Ozone treatment is contraindicated. How does the intravenous ozone therapy procedure work? These include

Which woman, as she gets older, hasn’t thought about how she could look 5 to 10 years younger? Of course, this thought occurs to many representatives of the fair sex, and they begin to act. And since the traces of past years are primarily visible on the face, the search for facial rejuvenation procedures begins. One of these, very famous, is ozone therapy. But is it really possible to remove wrinkles with ozone facial injections without harming your health?

First, let's talk about ozone therapy in general, and then we'll take a closer look at its use for the face. So, this is a cosmetic procedure that involves introducing ozone into the body. Ozone is a substance whose molecule contains three oxygen atoms. Many people know it by the smell that is felt on the street after a thunderstorm. In this case, electrical discharges break apart oxygen molecules, and they combine to form ozone. It is obtained using a similar method in cosmetology clinics using special devices - ozonizers.

When ozone is introduced into the body, the amount of reactive oxygen species, so-called free radicals, increases. They damage cellular structures, which underlies the lipolytic effect - burning fat. In addition, free radicals cause oxidative stress, protecting against which the body stimulates the immune system and activates antioxidant processes. Microcirculation in the capillaries also improves and metabolism increases.

Ozone also has high bactericidal effect, destroys bacteria and fungi. But with all its positive properties, we should not forget that ozone has very strong oxidizing properties. In high doses it is toxic to the body, so it must be used with caution.

Before we start talking about the cases in which ozone therapy can help, it is worth noting that this method still does not have experimental confirmation, and it does not help everyone. There is no reliable data either for or against ozone therapy. Whether you want to be treated this way or not is up to you.

There are different types of ozone therapy. Usually local and systemic are distinguished. With local treatment, microinjections of ozone are performed under the skin of the face. With systemic ozone therapy, the effect extends to the entire body as a whole. It also has its own subspecies:

Indications for the procedure

Some diseases for which ozone therapy can be used have already been discussed above. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • In gastroenterology: nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and, according to some data, gastric ulcer;
  • In gynecology: acute salpingo-oophoritis and chronic in the acute stage, endometritis, colpitis, vulvitis;
  • In surgery: trophic ulcers in diabetes mellitus, varicose veins;
  • In urology: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis;
  • In therapy: migraines, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism;

In cosmetology it is used to combat cellulite, stimulate hair growth, and for weight loss. We will separately consider ozone therapy for the face, which is used to eliminate wrinkles, correct double chin, prevent aging of the skin of the face and neck, for dermatitis, and also fights acne.


To eliminate wrinkles, a mixture of ozone and oxygen is injected intradermally along the wrinkle using a syringe. The injection of the mixture continues until the formation of the so-called “lemon peel” - swelling of the skin epithelium; injections last until the entire wrinkle is filled in length. Usually, those areas of the face in which the skin ages most quickly are immediately injected: the areas around the eyes, nasolabial folds and others. The procedure is quite painful.

Microinjections can also be given subcutaneously - it is not as painful as intradermal injection. This method of introducing an ozone-oxygen mixture is used to combat rashes on the face. Possessing bactericidal properties, ozone kills bacteria and relieves inflammation caused by them, so the skin is cleansed.

Disposable syringes with a small volume of 3–5 ml and very thin needles are used. To ensure that the mixture of gases is evenly distributed under the skin, after its administration, a cosmetic facial massage is performed. And sometimes, for greater effect, after the procedure is completed, the face is treated with ozonated water.

On average, a facial ozone therapy course includes 6–10 procedures, but sometimes it is extended to 15 sessions. Breaks between procedures are required and range from one to four days. Typically, 2–3 procedures are performed per week, lasting approximately 15–20 minutes. The duration of both one session and the entire course of ozone therapy is individual and depends on the complexity of each individual case. The decision on how many procedures will be needed is made by an ozone therapist.


Like any other cosmetic or therapeutic procedure, ozone therapy has contraindications. The following diseases are among the absolute contraindications for which it is strictly prohibited:

In addition to absolute ones, there are also relative contraindications. For such diseases, ozone therapy should be carried out with caution. If the condition worsens, the treatment session should be stopped immediately. So, relative contraindications:

The question of whether pregnant women can use this treatment method remains open. Some authors claim that there will be no undesirable consequences, and even suggest ozone therapy during pregnancy to improve the condition of the fetus, enhance weak labor and prevent gestosis (toxicosis). Others, on the contrary, list pregnancy and lactation as contraindications for this procedure. Reliable research on this topic has not yet been carried out, so it is better not to risk your condition and the life of the unborn child and postpone ozone therapy to a later time.

Complications and side effects

Alternatives to Ozone Therapy

If for some reason ozone therapy for the face is not suitable for you (for example, you are not satisfied with the cost or are scared by the list of possible complications), you can try any of the methods listed below.

  1. Contour plastic with fillers. Fillers are gel-like fillers for cosmetic injections. They smooth out wrinkles, giving the skin a more youthful appearance. There are fillers based on collagen, hyaluronic acid and the patient’s own tissue.
  2. Mesotherapy. With this method, biologically active substances are introduced into the middle layer of the skin: vitamins, minerals, etc., which are selected individually for the patient. The skin becomes softer, wrinkles are smoothed out.
  3. Biorevitalization. The essence of the method is that hyaluronic acid, an important component of connective tissue, is injected under the skin. With age, it becomes less, and the tissues no longer retain water, causing them to wrinkle. Biorevitalization helps tighten the skin, smoothes out both fine and deeper wrinkles. Non-injection (laser) administration of hyaluronic acid has also been developed.
  4. Alginate mask. Its main component, sodium alginate, was first extracted from algae. It has a lifting effect and also a moisturizing effect. The composition may include various additives: for example, a mask with ascorbic acid brightens the face, and the addition of collagen will make the skin more elastic.
  5. Microcurrent therapy. Stimulation of the skin, muscles and vessels of the face with low-frequency currents of weak strength. At the same time, the potential difference between cell membranes is restored, which increases their synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

So, ozone therapy for the face helps to cope with various problems, be it acne or wrinkles.

But this method does not yet have scientific proof of its effectiveness and is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it should be used with caution, contact only trusted specialists and be sure to consult with your doctor before the procedure. In addition, in addition to ozone therapy, there are other facial procedures with a similar effect.

Why are you so drawn to the mountains during vacation? Yes, we just always need ozone. It is poisonous when inhaled, but is beneficial to the body. That is why ozone therapy is simply necessary for many diseases. Let’s find out how it works and what indications and contraindications this treatment method has.

How does ozone therapy work?

Ozone therapy is far from new: indications for it were studied a hundred years ago, and the first droppers with ozone in our latitudes began to be used in the 1970s. Nowadays, ozonators - drugs that produce this element - are available in private hospitals, in public hospitals, and in beauty salons, because ozone therapy has very different indications. This type of therapy works due to the fact that the mixture of oxygen and ozone well cleanses the entire body, killing fungi, viruses, removing toxins and improving metabolism, as well as saturating the blood with oxygen. As a beauty procedure, it is not contraindicated even during pregnancy. Its indications are truly varied: ozone therapy is used for one and a half hundred different ailments. Some areas of application can be discussed in more detail.

Indications and contraindications for ozone treatment

  • In surgery, ozone is used for necrosis, burns, wounds of any origin, ulcers, any inflammation, thrombosis, before cardiac operations, etc.
  • In cardiology, this type of therapy is used to treat atherosclerosis and ischemia.
  • Treatment of gastritis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and ulcers.
  • For joint diseases and rheumatism.
  • For diabetes mellitus, including during pregnancy.
  • For diseases of the bronchi and lungs, asthma.
  • For viral and venereal diseases.
  • For corneal injuries and retinal problems.
  • For periodontitis, gingivitis and other gum diseases.
  • For female diseases, for anemia during pregnancy, for delayed development of the baby at different stages of pregnancy, for inflammation of the genital organs, for infections during pregnancy, for placental insufficiency, to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy...
  • For skin diseases, cellulite, hair loss.
  • For diseases of the nervous system, ischemic stroke, inflammation of the nerves, and migraines.
  • To cleanse the body, including after treatment or when planning pregnancy.

And this is not all the indications, because ozone therapy increases overall tone and improves sleep, helps fight depression, restores skin tone and has many other possibilities.

There are, however, contraindications, including ozone intolerance, thyrotoxicosis, alcohol or drug poisoning, tendency to convulsions, thrombocytopenia, acute pancreatitis, hypoglycemia, heart attack, internal bleeding... There are other contraindications. Therefore, before taking the course you need to talk to your doctor.

Types of ozone treatment

There are many ways to saturate our tissues with ozone: using massage oils, enemas, subcutaneous administration, by mixing our blood with ozone and injecting it intravenously, by introducing ozonated solutions under the skin and intravenously. But ozone droppers have become the most popular: after all, they are the best remedy for herpes, bronchial asthma, colds, etc. IVs are safe during pregnancy and are largely universal. Also popular are rectal injections of ozone, rinsing and irrigation, oral administration, and “ozone boots,” when sore legs are placed in bags with this substance (this helps with diabetes and sore joints).

Ozone therapy is a unique treatment method based on the use of an element such as ozone. What properties does ozone have? It not only has good bactericidal ability, but also viruscidal and fungicidal properties. And that is not all. Ozone actively stimulates the body's immune forces, nourishes all cells of the body with oxygen and has a detoxification effect (removes toxins). Ozone therapy is used in many branches of medicine. For example, it is used to actively treat neurological, dermatological, gynecological, urological, surgical and many other diseases. Ozone therapy method is very good, so its use is allowed even in pregnant women. Naturally, there are contraindications to this method. And some people even experience allergic reactions to ozone. So you need to be extremely careful before starting the procedures. It is necessary to consult with experts in this field in advance. Such specialists can be found in our clinic.

Intravenous ozone administration

Methods of introducing ozone vary widely. There are more than a dozen of them. The following methods are very common: ozone therapy: local and intravenous . We will focus on the intravenous method.

It can only be carried out in a hospital. An ozonizer is used to prepare a special solution that is injected into a vein. With its help, ozone and oxygen are pumped into a sterile physiological solution. Thus, an ozonated saline solution is obtained. Next, this solution is injected directly into the patient’s vein (the introduction occurs slowly, intravenously). Note that the solution is ozonized right before infusion. This is done because ozone can decay quickly. The result after intravenous ozone therapy occurs quite quickly. Fatigue, depression and stress disappear, the lack of oxygen is replenished, and blood circulation is stimulated. Patients leave after this procedure rested and refreshed.

Advantages of intravenous ozone therapy

Firstly, a person will quickly get the desired effect: their mood will improve, fatigue will go away, and their performance will improve. Secondly, it has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. All types of metabolism improve: protein, carbohydrate, and fat. Thirdly, microcirculation improves and the immune system is strengthened. Hormonal levels are also normalized. Fourthly, there are few contraindications to ozone therapy. But there are so many testimonies! Fifth, side effects are very rare.

Indications for ozone therapy

There are many indications. Ozone therapy is used both for the prevention and treatment of diseases. As a preventive measure, this procedure is carried out to increase immunity, get rid of depression and stress, and improve performance. Using the ozone therapy method, the following are effectively treated:

- diseases of the digestive tract;

Urinary tract and gynecological diseases;

Respiratory diseases;

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;



Diseases of bones and joints;

Sexually transmitted infections;

Gangrene and burns;

Trophic ulcers, dermatoses, psoriasis, acne;



Scars, stretch marks, all kinds of defects on the skin;

Alopecia (baldness), hair loss.

And this is only a small number of indications for this unique method. The procedure is actively used in cosmetology. With its help, many women rejuvenate their facial skin. Ozone therapy reduces the number of wrinkles on the face and improves overall appearance.

Briefly about contraindications to ozone therapy

Naturally, it is better to talk about contraindications personally with your doctor. But the short list of contraindications is worth reading. The following are not allowed for ozone therapy:

- people with any bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke;

People with hyperthyroidism (this is a disease of the thyroid gland);

Presence or tendency to have seizures;

People taking aspirin and other anticoagulants;

The restriction for procedures is age under eighteen years;

Actively growing tumors.

This is just a small list of contraindications. Do not forget that side effects of ozone therapy may also occur.

Side effects of ozone therapy when administered intravenously

Be sure to check out the side effects of ozone therapy. Here are the negative effects that are possible:

- no effect from the procedure;

Decrease in red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets in the blood;



Mental disorders (namely depression);

Tumor growth;

Allergic reactions to ozone in the form of urticaria.

Note that these effects occur very rarely, but it is still necessary to know them.

Experts' opinion

Experts in the field of ozone therapy and its use differ in their opinions. Russian experts recommend this method, because it is effective for many diseases. But American specialists are very wary of ozone therapy, because it can increase the growth of tumors. Whether you go through this procedure or not is up to you. Any technique has both fans and opponents. On someone ozone therapy It has a truly desired effect, but for some it does not help at all or even worsens the condition. If there is no effect, then you should think: either you are in that small percentage of people on whom it does not have an impact, or you simply came across illiterate and inexperienced specialists in this field. You should not risk your health. At the very least, you can consult with an ozone therapist and ask all your questions.

Quantity and effect of ozone therapy procedures

The maximum number of procedures is twenty-five. Doctors prescribe ten sessions or more. Although it all depends on the problem that worries you. An improvement in the condition can be noticed already on the second day after the first procedure. People around you will notice how your appearance has improved after the third procedure. The effect after the ozone therapy procedure lasts about six months, and in general, it lasts up to twelve months. Ozone therapy is not addictive . Therefore, this procedure can be carried out no more than once every four months. The best option is to perform ozone therapy at least twice a year. More than one hundred and thirty diseases can be cured using intravenous ozone therapy. But the method is considered to be a little painful. But the main thing is effective.

Ozone therapy appeared in the list of services of medical and cosmetology clinics and offices not so long ago; this is a relatively new direction that predicts colossal positive changes and a cure for many diseases.

Everyone knows about the benefits of oxygen. Doctors' recommendations to take more walks in clean, fresh air are heard by people of all ages - pregnant women, mothers of babies and schoolchildren, teenagers, middle-aged office workers, pensioners and others. Modern people spend very little time outside, and in a big city it is simply impossible to find that pure and healthy oxygen, and in the right quantity, every day. Many diseases and conditions develop from its deficiency, the most common being headaches, chronic fatigue, hypertension, and depression. With oxygen deficiency, changes occur in the blood, which lead to inadequate functioning of all or some internal organs and systems of the body.

Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen that is produced when oxygen comes into contact with high voltage electricity. Ozone has a characteristic smell - this is what the air smells like after a strong thunderstorm and rain. Lightning thus acts as a source of high voltage and the atmosphere is filled with ozone - this is the only natural way to obtain it. Something similar is done in laboratory conditions for ozone therapy.

What exactly does ozone therapy do?

According to the latest scientific data, ozone affects the human body as a bactericidal, antiviral, immunomodulatory, healing, rejuvenating, and cytostatic agent. Ozone effectively fights pathogens of many diseases, saturates the blood with oxygen, removes toxins, and strengthens the immune system.

Ozone is an unstable active form of oxygen; once the substance enters the body, it tends to change and take on its previous form. To do this, it comes into contact with the molecules of proteins and lipids of viruses and bacteria. This violates their integrity and destroys them.

Indications for the use of ozone therapy

There are many indications for this type of therapy, since exposure to ozone can be beneficial in almost all areas of medicine. But, despite the apparent versatility and usefulness of the procedure, it can only be performed as indicated or with the approval of a doctor. Since ozone therapy has contraindications and its use in certain conditions can cause deterioration in well-being and lead to undesirable negative consequences.

— A course of ozone therapy will be useful for those who cannot break the vicious circle of colds. Any viral and bacterial infections, ENT infections, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract and others can be treated with ozone. Therapy is recommended as prophylaxis or at the final stage of treatment.

— For headaches and migraines of unknown etiology, you can try using ozone therapy. Often it leads to lasting results, and the patient forgets about pain and pills.

Ozone will be effective against various bacterial and fungal infections, including skin ones. The severity of the disease does not matter; in this case, ozone therapy is auxiliary to the main drug treatment. It can also be used for chronic, indolent infections.

Recipe for the occasion::

— Ozone is necessary for the treatment of many neurological diseases, for example, circulatory disorders in the brain or any other organ, insomnia, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Ozone is used to treat obesity in the form of injections- under its influence, fat cells are burned much faster, and also for recovery after surgery, for example, liposuction.

— Ozone treatment is prescribed for the treatment of gynecological inflammatory diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, vascular system, thyroid gland.

Ozone therapy is approved and beneficial for pregnant women. If, outside of pregnancy, ozone is effective in the treatment of endometritis, salpingoophoritis, colpitis, vulvitis, kraurosis, vulvar dyskeratosis, then in obstetrics it is used for the prevention and treatment of intrauterine infection of the fetus, toxicosis, gestosis, anemia, fetoplacental insufficiency, threat of miscarriage and premature birth, postpartum infections.

— In some cases, ozone therapy can be effective in the treatment of alcoholism, in the general improvement and strengthening of the body that was under the influence of harmful substances (alcohol, chemicals, medications, work in hazardous industries, etc.)

Ozone is useful in treating scars, stretch marks, burns and other skin damage. Under its influence, more correct and rapid formation of healthy tissue occurs.

— Dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, eczema, allergies can also be caused by various pathogens that ozone can destroy. In this case, ozone therapy is indicated as a cosmetic procedure that helps restore clear and healthy skin.

— Ozone is also used in cosmetology for rejuvenation. Through its influence, aging skin is renewed, freed from toxins, filled with oxygen, which leads to the smoothing of wrinkles.

— Ozone is effective in the fight against cellulite. It normalizes blood flow in tissues, eliminates stagnation of water, removes decay products and the skin becomes smooth and velvety.

Types of ozone therapy

To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to choose the right type of ozone therapy. Each of them will be most effective for certain health problems.

— Autohemotherapy with ozone

With this type of ozone therapy, the patient’s blood is mixed with ozone - the blood is drawn, enriched with ozone and then transfused back. Blood saturated with ozone has an effect on the entire body as a whole and delivers ozone to the most remote areas.

— Droppers with ozone;

— Enemas with ozone.

— Massage with ozone-rich preparations.

— Subcutaneous administration of drugs with ozone.

There is also a distinction between general and local ozone therapy, the first has a complex effect on the body, the second solves specific local problems.

Contraindications to the use of ozone therapy

Not all people are allowed to perform ozone therapy procedures; they are contraindicated for:

- any bleeding, including gynecological bleeding. It is believed that ozone therapy is allowed during menstruation, but it is better to abstain to prevent the opening of more severe bleeding;
- blood clotting disorders;
- thrombosis;
— myocardial infarction;
— severe cardiovascular pathologies;
— convulsive syndrome, epilepsy;
- severe hypotension;
— alcohol intoxication and acute alcoholic psychosis;
- thyrotoxicosis, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
- acute pancreatitis;
— allergy to ozone and individual intolerance.

