The benefits of vitamin B2 and what foods contain it. What is vitamin B2 for? Vitamin B2 is useful

In fact, we all know that the body needs vitamins. But not every person has information about what they are and what exactly they do in our body. So, vitamins are actually tiny organic substances. They are needed for the full accomplishment of a variety of processes, the production of enzymes and hormones. Such particles should mainly be ingested with food. Just such substances include vitamin B2. We will tell you why the body needs vitamin B2, and also in what food it is contained.

So, vitamin B2 is classified by doctors as riboflavin. This is an extremely important substance for our body, like almost all B vitamins.

Why does our body need vitamin B2??

This vitamin is considered the health vitamin. Its deficiency is quite difficult to recognize in time, but at the same time it can cause quite a lot of discomfort and even shorten life expectancy. Many experts refer to vitamin B2 as a skin vitamin. And those who want to have elastic, young, smooth and healthy skin should definitely saturate the diet with products that contain such a substance. In addition, the condition of the skin, which is completely natural, is directly related to the condition of all internal organs.

Vitamin B2 is necessary for our body for a full metabolism. Scientists say that it makes metabolic processes more intense, and takes an active part in the processing of proteins, as well as fats with carbohydrates.

Riboflavin is essential for making enough red blood cells. Therefore, its sufficient consumption has a positive effect on the blood formula. Another such vitamin is very necessary for the immune system for the full synthesis of antibodies.

Vitamin B2 is involved in the delivery of oxygen to all cells of our body. Such a substance allows the cells of the skin, hair, and nails to be saturated with a particularly significant amount of oxygen. In addition, riboflavin is used to regulate growth processes.

Sufficient intake of vitamin B2 has a positive effect on the functioning of the visual apparatus. Like the well-known vitamin A, riboflavin is necessary to maintain normal twilight vision. And yet such a substance effectively reduces eye fatigue and even helps to avoid the development of cataracts.

The systematic and sufficient intake of riboflavin in the body has a positive effect on the health of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Such a vitamin is also necessary for other mucous membranes, so it shows the ability to reduce the negative impact of various aggressive substances on the respiratory tract.

In addition, without riboflavin, it is impossible to fully assimilate tryptophan, which becomes niacin inside our body. And the most valuable quality of vitamin B2 is the ability to activate the transformation of pyridoxine (better known as vitamin B6) into the state of the active form.

At the initial stage, the lack of riboflavin is manifested by rather unexpressed symptoms, but readers of "Popular about Health" should not leave them unattended. It is better to listen carefully to the body, so as not to disentangle more serious health problems later.

So, with a deficiency of vitamin B2, there is a slight decrease in appetite and even weight loss. The person may experience feelings of weakness. Another similar condition leads to the development of headaches, and to impaired twilight vision. In addition, a lack of riboflavin can be manifested by pain in the eyes. Quite often there is discomfort and even pain in the corners of the mouth, as well as on the lower lip.

If riboflavin deficiency becomes more pronounced, this leads to the formation of cracks and crusts in the corners of the mouth, as well as to inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the mouth. Severe deficiency causes seborrheic dermatitis of the nose and lip folds. A possible manifestation of such a pathological condition is skin lesions, various dermatitis and alopecia (hair loss), and digestive disorders are also possible. A severe lack of riboflavin leads to changes in the cornea, increased sensitivity to light, the development of conjunctivitis or blepharitis. There are also violations of night rest, dizziness and reaction disorders. Possible growth retardation.

Among other things, a deficiency of riboflavin leads to impaired absorption of iron, and to a weakening of the thyroid gland.

Vitamin B2 in products

It is believed that especially a lot of vitamin B2 is present in the composition of yeast (beer dried, baker's fresh and baker's dried). Different types of meat act as sources of such a substance - fatty pork and beef, as well as veal and lamb. A certain amount of riboflavin is found in milk and various dairy products. In addition, mackerel is especially rich in it. Vitamin B2 is found in oatmeal, buckwheat, almonds and flour. A certain amount of this substance is found in chicken eggs, cocoa and dry legumes, as well as peanuts. In addition, spinach and potatoes can be considered a source of riboflavin.

In some cases, doctors insist on additional intake of vitamin B2, in addition to that received by the body from food. In this case, it can be purchased at a pharmacy and used as an additive to the main diet.

Vitamin B 2 or riboflavin is called the vitamin of youth and beauty. A decrease in the concentration of riboflavin in the body immediately affects the condition of the skin, and a long-term deficiency of vitamin B 2 can cause a shortening of life. Already after 4 months, the lack of riboflavin leads to changes in the functioning of internal organs, so it is very important to know the symptoms and causes of ariboflavinosis.

The role of vitamin B2 in the human body

Riboflavin - vitamin B2, lactoflavin or vitamin G - one of the most important B vitamins, it does not accumulate in the human body, so a daily intake of riboflavin with food is necessary. In small quantities, vitamin B2 is able to be synthesized in the small intestine, but it is not enough for the normal functioning of the body.

Riboflavin is a biologically active substance that is a catalyst for many chemical reactions that occur in the body.

Among the most important functions of vitamin B2 are:

  • Participation in hematopoietic processes- Vitamin B2 is involved in the regulation of the synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Also, riboflavin is necessary for the normal absorption and assimilation of iron, which is part of hemoglobin;
  • Protecting the body from infections Riboflavin is involved in the synthesis of antibodies and macrophages. In addition, a lack of vitamin B2 causes suppression of the immune system;
  • Participation in all kinds metabolism- riboflavin serves as an activator of the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • Participation in glycogen synthesis- Without riboflavin, the process of formation of complex carbohydrates from blood glucose is impossible. A lack of vitamin B 2 can cause an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • Reducing stress levels- nervous tension, stress and increased mental stress cause an increased consumption of riboflavin reserves, and with a deficiency of this substance, nerve cells are threatened with exhaustion. Riboflavin is used in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy;
  • Activation of vitamins- riboflavin is necessary for the activation of vitamin B6, B9, K and a number of others;
  • Influence on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes- with a lack of vitamin B2, epithelial cells age faster and are destroyed. A sufficient amount of the vitamin helps to avoid inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, intestines and urinary organs, as well as skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and acne;
  • Regulation of thyroid function- B vitamins are involved in the synthesis of hormones and their deficiency can cause dysfunction of this organ;
  • Participation in redox processes- Riboflavin provides ATP synthesis and increases vascular tone. Vitamin B2 helps fight coronary heart disease, vasospasm and is used to prevent myocardial infarction;
  • Eye protection from ultraviolet radiation - together with vitamin A, riboflavin protects the retina from UV radiation, overwork and prevents clouding of the lens and the formation of cataracts;
  • Respiratory protection from toxins - with a sufficient concentration of vitamin B 2, the respiratory system is less susceptible to toxins, so taking this vitamin is recommended for smokers, patients with bronchial asthma and those whose professional activities involve inhaling polluted air.

Vitamin B2 is necessary for the normal growth and development of the fetus and the growing organism, its deficiency in childhood can cause a lag in mental or physical development, a decrease in immunity and the appearance of pathologies of internal organs.

Lack of vitamin B2 in the body

Vitamin B2 is widely distributed in nature, it is synthesized in the body of artiodactyl mammals and partially in the human intestine. But the main part of riboflavin we get from food - meat and dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

According to doctors, up to 90% of the Russian population suffers from a slight deficiency of riboflavin, children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women and older people are at risk. An increased need for riboflavin is also among those who are engaged in mental work associated with overexertion of the nervous system.

Severe riboflavin deficiency can be caused by:

  • Restriction in the diet of meat and dairy products - vitamin B2 in vegetables and cereals is easily destroyed during heat treatment, therefore, with the complete exclusion of meat and dairy products, the riboflavin contained in vegetables and fruits may not be enough;
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases - irritable bowel syndrome, chronic enteritis, enterocolitis or dysbacteriosis most often lead to a deficiency of B vitamins, including riboflavin. Due to inflammation of the mucous membrane, vitamin B2 is not synthesized and is not absorbed in sufficient quantities;
  • Taking medications - antidepressants, antianginal drugs, oral contraceptives and some other drugs cause increased excretion of riboflavin from the body or prevent its absorption and assimilation in the intestine;
  • Thyroid disease - thyroid dysfunction also causes a deficiency of riboflavin in the human body;
  • Alcohol and tobacco use - Alcohol and nicotine make it difficult for riboflavin to be absorbed in the intestines.

Vitamin B2 deficiency symptoms

With a slight deficiency of vitamin B2, a person experiences constant fatigue, his appetite disappears, weight decreases, sleep problems, headaches, vision problems, cracks in the corners of the mouth, stomatitis and skin diseases appear.

If the lack of vitamin B2 continues for more than 3-4 months, more serious health problems appear:

  • Indigestion - the patient's appetite worsens, abdominal pain and stool upset occur - constipation alternates with diarrhea;
  • Diseases of the organs of vision - the eyes get tired easily, often become inflamed, the patient may develop chronic conjunctivitis or cataracts;
  • Diseases of the nervous system - with a lack of riboflavin, the tissues of the nervous system are deficient in oxygen and nutrients, which increases their sensitivity to negative environmental influences and increases the risk of developing depression, epilepsy and encephalopathy. Neurological disorders also occur - weakness in the muscles, pain in the limbs, impaired coordination of movement and slow reactions;
  • Anemia - with a lack of riboflavin, iron is poorly absorbed, and the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood decreases;
  • Decreased immunity - due to a decrease in the body's defenses, patients exacerbate chronic diseases and easily develop viral and bacterial infections.

Excess riboflavin

Vitamin B2 is easily destroyed and excreted from the body with urine, therefore, under natural conditions, there can be no excess of riboflavin. An increase in the concentration of vitamin B2 very rarely occurs when taking synthetic drugs or with severe renal failure.

Sources of Vitamin B2

Every day, an adult needs 1-3 mg of riboflavin, and the need for the vitamin grows in proportion to emotional stress - the more often you have to be nervous during the day, the more vitamin B2 is spent.

You can get the required amount of vitamin from the following foods:

  • meat and dairy products - the leaders in the content of riboflavin are liver, lean meats, eggs, kidneys, milk, sour cream and cottage cheese;
  • cereals - less riboflavin in buckwheat, barley, wheat groats, wholemeal flour;
  • vegetables - fresh cauliflower, peas, turnips, spinach, greens also have enough vitamin B2.

You can fully meet the needs for B vitamins with regular intake of brewer's yeast, so the content of vitamin B2 in 100 g of the product is 200-300 mg.

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, belongs to the B group of vitamins, which is essential for human health. We can say that B2 is vital for the functioning of all body systems. What exactly is vitamin B2 needed for, what is its mandatory norm and where can I find the sources of this substance? All this further in the article.

Vitamin B2 is a flavin (monoamine oxidase), that is, part of the enzymes that make up the cells. It is a yellow substance that has the amazing property of remaining intact when heated. However, when exposed to UV rays, it is destroyed.

What processes occur in the body with the assistance of vitamin B2? Riboflavin performs the following important functions:

  1. Takes an active part in the conversion of fats and carbohydrates into energy, helping to break them down.
  2. Promotes better absorption of other substances, such as vitamins B6, A and K, as well as iron and zinc.
  3. It is important for the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - a chemical compound that provides energy for all biochemical reactions of the body.

Thus, without B2 we cannot live fully. If you dig deeper, you can find out a lot more amazing about the various biochemical reactions of our body, in which vitamin B2 also takes part.

The benefits and harms of B2 for humans

Chemistry, of course, is an interesting science, but it is better to talk about the benefits of riboflavin in simple human language. Due to the sufficient intake of B2 in the human body, the following positive effects are provided:

  • the state of the nervous system is normalized, the negative impact of stress is eliminated;
  • skin turgor improves, hair growth accelerates, nails become stronger;
  • improves the hemoglobin index of the blood;
  • visual acuity is restored (especially at night), susceptibility to bright sunlight decreases;
  • the immune defense of the body is strengthened, resistance to infections appears;
  • the thyroid gland returns to normal;
  • mucous membranes throughout the body are strengthened;
  • increased brain activity.

