Violence vk. Rape in the hallway. School friendship test

This section contains stories sent to us by readers. Victim stories different types violence. From these stories, you can learn how people experienced the consequences of their personal drama. What did they do to heal, what helped them. And what mistakes they made, what should be avoided.

If you have been a victim of violence but have experienced its aftermath, .

We recommend a distance (online) happiness training course for those who feel unhappy: “From unhappy to become happy”

Saved by the iron rod. The story of a Caucasian girl

Self-destruction is not an option. Realize your dream!

Self-improvement weaned from being a victim

I'm not dirty!

Forgotten rape causes depression

The main thing is that I remained a person

Don't keep everything to yourself!

I did it. They didn't break my life

Helped your site

I didn't tell anyone about this.

Best friend

Elya, 20 years old

You don't have to shut yourself up

Living in the grip of violence and drugs

Don't change yourself!

My childhood

Letter to a pedophile

Zhanna, 38 years old

Daughter of a cruel mother

How I escaped rape

Ekaterina, 60 years old

In my soul I carry a cruel experience all my life

Sergey, 35 years old

I survived, can you?

Meeting with the "star"

Leave on time!

Scars from childhood


I survived alone

I'm not to blame

forgive yourself

forced sex

Life with a sadist

It all started with Loveplanet

Laughter and beauty help me

Life with a "concerned" grandfather

Violence as a result of conspiracies and magic

Win against fate

About experienced violence in verse

Life in armor

Conquering fear and learning to trust

School bullying is the fault of the offenders, not the victims

I treat it as just an experience.

Love with fists

I felt like a victim of violence in a psychological sense. We were sitting on a bench in the park, there were a lot of people around. He hit me lightly on the arm and said, “Put your hands away, sheep!” I got up and left. I asked hundreds of times never to call me names...

I was raped by two

I've been gone for four years

Survival lesson in children's hospital

School friendship test

I became a victim of police brutality

The secret of grandfather and granddaughter

boy rape

I am a healthy man, I am 27 years old, weight 87 kg, I served 2 years in the Airborne Forces, I was in the war, I saw a lot of things, but THIS is with me forever!

November 29, 2016 at 16:42, views: 6589

The administration of the social network Vkontakte refused to block online groups whose members openly discussed sleep rape. In particular, the men shared with each other advice on what medications are more effective to "lull" a partner in order to have sex with her while she is "out".

Several members of the feminist public VKontakte, which specializes in gender equality, filed complaints against the Sleeping Sex group, which openly discusses violence against women in their sleep, writes Wonderzine.

In particular, men advise each other on what drugs can “knock out” their partner for the whole night, share intimate pictures and videos with women staying in unconscious, and also publish descriptions of already committed violence against girlfriends and wives.

One of the participants in the feminist public contacted VKontakte technical support with a request to block the community, but she was refused. The social network explained that they did not see calls for rape in the group, and the video was allegedly staged. “Usually it's just the concept of the video because some people get turned on by it. But in fact, these are actors and there are no substances there, ”technical support explained to her.

Another girl, who accused the Sleeping Sex group of promoting violence, received the following response from the administration of the social network: “Propaganda is a rather vague concept. We can only take action when there are undeniable violations. For example, direct calls for violence have been published on behalf of the group.”

At the press office social network the publication was answered that they did not support the discussion of such topics, but they could not block the community, since this would be an act of censorship. “Torrents and LinkedIn, so you can block as there is nothing to do, but it’s not, I’m sorry ...”, netizens are outraged.

1. There are online communities where men ask for advice on how to rape girls in their sleep. And it turned out to be a very popular topic. There is even this: 2. Basically, women are given sleeping pills or drugs with a narcotic effect, after which they fall asleep and no longer understand what is happening. “I poured donormil into tea yesterday. it began to chop after 40 minutes. I didn't sleep very well at first...


There are online communities where men ask for advice on how to rape girls in their sleep. And it turned out to be a very popular topic. There is even this:


Basically, women are given sleeping pills or drugs with a narcotic effect, after which they fall asleep and no longer understand what is happening.

“I poured donormil into tea yesterday. it began to chop after 40 minutes. At first, I didn’t sleep very soundly and woke up from any of my movements. After 2 hours of waiting, apparently, the phase began deep sleep and it came to a little petting. From something stronger tossed and turned. So donormil is not an option. Phenazepam chot sykotno pour.

We have all been repeatedly convinced that human cruelty knows no bounds, and our daily news is often the most eloquent illustration of this statement. And if to severed limbs or drunken fights with lethal outcome we eventually began to relate less emotionally, then there is still one kind of cruelty, from which the hair on the arms moves. This is teenage cruelty. It does not have any specific reasons, it very often arises spontaneously, and both children from dysfunctional families and those who have everything become its puppets.

Such a long, partly moralizing introduction is not without reason: the focus of our attention was the story of a girl from Moscow, who has not yet managed to get into any media. The girl is not eighteen, she was drunk by her peers, and after that she was raped in the toilet of one of the clubs. Familiar story, right?

It happened on the night of September 26-27 in the RAY JUST ARENA club in the capital. There was an initiation of students of the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI). A huge number of yesterday's schoolchildren, who had not yet become full-fledged students, shook their bodies sweating from the heat and drunk alcohol to loud music. There were practically no adults among them, but this hardly worried anyone, as well as what consequences such unhealthy parties could lead to. As a result of the last party, many interesting posts appeared in the public "Overheard by MADI", which spoke about the not very good reputation of this institution. Users talked about what happened that night, posted videos of drunken fights between applicants, but they were ignored because it was chained to something more serious. Someone leaked a video to the network, which clearly shows how teenagers rape a girl in the toilet of this club.

Of course, everyone immediately divided into two camps: those who defended the girl, and those who shouted that "this is how sh **** [a woman of easy virtue] should be." From the second group of people, no one could even imagine that no matter what qualities the victim possessed (and the girl is exactly what she is), no one gives the moral and physical right to humiliate her and even more so force her to have sex. Of course, in this situation, "coercion" is putting it mildly. The video clearly shows the state of seventeen-year-old Alina (name has been changed), her weak attempts to resist and quiet cries of “no need!”. Nobody listens to her, the operator with his comments is not distinguished by intelligence and quick wit, someone behind the scenes says that he is not against "trying a group sex". That is, we are talking about the real thing.

Alina, as we have already reported above, is seventeen years old, she is not from MADI, but from the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU), and a friend invited her to a party. She could not even imagine what such a harmless invitation would turn out to be.

After the incident, the girl tried to justify herself, wrote messages in public, but they entered into a fierce debate with her, and then they considered it an achievement to post a screenshot of her correspondence with the victim, where they poured mud on her. As a result, Alina simply deleted all her pages on social networks.

However, VSE42.Ru correspondents managed to contact the girl and find out how everything really happened. When we clarified whether she was a victim, Alina was very surprised: "I hear such an interpretation for the first time." The applicant was simply hounded.

I am not from MADI. I was invited to this club by my former classmate, who constantly harassed me at school. He filmed this video. They gave me something to drink... I drank three or four times in my life. First time at the club. I don’t remember how it all happened ... But I know that two people dragged me into the toilet, and the third one stood outside the door and held it. The next day, a classmate on the left page sent me this video and demanded that I take obscene photos and send them to him, otherwise he will forward the video to my boyfriend. I said I'll see you at the police station. After that, the video was sent to all my contacts and posted somewhere else.

Alina did not specify why she agreed to the invitation of a classmate: moreover, the girl has a boyfriend. According to her, after the incident, she spoke with him only on the phone. Other teenagers familiar with the situation say that now the young man is looking for offenders in order to punish them. Well, Alina does not want to go to the police, despite our strong recommendations. Parents who are aware of everything that happened, fully support the girl.

The evil irony is that on the night of September 26-27, when Alina was raped in a club, a similar situation occurred in Pskov. Three teenagers invited two girls to a party at their home: one of them was thirteen years old, the other was fifteen. The fifteen-year-old was given a drink, then stripped and also subjected to violence. As a keepsake, the teenagers took a photo, which was later posted on the Internet. According to one of them, the girl was in an inadequate condition, which the young people took advantage of.

Everyone remembers the sad example of "salt", then this story shook almost the whole of Russia. And everyone remembers how it ended. It would seem that it should become a lesson for the future for the rest, but it became only a confirmation that no one learns from the mistakes of others: there are only more such cases. We turned to practicing psychologist Irina Morokhina to find out where teenage cruelty comes from.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of violence in our society. And often it is the children who become its victims. In almost every family, it is present to one degree or another. There is even such a thing as "family violence". They just start talking about it only when something like this, out of the ordinary, happens.

For example, today I was riding a bus and saw a child playing some kind of Tamagotchi analogue on a smartphone. There you need to take care of your kitten, brush his teeth, comb his hair. And you can also punish the kitten, and then he somehow jumps in an interesting way. The child sat, furiously tapping on the screen to beat his pet. He did not stroke it, although there is such a function, but baled it, it seemed funny to him. The boy is four or five years old, his mother was standing next to him, and she did not say that it was bad.

The fact is that violence occurs with our tacit consent. We do not interfere, we do not stop it, but we pass by: they say, this is not our business. And this will always happen - figuratively speaking, due to the fact that we will never stop such a child. Therefore, I want to remind you that children adopt the behavior of their parents, because they learn by OBSERVING adults.

In the end, one could say about the all-consuming (in) human indifference; about the fact that such an unhealthy trend in recent months is frightening and plunges into sheer despondency, causes shock and disgust. But why? Everything has been said before us. I just want to end this not the most cheerful story by quoting Bernard Shaw: "The greatest sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity."