoms.

In ancient times, such people were called "bilious people", which is associated with diseases of the biliary tract, which arose from increased nervousness. Irritability, which accumulates for a long time, breaks the stable balance of a person, leads to nervous breakdowns.

If you endure and endure everything in yourself all the time, then soon there comes a moment when restraint is lost and even the most innocent action can cause a nervous reaction. When a person is dissatisfied with himself, this only adds fuel to the fire, irritability becomes even greater. Then the neurotic state becomes stable, and it is very difficult to get rid of it.

The problem with such people is that they take on too much, consider it a weakness to express emotions and suppress irritability. Sometimes they just don't know how to properly express emotions, how to deal with aggression. And often they get to the point that they need treatment for irritability and nervousness. If this is not a very neglected case, then you just need to make a small correction of perception, change negative views to positive ones, change your attitude towards things that cause irritation.

Nervousness is the result of a severe somatic disease, for example, in some forms of oncological pathology.

Increased nervousness occurs in pathological conditions of the central nervous system of the human psyche. Pathologies are organic - dementia, post-traumatic encephalopathy and functional - vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Nervousness can be the result of mental illnesses such as depression, epilepsy, neurosis, hysteria, schizophrenia, psychosis. This condition may be accompanied by addiction (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, gambling and others). The nervous system is closely connected with the endocrine system, representing a single neuroendocrine system.

Nervousness is manifested due to hormonal disorders - thyrotoxicosis, male and female menopause, premenstrual syndrome.

Fatigue and depression, together with nervousness, constitute a symptom complex called "small signs of stomach cancer." The manifestation of such symptoms is very important in the diagnosis of the early stages of the disease.

Headaches, nervousness, insomnia - this is familiar to many, especially women. According to statistics, they have irritability more often than men. It is necessary to figure out exactly what causes provoke nervousness in women. The most common reason is workload. When there are many urgent matters around and there is no one with whom to share responsibilities, a woman has to take everything upon herself, responsibility for the family, home, work.

If a woman made up her daily routine, painted all her duties minute by minute, then there would be a long list of various things that require her attention. Every morning starts the same way - getting up early in order to have time to cook breakfast for everyone and gather all family members, and to have time to get ready, send the children to school, prepare dinner for her husband, and at the same time appear at work on time. And at work throughout the day, the pace also does not slow down, timely performance of professional duties is required. Upon returning home, the momentum does not slow down, household chores continue: cooking dinner, washing dishes, preparing for tomorrow's working day, as a result of which there is no time left for personal affairs, because you still need to have time to sleep. In this case, responsibilities should be distributed among all family members so that everyone has a chance to relax and not shift things to another, so everyone will appreciate each other more, and the woman will feel much better, the number of reasons for irritability and nervousness will decrease .

Female nervousness is most provoked by hormonal disruptions - premenstrual syndrome, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. During these periods, a woman's perception becomes aggravated, she becomes too sensitive, and any small discomfort can cause a negative reaction. If nervousness and irritability are manifested in women, treatment should take place, the sooner the better, because they spend a lot of their strength and nerves on unnecessary things.

Nervousness can be caused by rejection of generally accepted norms of behavior. When a person's principles diverge from these norms, if he does not agree to live and work as society dictates, if he does not want to meet their requirements, naturally, irritability appears from this.

Symptoms of nervousness

Bad mood, headaches, nervousness, insomnia, general weakness, fatigue - this is an incomplete list of the symptoms that haunt an irritated and unbalanced person. Unmotivated aggression, anxiety, anger, tearfulness, apathy are also added to this list.

These symptoms are many and can often mean something other than nervousness. Such symptoms can be grouped into various syndromes. But it is possible to single out the most characteristic signs for nervousness: neurosis-like states, neuroses, and neurotic reactions.

Characteristic symptoms are also repetitive actions of the same type, such as swinging the leg, tapping fingers, nervous walking from one place to another. There may be sharp active movements, a piercing and loud voice. By raising his voice, a person gets rid of emotional stress, gains peace of mind, he shouts out the tension that presses him from the inside. In this state, sexual activity, libido decrease, desire for a partner disappears, interest in favorite activities.

Increased nervousness develops on the basis of a stable experience of severe stress, as well as physical and mental stress. As a result, social relations with society deteriorate.

Insomnia is one of the most characteristic signs of nervousness, it is manifested by the fact that too high anxiety, excitation of the nervous system does not allow a person to fall asleep for three or four hours. Therefore, almost all people in a state of nervousness do not observe the regime of day and night, they can sleep soundly during the day, and wake up several times at night. Since the symptoms of nervousness are varied, it would be wise to see a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Treating Nervousness

Therapy of nervousness, which is caused due to various diseases, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since self-medication can do even more harm. If nervousness is a symptom of some pathology, then it is necessary to treat, first of all, the cause, that is, to investigate the features of the course of the disease. General principles are also applied in the treatment of symptoms and causes of nervousness, which can be used in complex therapy.

These principles imply the following actions: normalization and stabilization of the day and night regimen, elimination of the most destabilizing factors that increase the excitability of the central nervous system. The diet should be reviewed, drinks containing caffeine, guarana and other stimulants (coffee, strong tea, cola) should be abandoned, alcohol should be limited or excluded from the diet. The diet should be dominated by fruits and fresh vegetables, the food should be balanced and light, not cause heaviness.

If you have a habit of smoking, then you also need to get rid of it. There is such a myth that nicotine calms a person, this is just a short-term illusory effect. Smoking has a toxic effect on the brain, which further increases the nervous state.

Reduce nervousness can be moderate physical activity, preferably in the fresh air. With increased nervousness, a course of psychotherapy, reflexology, art therapy, dance classes, and yoga are prescribed.

If a person suffers from insomnia, which happens very often in people with this condition, then he needs to direct efforts to eliminate it. Because the more a person does not sleep, the more nervous he behaves during the day when he wants to sleep, but cannot, because the nervous processes are irritated, and thus a vicious circle is obtained and this cyclicity must be destroyed. For this, several rules must be followed. You need to go to bed earlier than before midnight, because at this time the greatest value of rest for the nervous system. To do this, you need to move your usual bedtime back a minute every day. An hour or two before the start of the "lights out" you need to exclude factors that irritate the psyche, for example, watching TV, talking on social networks, playing games, eating food and drinks. Evening walks, a warm bath, aromatherapy, relaxing yoga contribute to a better sleep.

When a person feels unwell, depression, nervousness and anxiety, treatment should be with the help of tranquilizers that eliminate anxiety. Such drugs have a beneficial effect on falling asleep, reduce anxiety and panic. All sedatives, if necessary, are prescribed by a doctor. Habitual tea and coffee should be replaced by brewing soothing herbal preparations (motherwort, mint, valerian, lemon balm).

Increased nervousness and irritability in women, the treatment of this condition requires medication. The peculiarity of the treatment of female nervousness lies in the complexity of the female body, so women are prescribed a full examination and consultations of a number of specialists - a psychologist, therapist, neuropathologist, gynecologist, sexologist, endocrinologist. If the case is very severe, then the woman is hospitalized in a hospital.

Treatment of irritability and nervousness is often carried out by the person himself without the supervision of a specialist. The methods of treatment used by a person are often peculiar. Many, in order to relax and get away from the external "irritable" world, drink alcohol in large quantities. Someone listens to the recommendations of acquaintances who, not being doctors, advise using potent drugs (Valocordin, Phenazepam), which are addictive and have other side effects if they are not suitable for a particular person.

