Breastfeeding during medical abortion. Abortion while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding after pharmacological abortion

Abortion with HB is not uncommon. Contrary to popular belief that pregnancy cannot occur with breastfeeding, this is confirmed by a non-isolated case in gynecology. In this case, the woman is rarely ready for a new pregnancy, she has to have an abortion during lactation.

Comes one and a half months after the birth of the baby. In most cases, this applies to women who are not breastfeeding. There were cases of the release of the egg and in the fourth week after childbirth during lactation. The period of breastfeeding for 6 weeks protects against unwanted pregnancy by only 98%.

It is possible if the woman does not protect herself. Doctors do not recommend giving birth, as the body did not have time to recover. Repeated bearing of a child will greatly undermine health, especially if a caesarean section was performed. In the latter case, it is allowed to give birth no earlier than after 3 years. In an unplanned pregnancy, doctors insist on an abortion to preserve health.

Reason #1

The cause of pregnancy may be the frequency of feeding. When applying the baby to the breast 5-6 times a day, with the amount of milk drunk in 150-180 ml per feeding, the risk of becoming pregnant is higher than in those women whose children eat a smaller volume, even if they apply them more often.

Reason #2

The likelihood of conception increases if the mother observes the hourly feeding schedule. Do not wait 3-4 or more hours between feedings if the baby asks to eat. The optimal interval time is 2 hours.

Reason #3

With the introduction of complementary foods, usually at 4 months, the mother begins to breastfeed less often, and by 7-8 months she completely transfers the child to baby food. In such cases, the likelihood of conception increases.

abortion during lactation

The method of abortion during breastfeeding is selected for the patient depending on factors. Experts consider:

  • terms of pregnancy;
  • mother's desire to continue lactation;
  • previous birth method.

The patient can stop feeding for a few days, expressing milk, or continue to apply after a few hours. It all depends on the specific situation, which the woman should discuss with her doctor.


Abortion with the use of drugs - the use of drugs that cause the rejection of the embryo from the uterine cavity. The procedure is paid, in order to carry it out, the patient must have a delay in menstruation no more than two weeks, and pregnancy - up to five weeks. Mostly used products containing mifepristone. There is no information about the effect of the substance on lactation and the baby's body through feeding.

According to official sources, mifepristone enters the patient's blood in low doses and is quickly excreted, which is not a reason to stop feeding.

The second most commonly used drug is misoprostol. It enters the milk in minimal portions, it is quickly excreted from it.

The third substance is gemeprost. It is similar to the previous two, but is excreted from the body in a day, and not in 5-6 hours. To be completely sure that the drugs will not harm the baby, doctors recommend starting feeding a few days after a medical abortion, usually after 3-14 days.

mini abortion

Vacuum abortion is done using a machine that sucks out a fetal egg attached to the uterus. The method is the most gentle for the patient, but is carried out only in the early stages. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. It takes place with the use of local anesthesia. Lidocaine and propofol are used, which pass into milk in small quantities, are removed after a couple of pumping. This type of abortion involves stopping breastfeeding for a few hours.

It is extremely rare, but situations are possible when a woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Then GV will have to stop at the time of taking medications.


Instrumental abortion is performed by expanding the cervical canal, scraping the walls of the uterus with a special tool - curettage. The procedure is carried out up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. For medical reasons or rape - up to 22 weeks. This type of abortion is mainly used when the deadlines for more gentle methods are missed. The operation has consequences in the form of perforation of the walls of the uterus, infertility, etc. Their appearance depends on the timing of pregnancy and the doctor.

Surgery can have a psychological impact that will affect lactation.

Mother's condition after abortion

During abortion, the patient does not feel anything, except for a slight discomfort when the cervix opens. After recovering from anesthesia, you may feel pain in the lower abdomen due to uterine contractions. Nausea and dizziness should also not cause concern. To normalize the condition, a woman needs to lie down for at least an hour. Your doctor may put a cold compress on your stomach to help your uterus contract. If this does not happen, the patient may be injected with oxytocin.

To check how the procedure went, the woman needs to do an ultrasound. If the remains of the embryo are found, a mandatory surgical abortion is performed. After vacuum and surgical abortions, antibiotics may be prescribed. Drugs are prescribed to kill microorganisms that can get on the wounded surface of the uterus and cause infection.

