How to fry pike fish. Delicious pike fried in a frying pan with onions in flour. How to fry pike in tomato sauce

The preparation of this river fish delights many housewives, because the dishes made from it are truly delicious. Pike in sour cream in a frying pan fried with onions is prepared quickly and easily, and our detailed step-by-step recipe with photos will help you with this. We recommend serving this fish dish with mashed potatoes or rice; this side dish will perfectly complement the dish.

Those who have ever cooked pike note that such river fish make wonderful dishes. Pieces of pike become very tender and soft to such an extent that all taste buds are stimulated.

But the most delicious pike dish is the one that was prepared using thick and homemade sour cream, as the pike meat becomes very tender, incredibly tasty and acquires a creamy, light taste. This is why many housewives like pike fried in sour cream and onions in a frying pan.

At the same time, those who have prepared various dishes from such river fish also note that cooking pike has its own peculiarities, so the process of preparing such a product must be carried out correctly.

How to cook pike in sour cream in a frying pan

Pike cooked in sour cream in a frying pan according to the photo recipe below turns out very tasty, and such fish is prepared quite quickly and quite simply. Pike cooked in a delicate sour cream sauce can be served at your discretion with any vegetable salads or favorite side dishes.

A dish of tender pike with sour cream sauce is suitable for both dinner and a weekday lunch, but such a fish dish can be beautifully decorated. In this case, it is also suitable for the holiday table.

So, to prepare pike fried in sour cream with onions, you will need about 2 kilograms of fish, onions, seasoning and herbs. You can easily find all these ingredients in any store.


  • Refined vegetable oil - 160 ml;
  • Pike - 2 kg;
  • Fresh parsley;
  • Dill greens;
  • Rosemary;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Medium-sized onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • High-grade wheat flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Fat sour cream - 160 gr.

Cooking fried pike in a frying pan with sour cream and onions

Step 1.

Rinse and clean the large pike, then for further preparation of the fish soup, you can cut off the tail and head; as for the rest of the fish, it will need to be cut into pieces, then seasoned with ground pepper, and at your discretion, add a small amount of spices, as well as salt.

Step 2.

Cut the pre-peeled onions into half rings, then fry them in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Step 3.

Fry the pieces of marinated pike until light golden brown, first breading them in wheat flour.

Step 4.

As soon as the fish is browned, first place the fried onion on top of it.

Step 5.

Then high-fat sour cream, then add ground black pepper and all the spices for fish dishes at your discretion.

It just so happens that for the population of our country, pike is a common freshwater fish, but in foreign countries, dishes prepared from pike are considered a delicacy. Due to its low fat content, pike meat is considered healthy and dietary; during the cooking process it turns out to be quite elastic, dense and unusually tasty. You can prepare many dishes from it, it is suitable for fish soup, for salting, and of course it is easy to fry. In this article we will look at recipes for making fried pike.

Fried pike

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Pike one kilogram;
  • Breadcrumbs one hundred grams;
  • One chicken egg;
  • Seasoning for fish one pinch;
  • Vegetable oil seventy ml;
  • Thirty grams of salt.

Cooking process

Pike weighing up to two kilograms is perfect for frying, as its meat is very tender and juicy. First of all, the fish is prepared: cleaned of scales, gutted, gills removed, then thoroughly washed under running water and cut into portions. Beat the egg with a fork and add a pinch of fish seasoning, which includes: lemon zest, dried onion, paprika, garlic, ginger, dill, marjoram, parsley, ground black pepper, mustard, basil.

Place a dry frying pan on the fire to heat it up; when it gets hot, pour vegetable oil into it. Meanwhile, prepare the fish. The fish is generously dipped on both sides in an egg with seasonings and salt. Then roll the pieces of fish in breadcrumbs and place them in hot oil in a frying pan. Fry the fish over medium heat until an appetizing golden crust. Then the pike pieces are turned over and continue to fry until fully cooked. In order not to prolong the process of frying the fish, try to put all the pieces at once, or take a larger pan. Fried pike pieces are very tasty not only hot, but also cold. It is served on the table, generously decorated with fresh herbs and with your favorite side dish.

Home-fried pike

Required ingredients:

  • Pike;
  • Salt;
  • Flour;
  • Pepper.

Cooking process

The pike is thoroughly cleaned, scales, entrails, and gills are removed and thoroughly washed under running cold water. The head and tail of the pike are cut off. The remaining part is cut crosswise, the pieces should be no more than three centimeters. The pieces of fish are thoroughly peppered and salted. Pour a little flour into a flat plate, about two hundred grams. A piece of pike is dredged generously in flour before being placed in a frying pan.

Place the frying pan on the fire, pour a little vegetable oil into it and heat it up. Place boned pieces of fish into heated oil and fry them on both sides until a golden, appetizing crust forms. They do not fry for very long, a maximum of seven minutes on each side. Place the finished pieces of pike on a dish lined with paper napkins; they will absorb excess oil. You can serve mashed potatoes as a side dish for this delicious fried fish.

Fried pike with delicate sauce

Ingredients for frying fish:

  • Pike one fish;
  • Flour one hundred grams;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Red pepper, ground black;
  • Sea salt to taste.

Ingredients for making the sauce:

  • Oil in which pike was fried;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • One onion;
  • Seven champignons;
  • Three hundred ml milk or cream;
  • Noble blue cheese two hundred grams;
  • Butter one hundred fifty ml;
  • Freshly ground black pepper;
  • Nutmeg five grams;
  • Thyme three sprigs;
  • Salt.

Cooking process

To prepare this dish you need fresh fish, but if you don’t have one, you can use fresh defrosted fish. They begin to prepare the fish, clean them of scales, remove the head and backbone, rinse thoroughly under running cold water and carefully separate the fillet from all bones. The fillet is laid out on a board or table and coated intensively with sea salt on both sides. The same thing is done with black pepper. Next, sprinkle the fillet with red pepper, rub thoroughly again and set aside so that the meat is well marinated in spices. After ten minutes, the pike fillet is cut into medium-sized slices.

Place a frying pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil to the bottom to a height of about four millimeters, while the oil heats up, roll the pieces of fish generously in flour. After the oil is hot, pieces of fish are dipped into it in one layer, the pike is fried on one side until crispy. As soon as the pike is fried on one side, turn it over to the second and fry until fully cooked. The finished pieces are transferred to a dish and the remaining ones are fried. After all the fish is fried, proceed to preparing the sauce.

Sauce making process

This sauce goes great with fish and is easy and simple to prepare. First of all, take the onion and chop it into small cubes. Add chopped onions to the oil in which you cooked. The onion is fried until transparent. While the onions are preparing. I cut the champignons into thin slices. As soon as the onion has become transparent, add champignons and butter and mix everything until smooth. Simmer for a couple of minutes, then pour in milk or cream, stir thoroughly again, and bring it to a boil. The thyme leaves are separated from the fines, the garlic is cut into thin slices.

