Why can't paintings with water be in the bedroom? Paintings in the bedroom: how to choose an original decoration for a harmonious and stylish interior

The bedroom is one of the main parts of our house or apartment. Each element of decor and interior according to Feng Shui should have its own meaning and correct location. You need to use a painting above the bed in the bedroom consciously and in accordance with the goals you want to achieve.

Rules for placing paintings from a feng shui point of view

The ancient Feng Shui system divides a room into zones, and it also places special requirements on the placement of interior items and their themes.

  1. If you use paintings for the bedroom, then you should definitely like them. Images that are off-putting or irritating have a negative impact on your emotional state and spoil the aura of the room.
  2. It is important that the paintings in the bedroom according to Feng Shui should not have a negative and aggressive orientation. Positive images, pleasant shades - this is how they should be.
  3. Nowadays, various dried insects are popular for interior decoration, but Feng Shui is against such decor.
  4. A herbarium or a panel using dried herbs and flowers has a dead energy. If you need a picture for the bedroom above the bed, then it is better to refuse this option.
  5. It is not recommended to hang abstract images in a living room, but if you still choose them, they should carry a positive emotional charge.
  6. Pictures created with the help of stones are considered favorable; amber is especially valued - it is a yellow stone that carries solar and positive energy.
  7. When purchasing images with hieroglyphs printed on them, be sure to ask about their meaning. Each hieroglyph is designed to activate a certain type of energy; too active a sign can lead to restless sleep and even conflicts. In addition, the hieroglyph must be drawn as accurately as possible; its distortions can lead to unexpected manifestations.

Feng Shui paintings in the bedroom. Photo

What paintings are suitable for a bedroom according to Feng Shui?

Before you hang an image at the head of your bed, figure out what you want to end up with.

  • People who want to maintain or create new relationships should absolutely not hang images of a lonely person, especially one in sadness.
  • Hang pictures to refresh your relationship beautiful flowers, Feng Shui paintings depicting peonies are well suited for the bedroom.
  • To normalize the energy of the house and the relationships between residents, hang images that evoke feelings of stability and clarity, for example, with a happy family, a beautiful house.
  • The path of the painting to you is very important. If it previously hung in a house where a misfortune occurred or the family was destroyed, then such an image should be abandoned, no matter how much you like it.
  • When choosing Feng Shui paintings for the bedroom, it is advisable to use beautiful frames.

Paintings above the bed in a modern bedroom

When you go looking for a Feng Shui painting for your bedroom, consider several options. If you choose an abstract image, then limit it to a frame and hang pictures nearby that harmonize the overall energy. Images of houses and city perspectives are perfect. Abstraction should evoke a feeling of stability, clarity, stability.

A good modern option is modular paintings above the bed - they will decorate any interior and harmonize the energy. Modules are images divided into parts and hung side by side, but this method allows you to create a sense of depth and presence.

If you want to enhance the energy in the bedroom, then hang an image of a horse in a beautiful gait above the headboard. This noble animal is a symbol of strength, activity and efficiency.

For lovers of abstraction, we can offer an option where horizontal lines with areas of pastel colors predominate. When choosing which painting to hang in the bedroom above the bed, keep in mind that in this room images of calm shades are desirable: beige, light blue, gray.

To summarize, we can say that the picture must definitely be liked and have positive energy. Buy something that will truly bring joy and evoke positive emotions.

Someone will say that choosing a painting to match the interior is bad manners. After all, works of art are priceless and unchangeable, while the interior can be easily transformed. It’s hard to disagree with this when it comes to the work of a talented artist. But this is usually too expensive. Most people decorate their interiors with replicas, inexpensive abstracts, posters and reproductions. That is, we are talking about objects not so much of art as of decor. Therefore, selecting a painting to match the interior, and not vice versa, is a normal practice.

Paintings are placed in any room, including toilets, verandas, hallways. There are areas in the interior in which paintings are most often placed: for example, above fireplaces, sofas, dining tables, console tables, etc. In the bedroom typical place for the location of the picture is wall at the head of the bed.

Picture above the bed- one of the popular headboard design techniques. An empty wall at the head makes the bedroom not entirely cozy. The feeling that something is missing deprives the interior of completeness and integrity. To rid the headboard of emptiness, you can place one large picture or several compact ones in this place, making a “collage” out of them.

One small picture or a couple of such “babies” at the head of the bed look lonely and ridiculous. It’s better not to hang anything at all. The wider the bed, the larger the paintings should be. The width of the picture (or several pictures located along a line) should be at least half the width of the bed. The height of the picture, given sufficient width, is not so significant.

What should the picture above the bed be like? What to consider when choosing this decorative element? What does Feng Shui say about paintings in the bedroom? First things first.

Painting above the bed in the bedroom: how to choose?

In decorative paintings and posters, color and subject matter are of primary importance. If the themes are more often universal (for example, marine or floral themes), then the issue of color is decided individually for each interior. So, how to choose a painting for your bedroom by color and theme?

Picture-rhyme. A picture above the bed in the bedroom can repeat and connect the colors that predominate in the interior. In this case, the wall canvas “rhymes” with the decor. This, it is worth saying, is the most common and very successful technique. The painting can repeat the color of the bedspread and decorative pillows, carpet and curtains, armchairs and lampshade, etc.

The decor of the headboard with this approach turns out to be calm and unobtrusive. In fact, they don’t even notice the picture - it blends so much with the surroundings. And this is not bad at all, because the main task of the picture is solved: the wall at the head does not look empty and “abandoned”, the bedroom pleases with coziness, while harmony reigns in the room.

The rhyme picture serves as a connecting element. It helps to tie together two, three or even more colors introduced into the bedroom interior. For example, if the bedroom combines lilac and yellow colors, you can hang a picture of a lilac branch on a yellow background. Thanks to the painting, which repeats the colors of the interior palette, the room acquires harmony. The colors seem to be intertwined and perceived as an indivisible whole.

Accent painting. The art above the bed can be a single accent piece or one of several accent pieces in a single color. In both cases, the painting above the bed will attract a lot of attention. The brighter the accent, the more noticeable it is. Therefore, the accent picture should look decent: when choosing, you should pay attention to the beauty of the color, the neatness of the execution, the quality of the frame, and, of course, the appropriateness of the content.

Picture-style. Paintings for the interior are selected taking into account the room. In this case, the picture not only “fits in”, but “works” for the idea, that is, it creates this very style along with other interior components. For example, for a bedroom in a modern urban style you can purchase a painting with a city landscape. The wall can be decorated with a painting depicting the savannah.

Bedroom decor in pop art style

Black and white cityscapes: for a modern bedroom

The frame or baguette plays a significant role in this selection of paintings. This element must correspond to the prevailing style in the interior. Something that would be appropriate in a modern interior (for example, a plastic frame or a metal baguette) can bring disharmony to a classic bedroom.

Black and white posters above the bed: for a modern bedroom

Theme picture. The painting above the bed can not only set and emphasize the style, but also participate in the “theming” of the interior. For example, a painting depicting the sea, a yacht, a whale, pebbles or other marine attribute will help to reveal a marine theme in the bedroom interior. If animal-themed decor is used in the bedroom, then the picture above the bed can correspond to the chosen direction, making its contribution to the development of the concept.

Marine themed bedroom headboard decor

Bedroom in yacht style. The painting above the bed supports the theme. Project author: Artem Evstigneev (Viz Art)

"Predatory" theme

Japanese theme

Picture-mood. If you want your bedroom to be sunny, hang a picture of the sun above the bed. If you want to create a feeling of freshness and coolness, choose a painting depicting green Forest or a city street after the rain. If you want even more coolness, choose a winter landscape. Want to add romance? Then your choice is an image of a kiss or intertwined hands.

Floral paintings are universal for any bedroom.

Feng Shui painting above the bed

Those who try to adhere to the rules of Feng Shui should very carefully and thoughtfully select a painting for the bedroom. There are several recommendations to follow when choosing.

1. It is not advisable to hang a picture above the bed that depicts a lonely object. One person in the picture means loneliness. It is also worth abandoning a painting that depicts one tree or one mountain peak.

The ideal choice is a painting with two objects: a couple in love, two graceful flowers, two trees.

But there is an alternative solution - hang two paintings above the bed, each of which contains one object.

“Flower couple” above the bed in the nursery

2. A painting that is a visualization of the dream of the person who will sleep under it is perfect for the bedroom. For example, if you dream of visiting Paris, hang a picture of a Parisian street above your bed. If you want a child, choose a poster with images of children for your bedroom. Do you want a luxury home by the sea? A picture with a house on the beach is what you need. Consider the previous rule and do not hang one picture depicting a single object.

Painting - visualization of a dream

3. Painting with water is taboo. In general, water means money. However, it is in the bedroom that water has exactly the opposite effect: wealth will flow out of the house. Therefore, a painting depicting water is absolutely not suitable for a bedroom.

4. You should not hang a picture depicting a person who is no longer alive. Portraits famous people It is better to place the past in another place - for example, in the office. There is no need for such energy in the bedroom.

5. According to Feng Shui, the painting above the bed should not depict anything dying. Autumn theme undesirable. But spring (rebirth) and summer (blooming) will be very useful. Such paintings will fill the bedroom with useful, healthy energy.

What paintings for the bedroom can you choose? More recently, it has become common to decorate empty space in the bedroom with paintings.

This element of bedroom decor has gained great popularity among the population.

However, not all paintings are suitable for hanging above the bed, and not everyone knows how to choose the right canvases with images suitable for this purpose.

Basic rules for placement

When choosing which reproduction or poster to hang in one of the rooms of your home, you need to take into account the size of this room and the style in which the interior design was carried out.

A painting depicting an abstract design for a bedroom, made, for example, in .

Most often, paintings in bedrooms are placed above the head of the bed. This option for decorating the empty space on the wall above the bed gives the interior a finished and lived-in look.

Depending on the size of the room, its style and the individual wishes of the home owners, there may be several or one painting above the headboard.

To decorate an empty wall you can hang:

  • a plot pair consisting of two posters connected by a common meaning;
  • groups of small paintings having one thematic direction;
  • Modular pictures.

If you plan to buy one painting to decorate the bedroom, you need to purchase one that will look harmonious in relation to the width of the bed.

A reproduction that is too small in size will look awkward in relation to the dimensions of the furniture.

How to choose

For bedrooms, paintings with a universal plot content are most often offered:

  • flower arrangements;
  • marine theme;
  • landscapes.

When choosing a poster for the bedroom, it is important to take into account not only its subject, but also the predominant colors in the composition.

Depending on this, the decorative element can fit into the interior of the room as:

Compliance with feng shui

The doctrine of the correct arrangement of the space around a person stipulates many rules, according to which one should take the choice of a subject for a poster for the bedroom very seriously.

Based on the principles of Feng Shui teachings:

The choice of interior details largely depends on the age and gender of the owner of the bedroom.

What is acceptable and stylish for a young girl's bedroom will look funny in an adult man's bedroom.

Paintings in the bedroom should not contain motifs that create a state of nervousness and aggression. A bedroom is a place where a person retires and relaxes; everything here should contribute to organizing an atmosphere of comfort and coziness.

In order to choose the right picture, you need to measure the width of the bed with a tape measure. A poster or modular picture will look harmonious with the furniture if it is at least half the width of the headboard.

Watch the video in which a specialist reveals the secrets of using paintings in the interior, including the bedroom:

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The bed is the center of the composition of any bedroom. Therefore, it is important to carefully select the decor for the wall above it. An incorrectly thought-out design of this area can not only spoil the interior, but also disrupt sleep. What painting to hang in the bedroom above the bed? Here are some interesting ideas for inspiration.

What painting to hang in the bedroom above the bed?

Rules for decorating bedroom walls

Your favorite vacation spot should be decorated with images that give a feeling of calm and serenity. It is necessary to choose works of art that are in harmony with the interior.

Eat certain rules, according to which they decorate the wall above the bed:

· To create balance, a painting (or group of paintings) should be 2 thirds the length of the headboard.

· It is better to place square or rectangular images above the rectangular back. A bed with a round or curved headboard is combined with a round or oval picture.

· The bottom of the frame should be 20–25 cm from the headboard. If the canvas is higher, the composition will visually crumble.

· A group of small paintings is hung in several rows above a wide back and in one row above a narrow one.

· The color of the image should complement the colors of the bedroom. You should not buy a piece of art that contrasts with the tones of furniture and wallpaper - this will ruin the beauty of the interior.

These rules apply not only to paintings, but also to tapestries, embossings, and bas-reliefs.

Paintings for the bedroom above the bed: themes and genres

The bedroom interior should convey the idea of ​​absolute peace. In this regard, romantic painting is best. Flowers, fruits, children playing, images of beautiful animals and butterflies, sophisticated nudes - these scenes help you relax and unwind.

Landscapes bring a feeling of comfort. Preference should be given to calm and joyful subjects - the sea, forest, exotic views. It is important that the picture conveys positive emotions. A canvas depicting a thunderstorm, a storm, or a gloomy gorge is not suitable for a vacation spot.

A great idea for a family bedroom is artistic portraits of spouses and children. You should not hang portraits or photographs of your ancestors over your bed. They create a “surveillance” effect that is harmful to the intimate atmosphere.

Engravings and black and white artistic photographs are suitable for a minimalist bedroom. A room with a classic design will be decorated with a series of small reproductions of the same theme (spring landscapes, city streets, etc.). In a restrained interior, you can use panels of dried flowers and leaves. Embroidered tapestries, stylized in an antique style, will suit a bedroom with large carpets and curtains made of expensive fabrics.

Which paintings are not suitable for the bedroom?

In art, there is a fine line between works that are relaxing or debilitating. It is important to find this line and choose only what really gives rest to your nerves and thoughts.

Designers advise avoiding certain subjects and genres of painting.

· Paintings in dark colors. Human color perception is designed in such a way that dark colors depress the psyche. People subconsciously associate bright and delicate shades - blue, green, pink, lilac - with spiritual comfort.

· Abstract painting. This genre attracts a large audience at exhibitions. But for the bedroom you need something more subtle and stable. Crazy bright colors and puzzling ideas overly strain the psyche.

· Portraits of celebrities. The bedroom, especially the matrimonial one, is a place of solitude. Portraits of strangers who constantly “look” from above destroy your comfort zone.

· Emotional paintings. Scary, exciting or overly touching stories may be the most loved ones. Such paintings should be hung in the living room or hallway, but not above the bed.

· Depiction of disasters. Natural disasters, human suffering, battle scenes - such scenes are not suitable for any living space, much less for a vacation spot. Even the creations of famous artists are not an exception. Tragic paintings carry a gloomy aura. Their place is in art galleries.

· Religious paintings. Hanging symbols of faith and paintings with spiritual themes over the bed is a common tradition. But these images lead to philosophical discussions about sins and the frailty of life, which is not conducive to healthy sleep.

Any type of “bad” painting is twice as dangerous if the image was not purchased or given as a gift. Under no circumstances should objects found in attics or abandoned houses be placed above the headboard.

A bedroom where you can’t get a good night’s sleep or indulge in a romantic getaway is like a flower without a scent. Works of art help create this scent. Photos of paintings for the bedroom in the video collection demonstrate how to decorate the space above the bed.

Feng Shui paintings for a bedroom should not only decorate the room, but also bring harmony and light into it. They should be chosen based on ancient teachings. Any elements of interior and decor according to Feng Shui must be located in a certain place and have their purpose. The images in the bedroom are intended to improve the emotional well-being of household members and make their dreams come true.

Feng Shui paintings for a bedroom should not only decorate the room, but also bring harmony and light into it

When choosing paintings, you need to have a good understanding of what desire you really want to bring to life. This decorative item should depict the person’s desired future:

  • to maintain relationships or create new ones, you cannot buy a painting depicting one person;
  • so that love reigns in the family and the relationships of all its members are warm, images are suitable happy people, as well as a beautiful house;
  • Paintings depicting flowers, especially beautiful peonies, orchids or red poppies, will help refresh marital relationships;
  • no need to bring paintings from houses where it was destroyed family life or an accident has occurred;
  • to increase the family, you should hang a poster depicting children;
  • to establish personal life a poster with people in love will do;
  • images of calm nature will support the internal harmony of a happy family couple.

Feng Shui paintings for a bedroom must certainly be beautifully framed

Feng Shui paintings for a bedroom must certainly be beautifully framed. It is necessary to abandon canvases and posters with views of the water element. Water is considered an unfavorable image for the bedroom.

Feng Shui rules for placing a painting in the bedroom

The teaching of Feng Shui obliges us to divide space into zones and puts forward special requirements for the theme of interior items and their placement. It is recommended to place paintings in the bedroom only on one wall. More than three decorations should not be installed. A single plot must certainly be traced on the canvases. It is not advisable to place other wall decorations or even small shelves with accessories.

Advice. The teaching allows you to select several paintings that have a similar single motif; in this case, negative energy will not emanate from them.

The interior will look organic if you place the paintings in certain areas:

  1. Wall by the bed. This best option. It will visually highlight the main part of the room. But the headboard of the bed should not be too high.
  2. The wall opposite the bed. The goal must be taken into account here. If the picture is intended to help you fall asleep as quickly as possible, then you can choose a relaxing picture. If you need it for a quick and cheerful morning awakening, then a poster with dynamic components would be appropriate.
  3. Pictures above bedside tables should hang on both sides sleeping place and have a small size. Their topics are chosen to be the same. Most often, vertical paintings are purchased to visually change the ceiling level.
  4. It is not advisable to place paintings on other walls near tall furniture: the plot may be lost.

If the bedroom has an unusual layout, for example, there is a niche, then you can mount a wall decoration in it. But in this case, you need to carefully consider the lighting.

If the bedroom has an unusual layout, for example, there is a niche, then you can mount a wall decoration in it

You must definitely like the images; a repulsive look will irritate and spoil the aura of the space. Images by ancient teaching Only positive ones are allowed.

Philosophical teaching does not recommend decorating the bedroom interior with insects. You should also avoid panels with dried herbs or flowers, since they have lifeless energy.

You must definitely like the images; a repulsive look will irritate and spoil the aura of the space

Abstract paintings should create a positive emotional mood, but it is better to abandon them altogether.

Panels created using yellow amber are considered especially auspicious. This natural stone will bring positive and sunny energy into the bedroom.

Panels created using yellow amber are considered especially auspicious

If you like hieroglyphs, then you need to find out their meaning. Each of them is responsible for activating a certain type of energy. Active signs will easily lead to restless sleep or conflicts. You should pay attention to the accuracy of the drawn hieroglyphs. In a distorted form, they are capable of creating unexpected manifestations.

Feng Shui paintings above the headboard

Artworks hung above the bed are considered the most competent option for decorating a room. According to the ancient Eastern tradition, works with flowers, birds, butterflies, as well as scenes depicting the desires and aspirations of residents are considered suitable images.

Artworks hung above the bed are considered the most competent option for decorating a room.

There is no need to decorate the bedroom with canvases that depict rainy weather, waterfalls, just water surface, and hang portraits of deceased people. These stories will bring bad energy, the person will be visited by sad thoughts. Paintings depicting wild animals and natural elements will also bring an aggressive urge.

The doctrine dictates not only the theme of the design, but also the color scheme. You can see what feng shui paintings for a bedroom look like in the photo on the site. Natural and natural colors are calmly perceived by the human psyche; they are not capable of causing conflicting emotions. Therefore, preference should be given to yellow, green, blue or brown colors. This will help you quickly relax after the end of a hard day before going to bed.

The doctrine dictates not only the theme of the design, but also the color scheme

But if you have the slightest doubt about the correct choice of accents, it is better not to place the painting above the headboard. You can easily short-circuit the energy of the room, which will negatively affect your well-being and affect healthy sleep. To resolve the issue, it is advisable to invite a specialist working in the field of Feng Shui design.

If you have a great desire to hang a picture of water, then it must be calm and clean. There should not be overgrown ponds in the bedroom.

But if you have the slightest doubt about the correct choice of accents, it is better not to place the painting above the headboard.

The water flow should only be directed upward or depicted horizontally. Such water is a symbol of success in business and movement towards the goal. And the downward water of the waterfall will slow down progress. Therefore, even a very beautiful image should not be purchased.

Canvases above the bed should not be in massive frames. It is advisable to select them according to the material and color that belong to the element responsible for this particular sector. Excessively dark colors use is also not recommended. They are appropriate only when decorating bedrooms with light walls.

Important! The bedroom should be located as far as possible from the front door.

When choosing a painting or panel in the Feng Shui style for the bedroom, you must beware of a hasty decision

When choosing a painting or panel in the Feng Shui style for the bedroom, you need to be wary of a hasty decision. Ancient philosophy teaches you to select images carefully and thoughtfully, because their shape, color, and texture create their own energy in the bedroom. But paintings, chosen wisely, can make the room comfortable for a night’s rest and will be a source of well-being.