How does rewarding employees affect labor discipline? Encourage and reward staff

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In a number of companies, a system of penalties for late or poor-quality execution of tasks is widely used. The effectiveness of such measures is questionable. According to scientific data, only 11% of people respond adequately to punishment. This is due to the fact that the normal healthy person tend to push out of consciousness all unpleasant thoughts and memories. In addition, punishments are often perceived as unfair. As for incentives, they achieve their goal in 89% of cases. So, it’s better to just fire a completely negligent employee (20% of people are incorrigible lazy people by nature) and actively reward the best. Anyone who has not shown himself to be anything outstanding will simply be left without a reward.

Types of employee incentives

All types of staff incentives can be divided into two types:

  • regular - periodic bonuses to the entire staff of employees, gratitude to the employee for the implementation of plans, etc .;
  • one-time - a reward given to the entire team in honor of a significant date for the company, a gift to any employee for achievements in a professional competition, etc.

Information on permanent types of staff incentives and the conditions for their receipt should be indicated in the contracts. labor relations and in the internal regulations of the company. A one-time incentive is documented by a submission for remuneration or a memorandum, information about the award is entered in the employee's work book (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Incentive measures applied to employees may be different. Rewards are divided into material, legal and moral. Which method is more effective depends on the circumstances. Financial incentives are more often a cash bonus or a valuable gift. If you pay attention to the actual needs of the employee, the effect of the prize will be significant. A gift is better correlated with the direct activity of a person. For example, the most active manager of the month can be rewarded with a comfortable chair. Methods of legal incentives are basically mitigations to the requirements of the labor schedule.

So, a distinguished employee is given the right to an extra day for the next vacation or a reduction in the length of the working day on a certain day of the week, etc. Moral incentives include the presentation of diplomas, letters of thanks, the establishment of information about the activist on the honor roll, etc. Possible ways motivation of employees with rewards differ from each other in companies of different directions.

Ways to reward employees

Earn bonuses

Financial incentive for best job has always been the most efficient. However, it has its drawbacks. If bonuses are paid monthly, they are treated as part of the salary. If annually, an almost mathematical law applies: “the effectiveness of the reward is inversely proportional to the square of the waiting time.” That is, a long wait for a reward can negate its effectiveness. To smooth the effect of this law, the annual bonus should be very large - four to five times the salary.

In Western companies, a different solution is increasingly being used - the base salary is paid weekly, and bonuses and bonuses are paid at the end of the month. Under Russian law, wages can be paid no more than twice a month, which means that it is optimal to accrue bonuses once every two months or quarterly.

Praise the employee publicly during meetings

Thanks to this, the employee will get the feeling that he is recognized not only by the company's management, but also by other people whose opinion is important to him (closest colleagues, employees of related departments, subordinates, if he has any). But pay attention: the team will join the recognition only if it is sure that the employee really deserves it. Therefore, when encouraging an employee, be sure to announce what exactly he distinguished himself (overfulfilled the plan by 25%, successfully worked as a mentor for a beginner). Thus, you motivate other team members to follow the example of a colleague.

If you do not have the opportunity to publicly thank the employee orally, publish a congratulation in the corporate newspaper (and you can do this with the signature of the CEO to give recognition more weight) or post it on the corporate website. Or put on the Hall of Fame photos of the best employees, along with brief information about their work achievements. Why recognition inspires. The desire of a person to earn respect, to receive approval from other people is included in the "pyramid of needs" of the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, occupying the fourth step in it (after physiological needs, the desire for security and the desire to be accepted by society, to be loved). In other words, when an employee receives recognition, he is fulfilling one of his most important needs.

Ask a specialist to sometimes participate in important meetings

Let him represent his unit instead of the chief. The goal is the same - to give him the opportunity to feel that he has a special account with the leadership, enjoys confidence. And so that the employee does not have complexes due to the fact that he will have to act on a par with top managers, ask his boss to go to the first meeting with his subordinate and help him get comfortable.

Move front-line workers to “flexible work schedules”

Whenever possible, let people manage their time. For example, not all employees by the nature of their activities should be present in the office "from call to call". If the employee has already earned your trust, determine for him only the deadlines for completing the task, and let him choose the time and place. Many specialists "ceteris paribus" prefer those jobs where there is the possibility of a flexible schedule.

Enter Free Lunches

This is not only about taking care of employees and their health, but also saving time. Also, joint dinners provide an opportunity to exchange a joke or two or discuss a problem.

Create a cozy office environment

Give each employee the opportunity to equip their own workplace at will. Let them honor themselves comfortably. This applies to workplaces as well as to other premises.

Provide extra days off

Nothing pleases a workhorse like an extra free time: a paid day off in the middle of the week or an extended vacation for a couple of days. Returning, the employee with redoubled energy will get down to business. In addition, working “for wear and tear” is not economically profitable - quality suffers, the risk of illness increases ...

Give gifts, having previously found out the preferences of employees.

A membership to a fitness club, tickets to the theater, or even a “company-sponsored” tourist trip will clearly show your best employees how much you appreciate them. True, if we are talking about a sports subscription, you should ask in advance how exactly a person prefers to improve his health. Perhaps instead of a fitness club, a pool or even skydiving would be more suitable for him?

Cancel the dress code

If your company does not work directly with customers, the issue of clothing should not even arise.

Allocate a budget for the purchase of useful little things

Give employees small amounts of money to spend as they see fit on something related to work. It can be books or a cool gadget for your desktop or a package of exotic tea. 50 bucks spent in this way will do more good than a salary increase of the same amount.

Provide your employees with the fastest computers and the best software

It costs money, you say. Worth, but much less than the salary of a programmer. Even a 10-15% performance increase will pay off within a few months.

Organize corporate events

The efforts of lone geniuses are often ineffective without a well-coordinated team. Encourage not only individual workers, but entire departments (or the entire team of the company). There are many ways: corporate holidays, field trips (in country houses holidays), football matches between departments, ski trips or just feasts in the office for various occasions - it all depends on imagination and financial capabilities. If your company develops a friendly campaign of people united not only by work, this will only help the cause.