After the sauce has boiled, add blue cheese, stir and cook until all the cheese has melted. After the cheese has dissolved, add garlic and thyme, add nutmeg, simmer for another five minutes and remove from heat. The finished sauce is poured into a gravy boat. And served to the table along with fish. The pike is transferred to a flat dish, any vegetable side dish is added and the prepared sauce is poured on top.

If your fish is not completely fresh for cooking, and in order to eliminate the smell of mud, you need to do the following: soak the fish for two hours in cold water with the addition of a few drops of lemon and salt.

Pike cutlets

You can prepare pike cutlets in a huge number of ways. Since there are a lot of recipes for making pike cutlets. Next, we will consider a recipe that allows you to preserve all the aromatic and taste qualities of pike in the dish. Before cooking, you need to remove the skin from the fish. It is completely unsuitable for this dish. All bones and spine must also be removed.

Required ingredients:

  • Pike, cut one kilogram;
  • Onion two heads;
  • Milk one hundred ml;
  • Garlic five cloves;
  • Two chicken eggs;
  • Butter forty grams;
  • Vegetable oil one hundred grams;
  • Four hundred grams of bread;
  • Pepper, salt;
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • Breadcrumbs.

Cooking process

Preparation of minced meat: the fish is cut and the pieces are passed through a meat grinder, along with herbs, onions, garlic and bread soaked in milk. Add eggs, melted vegetable oil, pepper, salt to the resulting mass, and knead the minced meat.

Round or oval cutlets are formed from the resulting minced meat. Not very thick, generously roll them in breadcrumbs, or optionally in flour, and fry in vegetable oil on both sides until fully cooked.

Cutlets made from pike turn out juicy and very tender, all thanks to butter. The finished cutlets are served with any favorite side dish and a fresh vegetable salad.

The benefits of pike meat

How to cut

Cooking secrets

Fried pike in mayonnaise

Pike in batter

Frying pike with onions

Pike fried in a frying pan with onions

This method of cooking fish is the most common and, in my opinion, the simplest.


Pike, salt, pepper, flour, onions (by weight it should be half that of pike meat). vegetable oil and a small piece of butter.


  1. First, let's deal with the fish: clean it from scales, gut it, cut off the tail, fins and head, which can be used to prepare fish soup.
  2. Wash the fish carcass, dry it with a paper towel and cut it into portions of 4-5 cm. Salt and pepper the portions, leave for 10-15 minutes so that the fish is soaked.
  3. Pour flour into a separate plate, you can add a little more salt. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Roll each portioned piece evenly in flour and place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry, as soon as the fish is browned, turn it over to the other side.
  5. Peel and chop the juicy onion.
  6. If you like caramel-colored onions, then immediately after turning the fish over, add the onions to the frying pan. We slightly move the fish to one side, freeing up space for the bow.
  7. If you like translucent onions, then add the onion slices 5 minutes after turning the fish over. Stir the onion constantly during cooking so that it does not burn. At the end of cooking, 3-4 minutes before the end of the process, I add a small piece of butter to the pan; butter makes the fish more juicy and tasty.
  8. Remove the frying pan with the finished fried pike from the heat, place it on plates, and you can serve it with a side dish or simply sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Recipe in batter

It is best to cook fish in batter from fish fillets, but you can cook it from portioned pieces, as in the first recipe with onions in a frying pan.

Juicy and tender fried pike in batter is served with any side dish, vegetables or herbs.

Batter composition:

  • lemon 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
  • flour 3 tbsp.
  • fish seasoning and salt
  • water as needed


  1. Mix lemon juice with vegetable oil, add salt and fish seasoning. Rub the marinade into portions and leave to marinate for 30 minutes in a cool place.
  2. While you can prepare the batter. Mix the egg with flour, add salt and water until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Place pieces of fish dipped in batter into a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry until golden brown.
  4. Blot pieces of finished pike fried in batter on a paper towel and serve.

Pike in sour cream (recipe without flour)

This dish is a real delicacy. The result is tasty and tender pike meat with the creamy taste of sour cream. Be sure to try it.


  • pike 1.5-2kg
  • sour cream 200 -250g.
  • white onion (can be onion) 2 pcs.
  • fish seasoning and salt
  • vegetable oil
  • fresh herbs


  1. Rub the fish, divided into portions, with salt mixed with fish seasoning.
  2. Cut the white onion into half rings.
  3. Place pieces of fish in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, turn the heat to medium, and fry until golden brown. Turn the fish over and place the prepared onion on top.
  4. After 5 minutes of cooking, add sour cream diluted with milk or water. Simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Serve pike fried in a frying pan in sour cream with fresh herbs. Delicious. Bon appetit!

Pike in the oven

This is definitely a truly royal recipe. Everyone who tried this recipe was absolutely delighted. Pike fillet cooked in the oven with onions and carrots mmm. Extraordinary yummy.


  • pike fillet 500g.
  • lemon ½ pcs.
  • fat sour cream 150g.
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • carrots 1-2 pcs.
  • onions 2 heads
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • coriander 1 tsp.
  • seasoning for fish 1 tsp.

How to fry pike in the oven

  1. We divide the pike into fillets, wash the fillets under running water and dry them with a paper towel.
  2. Put sour cream in a separate bowl, add salt, spices, garlic, passed through a press, mix everything, we get a marinade for fish.
  3. Salt the fillet pieces, pepper on all sides, pour in the juice of half a lemon and coat with marinade. Leave to marinate in a cool place for 2 hours.
  4. Now you can do the vegetables. Cut the onion into rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the vegetables one by one in a frying pan with vegetable oil until soft. Salt and pepper.
  5. Dip marinated pieces of pike in flour, place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fry on each side for just a couple of minutes.
  6. Now we put our fish in a baking dish, place a layer of onions on top, then a layer of carrots, pour in the rest of the marinade and send it to cook in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

As I wrote above, not only pike meat is used in cooking, but also caviar. Pike caviar is a fish delicacy and dietary product, just like pike meat. Caviar contains lecithin and other beneficial substances that strengthen the immune system. If you have fresh pike caviar, try frying it in a frying pan. The recipe is suitable for those who do not like to spend a lot of time cooking.


  • pike caviar 450-550 gr.
  • salt and pepper to personal taste
  • vegetable oil for frying 4-5 tbsp.

Pike in flour

This method can be safely called standard, because any worthy catch of a fisherman that threatens to end up in a frying pan, as a rule, is initially rolled in flour. But first things first.


  • Pike – 1 pc. large;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Pepper to taste;
  • Flour – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp.


  1. Having gone through the most difficult stage of cleaning from scales, spiny fins, head and tail, as well as gutting the “beast,” the carcass is thoroughly washed and cut into portions across the ridge 3-5 cm thick.
  2. Now rub each slice with salt and pepper and leave to soak for 15 minutes. Don’t be too overzealous with salt, so as not to spoil the food at the end.
  3. It's time to put the frying pan on the fire, pour oil into it and wait for it to heat up.
  4. At this moment, in a bowl with flour, we begin to roll the fish pieces so that they are completely covered with white breading.
  5. Place the pike in the heated oil and fry first on one side for about 10 minutes, then, when the barrel becomes rosy and crispy, turn it over to the other side.
  6. The heat treatment time depends on the thickness of the sliced ​​fish. The readiness of the product can be determined by the ridge; if no pinkish liquid comes out inside near it, then the meat is cooked.

We place the ruddy deliciousness on a large dish along the edges, and in the center we place rice cooked with curry, or boiled, fried potatoes with onion rings marinated in vinegar. Mmm, the aroma is incomparable, just like the taste.

Before frying, the fish can be marinated, then it turns out more juicy and with an original flavor. For the marinade we will need:

  • ½ lemon
  • 100 g mayonnaise;
  • Coarse table salt;
  • Black pepper powder;

Place the pike slices in a deep bowl, squeeze lemon juice into it and add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. After thoroughly mixing, we leave our fish in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which we proceed to flour coating and subsequent frying.

In order to fry pike in a frying pan as deliciously as possible, you need to arm yourself with a whole store of knowledge on how to do it in a variety of original ways.


In order to achieve an appetizing crispy crust, you can safely use breadcrumbs or semolina instead of flour. For those “fire-breathing” gourmets who prefer hot and spicy food, you are allowed to add crushed red pepper to the breadcrumbs (semolina), well, or other seasonings at your personal discretion and desire.


Batter is a wonderful addition to frying fish. The result is a kind of pie with fish filling. However, for this method, the pike needs to be disassembled, literally, into fillets. We remove the backbone and, if possible, all the bones, cut the meat into pieces the size of a matchbox and prepare the batter itself.

Option #1


  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 4 cloves;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Flour – 1.5 tbsp;


  1. Beat the eggs into a bowl, add salt and pepper, pass the garlic cloves through a garlic press, and beat everything well.
  2. First, dip each piece in the egg mixture, then roll it in breading, put it in hot sunflower oil and fry the pike in a frying pan for 5-7 minutes on both sides, until a crispy golden brown crust forms.

Option No. 2


  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Salt;
  • Seasoning for fish;
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Flour – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Water - how much it will take;


  1. We need to first soak the fillet slices for half an hour in a marinade of lemon juice, olive oil, salt and spices.
  2. Prepare the batter by continuously beating the eggs with flour and gradually adding water. The consistency should be like pancake batter.
  3. Now dip the pike meat into the mixture and place it in a heated frying pan with oil. In total, fry each piece for about 15 minutes.

Pike in batter is an incredibly tasty dish. It can be served with a side dish of potatoes, it can be boiled, mashed, fried or boiled and then fried semi-tubers, or with rice. In addition, such fish “pies” will go well with fresh and heat-treated vegetables and herbs, as well as with the addition of tartar sauce or simple sour cream.

Cooking secrets

To make fried pike tasty and look appetizing on a dish, you need to use the following tips from experienced fishermen and chefs.

  1. Young pike weighing up to 2 kg are well suited for frying. They have fewer bones and do not smell like mud.
  2. For cooking, it is better to take fish caught in November: its meat is very juicy due to the accumulated fat.
  3. To get rid of the specific smell, the carcass should be soaked in milk for an hour before frying. For the same purpose, you can rub it with half a lemon and leave for 15 minutes. In addition, citrus helps make the taste of the dish more refined.
  4. Fish can be seasoned with a mixture of peppers, coriander, basil, thyme, and thyme.
  5. Pike should be fried for no longer than 10 minutes on each side.

Simple recipe with onions

Even a novice housewife can fry pike in a frying pan with onions. To prepare this dish you need simple ingredients and a minimum of time.


  • 1 kg of fish;
  • 3 onions;
  • 60 g wheat flour;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper mixture;
  • 20 g butter;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Step-by-step recipe with photos.

  1. The fish is cleaned, gutted, and washed thoroughly. The tail and head are cut off.
  2. The carcass is cut into medium-sized portions. Each is salted, peppered and left for 15 minutes.
  3. The prepared pieces are evenly rolled in flour and placed in a frying pan with heated oil.
  4. While the fish is browning, cut the onions into half rings.
  5. Turning the pike over to the other side, add the onion to the pan. During the frying process, stir it periodically.
  6. Place butter in a frying pan to fry the pike for another 3 minutes. This technique allows you to make the fish tastier and juicier.
  7. After turning off the stove, keep the fried pike in a frying pan with onions under the lid for another 10 minutes.

Fish in batter

To prepare pike according to this recipe, it is better to use fillets so that there are no bones in the dish.

Required Products:

  • 1.5 g pike fillet;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 60 g flour;
  • 80 ml olive oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • spices for fish;
  • sunflower oil.

Progress of preparation.

  1. Squeeze lemon into a bowl, add salt, olive oil, and seasonings.
  2. The fillet pieces are dipped in the resulting marinade and placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  3. To make the batter, mix egg, flour and salt. The mixture is diluted with drinking water to the consistency of sour cream.
  4. The pickled pike is dipped in batter and placed in a frying pan with boiling oil.
  5. The fish must be fried until an appetizing crust forms.
  6. Place the finished pieces on paper napkins to absorb excess fat.

Cooking in sour cream

This recipe will tell you how to deliciously fry pike in a frying pan so that it can be served on the holiday table. Fish cooked in sour cream acquires a delicate creamy taste.

You will need:

  • medium pike;
  • 200 g medium fat sour cream;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 2 onions;
  • frying oil;
  • salt;
  • spice mixture.

Cooking stages.

  1. The cleaned and gutted carcass is cut into portions.
  2. Each is rubbed with salt and seasoning.
  3. The onion is cut into half rings.
  4. The fish is placed in hot oil and fried on one side until golden brown.
  5. Pieces of fried pike are turned over and onions are placed on top.
  6. After 5 minutes, pour a mixture of sour cream and milk into the pan.
  7. The dish is simmered under the lid for 30 minutes.

In vegetable marinade

Vegetables make the fish very juicy.


  • 1.3 g pike;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 60 g flour;
  • 10 g each of dill and parsley;
  • 7 g salt;
  • 10 g spices of your choice;
  • vegetable oil.

Step by step recipe.

  1. The cleaned fish is cut into several pieces.
  2. Vegetables are washed. The carrots are chopped into thin rings, the onions into cubes, and the greens are chopped.
  3. Pieces of pike are sprinkled with flour and placed in a frying pan with butter.
  4. The fish is mixed with onions and carrots. The dish is salted and seasoned.
  5. The contents of the pan are fried first on one side, then carefully turned over to the other.
  6. 5 minutes before readiness, the fried pike with onions and carrots is sprinkled with herbs and covered with a lid.

Royally in the oven

The calorie content of fish prepared according to this recipe is much less than when fried in oil, so the dish can be included in the diet.

Grocery list:

  • 0.5 kg pike fillet;
  • half a lemon:
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 onions;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • 5 g dry coriander;
  • 2 garlic cloves.


  1. The fillet is washed, dried with a napkin and cut into smaller pieces.
  2. In a deep plate mix sour cream, crushed garlic, seasonings, and salt.
  3. Pike fillets are poured with lemon juice and the prepared marinade, then put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  4. The marinated fish is placed in a baking dish. Place onion rings and grated carrots on top.
  5. Pour the remaining marinade over the dish and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 30 minutes.

Frying caviar

Pike milt and caviar are considered a delicacy and a dietary product. These components contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the human immune system.


  • 0.5 kg of caviar;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

You can fry pike caviar like this.

  1. It is carefully washed so as not to damage the eggs, dried, and rubbed with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan.
  3. Dip the caviar into it and cook it on both sides until golden (about 3 minutes each). It is correct to fry without a lid.

Fried pike is served hot or cooled with vegetable or cereal side dishes. Potatoes in any form go well with fish.

Juicy pike

You can also take a fresh pike, wash it, clean it, cut off the head and cut the carcass into portions. Place the fish in a frying pan and pour the juice of half a lemon over it. Also add mayonnaise or sour cream, salt, seasonings for fish. Then the pike needs to be put in the refrigerator and soaked in this infusion for at least two hours. Thanks to this unique marinade, the pike will definitely not turn out dry in any case. After two hours, you can start frying the pike. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Pieces of fish should be rolled in flour. Fry the pike in a frying pan over low heat, on both sides, until bright golden brown. This delicious fish will undoubtedly brighten up any lunch or dinner.

If there are garlic lovers in your family or friends, then you should add a few cloves, passed through a garlic press, to the pike batter. Each piece of fish should be dipped in the egg-garlic mixture, then rolled in flour and fried in a frying pan without covering it with a lid. On each side you need to fry in a frying pan for five minutes until you get an appetizing, crispy crust. For those who like a spicy, super crispy crust, you need to mix breadcrumbs, ground red pepper or adjika.

There is another way to deliciously cook pike in a frying pan and get tender, juicy meat. To do this, you need to stew it in milk. The pike is washed, cleaned, the head is removed and the carcass is cut into portions. Roll them in flour with spices and salt and fry until almost fully cooked. Then the pieces should be transferred to a plate. Peel and chop the onion. Wash the carrots, peel and grate. Re-fry in the same frying pan where the fish was fried before. Then you should reduce the heat and put the pike back in the pan with the vegetables. Pour milk over the fish, salt, pepper and add your favorite spices. Mix everything lightly. So that the vegetables are soaked in milk. Cover everything with a tight lid and simmer for half an hour over low heat. This vegetable pike is best served with mashed potatoes. This is delicious.

Important point!

To get a real culinary masterpiece from fried pike, you must first follow the recipe for the classic version of cooking. And then, over time, it will be possible to change the composition of the components as much as your imagination allows and to your taste.

If you need a dietary dish, then you should remove mayonnaise from the batter; it is better to add skim milk to it. Pike will not lose anything in taste from this, and there will be much less empty calories.

The benefits of pike meat

In terms of nutritional value, this meat is considered very rich. Among the useful substances one can highlight vitamins E, A, PP, C, group B. There are also many microelements: iron, copper, iodine, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, chromium, fluorine, cobalt, manganese.

Pike meat belongs to the dietary category. One hundred grams contains 82 kcal, 18.4 g of protein and only 0.8 g of fat. No carbohydrates though

How to cut

First you need to get rid of the scales. To do this, use a well-sharpened knife. Move from the tail. A fine grater is also suitable for cleaning.

Next, remove the head by making cuts under the gills. Then remove the fins. The head and fins are good for making fish soup. If you cook fish soup, be sure to remove the eyes and gills, they add cloudiness to the broth.

Then start removing the insides. Make a longitudinal incision in the belly and carefully disembowel. If you want, cut into portions into pieces.

Or make a fillet - make a cut along the ridge, gradually moving the knife inward. Carefully remove the spine and bones, trying to capture as little meat as possible. The remaining large seeds will have to be removed individually. And then cut the finished fillet into the pieces you need.

Cooking secrets

Do you want your pike dishes to be amazingly tasty? Then take note of the following cooking secrets.

  • Pike caught at the end of autumn is the most delicious. Its meat is very juicy due to its fat reserves;
  • It is better not to use large specimens weighing over 4 kg for cooking. This fish is old, it has a distinct smell of mud. In addition, its meat is drier and bony. It is ideal to prepare young specimens weighing up to 2 kilos;
  • To get rid of the unpleasant odor, soak the meat in milk for an hour. You can also soak it in water with diluted vinegar. After this, do not forget to rinse the pike. Marinating in lemon juice for up to 15 minutes will also help eliminate odors. Or rub the meat with salt and spices for the same time;
  • Lemon and onion perfectly complement the taste of pike. Use these ingredients even in the most basic dishes. And the taste of the dish will be very refined.

The easiest way to prepare it is to fry it in a frying pan. How long does it take to fry? Usually about 20 minutes. Fry for 10 minutes on the first side, and then for the same amount on the second. After this, you can still let it simmer under the lid for 10 minutes.

Pike meat is usually quite dry. If you get exactly this one, add sour cream or thicker cream after frying. Simmer a little. Then sprinkle with herbs. The result will be juicy meat with the most delicate taste.

How to fry pike in a frying pan in sour cream

I especially recommend this method for dry meat. Cut the already prepared fish into pieces. Place the pieces in the frying pan. Cut the onions into rings. Pour into the pan on top. Salt and pepper. You can use any suitable spices.

Fill it all with vegetable oil. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sour cream in half a glass of water. Also add to the pan. Cover with a lid and heat over low heat. Simmer for about half an hour. The meat will be incredibly tender. Give it a try. And then write your reviews on this dish.

Fried pike in mayonnaise

For this dish you will need lemon, fresh herbs, 2 onions, 200 g of mayonnaise, breadcrumbs, spices, vegetable oil.

