Omega 3 fish oil capsules. Fish oil contraindications and benefits. Instructions for use

Omega-3 is one of the most popular and healthy types of fat that the human body needs. The use of the daily norm of products containing this fat is not only an excellent prevention of many diseases, but also helps to get rid of existing pathologies and chronic problems.


  • It is believed that usually fats do not benefit the body. The exception is useful fatty acids, the reserves of which a person can replenish only from food.
  • Fats omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 belong to a single group of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), discovered by Danish scientists.
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 reproduce active compounds that are essential for human health. The optimal balance of these two types of acids can be achieved through dietary nutrition.
  • Fatty acids also synthesize prostaglandins. They regulate pressure and temperature, provide sensitivity to nerve fibers, and are involved in muscle contraction.
  • If you have a conversation on the topic “Omega-3: what is it”, then it will be enough to name three important types of acids. These are alpha-linolenic acid, docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. The first is of vegetable origin, and the rest are of animal origin.
  • Lack of omega-3 fats contributes to the destruction of the nail plates, drying and peeling of the skin. A person is worried about acne, dandruff. Often a deficiency of fatty acids causes memory impairment, joint pain, thirst, and constipation. Acute deficiency leads to schizophrenia.


The spectrum of positive effects of omega-3s is very wide. The benefits of the contained acids affect all systems of the human body:

  • improves the activity of the heart and liver;
  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • the risk of plaques is reduced;
  • accelerates the creation of cell membranes;
  • the immune system is activated;
  • regulates fat metabolism and cholesterol levels;
  • increased efficiency;
  • health is stabilized in case of diabetes, asthma, arthritis, allergies and eczema;
  • the appearance of hair and nails improves;
  • signs of early aging are minimized;
  • ulcers and wounds heal;
  • chronic fatigue and migraines disappear.

It is especially important to consume foods that include the omega-3 complex in case of the following problems:

  • the risk of heart attacks;
  • high blood pressure;
  • depression;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • oncology;
  • disruptions in the hormonal system;
  • atherosclerosis.

Pregnant women and children

For pregnant women and children, omega fats play a huge role.

  • The development of the fetus inside the womb is ensured by saturation with omega-3 acids from the biological systems of the mother.
  • The absorption of fats through the placenta leads to the emergence of the nervous system in the baby, and also determines the development of the biochemical component of the brain and retina.
  • The use of omega-3 in the last trimester and after childbirth reduces the likelihood of fat deficiency. Consequently, the chances of premature birth, late toxicosis and depression are reduced.
  • Every day, the mother's body gives the unborn child about 2 g of fatty acids. Therefore, the required daily dose increases to 4-5 g. To make up for this loss, you should purchase fish oil capsules or change your diet.
  • Thus, without sufficient fat intake, the formation of areas of the brain and retina of the child simply will not occur. There will also be a high risk of neurological diseases.
  • In the future, the use of omega-3 during the recovery period after childbirth plays a big role in stabilizing the hormonal background. The same function is performed by fatty acids for adolescent children. Regular consumption of omega-3 fats reduces acne, improves the condition of nails and hair during puberty.

Figure restoration

Omega-3 intake is often prescribed to women as part of a weight loss diet.

  • You can take fish oil capsules. In accordance with age and health status, the doctor may prescribe 1-2 tablets three times a day. The capsules may contain from 300 to 1000 mg of fat. The course lasts 2-3 months.
  • You can get the necessary vitamins and fats by using, for example, linseed oil. Within a month, every day before breakfast, you need to drink first one teaspoon of it, and then increase the dose to a tablespoon. If you eat oil before bed, it will improve bowel function.
  • People who play sports and train to gain muscle mass should definitely eat foods with fatty acids. In this case, the load on the heart is reduced, cholesterol is lowered and muscle tissue is not destroyed.
  • A balanced diet without flour products and with calorie control of products often includes a low-fat diet. In fact, it is deprived of its main benefit, since fatty acids help satisfy appetite for a long time, so weight loss is faster. Only 1.3 g of fat is enough to significantly reduce the calorie content of your menu.