Expand the social package, introduce additional benefits

For example, as an exception, you can allow a specialist to work on a flexible schedule or add services to his social package that are not available to the rest of the staff: agree with a partner bank on a preferential mortgage loan, allow you to use your own products for free.

5 interesting ways to encourage with examples

1. The title of "Devil's Advocate"

At Genesis, this award is given at the end of the quarter to a lawyer who wins the largest number court cases or successfully defended the interests of the client in a complex process. The idea for the name of the award was taken from the film of the same name. Therefore, the statuette that the best lawyer receives is cast in platinum in the form of the figure of the hero Al Pacino, yelling at his lawyer son (Keanu Reeves character) and telling him what to do. Employees perceive the award as a joke, but everyone is pleased to excel.

2. Black box prize

Planet Real Estate holds weekly competitions to cheer up or support employees during stressful periods, such as the competition for the most calls or contracts signed, for finding the smallest apartment or the most expensive house. There is a basket in the office where employees throw notes with wishes for prizes (theatre tickets, shaving kit, spa visit, etc.). After determining two or three laureates of the next competition, the notes are pulled out of the basket, and the winners receive the dropped award.

3. Movie tickets or dolphinarium

In the Pronto-Media company, the HR department monthly comes up with unusual nominations for the staff, such as "Darling", "Intellectual", "Humorist" and even "Nerd of the Month". After discussions with top managers, personnel officers on e-mail announce the start of voting. Everyone who wants to drop a piece of paper with the names of the nominees in a special box at the reception. The names of the winners are announced on the last Friday of the month also via e-mail. Then CEO company comes to the workplace of the laureate and gives him a prize - for example, tickets to the cinema (or to the theater, or to the dolphinarium). At the same time, the employee himself chooses which cinema and which movie to go to. The company compensates the cost of tickets from the HR or marketing budget.

4. Title "Leader"

Chain stores Nordstrom, Inc. awards the title of "Leader" to an employee who has exceeded the plan. He receives a diploma, a new business card with the inscription "Leader" and a paid dinner in a restaurant for two. In addition, for the entire following year, the winner receives a 33 percent discount on all company products (that's 13 percent more than the standard employee discount). A sales competition that will increase motivation and attract new customers.

5. Education and personal growth

Time Warner covers 100% of work-related courses plus 75% of other courses. But Pitney Bowes offers employees a choice of courses in architecture, golf, sewing, cooking, drawing or photography.

Errors due to which recognition will not work

Here are the main errors and suggest how to fix them.

  • Wrong form of promotion. When deciding how to express recognition to an employee, management did not take into account his temperament or vital interests.

Example: At the petrochemical enterprise, it was decided to sum up the results of the "Employee of the Year" competition at the Palace of Culture at the celebration of Chemist's Day. The winner, being an extremely shy person, did not want to go on stage, but when she did go out, she blushed, answered the questions of the presenter inconsistently, and went backstage, burst into tears. The incentive event turned into a real torture for her.

How to fix: before encouraging any employee, find out from your immediate supervisor what the person is like, what fascinates him.

  • Awards are given too often or a large number of people. This neutralizes their value in the eyes of employees, who begin to perceive them as something on duty.

How to fix: to tighten the criteria, to award awards only to the best of the best. If you need to encourage many members of the team at the same time, then it is better to use not individual, but collective forms of recognition.

  • Events that honor the best are poorly organized. Employees are not satisfied with the time of the event or the format, so they miss it.

How to fix: conduct a survey and find out what exactly people do not like in public forms of encouragement.

  • The merits of employees who are encouraged are not reported to anyone. Their actions are not promoted in the company as an example of correct behavior.

How to fix: ask all line managers to inform their subordinates of actions that deserve to be emulated. This can be done through the corporate media, at trade union events, meetings with management.


All incentives for employees for work must be properly executed. Only in this case, they will achieve the planned effect - increasing employee motivation to further improve their work. Not the last role is played by bringing information about the award to general information. Encouraging employees is an element of educating them in responsibility and striving for healthy competition with colleagues. By combining measures of material and moral rewards, it is possible to achieve an increase in labor productivity, and, consequently, an increase in the profits brought by employees.

- What incentive methods do you use to motivate staff and why is it important for the company?

We summarized the answers of experts and put together a block of 10 best ways to encourage staff, which have been tested in practice and are actually used in Russian companies.

10 ideas and cases to encourage employees

1. Organization of a football fan zone.
2. Legal support for employees.
3. Providing free education, trainings, courses. Hobby certificates, trainings personal growth, career building, personal effectiveness.
4. Intellectual games (brain ring, "what? where? when?", brain teasers, etc.)
5. Informal meetings and conversations with company management.
6. Cross-marketing with suppliers, contractors and other organizations. Gift bank cards, retail chain certificates, discount cards, mobile payment cards, promotional souvenirs.
7. Competitions for the most effective employee based on the results of the year, innovative developments, creative creatives.
8. Points or the internal "currency" of the company, which can be exchanged for goods, prizes, gifts or money.
9. Personalized gifts to employees (watches, badges made of precious metals, souvenirs).
10. Entertaining games, quests during work or after work at the choice of employees.

10 cases of employee incentive systems from companies

Vladimir Stupnikov, President of the iMARS communications and consulting group.

We really appreciate our employees and always provide them with a lot of bonuses for the work done, which in itself increases the enthusiasm of all employees.
Of course, the use of material resources as an incentive is preferable for many. But this statement applies more to ordinary employees than to top managers and leaders. However, this is at first glance, because for an increase in salary or payment of a bonus, an employee needs some kind of public recognition. And these are non-financial instruments: new position, increase in the number of subordinates, expansion of functionality.

In the practice of our company, there is more of an emotional component behind the encouragement. We try to arrange educational seminars for the team, which contribute to professional development. But this is not a boring story where everyone dreams of going home as soon as possible, but rather communication with each other, which includes elements of practice and game digressions.

In addition, now is the period of the World Cup and many fans cannot watch the matches, because. they fall on work time. Therefore, we decided that those employees who do their job well, fulfill all the duties, can go to a separate meeting room, where we organized our own mini fun zone and enjoy this national event.

Also soon, we we want to organize a brain-ring between the departments of our company. After all, this is a great opportunity to practice quick thinking skills, and most importantly, it's a good time with colleagues.

Such non-financial incentives are the most optimal for the team, as they allow you to maintain a healthy atmosphere, which ultimately has a positive effect on working capacity.

Alexander, General Director of King Gifts LLC

Our company specializes in motivational solutions related to gifts for legal entities, of course, our company also has motivational programs.
A special part is the encouragement of the sales department. Indeed, without an extra bonus to our salespeople, we would not have the result we have now.

We have both our own staff and agents throughout Russia. Which, when concluding a deal with a client, receive bonuses. Basically, we give a certain percentage for the referred client, which can be exchanged for various prizes, such as: gift bank cards (MyGift, Daru), retail chain certificates, mobile payment cards, promotional souvenirs and much more. For more requests from the sales team, we have diversified our gift solutions so that everyone is satisfied and chooses what they really need.

Our products are now used by almost all large companies, and the number of orders is growing every day. After all, motivation, encouragement of agents, customers, employees, is an integral part of business. And without it, your competitors will be many steps ahead and more actively conquer the market. Thank you for your attention, give gifts!

Dmitry Esipov, TPH Rusklimat.

For the first time in the trade and production holding "Rusclimat" raffled Mercedes and Toyota cars for the most efficient employees. All employees of the sales segment of the central office and the entire branch network participated in the struggle for leadership. The finalists were determined by exceeding sales targets for 2017. Three winners were identified, who got the Mercedes E-Class for the first place, Toyota Corolla for the second and third places.

Zolotukhin Vyacheslav, ideologist and founder of a smart task management system with the function of motivating employees on Blockchain technology, leading expert of RBC publications, Invest Foresight, BitCryptoNews, coach on managing their own time and improving the efficiency of employees in large companies (Uralsib and business Synergy plant).

At the moment, we are implementing our corporate boards in large corporations and training the HR department to search for employees through scoring social networks- the newest and most effective method.

If we talk about motivation, then thanks to our platform it happens from two sides at once: both through the employee and through the manager.

The employee has the opportunity to receive special points, which he can later spend in our internal store on goods / services or even withdraw into money (in any currency), and the boss has the opportunity to see who and how many tasks are performed: who has too many, for some, it’s not enough how the work process is going.

Thus, he can delegate certain work processes as quickly and simply as possible, increasing efficiency and seeing its real output, increasing his own bonus.

The personnel issue is one of the components of such a global system as economic security company and is one of its key points. No wonder there is an expression: cadres decide everything.

Professional, properly motivated employees work for the development of the company and its prosperity, while incompetent and unmotivated employees, on the contrary, lead to degradation and collapse.

Therefore, a wise leader will always pay close attention to the personnel issue. To motivate employees to hold on to their jobs, to fulfill their duties efficiently and on time, each at his own level should be each head of all levels of management: from the immediate supervisor to the general director.

A unified strategy for motivating employees must be approved by the general director of the company, and private methods are already developed at the level of department directors and departments. And the more interesting and productive motivation a manager has, the less staff turnover in his department.

To choose the right method and type of motivation, you need to take into account several main factors, such as: the scope of the company; average age employees of the department (department); common interests of the employees of the department. In a frequent question, the manager must know “what each of his employees breathes”, what problems or life difficulties he has.

Periodically communicating with employees, heart-to-heart talks make it clear to employees that the manager is interested in them, lives by their worries and aspirations. This also plays a role in motivating employees to do a good job.

Cash bonuses, small gifts for the birthdays of employees and their children, tickets to the Christmas tree and gifts from Santa Claus on New Year, no matter how trite it may sound, but they also play an important role in matters of motivation.

Creative games include joint entertainment games after work at the choice of employees.
For greater motivation, we can offer the following option: at the end of the financial year, if employees provide the company’s profit at the planned high level, then New Year holidays send employees on a joint vacation trip to any country (a city in Russia, depending on the budget of the company).

But with any work of a manager on motivating employees, one must adhere to the following principles: employees must understand that they are not indifferent to management; stimulating actions should unite the team to the maximum, developing in it the principles of mutual assistance, “shoulder of a comrade”, and eradicate the principles of “man is a wolf to man”.
And then we can expect that such a team will perform its work efficiently, on time and for the benefit of the company's prosperity.

Marianna Popova-Ivanova, Human Resources Expert, Event Consult LLC.

The system of material and non-material motivation of employees, an important and significant instrument of personnel policy. For the effectiveness of the system, first of all, it is necessary to carry out measures to identify the needs of the staff. When introducing a motivation system, it is necessary to take into account the industry in which employees are employed, the composition of the company, the position of the company in the labor market, in terms of the level of wages.

An effective incentive option, on the example of one of the companies: the construction industry, the work schedule is irregular, the number of employees is 800 (of which 120 are top and middle management, 680 are working staff), the age of employees is 25-55 years.

According to the results of the research, several factors of dissatisfaction among employees were identified:

1) the majority of employees do not like corporate events and consider them a waste of time;
2) employees do not have enough time for family and loved ones;
3) there is no team cohesion.

At the same time, satisfaction factors were identified:

1) the level of wages;
2) professional fulfillment;
3) long work experience in the company.

Based on the data obtained, a system of individual incentives for employees was developed and implemented, which takes into account the personal characteristics of each employee and provides:

1) family tickets to the theater/exhibition/zoo;
2) fitness subscription;
3) trainings/seminars "on interests";
4) certificates for teaching "hobby";
5) incentive trips for employees and their families.

At the same time, the company completely abandoned holding corporate holidays and replaced them with a system of rewarding “the best in professions” and introduced a system for conducting team-building trainings during working hours.

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Muravyova, head of the New Height Personality Resource Center.

The New Height Personality Resource Center cooperates with companies in Moscow, and this year we started the implementation of the project "Training as a gift". The essence of the project is that the employer can give employees (however, both clients and partners) any training of their choice: from personal development (health, love, family, children) to the development of professional competencies (leadership, team building, sales, networking and etc.).

The project is only gaining momentum, but there are already positive reviews both from people who received the training as a gift, and from the heads of companies who We decided to encourage employees with such an unusual gift.