It should be noted that not all doctors and scientists share the opinion about the benefits of ozone therapy. This type of impact on humans has not yet been studied enough. There is reason to believe that the influence of ozone on the body produces free radicals, which have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects and can harm healthy tissues. The theory of ozone therapy has been subject to many criticisms.

Although ozone is toxic if inhaled, it is widely used in medicine. Ozone therapy is considered a fairly effective method of treating many diseases and completely eliminates the use of medications.

This method is based on an ozone-oxygen mixture, which has strong life-giving qualities and has a beneficial effect on the body. It fights bacteria, viruses and fungi, slows down the aging process. Ozone normalizes blood flow, improves vascular tone, and strengthens the immune system.

It is a molecule that is formed by three oxygen atoms. It has one free connection, so its activity is high.

Ozone has a number of beneficial properties:

  • Transports oxygen to tissues and organs;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Normalizes hormonal levels;
  • Removes inflammation and intoxication;
  • Has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral effects;
  • Improves blood fluidity.

Intravenous infusion is used in the treatment of many acute and chronic diseases, viral and rheumatic diseases, sepsis, circulatory disorders, in dental and dermatoveneral practice, sports medicine and cosmetology.

What are the benefits of ozone therapy?

Ozone damages the membranes of bacterial cells, which makes microorganisms more sensitive to antibiotics. It is able to inactivate even those viruses that are inside cells.

Ozone promotes better glucose consumption by organs and tissues, therefore improving the rheological characteristics of the blood.

The oxygen capacity of the plasma increases, which reduces the likelihood of tissue hypoxia.

Ozone droppers restore metabolic processes in damaged tissues and relieve inflammation. Such procedures correct electrolyte and acid balance and promote rapid recovery. Patients who are experiencing severe pain will feel relief once oxygen is supplied to the injured area. Ozone also enhances renal filtration and optimizes the microsomal system of liver cells.

When is ozone treatment indicated, and when should one refrain from it?

Ozone droppers, like any other medical procedure, have indications and contraindications.

Indications for the use of ozone therapy are as follows:

  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Herpes;
  • Intestinal microflora disorders;
  • Ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Diabetes.
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Gynecological and urological problems.

This treatment method also has contraindications:

  • Hemorrhages of various origins;
  • Brain damage, epiactivity;
  • Alcoholic psychosis in acute form;
  • Diseases that are accompanied by low blood clotting.

How is the procedure done?

For IVs, a saline solution enriched with ozone is used. Features of the application are that it retains its qualities for 20 minutes, so the procedure takes place in a clinical setting.

The amount of solution ranges from 200 to 400 ml - it depends on the characteristics of the body. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient and assessing test results. The procedure does not cause any discomfort and lasts approximately fifteen minutes. After completion, a pressure bandage must be applied to the puncture site. There are no restrictions after the dropper, but you should refrain from smoking for half an hour.

How are ozone droppers useful?

Regular procedures reduce chronic fatigue, increase stress resistance, sexual desire, and suppress allergic reactions. After such events, metabolic processes are normalized, cells retain moisture better, which promotes skin regeneration.

Due to the fact that the blood thins and its microcirculation improves, nutrients freely enter the brain. Apathy disappears, physical and intellectual performance increases.

The use of the drug improves overall well-being and reduces stress on internal organs.

Is ozone therapy beneficial during pregnancy?

A woman who is expecting a baby probably knows what fetal hypoxia and gestosis are. Ozone therapy is effective for these diseases, and it is also prescribed for infectious and somatic ailments. During pregnancy, only ozone droppers are indicated. They relieve women from pain in the lumbar region and joints.

The course is prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the patient’s condition. The standard regimen is 5 droppers at week 20 and 5 at week 30. It is used if the woman is healthy and only minor correction of her condition is required.

If there are ailments of internal organs, then ozone therapy can be combined with medications. The treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor, but it is not recommended to use ozone droppers after 36 weeks. Not all women know for what diseases such droppers are useful during pregnancy.

The following factors may serve as the basis for their use:

  • Reduced immunity;
  • Symptoms of gestosis;
  • Fetal hypoxia;
  • Placental abruption;
  • Intrauterine infection.

Ozone is effective against such female enemies as cellulite and wrinkles. It is widely used in cosmetology and fights many unpleasant phenomena, including obesity.

The specialist will tell you in what sequence the procedures need to be carried out and how to systematize them correctly in order to achieve better results.

Knowing for what diseases ozone droppers are used, you can improve your well-being without medications.

Intravenous ozone therapy: the essence of the method, benefits and harms

Intravenous ozone therapy is a method of physical treatment developed by scientists from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy more than 30 years ago. And although since then the procedure has been quite actively used in many medical institutions, debate about its benefits does not subside to this day. How does ozone work and how safe is it?

Mechanism of action of ozone

The essence of the method is to introduce ozone into the blood through intravenous injections or droppers. Gas is obtained from oxygen using special medical ozonizers. The measured dose is pre-dissolved in saline or mixed with the patient’s own blood.

The therapeutic effects of ozone are due to its strong oxidizing properties. Interacting with the membranes of red blood cells, the drug forms so-called ozonides on their surface - short-chain molecules that activate the enzyme systems of blood cells. As a result, the release of oxygen to tissues is facilitated - metabolism and energy processes in the body are enhanced.

In a similar way, ozone affects immune cells (monocytes, lymphocytes), increasing their ability to absorb and remove pathogenic bacteria and viruses from tissues. As a result, patients' immunity improves, and the defense system begins to more actively fight infections.

The procedure also has a positive effect on hemodynamic processes. Ozone reduces platelet aggregation and increases the ability of red blood cells to deform. The last point determines the ability of red cells to “squeeze” even into the narrowest capillaries and deliver oxygen to all parts of the body.

The main effects of therapy are:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • analgesic,
  • immunostimulating,
  • detoxification,
  • bactericidal.

The degree of manifestation of a particular effect largely depends on the concentration of the ozone-containing mixture.

The variety of therapeutic properties of ozone determines a wide range of its applications. The reasons for prescribing the procedure may be:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis of various origins;
  • stroke;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive tract;
  • colitis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • bullous dermatoses;
  • neuroses;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • cystitis;
  • migraine;
  • inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • allergic diseases;
  • long-term non-healing ulcers or wounds;
  • extensive burns.

Ozone therapy can also be used to generally strengthen and increase the body's defenses. It improves mental and physical performance, helps get rid of the feeling of fatigue. The procedure can be combined with medication or other physical techniques.

Along with this, ozone treatment has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tendency to seizures;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • hemophilia;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • individual intolerance.

Intravenous ozone administration has been practiced since 1970. During this time, several million procedures were performed that did not reveal any serious side effects of the therapy. Despite this, many countries are skeptical about ozone treatment. For example, specialists from the UK and the USA do not use this technique, explaining that its effectiveness has not been sufficiently proven, and the long-term effects of ozone on the body have never been studied.

To a certain extent, the fears of foreign doctors are justified. The fact is that ozone belongs to the class of substances of increased danger. It is known that, interacting with cells, it triggers the formation of free radicals in them. This is the name given to aggressive oxygen particles that can destroy cellular structures. Massive cell damage, in turn, can cause the development of various diseases, including cancer.

When small doses of ozone are administered, radicals are quickly inactivated by the body's own antioxidant systems. But high concentrations of gas can have a negative impact on health.

The main task of the ozone therapist is to determine the optimal dose that will have a therapeutic effect and at the same time will not harm the patient. The problem is that there are no uniform standards for the use of ozone, so doctors have to develop treatment tactics on their own. Much in this matter depends on the experience of the specialist.

In any case, when thinking about ozone therapy, patients should be aware that it can have not only positive, but also negative consequences. This means that before deciding on the procedure, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Educational videos on the topic “Ozone therapy”: