Features of the treatment of barley on the upper eyelid. Internal barley - possible causes and effective treatment Abscess on the inside of the eyelid

Barley on the upper eyelid is a very common inflammatory eye disease that affects the hair follicles of the eyelashes (membomian glands). Diseases affect adults and children. Usually only one barley appears on the eyelid, but sometimes several foci of inflammation appear at once. The disease in rare cases passes to the second eye.

Barley on the upper eyelid is divided into two types:

  • interior;
  • outer.

External barley - an abscess appears on the very edge of the upper eyelid. The course of the disease is acute:

  • pain;
  • edema;
  • possibly an increase in body temperature.

In the central part of the edema, a purulent abscess is formed, which breaks through for 2-4 days, after the breakthrough, the pain goes away. Finally, the symptoms of the disease disappear after 7-10 days.

External stye is the most common type of disease for the upper eyelid.

Internal barley - this type of disease in the upper eyelid is much less common, the symptoms and course of the disease are identical:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • redness and swelling.

The main difference is that the disease does not occur outside the eyelid, but inside, the abscess is closer to the conjunctiva and becomes noticeable within 2-3 days. It also breaks through the century. It is important to know that with an internal form, the formation of a large abscess should not be allowed, since in this case surgical treatment is usually required.

Causes of the disease

The most likely causes for the disease should be considered the penetration of harmful bacteria into the mucous membrane of the eye. The main causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus.

Also, barley on the upper eyelid occurs due to the following factors:

  • weak immunity - with a weakened immune system, the protective properties of the body are reduced, the risk of contracting viral and infectious diseases increases.
  • hygiene - non-compliance with simple hygiene rules also contributes to the appearance of the disease (dirty hands, rare change of bed linen, towels).
  • high humidity in the room - such an environment is most favorable for the development of bacteria.
  • diabetes mellitus - in some cases, barley on the upper eyelid is a symptom of this disease.
  • colds and viral diseases - often barley occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, sinusitis.
  • smoking - scientists have proven that people suffering from nicotine addiction, barley appears more often than non-smokers.

Symptoms of the disease

Usually the first symptoms of the disease appear in the morning. A person after waking up feels a slight burning sensation on the upper eyelid. If you look in the mirror, you can see a small red dot. Gradually, the skin around it begins to swell, the itching becomes unbearable, it hurts to touch the abscess. If it is internal, then the first symptoms are manifested by severe itching, redness and swelling of the eyelid, a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, the abscess itself manifests itself in a day.


Barley on the upper eyelid is treated in the same way as on the lower one. There is a slight difference only in the use of ointments:

  • For the lower eyelid, the ointment is placed behind the ocular conjunctiva.
  • On the upper eyelid, the ointment is applied directly to the site of inflammation with a cotton swab.

The rest of the methods and means of getting rid of the disease are the same.

Methods of treatment at an early stage of the disease

  • Dry heat - heating the barley on the upper eyelid with a salt compress or an egg is an effective measure in the initial stages of the disease. With the timely start of treatment, it prevents the development of the disease and prevents the formation of an abscess.
  • Cauterization is another treatment that allows you to remove barley at the first symptoms. Zelenka, medical alcohol are suitable for cauterization. The procedure must be performed carefully to avoid damage to the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Washing - at the first signs of the manifestation of barley, you need to start rinsing your eyes with antiseptic solutions: furatsilin, propolis tincture, miramistin.

Medical methods

The most effective are:

  • Tsiprolet;
  • Phloxal;
  • Levomecithin.

Drops have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Helps relieve swelling and pain. Usually, the ophthalmologist prescribes 3-5 single instillation of drops during the week.

Ointments - among ointments, the most effective are considered to be:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Tetracycline.

These drugs have an inexpensive price and a wide spectrum of action. They are effective against many harmful microorganisms that cause acute eye inflammation.

With the permission of the ophthalmologist, alternative methods of treatment can be used for treatment.

Aloe - lotions with the juice of this plant, allow you to quickly remove the inflammatory process.

Tansy - a day you need to eat 5-8 pieces of tansy flowers, washed down with a glass of warm water. Continue treatment until complete recovery. Folk healers believe that tansy gets rid of barley forever.

Castor oil - used as a compress at night, moisten gauze with plenty of oil and fix on the inflamed eye. Enough 2-3 compresses to get rid of the disease.


Almost always, the course of the disease is mild, but in some cases complications are possible, usually this is the result of self-treatment or if the disease is not completely cured.

The most possible types of complications:

  • purulent conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • thrombophlebitis of the orbital eyelids;
  • phlegmon of the eye;
  • blockage of the cavernous sinus of the brain.

Internal barley has a second name -. During this disease, the inflammatory process of the sebaceous (meibomian) glands, which are located along the edges of the eyelids from the inside, is manifested. Then an abscess appears, which is located on the inner region of the eyelid, this greatly complicates the conduct of therapeutic therapy. Consider the main features, causes, symptoms and treatments for internal barley.

The causative agent of internal barley is Staphylococcus aureus, which provokes inflammation in the sebaceous glands of the eyelid. The following reasons may contribute to this:

  • weakening of the local or general immune system;
  • the use of antibiotics in high dosages;
  • poor hygiene;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • conducting a course of treatment with an aggressive effect, for example, chemotherapy.


For each person, the process of ripening of the internal barley proceeds differently - for some it is formed already on the first day, while for others it may take several days. But always this unpleasant disease is accompanied by the same symptoms:

  • feeling of severe itching in the middle part of the eyelid;
  • there may be a feeling that there is a foreign body in the eye;
  • redness of the eyelid, the occurrence of puffiness;
  • pain, discomfort;
  • in a short period of time, an abscess may appear, which will look like a capsule. It can be seen if you gently pull the eyelid;
  • in the later stages, severe headaches may often occur, and lymph nodes may also swell.


Diagnosis of meibomitis is performed by clinical methods. For starters, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist. He can detect this ailment after a visual inspection, often this procedure is enough. During it, he performs eversion of the diseased eyelid and uses side lighting.

If the disease is accompanied by complications, additional methods can be used:

  1. Performing an immunogram. This is a special analysis that is performed to assess the state of the immune system.
  2. Laboratory study for the presence of staphylococcus aureus. It is considered the main causative agent of internal barley.
  3. Carrying out a general blood test.
  4. Checking blood sugar levels. This can be done with a glucometer.

Treatment of internal barley

A suitable treatment for internal barley is established by a specialist - an ophthalmologist. He preliminarily conducts an examination and establishes the complexity of the disease. For each patient, therapy is selected individually, depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient's body and on the nature of the course of the disease.

Often medications are prescribed for the treatment of meibomitis. But to speed up recovery, additional treatment can be used.

The use of ointments

Treatment of internal barley on the lower and eyelids is often carried out using special ointments. They should be prescribed only by an ophthalmologist according to the indications and the course of the disease.

With meibomite, the following external agents can be used:

  1. Tetracycline ointment. This is a safe and effective external agent, during the application of which burns do not form on the surface of the mucous membrane and cornea. Ointment is recommended to be used from the first day of detection of the disease and until it disappears. It is applied to the inner surface of the eyelid 3 times a day;
  2. Phloxal. This tool is considered effective and safe, it can be used for meibomitis. The ointment can be used by adults and children;
  3. Hydrocortisone ointment. The drug is recommended for severe forms. It should be applied as a compress to the eyelid area. It is recommended to use up to three times a day.

Ointments for internal barley

Drop treatment

Inner styes of the lower and upper eyelids can be treated with eye drops. They can be used additionally together with ointments. Drops eliminate inflammation and have a disinfecting effect.

Particularly popular among drugs in the form of drops for the treatment of meibomite are:

  1. Albucid. These are the most affordable drops that help eliminate a number of infectious eye diseases, including internal barley. However, they can cause itching, burning, increased tearing;
  2. Tobrex. The tool has a direct effect on the focus with inflammation. Active substances affect the infection and accelerate the resorption of the abscess;
  3. Gentamicin. Drops are often prescribed in severe cases when other drugs have not helped to eliminate the disease.

Drops with internal barley


Various physiotherapeutic procedures help eliminate early forms of internal barley. They can also be used as an adjunct in the treatment of advanced internal stye.

The following physiotherapy methods are often used:

  • microwave therapy;
  • Irradiation with ultraviolet rays;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Dry shower.

Folk remedies

With internal barley, they can be used. They help to quickly eliminate pain, speed up recovery and improve overall condition. Folk remedies do not have a harmful effect, have no contraindications, so they can be used independently without a doctor's prescription.

