First aid training at the enterprise. First aid training. How to organize the process

It is the employer's responsibility to train all employees in first aid. In the article we will explain how to carry it out within the organization so as not to receive a fine.

From this article you will learn:

Why teach first aid to victims at work?

Each employee must be proficient in practical first aid (FA) techniques in emergency situations. The standard ambulance arrival time is twenty minutes. Some situations require no delay. If breathing stops, death can occur within 5 minutes. During this time, simple, proven PP methods can save the victim’s life.

First aid must be provided in the period of time before the arrival of doctors. An informed decision about this is made by the employee himself. If he doubts his skills, he has the right not to carry out PP activities; in this case, it will be sufficient to monitor the condition of the victim.

Training in PP skills is a requirement for employers. It is indicated that classes must be held. This means that there is no exception for a manager, a specialist, or an ordinary worker.

The employer is obliged to organize the provision of pre-medical assistance to the injured employee, as indicated in the second paragraph. But organizing does not mean providing. Providing PP for non-professionals is a right, not an obligation.

The main thing in an emergency situation is to immediately call professional medical help. If her arrival is difficult, it is necessary to organize careful delivery of the victim to a healthcare facility.

It is prohibited to leave a person in danger, so the employer or first responder must take measures to eliminate the source of injury - for example, turn off the power supply, but do not forget to provide a portable source of lighting.

How to organize first aid training

First aid training can be done either at a training center or in your own organization. To do this, it is necessary to create the necessary organizational and technical conditions.

Do this: include first aid questions by job title. Make room for practicing first aid skills in every exam question or test. This can be done by including a separate section in the OT training program.

The program usually consists of several sections:

  1. general labor protection requirements when performing job duties;
  2. safe methods and techniques for performing high-risk work;
  3. first aid techniques for victims at work.

In this case, the exam card will have the following structure (example):

Question 3. Maintenance procedure for an electric forklift.

Question 4. Providing first aid for a thermal burn.

If a separate first aid training program is still necessary, you can use the sample prepared by the experts of the electronic Occupational Safety and Health System.

Who can provide first aid training?

Training of first aid workers in case of accidents at the enterprise should be carried out with the help of trained instructors and teachers and using modern training tools. If the employer does not have the opportunity to create the material and technical base for training PP, then it is necessary to send the entire staff of the organization to the training center.

Typically, the cost of a two-day training course for mass first aid instructors at a training center is about 6,000 rubles.

After completing the training, the specialist is issued a certificate, usually of unlimited duration, which will indicate that he has the right to conduct collective training in providing PP to employees of his organization. The appointment of the person responsible for this process is formalized by an order for the organization.

Download the appointment order:

What is the frequency of first aid training for workers?

Regulates the annual frequency of PP classes only for blue-collar professions and specialties. For engineers, specialists and managers, this priority is determined by the management of the organization. First aid training for them can be carried out annually, together with workers, or once every 3 years, simultaneously with periodic training in labor safety, or as an initial test of knowledge when hiring. This should be established by a local act of the enterprise. Do not forget to coordinate this local regulation with the representative body of workers.

Providing first aid to victims at work should not only be strictly regulated by instructions, but also reinforced by practical skills. Illiterate actions of others in the first minutes after an accident can cause serious damage to the victim. Download the instructions with the algorithm of actions.

Read our article:

Who should be able to provide first aid?

Since any employee can find themselves in an emergency situation, every employee, including managers, has an obligation to know the rules of first aid (FA).

The employer must train all personnel in PP techniques in accordance with 212 and. In addition, it requires direct action from him to organize a security checkpoint, deliver victims to the hospital, etc. The workers themselves must promptly report any accidents occurring at the enterprise ().

Thus, the employer has the obligation to organize training for PP personnel, and the employees have the right to provide it and the obligation to promptly inform management about incidents.

Attention, fine!

If supervisory authorities reveal that the enterprise does not provide training for PPs, administrative punishment will follow (Part 3). These are significant penalties:
officials - from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
Individual entrepreneur – from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
legal entities - from 110,000 to 130,000 rubles.

What does first aid for victims at work include?

Organization of PP

The actions of personnel in the event of the need to provide first aid must be clear, understandable to everyone and carried out in a certain order. This makes a huge difference! For example, in the event of an electric shock, the first thing that should be done is to notify management about the accident and de-energize the area. Otherwise, those who try to help the victim will be amazed themselves.

We should not forget about the employer’s obligation to organize sanitary posts at the enterprise with first aid kits, equipped in accordance with the requirements.

First aid procedure

We list the actions in order of priority. It is clear that if the situation allows, everything is done at the same time.

1. Inform your immediate supervisor about the accident or accident.

2. Protect the victim from exposure to the harmful/dangerous factor that caused the incident, or evacuate to a safe place. Take all necessary measures to prevent the situation from developing further.

3. Call an ambulance and medical workers of the enterprise.

4. Assess the condition of the victim.

5. If the employee is conscious, obtain permission to provide medical assistance.

6. Carry out the necessary medical procedures (dressings, immobilization, etc.)

7. If it is impossible for medical workers to arrive, transport to a medical facility.

8. For further investigation of the incident, “preserve” the scene of the incident, and if this is not possible, take photographs or make a video.

9. Ensure a complete and objective investigation of the accident.

We have prepared useful information for you with an algorithm of actions for different types of injuries. You can download them and print them.

It is important to understand that first aid in the classification of all types of medical care is, as the name implies, starting. The effectiveness of subsequent stages of treatment largely depends on the correctness of its implementation. Let's list them.

After first aid, which is provided by non-medical workers, first aid is provided. It is carried out by a nurse or paramedic at the scene of an accident, in an ambulance. Next comes the time of the doctors. First medical aid can be provided in all of the listed places, as well as in the emergency department, emergency rooms and emergency rooms. Further, if the situation is not resolved, qualified medical care in a hospital and specialized care in appropriate medical institutions is required.


In addition to organizational issues, special attention is paid to the correct implementation of PP techniques, which include:

  • Stop bleeding.
  • Application of bandages and splints, tourniquets.
  • Removal of foreign bodies from the upper respiratory tract.
  • Carrying out artificial respiration.
  • Immobilization of the victim, etc.

It is important that workers providing assistance do not forget, for example, to avoid contact with the victim’s blood, etc.

How to ensure staff knowledge of PP techniques

The employer is free to decide in what order PP training is organized at his enterprise. It is important to remember that it can only be carried out by a qualified specialist who has a certificate as an instructor of mass first aid training ().

So management has three options.

  • You can send personnel to a specialized licensed organization. These are significant, but one-time financial costs, including those associated with interruption from production. But in this case, there is no need to spend money on arranging training rooms at the enterprise.
  • You can invite a professional and train employees within the company’s walls. This option is somewhat cheaper, but requires the organization of a special room, the purchase of exercise equipment, consumable dressings, various stands, etc.
  • Train several employees from the company to become instructors in a special center and conduct further training on their own. This path is associated with serious investments in the training base at the enterprise, but it seems most appropriate for large organizations.

The choice of a specific option will depend on the number of employees of the enterprise and the scope of activity.

When choosing in-house training, you need the following:

1. Develop instructions for providing PP at a specific enterprise in accordance with the specifics of its activities. It must be signed by the manager and agreed upon with the trade union (or other elected body of workers).

2. Create a training program. PP training is an integral part of occupational safety training. Therefore, it is advisable to include the corresponding section in the OT training program. It is important that the program itself is accepted and approved by management as a local regulatory act. It is compiled on the basis of “On approval of the list of conditions for which first aid is provided and the list of measures for providing first aid”, taking into account the specific climatic conditions in the region and working conditions at the enterprise.

3. Create a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements (clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure for training in labor protection No. 1/29, Model training program in labor protection for employees of organizations, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on May 17, 2004).

4. The results of briefings on the provision of PC are recorded in a special journal. Knowledge test results. If first aid is included in the OT program, then there is no need to create a separate protocol.

Hello! Both ways are possible. Does an organization (JSC) that has an occupational safety management service within its structure have the right to train its own employees in first aid techniques? If so, is it necessary to obtain special permits for this? What documents must be issued to occupational safety and health workers to confirm the right to receive first aid training? Answer: Organizing training for workers in providing first aid to victims at work is one of the employer’s responsibilities in the field of labor protection (see paragraph seven of part two of Article 212, part three of Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29. Occupational safety training (including training in first aid techniques) for managers and specialists can be carried out directly by the organization itself, if it has a commission to test knowledge of occupational safety requirements (see clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure, Sample training program on occupational safety for employees organizations approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor on May 17, 2004). Such a commission is created in the organization by order (instruction) of the employer (manager) consisting of at least three people who have undergone training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner (clause 3.4 of the Procedure). Direct training of managers and specialists within the organization is carried out by employees of the labor protection service who have the appropriate qualifications and experience in the field of labor protection (clause 2.3.6 of the Procedure). The employer (or his authorized person) organizes periodic training for blue-collar workers in providing first aid to victims at least once a year. Newly hired employees undergo training in providing first aid to victims within the time frame established by the employer (or a person authorized by him), but no later than one month after hiring (clause 2.2.4 of the Procedure). The procedure, form, frequency and duration of labor protection training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements for blue-collar workers are established by the employer (or his authorized person) in accordance with regulations governing the safety of specific types of work (clause 2.2.3 of the Procedure). Thus, your organization can conduct training in first aid techniques independently if it employs at least three people from among the managers and chief specialists who have previously completed occupational safety training in the prescribed manner. The activities of an organization to train its own employees in the field of labor protection are not subject to licensing, and in this case the organization is not subject to the requirement for accreditation (see clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure, order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 1, 2010 N 205n “On approval of the list of services in the field of labor protection, the provision of which requires accreditation, and the Rules for the accreditation of organizations providing services in the field of labor protection"). The organization has the right to send employees from among managers or chief specialists for training, who will subsequently be able to form a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements, in order to train other workers in labor protection, including training in first aid rules, directly in the organization. Such training is carried out in educational institutions of vocational education, training centers and other institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as training organizations) if they have a license to conduct educational activities, teaching staff specializing in the field of labor protection, and the appropriate material and technical base. According to clause 3.9 of the Procedure, training organizations can test knowledge of labor protection requirements only among those employees who have undergone training in labor protection. Confirmation that employees of the labor protection service have completed training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements and, accordingly, the right to learn the rules of first aid for other employees of the organization is a certificate of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements issued by the training organization. The answer was prepared by: Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT Candidate of Legal Sciences Dmitry Akimochkin Quality control of the answer: Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT Victoria Komarova