Over the course of my career, I have come across various incentives for employees. Most memorable: company badges (simple and gold badges in the form of a logo), tickets to the Modern Talking group concert and to the theater, extra days off at any time during the year, inclusion in the company’s anniversary printed photo album, vacation vouchers, comic prizes like sitting in the boss's chair.

In general, it has been observed from practice that the easiest way to reward an employee is to say “thank you” to him for the work done immediately after it has been completed. In Russian companies, this is everything.

Radario has a local currency - radars. This non-material motivation system was invented immediately after the founding of the company. So far, she is a success.

What can I exchange intracorporate money for? It all depends on the number of accumulated points. The list of prizes starts with a book and ends with an iPhone.

The first radars fall on the employee's account immediately after hiring. Nice welcome bonus. They are also awarded for participation in conferences, personal and team achievements.

He brought a worthy specialist to the company - keep the radars, suggested an interesting idea and successfully implemented it - catch more. Recycling is also encouraged.
Employees try to accumulate points to the highest equivalent and spend on something global. For example, VHI, a new iPhone or a travel package.

With yoga classes, massage rooms, rooms with game consoles, and even more so with medical insurance, you will not surprise anyone. We at Intercomp figured out how to stand out in a competitive market among other employers and how to attract and retain the best personnel.

We have included round-the-clock legal support for employees in the corporate compensation package!

Now every worker personal account can use the templates of legal documents, get acquainted with the library of knowledge, and if there are any questions, seek written or oral advice from the current lawyers of the company.

Why legal support?

Just as buyers of a drill do not really need a drill, but a hole in the wall, so employees do not need insurance or fitness - they need health, good mood, work-life balance.

A light search on the English-speaking part of the Internet proves that many foreign companies include in the compensation package the opportunity to consult with lawyers for free on personal matters. An employee who is preoccupied with upcoming lawsuits, problems with the return of low-quality goods, or the prospect of spending the summer without a vacation due to an unfair ban on traveling abroad is unlikely to give all the best at work, gush with ideas for business development and exceed production targets.

Why would an employer?
There is an opinion that in terms of labor productivity, Russia is ahead of only Mexico. Now imagine the employees from the previous paragraph. How to do it: make people forget about their personal troubles at work or give them the opportunity to resolve their issues during working hours, hoping that this will help them to work more efficiently on average? There are some interesting statistics on this topic.

In 2012, the portal conducted a survey among visitors, asking if the productivity of staff increases if they are given the opportunity to resolve personal issues at work. More than half (56%) of respondents thought that productivity would increase, another 32% doubted. What is most interesting is that when the responses of HR employees were selected from the general sample, it turned out that HRs are even more loyal to solving personal issues at work than employees on average: 60%!

It seems that it is still necessary to let employees solve personal issues at work. How to make it so that a minimum of time is spent on it, and the positive effect is maximum?

It is not yet very common to contact lawyers in our country. Perhaps this is a "legacy" of the past, when the profession of a lawyer was considered not the most respected and prestigious. Most people do not know what criteria to choose a lawyer or lawyer (by the way, do you know what the difference is?), many try to find a solution on their own on free consultation sites and often reach the critical moment when the situation requires the involvement of expensive specialists and personal presence - at the expense of work, of course.

It would seem that there are many legal services for the population - sites where you can get an answer to a question, law firms are almost in every home. We studied many popular resources and found out that:
These sites are bad with privacy. Encryption is not used, the data is in the public domain, requests are visible to all visitors, and no private correspondence is often provided.
The qualification of a lawyer is confirmed only by a rating of stars - it is not clear where they come from and who puts them.
Articles and recommendations that are published on these sites are not kept up to date (and legislation and jurisprudence change in the meantime).
Free legal consultations with barkers on the street work on a simple principle: instead of solving the problem on initial stage, they bring it to court, and then charge the client to the maximum for conducting a court case.

In America, there are four "civilian" lawyers per thousand people. In Russia - one in two thousand. At the same time, our compatriots are becoming more legally literate, and more and more ready to defend their rights.

We believe that by giving our staff the opportunity to consult with professional lawyers for free, we help them quickly resolve their personal issues before they turn into really serious problems, forcing them to take time off from work, read legal forums during working hours, and also stay in stress, which can lead to poor health, illness and missed work.

Preventing these problems is wiser than using health insurance, bonus days off and preferential credit terms after the fact.

We received a lot of thanks and positive feedback from the staff. By providing legal support to our employees, we, on the one hand, give them the opportunity to solve their personal problems during working hours - at least some of these problems. On the other hand, we minimize the time that employees have to spend searching for a solution. win-win.

Dmitry Kotov, HR director at Navicon IT company.

In addition to generally accepted employee remuneration practices, it is customary in Navicon to give watches to team members who have worked in the company for 10 years. This happens every six months at "info meetings" - general meetings of all employees, where the management talks about the results and plans of the company. Interestingly, this tradition grew out of another - to give watches to employees who leave the company. This is how we express our gratitude to those who have worked with us shoulder to shoulder for many years.

In addition, we allocate funds for various creative group competitions. Of the recent contests we have run, the Video Contest and the Chatbot Contest have been particularly well received. Video clips were filmed by teams of departments for a corporate party dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the company.

And we held a chat bot contest in order to support interaction between departments: “mixed” teams had to develop their own chat bot in a month, which would facilitate access to the company’s internal services.

Every person has a need for recognition, for material values. Encouragement is aimed at fulfilling this need.

Using encouragement, you can get a double result: lead the team to conflicts up to its collapse and, on the contrary, unite and rally. Encouragement is carried out with the help of rewards. Reward is everything that a person considers valuable for himself. The concept of value different people is different. For a wealthy person, in some circumstances, a few hours of sincere friendship can be more valuable than a large sum of money. In an organization, we deal with two main types of rewards: internal and external. The internal reward comes from the work itself. These are feelings such as self-esteem, the significance of the work performed, its content, a sense of the result obtained, and others.

In order to ensure that an employee receives internal remuneration, it is necessary to create normal working conditions for him, providing him with everything necessary, and clearly set a task, define his rights and obligations, and responsibility.