  • Omega-3 should be 1-2% of the daily caloric intake. This is about 2 g for men and 1.5 g for women.
  • If we talk about products that contain the daily norm of polyunsaturated acids, then this is 70 g of salmon fillet, 100 g of canned food with sardines and tuna, 5-10 pcs. raw walnut grains, a spoonful of oils (rapeseed or linseed).
  • Vegetable fats are more likely to contain omega-3s than animal fats. For example, tuna contains only 3.5% acids, and flaxseed oil - 70%.
  • Preparations containing omega-3 are easy to purchase at a pharmacy, in the price range starting from 150 rubles. The use of drugs has two schemes: either treatment or prevention.
  • It is especially useful to take fatty acids in winter. Adults and children over 12 years of age can take one capsule per day for disease prevention.
  • It is very important that the ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fats in the body is 2:1. (4:1). For this balance, you can use rapeseed oil.


There are a number of restrictions in which the use of omega-3 acids is possible with caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor:

  • diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver;
  • elderly age;
  • allergy to fish oil;
  • stones in the bladder or gallbladder;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thyroid problems;
  • taking blood thinners.

Also, an overdose of omega-3 causes bleeding and hemorrhage, as well as hypotension and hemarthrosis.


To know which foods contain a useful omega-3 complex, look at the table, which indicates the volume of fatty acids per 100 g.

Thus, the most popular sources of omega-3 are fish oil and vegetable oils.

  • The main disadvantage of fish oil is the taste, but it contains serotonin, reduces aggression, improves brain activity and prevents rickets.
  • Vegetable oils include various types of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as phosphatides, sterols, and tocopherols. However, these foods are very high in calories.
  • It is best to purchase oils for soaking vegetable salads, but not for frying.
  • Fish for omega-3 consumption should be included in your diet at least 3 times a week. It must be fresh, because when frozen, it loses its benefits. You can exchange fish for seafood or caviar.
  • Flax seeds are best eaten on an empty stomach in the morning, or added to vegetable mixtures. You can also grind them to use as a medicine.
  • The more physical labor in your life, the more fatty acids your body needs.
  • Polyunsaturated fats should be consumed along with monounsaturated fats.
  • Vegetable fats are absorbed better than animals, and they also contain a rich vitamin complex. Therefore, it is better to use them 2 times more often than other types of fat.
  • To reduce the intake of animal fats that have cholesterol in their composition, you need to pay attention to lean meat and low-fat dairy products.
  • The best fats are found in nuts and seeds, fish, olives and avocados. This is followed by fats that have undergone a little processing. This includes unrefined oils, butter and lard.
  • Store oils to preserve fatty acids in a cool, dark place. By the way, fats are also very sensitive to the effects of oxygen.
  • Refined oil, sandwich substitutes and hydrogenated fats are the most harmful for the body.


Vitamins, minerals and trace elements are very important for the health of every person. The benefits of Omega-3 are now known to almost everyone. Polyunsaturated acid is found in many foods. It has a beneficial effect on the systems of the human body: it protects against cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems, improves vision and memory, and regulates metabolic processes.

What is Omega-3?

Fish oil is one of several elements that support the beauty, youth and health of a person. In its composition, it contains valuable fatty acids that can only enter the human body with food. Acids have a beneficial effect on the state of the human body. The benefits of Omega-3 are invaluable - it regulates the functioning of the body, strengthens the immune system, protecting against external negative factors. With food, a person consumes an insufficient amount of this substance, you can get them by radically changing the diet or buying Omega capsules at a pharmacy.

There are several types of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  1. Alpha-linolenic is produced by plants. This acid is almost always present in the human body. Due to the content of only three unsaturated bonds, alpha-linoleic is of low importance compared to others.
  2. Eicosapentaenoic acid is produced by deep sea fish. It is of great value for the body of an adult and a child. It is able to fight inflammation, vascular spasms, osteoporosis. Its deficiency occurs in children with diathesis or in an adult who suffers from skin diseases.
  3. Docosahexaenoic acid is found in the fats of marine life. The human body itself does not produce this acid. The benefits of this Omega-3 for humans are of the greatest value. It can help in the preventive fight against stroke, atherosclerosis, inflammation of the joints and internal organs, skin diseases and many other problems. The acid is contained in the preparation "Unique Omega-3".

What products contain

It is difficult to constantly take drugs so that the body receives the benefits of Omega-3. It is more useful to replenish the supply of unsaturated fats, including foods containing fish oil in the diet. By controlling his diet, a person is able to get Omega-3 without pills. The daily dose of fish oil for an adult should be 500-1000 mg.

Its best source are sea products - tuna, salmon, trout, herring, are extremely rich in useful omega-3 acids. Squid, oysters and shrimp contain fish oil. However, it should be borne in mind that artificially grown marine life will bring much less benefit than fish and seafood caught in the natural environment.

