What exercises increase testosterone. Exercises to increase testosterone. Translational and rotational movements of the pelvis

Testosterone is the main male hormone, which is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, potency and full conception. And for sure, every man knows that you can increase the level of the desired androgen with the help of certain foods. But at the same time, few people know that there are special exercises to increase testosterone in men. We discuss below exactly what set of exercises and gymnastics you can do at home to raise testosterone levels.

Basic exercises

Doctors have proven that exercises to increase testosterone in men have a good effect, provided they are performed regularly. In general, any physical activity provokes the production of male hormone. However, there is a certain set of basic exercises for testosterone production. The main exercises are the following.

Barbell exercises. Here you can perform both lifting and squats with the apparatus. In both cases, blood circulation in the pelvic organs and in the prostate gland will improve. As a result, testosterone production will be accelerated. Lifting the barbell is performed using the following technique:

  • Feet are positioned shoulder width apart.
  • The projectile is grabbed with both hands also at shoulder width or slightly wider.
  • Lifting the barbell is done carefully, without sudden jerks, initially pulling it towards the chest.
  • Then they press the apparatus upward over their heads, after bending their knees slightly.
  • The barbell is held in this position for several seconds and lowered in the reverse order.

Important: the total weight of the barbell plates should initially not exceed 15 kg. Later, you can slightly increase the mass of pancakes.

Barbell squats are also a basic exercise. Here the weight of the pancakes can vary from 10 to 30 or more kg, depending on the general physical fitness of the man. The barbell is lifted onto the shoulders, placing it with the bar behind the neck area. Squats are performed with a straight back, keeping the pelvis in the lower position for several seconds.

Important: such exercises to increase testosterone should be performed 2-3 times a week.

In addition to training with a barbell, you can also train with dumbbells. The weight of the shells is selected individually according to the strength of the man. Train with dumbbells as follows:

  • Each hand holds a dumbbell.
  • Feet shoulder width apart.
  • Now raise your arms with dumbbells in front of you to chest level and then spread your arms to the sides.
  • Lower your arms parallel to your torso. Such approaches need to be performed 15-20 times.

You can push your arms with dumbbells up from your chest. Such presses are also done at least 20 times, each time increasing the number of presses by 5 as the muscles strengthen.

Push-ups from a horizontal surface. Here you can perform the exercise both on the palms and on the fists. Initially, the easiest option is push-ups on your palms. In this case, the torso must be kept in one plane, without bending the lower back or protruding the pelvis upward. The elbows of the bent arms should not look to the sides, but be level with the torso. You need to do at least 10 push-ups in one approach. After a minute break, you need to perform three more sets of such exercises for testosterone.

Important: in addition to the fact that the level of testosterone in the body will gradually increase during such training, a man’s figure will also acquire masculine and sculpted outlines after just a month of regular such training.

Jumping Squats

In addition to basic gymnastics and strength training, you also need to do dynamic exercises to produce testosterone. They accelerate blood flow in all systems and organs, including the genitals. You can perform a squat with a jump. Here it is worth conveying to every man that squats and testosterone are directly related. The fact is that squats, in principle, stimulate blood circulation in the prostate gland. And this helps to neutralize congestion in the prostate and androgen production. Therefore, jump squats should be done in 3-4 sets of 10 times each. When performing the exercise, you must squat as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor. It is important that the buttocks touch the heels. Then, with effort, you should throw your body up as high as possible.

Air bike

You can either fully ride a bicycle on the street, thus massaging the prostate, or spin an air bike at home. An air bike stimulates blood flow in the pelvic organs and also strengthens the abdominal muscles.


Running is recommended for all men without exception. The cardio load should be long-lasting. It is advisable to practice for at least 40 minutes. It is better to organize training at the same time to help the body adapt to the stress and produce the maximum amount of beneficial hormone.

Rotational and translational movements of the pelvis

This seemingly easy exercise promotes better blood supply to all lumbar vertebrae. As a result, all nerve endings and roots are released. There is complete nutrition of the testes, penis and prostate gland. All urinary organs are also saturated with blood. Perform the exercise with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your sides. The pelvis carefully begins to rotate, first clockwise at least 15 times, and then counterclockwise also at least 15 times.