Clarification from April 1, 2016 - 15:35
But proper first aid training can be carried out subject to a number of conditions - qualified teachers, material and technical base (including simulators for practical training of first aid techniques) and up-to-date information and reference materials

Dear Colleagues!

For the purpose of clarification under clause 11, part 1, art. 41 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" in terms of training teaching staff in first aid skills, we present recommendations on the procedure for training teaching staff in first aid skills.

Federal Law No. 313-FZ dated 07/03/2016 amended the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which establishes that protecting the health of students includes, inter alia, training teaching staff in first aid skills (clause 11 p. .1 Article 41 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

The procedure for such training by law or by-laws, clarifications or letters of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation not installed. In this regard, many questions arise about how such training should be organized, what documents should confirm the training of teaching staff and how such training should be financed.

At present, until the training procedure is approved, the employer can act by analogy with the provisions of the Procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1 /29 (hereinafter referred to as the Training Procedure).

This Procedure establishes the employer’s obligations to train employees to provide first aid to those injured at work.

In accordance with the Training Procedure, managers and specialists of organizations are trained in providing first aid to victims at work as part of special training on labor protection once every three years (clause 2.3.1 of the Procedure), blue-collar workers - once a year (clause 2.2.4 Order).

Newly hired employees undergo training in providing first aid to victims within the time frame established by the employer (or a person authorized by him), but no later than one month after hiring.

Currently, the form of the document confirming completion of first aid training has not been established. In this regard, before the approval of a uniform form of a document confirming completion of first aid training, formal confirmation of completion of training in the rules of first aid is possible only if the study of first aid is an integral part of the educational process, upon completion of which a state or established document is issued.

Letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2015 No. 15-2/OOG-6230 explains that the procedure, form and presentation of training results in providing first aid to victims are determined by the employer. The Department of Labor Conditions and Safety of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation recommends training workers in providing first aid to injured persons who have undergone special training allowing this training.

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2014 No. AK-1261/06 “On the peculiarities of legislative and regulatory support in the field of additional professional training” explains that training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements is not the implementation of additional professional programs (programs advanced training and professional retraining programs) due to the fact that knowledge testing does not end with final certification. Since the qualification requirements for positions of teaching staff do not change in connection with the introduction of this norm into the Law, it is not necessary to undergo such training as part of advanced training, although such requirements may appear in the future.

However, the employer, at his own discretion, has the right to conduct occupational safety training in additional professional programs in organizations licensed to implement these programs. In this case, persons who have successfully completed the additional professional program and passed the final certification are issued certificates of advanced training.

Thus, we can conclude that:

1. As a general rule, training teaching staff in first aid skills is not the implementation of additional professional programs.

2. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, training teaching staff in first aid skills does not require documentary evidence. However, by decision of the educational organization, teaching staff may be issued documents confirming completion of training. Documents on education in the sense of Art. 60 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” such documents are not.

3. Training of teaching staff in first aid skills is carried out at the expense of educational organizations.

on the procedure for training teaching staff

first aid skills

By law, the employer is obliged to train workers in first aid (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and the employee is obliged to undergo training in safe methods, techniques for performing work and providing first aid to those injured at work (Article 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the training procedure is not regulated by any document.

How to organize the process

Who should be trained in first aid?

All employees of an organization, including its manager, must learn to provide first aid (clause 1.5 of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29).

Where to conduct training

The employer himself determines the procedure and form of first aid training. You can send all employees for training to a specialized training center or engage in training within the organization.

If the employer decides to train employees within the organization, it may be necessary to invite third-party specialists, or the employer sends for training to a specialized organization that has the appropriate license (accreditation) a specialist authorized by the employer to provide first aid to victims at work in his organization.

The same specialist also trains workers in first aid. At the same time, the employer must determine the procedure and timing of first aid training for employees independently, taking into account the specifics of the employees’ work activities. The Russian Ministry of Labor, in letter No. 15-2/OOG-4636 dated August 26, 2015, explains that workers in blue-collar professions must be trained by a person with special training. In accordance with Part 4 of Article 31 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens,” vehicle drivers and other persons have the right to provide first aid if they have appropriate training and (or) skills.

To train first aid in an institution, the employer will need:

1. Develop a first aid training program, which can be called “First Aid Training”.

Important: The program must strictly comply with the requirements of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and take into account the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 4, 2012 No. 477n “On approval of the list of conditions for which first aid is provided and the list of measures for providing first aid.”

Training in first aid techniques for victims in the form of a special training course (training) is carried out according to training programs developed and approved by the training organizer (Appendix B, program B.3 GOST 12.0.004-2015 "Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions").

2. Develop instructions for providing first aid and approve them by the head of the organization.

The list of first aid measures established in Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05/04/2012 No. 477n, the textbook “First Aid Algorithms”, the textbook “First Aid”, recommended by the letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 02/29/2012 No. 14 will help to compile such instructions. -8/10/2-1759, Instructions for providing first aid in case of accidents at the production of RAO UES of Russia. You can also use the Volunteer Rescuer Atlas. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia recommends it for mass training of the population, personnel of rescue services, personnel of hazardous types of production and transport in the skills of providing first aid at the scene of an incident.

3. Create a commission for training on labor protection consisting of at least three people who have undergone training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner.

4. Determine the procedure and timing for training workers in first aid, taking into account the specifics of the workers’ work activities.

5. For an informal approach to training, you will need videos, educational materials and textbooks, a mannequin (robot simulator) that meets the requirements of technical specifications approved by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and has a factory instruction manual.

To practice practical first aid skills, workers need: a stretcher (soft, hard); neck corset; hemostatic tourniquets (several types to compare actions when applied); protective mask with a check valve for artificial ventilation of the lungs; hypothermic packages; folding tires.

6. Check the completeness of first aid kits to study the contents and practice actions for its use.

Important: The contents of the first aid kit must comply with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 03/05/2011 No. 169n “On approval of the requirements for equipping first aid kits with medical products for providing first aid to workers”.

The material was prepared by specialists from the Primorsky regional organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education.

For many people, knowledge of first aid techniques and methods is limited to school (at least university) life safety courses. However, modern labor legislation has strictly defined requirements for what skills an employee must have in the field of providing first-aid to victims at work.

During training, employees will be reminded of general first aid guidelines. Also learn about what a coma is, what types of burns there are, what snake and insect bites look like and what to do in these cases. Types of injury will also be studied, as well as signs of dangerous injuries. And they will tell you how to assemble a universal first aid kit.

- part of mandatory labor protection training, and its implementation is the same responsibility of the employer. Let's consider the current regulatory documents on the basis of which the employer sends its employees for first aid training:

  • In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF), the need for first aid training is indicated in three articles at once: 212, 214 and 225. In accordance with them, the employee is required to undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid.
  • Federal Law No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” dated November 21, 2011 states that first aid is provided to victims by those people who have appropriate training. Annual first aid training may be considered such training.
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education No. 1/29 “Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations” dated January 13, 2003 establishes the period during which employees must undergo a course in providing first-aid care. This period is one year; however, newly hired employees are required to complete it within the first month of hire.

To sum it up: All employees are required to undergo first aid training once a year, without special medical education, regardless of their specialization, experience and field of activity. Training is carried out at the expense of the employer, however, the costs of such courses for the employer are taken into account as expenses for ensuring safe working conditions, and therefore are not taxed.

How does first aid training work?

The standard first aid training course, conducted in accredited Training Centers, is divided into theory and practice. During theoretical studies listeners are provided with information on how to provide first aid in a specific case - in case of electric shock, burns, bruises and bleeding, injuries to the head, torso or limbs, sudden loss of consciousness and even clinical death.

Second part of training - practical . Depending on the availability of the Training Center, students are given all the necessary materials: bandages, tourniquets, fully assembled first aid kits, stretchers, dressing bags, and even special life-size robotic simulators.

At first glance, all these methods and means look familiar - everyone remembers how they crammed types of bleeding and methods of treating burns in school, but in reality, in truly critical situations, not everyone can provide proper first aid. That is why the law establishes the obligation of an employee to undergo such training annually - so that at the right moment, without becoming confused, it is quite possible to save the life of his colleague.

The Helmets training center, part of the Attek group of companies, invites you to undergo first aid training in full compliance with legal requirements. The classroom provides all the necessary theoretical and practical materials, and the methods that our teachers use in the learning process are recognized as the most effective in Russia. Our specialists leading courses will be able to give informative and accurate answers to all questions related to first aid.