Flax and pumpkin seeds are high in omega-3s. Peanuts and walnuts or the oil pressed from them are a good source of fatty acids. Vegetarians should eat legumes, vegetables, pumpkin, lettuce, parsley, and Brussels sprouts. Mustard oil contains fish oil. The meat of animals that ate grass is distinguished by the benefits of Omega-3. The yolk of a chicken egg is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, but many people try not to consume it because of its cholesterol content.

What's the use

The benefits of unsaturated fats for the human body are significant. They help fight cholesterol deposits, slow down the aging process. Without fatty acids, important substances - eicosanoids - are not produced. They contribute to the formation of new tissues, so the violation of their balance leads to serious diseases. Without unsaturated fats, the membranes of the reproductive and brain cells, the retina of the eye cannot form correctly. With the required amount of Omega-3, the cardiovascular, nervous, and reproductive systems of the body work smoothly.

Energy reserves are an important aspect of human life, which is controlled by polyunsaturated fats. The human immune system is under reliable protection if there is enough Omega-3 acids. They have the property of protecting the skeleton and muscles. All organs work harmoniously, reflecting any risks of an allergy or viral disease. Arthrosis is not terrible for those who regularly take fish oil capsules or eat right. The digestive system is protected from the development of gastritis or ulcers.

When losing weight for women

What is useful fish oil for weight loss? It neutralizes saturated fats, cleanses the walls of blood vessels and is a rich source of vital energy. Losing weight with it involves the correct dosage: omega-3 capsules, 6 pieces, three times a day. It is advisable to take them with meals for better absorption. In addition to drugs with fatty acids, you should follow a diet. The result will appear in a couple of weeks after the start of the use of Omega-3. In addition to weight loss, the condition of the whole organism will improve.

The effect of application in women will not be long in coming. Hair will become thick and shiny, their growth will be activated. The nails will be strengthened, stop exfoliating, the skin will gain elasticity, some wrinkles will be smoothed out. Lightness will appear in the whole body, aging will slow down. As a result of taking fatty acids, women rejuvenate, becoming even more beautiful.

During pregnancy

An important period in a woman's life - bearing a baby cannot do without Omega-3. It is necessary during pregnancy planning and at the stage of fetal development. The child needs natural fish oil for the formation of the nervous system and brain. The woman herself at this time needs fatty acids no less, because she needs strength to give birth to a child. You should start taking fish oil on the day when a woman is preparing for pregnancy.

For kids

Fish oil is very important for children because it promotes growth. For the development of brain cells and perseverance, unsaturated fats are very useful. Experts recommend giving your child about 400 grams of vegetables and fruits, at least twice a day. Eating up to 1 kilogram of fruits or vegetables is difficult. An alternative would be to buy Omega for children.

For skin

Many skin diseases, inflammatory processes, hormonal imbalances are eliminated by the action of fish oil. The use of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is beneficial for those who suffer from psoriasis. Acne and other skin problems require the presence of fish oil in the body. After the start of taking fatty acids, the balance of hormones is normalized and the elasticity of the skin increases.

Instructions on how to take

There is fish oil in liquid form, tablets, as part of a vitamin complex. The range allows you to choose a tool for everyone. Take one capsule (or teaspoon), always with meals. The intake of Omega-3 in the body along with food contributes to better absorption of fats. For treatment, the dose can be increased by 2-3 times. Store preparations with fatty acids in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees.

Omega-3 vitamins in capsules

The use of vitamin complexes is much more useful than the use of fish oil in its pure form. The absorption of fatty acids requires some vitamins D, group B and others. In a complex of vitamins containing unsaturated fatty acids, the substances are properly balanced, thanks to which fish oil is better absorbed. Indication for use: 1-2 capsules 3-4 times a day. Do not take vitamins on an empty stomach. The first days may be belching, nausea or bloating.

Fish oil tablets

To start using fish oil "Biafishenol" is suitable. It is a dietary supplement. The drug is used 1-4 capsules per day for preventive purposes. If problems in the body have already appeared, the daily norm is 2-8 tablets. After taking, there is a taste of fish in the mouth, a feeling of discomfort, bloating or nausea, but these manifestations are temporary.

Contraindications for taking fish oil:

  1. Allergy to fish.
  2. Excess calcium in the body.
  3. Urolithiasis and kidney disease.
  4. Problems with the pancreas.
  5. Tuberculosis.

Video about the benefits and harms of Omega-3 for the body

For a long time, fish oil was not given due attention. This element is of great benefit to many systems of the human body. It is prescribed for children, pregnant women, athletes and the elderly. After all, omega-3s are essential fatty acids that the body receives only from food. There are two videos below that will explain this in detail.