This is only a small part of the positive effects worth mentioning from the presence of riboflavin in the body. As for harm, it occurs only with uncontrolled fortification of B2, that is, due to its overdose.

How much B2 does a person need?

Any substance has its own norm, the violation of which is fraught with the development of unwanted complications. Riboflavin must also be ingested daily in a certain amount, which differs depending on the sex, age, activity and environment of the person. A small plate will show what are the B2 intake rates for different categories of people:

The need for B2 intake may increase by 0.1-0.5 mg depending on special circumstances:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with increased mental and physical stress;
  • during the period of acclimatization;
  • in stressful situations;
  • with hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • in adverse environmental conditions.

In these cases, vitamin B2 will help the body keep working and stay healthy.

Sources of Vitamin B2

Like other beneficial substances, riboflavin enters our body as part of food. Although it is present in almost all foods, it is best to compensate for its deficiency with the help of those in which B2 is present in greater quantities. Here are the foods mentioned as they decrease in riboflavin:

  • liver (especially beef), kidneys, heart, lard;
  • dry whole or skimmed milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;
  • black and green tea;
  • yeast;
  • hard cheese;
  • chicken eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach, cabbage, green peas, onions;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • nuts.

The inclusion of the mentioned products in your diet will not only enrich it with vitamin B2, but also make it diverse.

Dangers of deficiency and excess of vitamin B2

Moderation is a guarantee that there will be no unwanted reactions. Both insufficient intake of B2 and too active vitaminization with it are equally harmful.

Riboflavin deficiency the body can detect as follows:

  • cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, peeling of the lips and skin around them occurs;
  • the eyes begin to water, turn red, there is a burning sensation in them, photophobia, vision deteriorates;
  • the skin turns gray, becomes irritable with long-healing lesions;
  • children may show a decrease in growth and mental development;
  • the nervous system suffers, various mental disorders appear - from depression to neurosis;
  • there is a constant fatigue, indifference to everything.

Few people immediately attribute these violations to a lack of vitamins, but often this is exactly the case.

Vitamin B2 is easily excreted by the body together with urine, so its excess is extremely rare. The danger posed too much vitamin B2, is small and manifests itself in the form of individual reactions, for example, burning sensations in the muscles, sensations of numbness and tingling.

What else do you need to know about vitamin B2?

Riboflavin can bring obvious benefits to a person if certain conditions are met. In order for vitamin B2 to be better absorbed by the body, it is necessary to properly store and process foods containing it. For example:

  • cover dairy products;
  • freeze products for a period not exceeding 3 days;
  • do not heat food several times;
  • wash vegetables with running water without undue care;
  • frozen food intended for cooking should not be defrosted beforehand.

It is worth remembering that riboflavin is destroyed by 40% during heat treatment, as well as when exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, it is best to store foods rich in it in a cool, dark place.

Vitamin B2 is of great importance for our health, however, like other vitamins. Therefore, even if you are not going to be a chemist or a doctor, it is still worthwhile to study the effect of various substances on your body in order to keep it healthy.

An element such as vitamin B2, for which the body needs, can be understood if you familiarize yourself with the information in more detail about the processes in which this useful trace element is involved.

Vitamin B2 or, as it is also called, Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, which in its natural state is presented in the form of yellow oblong crystals, characterized by a bitter taste.

This element cannot be found in free form in nature. It is present only in solutions that function in a living organism.

Importance of B2 for health

Vitamin B2 plays an invaluable role in human health. It plays an essential role in such processes of the body as the transformation of amino acids, the production of other useful trace elements, etc. Without this element, adequate work of all organs is impossible.

Without this trace element, the process of synthesizing some hormones and red blood cells is impossible. Vitamin protects the retina from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, improves visual acuity and adapts to the eyes in the dark.

This vitamin necessary for the body is actively involved in the production of stress hormones. As you know, due to constant stress and pressure on the nervous system, the content of this vitamin in the body is reduced, as a result of which the latter becomes unprotected. Therefore, it is very important in case of a nervous breakdown and a state of stress to consume as many foods rich in riboflavin as possible.

