Differences between psoriasis and atopic dermatitis and other diseases: how to distinguish psoriasis from dermatitis? The difference between psoriasis and skin diseases and dermatitis Treatment methods for psoriasis and dermatitis

A huge number of diseases of the skin and its derivatives have been united by a common name - dermatoses. Many internal and external factors can lead to skin diseases.

Their clinical picture is varied. There are at least 2,000 such pathologies mentioned in the medical literature. The most common are neurodermatitis, eczema.

The most common chronic dermatoses and their symptoms

Psoriasis (scaly lichen) is classified as an autoimmune pathology. This is a chronic disease in which periods of attenuation and exacerbation alternate.

Psoriasis is characterized by the occurrence in places of skin trauma, which eventually turn into plaques with a rim.

These areas of inflammation, covered with a layer of overgrown epidermis as a result of increased cell proliferation, form gray spots on the skin (reminiscent of hardened wax). The rashes have a dense structure.

They can be found on the elbow, knee, buttock, head, palm, sole, genitals. However, most often they are located in. The presence of the psoriatic triad helps in the diagnosis.

Neurodermatitis is a chronic skin disease of a neurogenic nature. Patients are tormented by a very itchy rash, there is a nervous breakdown. In places of irritation, pale stripes appear on the skin. Patients have an increased pilomotor reflex (goose bumps). The indicators of adrenal hormones are reduced, and, as a result, a bronze skin tone, reduced blood pressure, weight loss, weakness, lower blood sugar levels, a decrease in the daily rate of urine,.

In winter, the symptoms are more pronounced. Eczema is classified as an inflammatory skin disease. Eckhema is characterized by the presence of different types of rash, aggravated by itching and burning.

May be acute and chronic. Pathology has a multifactorial origin. The main role in its development is played by a decrease in immunity, a neurogenic factor, an allergic one, and metabolic disorders.

The main manifestations of eczema

Also contributes. First, the primary elements appear - redness, papules, vesicles. They are replaced by erosion and crusts, around which redness appears again.

Difference between psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis

When psoriasis is localized mainly on the scalp, there are difficulties with differential diagnosis. However, there are still distinctive features.

In psoriasis, erythematous papules have well-defined borders, and plaques are covered with tightly fitting dry scales that tend to thicken. The rashes are located more in the areas of extension. There may be small furrows on the nails.

The presence of a psoriatic triad of symptoms is characteristic:

  • "stearin spot";
  • "bloody dew";
  • "terminal film".

Seborrhea, in turn, is characterized by the presence of hyperemia, fatty grayish-yellow scales, located mainly on the face, scalp, and flexion areas. The orifices of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands are dilated. Sweating aggravates the itching.

There may be cracks in the folds. Its manifestation in babies was called the “lullaby cap”. Scales can appear in the superciliary area, neck folds, armpits and groin.

With psoriasis, there is a burden of family history.

How to distinguish dandruff from psoriasis of the scalp?

Similar symptoms of dandruff and psoriasis can be misleading. In psoriasis, the affected area is surrounded by a clearly defined border.

Plaques are defined around the entire circumference of the head (around the red corolla), and also pass to the neck, ears and forehead. Scales are large horny.

The research reveals a specific pathogenic microflora, a fungal infection. With dandruff, these signs are absent.

A correct diagnosis established in time will be able to recognize psoriasis in the early stages, without giving it a chance to aggravate the situation.

Atopic dermatitis and psoriasis: differences

Atopic dermatitis has a chronic relapsing course, while lichen squamous has a chronic progressive course.

With atopic dermatitis, there is severe itching, association with an allergen, and dry skin. Lesions are located on the flexion-extensor surfaces of the limbs, the face, and in scaly lichen - on the extensor surfaces of the joints, the sacrum.

Atopic dermatitis

Elements of atopic dermatitis: erythema, papules, edema, excoriations, lichenification. Elements of scaly lichen: papules with erythema, plaques with dense silvery-white scales. These factors help to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Can atopic dermatitis turn into psoriatic disease?

External manifestations of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis are similar, so they are sometimes confused.

The following factors accurately indicate the disease:

It has been scientifically proven that atopic dermatitis cannot turn into psoriatic disease.

Differential diagnosis of skin diseases

Many skin diseases share common symptoms, the following methods help to distinguish between them:

  • inspection;
  • biopsy, histology;
  • bacteriological and mycological examination;
  • additional methods.

So, to examine patients with psoriasis, they use:

  • external examination data (presence of the psoriatic triad, Auspitz symptom - increased permeability and fragility of blood vessels);
  • blood test results (increase in rheumatic indices, increase in the number of leukocytes, ESR, the appearance of acute phase proteins);
  • biopsy (Rete bodies are detected, proliferation of keratinocytes is increased);
  • histology (acceleration of angiogenesis).

Below is a table of differential diagnosis of psoriasis:

Psoriasis Lichen planus Papular syphilis
large superficial plaques severe itching dark red papules stains
peeling papule in the form of a polygon with depression in the center enlarged peripheral lymph nodes rapid regression of rashes
when scraped, the scales resemble pieces of stearin papules purple-red with a waxy sheen positive wasserman reaction
bloody dew symptom mucous membranes are affected
"terminal film"

Features of the treatment of dermatological diseases in adults and children

The treatment of diseases of this group must be approached comprehensively. First of all, it is worth eliminating the influence of the factor that caused this pathology.

Local drug therapy is prescribed. It implies the use of:

  • creams, ointments, gels, aerosols, powders, talkers that help stop inflammation, relieve itching and burning;
  • lotions, compresses, applications with medicinal herbs,
  • effective use of water procedures with sea salt.

A positive result is given by phototherapy, photochemotherapy, PUVA therapy.

With the progression of the process, oral administration of antibacterial, antihistamine, antifungal, antiprotozoal agents is prescribed. In severe cases, resort to hormonal therapy.

Dieting (an increase in the diet of plant foods, fermented milk products), exclusion from the menu of provoking factors (fried, fatty, sweet, spicy, alcoholic beverages) also helps to minimize symptoms.

Detrimental to the condition of the skin. At this point it is worth paying attention. In addition, probiotics, eubiotics, prebiotics are prescribed.

Restoration of immunity favorably affects therapy. Non-traditional methods are also used: acupuncture, homeopathy.

Sulfide baths, mud therapy, hydrotherapy have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin affected by pathology.

Appointment of vitamins is shown. Vitamins A and E are responsible for the condition of the skin, B vitamins reduce inflammation. In some diseases, nicotinic acid, vitamin D are used.

Reducing anxiety and stress levels is an essential step on the road to recovery. Therefore, it is reasonable to use sedatives, and sometimes antidepressants.

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A practicing dermatovenerologist on how to distinguish atopic dermatitis from psoriasis, neurodermatitis, diathesis, eczema, lichen, urticaria:

Making the correct diagnosis and correctly selected timely complex treatment is a huge step towards healing!

There are a large number of dermatological diseases. Some of them have similar symptoms, which makes them difficult to diagnose. Quite often there is confusion with the diagnosis of dermatitis and psoriasis.

Sometimes an in-depth examination will help to make an accurate diagnosis. If red spots, itching, peeling appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, self-medication in this case is contraindicated.

Causes of psoriasis and dermatitis

Visual differences between dermatitis and psoriasis are difficult to find. Despite similar manifestations, the causes of occurrence are significantly different. Psoriasis occurs in a chronic mode with relapses and improvements in the condition, the main feature of the pathology is that the body reacts to its own skin as an enemy.

Dermatitis occurs most often as a response to irritation. The causes of the development of diseases are identical, with the exception of hormonal disruptions in psoriasis and allergies in dermatitis. Age also plays an important role, psoriasis is widespread from 20 to 50 years old, children under seven years of age are susceptible to dermatitis. It should be noted that cases of psoriasis in infants have been recorded in medical practice, which can also complicate self-diagnosis of the disease.


If red rashes are found on the skin, you should immediately contact a dermatologist, often the diagnosis is made after examination. In the process of diagnosing psoriasis, the doctor must ask the patient about sick relatives with similar symptoms. Their presence indicates that the disease was inherited by the patient. In some cases, a more thorough examination is required, which includes the following methods:

The doctor makes a diagnosis based on the data obtained, after which the patient receives therapy. Differential diagnosis plays an important role in the appointment of therapy. It allows you to exclude other ailments, experienced doctors can diagnose the disease from a photograph. As part of the diagnosis, an anamnesis is taken, a thorough examination is performed, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics are shown.

Psoriasis and various types of dermatitis

Most of all, the manifestations of psoriasis resemble the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, external differences are often absent. This form develops under the influence of a fungus, which actively develops in favorable conditions for it. After that, there is a violation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, blockage of the ducts, as a result, inflammatory processes are aggravated, abscesses are formed.

The skin with dermatitis becomes oily, yellowish scales easily move away. With psoriasis, the scales are gray, it is almost impossible to remove them, the process is accompanied by painful sensations. The difference between psoriasis is also that the lesion extends beyond the hairline.

Atopic dermatitis develops as a result of allergic reactions, visually resembles the early stages of psoriasis. Pathology is accompanied by swelling in the affected areas, which does not occur in psoriasis. Weeping ulcers are also characteristic of this form, red skin becomes paler when pressed, which is not the case with psoriasis. In psoriasis, scraping off the plaques exposes a red surface with blood streaks. In the atopic form of dermatitis, there is no damage to the blood vessels, the pathology is accompanied by roughening of the skin, and peeling is observed in psoriasis. Psoriasis practically does not occur among children, atopic dermatitis occurs quite often in children.

The process of drying the rash with dermatitis coarsens, the number of scales decreases. With psoriasis, coarsening of the skin is not observed, there is an active reproduction of the epidermis, visually the process is accompanied by an increase in scales.

How to distinguish yourself

Self-treatment of dermatological diseases is highly undesirable, it is also quite difficult to establish its type. Self-removal of scales can lead to an aggravation of the situation, with dermatitis new abscesses appear. When establishing the type of disease, it is recommended to be based on an analysis of the usual lifestyle and the location of the lesions.

often manifested with a tendency to dandruff, the disease affects the area within the growth of the hairline. The aggravation of symptoms often manifests itself against the background of a change in cosmetics, as well as with insufficient hair care.

Psoriasis has a chronic form, it affects areas of the skin in the places of its damage, contact with the fabric of clothing. Foci are formed on the outside of the folds of the limbs, on the buttocks, arms, head and body. Pathological formations affect the nail plates or joints. The disease often develops against the background of stress, weakening of the body's defenses, with a genetic predisposition. The disease is not completely cured, the correct timely treatment will help to achieve a long-term remission.

Dermatitis is an inflammatory disease of the skin that occurs under the influence of adverse environmental factors, damage to the integrity of the skin. Pathology manifests itself in the form of red rashes, itching and peeling. Pathological foci are formed in areas with delicate skin, most often it is the groin, the area under the knees, and the armpits. To cure, the irritating factor must be eliminated.


Regardless of the type of diagnosed disease, treatment should not be delayed. Dermatitis is cured quickly enough in just 2 weeks, psoriasis is not curable, you can only reduce its manifestations. Treatment in the early stages will help prolong the period of remission and alleviate the course of the disease.

It is possible to independently distinguish psoriasis from dermatitis, while it must be borne in mind that accurate diagnosis will help speed up recovery.

Psoriasis is a chronic dermatological pathology, the causes of its occurrence are not fully understood. Stress, weakened immunity, a genetic factor, and an unbalanced diet can provoke the development of the disease. How does psoriasis manifest itself, how to determine the initial signs of the disease?

Psoriasis is a skin disease, so it begins with rashes on various parts of the body, itching. This disease is non-infectious, it is impossible to catch it.

How do you know if you have psoriasis? The disease begins with the appearance of a plaque, which is colored pink or red. As the disease progresses, the spot increases in size, new plaques appear that merge together.

The doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis based on the examination and the results of clinical studies. But some symptoms will help determine the initial stage of psoriasis at home.

Main features:

  • plaques are covered with specific scales that resemble stearin;
  • under the scales is a smooth, shiny film;
  • if you remove the dry crust, then dotted blood appears on the pink skin;
  • when the nails are damaged, the plate becomes uneven, small depressions appear on it, it becomes brown in color;
  • sometimes there is a slight increase in temperature.

If rashes appear, how to determine psoriasis or not? Most often, psoriatic papules appear in the folds of the knee and elbow joint, on the head, in the lower back, are located symmetrically.