Incentive Effectiveness Rules:

  • encouragement should be applied at each manifestation of labor activity by a person with a positive result;
  • it is expedient to use the whole range of incentive measures. Encouragement should be significant, raise the prestige of conscientious work;
  • opportunity to receive promotion short time e.g. in a week. If an employee knows that he will receive an incentive, but only after ten years, then the effectiveness of this type of incentive is sharply reduced;
  • encouragement publicity. Any encouragement raises the prestige, respect of the employee and is often valued by people much higher than material goods;
  • incentive availability. Encouragement should be established not only for strong workers, but also for weak ones.

For exemplary performance of labor duties, increase in labor productivity, improvement of product quality, continuous and flawless work, innovation in work and for other achievements in work, the following incentives are applied:

  • gratitude announcement;
  • issuance of an award;
  • rewarding with a valuable gift;
  • awarding an honorary diploma;
  • entry into the Book of Honor, on the Board of Honor.

The statutes and regulations on discipline may also provide for other incentives.

Types and forms of employee incentives for conscientious work, the employer determines independently or in agreement with the body of the trade union or with another representative body of employees.

For special labor services to society and the state, employees can be presented for state awards or honorary titles.

Incentives are announced in an order or order, brought to the attention of the entire team of employees and entered in the work book of the rewarded person. Incentive measures should include a combination of material and moral incentives.

The use of incentive measures specified in the article is the right, but not the obligation of the administration. The employee is not entitled to these types of incentives. Such a right may appear provided that the organization has adopted a provision on bonuses, which sets indicators upon reaching which the employee has the right to a certain type of encouragement. In this case, the administration is obliged to apply the incentive measures specified in the provision on bonuses.

Indicators of active work can also be set in the employment contract (contract). In addition, it can also set the amount of the bonus that the employee will receive upon reaching these indicators.

Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation names only a few types of incentives and determines that incentives are given to employees who conscientiously perform their labor duties, and for achievements in work, in which the employee must be encouraged. Such cases include:

Exemplary performance of labor duties implies encouragement for high performance discipline. The condition for exemplary performance of duties is high qualification. The basis for the promotion may be the performance of a stage of work that has independent significance.

Increasing , as a rule, brings additional profit, therefore, in order to stimulate an increase in labor productivity, it is advisable to establish, where possible, a bonus in the form of a percentage of the income received, from the profit generated as a result of an increase in labor productivity.

Improvement, among other things, increases the prestige of the organization and is also a condition for obtaining additional profits.

Continuous excellent work is a form of activity that should be encouraged, since such work is not within the power of all workers. It is advisable to establish a certain period of work, which should be encouraged. For example, after every five years of excellent performance, an employee could be eligible for an incentive, the value of which may increase.

In addition to the types of incentives established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other types of incentives can be provided for in the internal regulations, charters and regulations on discipline.

Incentive measures for success at work

Provides for a variety of incentives, which can be divided into moral and material. In accordance with Art. 191 of the Labor Code, the following rewards are applied to an employee for exemplary performance of labor duties, increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, continuous and flawless work, innovation in work and other achievements at work: announcement of gratitude; issuance of awards; rewarding with a valuable gift. This list is not exhaustive and can be expanded by sectoral internal regulations or the charter of labor discipline.

If practical, it is possible to combine several incentive measures, for example, an announcement of gratitude and the issuance of a cash bonus. The incentive is announced in an order or instruction, brought to the attention of the entire team and entered in the work book of the employee in the section "Information on incentives".

Employees who successfully and conscientiously fulfill their labor duties are provided with benefits and benefits in the field of socio-cultural and housing services (vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes, improvement of living conditions, etc.). Such employees are also given an advantage in promotion at work.

For special labor merits, employees are awarded orders, medals, badges and confer honorary titles and titles of the best worker in this profession.

Along with individual forms of encouragement, collective ones have become widespread. Labor collectives apply social incentive measures for success in work, put forward an employee for moral and material incentives; express opinions on candidates submitted for state awards; establish additional benefits and benefits at the expense of funds allocated in accordance with the established procedure for these purposes, for innovators and leaders in production, as well as persons long time conscientiously working at the enterprise, in the organization.

Encouragement of employees who conscientiously fulfill their labor duties

In accordance with Art. 191 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "employer encourages employees conscientiously fulfilling their labor duties. The above wording of the law allows us to conclude that the employer is obliged to encourage a conscientious employee, and the employee, due to the conscientious performance of the duties assigned to him by the employment contract, has a subjective right to a one-time (single) encouragement. In fact, Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige, but gives the employer the right to encourage a conscientious employee. The assessment of the conscientiousness of the employee in the process of labor is carried out by the employer. In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of 1971, such an assessment took into account the opinion of the relevant elected trade union body of the enterprise, institution, organization. The employer was obliged to coordinate his opinion (assessment) on the promotion of the employee with the elected trade union body. According to Art. 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, measures to encourage employees were applied "by the administration jointly or in agreement with the relevant elected trade union body." This procedure, to a certain extent, excluded the subjectivity (personal discretion) of the employer in the process of one-time incentives for employees.

The grounds for a one-time promotion can be distinguished as general and special. General the basis for rewarding an employee is high level compliance with their labor duties, labor discipline in the organization. The general basis of promotion can be used not only together with a special one, but also independently. Special the grounds for a one-time incentive are the achievement of outstanding success in labor (increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, innovation, invention, rationalization, etc.); long-term work in one organization; training; a comprehensive assessment of the work of an employee or team. Such grounds may be provided for in the internal labor regulations, the collective agreement, and other local regulatory legal acts. Incentive measures and the procedure for their application are also fixed there. Special grounds for promotion are applied if there is a general ground. An undisciplined, dishonest employee is not rewarded even if there is a special reason, for example, for success in rationalization, invention, etc.

There are moral and material measures of one-time (single) encouragement. In Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, their open list is fixed: gratitude, award, valuable gift, certificate of honor, the title of the best in the profession. Other measures to encourage employees for success in work, as already noted, are fixed in the collective agreement, internal labor regulations, as well as charters and regulations on discipline. For special labor services to society and the state, employees can be presented for state awards (part 2 of article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In market economic conditions, moral incentives are usually used in combination with material ones. Some incentives combine both material and moral incentives for conscientious work (a valuable gift, promotion at work, promotion, etc.).

The system of rewarding and punishing employees is an indispensable aspect of managing the work of an enterprise of any direction. Stimulation is considered an aspect of the development of the company, largely determines the productivity of the work process, sets the atmosphere in the shops and offices. HR professionals talk about general rules principles of rewarding employees. Using them, you can effectively stimulate the staff and make each employed as interested as possible in their work.

general information

Incentives for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, police departments, employees of commercial companies, small private firms and large industrial complexes are a policy tool used to stimulate the work process. The merits of personnel who excel in something are officially recognized, this fact is recorded in internal documentation, and the person receives some bonus. Perhaps moral or material encouragement, some award - they can issue a prize or present a diploma, assign some honorary title, status, give an official paper confirming work achievements.

As a rule, the immediate supervisor sends a request to higher officials to reward an employee who has fulfilled all the standards of the work process or has shown the best results. The promotion has as its main goal to make the company's workflow more efficient. Internal documentation adopted within the enterprise should clearly and in detail describe the incentive options, applicable methods. It is important that this is in accordance with current legislation. As a basis for compiling an internal document, you can use the list given in the Labor Code of our country (Article 191). When forming an exhaustive list of incentive options for a certain enterprise, one should study the different wordings of collective agreements, evaluate the nuances of the work schedule and explore other regulatory documentation.

Everything is official

Following the patterns adopted within the enterprise, the incentives for employees are issued by orders signed by the chief executive of the company. These orders can assign only such incentive options that are noted in the regulations that subjugate the nuances of the company's work. If some order contains measures that are not included in this list, it is not possible to put it into practice, it is not possible to execute it. Sometimes the official encouragement is issued not by an order, but by an order, also signed by the main manager.

The manner in which, through what measures, the employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, public and private organizations, enterprises and institutions will be encouraged is an aspect of the responsibility of the employer. Exactly entity introduces a system of incentives, and also puts it into practice, executes it in a certain way, which is considered to be the most beneficial for the institution. The employee does not have the right to demand the application of incentives or rewards to him.

If a conflict arises related to employee incentive measures, it is not a labor dispute. The employer is not responsible for the implementation of such measures. Incentives are just an additional right.

How it works?

The employee incentive system at the enterprise is being implemented to stimulate the work of the staff. Maximum efficiency can be achieved if you remember the generally accepted rules. In particular, the most effective is the systematic application of incentives in such a way that each employed person understands that participation in this program is available to him. Each employee of the company should have a clear understanding of the results of his work, as well as the conditions under which incentives will be applied to him. As the practice of personnel management shows, the best results are brought not by individual measures, but by a well-coordinated complex.

It is reasonable to apply only such types of employee incentives that are significant for employees. You should choose measures that have prestige, as well as popular within a particular company. In order for the implemented system to show the desired result, the priorities of the personnel should be taken into account. These data should be taken into account at the stage of formation of an incentive personnel policy.

Everything has its place

When issuing orders to encourage employees, formulating the features of the internal system and the nuances of its application, one should Special attention focus on the most advanced techniques and methods. The most reasonable and fair option is to use the following: better results, the greater the reward for them. It is important to adopt a system of measures understandable to employees and apply them transparently. For any method, the return should be in the short term or based on the average term, that is, the encouragement is paid for 1-4 weeks from the moment the person achieves success.

If you try to apply systematic incentives for employees of internal affairs bodies, commercial enterprises, government agencies, planning for long time periods, such measures are unlikely to show the desired result: they simply will not attract people. In order for the reward system to be effective, it is necessary not only to remember the reasonable waiting times and calculations of people, but also the desire of everyone to be awarded in front of the whole team. Encouragements should be open, and incentives should be announced to the team, so that everyone knows about the success of a colleague. This gives rise to prestige and status, which is an additional moral reward.


In order for incentive measures for employees of the internal affairs department, a trade or construction enterprise, a state institution to be as effective as possible, it is reasonable to remember general principles formation of a stimulating system. It must clearly comply with the laws, be open and fair, also built according to the rule of reasonable proportion.

How about more details?

The legitimacy of incentives for employees (police, trading company, shop, library and any other institution) is based on the idea of ​​applying legal incentives. They become such if they are registered in internal documentation, measured quantitatively, qualitatively, and this is officially recorded. For each measure, it is necessary to immediately stipulate the terms and methods of application.

Publicity means the possibility of access to information about the incentive system for each employed person. Every person should be aware of colleagues who have been subjected to such measures. Glasnost is called openness by some specialists in personnel policy. Both terms are equivalent in this application.

Fairness - the principle of applying incentive measures for employees of internal affairs bodies, commercial enterprises, budget institutions, which implies objectivity in accounting and analyzing the contribution of each employee. At the same time, they take into account what was the final result of the application of efforts by different employees, and isolate how the overall result depends on each participant.

Important Aspects

Fair incentives for police officers, schools, shops and any other places require an independent individual assessment of the work of a person. Only in this way it is possible to reveal how great the contribution from the side of a single person is, what is the return.

Incentive measures should be not only material, but also moral, while being used in such a ratio that one can talk about the rationality of incentives. Each of the methods of encouragement has its own nuances, it is important and significant, it cannot be neglected. The greater the incentive applied, the greater the responsibility of the worker; in this aspect there is also feedback.

Basis for the application of the reward system

The foundation of incentives is the results of the work process. A person can exemplarily cope with the duties assigned to him, be highly disciplined, fulfill all indicators in accordance with the plan and exceed it. The basis for the application of measures to encourage employees, for example, may be some proposal related to the introduction of innovations or the rationalization of the work process. True, it is important to assess how the implementation of the proposed really makes the work more efficient and better. It is important to analyze how the proposed approach will affect the organization of the workflow, production aspect, content and other business processes.

An employee, for example, who has been working in the company for a long time, as well as regularly undergoing advanced training procedures, can count on promotion, which affects the results of his work. It is reasonable to apply incentive programs to those who propose and implement projects that make it possible to make the service, the company's products better and more attractive to the client than the products of competitors.

General and special

Of the above reasons for encouraging employees, the first two can be called the most significant, general, while others are considered special and are implemented only at some enterprises. Stimulation in accordance with special grounds is possible only if the general ones are observed. So, no matter how good the employee is, no matter what projects he promotes, no matter how long he works in the company, if he does not observe discipline, no incentives can be applied to him.