Boosting testosterone with yoga

Yoga classes are designed mainly for static loads. However, this does not detract from the importance of such gymnastics. The fact is that all yogic exercises to increase testosterone are aimed at comprehensive stretching of all muscles and strengthening them. The most effective exercises are:

  • Cobra. Exercise not only increases the level of male hormone very effectively, but also neutralizes the stress hormone - cortisol. Perform the exercise from a lying position. The palms of the hands are under the shoulders. Slowly, while exhaling, we push off the floor with our hands and try to raise the body as high as possible through the arch in the lower back. In this case, the hips are pressed to the floor, and the legs and buttocks are tense and remain pressed to the floor as well.
  • Plow. This exercise is done by exiting the “birch tree” pose. Initially, you need to lie on the floor on your back. The arms are parallel to the body. Now we lift our legs and hips up from the floor, and then slowly and without jerking we bring them behind our heads. It is important to ensure that your knees do not bend during the exercise. You need to stay in this position for 30 seconds or more.
  • Onion. Starting position: lying on your stomach. Now you need to bend your knees and try to grab them by the ankles. We pull our legs towards our head with our hands, trying to bend at the lower back and straining our hips. We hold the pose for 15 seconds or more.

It is worth understanding that all yoga asanas must be performed after pre-warming the muscles and on an empty stomach. Breathing during gymnastics should be even and deep.

Regularly performing all of the above exercises in combination gives amazing results after just a month of training. Based on the results of the hormone test, it will become clear that increasing or increasing testosterone through exercise is very simple and easy.

Testosterone is the main male hormone, which is responsible for a good mood, determination and motivation, potency, maintaining and building muscle mass. With age or under the influence of various factors, the concentration of testosterone in the body decreases. And knowing about the correlation between the hormone and muscle growth, many men ask a logical question: is it possible to increase testosterone through sports, and what exercises to increase testosterone in men are most effective?

Is it possible to increase testosterone through exercise?

Exercise to Increase Testosterone really exist, moreover, any significant regular physical activity allows you to maintain the level of the hormone in the norm necessary for good health.

But you need to know a number of rules, without which exercise that increases testosterone are not only ineffective, but also harmful.

  1. Sports activities should not last more than 45 minutes. The optimal workout duration is 30–40 minutes. The reason for this is that approximately 45 minutes after the start of intense strength training, the body begins to produce cortisol, which is an antagonist of testosterone, and, as a result, reduces its concentration. Long-term exercises to increase testosterone bring exactly the opposite effect, reducing the concentration of free hormone in the body.
  2. Efficiency exercises for testosterone determined by the degree of load on the muscles, their fatigue after training. Therefore, the muscles need to be given rest by training not daily, but three times a week, every 48 hours.
  3. The most pronounced effect is exerted by training large muscles. That's why exercises to increase testosterone, first of all, should be aimed at working the muscles of the back, hips, and chest.
  4. During exercise, the muscles should get tired first, and not the person himself. Therefore, the number of repetitions should not exceed 3 times, and the number of repetitions should not exceed 8–10 times. In this case, the last repetition in each approach should require great effort.
  5. Regular exercises require sufficient general physical training, that is, not only the muscular system, but also the cardiovascular system must be trained.

Thus, it is obvious that intense physical activity has a positive effect on hormonal balance, and, therefore, on the physical health and psychological status of a man. But how and why this happens should be analyzed separately.

Why do men experience an increase in hormone levels after training?

Before you understand how they work exercises that increase testosterone in men, you should remember what testosterone is and where it is produced.

Testosterone is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and testicles. Of the total amount of testosterone, only 2 percent exists in a free, unbound form, and it is they that produce the same positive effect in the form of good potency, cheerful mood, and a developed muscular system.

The remaining 98% are present in the body in protein-bound form: albumins and globulins. During intense physical activity, especially strength exercise, testosterone is released from proteins. At the same time, albumins participate in the process of muscle formation (which is due to effect of testosterone on muscle growth), and globulins promote the release of adrenaline.