How to identify psoriasis in a child

Psoriasis often occurs in children, the disease gives the child severe physical and psychological discomfort. Kids often comb plaques, severe inflammatory processes begin on the skin, ulcers appear.

Signs in children:

  • in infants, affected areas of a rich pink color appear on the skin, which have clear boundaries;
  • plaques are covered with thin skin scales;
  • itching appears;
  • in older children, a rash appears in the form of nodules, which are covered with gray scales;
  • microcracks form on inflamed areas;
  • an important sign is Koebner's syndrome, new plaques form on the wounds, which completely follow the contour of the scratch in shape.

A doctor can diagnose psoriasis after an external examination - each form of the disease has its own characteristics, a clinical picture.

Types of pathology:

  1. Vulgar - the most common type of pathology, which is characterized by the appearance of red spots. A distinctive feature is the presence of papules at the locations of the joints, a large affected area.
  2. Psoriatic arthritis is the most severe form of the disease, which affects the joints, every movement is accompanied by severe pain. Pathology can cause the development of irreversible bone tissue processes.
  3. Palmar-plantar form - rashes are localized on the palms and soles, cracks form in the places of rashes.
  4. With the exudative form, the plaques are voluminous, there is a specific liquid inside.
  5. Pustular psoriasis is an advanced form of the disease, plaques cover more than 75% of the skin.
  6. The erythrodermic form is characterized by high fever, swelling, unbearable itching. Against the background of pathology, nails and hair begin to fall out.
  7. The seborrheic variety is the most difficult to diagnose, since its manifestations are similar to other dermatological diseases. A distinctive feature - the scales are separated very easily. Your doctor may order additional tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Standard clinical diagnostics includes a general and biochemical analysis of the patient's blood, urine and feces.

It is impossible to determine psoriasis by a blood test - the study is carried out in order to choose the right drugs, reduce the likelihood of developing allergic reactions, and exclude anemia. When the form is running, the analysis will show signs of inflammation, so the doctor pays attention to the ESR, the number of leukocytes.

Urine analysis is carried out to assess the water-salt balance, fecal analysis allows to exclude helminthic invasions. Additional diagnostic methods - sowing on the microflora to exclude acute pharyngitis, a test with potassium oxide, which helps to detect fungal infections. Pregnant women are prescribed a prolactin test - this test allows you to determine what caused the rash.

Sometimes scrapings are made from the affected areas, sent for a biopsy - this is one of the most accurate methods for diagnosing skin diseases. With manifestations of psoriatic arthritis, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the joints to determine the degree of bone damage.

Initial manifestations of psoriasis may be similar to other skin pathologies. You should not engage in self-diagnosis, only a dermatologist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Psoriasis or lichen - how to determine? Psoriasis is a type of lichen, but the diseases have significant differences.

Characteristics Lichen planus pink lichen
Possibility of infection Not indulged in sexual and domestic way It is impossible to get infected from a sick person Transmitted from person to person. Develops exclusively against the background of weakened immunity
The location of the rash Bends of the knees and elbows, scalp Mucous membranes, armpits Pink spots can appear anywhere, the disease is accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes
The nature of the rash Plaques with pink scales Rashes of bright crimson color with a blue or purple tint, covered with scales The spots are pink, have folds and tubercles in the central part, the disease develops rapidly
Itching Weakly expressed severe itching Itching and burning

Eczema or psoriasis - how to determine? These 2 diseases are very similar to each other. With eczema, itching and burning are more intense, and peeling is less pronounced, the spots have blurry contours, painted in a grayish-yellow color. Psoriatic plaques appear in the places of the fold; with eczema, the first rashes can be seen on the palms and face.

How to distinguish psoriasis from allergies? The initial stage of psoriasis is similar to allergic rashes, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to do laboratory tests. Allergies often have a number of other symptoms - rhinitis, cough, increased lacrimation, upset stool. Allergic rashes are usually small, scales are absent.

How to distinguish a fungus from psoriasis? Fungal infections are transmitted from person to person, the disease begins with severe itching between the fingers. With a fungus, the plates become cloudy, their color and structure change, and an unpleasant odor appears.

How to understand that psoriasis is starting to go away

It is impossible to completely get rid of psoriasis, the disease is chronic, periods of exacerbation alternate with remission. The disease always goes through 3 stages.

How the disease progresses

  1. Progressive stage - constantly new papules appear on the skin, the area of ​​\u200b\u200baffected areas increases. The plaques do not peel along the edges, they have a bright red rim.
  2. Stationary stage - plaque growth stops, new papules do not appear, but peeling intensifies. In place of the resolved rashes, the skin is lighter or darker.
  3. Regressive stage - the rash disappears, the plaques are destroyed, healthy skin appears.

The task of the doctor and the patient is to make every effort to prolong the regressive stage. To do this, you need to follow a diet, strengthen your immune system, take vitamins, move, spend more time outdoors, take medicines for preventive purposes.

The first signs of psoriasis are easily confused with other dermatological diseases. Any rash on the body is a reason to see a doctor. Psoriasis cannot be completely cured, but diet, proper medication, and a healthy lifestyle will help prolong the remission stage.

Rash is one of the manifestations of many diseases, from allergies to serious infections and viruses. By the nature of the rash, as well as by the accompanying symptoms and examination results, the doctor can recognize the cause of its appearance. Sometimes making a diagnosis can be quite a difficult task, because in some situations it is difficult to distinguish psoriasis from dermatitis even for a qualified specialist.

Both ailments look very similar to each other. But causes and therapy can be opposite to each other. Psoriasis is a chronic disease with alternating periods. Dermatitis is most often a local reaction to some unfavorable factor. Therefore, patients in the initial stages of psoriasis often do not attach importance to the appearance of rashes and delay the visit to the doctor. As a result, the disease takes forms that are difficult to treat. To reliably distinguish psoriasis from dermatitis, the doctor needs not only to visually examine the skin, but also to study the medical history and analyze the results of the examination.

Reasons for the appearance

Any disease is preceded by certain factors and symptoms, after analyzing which, one can make an assumption about the diagnosis. An analysis of the possible causes and dermatitis will be the starting point in identifying the differences between these diseases.

With psoriasis, an inflammatory process occurs on the skin, which occurs due to a sharp reduction in the life cycle of cells. The regeneration process is disrupted, dead skin is layered with scales and forms plaques, which gradually grow in size.

The main causes of psoriasis are:

  • disorders of the immune system;
  • transferred viral or bacterial infections;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • hormonal changes;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • long-term use of drugs;
  • stress and mental stress.

The term "dermatitis" includes different types of skin inflammatory manifestations. This may be a reaction to a chemical or physical stimulus, such as cold, insect bites, food, and other possible negative factors. When compared with psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, which is a chronic allergic disease, is most often implied. At the same time, irritating factors are often difficult to recognize.

Causes of dermatitis include:

  • the use of foods of increased allergenicity;
  • direct contact with the allergen: with a chemical, material or plant;
  • taking medications;
  • infections of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature;
  • seasonal pollen allergy;
  • heredity;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • violation of the regime of personal hygiene;
  • nutritional errors;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • stress, emotional distress and frustration.

Dermatitis and psoriasis have both common causes and characteristic only for a particular disease. By identifying the presence of specific causes, the doctor will be able to quickly and accurately determine the diagnosis.


The similarity of symptoms is often the cause of misdiagnosis. An experienced doctor is able to recognize psoriasis by external manifestations without additional examinations. But patients with skin rashes in many cases delay the visit to the hospital to the last, which significantly complicates subsequent therapy.

The characteristic symptoms of psoriasis are:

  • red dry inflammation in the form of spots on the skin, called, which protrude above its surface;
  • more likely localization of plaques are places subject to friction, but in general it can be any area of ​​the skin;
  • plaques can be round, oval and drop-shaped, gradually merge into conglomerates;
  • severe peeling, obvious signs of a violation of regeneration processes, the skin can be removed in layers;
  • discoloration of nails, brittleness, delamination, deformation;
  • itching and burning;
  • possible damage to the joints and the development of psoriatic arthritis.

With dermatitis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • severe peeling, scales are white and usually small;
  • redness of scaly skin areas.

With psoriasis, the boundaries between diseased and healthy areas are pronounced. Dermatitis often has a local character, while psoriasis can occur on different parts of the body. In addition, with psoriasis, there is often a systemic malaise, a feeling of lethargy and fatigue.

Comparison with psoriasis of different types of dermatitis

Most often, psoriasis is confused with seborrheic dermatitis. Redness, itching and flaking are common initial symptoms. There are practically no differences in external manifestations. The causative agent of seborrheic dermatitis is usually a fungus, while psoriasis is non-infectious in nature. The fungus actively multiplies in the presence of a favorable environment for this, the ducts are clogged, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. All this leads to aggravation of inflammation, sometimes to the formation of ulcers.

With seborrheic dermatitis, the skin is oily and the scales flake off easily. For psoriasis, the pain of their removal is characteristic. There is also a difference in the color of the scales themselves. With psoriasis, it is gray, and with seborrhea with a yellow tint. Psoriasis is also different in that it can go beyond the boundaries of hair growth.

Another common type of skin disease is atopic dermatitis. It has an allergic nature, but looks very similar to the early stages of psoriasis. With it, there is swelling in the affected areas, which is not characteristic of psoriasis. Also a distinctive feature is the presence of weeping ulcers. Intense red skin turns pale when pressed, in contrast to pink psoriatic plaques.

When scraping off psoriatic plaques, a bright red surface appears, on which droplets of blood appear. And with atopic dermatitis, there is no damage to small blood vessels. The skin with this disease coarsens, and for psoriasis, increased peeling is characteristic. It is also distinguished by the fact that it is not typical for children, while atopic dermatitis is very common at a younger age.

Diagnosis and treatment

The small number of differences in symptoms makes it necessary to conduct additional studies for an accurate diagnosis. The doctor may prescribe:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • biochemical analyzes;
  • scraping for the presence of bacteria and fungi;
  • skin biopsy.

Treatment in both cases is aimed at reducing external manifestations, itching. Medical and cosmetic products, including hormonal ones, can be prescribed. Particular attention in dermatitis is paid to the correction of nutrition and lifestyle. Psoriasis also requires the restoration of immunity and vitality of the body, the improvement of metabolic processes.

Between psoriasis and dermatitis there are significant similarities and differences that are difficult to determine by a non-professional eye. In the first case, we are talking about a serious, poorly understood disease that can give a complication to the whole organism as a whole. Dermatitis is more often an aesthetic problem and rarely has any consequences. In order not to underestimate the situation by mistake, it is necessary to timely contact a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and have time to provide assistance before the disease passes into an advanced stage.

How to distinguish - psoriasis or dermatitis appeared on the skin? Both dermatosis are characterized by similar symptoms. Sometimes it is difficult to make a diagnosis even for an experienced doctor. For additional diagnostics, a general analysis of urine, blood, and feces is required. The latter is informative in case of suspected helminthic invasion. The most accurate method of research is a biopsy. The doctor takes a skin scraping and sends it to the laboratory for further examination under a microscope. However, histology is a reserve measure. An objective examination and dermatoscopy are usually sufficient.

Types of psoriasis

You can determine the type of disease during the examination. The doctor examines the lesions, objectively assessing their severity. Inflamed areas are visible on the skin, resembling lichen. The appearance of plaques indicates the psoriatic origin of the disease. This is not a contagious disease. All forms of psoriasis are divided into non-pustular and pustular.

Non-pustular forms include:

  • simple, or ordinary;
  • erythrodermic.

For pustular forms:

  • generalized pustular (von Zumbusch disease);
  • palmar-plantar psoriasis (Barber's disease);
  • annular form;
  • psoriatic impetigo.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by an abrupt type of course. After a long remission, an exacerbation occurs. Deep bleeding erosions appear on the skin, which are easily infected.

Psoriasis should be treated when the first symptoms appear.

What are dermatitis

Dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that occurs as a result of exposure to adverse factors.

Diagnosis is confirmed by dermatoscopy and dermatotrichoscopy.

There are the following forms of dermatitis:

  • seborrheic;
  • contact;
  • allergic.

Finding out whether psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis has affected the skin is very simple. Seborrhea occurs against the background of inflammatory changes in the skin, and psoriasis occurs against an absolutely healthy background. It has a polyethological nature. On the affected areas of the skin, plaques, scales and other elements of the rash develop. Seborrhea is characterized by blockage of the sebaceous glands.

Seborrheic dermatitis develops on the scalp. It is caused by the fungus Malassezia furfur. Dandruff, scales appear on the head. All symptoms are accompanied by itching.

Why diseases are easily confused

It is possible to distinguish seborrheic dermatitis from psoriasis during dermatoscopy. During normal examination, the disease is difficult to differentiate. Both diseases are characterized by the appearance of plaques and papules of pink-red color. The elements of the rash usually itch, but the intensity of itching is higher with seborrhea. With psoriasis, the entire body is affected, and with seborrhea, only the scalp.

How to distinguish psoriasis from dermatitis

In clinical practice, there are often difficulties with the differential diagnosis of dermatoses. How to understand that it is psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis? These questions are easy to answer, having understood the etiology and pathogenesis of both diseases.

Origin of skin pathologies

Psoriasis is an idiopathic disease, that is, its exact origin has not been established. However, there are two main theories:

  1. Hypothesis of a primary skin disease. The maturation and differentiation of skin cells is disturbed, and their excessive growth is also activated.
  2. Hypothesis about the autoimmune nature of the disease. Changes occur against the background of the cytotoxic effect of aggressive lymphocytes (cells of immunity).

Genetic, allergic and viral factors can contribute to the onset of the disease. However, none of the theories have been confirmed.

With dermatitis, things are much easier. The disease develops against the background of the action of adverse factors, that is, allergic processes are the basis. Allergens can be household chemicals, medicines, cosmetics, dust, animal dander and plant pollen. A rash appears as a result of an allergic reaction.

The causes of atopic dermatitis are not fully understood. It is believed that nervous experiences and the allergic tendency of the body are to blame. Seborrhea is infectious in nature, caused by a fungus.

External signs

For psoriatic lesions, the appearance of pale gray plaques resembling frozen paraffin is characteristic.

Papules are covered with white scales. Unlike atopic dermatitis, psoriasis affects the extensor surfaces.

The first elements appear in areas subject to friction. In remission, the rash disappears.

The characteristic signs of seborrheic dermatitis is the defeat of the scalp.

The epidermis begins to peel off and become covered with dandruff. Open areas are covered with spots with greasy scales. On the head of the patients, scratches and wounds are visible. Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by severe itching and burning.

Inflamed skin turns pink. The disease is characterized by a chronic course with periods of exacerbations and remissions.

Subjective feelings of a sick person

According to subjective symptoms, it is difficult to distinguish psoriasis from seborrheic dermatitis. In both pathologies, patients complain of itching and burning of the affected skin.

For psoriasis, gradual development is more characteristic. Seborrhea occurs against the background of sluggish inflammation. Acne is a comorbidity in patients with seborrhea. This is a marker of impaired patency of the sebaceous glands.

According to complaints in the initial stages, it is not always clear how psoriasis differs from dermatitis. Usually additional diagnostics are required.

Features of diagnostics

To make a diagnosis, the doctor needs complaints, an anamnesis and a detailed examination of the patient's skin. There is no specific diagnosis. In severe psoriatic pathology, the following deviations in blood tests are observed:

  • increase in the titer of rheumatoid factor;
  • growth of C-reactive protein;
  • leukocytosis;
  • increase in ESR.

In the biopsy material, specific markers of psoriasis are found - Rete bodies. The epidermis (top layer of the skin) contains lymphocytes and other immunocompetent cells. A positive symptom of Auspitz is also specific - the doctor scrapes the scales from the plaque with a curette, and the skin begins to bleed.

To diagnose seborrhea, a microscopic examination of a skin scraping and a hair follicle is also carried out. A reliable difference between dermatitis and psoriasis is detected only with microscopy. Check the level of hormones, as the disease is characterized by neuroendocrine disorders.

Treatment approaches

Therapeutic strategy for psoriatic lesions:

  1. Topical agents with corticosteroids, calcipotriol, anthralin, or resins.
  2. With the ineffectiveness of the previous stage - PUVA therapy. During treatment, photoactive substances (psoralens) are used simultaneously with irradiation of the affected areas with ultraviolet light.
  3. In the absence of effect - biological agents, cyclosporine or retinoids. Apply this scheme with full therapeutic resistance to the first two steps.

Psoriasis remedies are toxic. It is forbidden to assign them to yourself. During treatment, the condition of the liver and kidneys is regularly checked.