Nervousness and anxiety treatment occurs under the supervision of a psychotherapist when a person has severe mood swings. These conditions can be primarily caused by emotional disorders. At the consultation, the psychotherapist conducts psychodiagnostics, understands what can cause nervousness in a person and why he has increased anxiety. Further, the specialist creates an individual consulting program, a course of psychotherapy, during which a person will be able to figure out what and why causes anxiety attacks in him, learn to better understand himself and change his attitude to various events, and be able to learn adequate types of response to various potentially annoying factors. He will also learn the techniques of relaxation, self-control, meditation, auto-training, which he can then independently apply in situations of anxiety and irritability.

Nervousness: how it manifests itself and how to cope?

Nervousness is a condition that is characterized by excessive excitability of the structures of the nervous system, and manifests itself in an acute and sharp reaction even to minor stimuli. Otherwise, it can still be called imbalance, incontinence, or anxiety.

The main manifestations of nervousness are mood lability, headaches, sleep disturbance. Against this background, there is a tendency to depressive deviations, excessive suspicion. Somatic pathologies, for example, hypertension, can even develop.

People with such behavior are usually considered ill-mannered rude people, while a person does not need rudeness, but help, sometimes even specialized help - a psychotherapist's consultation and adequate pharmacotherapy.

Main reasons

Nervousness and irritability can be symptoms of various diseases, and the causes of their appearance should be sought in various areas of human life - from the physiological characteristics of the body to a malfunction in higher nervous structures.

To date, experts are of the opinion that the causes of nervousness can be as follows:

  1. Physiological - hyperreactivity of the central nervous system, hormonal disruptions, lack of nutrients and vitamins, as well as premenstrual syndrome in women.
  2. Psychological - severe stressful situations, chronic lack of sleep, overwork and nervous exhaustion. Constant employment at work, an excessively fast rhythm of life in megacities, especially if a person has not had a full-fledged vacation for years, are extremely negatively reflected on the body.

Almost any irritant can become the reason for the onset of nervousness - even housemates. For example, their dog often barks at night or early in the morning, or they start repairs at the most inconvenient times. Many people believe that the accumulated tension must be kept in oneself, admiring others with a strong will and "steel" nerves. However, all this can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Experts emphasize that negative emotions should not be accumulated at all, they should be thrown out. Only not as a negative, but as a positive - to sing while taking a bath with fragrant salt, to master playing the guitar, or to learn how to draw watercolors.

What happens in the body

Prolonged and strong emotional upheavals plunge the human body into a state of stress - muscle tone increases significantly, the heart rate accelerates many times, sweating increases, and an excessive amount of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline enters the bloodstream.

Such a reaction has been built in since ancient times, when the mobilization of resources was required to overcome the danger. However, with frequent repetition of the situation, muscle hypertonicity becomes chronic, and depletion of the resources of the nervous system leads to neurasthenia. Following will be observed failures in other organs and systems - digestive, cardiovascular.

Each person is unique, therefore, the duration of the latent period of a negative state in one person can last for years, while in other people, asthenia and increased nervousness can occur almost immediately.

Main signs and symptoms

As a rule, against the background of excessive muscle spasm, the first to suffer are the brain, as well as the region of the shoulder girdle. The explanation is that it is here that there is a high need for an adequate blood supply. And the pinched vessels are not able to convey the proper amount of nutrients and oxygen.

And all this in combination with pulling pain in the neck, lower back, shoulder girdle - in places of muscle blocks. Episodes of unmotivated aggression and anger happen in an irritated person, anger or tearfulness predominates in the mood.

Typical symptoms of nervousness:

  • an acquired tendency to repetitive actions - for example, swinging a leg or tapping with nails on a table top, fussily moving objects from one place to another;
  • the habit of speaking in raised tones - in this way a person tries to throw out emotional stress from himself;
  • decrease in sexual desire - constant nervousness significantly reduces the sexual activity of people, can become the root cause of sexual impotence;
  • the disappearance of the desire to do what you love, a hobby, a decrease in appetite, or the reverse side is bulimia.

In the absence of adequate outside help, it can be quite difficult to cope with such manifestations of nervousness on your own. The situation is becoming more and more aggravated, clinical manifestations of formed somatic pathologies join the primary symptoms. Everything can end badly - a suicide attempt, a heart attack, a severe stroke.

What can be done at home

A well-known way to get rid of the accumulated negativity is to get a good night's sleep and rest. The reserves of strength of each person are not infinite, they must be regularly replenished. This is what the recommendations of specialists in the field of neurology and psychology are aimed at.

How to get rid of nervousness at home:

  • master simple sets of exercises for stretching the whole body and various muscle groups - this will help eliminate formed muscle blocks, restore adequate blood flow, and relieve accumulated stress;
  • normalize night rest - get a comfortable bed, preferably with an orthopedic mattress and pillow, thoroughly ventilate the room before going to bed, start preparing in advance - take a warm shower, relax, get rid of unnecessary thoughts;
  • you can make yourself a phyto-pillow - combine in equal proportions myt grass and meadowsweet, as well as lemon balm, and add 2 such volumes of wormwood to them, put everything in a bag of gauze and place it close to the head before a night's rest;
  • find new interesting traits in your sexual partner, character traits - look at him with different eyes, and try to have sex in spite of any stresses, thanks to the hormones of joy, endorphins, you will be able to overcome the negative state;
  • in order to stop nervousness before menstruation, it is better to start a course of healing teas in advance - make it a rule, a week before the onset of menstrual flow, switch to drinking drinks with chamomile, lemon balm, valerian, or motherwort, you can purchase ready-made collections in the pharmacy network, or you can collect herbs and prepare your own tea according to your own recipe.

And the main recommendation of all specialists is that the treatment of nervousness and anxiety will not be highly effective if there is no support and understanding from family members. It is always easier to overcome a stressful situation if a person draws new strength from his family.

If close people only add problems, it is better to seek similar help from friends. A shared problem is already half the problem, it is much easier to solve.

When you need the help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist

You should not think that by writing out a referral for a consultation with a psychotherapist, the attending physician wants to offend a person. This is far from true. It's just that some somatic pathologies take their basis precisely in the failures of the activity of higher nervous structures.

After correction of depressive conditions, various phobias or other disorders, a person will feel much better. This does not mean that mental illness is implied - a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist are not at all equivalent professions. For more information about which specialist it is better to contact, how to choose the right doctor, read here.

Comprehensive anxiety treatment will include:

  • conducting various trainings to eliminate accumulated aggression, stress, negativity;
  • identifying and eliminating the root cause, for example, troubles at work, excessive self-doubt, overwork;
  • pharmacotherapy - drugs should be prescribed only by a specialist, their doses and the total duration of the course of treatment are selected individually, based on the severity of the symptoms of the diagnosed pathology.

Pills for nervousness will help a person feel better, normalize sleep, and increase working capacity. However, their reception is most often addictive. To avoid this, the specialist gradually reduces the doses, then helping to do without drugs at all.


Like any pathology, nervousness is much easier to prevent than to get rid of it later. Prevention measures include the following:

  • avoid severe, prolonged stressful situations;
  • correct physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • be sure to arrange days of rest for yourself, when any negative thoughts, difficult deeds are completely absent;
  • timely treat somatic diseases, prevent a significant deterioration in health;
  • pamper yourself more often - buy beautiful souvenirs, new things, sweets, however, do not translate one psychological addiction into another, the same shopaholism.

Nervousness as a symptom of various diseases

What is nervousness?

