Compote of apricots, cherries and gooseberries. Compote of apricots and cherries for the winter. Concentrated cherry-apricot compote

Compote of apricots and cherries combines both sweetness and sourness, which neutralizes the taste of the drink. This preservation is prepared very quickly using the double-pouring method, but all berries and fruits must be fresh and just picked from the branches. If you are late with preparation by one day and leave the food in the refrigerator, then it is already necessary to peel it from the seeds, otherwise the compote may become cloudy and ferment.

If you like unusual flavors, then when pouring the compote for the first time, add a few sprigs of mint to it, which you remove during the second pour.


1. Rinse the apricots thoroughly in water, washing off the top fleecy layer on their surface. Divide into halves and remove the seeds. Pour the halves into a washed jar. Wash the cherries and also add them to the jar with the apricots.

2. Boil water and pour it into a container, placing a knife or spatula under it so that it does not burst due to temperature changes. Cover with a tin lid and leave for 10 minutes.

5. Pour boiling water into the container a second time. Try not to add a little to the sides so that the liquid does not spill out during canning.

6. Cover the jar with a tin lid, scalded with boiling water, and seal it with a preservation key or simply screw the lid on. To be sure of the strength of the seal, turn it upside down or on its side and listen to see if any air is escaping. If necessary, we will roll it over.

7. Then we will move our preparation to the pantry or cellar and store it for about 1 year - preserved food with pits cannot be stored longer than this period, but as usual it will be opened in six months, when winter comes and you really want to enjoy the aromatic compote of apricots and cherries.

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Apricot and cherry are southern fruits that are valued for their unsurpassed taste. They ripen almost simultaneously. This allows you to combine them in home cooking.

Housewives widely use these fruits to prepare flour and dessert dishes, and drinks for every day. Jams and compotes are prepared from them for future use. Apricots and cherries are dried and used in winter for cooking the same compotes.

Compote for lunch

To prepare a drink from fresh fruits, take ripe apricots and cherries. You don’t have to remove the seeds from them, as they not only do no harm, but also create a special pleasant taste and aroma for the final product.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. A large saucepan is filled with water and placed on fire.
  2. The fruits are immersed in boiling water and allowed to boil for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise they will turn into mush.
  3. Granulated sugar is added either before pouring the fruits or immediately after them. In this case, the contents of the pan must be mixed well.
  4. Turning off the heat, leave the container with compote for 20-30 minutes to infuse and cool, and then only eat it.

Such a pleasant and aromatic drink perfectly quenches thirst and diversifies the daily menu.

For 3 liters of water take 1 tbsp. cherries, 1.5 tbsp. apricots and 1-1.5 tbsp. Sahara.

Dried fruit compote

The abundance of fruits on stone fruits allows housewives to dry them directly in the hot sun, and in winter to cook compotes from the “drying”. Apricots must be pitted and divided into slices, as they have fleshy pulp. The cherries are placed in the sun along with the pits.

Before cooking, dried fruits are washed well and soaked in cold water for 15-20 minutes. Place them in boiling water and cook for 5-10 minutes, adding sugar. It is needed less than usual, since excess acid from the fruit is evaporated along with the liquid during drying.

For 3 liters of water, 0.5 tbsp is enough. cherries, 1 tbsp. apricots and 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Compote for future use

For the winter, compote is prepared in different ways. The simplest one (used by most busy southern housewives) is the following.


  1. Apricots and cherries are washed and pits are removed (you don’t have to do this if the product is intended to be used only in the coming winter). Place them mixed in a sterile three-liter jar up to half the capacity.
  2. Water is boiled on the stove, which is poured over the cooked fruit to the top of the container. Close it with a tin lid and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. The liquid, which has acquired a beautiful color and pleasant aroma, is poured back into the pan and boiled again, adding sugar.
  4. Boiling syrup is again poured into the fruits in the jar and sealed with a lid. Wrap the container and leave it until it cools.

In some cases, sugar is not poured into the water, but directly into the jar before the second pouring of liquid. It will gradually dissolve on its own.

For 1 three-liter jar of compote you need to take:

  • 2.5-2.7 liters of water;
  • a glass of cherries;
  • 2 cups apricots;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara.

Compote of cherries and apricots is a pleasant and aromatic product, no matter how it is prepared.

Prepare apricot and cherry compote for the winter, and my recipe with photos will help you with this.
Homemade drinks are a good thirst quencher in the summer, when there is an abundance of fruits and berries at the dachas, you can prepare them every day. In winter, compotes can become a source of vitamins and microelements, but in order for them to be preserved, a number of conditions must be observed.
We offer the easiest way to prepare compote without sterilization, in which many vitamins will be preserved.
Apricots and cherries complement each other perfectly; in this combination, you can prepare not only compotes, but also jams, preserves, and confitures. Preparations made from these fruits and berries have a beautiful color, pleasant aroma and taste. By the way, as an option, you can tighten it.

To prepare apricot-cherry compote you will need the following ingredients:
- apricots - 1.5 kg,
- cherries - 1-2 cups,
- sugar -200-300 gr. per liter of water,
- citric acid 1/2 teaspoon.

For compote, it is best to select only hard cherries. It is also advisable to choose apricots that have not been ripe. It is not advisable to take green ones, as they will add bitterness to the compote, and overripe ones will spread.
The first thing you need to do is sort through the cherries, remove leaves and twigs that often fall during picking, then rinse thoroughly, changing the water twice.

Cherries do not like excess moisture; they should not be kept in water for a long time, so immediately place the berries in a colander and let the excess water drain.
Next, prepare the apricots and rinse them in water.

Jars should be prepared in advance. They need to be sterilized. This can be done in two ways. Place the jars in a pan with steam or pour boiling water over them twice.
Place a layer of apricots in prepared jars. Then we lay a row of cherries.

and another layer of apricot.

We fill the jars with apricots and cherries to about one third or half.
Fill the prepared jars filled with fruits and berries with boiling water. We do this carefully so that the jars do not burst due to sudden heating.

Pour boiling water over the edges, cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes.
Preparation of syrup.
Drain the water into the pan, add sugar according to the recipe. Bring the syrup to a boil.

Seal the jars with prepared sterile lids.

We turn the cans over and check for leaks. We leave the jars to cool until the morning.

Compote of apricots with cherries prepared according to this recipe will please your loved ones and your children. Canned berries and fruits can be used to prepare fruit salads, as well as decorate desserts.

Also try to cook

Non-sour fruits are good to preserve with cherries.

This compote has the aroma of both cherries and apricots.

The recipe has been tested for years, and this combination has long become a classic for homemade fruit and berry preparations.

The cherries are taken ripe, dense and whole.

Apricots are quite firm, but already quite ripe.

It is very important to choose the right apricots.

Unripe fruits have a tart and bitter taste, which will be transferred to the compote, and overripe fruits will fall apart during sterilization.

Many housewives prepare compote of cherries and apricots for the winter, and the result is always excellent.

It will be very tasty to add a handful of raspberries to this compote; you will get an unusually aromatic and tasty drink.

Compote of cherries and apricots using the triple pouring method


  • 200 g cherries
  • 200 g apricots
  • 200 g granulated sugar

How to cook cherry and apricot compote:

1. Place cherries and apricots in a clean, sterilized jar and pour boiling water over them.

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2. Then pour this water into a saucepan, add one glass of sugar and another 100 ml of water and boil again. This syrup is poured over the fruits in the jar again.

3. After 5 minutes, drain again - and boil and pour again. Then immediately cover with a boiled lid and roll up.

Cool the cherry and apricot compote slowly, turning it over onto lids and covering it with a blanket.

Concentrated cherry-apricot compote


  • apricots
  • cherries
  • for 1 liter of water - 500 g granulated sugar

How to make cherry and apricot compote for the winter:

1. Apricots and cherries are washed, pitted and placed in jars, alternating a row of cherries with two rows of apricots.

2. Fill with boiling syrup and sterilize half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 25 minutes.

3. Roll up and cool upside down under a warm blanket.

You can also use the usual, simple and quick recipe for berry compote.

Place the berries in a jar, pour boiling water over them, drain after 10 minutes and boil the liquid with sugar, adding a little water, because it usually turns out to be less than needed.

Pour into jars and seal for the winter.

If you want to make preparations for the winter, then remember that cherry and apricot pits contain cyanide, so compotes cannot be stored for a long time.

But a few months is possible.

Cherry and apricot compote perfectly combines the soft and sweet apricot aroma with a fragrant cherry note. For cooking, it is better to choose dense, slightly unripe fruits that can retain their shape after double pouring with boiling syrup.

Canning without sterilization implies special requirements for the processing of fruits and glass containers. The fleecy skin of apricots must be thoroughly cleaned with a soft brush, their seeds and all stalks must be removed. The jar should not be filled more than a third full.

The infused drink takes on an amazing burgundy color. A pinch of cinnamon turns it into a delicious dessert drink.


For a 1 liter jar you will need:

  • 3-4 apricots
  • 150 g cherries
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 700-800 ml hot water


1. Rinse the apricots thoroughly in water, washing off the top fleecy layer on their surface. Divide into halves and remove the seeds. Pour the halves into a washed jar. Wash the cherries and also add them to the jar with the apricots.

2. Boil water and pour it into a container, placing a knife or spatula under it so that it does not burst due to temperature changes. Cover with a tin lid and leave for 10 minutes.

3. Then replace the lid with a drain lid and pour the water back into the pan. Boil it again for the second pour.

4. While the water is heating up, add granulated sugar to the steamed fruits and berries in the jar. Optionally, a little cinnamon or vanilla.

5. Pour boiling water into the container a second time. Try not to add a little to the sides so that the liquid does not spill out during canning.