Good for the heart and immunity

People who eat oily fish almost never suffer from cardiovascular disease. This happens due to the intake of fish oil in the body. It lowers the level of lipids in the blood, cleanses the walls of blood vessels, and is a source of vital energy. In the United States, unsaturated acids are recognized as a medicine and are used to treat many diseases. Watch the video:

The effect of the application

Fish oil is very useful for losing weight, cleansing the body, building muscle mass, improving skin condition. Omega-3 helps to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, joints and the general condition of the body. It is useful to take a liquid composition or capsules not only for children, but also for adults. To learn more about the benefits of unsaturated fats, watch the video:

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 - are an important type of fatty acids, you guessed it, they are found in fish oil, this includes oils of various plants.

It is important to note that a great many different types of fatty acids can be found in nature.

Omega - 3 is the most significant and important group, which consists of three different substances, they, in turn, will differ, first of all, in the degree of impact on the body, which must be taken into account. Omega-3 acids are often compared with vitamins, in fact, the way it is, because they cannot be produced in the body, but they are the most important component in terms of health, this includes metabolism, which is especially important.

Omega-3 content in fish oil

It is important to realize that it is fish oil that is one of the main sources of Omega-3 in the human diet, and about fifty percent of sea fish oil is usually attributed exclusively to Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

It is easy to guess that the fatter the fish is, the more useful and necessary substances for the human body, for example, river fish are extremely poor in Omega-3, which should be taken into account. As for marine fish, their content of Omega - 3 ranges from one to two grams, while the liver of cold water fish differs in that they contain higher doses. Plant Sources Omega-3

It is important to realize, understand that Omega - 3 is contained in the oils of various plants, as for the degree of their effectiveness, then know that it is lower, and chia seed oils, or kiwi, act as leaders,

You should know that only five to ten percent of vegetable Omega - 3, as a rule, can be absorbed by the human body.

Daily Value of Omega-3 Fish Oil

If we consider the minimum daily intake of Omega-3, then you need to remember that it is 250 mg, the optimal dose for health is 1000 mg. In general, you need to understand that a lot depends on the source of Omega - 3.

Starting to think about taking Omega - 3, you should be aware that the study of this issue should be approached comprehensively and responsibly in order to avoid various ailments, troubles and health problems that you often encounter.

For example, the regular use of fish oil will be positively manifested at the moment when a person manages to cover the deficit existing in the body, it is worth taking note. All this boils down to the fact that regular and incorrect intake of higher doses can lead to negative consequences, and is generally dangerous for the body.

Omega-3 deficiency in the body

As a rule, if there is no Omega-3 in the diet, and this is exactly what happens in most people, then you can encounter various health problems, because immunity and metabolic processes are seriously affected in the first place. This leads to various heart diseases, and this is fraught with various problems, so it is better not to allow such a situation. The benefits of fish oil

Fish oils and fatty acids are famous for their ability to improve the condition of the skin, accelerate the most important recovery processes that have a positive effect on muscle growth.

According to experts, the use of fish oil, doing it correctly and competently, will allow you to forget forever about depression, bad mood, this also includes reducing the risk of certain cardiovascular diseases. It is important to add that Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids contribute to excellent calcium absorption, and bone tissue is strengthened. Omega-3 is also famous for the fact that it effectively and competently protects the joints, making them more mobile, which means you can forget about arthritis and its varieties.

Starting to choose fish oil capsules for yourself, you always need to understand that this must be done with special responsibility, seriousness. For example, never forget to carefully study the instructions, this includes the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, the content of certain active substances, because this is so important.

Also keep in mind that you can not save on buying fish oil, because if it is cheap, then the composition may be deprived of the most important ingredients, or contain them, but in small quantities. Never forget, exceeding the prescribed daily allowance can lead to various problems, because it is very dangerous.


You need to be aware that healthy foods are famous for providing the body with useful and important fatty acids that it needs, so with a well-designed diet, these or other additional drugs will not be required at all, so do not forget about it.

Omega 3-6-9 Fats: What's the difference? natural springs Everything about cholesterol: the norm in the blood, tips and recommendations on how to lower it.