  • tendency to depression;
  • increased suspiciousness and anxiety;
  • headache attacks;
  • heartbeat;
  • lability (instability) of the pulse and blood pressure;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • increased sweating;
  • decrease in performance.

Depending on the cause of nervousness, the symptoms listed above can be combined in different ways and supplemented by signs of the underlying disease.

Causes of increased anxiety

Constant fatigue and nervousness with cerebral palsy

This kind of exhaustion can be caused by various factors. Often this is elementary negligence in relation to one's own health:

  • wrong daily routine;
  • lack of sleep;
  • nervous and physical overload;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • excessive consumption of tonic substances (tea, coffee, etc.).

Cerebrosthenia often develops among schoolchildren and students during the period of passing exams, among office workers who practice deadlines, as well as among people who lead a hectic lifestyle (even those who are not burdened by physical or mental labor - immoderate entertainment also exhausts the nervous system).

In such cases, the clinical picture of cerebrosthenia develops against the background of the underlying disease, so that the signs of nervousness are combined with the symptoms of a particular pathology that led to the exhaustion of the nervous system.

Strong nervousness, as a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • circulatory disorders in the central nervous system caused by impaired vascular tone of the brain;
  • pathology of neuroendocrine regulation underlying the disease;
  • factors that caused the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia (as a rule, stress, chronic infections and intoxications, occupational hazards, abuse of alcohol, nicotine or caffeine contribute to the occurrence of pathology).

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by a combination of severe nervousness with vascular disorders, such as lability of the pulse and blood pressure, palpitations, pain in the heart, headaches and dizziness.

Signs of nervousness in encephalopathies

  • atherosclerotic;
  • hypertonic;
  • alcoholic;
  • post-traumatic;
  • diabetic;
  • uremic (with renal failure);
  • hepatic (with severe liver damage);
  • toxic (with exogenous intoxications, for example, lead encephalopathy in case of poisoning with lead salts).

Nervousness in encephalopathies is included in a complex of other asthenic symptoms, such as increased fatigue, headache, decreased physical and intellectual performance.

Nervousness and fear in anxiety states

Tearfulness and nervousness before menstruation

In addition, a number of other pathological symptoms are characteristic of premenstrual syndrome:

1. Signs of impaired water and electrolyte metabolism (swelling of the face and limbs).

2. Headache attacks, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

3. Signs of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (lability of pressure and pulse, pain in the heart area, excessive sweating, palpitations, accompanied by attacks of fear and anxiety), which in especially severe cases have the form of acute sympathetic-adrenal crises (an anxiety attack accompanied by pain in the region of the heart, increased blood pressure, palpitations, ending in increased urination).

4. Symptoms of endocrine shifts (breast engorgement, acne, increased sensitivity to odors, temporary greasiness of the skin and hair).

The state of increased nervousness with menopause in women and men

Menopause in women

  • hypersensitivity (tearfulness);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decrease in mental and physical performance;
  • drowsiness;
  • deterioration of memory and creativity.

In the same period, pathological menopause is characterized by specific disorders of neuroendocrine regulation: hot flashes (feelings of heat in the head and neck), dizziness, headaches, palpitations, lability of blood pressure and pulse, sweating, pain in the heart area, etc.

Menopause in men

1. Neoplastic processes in the prostate gland.

2. Renal, liver and heart failure.

Nervousness with hyperthyroidism

  • nervousness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • fussiness;
  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decrease in performance.

The above symptoms often lead to the fact that patients become extremely quarrelsome, and poor relationships in the family and at work, in turn, further aggravate mental disorders, which often leads to the development of anxiety disorders or depression.

1. Drug therapy.

2. Radical surgery (removal of part of the hyperplastic gland).

3. Treatment with radioactive iodine.

How to get rid of nervousness?

Treatment of nervousness caused by various diseases: general principles

How to treat nervousness with insomnia?

Folk remedies

Motherwort is a herbaceous perennial plant that has long been used in folk medicine as a sedative.

Melissa officinalis (lemon mint, mother liquor, censer, bee) is a perennial herb whose Greek name (melissa) literally translates as honey bee.

One of the most popular preparations: lemon balm essential oil (15 drops inside to relieve nervousness combined with heart pain).

A good soothing effect has a bath of Scots pine needles. To prepare it, take 300 g of pine needles and boil for 15 minutes in 5 liters of water. Then the broth is insisted for about an hour, filtered and poured into a warm bath.

Nervousness and irritability during pregnancy

The reasons

  • exogenous causes (troubles in the family or at work);
  • psychological problems (neuroses of pregnant women);
  • somatic pathology (anemia, hypovitaminosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases).

At a later date pregnancy, nervousness can be one of the signs of such a serious pathology as late toxicosis of pregnant women, so if this symptom appears, you should consult a doctor.

What medicines for nervousness can be taken during pregnancy?

Nervousness in a child

The reasons

  • The blurring of the time frame, characterized by a gradual increase in crisis symptoms, and their same gradual decrease.
  • Uncontrollability: it should be remembered that the child during these periods is not only poorly influenced by adults, but he himself does not always properly cope with his own affects.
  • Breaking old stereotypes of behavior.
  • Rebellion-protest directed against the outside world, manifested by extreme negativism (the desire to do everything "on the contrary"), stubbornness and despotism (the desire to subordinate everything and everything to one's will).

The following crisis periods of development are distinguished, when a healthy child may develop nervousness:

1. The crisis of one year is associated with the appearance of speech. It usually flows subacutely. In view of the particularly close relationship between mental and physical development at this stage, it has multiple somatic manifestations, such as a violation of biorhythms (disturbance of sleep and wakefulness, appetite, etc.). There may be a slight delay in development, and even a temporary loss of some previously acquired skills.

2. The crisis of three years is associated with the awareness of one's own "I" and the beginning of the formation of the will. Refers to particularly acute crisis periods. Often times it's hard. External influences such as a move, first visits to a preschool, etc. can exacerbate the crisis.

3. The crisis of seven years, as a rule, proceeds more gently. Crisis symptoms are associated with an awareness of the importance and complexity of social ties, which outwardly manifests itself as a loss of the naive immediacy of early childhood.

4. The crisis of adolescence with the flow in many ways resembles the crisis of three years. This is a crisis of rapid growth and development, which is associated with the formation of the social "I". The age limits of this period are different for girls (12-14 years old) and boys (14-16 years old).

5. The crisis of adolescence is associated with the final formation of value orientations. Age limits are also, as a rule, different for girls (16-17 years old) and boys (18-19 years old).

“Infuriates!”, “How tired!” - these are not statements from a misanthrope, but quite popular phrases of the human lexicon. How to get rid of nervousness? What to do if increased nervousness?

Nervousness and irritability due to hormones

You are aware, of course, that hormones are often blamed for mood and emotions. There is a grain of truth here, and even a very significant one. And in the play "Infuriates" the main parts are given to this company.

Progesterone and estrogen are female sex hormones. Their proportional ratio and level change during the cycle. Hormones give you some vivid sensations, such as PMS. Or rather, they are not at all. Emotions are a reaction to hormonal changes from the CNR (central nervous system). Have you ever wondered why for many women PMS goes relatively calmly, but for someone life becomes not sweet? The former are lucky individuals, and this is not the only thing at all. “If the central nervous system reacts to hormone fluctuations so painfully, then there are problems in the body,” explained Yuri Poteshkin (endocrinologist). - For example, with a lack of serotonin, which is released during joyful moments, mood is constantly suppressed. Either the pain before menstruation and other sensations in the body are so unpleasant that they are very irritating. The conclusion is this: with pronounced PMS, you need to go to the gynecologist. He will be able to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, COCs or send him to a psychotherapist.