Thus, exercises that increase testosterone, work due to stress on the muscular system. And the release of testosterone, that is, the conversion of bound hormone into free one, is a consequence of the load on the muscles. That is, the answer to the question is Does barbell squatting affect height?, is definitely positive, while other intense loads have a positive effect.

On the one hand, this process is natural from an evolutionary and physiological point of view. If a man is exposed to regular beneficial stress and strain on the muscular system, he needs more testosterone than a man leading a calm and measured lifestyle. After all, it is testosterone that gives a man the necessary tone, supplies him with motivation for activity, the desire for success, and the desire for healthy competition. Therefore, interest in what exercises produce testosterone, very useful.

On the other hand, any load must correspond to the physical capabilities of the person. If a man has never played sports before, then enhanced exercises to increase testosterone, will most likely cause injury, heart attack, and other unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, it is best to train with a trainer who can objectively assess the level of physical fitness of his client and prescribe him the necessary set of exercises. And there are also exercises to increase testosterone in men at home.

Squats, bench press, strength training, static muscle work: choosing a sport to produce androgen

Choosing exercises to increase testosterone in men, it is important to understand that the direct impact on the level of the hormone is not exerted by the exercises themselves, not by their technique, frequency or intensity, but by the fact of muscle stress, in other words, their fatigue.

For a person who has never exercised before, you need to start training with activities that will increase overall muscle tone and allow you to correctly perform more complex exercises that are beneficial for your hormonal levels. For this purpose you can use:

  • slow squats with legs wide apart and arms extended forward, while at the deepest point of the squat the knees should not extend to the tips of the feet; in this way a person works all the muscles;
  • statics - including Kegel exercises, tensing the gluteal muscles for the maximum possible time, as the muscle corset strengthens - raising the knees in a sitting machine.

For optimal load, it is best to use 3 approaches, but the number of repetitions can and should be varied. Starting with 8–10 repetitions per set, you need to gradually walk up to 50 times. As you master physical activity and get used to it, you can move on to exercises that directly increase testosterone levels after training.

Most popular exercises

There are 4 most popular types of exercises that involve the largest muscles in the male body, therefore, the hormone is produced much more actively during their execution.

  1. Lunges are a traditional exercise that effectively targets the glutes and quadriceps. They can be performed with or without weights. In the first case, the person lunges forward, keeping his hands on his waist or in front of him. In the second case, he holds a barbell or dumbbells with a weight reaching his own body weight. Which method to prefer depends on the level of physical fitness of a particular man. But exercise without weights has the greatest impact on the cardiovascular system, and lunges with a barbell or dumbbells load the muscles themselves, providing the desired effect - an increase in testosterone.
  2. Push-ups are exercises that involve the muscles of the arms, back and chest. In order to achieve the release of testosterone, you need to work with large muscles - the pectoral muscles, reducing the load on the shoulder muscles. To do this, it is better to place your hands closer to the body and reduce the range of movements.
  3. The dumbbell or barbell bench press also has a positive effect on the chest muscles. Unlike push-ups, presses require the use of additional weight. To do this, you already need to have sufficient training experience and good muscle tone. For people who have recently started exercising, it is better to train in pairs, protecting themselves when working with heavy weights. Bar release should be smooth and continuous. What weight barbell is best to choose in order to increase testosterone concentration depends on the individual characteristics of the person. The optimal solution is to increase the weight of the barbell coupled with a decrease in the number of repetitions in the approach.
  4. The deadlift is a universal exercise in which almost all muscles are involved, so testosterone is released into the bloodstream more actively. This exercise is a squat, at the bottom of which the thigh and shin are at right angles. The arms are extended along the body, in each hand there is a weight (dumbbells or barbell). Both the squat and the lift should be as slow as possible; during the exercise, the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest, abs, hips and back should be involved.

An indicator of a properly conducted workout, after which testosterone in the blood increases, muscle fatigue is greater than general fatigue. Therefore, it is better to keep the training short (about 30 minutes), but intense, with a heavy weight load.

To testosterone after workout distributed evenly throughout the body, you can do a light jog lasting no more than 2 minutes. Jogging should be at a comfortable pace, its goal is to restore blood flow to tense muscles and relieve tension from the body.

Complex for increasing testosterone

To make it easier to start effective training, you can use a ready-made set of exercises.

You should start any complex, even with a sufficient level of preparation, with a warm-up. It is necessary to prevent injuries and more productive training. What kind of warm-up will be - each person determines for himself. You can go for a five-minute jog, stretch, or do some light exercise. A sign of a properly performed warm-up is a feeling of slight warming throughout the body.

The universal structure of the lesson is as follows: one exercise should have at least three approaches, each of which includes up to 10 repetitions. When working with weight experimentally, you need to determine it yourself. The last two repetitions should be difficult and require a lot of effort - it is at this moment that testosterone will be released from the binding with proteins and, accordingly, its increase in the body.

Rest between sets and exercises should average 2 minutes.

Do push-ups as slowly as possible, feeling strong tension in the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and back.

Push-ups can be replaced with a barbell press. In this case, the difficulty of execution depends solely on the weight of the barbell. As the last reps of each set become easier, you should gradually increase the weight.

The barbell press is traditionally performed in the gym, since it is difficult to install such equipment at home. But it can be replaced with a dumbbell press. To do this, you need to lie on the floor, bend your knees so that the main load falls on the muscles of the back and chest, take dumbbells in your hands and slowly pull them forward until your arms are slightly bent at the elbows. Then, also slowly, you need to lower your arms to shoulder level. It is important not to pause or stop during the approach: this reduces the level of stress on the muscles, therefore reducing testosterone production.

Another option for the dumbbell press, which can be alternated with the chest press, is raising your arms to the sides from a lying position. The difficulty of this exercise is the need to control muscle tension so that the main load falls on the chest and not on the arms.

The workout should be completed with a cool-down, for example, a light jog.

Boosting testosterone with yoga

For a long time, yoga was viewed as a way to increase a person's fitness level, which did not have a significant positive effect on hormonal levels. That is, the correlation between squats and testosterone noticeable immediately, but the effectiveness of performing asanas remained in question for a long time.

But an experiment conducted in 1974 found that men who regularly practiced yoga had a 60 percent increase in free testosterone levels in their blood. Therefore, yoga is no less beneficial than strength training exercises, and for a certain category of men who cannot perform intense workouts or lift weights. That is, exercises to increase testosterone in men after 40 years of yoga are the most preferred.

The advantage of yoga over strength training is that it increases the production of total testosterone by the adrenal glands while inhibiting the production of cortisone, which is a testosterone antagonist.

Asanas to perform at home

What exercises increase testosterone from yoga practices, every person who cares about their health and well-being should know. There are 6 effective exercises, after which testosterone increases.

Asana Execution technique Additional effect
  • lie on your stomach, place your palms near your shoulders;
  • inhale, raise your body without using your hands;
  • inhale again, raising your body higher;
  • straighten your arms, bend at the waist;
  • increase the arch in your back, tighten your buttocks.
Gives strength, calms.
  • lie on your stomach, raise your shins, clasp them with your hands;
  • inhale, bend as much as possible;
  • hold the pose for up to 60 seconds;
  • slowly lower your arms and legs to the floor.
Develops flexibility and strengthens the heart.
Setu Bandhasana
  • lie on your back, relax;
  • bend your knees, placing your feet closer to your buttocks;
  • extend your arms along your body, palms down;
  • raise your hips up, rounding your spine;
  • push your hips up, tensing your shoulders;
  • hold the pose for half a minute.
Eliminates depression, reduces stress.
  • lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head;
  • raise your knees to your chest, move your feet behind your head;
  • keep the body weight on the shoulder blades;
  • stretch your back by pulling your heels back;
  • relax your stomach, turn your hips inward;
  • hold the pose for 1 to 3 minutes.
Increases diuresis, helps lose weight.
  • lie on your stomach without touching your legs and head to the floor;
  • exhale, raise your legs and head higher;
  • tighten your buttocks;
  • stay in the pose for as long as possible.
Calms the nervous system.
Utthita Trikonasana
  • stand up, spread your legs at a distance of a meter, stretch your arms to the sides;
  • turn your right foot to the right as far as possible, your left foot to the right by 45 degrees;
  • on the way out, pull your torso up, while exhaling, bend over to the right, placing your palm next to your foot;
  • pull your left hand up;
  • turn your head upward, focusing your gaze on your left palm;
  • hold the pose for half a minute, repeat in the other direction.
Improves digestion and calms.