Cut a kilogram of fish into pieces. Pour the juice of half a lemon over them, add salt and freshly ground black pepper. Mix the pike pieces thoroughly in a bowl and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes.

Then pour breadcrumbs into a plate. Better take a fine grind. Roll the pieces in breadcrumbs and place them in a heated frying pan with butter. Fry until done.

Cut the onions into half rings and finely chop any available fresh herbs. Or take dry herbs. Turn the pike pieces over again, cover them with onion and mayonnaise.

Cover the pan with a lid and reduce heat to low. Simmer until the liquid evaporates. Then add 60 ml of water and simmer until the meat begins to fall apart. Then the dish is ready! Turn off the fire.

How to fry pike in a frying pan with onions and carrots in flour

Another way to cook juicy pike with vegetables. Cut the fish into pieces and add salt as needed. Pour flour into a plate. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat well. Dip the pieces in flour and place in a frying pan.

Fry for one minute or a little more on each side. Make the fire stronger. A golden crust should form. We want the juice to be sealed inside.

Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Add to the pan. Pour milk so that it slightly covers the fish. Add fish spices and salt if needed. I sometimes experiment and add whatever spices I have :)

Remember that when cooking fish with vegetables, keep the heat below medium. Simmer covered for another 7-10 minutes. The fish is soaked in milk and vegetable juice with spices. Just lick your fingers!

Pike in batter

To cook in batter, cut the fish fillet into pieces. Rub them with salt and pepper. Mix everything with your hands in a bowl. Leave to soak for 20 minutes.

For the batter, beat a couple of eggs. Mix with a couple of spoons of mayonnaise and the same amount of flour.

Pour oil into the pan and heat it. It is better to take a dish with high sides or a wok so that the oil does not splatter. Roll the pieces in the resulting batter and place in the frying pan. Fire is medium. Fry until a crust appears.

If you want to get a golden color of the batter, then add 1 tsp. turmeric. The pieces will acquire a very beautiful sunny color.

Frying pike with onions

A very simple and very tasty dish. Take pike, onions weigh half as much as meat. You also need a few tablespoons of flour, pepper, and salt.

Cut the fish, salt and pepper. Leave to soak for 15 minutes in a bowl. Meanwhile, peel the onion and chop finely. Fry it until bright golden in a frying pan heated with oil.

Heat another frying pan on the stove. Dredge the pieces of meat in flour. It is convenient to use a package for this. Just put the pieces of fish in a bag and add flour. Shake in different directions and the breading is ready.

Place the pike pieces on the frying pan. When the first side turns golden, turn it over and place the fried onions on top. Fry until done.

How to deliciously cook pike in a frying pan without flour

A very interesting recipe without flour - pike in tomato. You will need fish, 2 onions, about 400 g of tomatoes. And also 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt, herbs, pepper, half a teaspoon of sugar.

Peel the onions and cut them into half rings. Heat a frying pan, pour olive or vegetable oil. Fry the onion until golden brown.

Afterwards, pour boiling water over the tomatoes. Peel off the skin and cut. Add tomatoes to onions. Simmer for another 10 minutes. Add salt, sugar, pepper. Stir well. You will have a tomato mass with tomato pieces.

Cut the fish into pieces and place in a frying pan along with the onion and tomato. Simmer covered for 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle beautifully with herbs before serving.

What to serve with

Pike dishes are suitable for both the everyday diet and the holiday table. This fish must be served hot, as soon as possible after cooking.

Almost any porridge is suitable for a side dish: buckwheat, wheat, rice. Vegetables are also good - raw, stewed or boiled. Well, the classic option is potatoes, in any form.

Almost any spices suitable for fish will help complement the taste. These are various peppers, paprika, coriander, thyme, rosemary, basil.

Do you like to cook this fish? Write how you do it. I hope my recipes and tips were useful to you. If yes, click on the buttons and share with your friends. Subscribe to updates so you won't miss any new information. Goodbye!

Bon appetit!

A solid assortment of fish counter products helps diversify the usual menu. In addition to seafood delicacies and exotic fish, you can also find familiar species, such as pike. It is quite bony and large fish have a distinct river smell. In order not to make a bad choice and enjoy its taste, you should consider some tips:
● it is better to choose a medium-sized pike, as there is a high probability that the smell will be less pronounced or absent altogether;
● try to buy fish in familiar places;
● if the choice was unsuccessful and the smell of mud is present: try soaking it in milk.
Now a suitable fish has been found, and you can start cooking. You can prepare a lot of pike dishes, many of them are simple and affordable. First of all, it can be fried like any other fish. There are several points to pay attention to in this cooking option:
● for better and even frying you need to use a high-quality frying pan;
● to achieve excellent taste, use proven oil;
● spices are necessary to highlight the taste of fish and mask the slight odor.
Taking into account all the nuances, the fried pike will turn out excellent!

Fried pike in cornmeal

This recipe is the simplest, it does not require much time and ingredients, but will delight you with its taste.
You will need:
● medium-sized pike – 1 kg;
● corn flour - ⅜ cup;
● vegetable oil - ½ cup;
● salt;
● spices.
Rinse the fish in water and remove the scales using a knife. Cut off the fins, tail and head, then remove the entrails. Rinse the pike to remove any remaining scales and marks from cutting.
Cut the carcass into small pieces and roll them in corn flour.
Heat the frying pan and grease it with oil, now lay out the pike. Reduce heat and fry on one side until crust appears, then. Don't forget to add salt and pepper.
First place the finished fish on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Then put it on a plate!

Pike fried in batter

Egg batter will make this dish rich and give it a rich taste. To prepare you need:
● pike – 2 kg;
● wheat flour – 320 g;
● oil – 80 ml.
For the batter:
● egg – 2 pcs. (or 3 small);
● salt – 5 g;
● black pepper - ⅓ tsp.
Carry out all the necessary manipulations with the fish.
Before slicing, wash the fish and pat dry with a paper towel.
Cut the carcass into small portions and set aside for now.
For the batter, mix the eggs with spices and salt.
Place the pieces in flour and then dip them in batter and place them in a heated frying pan. Fry on each side until light golden brown.
Place the finished fish on a serving plate!

Pike with garlic and sour cream

Fried pike with garlic will surprise your household with its unusual taste and appetizing aroma.
Required ingredients:
● 3 medium pikes;
● 6 cloves of aromatic garlic;
● sour cream – 150 ml;
● salt - ½ tsp;
● oil for frying;
● seasoning.
Wash the fish, gut it and cut off all excess, and rinse again.
Cut the carcasses into portions of medium width.
Important! Don’t throw away the pike heads; you can use them to make a small pan of fish soup.
Prepare the garlic. Chop the peeled cloves and coat the fish with the resulting mixture.
In a separate bowl, mix sour cream, spices and salt.
Dip the pike and garlic into sour cream and place in a heated frying pan.
Fry it on each side until golden brown.