Thyroid hormones - thyroid hormones. When a lot of them are produced, there is nervousness, aggressiveness, harshness, outbursts of anger. At the limit of the level of these hormones, thyrotoxicosis appears - poisoning of the body with a large number of hormones. Fortunately, this does not usually come to this, the patient is intercepted earlier. However, he manages to show himself well in his beauty. “An important point: the person himself feels wonderful at the same time. His mood is upbeat. People around him will most likely complain about him, ”said Yuri. Accordingly, if various people often utter phrases to you, such as: “It’s impossible to deal with you,” or “You are unbearable,” contact an endocrinologist. Symptoms can serve as an additional jerk: weight decreases, regularly throws into a fever, nails become brittle, hair falls out. Lack of magnesium in the body, by the way, can also cause irritability and nervousness. You should not prescribe it to yourself (allergic reactions and side effects have been recorded, plus it is necessary to take into account the interaction with other drugs), but you can take tests if necessary and consult a doctor.

It's all about fatigue

The so-called fatigue is a fairly common thing today. Perfectionists, leaders, workaholics are accustomed to living for wear and tear, ignoring their own physiological needs, while saving on sleep and food. How can you not be nervous? “This can gradually lead to exhaustion of the body and develop asthenia - a painful condition in which there is increased nervousness and irritability (drowsiness, apathy, lethargy, and sometimes anxiety and depressive symptoms appear later),” says Alexander Gravchikov, a neurologist. If rest does not help in this state, you need to go to the doctor and start an examination: there is a possibility that some kind of chronic sluggish disease is undermining you, or a mental pathology is developing.

By the way, be careful with sedatives. “Even harmless valerian can give side effects, including liver dysfunction, thrombosis, indigestion,” the doctor continues, “apathy will occur instead of a calming effect in hypertension. In general, you should not make any decisions and preparations on your own.

Irritates everything because of the psyche

Everything is in order with health, there is no psychopathology, but still you live like on a volcano? This is the definition of your emotions given by Victoria Chal-Boru (teacher, researcher, psychologist): “To enrage means to cause an extreme level of anger in someone.” As Victoria explains, the latter is necessary in order to build and regulate relationships with people, establish connections, defend and survive. If you are angry about something, it means that it is important to you. And this feeling is the power to adapt something meaningful to oneself, to use it better, to integrate it, or vice versa, to push it further away. “Then the extreme level of anger, this may indicate that one of the processes mentioned above is running, some kind of need.” Irritability is about relationships in many ways, so you need to remember about them.

To rage, in principle, is natural. Especially if you do it in a society of people - and there are also many requirements for some individual. Plus, aggression and rudeness are everywhere: “We reach rage when we endure for a long time, unconsciously and consciously: we don’t know how to do otherwise, we miss early signals from the psyche and don’t decide how to cope with what doesn’t suit us,” says Vika. - there are people who do not hesitate. I don’t like something right away - I trampled it, moved it, shouted it, slammed it. It is easier for such people. Relationships for them are not a valuable thing, in principle, or with a specific person. There is nothing to strain here, sent to hell - there are no problems.

The case is different if social ties are important or even super-valuable: let's say you are afraid of terribly losing a boyfriend or friend. Or their hands are tied, for example, by corporate culture and you can’t send an idiot customer to hell. Then, in order to maintain relations, it is necessary to endure, adjust, be silent in order to be close to someone, otherwise you will lose a lucrative contract, and you will only have to suffer.

“When everyone and everything is enraged, it means that everyone and everything is very needed, but it’s impossible to take something important from the environment and people. There is a lot of power that has nowhere to apply. It looks like some kind of despair, which is associated with the inability to reach out to people, ”Victoria says further. However, a legitimate question arises here. And if, for example, you snapped at the saleswoman, yelled at the boss, condemned the reptile with her friends who did not call you, this is a clear surge of energy. “It is important in anger how and where to direct it,” the expert retorts. - Had a good deal. Having yelled at the boss, it is unlikely that you will be able to establish contact with him, much less achieve your goal. When a person raises his voice, he discharges, reduces tension. However, everything else remains the same.” It also adds a sense of guilt.

Forgot someone? Manicurist who is interested in the future of your family. It would seem that he means absolutely nothing to you. However, it's annoying. But with unnecessary people, you also have to build relationships and the right distance. You, it is possible, allowed the manicurist too close, and she already invades your personal life, comes to your house, sits in an armchair and drinks coffee. It is more convenient to analyze such cases with a psychologist at the reception. Why does everything become so significant? The point, perhaps, is the lack of close good relationships: they don’t exist yet, you bring anyone closer to you.

What to do if everyone is annoying

“The beauty of this situation is that you have the opportunity and choice, and most importantly, the power to change everything,” sums up Vika Chal-Boru. She offers to work productively with it. So, if everything infuriates:

  • Stop, sit back, or lie down.
  • Allow yourself to spend your own time only for yourself (fifteen minutes).
  • Localize your own sensations: trembling, tingling, tension, feelings.
  • Be honest about what and who doesn't suit you. Don't forget anyone, including the man in the elevator who didn't let you go ahead. Do not rely on memory, take a piece of paper, the largest one and write everything down.
  • Look at what wonderful people - they will be somewhat similar. Group them according to the degree of rabies, or the qualities that offend you.
  • Analyze what kind of relationship these groups symbolize, by distance: for example, the far circle, friends, the nearest circle.
  • The hardest part begins. You will have to admit what you would like specifically in each of these types of relationships. And then you need to show responsibility and do something.

For example, crowds in the subway are annoying. This is a distant circle that maliciously invades your life several times a day and during peak hours. What can you wish for in such a relationship? Of course, if a bunch of people move away. However, you understand: they will not move on their own. Choose what you will do: put on headphones, or aggressive clothes - dirty, dirty. Start growling, meditating, pushing at everyone passing by. Or maybe you buy a car or start walking. In the end, just change your place of work.

In the near circle, the settings are finer, although there may be similar needs. Approach or move away? Protect your borders from invasion or make the closest contact? Decide for yourself. Tolerate and ignore, approach and take risks, be interested in a partner, or maybe ask him not to do something? Finally, tell your husband: let him give you flowers once a month or take the child from the kindergarten. Or take a chance, discuss with him that you are not satisfied with sex. At worst, ask his mother to convey something important: she is not your family.

Partners and colleagues. Professional relations are a separate sphere, with special rules and a type of distance. However, you can still choose whether or not to follow these rules, while realizing that this is your only responsibility. There are options: to rage and obey, accept and obey, agree on possible changes in working conditions and obey.

In the event that you want to enter into a relationship, be in them, make up your mind and take a chance - start approaching people. Pay attention to them, note for yourself how different they are, be interested, be curious, invite to communicate. Rest assured, your body movements will not go unnoticed.

When you have already begun to take all these responsible actions, observe whether something is changing around, and try not to discount what is happening right away. Phrases: “I do, I do everything, but nothing happens” quickly returns you to its original state, and saves you from ongoing changes. Perhaps that's what you need? Sometimes it's better to be angry than to endure changes in your own life. And it is also your decision.


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

What is nervousness?

Nervousness is a term that is rarely found in academic medical literature. In everyday speech, the word "nervousness" is used to refer to the increased excitability of the nervous system, which is manifested by an increased reaction to minor external signals.