The following are considered the most effective:

  1. Lotions with calendula. 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers is poured into a glass of hot water. Infused for about an hour. From the tincture it is recommended to make lotions 2-3 times a day. The duration of each session is 15 minutes.
  2. Aloe. The leaves of the plant must be cut into small pieces and pour hot water. The mixture is infused for 10 hours. Then it is applied to the affected area several times a day.
  3. Applying warm salt. Table salt needs to be warmed up a little in a frying pan over a fire. Then it is transferred to cotton fabric and wrapped. After that, it is applied to the diseased area and left to cool completely.


When identifying internal barley, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible. During it, it is imperative to follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Otherwise, serious complications may arise:

  • the acute form may become chronic. In the future, the disease will regularly worsen, and be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms;
  • when barley turns into a severe form, a secondary infection may join it. All this will cause an abscess, which can be removed surgically;
  • appearance or ;
  • thrombophlebitis of the veins of the orbit;
  • thrombosis of the cavernous sinus;
  • inflammation of the meninges;
  • in severe cases, the disease can cause severe visual impairment or death.


To protect yourself from meibomitis and its dangerous consequences, it is worth observing prevention. It will help prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms that often cause severe discomfort. For this, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Be sure to observe hygiene during the instillation of drops or the use of ointments.
  2. No need to constantly rub, scratch your eyes, especially with dirty hands.
  3. Wash your hands before contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  4. It is important to ensure proper nutrition.
  5. Start taking vitamins to increase and strengthen immunity;
  6. No need to overwork;
  7. It is imperative to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  8. Visit an ophthalmologist regularly.

Internal barley is a serious and unpleasant disease that can appear in anyone. It is important to carefully monitor your condition and if suspicious symptoms are detected, immediately consult a doctor. Do not run this disease, otherwise it can cause serious health complications. If you follow the prevention, then you can completely avoid this disease.

Barley or, as it is also called, meibomitis is a purulent ophthalmic disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the sebaceous gland or eyelash hair follicle. The disease can be both external and internal, affecting the upper or lower eyelid. At the same time, the appearance of barley is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, redness or pain in the eye area, so many people ask themselves: how to treat internal barley on the upper eyelid?


The main reason for the appearance of barley on the lower or upper eyelid is an infection that, penetrating into the eyeball from the external environment, leads to the multiplication of bacteria.

There are other factors contributing to the occurrence of pathology:

  • prolonged exposure to low temperature on the organs of vision;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • violation of the rules for the use of contact lenses;
  • reduced immune system;
  • consequences of previous illnesses;
  • frequent exposure to smoke, sand or dust on the eyes;
  • development of seborrhea (skin disease, accompanied by disruption of the sebaceous glands);

  • disruption of the meibomian glands;
  • problems with the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mechanical damage to the skin of the outer ear or face;
  • the development of an inflammatory process that affects the outer and inner surface of the eyelids;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the work of the endocrine glands.

On a note! The use of low-quality cosmetics, in particular, mascara or shadow, can also provoke the development of the disease. Low-quality products lead to the development of an allergic reaction, manifested in the form.

Characteristic symptoms

In most cases, the development of barley is accompanied by a feeling of sand or dryness in the eye, but in the process of developing the inflammatory process, the patient may also experience other symptoms. The clinical picture of internal barley looks something like this:

  • swollen lymph nodes, fever, headache and other signs of a severe inflammatory process;

  • yellow formation on the inside of the eyelid, the size of which, as a rule, does not exceed the size of a pea. Education can also be colored white;
  • swelling and redness of the mucosa;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva;
  • pain on palpation;
  • inflammation of the extreme part of the upper eyelid;
  • the acute development of the pathological process is accompanied by severe pain in the region of the diseased eye.

The duration of the course of symptoms can be 2-3 days, after which the formed barley is opened inside. In rare cases, inflammation becomes chronic, but the size of suppuration decreases. In order to quickly and permanently get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of barley, you first need to establish the exact causative factors, therefore, at the first signs, you should consult a doctor for an examination.

Features of diagnostics

As a rule, to diagnose the pathology, it is enough for an ophthalmologist to conduct a visual examination, but in rare cases, additional diagnostic examinations and tests are prescribed:

  • immunogram (analysis performed to assess the state of immunity);
  • laboratory analysis for staphylococcus aureus - the main causative agent of meibomitis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • measurement of blood sugar levels using a special device - a glucometer.

Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to determine the stage and cause of the disease. Only after that the appropriate course of therapy is prescribed to the patient.

Treatment Methods

For the treatment of internal barley, various methods can be used, starting with physiotherapy or pharmacy products, and ending with proven traditional medicine recipes. In rare cases, specialists resort to surgical intervention. Only the attending physician will be able to decide which type of therapy is best suited in a particular case.

Physiotherapy procedures do an excellent job with the early forms of barley. As a supplement, they are also used in advanced forms of pathology. As a rule, doctors prescribe microwave therapy or ultraviolet radiation (the duration of the procedure should not exceed 8-10 minutes). Patients may also be prescribed an infrared or dry-air shower (hairdryer). In the severe stage of the disease, infrared irradiation of the eyelids is carried out - a Minin reflector or electrophoresis using penicillin. Often, these procedures help to cope with the symptoms of barley, but medications are used to enhance the effect.

Pharmacy preparations

The main task of drug treatment is to alleviate or eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Also, the use of drugs allows you to get rid of the root cause of internal barley. For this purpose, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • immunostimulants- enhance the protective functions of the body, thereby increasing its resistance to the effects of infection (most often "Immunal" is prescribed);

  • antibiotics- are used in rare cases, for example, with relapses of the disease. The most common drugs in this group include "Amoxicillin" and "Cefixime";
  • anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of eye drops("Tobrex", "Gentamicin", "Levomycetin", etc.);
  • antibacterial drugs produced in the form of an ointment. Their main goal is to reduce activity and suppress pathogenic microflora. As a rule, "" is used with barley;

  • anti-inflammatory ointments- designed to relieve inflammatory processes that accompany pathology ("Diclofenac", "Dexamethasone" and others);
  • antiviral drugs. They are prescribed only in cases where a viral infection has been diagnosed. The most commonly used are "Okoferon" and "Ophthalmoferon";
  • antiseptic preparations are also prescribed in the treatment of the disease. They are used to disinfect the infected area.

On a note! It is categorically not recommended to process the resultant with the help of brilliant green or alcohol. This can adversely affect the health of the patient, since during processing the infection can spread throughout his eye.

Video: Symptoms of internal barley: how to treat, diagnosis

Folk remedies

Many do not trust synthetic drugs, preferring traditional medicine, which include only natural ingredients. Often, folk remedies are used as an adjunct to drug treatment to enhance the effect. Consider the most effective recipes:

  • pour 250 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers and insist for an hour. Then soak a piece of cloth in the prepared infusion and make a lotion on the sore eye. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes;

  • grind one leaf of medium-sized aloe, and pour the resulting slurry with boiling water. It is necessary to insist the remedy for 8-9 hours. Apply the resulting gruel from aloe 2-3 times a day to the surface of the affected eyelid;
  • to prepare the next remedy, pour 200 ml of hot water 2 tbsp. l. crushed and pre-washed aloe leaves. Infuse the remedy for 30-40 minutes. Soak a cotton swab in the prepared decoction and apply to the affected eyelid for 7 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day until the symptoms of barley are completely eliminated.

Video: How to quickly get rid of barley at home?


With the ineffectiveness of conservative methods of treatment, doctors are forced to resort to surgical intervention. During the surgical operation, the doctor removes purulent masses from the resulting abscess, using special tools for this. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes no more than 30 minutes. After that, a special bandage is applied to the patient on the operated eye.

Possible Complications

Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to the development of serious complications, including:

  • the transition of pathology into a chronic form;
  • the development of a secondary infection, which often causes an abscess;
  • development of blepharitis or conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer shell of the eye);
  • thrombophlebitis of the orbit;
  • thrombosis of the cavernous sinus (blockage of the cavernous sinus by a thrombus);
  • the development of meningitis - a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the lining of the spinal cord and brain.

In rare cases, internal barley leads to impaired visual function or death. As a rule, all complications arise through the fault of the patients themselves, who decide to squeeze out the contents of the abscess on their own.

Prevention measures

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, in particular, the hygiene of the organs of vision, will prevent the appearance of not only barley, but also other ophthalmic diseases. There are other preventive measures as well.

Table. How to prevent the development of internal barley.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Rinse your eyes and eyelids regularly with clean water. If you have previously had to deal with barley, then your organs of vision are very sensitive to the effects of bacterial infections. For hygienic washings, it is advisable to use baby shampoo. The water must be warm.

Avoid touching your face with your hands as this is the most common cause of stye. Hands must be washed with soap before contact.

If you wear contact lenses, then you must follow important rules. First of all, wash your hands thoroughly before removing or putting on lenses. Always use a special lens solution. This will prevent the spread of bacteria.

Cosmetics must be used correctly. It has already been noted earlier that low-quality products often act as a causal factor causing the appearance of barley. Therefore, only high-quality cosmetics should be used, and its quantity should be limited. First of all, this applies to lovers of repeated application of cosmetics during the day.

Give up bad habits. Many do not know, but excessive passion for alcoholic products or smoking negatively affects not only the internal organs, but also the health of the eyes. Therefore, in order to prevent barley and other eye diseases, it is recommended to abandon bad habits.

You should always monitor your health and timely seek help from a specialist in case of violations in the functioning of the organs of vision. To identify possible pathologies at an early stage of their development, it is necessary to regularly conduct preventive examinations with a doctor.

Video: How to get rid of barley

Read on our website

Internal barley (another name is meibomite) - inflammation of the meibomian glands located at the edges of the eyelids from the inside.

The abscess is located on the inside of the eyelid, which sufficiently complicates the treatment of this disease.

Inner mold of barley is leaking less acute than external, but still causes great inconvenience and discomfort due to direct contact with the surface of the eyeball.

Symptoms of internal barley

The typical symptoms of meibomitis are:

  • persistent itching around the edge of the eyelid;
  • swelling of the edge of the affected eyelid;
  • pain and characteristic discomfort (sensation of a foreign body under the eyelid) in the eye area;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • yellowness or whiteness of the top of the swelling;
  • headache, chills, fever, enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.

Photo 1. Inner stye of the eye: characterized by redness and swelling on the lower eyelid.

The above symptoms indicate about disruption of normal physiological processes in the body. You should not engage in self-diagnosis, in the event of the appearance of one or more of these symptoms, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist to determine an accurate diagnosis and select effective therapy.

Reference. The disease progresses differently for everyone, depending on from the physiological characteristics of the organism. These or other symptoms may appear to a greater or lesser extent.

How to treat barley inside the eye

The method of treatment of internal barley is established by an ophthalmologist individually depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient's body and the course of the disease. In addition to drugs, in some cases prescribed additional medical treatments that promote the healing of damaged skin areas, eliminating the original causes of the disease.

Medical therapy

In the treatment of meibomitis are used eye drops and ointments.


The drug has a bactericidal effect on the focus of inflammation, it is recommended for the treatment and prevention of internal barley. Release form: eye drops and ointment (simultaneous use is allowed).

Photo 2. Packaging and tube of Floxal in the form of an eye ointment with a dosage of 3 mg per 1 g. Manufacturer Bausch + Lomb.

Contraindications: high sensitivity to individual components of the drug, the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not recommended to prolong the course of therapy for more than fourteen days.

Side effects: visual impairment (immediately after ingestion), the appearance of allergies, burning, itching or discomfort in the eyes, hyperemia or dryness of the conjunctiva, lacrimation, rarely - dizziness.

Attention! In no case should you self-medicate - this can lead to serious complications and even death of the patient.

  • for drops: 1 drop into the conjunctival sac of the diseased eye, 2-4 times a day;
  • for ointment: ointment strip ( ~1.5 cm) is laid behind the lower eyelid of the diseased eye 2-3 times a day.


The drug has a bactericidal effect, recommended for the treatment and prevention of eye inflammation (including in newborns). Release form: ointment.

Contraindications: high sensitivity to individual components of the drug, pregnancy and breastfeeding, history of jaundice, severe kidney and liver disease.

Side effects: hyperemia, allergic reactions, irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, short-term decrease in visual clarity.

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Tetracycline ointment 1%

Contraindications: high sensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Side effects: the risk of allergies.

Recommended dosage: the medication is placed behind the lower eyelid every 2-4 hours(it is possible to increase the frequency of applications in consultation with the doctor). The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor and is determined by the form of the disease, as well as the physiological characteristics of the patient's body.

Other treatments for meibomitis

In addition to specialized drugs, ophthalmologists may prescribe other drugs depending on the form of the disease, as well as on the individual characteristics of patients.

As an auxiliary or prophylactic agent of complex therapy, a reception is sometimes prescribed. vitamin and mineral complexes and immunostimulating drugs.

Physiotherapy has a beneficial effect in the healing of affected skin areas, and also helps to prevent possible relapses of the disease.

Traditional medicine

The use of traditional medicine in the treatment of internal barley highly undesirable due to the high risk of possible complications. Common methods of treatment among the people are often ineffective.

Despite the significant risks of complications and undesirable consequences, the following are very common: folk methods of treatment:

  • Cauterization of barley alcohol-containing antiseptic solutions. A favorable effect is possible only at the beginning of the development of the disease, after the designation of the barley head, cauterization is prohibited.
  • Applying wet compresses. In the treatment of meibomite, this method is absolutely ineffective - only external symptoms (swelling, redness) are temporarily stopped. There is a risk of infection entering the affected eye.
  • Applying warm dry compresses. A moderate positive effect is possible only at the initial stage of the disease, after the designation of the abscess, the use of the method is strictly prohibited due to the high risk of infection spreading to the brain tissue.
  • Lotions based on herbal infusions(plantain, aloe, chamomile). They will help relieve pain at the initial stage of the disease and accelerate the ripening of barley.

Before using such agents, consult with experts.

Duration of illness

The duration of maturation of internal barley is 4-6 days, after which the abscess breaks and pus comes out from under the eyelid in a natural way. In most cases, the abscess matures and breaks through even in the absence of any treatment, but this is fraught with a number of negative consequences.

Important! At the first sign of the appearance of internal barley, it is necessary to immediately see an ophthalmologist and strictly follow his instructions. The use of prescribed medications will speed up recovery and will protect you from possible complications and relapses.

Precautionary measures

The main preventive measures that help reduce the risk of internal barley:

  • strict compliance with personal hygiene measures;
  • healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet with a high content of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • taking medications that strengthen the immune system, and vitamin and mineral complexes (in consultation with the doctor);
  • passing regular medical examinations;
  • refusal of chemically aggressive cosmetics.

Internal barley is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases. The scientific name for this disease is hordeolum internum or hordeolum. An acute inflammatory process occurs from the inside of the eyelid. This disease is called staphylococcus aureus. Early identification of the problem helps to deal with it faster.

Barley on the eye - causes

Various factors can provoke the occurrence of this disease. Barley on the eye of the cause may have the following:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • anemia;
  • problems in the digestive tract;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene (use of someone else's cosmetics);
  • long stay in a very dusty room.

Internal barley - symptoms

The clinical picture with such acute inflammation is pronounced. It has the same symptoms as with external barley. The first signs may even go unnoticed. These include itching and tingling. If they do not disappear, but on the contrary, increase in their manifestation, this is an alarming signal. What the internal barley looks like on the eye, the photos help to see. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of swelling;
  • the formation of a cone in the area of ​​localization of the internal barley;
  • blurred vision;
  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the formation of a foamy liquid along the edge of the eyelid;
  • pain when blinking and so on.

Inner stye on the upper eyelid

With such acute inflammation, an abscess forms on the meibomian gland. Inside it accumulates a secret. A couple of days after the barley appeared on the inside of the eyelid, a “head” forms on the hardened area. Outwardly, such barley is very similar to eels. 2-3 days pass and the abscess breaks through: the secret accumulated inside the inflamed bump comes out.

Inner stye on the lower eyelid

Such a lesion is much more severe than external inflammation. The risk of complications increases significantly, so you should not treat internal barley on your own. At the first alarming signals, you should seek qualified medical help. If the internal barley on the eye is not properly treated, the risk of relapse is high. An experienced ophthalmologist will select effective drugs and write out a scheme for their use. A lot of attention in the fight against such acute inflammation is paid to strengthening the immune forces of the body.

How to treat internal stye on the eye

Such acute inflammation may be a sign of a more serious problem in the body. Delay in contacting an ophthalmologist is unreasonable. An experienced doctor knows how to treat internal stye. However, before proceeding with this procedure, he will prescribe an examination to the patient, which will include such manipulations:

  • scraping for bacteriological examination to identify the causes of the disease;
  • test for sensitivity to antibacterial drugs;
  • examination of eyelashes (to exclude the possibility of damage).