Pike in tomato sauce

Fish prepared according to this recipe will be an excellent companion to rice or mashed potatoes.
To prepare you will need:
● pike – 1.2 kg;
● a glass of whole grain flour;
● tomato paste – 35 g;
● onion head – 1 pc.;
● medium carrot;
● half a bunch of dill;
● boiled water - ⅓ glass;
● coarse salt;
● ground pepper;
● vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
The pike must be rinsed and cut.
Wash the fish and cut it into two parts along the ridge. Carefully remove all large bones. Cut the fillets into small pieces.
Roll all pieces in flour, salt and pepper on each side. Fry the prepared pike in a hot frying pan with butter until cooked.
While the fish is cooking, wash the vegetables. Cut the onion into cubes and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Send them together to simmer in another frying pan.
Then chop the greens.
A couple of minutes before the vegetables are ready, add tomato paste, herbs, water, salt, spices and a few teaspoons of flour. Stir until the flour dissolves, leave on the stove for a couple more minutes.
Add the finished filling to the pan with the pike and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Fried pike with onions

Simple boiled potatoes are suitable as a side dish for this dish.
For the recipe you need:
● 2 medium pikes;
● a head of onion;
● wheat flour - ⅔ cup;
● 40 ml sunflower oil;
● salt - ½ tsp;
● spices.
Wash the pike, gut it and cut off all unnecessary parts. Cut the prepared fish into portions.
Place the flour on a plate and dip the pike.
Cut the onion into rings.
Place the fish in a hot frying pan, add salt and pepper and fry on one side. Then add the onion, trying to distribute it between the pieces, and continue cooking everything together.
The color of the onion and fish should be light golden.

Pike cutlets

You can fry pike not only in portions, but you can also prepare aromatic cutlets. Step by step recipe here.
You will need:
● heavy cream – 40 ml;
● pike – 1.5 kg;
● dried bread crumbs – 250 g;
● medium head of onion;
● flour – a handful;
● salt – 1 tsp;
● sunflower oil for frying;
● spices to taste;
Rinse the pike and remove scales. Cut off the head, fins and tail, and gut and rinse.
Cut the headless pike along the ridge and get rid of the bones. Try to do this carefully.
The prepared fillet can be passed through a meat grinder and finely chopped.
Chop the onion very finely and combine in a bowl with the minced fish.
Soak 100 g of dried bread in cream and add to the minced meat. Add salt, spices and flour there.
With wet hands, form into patties and roll in the remaining crumbled breadcrumbs.
Place the cutlets on a hot, oiled frying pan. Fry on each side until golden brown.

Pike in batter with mayonnaise

To prepare you need:
● pike – 2 medium fish;
● mayonnaise – 35 g;
● eggs – 30 g;
● salt - ½ tsp;
● vegetable oil for frying.
● allspice;
● flour for breading;
Wash the fish, gut it and cut into pieces 3-4 cm wide.
Sprinkle them with flour and dip them into the batter. Do this with all fish.
Mix eggs with mayonnaise, salt and spices.
Heat the frying pan and grease it with oil. Place in a frying pan and fry on both sides. The crust should be golden and slightly crispy.

To prepare you need:
● pike – 1.3 kg;
● carrots – 1 av. PC.;
● medium-sized onion – 1 pc.;
● spices;
● salt – 7 g;
● oil;
● wheat flour – 60 g;
● parsley or dill.
Wash the pike, remove the scales and cut off all unnecessary parts. Gut the carcass and rinse again under running water. Use a napkin to remove excess moisture.
Wash the necessary vegetables. Cut the carrots into half rings and chop the onion into medium cubes. Finely chop the greens. Set aside vegetables and herbs for now.
Now cut the fish carcass into portions. Roll in flour and place in a hot frying pan. Immediately add carrots and onions, try to distribute them between the fish. Season with salt and pepper.
When the fish is ready on one side, carefully turn it over and, without breaking it, stir in the vegetables.
5 minutes before readiness, add the greens and stir again.

Fried pike with crispy crust

The taste of fried fish and crispy crust will pleasantly surprise your household.
The following products are needed for cooking:
pike – 1 kg;
breading – 180 g;
egg - 2 medium pieces;
spices for fish;
salt - a pinch;
Prepare the pike for cutting. Cut along the ridge, remove from the bones and cut into small pieces.
Mix eggs with spices and salt.
Dip the prepared pieces in the egg mixture and roll well in breading. Place the fish in a hot frying pan and fry until crispy.

It just so happens that for the population of our country, pike is a common freshwater fish, but in foreign countries, dishes prepared from pike are considered a delicacy. Due to its low fat content, pike meat is considered healthy and dietary; during the cooking process it turns out to be quite elastic, dense and unusually tasty. You can prepare many dishes from it, it is suitable for fish soup, for salting, and of course it is easy to fry. In this article we will look at recipes for making fried pike.

Fried pike

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Pike one kilogram;
  • Breadcrumbs one hundred grams;
  • One chicken egg;
  • Seasoning for fish one pinch;
  • Vegetable oil seventy ml;
  • Thirty grams of salt.

Cooking process

Pike weighing up to two kilograms is perfect for frying, as its meat is very tender and juicy. First of all, the fish is prepared: cleaned of scales, gutted, gills removed, then thoroughly washed under running water and cut into portions. Beat the egg with a fork and add a pinch of fish seasoning, which includes: lemon zest, dried onion, paprika, garlic, ginger, dill, marjoram, parsley, ground black pepper, mustard, basil.

Place a dry frying pan on the fire to heat it up; when it gets hot, pour vegetable oil into it. Meanwhile, prepare the fish. The fish is generously dipped on both sides in an egg with seasonings and salt. Then roll the pieces of fish in breadcrumbs and place them in hot oil in a frying pan. Fry the fish over medium heat until an appetizing golden crust. Then the pike pieces are turned over and continue to fry until fully cooked. In order not to prolong the process of frying the fish, try to put all the pieces at once, or take a larger pan. Fried pike pieces are very tasty not only hot, but also cold. It is served on the table, generously decorated with fresh herbs and with your favorite side dish.

Home-fried pike

Required ingredients:

  • Pike;
  • Salt;
  • Flour;
  • Pepper.

Cooking process

The pike is thoroughly cleaned, scales, entrails, and gills are removed and thoroughly washed under running cold water. The head and tail of the pike are cut off. The remaining part is cut crosswise, the pieces should be no more than three centimeters. The pieces of fish are thoroughly peppered and salted. Pour a little flour into a flat plate, about two hundred grams. A piece of pike is dredged generously in flour before being placed in a frying pan.