As a rule, nervousness is combined with other symptoms, such as:

  • tendency to depression;
  • increased suspiciousness and anxiety;
  • headache attacks;
  • lability (instability) of the pulse and blood pressure;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • increased sweating;
  • decrease in performance.
Depending on the cause of nervousness listed above symptoms can be combined and supplemented with signs of the underlying disease in different ways.

Externally, nervousness is often perceived as intemperance, so that such patients are mistakenly considered loose or ill-mannered people. Colleagues at work advise "to control oneself" and "not to loosen up", while it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the disease.

Causes of increased anxiety

Nervousness, as increased irritability of the nervous system, occurs in many pathological conditions. First of all, these are various pathologies of the central nervous system, both organic (post-traumatic encephalopathy, atherosclerotic dementia) and functional (cerebrosthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia).

In addition, nervousness is a common symptom of mental illness, such as: neurosis, depression, epilepsy, schizophrenia, autism, hysteria, senile psychosis, etc. All kinds of addictions occur with constant nervousness: alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, gambling, etc.

Since the nervous and endocrine systems are closely interconnected, representing a single system of neuroendocrine regulation, increased nervousness is also characteristic of various hormonal disorders, such as thyrotoxicosis, premenstrual syndrome, menopause in men and women.

In addition, nervousness is characteristic of many somatic, that is, diseases not directly related to the pathology of the nervous system. The relationship between somatic and nervous pathology has been known since ancient times. So the expression "bilious person" reflects the relationship of diseases of the biliary tract with increased nervousness.

Another example of nervousness, as a manifestation of a severe somatic disease, is irritability in certain oncological diseases. Nervousness, combined with increased fatigue and depression, are part of the symptom complex of the so-called "small signs of stomach cancer." These symptoms may appear in the earliest stages and are of great diagnostic value.

Thus, nervousness can be a symptom of a wide variety of diseases, therefore, with increased irritability, it is best not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor to rule out a serious pathology.

Constant fatigue and nervousness with cerebral palsy

Perhaps the most common cause of increased nervousness is cerebrasthenia. The old name of this pathology, neurasthenia, has become a household name ("Don't behave like a neurasthenia"), and for this reason it is often replaced by the more correct "cerebrosthenia".

Literally translated, the term sounds like "brain exhaustion" (cerebrasthenia) or "nervous system exhaustion" (neurasthenia).
This kind of exhaustion can be caused by various factors. Often this is elementary negligence in relation to one's own health:

  • wrong daily routine;
  • lack of sleep;
  • nervous and physical overload;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • excessive consumption of tonic substances (tea, coffee, etc.).
Cerebrosthenia often develops among schoolchildren and students during the period of passing exams, among office workers who practice deadlines, as well as among people who lead a hectic lifestyle (even those who are not burdened by physical or mental labor - immoderate entertainment also exhausts the nervous system).

Increased nervousness in cerebrosthenia is combined with symptoms such as sleep disturbances (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night), fatigue, mood lability, tearfulness (weakness), and decreased physical and mental performance.

It should be noted that exhaustion of the nervous system can be a non-specific sign of many severe pathologies:

  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic, long-term somatic ailments.
In such cases, the clinical picture of cerebrosthenia develops against the background of the underlying disease, so that the signs of nervousness are combined with the symptoms of a particular pathology that led to the exhaustion of the nervous system.

Treatment of nervousness in cerebrosthenia is carried out by a neuropathologist. In cases where the depletion of the nervous system is caused by other diseases, it is necessary to consult a specialist (therapist, oncologist, infectious disease specialist, toxicologist, phthisiatrician, narcologist, etc.).

Strong nervousness, as a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Another common disease, which is characterized by severe nervousness, is vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia - a chronic functional disorder of neuroendocrine regulation, manifested primarily by impaired vascular tone (hence the name "dystonia").

Nervousness in neurocirculatory dystonia is caused by a combination of reasons, such as:

  • circulatory disorders in the central nervous system caused by impaired vascular tone of the brain;
  • pathology of neuroendocrine regulation underlying the disease;
  • factors that caused the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia (as a rule, stress, chronic infections and intoxications, occupational hazards, abuse of alcohol, nicotine or caffeine contribute to the occurrence of pathology).
Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by a combination of severe nervousness with vascular disorders, such as lability of the pulse and blood pressure, palpitations, pain in the heart, headaches and dizziness.

In addition, this disease is characterized by peculiar neuropsychiatric disorders: increased suspiciousness, a tendency to anxiety attacks, sleep disturbances.

Of course, all of the above signs further increase nervousness, so that a so-called vicious circle in the development of pathology is formed.

A specific feature of vegetative-vascular dystonia is the multiplicity of subjective complaints (patients often feel terminally ill) and the scarcity of objective symptoms (complaints of palpitations in the absence of arrhythmia, complaints of pain in the heart and shortness of breath with satisfactory indicators of heart activity).

The prognosis for vegetative-vascular dystonia is generally good, however, long-term therapy is required to get rid of nervousness, as well as other signs of the disease.

Treatment of nervousness in the case of vegetative-vascular dystonia is carried out by a therapist. With severe neuropsychiatric disorders, a consultation with a neuropathologist, psychologist, and in severe cases, a psychiatrist is necessary.

Signs of nervousness in encephalopathies

Nervousness is also characteristic of encephalopathies - organic brain lesions.

By origin, congenital and acquired encephalopathies are distinguished. Congenital organic lesions of the central nervous system are caused by unfavorable factors affecting the period of prenatal development and during childbirth. Acquired encephalopathies are the result of acute and chronic vascular disorders, infections, intoxications, injuries of the central nervous system.

The most common types of encephalopathy are:

  • atherosclerotic;
  • hypertonic;
  • alcoholic;
  • post-traumatic;
  • diabetic;
  • uremic (with renal failure);
  • hepatic (with severe liver damage);
  • toxic (with exogenous intoxications, for example, lead encephalopathy in case of poisoning with lead salts).
Nervousness in encephalopathies is included in a complex of other asthenic symptoms, such as increased fatigue, headache, decreased physical and intellectual performance.

In addition, nervousness in encephalopathies is associated with psychopathic disorders - rudeness, intemperance, narrowing the range of interests, apathy, etc.

Depending on the severity of encephalopathy, the clinical picture of the disease is supplemented by symptoms of a defect in higher nervous activity: from mild memory impairment and a slight decrease in the quality of intellectual activity to severe dementia (dementia).

The clinic of encephalopathy is supplemented by symptoms of the underlying disease that caused the organic pathology of the central nervous system (atherosclerosis, alcoholism, poisoning with lead compounds, etc.).

Life expectancy with encephalopathy depends on the course of the underlying disease. The prognosis for recovery is always serious, since there is an organic defect in the central nervous system.

So, one can hope for recovery only in the case of a pathology that is not prone to further development (for example, post-traumatic encephalopathy), at a young age, when the compensatory capabilities of the body as a whole, and the central nervous system in particular, are quite high.

Treatment of nervousness in encephalopathy is carried out by a neuropathologist. In this case, as a rule, consultation with a rehabilitation specialist and a psychiatrist is necessary.

Nervousness and fear in anxiety states

Anxiety is a group of mental disorders characterized by attacks of unmotivated anxiety and fear.

Patients (mostly women of young and middle age are ill) complain of increased suspiciousness towards themselves and loved ones, bad forebodings, etc.