In addition, for a complete picture, certain tests can be prescribed that help diagnose certain diseases. One of these diseases is diabetes mellitus. This ailment often causes internal or external barley. Streptococci are very fond of a sweet environment, therefore, with a high blood glucose, these microorganisms feel comfortable. They intensively multiply and grow, causing acute inflammation of the eyelids. To detect diabetes, a blood test to determine the level of glucose may be prescribed.

The patient's immune system can also be affected by HIV infections. To diagnose such ailments, the following studies are prescribed:

  • blood test for infections;
  • use of test strips for express diagnostics and so on.

The pathology of the gastrointestinal tract also contributes to a weakening of the immune system: food is absorbed worse, as a result, the body receives less useful substances. For the diagnosis of these diseases, the following studies are used:

  • analysis of feces;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • general blood analysis.

If an ailment is identified that provokes the appearance of barley, it must be treated. This minimizes the negative impact of the disease on the body's defense system and stops relapses. After that, the internal barley on the eye provides for treatment. It includes the use of effective pharmaceutical preparations, which should be prescribed by a doctor. Additionally, traditional medicine can be used.

Barley eye drops

  • Albucid;
  • Penicillin;
  • Tobrex;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Levomycetin.

In order for the treatment of hordeolum with the help of these medicinal solutions to be as effective as possible, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Do not instill cold drops.
  2. Hands should be thoroughly washed and dried before the procedure.
  3. You need to instill the solution in both eyes - sick and healthy, otherwise the infection will jump.
  4. The procedure can be performed in any comfortable position. The main condition is that the head must be thrown back.
  5. After instillation, you need to close your eyes and move your pupils a couple of times.
  6. The frequency of procedures is prescribed by the doctor. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

Barley eye ointment

Drug treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous! Internal barley on the lower eyelid is treated using the following ointments:

  • hydrocortisone;
  • tetracycline;
  • erythromycin and so on.

If hordeolum has arisen, treatment should be carried out taking into account the following rules:

  1. For the period of treatment, you should stop using contact lenses.
  2. During medical procedures, cosmetic products should not be on the eyelashes and eyelids. The skin around the eyes should be cleansed.
  3. Before using the ointment, you need to make sure that the product is not expired.
  4. Keep the drug in a cool place.
  5. Before applying the ointment or gel, hands should be thoroughly washed with antibacterial soap and dried.
  6. For greater efficiency, the use of this drug should be combined with instillation, but the interval between such procedures should be at least 30 minutes.

Antibiotics for barley on the eye

Such preparations can be produced in the form of eye drops or ointment. The use of antibiotics helps to achieve a quick result in the treatment of barley. In some cases, the doctor may decide on the need to prescribe drugs of this group in the form of injections. The doctor knows how to cure the internal stye on the eye, so he prescribes antibiotic therapy if the patient has the following symptoms:

  • intoxication of the body (as evidenced by fever);
  • multiple inflammatory foci;
  • manifestation of the first symptoms of complications.

Folk remedies for barley on the eye

These methods do not replace drug therapy, but only complement it. Folk remedies for barley can be used in a variety of ways:

  • warm compress (chamomile decoction);
  • eye wash (infusion of calendula or sage);
  • lotions (leaves or burdock);
  • drinking plenty of drinks high in vitamin C (rosehip tea);
  • heating with dry heat (boiled egg or salt) and so on.

Removal of barley by surgery

With the advanced stage of hordeolum, the only way out is surgery. Surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. The operation to remove barley on the eye consists of the following steps:

  1. Treatment of the zone of localization of the hordeolum with an antiseptic.
  2. Conducting infiltration anesthesia.
  3. To prevent bleeding, the surgeon uses a special clip - it is attached to the upper or lower eyelid (depending on where the barley is located).
  4. Tissue dissection is performed.
  5. By husking, the capsule with the contents inside is removed.
  6. Treatment of the wound with an antiseptic.
  7. Suturing.
  8. Treatment of the area where the operation was performed with an antiseptic.
  9. A sterile dressing is applied.

Internal barley - consequences

If the immune system of the body works well, there are no problems in the fight against the disease. Internal barley (provided that all the prescriptions of the doctor are observed) quickly passes. With a weak immune system, the likelihood of complications increases. For this reason, internal barley treatment provides for a comprehensive one: not only the fight against the focus of inflammation, but also an increase in the body's defenses. It takes a little more time, but allows you to minimize the negative consequences.