After vacuum aspiration and surgery, a woman bleeds from the vagina for a while. On average, this period lasts from 5 to 15 days, normal periods after an instrumental abortion can go in 28-35 days.

After the procedures, the patient may begin dangerous bleeding and other complications. If a woman observes the following signs, she needs to see a doctor:

  • blood from the vagina did not go immediately after the abortion, but after a few days;
  • weak or heavy bleeding;
  • lack of blood;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • discharge with impurities of pus, too red or having a pungent odor.

Artificial termination of pregnancy also has psychological consequences for the patient. After an abortion, a woman needs the moral support of her family and friends.

Features of breastfeeding after medical abortion

After med. abortion breastfeeding needs some adjustment. After taking the first pill, a woman should not feed the baby. If you want to keep lactation in the same volume, the mother needs to express her breasts with the same frequency with which the baby ate.

Approximately on the fifth day, when the ultrasound is ready, you can continue to breastfeed the baby.

Caused by a change in the taste of milk due to pregnancy or subsequent miscarriage, insufficient pumping. This rarely happens, mostly the lactation period is completely restored.

Features of HB after surgical abortion

Termination of pregnancy with the help of a surgical method is not a reason to stop lactation, except for the time of removing general anesthesia from the body (about 6 hours). After this time, the mother needs to express milk well, after which you can start normal feeding.

How to return GV if you had to suspend?

Abortion while breastfeeding causes hormonal changes. Because of this, the taste of milk, its quantity often changes. Some relaxation methods:

  • Frequent application. The frequency of applying the baby to the chest is at least once every 3 hours.
  • Body contact. This method involves the frequent presence of the baby next to the mother, free access to the breast so that the child can take it himself if desired.
  • Good food, plenty of drink. To produce milk, a woman needs to eat right. A diet during this period is not required, but it is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty, fried, smoked, spicy and salty foods.
  • Massage. The production of milk is facilitated by a light massage of the chest and interscapular zone.
  • Night applications. It is at night that the mother's body produces prolactin, which is responsible for the production of milk, so night feedings are useful.

Avoid pacifiers if possible. They satisfy the sucking reflex, the baby is less drawn to the breast. Do not stop feeding, even if the child refuses natural nutrition. Until he begins to drink milk, a woman needs to express herself so that the milk does not disappear.

Abortion is unpleasant for any woman psychologically and physically. In order to avoid consequences, it is important to choose reliable methods of contraception, not to rely on chance.

A breastfeeding woman cannot be fully insured against unwanted pregnancy. When deciding to terminate, it is important to know whether an abortion is possible with guards.

For a baby, the quality of mother's milk is of great importance. But it is influenced by many factors, including medical and surgical interventions. Therefore, it is so important to understand whether breastfeeding and abortion are compatible.

The female body recovers differently after childbirth. It may take several weeks to several months to resume normal sex life. Usually, doctors recommend starting sexual activity 4-6 weeks after the birth of a child.

Many women believe that breastfeeding in itself protects against unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, when intimacy with your partner does not think about additional methods of contraception. Often this leads to fertilization.

Can lactation be a reliable method of contraception? Indeed, there is a so-called method of lactational amenorrhea. It lies in the fact that the hormonal background of a woman does not allow the body to become pregnant. However, it operates under certain conditions, which not all women take into account:

  • the method works for the first 6 months after childbirth;
  • the child should eat only breast milk, without supplementation and supplementation with a mixture;
  • if there is no menstruation yet;
  • feeding during the day should be at least 10 times;
  • the interval between feedings should not exceed 3 hours, including night time.

If at least one of the points is violated, the effectiveness of the lactation method is sharply reduced. This leads to unwanted pregnancy. Then the question arises, is it possible to have an abortion if you are breastfeeding?

Yes, you can. But keep in mind that he hurts both the mother and (indirectly) the baby. And perhaps, in a few years, when you will have not one child, but already two (or three, if a third has now settled in your stomach), you will remember with horror: “Is I really going to terminate the pregnancy? I'm glad I changed my mind..."

How to terminate a pregnancy

If a woman has made the decision to terminate the pregnancy, it is important not to blame yourself. Depression has never helped anyone cope with the problem. The quantity and quality of breastfeeding milk is affected not only by medical manipulations, but also by the psycho-emotional state of the nursing mother.