Anxiety is accompanied by nervousness, a tendency to depression, headache, decreased performance, motor and autonomic disorders are characteristic, such as: fussiness, excessive sweating, dry mouth.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude cerebrovascular disease and vegetative-vascular dystonia. At the same time, it is taken into account that anxiety states are characterized by a significant predominance of the symptoms of mental abnormalities over the signs of vegetative and asthenic disorders.

The prognosis for the complete elimination of nervousness in anxiety disorders is generally favorable, but long-term treatment by a psychologist is necessary, and in severe cases, by a psychiatrist. Often, to relieve nervousness and fear, one has to seek help from medications (tranquilizers).

Tearfulness and nervousness before menstruation

Nervousness is one of the specific signs of premenstrual syndrome - a set of symptoms caused by neuroendocrine disorders associated with a regular menstrual cycle.

As a rule, signs of premenstrual syndrome appear a few days before the onset of menstruation, and gradually disappear in the first days of menstruation.

Nervousness in premenstrual syndrome is combined with increased sensitivity (tearfulness), a decrease in mental and physical performance, and a tendency to depression.
In addition, a number of other pathological symptoms are characteristic of premenstrual syndrome:
1. Signs of impaired water and electrolyte metabolism (swelling of the face and extremities).
2. Headache attacks, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
3. Signs of disorders of the autonomic nervous system (lability of pressure and pulse, pain in the heart area, excessive sweating, palpitations, accompanied by bouts of fear and anxiety), which in especially severe cases have the form of acute sympathetic-adrenal crises (an attack of anxiety, accompanied by pain in the area heart, increased blood pressure, palpitations, ending with increased urination).
4. Symptoms of endocrine shifts (breast engorgement, acne, increased sensitivity to odors, temporary greasiness of the skin and hair).

The groups of symptoms described above can be combined in different ways, and have varying degrees of severity, depending on the individual characteristics of the pathology. However, it is nervousness that is the most constant symptom.

It should be noted that the clinic of premenstrual syndrome depends on the age of the woman. So, at a young age, a combination of nervousness with tearfulness and a tendency to depression is characteristic, and in a more mature age, especially during the premenopausal period, irritability often borders on aggressiveness and hysteria.

The prognosis for getting rid of nervousness in premenstrual syndrome depends on the severity of the pathology, which is determined by the number and severity of symptoms, as well as the duration of their manifestation period (from two days to two weeks or more).

Treatment of nervousness in such cases is carried out by a gynecologist, while in severe cases, consultation with a neurologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, psychiatrist is necessary.

In severe premenstrual syndrome, it is necessary to use a whole range of medications (tranquilizers, antipsychotics, hormone therapy).

The state of increased nervousness with menopause in women and men

Menopause in women

Menopause is the gradual physiological decline of sexual function associated with age. In women, the onset of menopause is determined by menopause - the complete cessation of menstruation, which occurs, as a rule, at the age of about 50 years.

Normally, menopause is not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms, but, unfortunately, today about 60% of women aged 45 to 55 experience certain signs of pathological menopause.

Increased nervousness is the most constant symptom of this pathology. At the same time, increased irritability of the nervous system, as a rule, is combined with other signs of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as:

  • hypersensitivity (tearfulness);
  • decrease in mental and physical performance;
  • drowsiness;
  • deterioration of memory and creativity.
In the same period, pathological menopause is characterized by specific disorders of neuroendocrine regulation: hot flashes (feelings of heat in the head and neck), dizziness, headaches, palpitations, lability of blood pressure and pulse, sweating, pain in the heart area, etc.

Increased nervousness, as well as all of the above symptoms, usually appears three to five years before the complete cessation of menstruation, then their severity gradually decreases.

These are the so-called early symptoms of pathological menopause, which may be harbingers of more severe disorders in the postmenopausal period, such as osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and others.

For the treatment of nervousness in pathological menopause, they seek help from a gynecologist. Often, consultations of an endocrinologist, neuropathologist and psychiatrist are necessary.

In severe cases, they resort to pharmacotherapy with the help of neuroleptics and tranquilizers, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed.

The prognosis for the treatment of nervousness and other mental disorders in pathological menopause in women is generally favorable, but long-term follow-up in the postmenopausal period is necessary to prevent the development of late complications.

Menopause in men

In men, menopause occurs gradually, and it cannot be associated with any specific event, so for a long time this term itself was not used in relation to the male half of humanity.

However, recent data have shown that most men aged 49-55 develop serious endocrine changes in the body: the production of certain female hormones in the adrenal cortex increases and the production of the male hormone testosterone decreases.

Just like in women, in men, menopause normally proceeds imperceptibly, and is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations.

However, in some cases, it is possible to develop a pathological menopause in men, the leading symptoms of which are neuropsychiatric disorders: nervousness, increased tearfulness, a tendency to depression, narrowing of the circle of interests, weakening of attention, memory and intellectual data, pronounced sexual disorders.

At the same time, as in women, nervousness in men is combined with menopause-specific signs of hormonal disorders: hot flashes, palpitations, sweating, etc.

It should be noted that pathological menopause in men is less common, but often severe. Nervousness often becomes a harbinger of the development of anxiety or depression.

Treatment of nervousness, as a symptom of pathological menopause in men, is carried out by an andrologist. At the same time, complex therapy is prescribed, aimed at reducing the severity of pathological symptoms.

If necessary, tranquilizers are prescribed - medications that improve microcirculation and normalize metabolism in the cells of the cerebral cortex. Physiotherapeutic methods, vitamin therapy, etc. are used to improve the general condition of the body and increase the tone of the neuroendocrine system.

Hormone therapy should be carried out strictly according to indications, and with great care. Contraindications to hormonal correction of menopausal disorders in men are pathologies such as:
1. Neoplastic processes in the prostate gland.
2. Renal, liver and heart failure.
3. Severe arterial hypertension.

The prognosis for the elimination of nervousness in pathological menopause in men is favorable. As for sexual disorders, only a third of the surveyed noted an improvement in sexual function after complex treatment.

Nervousness with hyperthyroidism

Nervousness is a characteristic sign of hyperthyroidism - an overactive thyroid gland. In such cases, a whole complex of neuropsychiatric disorders develops, which are often the first symptoms of thyrotoxicosis:
  • nervousness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • fussiness;
  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decrease in performance.
The above symptoms often lead to the fact that patients become extremely quarrelsome, and poor relationships in the family and at work, in turn, further aggravate mental disorders, which often leads to the development of anxiety disorders or depression.

In addition to the symptoms of a violation of higher nervous activity, other signs of the pathology of the nervous system are characteristic: excessive sweating, tremor, increased tendon reflexes.

They are chosen individually, taking into account the mechanisms of the development of the disease, the severity of the course, the presence of complications and concomitant pathologies, the age and general condition of the patient.

The prognosis for life and health in hyperthyroidism depends on a number of factors, including the timeliness and adequacy of treatment.

How to get rid of nervousness?

Treatment of nervousness caused by various diseases: general principles

In cases where nervousness is caused by a particular pathology, it is necessary first of all to treat the cause, and not the symptom. However, there are general principles for dealing with nervousness, which should be used in complex therapy.

First of all, it is necessary to normalize the daily routine and, if possible, eliminate all factors that increase the irritability of the nervous system.

You should stop drinking drinks containing stimulating ingredients (tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, etc.), limit or completely eliminate the use of alcohol.

Much attention should be paid to the diet - it should be light and balanced, contain fermented milk products, as well as a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is best to exclude refractory fats of animal origin, spices and smoked meats.