Place the frying pan on the fire, pour a little vegetable oil into it and heat it up. Place boned pieces of fish into heated oil and fry them on both sides until a golden, appetizing crust forms. They do not fry for very long, a maximum of seven minutes on each side. Place the finished pieces of pike on a dish lined with paper napkins; they will absorb excess oil. You can serve mashed potatoes as a side dish for this delicious fried fish.

Fried pike with delicate sauce

Ingredients for frying fish:

  • Pike one fish;
  • Flour one hundred grams;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Red pepper, ground black;
  • Sea salt to taste.

Ingredients for making the sauce:

  • Oil in which pike was fried;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • One onion;
  • Seven champignons;
  • Three hundred ml milk or cream;
  • Noble blue cheese two hundred grams;
  • Butter one hundred fifty ml;
  • Freshly ground black pepper;
  • Nutmeg five grams;
  • Thyme three sprigs;
  • Salt.

Cooking process

To prepare this dish you need fresh fish, but if you don’t have one, you can use fresh defrosted fish. They begin to prepare the fish, clean them of scales, remove the head and backbone, rinse thoroughly under running cold water and carefully separate the fillet from all bones. The fillet is laid out on a board or table and coated intensively with sea salt on both sides. The same thing is done with black pepper. Next, sprinkle the fillet with red pepper, rub thoroughly again and set aside so that the meat is well marinated in spices. After ten minutes, the pike fillet is cut into medium-sized slices.

Place a frying pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil to the bottom to a height of about four millimeters, while the oil heats up, roll the pieces of fish generously in flour. After the oil is hot, pieces of fish are dipped into it in one layer, the pike is fried on one side until crispy. As soon as the pike is fried on one side, turn it over to the second and fry until fully cooked. The finished pieces are transferred to a dish and the remaining ones are fried. After all the fish is fried, proceed to preparing the sauce.

Sauce making process

This sauce goes great with fish and is easy and simple to prepare. First of all, take the onion and chop it into small cubes. Add chopped onions to the oil in which you cooked. The onion is fried until transparent. While the onions are preparing. I cut the champignons into thin slices. As soon as the onion has become transparent, add champignons and butter and mix everything until smooth. Simmer for a couple of minutes, then pour in milk or cream, stir thoroughly again, and bring it to a boil. The thyme leaves are separated from the fines, the garlic is cut into thin slices.

After the sauce has boiled, add blue cheese, stir and cook until all the cheese has melted. After the cheese has dissolved, add garlic and thyme, add nutmeg, simmer for another five minutes and remove from heat. The finished sauce is poured into a gravy boat. And served to the table along with fish. The pike is transferred to a flat dish, any vegetable side dish is added and the prepared sauce is poured on top.

If your fish is not completely fresh for cooking, and in order to eliminate the smell of mud, you need to do the following: soak the fish for two hours in cold water with the addition of a few drops of lemon and salt.

Pike cutlets

You can prepare pike cutlets in a huge number of ways. Since there are a lot of recipes for making pike cutlets. Next, we will consider a recipe that allows you to preserve all the aromatic and taste qualities of pike in the dish. Before cooking, you need to remove the skin from the fish. It is completely unsuitable for this dish. All bones and spine must also be removed.

Required ingredients:

  • Pike, cut one kilogram;
  • Onion two heads;
  • Milk one hundred ml;
  • Garlic five cloves;
  • Two chicken eggs;
  • Butter forty grams;
  • Vegetable oil one hundred grams;
  • Four hundred grams of bread;
  • Pepper, salt;
  • A bunch of greenery;
  • Breadcrumbs.

Cooking process

Preparation of minced meat: the fish is cut and the pieces are passed through a meat grinder, along with herbs, onions, garlic and bread soaked in milk. Add eggs, melted vegetable oil, pepper, salt to the resulting mass, and knead the minced meat.

Round or oval cutlets are formed from the resulting minced meat. Not very thick, generously roll them in breadcrumbs, or optionally in flour, and fry in vegetable oil on both sides until fully cooked.

Cutlets made from pike turn out juicy and very tender, all thanks to butter. The finished cutlets are served with any favorite side dish and a fresh vegetable salad.

A fresh catch of river fish, obtained by the male half of the family with his own hands, cannot but please the hostess. Pike makes excellent fish soup and cutlets, but our family especially appreciates pike pre-fried in flour and fried in a frying pan with onions. Onions, which are also cooked in this frying pan, become an excellent addition to the tender fish, wrapped in a crispy crust. You can find out all the details on how to properly fry pike in this way from my step-by-step recipe with photos.

All we need is:

How to properly cut a pike

Before you start cooking fresh fish, the first step is to clean and gut it.

Cleaning pike quickly is not that easy. During processing, it releases a large amount of mucus, which makes it much more difficult to remove scales from the carcass. But I still managed to cope with this task using a special knife for cleaning fish. & If there is no such thing, then the usual one will do. You just won't clean the fish as quickly.

The next step is to gut the pike. We rip open the fish's belly and clean it from the inside.

Cut the carcass into portions 4-5 centimeters long.

After this, I usually sprinkle the pieces of fish with a small amount of salt and give them time to soak in it briefly.

The head and fins can later be used to cook fish soup. By the way, you can familiarize yourself with the steps for preparing this delicious fish soup in my step-by-step recipe.

How to fry pike in a frying pan with onions

First we will fry the pike in flour. To do this, pour flour into a plate and add half a teaspoon of salt to it. Before rolling the fish in the dressing, do not forget to mix the ingredients.

We place the pike slices in flour and, turning them over, achieve an even distribution of the topping.

Place the fish on a hot frying pan. When frying, set the burner power to medium.

After one side is well browned, turn all the pieces over.

Peel one medium-sized onion and cut into half rings or sickles. It is desirable that the onion be juicy and moderately bitter.

If you like deeply fried caramel-colored onions, then almost immediately after turning the fish over to the other side, you should add the onion slices. To do this, move the pieces of fish to the side in the frying pan, making room for the onions.

I love translucent, soft onions with no dark spots and a bright flavor. Therefore, I add onion slices to the fish only when the lower part of the pieces begins to brown. This is approximately 5 minutes after turning over.

The onion needs to be constantly stirred with a spatula so that it cooks evenly.

The finished fried pike is simply placed on plates.

Place fried onions on top of the crispy crust. To decorate the dish, you can sprinkle it with fresh green feathers.

I hope that you will like this preparation of fried pike. Bon appetit!

Hello, dear friends! Today I want to tell you about one predatory fish. They loved to cook it for the table of kings. And today everyone can buy it in the store. How to fry pike in a frying pan is the topic of today’s article. I’ll share how to fry it deliciously. I’ll also give you my favorite recipes – in batter and with vegetables.