Thus, knowing what physical exercises increase testosterone levels in men, you can choose the optimal set of exercises for yourself, which will not only increase your testosterone levels, but also improve your well-being, improve your health and lift your mood.


Here's what you need to know:

  • Designing your workout program to maximize acute hormonal release is a waste of time.
  • Instead, focus on weight progression, which has been shown time and time again as a reliable way to increase mass and strength.
  • Load progression can be maintained in three ways - increase the working weight, training volume or the density of your training. Try to increase at least one of these indicators in each subsequent workout.

Do anabolic hormones obtained during training affect muscle building? Or did we all believe in baseless “boyish” science? Let's see what the latest research can tell us.

Hormone Basics

In terms of our body's communication systems, hormones work like old school carrier pigeons. Imagine a class of hormones in the form of a dove, and in the form of the messages they carry - specific hormones (insulin, growth hormone, etc.). After being released from the gland, hormones travel throughout the body and bind to specific receptors in the organs.

Muscle connections

Here is an example from life. Vasya goes to the gym to do deadlifts. After his first approach, all sorts of messengers (hormones) in his body begin to be released in order to coordinate the repair process in the tissues. So if Vasya deadlifts again, he will need a little more muscle, strength and soft tissue such as tendons and ligaments. Hormones are one of the means of communication between all the internal factors that are involved in this complex process of “repairing” the body.

Testosterone and muscle growth

One of the main hormonal communicators of the repair process is testosterone (T). Injecting a supraphysiological dose of T increases muscle hypertrophy and strength, but is of course considered illegal by most sports governing bodies, which adds additional risks. But do the sharp T-unevenness we get from exercise lead to additional muscle growth?


According to LabCorp standards, the average total T range for men is 348 to 1197 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter). This is consistent with research from Bhasin, which found average T levels to be around 724 ng/dL. A level below 348 ng/dL is considered hypogonadism.

T levels above 1197 ng/dL are considered supraphysiological because they are above the average range of natural T production. Typically, the only way to achieve such a high level, barring any pathophysiology, is through injections of synthetic T or other anabolic hormones.

Exercise and testosterone release

Can certain exercises cause the body to release more T than others? I bet! Research has established a strong connection between exercise and hormonal changes.

In a 21-week study in untrained individuals, Ahtiainen JP showed a correlation between T levels and changes in isometric strength and muscle size (measured using MRI), suggesting that both basal serum T concentrations and changes in acute T responses induced training may be important factors.

And contrary to what you may read on the Internet, short rest periods will not increase acute hormone release—both the group of people with a short rest period (2 minutes) and a longer rest period (5 minutes) gained mass and strength within 6 -monthly period.

Even the time of year can affect spikes in T levels, as research by Anderson M. has shown, peak T levels were found in June-July, and minimum levels during winter and early spring. So obviously many things can affect your hormone levels, but will any of these changes lead to gains in muscle mass and strength?

Big muscles?


We are well aware that doing a heavy set of exercises will cause a higher T release. However, we must prove that the T spike leads to muscle growth.

In a large study, 12 healthy young men trained their biceps for 15 weeks on different days and under different hormonal conditions (high T versus low T). In the low-T condition, they only did biceps curls; and at high T, they did the same exercise for the arms, but immediately followed it with high-volume exercises for the legs - 5 sets of 10 repetitions of leg presses and 3 sets of 12 repetitions of leg extensions / leg curls in a “superset” - for revealing a significant increase in endogenous T release.

The theory that was tested was that increased T levels obtained from leg exercises could lead to increases in muscle size and strength. Interestingly, each subject was also self-controlled, as one arm was trained in a high-T condition (from doing a leg exercise) and the other arm was trained on a different day in a low-T condition (from doing a biceps-only exercise). Self-control of each participant in the experiment made it possible to “clean” the data from factors such as sleep, calories, protein consumption, etc., which can affect the process of muscle growth.

The researchers found that strength increased in both groups, and the degree of increase did not differ between low and high T levels. In addition, the size of the arm muscles also did not differ.

However, a study conducted by Ronnenstad had the opposite results. Their study showed greater hypertrophic response in the biceps in subjects who performed high-volume leg exercises first!

Although there were slight differences between studies, the main difference was the order of the exercises. In the first condition, subjects were tasked with doing leg exercises after arm exercises; Ronnenstad suggested that they do the leg exercise first.

Messy philosophy. Increasing your T level is a good thing, however, it is not that easy. This is not just a direct or linear relationship.

Great Academic Dispute

A big academic controversy arose when Phillips took the same data collected by Ronnensted and found no change in hand size.

Taking this one step further, the first study and the Phillips study found no relationship between natural T emissions and gains in mass and strength. However, they discovered that cortisol has a connection with an increase in muscle size. Yes, cortisol is a terrible hormone.

The final nail in the notorious hormone release hypothesis had to do with blood flow. Ronnenstad's group said the reason Philipps' group didn't see any changes was because the hormone-rich blood didn't reach the muscles. Remember that in the first study, arm exercises were performed first, followed by leg exercises to increase T levels.

The report of the first study stated:

"...our data do not support the contention that leg exercise performed after arm exercise compromises potential adaptations to resistance training by stealing hormone-rich bloodstream."

In short, the blood saturated with hormones due to the leg exercise reaches the muscles just fine - nothing just happens! These data coincide with a study conducted on guinea pigs in 1975 by McManus, which showed similar results.

Please explain all this nonsense to me

Large muscular movements such as squats, leg presses, deadlifts, etc. lead to higher levels of anabolic hormones in the blood such as testosterone, but these temporary surges do not result in increased overall muscle mass.

Squats and large compound exercises increase muscle mass and strength, but this is due in large part to local hormonal factors released in areas of greatest tension.

I know it's unpleasant, but what's a testosterone-hungry guy to do if he wants to build muscle?

3 steps to big muscles

Sorry, but creating a program to maximize the release of hormones is a waste of time. Instead, focus on progression, which has been proven time and time again to bring more benefits.

Progression is possible in three main directions:

1. More weight. Also known as high intensity (as a percentage of one RM). The more payload you can handle, the greater the overload you put on your muscles.

2. Larger volume. Volume, as a quantitative expression of your work in the gym, is defined as mass * sets * repetitions. Performing 3 sets of 10 reps on the bench press with 130 kg gives 3900 kg. Just add another set (4x10), which will give 5200 kg of volume (1300 kg more). Volume is a powerful driver of hypertrophy because you are doing more physical work.

3. Density. Density is volume over time. Doing 3 sets of 10 reps with 130kg will take you 12 minutes and 37 seconds in week 1, but doing the same volume in 10 minutes and 57 seconds in week 2 will improve your training density. More density equals more overload, which equates to more muscle mass and strength.

And let's leave the crazy manipulation of hormones through exercise to the "boy scientists"!

The translation has been completed
especially for do4a.net

One of the most important hormones, which is responsible for the formation of the muscle and bone frame, mood characteristics and sexual functions of a person, is testosterone. Today, a very large number of people, in particular men, are interested in various methods and procedures that can effectively increase the level of this substance in the blood. In addition to laboratory methods, you can use a fairly simple system of physical exercises. With their help, almost every man who wants to can significantly increase his blood level.

An increased level of this substance has a positive effect on muscle growth and fat burning in the body. Testosterone also contributes to the proper development and functioning of the genital organs in men. Most experts claim that the spontaneous release and increase in the level of this hormone will always have a positive effect on the body of a healthy person. To achieve such a beneficial effect, it is not necessary to undergo a special course of drug treatment - it is enough to systematically do basic physical exercises.

Some features of testosterone

One of the main advantages of this hormonal substance is its anabolic property. Testosterone is able to influence the process of protein synthesis and thus plays an important role for the person as a whole. In the male body, this hormone is produced much more intensely than in the female body. Its quantity also differs greatly between representatives of the two opposite sexes.

A man's blood, for example, produces 10-12 times more testosterone than a woman's body.

For this reason, representatives of the stronger sex have a more voluminous type of muscle that is able to develop at a fairly rapid pace. In this regard, a woman has a much smaller amount of muscle mass, but is more sensitive to this hormone and its effect on the body. Increasing testosterone levels in many cases implies some healing effect. With its help, you can quickly and efficiently improve the volumetric structure of muscles and prevent diseases such as obesity and osteoporosis. Today, there are special basic physical exercises that significantly increase testosterone levels in the blood. At the same time, it is very important to observe the correctness of their implementation and never take additional anabolic steroids, which have a rather harmful effect on the entire human body.

Increase testosterone levels

Many experimental studies prove the fact that almost any type of active physical activity helps to increase the level of testosterone in human blood. Even a few hours after cycling, people experience significant activation of this hormone. This boost is very beneficial for men who are in middle age or old age. The largest amount of testosterone is released during adolescence, and over time its level constantly decreases.

Therefore, any increase in this hormone for adult men has only positive consequences. It generally prevents premature muscle atrophy, increases muscle strength and improves basic sexual functions. Most experts strongly recommend regular physical exercise, which in a completely natural way contributes to a significant increase in testosterone in the blood. Such training can even slow down the natural aging process and improve the overall well-being of each person.

Many experiments have proven that strength training is the best way to increase testosterone levels. It is precisely such training, during which various weights are used, that will be able to warm up each muscle as efficiently as possible and generate significant protein synthesis in the human body. The correctness and systematic implementation of all physical activity is considered very important. Experts identify the following basic strength exercises that can be used to increase testosterone levels:

  • horizontal barbell press;
  • deadlift;
  • squatting with a projectile;
  • various types of push-ups;
  • pull-up on the bar;
  • exercises with dumbbells;
  • lifting the barbell from the chest in a standing position.

Basic strength exercises

The basis of any strength training that helps to significantly increase testosterone levels are considered to be exercises such as the bench press, deadlift and squat. At the same time, the correct approach to such activities is very important. Before starting these workouts, it is recommended to consult your doctor. Experts also advise finding a good trainer who can help you correctly master the technique of performing these exercises.

To press a barbell in a horizontal position, you will definitely need a special bench. Correct execution of this exercise involves taking a lying position on this bench. At the same time, the legs are bent at the knees, and the feet are placed wider than the shoulders. You need to bring your shoulder blades together, move your chest forward a little and grab the barbell a little wider than your shoulder level. After this, the barbell is removed from the racks, lifted above you with straight arms and, bending your elbows, lowered down until the bar lightly touches your chest. It is recommended to take a short pause, for example, 2-3 seconds, and return the projectile to its original position.

Exercises to increase testosterone levels, such as deadlifts and squats, require special technique and correct execution. In the first case, you need to position your legs and feet correctly, lean forward and, with your back as straight as possible, begin lifting the apparatus. In this case, the chest should be slightly bent forward, and the legs should be slightly bent at the knees. The barbell is pulled to the top of the press, held for a few seconds and lowered to the starting position at a fairly slow pace.

To properly squat with an apparatus, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart. At the same time, experts recommend always keeping your back as straight as possible. The chest must be pulled forward. The barbell should be placed at the top of the trapezius and squat down slowly. When performing this exercise, your thighs should always be parallel to the floor. After this, you need to straighten your knees and repeat the above movements. Experts recommend performing these workouts 2-3 times a week with a small number of sets and repetitions.

Don't think that any strength training increases testosterone levels. For example, attempts to set a one-time strength record stimulate the secretion of growth hormone. This is an adaptive reaction that leads to thickening of the bones and overall strengthening of the skeleton. After such training, in addition, I suffer from a brutal appetite. This is a sure sign of a rapid release of insulin. Instead of masculinity, this hormone will add fat to you. For this reason, “pure” security forces are usually mountain-like. Their muscles are covered with a fair layer of fat. As for testosterone, it is incompatible with extreme strength loads. Excessive stress when lifting colossal weights first of all “kills” the brain. The viscosity of thinking typical of many security officials indicates a deep inhibition of parts of the brain, including the pituitary gland, which controls the production of testosterone.

Sports doctors have conducted hundreds, if not thousands of experiments to identify the training regimen that stimulates testosterone production. And every time it turned out that our training range, equal to 8-12 repetitions, is the best.

In short, no matter what experiments science carried out, it only rediscovered what had long been known to bodybuilders. However, such work cannot be considered useless. Scientists have enriched us with rigorous scientific arguments. We offer you an impact training system that is guaranteed to increase the secretion of your main sex hormone by 400%! However, instead of long explanations, we publish concise scientific graphs. They are more eloquent than any words!

Agree, you should only pump up your muscles to increase your male tone. An attempt to shift the focus to another target, for example, to overly hypertrophied muscles, forces you to go too far in terms of intensity, take “pharma”, and in the end deprives the main thing - the masculine principle.

If you take up the barbell, think a hundred times whether you need huge muscles, bought at the cost of low libido and helpless passivity in life. Well, if you need true fortitude, brutal sexual drive and energy that can break through walls, then this is the place for you - genuine bodybuilding! Our sport makes a man, and does not disguise him as one...

LANGUAGE OF FACTORS 5 golden rules that make you not only big and strong


» Researchers have found that a working weight that allows you to do 10 repetitions per set leads to an increase in testosterone secretion by 10%. When the subjects were asked to reduce their working weight to 70 and 40 percent of 10RM, testosterone secretion increased slightly, and in the second case it remained the same. Testosterone levels did not change when the subjects, using the same weights, increased the intensity of their training through explosive style and faster tempo repetitions. »


» Danish scientists discovered that biceps training increases testosterone secretion by 20%. Another workout that included exercises for the biceps and leg muscles gave an even higher increase of 30%. To achieve maximum testosterone secretion, you can add another minimus to one minor muscle. For example, combine exercises for biceps and triceps. If you are pumping your legs, then you should not add another muscle. The lower extremities already include large muscle groups with different anatomical functions.


» Basic exercises guarantee a confident increase in testosterone secretion in accordance with Rule 2, because such exercises force several muscles and even muscle groups to work at once. Supplementing basic isolation exercises increases the overall volume of training. The Rule states the determining influence of this factor on testosterone secretion.


»Researchers from New Zealand have established a direct relationship between the volume of training work and the level of testosterone secretion. A group of strength athletes performed squats in different modes. In the first workout, athletes did 10 sets of 10 repetitions with a weight of 75% of 1RM (100 repetitions in total). On the other - 6 sets of 4 repetitions with a weight of 90% of 1 RM (24 repetitions) and on the third - 8 sets of 6 repetitions with a weight of 45% of 1 RM (48 repetitions). It turned out that training, which included 100 repetitions, increased the secretion of testosterone by almost half (by 90%). The workout, which consisted of 48 repetitions, stimulated secretion only slightly. As for heavy training, it had a negative effect - testosterone production decreased.


» Research shows that the muscle regains its strength within 48 hours after moderate exercise. This means that you can easily train each muscle every other day. However, such a busy schedule can only be practiced occasionally, for example, during holidays or vacations. The fact is that the amateur’s nervous system is simply not capable of recovering as quickly as the muscles, since it bears the burden of everyday hassles at home and at work. You should do no more than 3 workouts per week, otherwise the risk of nervous fatigue increases. As you know, it is one of the main reasons for the decline in testosterone production.


“If a muscle cell allows testosterone into itself beyond the usual daily norm, this leads to an increase in the number of androgen receptors. Testosterone and the derivative hormone dihydrotestosterone activate receptors, and they send a control signal inside the cell nucleus. The signal “turns on” the genes that control the growth of intracellular proteins, in other words, muscle growth.

Front squats

» Place the barbell on the racks just below your collarbones. Stand facing the barbell. Step forward, sit under the bar and place it on your upper chest. Bend your arms and cross them, creating additional support for the bar. Take a step back. Take a deep breath and slowly lower yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Rise up from the squat with emphasis. Exhale when you pass the hardest point of the climb.