Many people think that nicotine has a calming effect - in fact, this is only a short-term illusory effect. Smoking poisons the central nervous system, and therefore increases nervousness. Therefore, it is best to give up nicotine, or at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day as much as possible.

Since the nervousness of quitting increases, in such cases it is advised to stop smoking gradually, replacing cigarettes with other relaxing rituals. It is advised to cheat the habit: if you have a strong desire to smoke, take out a cigarette and crush it in your hands, or drink a glass of water, or do some breathing exercises, etc.

Moderate outdoor exercise (walking, jogging, regular gymnastics) helps relieve nervousness.

Many patients with severe nervousness, in addition to the treatment of the underlying disease, are prescribed courses of psychotherapy, hypnosis, reflexology, etc.

How to treat nervousness with insomnia?

Nervousness is often associated with insomnia. These two pathologies mutually reinforce each other. It is difficult for an irritable person to fall asleep, and insomnia exhausts the nervous system and contributes to a further increase in nervousness.

Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to normalize sleep. It should be noted that our body gets used to living according to the created rituals, so it is best to start with a clear organization of the daily routine, and go to bed to provide a kind of "sleeping" actions.

As for bedtime, it is best to go to bed as early as possible, since resting the central nervous system before midnight is of the greatest value. This is how the body of all people works - and the so-called "owls" are no exception. Of course, the transition to a new mode of the day should be carried out gradually, moving the rise time to earlier hours by 10-15 minutes a day.

One or two hours before the “lights out”, all factors that can increase nervousness or simply have an disturbing effect, such as watching TV, chatting on Internet forums, reading fascinating detective stories, computer games, etc., should be excluded.

As for "soothing" rituals, evening walks in the fresh air, listening to relaxing music, a warm bath with soothing additives (needles, sea salt, lavender, valerian root) help to prepare for sleep very well.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of nervousness, traditional medicine uses preparations of medicinal plants inside (fresh juice, decoctions, infusions, tinctures, etc.) and externally in the form of baths. Many time-tested recipes of herbalists have received scientific confirmation, and are successfully used in the complex treatment of diseases that occur with increased nervousness.

motherwort heart
Motherwort is a herbaceous perennial plant that has long been used in folk medicine as a sedative.

By the strength of the effect, this plant is much superior to the well-known valerian root (in North America, motherwort preparations have completely replaced the traditional "valerian").

Motherwort is especially useful in cases where nervousness is combined with cardiac symptoms (pain in the region of the heart, increased heart rate, palpitations) and a tendency to increase blood pressure.

Raw materials are harvested in July, during the flowering period, cutting off the flowering tops.

Infusion is the most popular preparation of motherwort for the treatment of diseases that occur with increased nervousness. It is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused until completely cooled. Filter, and take two tablespoons 3 times a day.

Fresh juice of the plant will help relieve nervousness (20 - 40 drops per glass of water).

Melissa officinalis
Melissa officinalis (lemon mint, mother liquor, censer, bee) is a perennial herb whose Greek name (melissa) literally translates as honey bee.

Despite its southern origin, it does not freeze out in open ground in the central zone of the European part of Russia. Melissa blooms all summer and the first weeks of autumn. Medicinal raw materials are the tops of the shoots with leaves, which are collected on the eve of flowering.

Melissa preparations have been recognized as an effective sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant, anti-influenza and heart remedy.

Melissa preparations are especially good for relieving nervousness in combination with:

  • heart symptoms;
  • headaches;
  • insomnia;
One of the most popular preparations: lemon balm essential oil (15 drops inside to relieve nervousness combined with heart pain).

For the course treatment of nervousness, a decoction of lemon balm herb is well suited: one tablespoon of the raw material is boiled in a glass of water, infused for about an hour in a warm place, filtered and taken in a quarter cup, three times a day before meals.

Scotch pine bath
A good soothing effect has a bath of Scots pine needles. To prepare it, take 300 g of pine needles and boil for 15 minutes in 5 liters of water. Then the broth is insisted for about an hour, filtered and poured into a warm bath.

Take a bath to relieve nervousness should be within 10-15 minutes.

Nervousness and irritability during pregnancy

The reasons

In the first trimester pregnancy (the first 12 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation), nervousness is most often associated with early toxicosis of pregnant women. In such cases, it is combined with excessive sensitivity to odors, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and increased fatigue.

In the second trimester pregnancy, the woman's condition usually improves. Therefore, increased nervousness at this time may be associated with:

  • exogenous causes (troubles in the family or at work);
  • psychological problems (neuroses of pregnant women);
  • somatic pathology (anemia, hypovitaminosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases).
At a later date pregnancy, nervousness can be one of the signs of such a serious pathology as late toxicosis of pregnant women, so if this symptom appears, you should consult a doctor.

However, most often, nervousness in the last weeks of gestation is associated with inconvenience during sleep, leading to insomnia, as well as physiological neuroendocrine changes that increase the lability of the nervous system, and psychological problems (fear of childbirth, etc.).

The nervousness of a pregnant woman inevitably affects the child she is carrying, therefore, regardless of the cause of irritability, everything should be done to eliminate this unpleasant complication.

What medicines for nervousness can be taken during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, experience has shown that most of the drugs used in official medicine penetrate the placental barrier and can have an extremely adverse effect on the unborn child. Therefore, during gestation, one should be especially careful about medications that relieve nervousness.

Absolutely harmless sedatives are infusions of motherwort, lemon balm, valerian root. With early toxicosis, it is best to use lemon balm, because in addition to calming, it has an antiemetic effect.

In cases where nervousness is caused by psychological problems, it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist and undergo a course of appropriate therapy.

If the cause of nervousness is one or another pathology of pregnancy, then it should be treated in a timely manner, following all the doctor's recommendations. Regular visits to the antenatal clinic will be of great help, where the woman will be explained how best to deal with early toxicosis, as well as insomnia and anxiety in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Nervousness in a child

The reasons

The nervous system in children is characterized by increased lability (instability) and sensitivity to external and internal factors. Therefore, nervousness in a child is often the first symptom of a variety of diseases.

So if the baby suddenly becomes especially capricious, you should consult a doctor to rule out a serious pathology.

In absolutely healthy children, increased nervousness is a common occurrence in the so-called crisis periods of development. All these periods have some common features:

  • The blurring of the time frame, characterized by a gradual increase in crisis symptoms, and their same gradual decrease.
  • Uncontrollability: it should be remembered that the child during these periods is not only poorly influenced by adults, but he himself does not always properly cope with his own affects.
  • Breaking old stereotypes of behavior.
  • Rebellion-protest directed against the surrounding world, manifested by extreme negativism (the desire to do everything "on the contrary"), stubbornness and despotism (the desire to subordinate everything and everything to one's will).
The following crisis periods of development are distinguished, when a healthy child may develop nervousness:
1. The crisis of one year is associated with the appearance of speech. It usually flows subacutely. In view of the particularly close relationship between mental and physical development at this stage, it has multiple somatic manifestations, such as a violation of biorhythms (disturbance of sleep and wakefulness, appetite, etc.). There may be a slight delay in development, and even a temporary loss of some previously acquired skills.
2. The crisis of three years is associated with the realization of one's own "I" and the beginning of the formation of the will. Refers to particularly acute crisis periods. Often times it's hard. External influences such as a move, first visits to a preschool, etc. can exacerbate the crisis.
3. The crisis of seven years, as a rule, proceeds more gently. Crisis symptoms are associated with an awareness of the importance and complexity of social ties, which outwardly manifests itself as a loss of the naive immediacy of early childhood.
4. The crisis of adolescence downstream in many ways resembles the crisis of three years. This is a crisis of rapid growth and development, which is associated with the formation of the social "I". The age limits of this period are different for girls (12-14 years old) and boys (14-16 years old).
5. The crisis of adolescence is associated with the final formation of value orientations. Age limits are also, as a rule, different for girls (16-17 years old) and boys (18-19 years old).