To encourage a person, it is necessary that his merits be noticed by management. The employer can pay attention to them, but there is another option: the team or some employees can write a petition, paying attention to the success and merits of their colleague. The authorities receive the petition and decide on the application of the incentive, evaluating some special merit.


Employee incentives can be implemented through a variety of measures. Any incentive can be attributed to the group of moral, associated with material goods or human rights. Each of the methods works well in certain conditions. Before putting thoughtful measures into practice, it is reasonable to predict what will give the best result, and what will be regarded by the staff as nothing more than a formality.

The simplest and most applicable type of employee incentives is financial. You can give an employee a bonus or give him a gift. Sometimes the most unusual and impressive incentives are used. So, a rather atypical option is to give the most efficient employee a comfortable and modern chair at the end of the reporting period.

Legal encouragement is associated with discipline. So, if a person shows excellent performance, you can offer him a schedule that is more convenient for him personally - for example, start later than the others or work remotely, take an extra day off.

Moral encouragement of employees is a variety of options for honoring. You can issue certificates, announce, for example, the best employee of the month, put his photo on the honor roll, and so on.

The full list of applied incentives is determined by the characteristics of a particular workplace. In the police department, you can issue a nominal weapon or assign a new one ahead of time rank, while in commercial enterprises material awards are more common.

Officiality: everything is fixed

For an incentive to be formally applied, the person's award must be documented. Internal regulations adopted at the enterprise should describe in detail how and in what order, in what order, incentive measures are applied. Thematic information is fixed in a collective agreement, regulations and rules adopted within the company. The documentation indicates what incentive methods are possible, under what conditions they are applied, what are the priorities for appointment, as well as the grounds for applying one or another incentive to an employee. When the decision to apply the promotion is made, a thematic order is formed. The basis for it can be a prepared presentation or appeal, a memorandum from the immediate superior of the distinguished employee.

All documentation is sent to the chief executive officer of the company. In the accompanying papers, it is necessary to indicate in detail why the idea arose, why the use of the incentive is justified. It is necessary to list all the achievements of a person, to evaluate his activity in the framework of the work process. Such documentation is compiled for each employee individually. The applicant must indicate what kind of encouragement it is reasonable to apply in this case, in what form to implement it, what status to assign to a distinguished member of the team.

Design nuances

The submission of encouragement falls into the category of memos.

The sequence of registration of the process is determined by the bureaucratic nuances inherent in the enterprise, as well as the type of incentive chosen. In particular, if we are talking about a bonus or a gift, you must first obtain permission from the chief accountant, only after that send the proposal for consideration to the director. Some companies require a visa personnel service, reconciling information about the employee - this allows you to exclude erroneous rewards.

In fact, the design of the promotion is the responsibility of the employee of the personnel department. The representative of this service is the person on whose shoulders the task of transferring the note to the head of the enterprise is entrusted. Based on the results of coordination with a person higher in the internal hierarchy, the date of promotion is selected, the nuances of the procedure are discussed.

Good work is a good reward

If a person works in good faith, he can be rewarded for this by following the recommendations of Article 191 of the current legislation in the aspect of labor relations. It can be seen from the sections of this law that every person who works conscientiously, taking into account all the tasks assigned to him, subjectively has the right to receive some kind of encouragement once. True, we must remember: the laws indicate the right of the employer, but not the obligation, therefore, in each individual case, everything remains at the discretion of the management. Only the employer decides whether to apply the incentive, and how to do it. If it was decided to apply a one-time incentive, the awarding actions should be coordinated with the trade union organization - this is required by the provisions of the article published under the 132nd number specified in the code of labor laws.

Strict adherence to official procedures makes it possible to exclude subjective decisions, and employees are rewarded reasonably, timely, and fairly. Perhaps a simple award or in combination with special measures. The basis for promotion due to the conscientious fulfillment of the obligations assigned to a person may be labor success or special merits associated with the work process.

What do the laws say?

The current legislation indicates: the payment for the work of an employee consists of two main articles - the main and motivational. The first is a reward set for the tasks performed, the second is a bonus. Basic payments must be paid without fail, strictly within the agreed time frame, if the employee fulfills the labor standards specified in the agreement concluded with him. Additional incentives are aimed at stimulating a person to achieve great success, to exceed the standards. The use of incentives can significantly increase the final amount that a person receives - it all depends on how significant the merits are.

It is reasonable to debug the work in such a way that the remuneration received by the staff corresponds to the achievements of individuals. Bonuses and allowances can effectively stimulate people, especially if they are used regularly. As a rule, bonuses are paid monthly. In a collective agreement, you can prescribe the payment of remuneration in the event of a holiday, a significant event in the history of the enterprise or personal life employee. Justified bonuses will be only if the person really makes an important contribution to the work of the company. Information about various awards different type allowed to be recorded in the work book. For this purpose, a specialized section is included in the document. Bonuses paid regularly are not supposed to be paid here.

Official Aspects

The nuances of the appointment of incentives are mentioned in the constitution in force in our country, as well as in codes, federal legislation and government decrees, presidential decrees. In addition, the government, represented by federal authorities, also adopts legal acts containing certain legal regulatory incentives for personnel. Of course, the largest amount of useful information can be extracted from the 191st article of the Labor Code, but other sources should not be neglected.

Internal documentation of a commercial institution, prescribing incentive rules, must be agreed with representatives of the trade union, employees of the company. If the act is drawn up and adopted without taking into account the opinions of the staff, employees can apply to the court to appeal it.

If bonuses are paid regularly, a special provision dedicated exclusively to incentives should be adopted, it is in it that the official procedure for the procedure, the documentation accompanying the process, as well as the rules for choosing the form and size of the incentive should be prescribed.

In the philistine sense, the concept of "encouragement" includes any form of approval of the successes of individual citizens and collectives. However, in the legislation, this term is understood only as formal recognition of merit. Despite the fact that only one article is devoted to encouragement in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), this topic is quite voluminous, since it is closely related to other norms relating to labor discipline.