Studies on the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on symptoms have shown mixed and conflicting results.
Several studies have concluded that people taking omega-3 antidepressants in addition to their prescribed antidepressants had a greater improvement in symptoms than those taking only antidepressants.
Other studies show that consuming omega-3 fatty acids helps protect against postpartum, among other benefits.
However, some studies have not found any benefit from taking omega-3s. Their result: omega-3 fatty acids have no effect on depression.
However, a number of experts believe that omega-3s high in eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid can be very beneficial in helping to restore normal serotonin levels.

Fish oil and bipolar disorder

In a clinical study, 30 people with bipolar disorder took fish oil in addition to standard treatment for 4 months. They experienced fewer mood swings and relapses than those who received a placebo.
Another four-month study of people with bipolar depression and accelerated circulatory disorder found no positive effect of eicosapentaenoic acid on symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Omega 3 and schizophrenia

Preliminary clinical evidence suggests that people with schizophrenia may experience improvement in symptoms when supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids. However, a recent study concluded that eicosapentaenoic acid supplements are no better than placebo in improving the symptoms of this condition.

Omega-3s and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may have low levels of some essential fatty acids. About 100 boys participated in the clinical study, from continental countries with a low level of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet and from countries with a predominance of seafood in the diet. Boys with omega-3 deficiency had more behavioral problems (tantrums, sleep disturbances) and learning difficulties than boys with normal levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
However, the results of studies examining the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on ADHD symptoms are mixed. Several studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids help improve behavioral symptoms, but most studies have not been well-designed. One study that looked at docosahexaenoic acid supplementation as an adjunct to standard therapy for ADHD found no effect. Clearly, more research is needed, and a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids is a reasonable approach for ADHD patients.

Omega-3s and Cognitive Impairment

Scientists believe that omega-3 fatty acids, and in particular docosahexaenoic acid, protect against dementia (acquired dementia, persistent cognitive decline).
A number of studies have shown that reduced intake of omega-3 fatty acids increases the risk of age-related cognitive impairment or dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

Fish oil and skin diseases

In one clinical study, 13 people with increased sensitivity to sunlight (a condition known as photodermatitis) showed less sensitivity to UV rays after taking fish oil supplements. However, modern sunscreens are much better at protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun than omega-3 fatty acids. In another study, 40 people who took eicosapentaenoic acid in addition to their medication did better than those who took medication alone.
However, most of the studies examining the effects of omega-3s on people with psoriasis have not found any benefit from fish oil.
Adding omega-3 fatty acids (particularly EPA) to etretinate and corticosteroid drug therapy may improve psoriasis symptoms.

Fish oil and inflammatory bowel disease

The effect of omega-3s on reducing the symptoms of two types of inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis - has been studied.
Part of the research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce symptoms when added to drug therapy such as sulfasalazine (a standard drug for inflammatory bowel disease).
Other studies do not find any effect from consuming omega-3s. Therefore, more detailed additional studies are needed.
Fish oil supplements can cause side effects that are similar to symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (eg, belching, bloating, and so on).

Fish oil and asthma

At least one study investigating the use of omega-3 fatty acids for the treatment of asthma has concluded with positive results. In a well-designed clinical study, 29 children with asthma were given fish oil (rich in eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids) for 10 months. Compared to children who took a placebo, those taking fish oil had reduced asthma symptoms.
However, most studies have shown no benefit from omega-3s.

Fish oil and macular degeneration

An analysis of a survey of more than 3,000 people over the age of 49 found that those who ate large amounts of fish were less likely to develop macular degeneration (a serious age-related change in vision that can progress to blindness) than those who ate less fish. In addition, clinical studies comparing 350 people with macular degeneration and 500 people without eye disease found that people with a healthy balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in their diet and a high amount of fish in their diet were less likely to have macular degeneration.
Although studies show that eating fish (including the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA) may reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a recent study in two large groups of men and women found that diets rich in alpha-linolenic acid may increase the risk of this disease. Until more information is available, people with macular degeneration should get their omega-3 fatty acids from sources of EPA and DHA, not ALA.

Fish oil and menstrual pain

In one study known to us, 42 women took part. When taking fish oil, they had less menstrual cramps than when taking a placebo.

Omega-3s and Colon Cancer

Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. For example, Eskimos, who tend not only to have a high-fat diet but also consume significant amounts of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, have a low rate of colorectal cancer. Animal and laboratory studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids prevent the worsening of colon cancer. Preliminary research shows that taking fish oil daily slows the progression of colon cancer in people with early stages of the disease. If you have colorectal cancer, check with your doctor before taking any supplement.

Omega-3s and Breast Cancer

Not all experts agree with the claim that women who eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids for many years may be less likely to develop breast cancer. More research is needed to understand that omega-3 fatty acids may be involved in breast cancer prevention.

Omega-3s and prostate cancer

Based on a study of a group of men, it was concluded that a diet low in fat and supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil or fish helps prevent the development of.
Fish and fish oils may protect against prostate cancer, but some believe that alpha-linolenic acid supplements may increase the risk of prostate cancer in men.


For the population of many inland countries, with their own national food culture, deprived of seafood and rich in solid animal fats, the inclusion of omega-3 preparations in the diet is the most important factor in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and longevity.

It is a unique and valuable product, the main source of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, E and D. The benefits of this substance have been proven by clinical studies and many years of experience. For the first time, Norwegian pharmacist Peter Meller spoke about fish oil more than 150 years ago. Even then, he popularized this product as an additional resource for supporting and restoring the body.

Omega fish oil is useful for everyone: both adults and children. This product is an excellent general strengthening agent of analogues, which is difficult to find today. I have seen this from personal experience. Thanks to the iHerb website, I was able to find the perfect Omega-3 fish oil vitamins for me.

The beneficial properties of fish oil directly depend on its composition, which includes components such as:

  • Vitamin A, which helps maintain vision, maintains healthy skin, hair and nails, has a positive effect on bone growth and the formation of tooth enamel in children. Also, this vitamin has antioxidant, immunostimulating, antibacterial properties, helps to resist viral infections.
  • Vitamin D, which helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, thereby maintaining healthy bones and teeth, reduces nervous excitability and the tendency to cramps.
  • Omega-3, which improves brain function, prevents allergies, has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the body from negative external factors, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps to cope with stress and overcome depression.
      • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which is extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system, has antidepressant properties and also helps to reduce inflammation.
      • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), essential for eye and nervous system health, makes skin smooth and supple.
  • Omega-9, which helps lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent serious diseases such as atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
  • Omega-6, which helps to increase brain activity, strengthens and restores bone tissue, removes toxins from the body, prevents diseases such as sclerosis, diabetes, and various mental disorders.

Fish oil also contains bromine, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, sodium, copper and other substances in small quantities.

Omega fish oil has become a real panacea for me, thanks to its unique properties.

Omega 3 fish oil: why drink

Lack of Omega-3 in the daily diet can lead to negative consequences. For example:

  • decreased immunity;
  • memory loss, decreased alertness;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • metabolic disorders and fat balance;
  • increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • loss of muscle mass.

R Omega-3 fish fat mainly enters our body with food, directly with marine fish. But today it is very problematic to find high-quality fish. Therefore, an excellent way out of this situation is fish oil in Omega-3 capsules.

  • with a deficiency of vitamins A, E, D;
  • with eye diseases, decreased vision, especially at night;
  • to strengthen protective functions (immunity);
  • with impaired memory and brain function;
  • with poor condition of the skin, hair and claws;
  • with depression;
  • for rapid healing of wounds and burns.

Fish oil Omega-3: contraindications

It is well absorbed and has almost no contraindications. As with any drug, you should consult with your doctor.

The main contraindications to taking fish oil are:

  • allergic reaction of the component;
  • the presence of pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • individual intolerance and others.

I would also like to note that you should not take fish oil on an empty stomach. This can cause frustration.

Omega-3 Fish Oil: My Experience

To date, there are many ways to extract and refine fat. But despite this, Omega 3 fish oil does not lose its beneficial properties. iHerb has the widest selection of quality Omega-3 fish oil capsules from reputable brands. Very pleased with the prices. Some positions are much cheaper than in local pharmacies. Verified personally!

Omega 3 fish oil is available in the iHerb store in two forms: liquid and capsules. I can say right away that the properties of the active substances are the same, only the method of administration differs. Personally, I prefer Omega-3 fish oil capsules, as it is convenient to take anywhere you go and there is no fuss with a spoon.

The first results are noticeable after two to three weeks of admission. The skin becomes smooth, elastic, the hair is soft and obedient, the nails stop breaking. And these are just the external changes. I started getting up in the morning with ease. The charge of vivacity is enough for the whole day. What can we say about a good mood, excellent memory and incomparable concentration and attentiveness. Now not the slightest detail will escape me! By the way, I recently visited an ophthalmologist and he prescribed glasses for me by 1.5 diopters less. For me, this is a real achievement. I think it's all thanks to Nature's Way's magic formula, Super Fisol, Enteric Coated Fish Oil, 90 Softgels. After a short break, I will definitely order more!