How to deal with increased nervousness in a child?

Of course, the treatment of nervousness in children should be, first of all, aimed at eliminating the cause that caused increased irritability. In the case of somatic pathology, a thorough examination and adequate treatment are necessary, and in case of serious psychological problems, it is best to seek help from a psychologist.

However, often nervousness in children can be eliminated by normalizing the daily routine. Lack of sleep, physical inactivity, intellectual overload, unbalanced nutrition, irrational leisure (uncontrolled watching TV, abuse of computer games, etc.) are common causes of increased irritability in absolutely healthy children.

With increased nervousness in a child, excessively strong exciting factors should be avoided. It is not recommended to visit too noisy and bright events, it is advisable to at least temporarily abandon the TV. Of course, the child should not suffer from restrictions: take him to the zoo instead of the circus, and replace watching your favorite cartoon with reading an interesting fairy tale.

Water procedures soothe and stabilize the state of the nervous system: rubbing with a damp towel, shower, swimming pool, swimming in open water in summer. Psychologists say that even the contemplation of running water can relieve nervousness in adults and children. Water games are useful for almost all neuropsychiatric disorders - from mild neurosis to severe autism.

Drawing has a similar calming effect, and watercolors are especially helpful in combating nervousness. The smallest can be offered, in the form of a useful relaxing game, coloring water in transparent cups.

From grandmother's soothing methods, doctors advise hot tea with raspberries or warm milk with honey, which contribute to quick falling asleep and healthy sleep. Stronger funds can be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, after an accurate diagnosis.

And finally, the most powerful means of dealing with children's nervousness is parental love and patience. Offer the capricious child as much attention as possible: joint walks in the park, communication, role-playing and educational games, picking up puzzles, etc.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Everyone has probably heard that the cause of many diseases are nerves and excessive experiences. It so happened that the nervous system is involved in the regulation of absolutely all other organs, and any failure in its work immediately or over time affects the entire body. Disorder of the nervous system can lead to serious illness. It is not worth reaching this point, and therefore all kinds of sedative medicines have been invented. Of course, initially man used what nature gave. And she gave us many herbs to relieve the symptoms of irritability. Let's talk about what you need to know about such a condition as nervousness, its causes, symptoms, what is the treatment, what drugs to use to restore the functioning of the nervous system, and what the lack of therapy can threaten.

What is nervousness? What are its symptoms?

Nervousness is characterized by increased excitability of the nervous system, which is expressed in an overly pronounced, sometimes inadequate, reaction to what is happening around. For people with increased nervousness, other symptoms are also characteristic: frequent unreasonable depressions, anxiety and self-hypnosis, insomnia or restless sleep, headache. In addition, the heart is worried, the pulse quickens, and an increase in blood pressure is possible. Too active work of the nervous system leads to excessive sweating, incontinence in relations with others, inability to control oneself. The general working capacity and activity decreases, apathy appears.

These symptoms should not be considered as the only ones characteristic of increased nervousness. They can manifest themselves in aggregate, separately, and also be supplemented by other conditions, depending on the individual physiological characteristics of a person and other diseases he has.

Causes of Nervousness

The human body is arranged in such a way that its nervous system is interconnected with other systems and organs. Therefore, many diseases entail violations in its work. First, nervousness can occur due to disturbances in the digestive system. Lack of vitamins, vital minerals and trace elements, metabolic disorders - all this affects health. The nervous and endocrine systems form a single, so-called neuroendocrine regulation, so diseases of the latter (thyrotoxicosis, menopause, thyroid disease) immediately affect the mental state.

Secondly, nervousness is often the result of a hormonal failure or a surge of hormones, which can be observed in women on premenstrual days, in the postpartum period, and sometimes even during pregnancy.

Thirdly, the nervous system is activated, and then oppressed by narcotic drugs, alcoholic beverages. Going out of order, it gives the wrong impulses to the body, as a result of which human behavior turns out to be completely inexplicable and unpredictable.

Another reason increased nervousness - constantly restraining emotions. Every person needs a psycho-emotional discharge, at least sometimes. And when there are too many experiences, worries, stresses, it is fraught with a nervous breakdown provoked by the most trifling situation or a word. So nervousness can affect relationships in the family, team, with friends and be perceived by others as a deviation from the norm.

Doctors associate nervousness with diseases of another organ - the biliary tract. This is a somatic disease, the relationship of which with the nervous system was proved by scientists in antiquity. Even then, the expression "bilious person" appeared, which means nervous, unbalanced, quick-tempered.

Recently, scientists have been able to prove that nervousness against the background of general passivity and fatigue may indicate the initial stage of stomach cancer. In the diagnosis of cancer, these symptoms can be important.

Nervousness is primarily the result of brain exhaustion. Lack of rest and sleep, overwork and frequent conflicts, worries about loved ones and before important upcoming events - all this contributes to a constant increase in the activity of the nervous system. Having noticed the symptoms of nervousness in yourself, you should not make a diagnosis yourself and panic. Often, everything is cured by rest, courses of vitamins and pleasant emotions. Also, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, the benefits of which in this matter are clearly not underestimated by you, also take a walk, relax. Go to a concert with any accompaniment. The main goal of such actions is to distract your psyche from everyday life.

How is anxiety corrected? Medical treatment

Preparations for the treatment of nervousness and irritability are based on a sedative effect. They weaken the excitation and activity of the nervous system, normalize the pulse and heart rate, reduce excessive sweating, and eliminate hand and body tremor. Such sedatives normalize sleep and help get rid of insomnia. And effective treatment just begins with good sleep and rest. It should be remembered that sedatives have a hypnotic effect: some are very pronounced, others are mild.

Ordinary sedatives, for example, Sedafiton, Glycine, Novopassit, Persen, do not make a person addicted, unlike tranquilizers, which constantly depress the nervous system and are addictive. Tranquilizers have a strong hypnotic, anticonvulsant effect and belong to the group of psychotropics.

Another powerful group of potent drugs is antipsychotics. They are prescribed not just for nervousness, but for symptoms of mental disorders. These are psychotropic drugs that are not sold without a prescription.

How does traditional medicine correct nervousness? What drugs are used?

Coriander. Well calm the nerves decoction of coriander. Pour one spoonful of fruits with a glass of boiling water, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, leave to infuse for 45 minutes. The resulting broth will then remain filtered, add boiled water to the initial volume. You need to drink such a decoction at least 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Russian drink! Ivan-tea infusion has a good sedative effect. Take a tablespoon of dried herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. We filter the infusion, add honey to taste and drink a soothing drink slowly, in small sips. In its effect on the nervous system, Ivan tea is similar to valerian, only it is allowed to drink in unlimited quantities, and it has a milder effect.

Lemon balm relieves nervousness well, both in the form of essential oil and in the form of decoctions and tinctures.

A bath of pine needles before going to bed promotes relaxation and prepares the body for a sound sleep.

The nervous system must be protected and treated and restored at the first violations. This is the most important part of the body, the normal functioning of which is the key to a full normal life. Take care of yourself from stress and do not be nervous over trifles.


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