Why encourage employees? According to the article mentioned above, the employee is rewarded for conscientious work. Conscientious work is understood as the performance by an employee of his functions in strict accordance with:

  • with job description;
  • qualification requirements;
  • other regulatory sources that determine the content of the employee's activities.

Industry legislation may also provide for other grounds for promotion. For example, in the regulation “On the discipline of railway transport workers” (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 1992 No. 621) there are bonuses:

  • for initiative;
  • innovation;
  • long and flawless work;
  • ensuring the safety of cargo and luggage.

At the discretion of the administration, an employee may be prescribed several types of incentives. For example, gratitude and cash prize.

The current labor legislation admits that the employer encourages employees who conscientiously perform their labor duties, on whom a disciplinary sanction was previously imposed.

Types of bonuses with which an employer can encourage employees for conscientious efficient work

It is necessary to distinguish between monthly bonuses, which exist in many enterprises, and a one-time bonus. In the first case, we are dealing with some permanent and obligatory part of the salary. In the second - with a one-time award for labor merits.

The following types of incentives can be distinguished:

  • gratitude announcement;
  • premium;
  • valuable gift;
  • certificate of honor;
  • presentation to the title of the best in the profession;
  • state award;

Other types may be provided:

  • collective agreement;
  • internal order;
  • charter;
  • discipline regulations.

These include, for example:

  • tourist vouchers, to a sanatorium, etc.;
  • interest-free loans;
  • increased compensation upon dismissal;
  • increase in the amount of remuneration at the end of the year;
  • the title of "Honored Worker", etc.

Other types of incentives are often sectoral in nature. For example, in the Disciplinary Charter of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation, approved. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 16, 1998 No. 1396 provides for the following additional award measures:

  • assignment of the next rank ahead of schedule;
  • conferring a rank one step higher than the corresponding position;
  • awarding weapons, etc.

Thus, the list of incentives is open and can be supplemented at the discretion of the employer.

How the employer draws up bonuses for employees who conscientiously perform labor duties

Unlike the monthly bonus, which is not reflected in any way in the local acts of the enterprise, the promotion is issued by a separate order. The form can be the one adopted at the enterprise, or recommended by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation “On approval of unified forms ...” dated 05.01.2004 No. 1 (form T-11). Such an order is brought to the attention of all employees of the enterprise in order to stimulate them to the qualitative performance of their duties.

The basis for the award may be:

  • memo of the head of the structural unit;
  • employer's decision.

The order must indicate the full surname, name, patronymic of the employee and his position according to the staffing table. You can read more about filling out this administrative act, as well as download its sample in the corresponding article on our website.

Encouragement data is also entered in the work book (clause 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On work books"dated April 16, 2003 No. 225). In particular, the following types are included:

  • awarding state honorary titles and awards;
  • presentation of certificates of honor, badges, conferment of titles, etc. by the employer;
  • other types of incentives other than regular bonuses.

State awards as an incentive for the quality performance of their duties for employees

The range of merits for which the state award is due is very wide and includes not only labor achievements. However, within the framework of this article, we will talk about the procedure for state incentives specifically for labor activity.

So, the algorithm for obtaining a state award is described in detail in the regulation "On State Awards", approved. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1099, and consists of the following stages:

  • a petition is drawn up by the team of the organization (at the place of work) or by the state (municipal) body;
  • the personnel department prepares a package of documents for the award;
  • the application and attached documents are sent to the head of the municipality in whose territory the recipient works;
  • the package is considered superior official subject of the Russian Federation;
  • then it is transferred to the authorized representative of the President for the federal district;
  • documents are brought to the attention of the heads of the relevant federal bodies;
  • finally, the entire package is handed over to the President of the Russian Federation.

State awards are presented by the President of the Russian Federation or other persons authorized by him in a solemn atmosphere. The ceremony is public.

For state awards for merit in labor activity relate:

  • medals (“For labors in agriculture”, etc.);
  • honorary titles ("People's Artist", "Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation", etc.);
  • state, government and presidential awards;
  • gratitude and diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Taxes on material incentives for employees

Material ways of recognizing the merits of an employee are divided into 2 groups:

  • cash prizes;
  • other material incentives (gifts).

Personal income tax on these methods of awarding is calculated as follows:

  • 13% payable on any cash bonus.
  • This tax does not apply to other material incentives if the amount of the gift is less than 4,000 rubles. and delivery takes place no more than once a year (clause 28, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Otherwise, the award is subject to personal income tax in the general manner.

Accounting for incentive amounts as expenses that reduce the company's income when calculating income tax depends on the following conditions:

  1. If the bonus is included in the wage system, then it reduces income (Articles 252, 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). But at the same time, a number of obligations must be observed:
  • the appropriate type of incentive must be specified in the employment contract (or reference is made in the text to the provision on bonuses), the collective agreement, the relevant provision;
  • the achievements of the employee are confirmed (for example, a time sheet, etc.);
  • primary documents on accrual (order on encouragement) must be available.
  1. If the bonus is paid on the occasion of a significant date, from trust funds or for other reasons not related to labor, then it is not taken into account as reducing income (clauses 21, 22 of article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Development of an employee incentive system

Since the employer is interested in making good profits, improving the quality of products and services, he will create a system for stimulating further productivity growth for his employees. The list of measures to influence employees contains such elements as:

  • regular payment of wages;
  • system of monthly, quarterly and annual bonuses;
  • incentive methods described above.

The legislator has given employers complete freedom in choosing the methods of encouragement and the procedure for their application. Receptions and procedures for their implementation should be prescribed in the local documents of the enterprise and brought to the attention of all personnel.

IMPORTANT! If the payment of a salary bonus is the responsibility of the employer, then all other types of incentives are the right of the administration to express gratitude to the most conscientious employees. But if the internal document contains indisputable bonus conditions, then the employee can go to court to protect his right to promotion. For example, when it comes to awarding an honorary title for a certain length of service.

Thus, the incentive system at the enterprise is developed not so much for the purpose of the material benefit of the employee, but for the influence of the employer on the labor behavior of the staff.

So, the encouragement of employees for conscientious work should be distinguished from salary bonuses. Incentives can be monetary, tangible (gifts) or intangible. The list of bonus measures and the procedure for their application must be established by the local regulations of the enterprise.