Termination of pregnancy is carried out in two main ways:

  1. medical abortion - a non-contact method that is based on exposure to chemicals;
  2. instrumental abortion - can be performed by curettage or by the vacuum method.

The choice of method depends on the specific case. All nuances must be discussed with the doctor. The specialist will recommend a scheme in which you can perform a medical abortion and maintain lactation.

Medical abortion and breastfeeding

Medical abortion for HB involves the use of several types of drugs. A woman should be prepared for the fact that she will have to give up breastfeeding for a certain time. The period depends on the scheme chosen by the doctor.

Information about the effect of drugs on milk and the body of a child is not enough to talk about the unconditional harm or complete harmlessness of the procedure. Abstaining from feeding during an abortion is a reasonable precaution. After all, it’s always better to play it safe with a baby.

If a woman chooses a drug method, she can breastfeed, but not immediately, but when the drug is completely removed from the body.

Medical termination of pregnancy involves the refusal of breastfeeding for 3-14 days. Therefore, the timing depends on which medicine is used. Perhaps the doctor will take into account your circumstances and prescribe the remedy that is more quickly excreted from the body. For example: when using Mifepristone, it is enough to refuse HB for three days. Pencrofton, Mifolian and some other medicines require the rejection of HB for 14 days.

Ideally, at this time, the child is transferred to milk from a bottle, which the mother expressed in advance (it can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen). Or, if there was no opportunity to express, the baby will “hold out” for several days on an artificial mixture.

Reception of the chemical occurs only in the clinic under the supervision of a specialist. Manufacturers of drugs indicate different durations of abortion. On average, the procedure takes 1.5-3 days.

During this time, the active substance enters the woman's bloodstream and disperses throughout the body. In a minimal amount, it passes into breast milk. Soon the drug is excreted from the body.

A medical abortion is performed at the earliest possible date, up to the 49th day of pregnancy. After taking the medication, the patient should undergo an ultrasound scan within two weeks. Diagnostics will confirm the release of the fetal egg and prevent the development of complications.

Surgical abortion and breastfeeding

Instrumental termination of pregnancy also affects the ability to maintain breastfeeding. It's about the use of anesthesia. The specialist can choose the anesthesia that is most suitable for the patient.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the vacuum method, which is often called a mini-abortion, has proven itself well. Obstetrician-gynecologists tend to carry out a vacuum procedure. Such an abortion has fewer negative consequences and in most cases does not require cessation of lactation.

It is performed under local anesthesia. Most likely, the procedure will require interruption of breastfeeding for only a few hours. For example, Lidocaine and Propofol pass into milk, but in minimal amounts. After them, it is better to suspend breastfeeding for several hours and during this time express a couple of times.

Be sure to ask your doctor what kind of anesthesia was used, and whether it is allowed for HB!

When can breastfeeding be restored with surgery and general anesthesia? It all depends on what kind of anesthesia was used. Nitrous oxide and other inhalational anesthetics are safe for the baby. But, for example, Fentanyl is harmful with HB, it penetrates into milk and is excreted for several days.

What to do if GV had to be suspended

In some cases, a pause in breastfeeding during an abortion will be from three to 14 days.

So that the mother’s milk does not disappear, all this time it must be expressed and poured out regularly (at least once every three hours).

Be prepared for the fact that after an abortion there will be less milk. Indeed, in the body before an abortion and immediately after it, there are pregnancy hormones that “slow down” lactation. In addition, abortion is a hormonal explosion that cannot but affect milk production. But if you do everything right (immediately after the operation, decant, and then often put the baby to the breast, do not skip nightly feedings, etc.), then lactation will inevitably recover.

If a woman is unable to breastfeed her child, she must take care of his nutrition. When interrupting breastfeeding for several hours, it is enough to express milk before the procedure. The child will be able to get enough of them until the mother returns home. But how to feed a child if the period of abstinence is several days or weeks?

Modern doctors insist that the baby should not be accustomed to objects that imitate the female breast, or rather, the nipple. These include pacifiers and nipples. If the child's age allows, it is better to feed him with a spoon or drinker. So he will not wean from the mother's breast.

Drinking formula from a bottle is much easier than sucking milk from your breast. And if the child is still weaned from natural feeding, you can use special ones. When used correctly, they will allow the baby to move from the bottle to the mother's breast. When lactation is fully restored, the lining can be removed.

The mother of the baby should know that abortion while breastfeeding is a very real procedure. Its implementation will require prior consultation with a gynecologist and pediatrician. It is important to set yourself up for the fact that a break in natural feeding does not mean its termination.

Medicines are excreted from the body over time. During this time, it is important for the mother to take care of the rational nutrition of the child, her psychological state and the preservation of lactation. After an abortion, it is imperative to find the best method of contraception for yourself.

Dear Colleagues!

As early as 6 weeks after birth, 15% of non-breastfeeding and 5% of breastfeeding women ovulate. The earliest ovulation was registered on the 4th week after birth. Only complete exclusive breastfeeding (lactational amenorrhea method - LAM) reduces the likelihood of pregnancy in the first 6 months after birth (provided there is no menstruation). The Pearl Index in this case is 2 (for comparison: when using condoms it is 14, "mini-drank" - 5). If after the use of LLA for 6 months after childbirth, the woman remains amenorrhea, and she continues to breastfeed before each feeding, then it becomes possible to extend the LLA to 9-12 months (Pearl index in these cases is 3-6). However, lactating women do not always comply with the requirements of the MLA, which leads to unwanted pregnancies.
An analysis of Internet resources has shown that the issue of termination of pregnancy during lactation is not so rare. In connection with the spread of medical abortion, a frequent question is the possibility of continuing breastfeeding against the background of termination of pregnancy by this method. At the same time, there is no unanimity in the answers to this question on the websites of medical organizations.

Question from a patient on the forum:

My baby is 10 months old! I want to have a medical abortion. Is it still possible sometimes to violate the conditions and breastfeed the baby! How might this affect his health? Thank you in advance!
Answer 1:
When conducting a medical abortion, breastfeeding should be stopped for 14 days after using the drug Mifegin. We do not have any data on what will happen to the child if this rule is violated. If the rules for the use of the drug say that breastfeeding should be temporarily excluded, then this is probably due to the fact that the drug will adversely affect the health of the child.
Answer 2:
When conducting a medical abortion against the background of lactation, breastfeeding must be abandoned (at least 3 days).
The "scatter" of opinions on the part of practitioners is due to the fact that the instructions for drugs of different brands indicate different periods recommended for stopping breastfeeding - from 3 to 14 days, which is confirmed by the data of our study, which showed that only 13% of respondents were aware about the pharmacokinetics of mifepristone and misoprostol in lactating women and the possibility of stopping breastfeeding for only 4-6 hours. The rest would advise their patients to stop breastfeeding for 10-14 days. It is interesting to note that 23% of doctors would advise taking a 3-day break (as indicated in the instructions for miropristone), not taking into account the 7-day break recommended for misoprostol (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The total number of votes received in response to the question posed during the interactive lecture "Recovery period: complications, treatment, prevention" by voting with remote controls in different regions (n=470) (data by G.B. Dicke, 2012)

In this regard, we conducted an analysis of the literature on this issue, the purpose of which was to determine the most optimal tactics for breastfeeding a child by a mother during a medical abortion. Below are the recommendations of the most authoritative sources.

Scientific researchVogelD. et al. (Switzerland, Germany, 2004):

The aim of the study was to compare the concentration in milk and blood plasma after a single use of misoprostol 200 mg and methylergometrine 250 mg in the postpartum period for uterine contraction. It has been shown that the level of misoprostol in mother's milk rises to an average of 3.6 (7.6±2.8) pg/mL within an hour (1.1±0.2) and decreases very rapidly, reaching almost zero values ​​in 5 hours - 0.20 pg \ mL (Fig. 2), while the half-life was half that of methylergometrine (1.1 ± 0.3 hours; median 0.6 hours versus 2.33 ± 0.3 hours ; median 1.9 hours; P≤003, respectively). Milk/plasma concentration ratios for misoprostol were 3-fold lower than those for methylergometrine at 1 and 2 hours (P≤0.0001 and P≤0.0015, respectively).