In terms of nutritional value, this meat is considered very rich. Among the useful substances one can highlight vitamins E, A, PP, C, group B. There are also many microelements: iron, copper, iodine, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, chromium, fluorine, cobalt, manganese.

Pike meat belongs to the dietary category. One hundred grams contains 82 kcal, 18.4 g of protein and only 0.8 g of fat. No carbohydrates though

How to cut

First you need to get rid of the scales. To do this, use a well-sharpened knife. Move from the tail. A fine grater is also suitable for cleaning.

Next, remove the head by making cuts under the gills. Then remove the fins. The head and fins are good for making fish soup. If you cook fish soup, be sure to remove the eyes and gills, they add cloudiness to the broth.

Then start removing the insides. Make a longitudinal incision in the belly and carefully disembowel. If you want, cut into portions into pieces.

Or make a fillet - make a cut along the ridge, gradually moving the knife inward. Carefully remove the spine and bones, trying to capture as little meat as possible. The remaining large seeds will have to be removed individually. And then cut the finished fillet into the pieces you need.

Cooking secrets

Do you want your pike dishes to be amazingly tasty? Then take note of the following cooking secrets.

  • Pike caught at the end of autumn is the most delicious. Its meat is very juicy due to its fat reserves;
  • It is better not to use large specimens weighing over 4 kg for cooking. This fish is old, it has a distinct smell of mud. In addition, its meat is drier and bony. It is ideal to prepare young specimens weighing up to 2 kilos;
  • To get rid of the unpleasant odor, soak the meat in milk for an hour. You can also soak it in water with diluted vinegar. After this, do not forget to rinse the pike. Marinating in lemon juice for up to 15 minutes will also help eliminate odors. Or rub the meat with salt and spices for the same time;
  • Lemon and onion perfectly complement the taste of pike. Use these ingredients even in the most basic dishes. And the taste of the dish will be very refined.

The easiest way to prepare it is to fry it in a frying pan. How long does it take to fry? Usually about 20 minutes. Fry for 10 minutes on the first side, and then for the same amount on the second. After this, you can still let it simmer under the lid for 10 minutes.

Pike meat is usually quite dry. If you get exactly this one, add sour cream or thicker cream after frying. Simmer a little. Then sprinkle with herbs. The result will be juicy meat with the most delicate taste.

How to fry pike in a frying pan in sour cream

I especially recommend this method for dry meat. Cut the already prepared fish into pieces. Place the pieces in the frying pan. Cut the onions into rings. Pour into the pan on top. Salt and pepper. You can use any suitable spices.

Fill it all with vegetable oil. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sour cream in half a glass of water. Also add to the pan. Cover with a lid and heat over low heat. Simmer for about half an hour. The meat will be incredibly tender. Give it a try. And then write your reviews on this dish.

Fried pike in mayonnaise

For this dish you will need lemon, fresh herbs, 2 onions, 200 g of mayonnaise, breadcrumbs, spices, vegetable oil.

Cut a kilogram of fish into pieces. Pour the juice of half a lemon over them, add salt and freshly ground black pepper. Mix the pike pieces thoroughly in a bowl and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes.

Then pour breadcrumbs into a plate. Better take a fine grind. Roll the pieces in breadcrumbs and place them in a heated frying pan with butter. Fry until done.

Cut the onions into half rings and finely chop any available fresh herbs. Or take dry herbs. Turn the pike pieces over again, cover them with onion and mayonnaise.

Cover the pan with a lid and reduce heat to low. Simmer until the liquid evaporates. Then add 60 ml of water and simmer until the meat begins to fall apart. Then the dish is ready! Turn off the fire.

How to fry pike in a frying pan with onions and carrots in flour

Another way to cook juicy pike with vegetables. Cut the fish into pieces and add salt as needed. Pour flour into a plate. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat well. Dip the pieces in flour and place in a frying pan.

Fry for one minute or a little more on each side. Make the fire stronger. A golden crust should form. We want the juice to be sealed inside.

Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Add to the pan. Pour milk so that it slightly covers the fish. Add fish spices and salt if needed. I sometimes experiment and add whatever spices I have :)

Remember that when cooking fish with vegetables, keep the heat below medium. Simmer covered for another 7-10 minutes. The fish is soaked in milk and vegetable juice with spices. Just lick your fingers!

Pike in batter

To cook in batter, cut the fish fillet into pieces. Rub them with salt and pepper. Mix everything with your hands in a bowl. Leave to soak for 20 minutes.

For the batter, beat a couple of eggs. Mix with a couple of spoons of mayonnaise and the same amount of flour.

Pour oil into the pan and heat it. It is better to take a dish with high sides or a wok so that the oil does not splatter. Roll the pieces in the resulting batter and place in the frying pan. Fire is medium. Fry until a crust appears.

If you want to get a golden color of the batter, then add 1 tsp. turmeric. The pieces will acquire a very beautiful sunny color.

Frying pike with onions

A very simple and very tasty dish. Take pike, onions weigh half as much as meat. You also need a few tablespoons of flour, pepper, and salt.

Cut the fish, salt and pepper. Leave to soak for 15 minutes in a bowl. Meanwhile, peel the onion and chop finely. Fry it until bright golden in a frying pan heated with oil.

Heat another frying pan on the stove. Dredge the pieces of meat in flour. It is convenient to use a package for this. Just put the pieces of fish in a bag and add flour. Shake in different directions and the breading is ready.

Place the pike pieces on the frying pan. When the first side turns golden, turn it over and place the fried onions on top. Fry until done.

How to deliciously cook pike in a frying pan without flour

A very interesting recipe without flour - pike in tomato. You will need fish, 2 onions, about 400 g of tomatoes. And also 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt, herbs, pepper, half a teaspoon of sugar.

Peel the onions and cut them into half rings. Heat a frying pan, pour olive or vegetable oil. Fry the onion until golden brown.

Afterwards, pour boiling water over the tomatoes. Peel off the skin and cut. Add tomatoes to onions. Simmer for another 10 minutes. Add salt, sugar, pepper. Stir well. You will have a tomato mass with tomato pieces.

Cut the fish into pieces and place in a frying pan along with the onion and tomato. Simmer covered for 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle beautifully with herbs before serving.

What to serve with

Pike dishes are suitable for both the everyday diet and the holiday table. This fish must be served hot, as soon as possible after cooking.

Almost any porridge is suitable for a side dish: buckwheat, wheat, rice. Vegetables are also good - raw, stewed or boiled. Well, the classic option is potatoes, in any form.

Almost any spices suitable for fish will help complement the taste. These are various peppers, paprika, coriander, thyme, rosemary, basil.

Do you like to cook this fish? Write how you do it. I hope my recipes and tips were useful to you. If yes, click on the buttons and share with your friends. , - then you will not miss any new information. Goodbye!