Rice. 2. Concentration of misoprostolic acid in milk after taking 200 mcg misoprostol once orally, pg/ml
Source: Vogel D, Burkhardt T, Rentsch K et al. Misoprostol versus methylergometrine: pharmacokinetics in human milk. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004, 191:2168-2173

RecommendationsICMA(UK, 2004):

There is some evidence that mifepristone is excreted in breast milk, but there is little evidence for an effect on adrenal function in infants, suggesting that the amount of mifepristone ingested by an infant is unlikely to cause harm.
Since misoprostol levels decrease rapidly, it is recommended that misoprostol be taken immediately after a feed and that the next feed be resumed after a four-hour break for oral misoprostol and somewhat later (after 6 hours) after vaginal administration.
However, if a woman fears that the drugs may pass into breast milk, she may refuse to feed within 24 hours of taking mifepristone/misoprostol or misoprostol alone.

  • 1. Hill NC, Selinger M, Ferguson J et al. The placental transfer of mifepristone during the second trimester and its influence upon maternal and fetal steroid concentrations. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1990, 97:406-411.
  • 2. Vogel D, Burkhardt T, Rentsch K et al. Misoprostol versus methylergometrine: pharmacokinetics in human milk. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004, 191:2168-2173.
WHO recommendations (Geneva, 2007):

Mifepristone may pass into breast milk. When studying the effects of mifepristone on the fetal endocrine system, an increase in the levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol was noted. The clinical significance of these changes is not known.
A small amount of misoprostol also passes into breast milk fairly quickly after use, however, whether this affects the child's condition or not is not known. The serum concentration of misoprostol when taken orally decreases rapidly, so misoprostol is recommended to be taken orally immediately after breastfeeding, and the next feeding to be carried out after 4 hours. Serum levels of misoprostol remain high for longer when administered intravaginally, so feeding should be carried out after 6 hours or later. Unfortunately, the available data do not allow precise recommendations on the optimal timing of misoprostol administration while breastfeeding.
Source: Frequently Asked Questions about Medical Abortion. Based on the results of the international conciliation conference on medical abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, November 1-5, 2004. Belladio, Italy. - WHO, Geneva, 2007. - 33 p.

Misoprostol is rapidly metabolized in the mother's blood to misoprostol acid, which is biologically active and is excreted in breast milk. There are no published reports of adverse effects of misoprostol on infants of mothers taking misoprostol.
Source: Medication Guide by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.LAB-0061-16.0 RevisedDecember 2010. ReferenceID: 2881258.

Scientific researchSäävI., FialaC.ssoauthor. (Sweden, 2010):

The levels of mifepristone in breast milk from 12 women undergoing medical abortion were studied. Milk samples were collected during the first 7 days after administration of either 200 mg (n=2) or 600 mg (n=10) mifepristone. In addition, serum samples were collected on day 3 (n = 4). Mifepristone levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. The highest concentrations of mifepristone were found in the first sample during the first 12 hours after taking the drug, and ranged from undetectable (<0,013 мкмоль/л) до 0,913 мкмоль/л. После этого, отмечалось снижение концентрации мифепристона до неопределяемых значений в течение 7 дней. Самый низкий уровень мифепристона в молоке был получен после приема дозы 200 мг. Соотношение концентраций молоко:сыворотка колебалось от <0,013:1 до 0,042:1 на 3 день (n = 4). Расчетная относительная доза для ребенка (RID) составила 1,5 % на самом высоком уровне. Выводы: уровни мифепристона, определяемые в молоке, являются низкими, особенно при использовании дозы 200 мг. Грудное вскармливание может быть безопасно продолжено без перерывов во время медикаментозного аборта.

Many young breastfeeding mothers are sure that during lactation they will not be able to get pregnant and additional contraceptive measures should not be taken. As practice shows, cases when a couple was able to conceive a child in the first months after childbirth are not uncommon, and then parents find themselves at a crossroads: save the fetus or resort to abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy during breastfeeding can be of two types: surgical (destruction of the fetus in the uterus) and medication (taking mefiprestone and preparations based on it for miscarriage). The features of each procedure, their advantages, disadvantages will be discussed in this article.

Do you know how many women get pregnant within the first three months after having a baby?

According to medical statistics, every 5 young mother finds signs of an "interesting situation" in the first trimester after childbirth.

Conducting a surgical termination of pregnancy does not imply stopping breastfeeding, however, surgical intervention in the reproductive organs of a woman and the subsequent rehabilitation period frightens a young mother. In addition, the possible complications that can lead to infertility do not bode well, as well as anesthesia for the period of the operation can affect the quality of breast milk. For the first few days after an abortion, a woman will be in a state of stress and impotence, and it will be extremely difficult for her to fully care for a child without outside help.

Termination of pregnancy with medicines

Despite the fact that taking pharmaceuticals for the purpose of artificial miscarriage is becoming increasingly popular, this method has a number of serious limitations, so you should think a few times before deciding to do this.

Are there safe abortion methods?

The most significant disadvantages of medical abortion are:

  1. It takes from 2 to 3 days, depending on the woman's body.
  2. Used only for up to 6 weeks.
  3. The need to take a break from breastfeeding. The active ingredient in abortion pills greatly affects the taste and quality of milk and can cause vomiting or diarrhea in the baby.
  4. A visit to a gynecologist involves at least three visits, during which the specialist will make sure that you are pregnant, prescribe medication, control the process after 48 hours, and check the uterus for the absence of a fetus, probable bleeding and inflammation in two weeks.
  5. The drugs have more than 20 contraindications, including suspected ectopic pregnancy, abnormalities in the development of the fetus, anemia, uterine myoma, kidney failure, preeclampsia, inflammation of the genital organs, allergic reactions, etc. It is not recommended to take abortive drugs for women with respiratory problems, in particular with bronchial asthma.
  6. Unpleasant side effects: migraine, chills and weakness, vomiting, asthenia, dizziness, diarrhea and cutting pains in the lower abdomen, bleeding, anxiety and sleep disturbance.


According to the rules, medical abortion must be done in a medical facility under the supervision of a gynecologist, but most often a woman performs such a procedure at home. Be sure to have a family member with you in case of an emergency.


Termination of pregnancy during breastfeeding is fraught with great difficulties, both for the mother and for the baby. Both options for artificial abortion - surgical and medical are fraught with a number of complications and contraindications and do not go unnoticed for the female body. The best way to avoid an unpleasant procedure is reliable contraception from the first days after childbirth.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

Despite the popular belief that it is impossible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, quite often this is not the case. And then the question arises before the mother: to give birth to another baby or to terminate the pregnancy. Often there are many factors under which the first option is simply impossible. And no matter how sad it may be, but you have to have an abortion with GV.

There are several types of abortions:

  • medication (using tablets);
  • surgical;
  • vacuum.

Medical abortion is performed using drugs based on mefiprestone. It can be done up to 6 weeks. This method is considered the most sparing in relation to women's health. But during the period of breastfeeding, you may not have time to do it, since at this time ovulation often occurs before the woman has her period, and she notices her position too late. In addition, there are often cases when the fetal egg does not come out completely or does not come out at all and you have to resort to a surgical method.

The surgical method is considered the most dangerous. But this is understandable: surgery is a wound, and in this case it is open and bleeding. In addition, perforation of the uterus or its rupture is possible. This option can be implemented up to 12 - 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Something in between the first two methods is a vacuum abortion. It is less traumatic and more effective than medication. Vacuum aspiration is carried out for a very short period (up to 5 weeks). The shorter the period, the easier this procedure is tolerated. The interruption is carried out under local or general anesthesia. But this type of abortion is not recommended for those who gave birth less than six months ago.

Many women, afraid or embarrassed to go to the hospital, resort to various alternative methods of abortion. But this should not be done, since such actions can lead to poor health, even death.

Cons of different types of abortion while breastfeeding

Although medical termination of pregnancy is considered the best for women's health, for this procedure it will be necessary to interrupt breastfeeding. Although many doctors believe that it is worth abstaining from breastfeeding for only 3-5 days, while the residual concentration of the drug in breast milk will be quite low. But there are no precise studies on the effects of residues, so other doctors and drug manufacturers advise stopping breastfeeding for a period of 14 to 26 days. But such a period most often means the cessation of lactation.

In surgical and mini-abortions, anesthesia is used. After the termination of its action, a nursing mother needs to express milk. It cannot be used for a baby, but you just need to drain it. After these methods, you can breastfeed after 5 to 6 hours.

Child preparation

No matter how strange it may seem, but it is necessary to prepare the baby for such an event. After all, a mother is the closest and dearest person for a baby, and many are simply not ready for such a long separation.

While there is time, try to show the baby that even when you go away, you always come back. Start leaving for a short time, 30-40 minutes. Gradually, he will understand that mom does not disappear forever.

In addition, if you intend to continue breastfeeding after an abortion, then you need to prepare enough milk so that the baby is fed in your absence. To do this, express milk in special containers and freeze. Also, teach the baby to the bottle, because many of them at first do not want to suck from the horn. So that the baby does not stop sucking at the breast, it is better to take special, orthodontic bottles.

Preparing a mother for an abortion with GV

For any woman, abortion is a trauma. And not only physical, but also psychological. A woman going for an abortion while breastfeeding is especially hard. She is emaciated from pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, at this moment she has a strongly developed maternal instinct.

  1. Go to a psychologist, talk to him.
  2. It is necessary to understand that this is necessary for you, for your health, for your already existing baby.
  3. Talk to relatives. Now the support of relatives, in particular, the husband, is especially needed.

You should discuss the issue of breastfeeding with your doctor. If this moment is very important for you, then you should notify the doctor about it. The doctor will choose a more suitable method. In addition, it is worth consulting with a breastfeeding specialist. He will give valuable guidance on maintaining lactation, a temporary break in feeding and weaning the baby from the breast. He will also tell you exactly whether it is possible to breastfeed after an abortion, and after what period of time it is real.

How is an abortion performed?

Whichever interruption option is chosen, it is a traumatic procedure. And it is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to undergo an examination, take tests and conduct an ultrasound scan. Analyzes are taken to confirm pregnancy, the presence or absence of various diseases (venereal, viral, etc.), to clarify the blood type. An ultrasound is also done to confirm the pregnancy and locate its location, since an ectopic interruption is different.

With medical abortion, the patient is given a drug that provokes detachment of the fetal egg and its release. It can be in the form of tablets, injections or suppositories. It takes place in two stages, with a break of 2-3 days. An ultrasound is then done to confirm the success of the abortion.

The surgical method is also carried out in a hospital, but anesthesiologists are also present during the procedure, who monitor the condition of a woman under anesthesia. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, after which the patient is allowed to recover from anesthesia. Here, the time depends on the woman's body. Someone needs 1 hour, someone comes to their senses in 3-4 hours.

Vacuum aspiration takes 5-10 minutes. Under general anesthesia, the woman departs in the same way as during a surgical abortion. But if the period is short, then local anesthesia is done, which reduces this time.

Condition after an abortion

During the procedure, the woman most often does not feel anything. There is a slight discomfort when opening the neck. Nausea, dizziness are the norm in this situation.

After the effect of the anesthetic drug wears off, pain in the lower abdomen, cramps due to uterine contractions, nausea, and vomiting may appear. This is also normal. After the procedure, you need to lie down for at least an hour and a half. Often, patients will have a cold compress placed on their abdomen for better contraction. If the uterus contracts poorly, then oxytocin injections are given.

For surgical and vacuum types of abortion, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. They do this in order to kill bacteria that can get in when opening the cervix and an open wound on the mucosa.

Also, in any case, an ultrasound is performed to confirm a fully completed abortion, the integrity of the uterus, the absence of internal bleeding, and normal contraction of the uterus. With the remaining parts of the fetal egg, a second abortion is performed, but in this case only surgical.

For many women, it is the period after that that becomes very difficult. Often they are covered with depression, the psychological state deteriorates sharply. In this case, the help of a psychologist and the support of relatives is needed. After an abortion, bleeding may begin abruptly. You should immediately consult a doctor!

In addition, it can be a real blow for a mother if her baby suddenly refuses to eat breast milk after an abortion. This can happen in the following cases: the taste of milk has changed or the baby has lost the habit of suckling. Do not despair. Many mothers, even those who have never breastfed or have done so for a long time, were able to restore breastfeeding. You can too.

Don't rush your baby. Watch his reaction. If he does not like the taste of milk, then for the first 2-3 days, express and feed him prepared in advance from a bottle. If he has lost the habit, then lie down with him and give the breast at the first request. Softly, but persistently. Gradually, everything will get better and will return to its former rhythm.

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, do not rely on the contraceptive properties of lactation and do not use coitus interruptus as a method of protection. Consult a gynecologist and choose with him a suitable remedy, for example, mini-pills, which are allowed for HB.