Riboflavin allows adequate breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For those people who play sports or whose work is associated with physical overstrain, the vitamin is needed as a so-called fuel transformer, since B2 converts consumed fats and carbohydrates into energy.

Riboflavin does an excellent job with the issue of tissue regeneration and growth. It has the most positive effect on the central nervous system, as well as the liver and mucous membranes. This vitamin is very important for the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Daily intake and consequences of vitamin deficiency in the body

Such a value as the daily norm of riboflavin is a variable value and depends on such factors as, for example, gender, age, etc.

However, it has been established that the average daily requirement for a person is:

  • men - 1.7 - 1.8 mg;
  • women - 1.3 - 1.6 mg;
  • children - 0.5 - 1.5 mg.

An adult can get the required daily allowance by eating 2 eggs or 300 grams of cottage cheese during the day. Thus, a balanced diet provides the body with the amount of vitamin necessary.

However, in practice there are deviations from these norms, which is due to such circumstances as taking hormonal medications, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as high physical exertion. And it is quite natural that it will be much better for the body if a person receives riboflavin by consuming food, and not taking expensive drugs.

Symptoms and Causes of Riboflavin Deficiency

In medicine, a condition in which there is a lack of vitamin B2 in the patient's body is called hyporiboflavinosis. Signs of such a condition can manifest themselves both externally and affecting the work of internal organs and systems. At different stages of the development of hypovitaminosis, the patient will experience the following symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the body:

  • drying and cracking of the skin of the lips;
  • loss of appetite, a state of weakness, the appearance of headaches and loss of strength;
  • various skin pathologies, for example, rashes or itching, which is caused by a disorder in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • the development of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • disorders in the digestive system;
  • sleep disturbance, dizziness, lethargy of brain activity caused by starvation of blood vessels; - burning pain in the arms and legs, the appearance of convulsions;
  • exhaustion of the body, stunted growth, which is especially characteristic and dangerous for children; - slow wound healing;
  • development of photophobia.

If we talk about the reasons that provoke a vitamin deficiency in the body, then in addition to taking certain drugs, hypo- or hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, as well as a number of other pathologies, can cause such a condition.

In addition, vitamin B2 is destroyed if you defrost vegetables and meat products for half a day in the light. However, useful elements in products are stored in the refrigerator. The loss of useful properties of food can be avoided if you refuse to take medications, put frozen vegetables or meat immediately in boiled water or defrost them, for example, in a microwave oven, after wrapping them in food foil.

Replenishment of vitamin B2 deficiency

As noted earlier, today the pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of drugs that allow you to fill the daily requirement of a vitamin in the body.

As for the instructions for the use of these tablets, it is individual for each drug. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the specifics of taking a tableted vitamin will depend on the need for it in each patient.

It is also worth noting that the procedure for taking riboflavin for various pathologies will differ significantly from the procedure for taking the drug for prevention purposes.

However, as recommended by nutritionists, it is much better to get vitamin B2 from natural products. In this regard, the best way to provide the body with the necessary amount of riboflavin is a proper and balanced diet, which consists of products of plant and animal origin. The maximum amount of the indicated vitamin is present in products such as milk, pine nuts or fresh meat.

Thus, riboflavin or vitamin B2 is necessary for the body to provide a huge number of processes in the body of a biochemical nature. The specified element is key in ensuring the work of the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems. And in order for each person to feel great, one should receive the required daily dose of the indicated element.

Sharp eyesight, a clear mind, radiant skin and calm nerves - our beauty and health depend on a tiny trace element, which has received the name "riboflavin" from chemists. B2 contains dozens of food products, it is preserved after heat treatment and excreted by the body without residue. About what foods are important to eat in order not to experience an enzyme deficiency, is it difficult to recognize hypervitaminosis, we will tell in our article.

The biological role of vitamin B2 is quite serious. It turns out that a person has practically no processes that occur without the participation of matter. Vitamin B2 is often referred to as the beauty vitamin. It directly affects the condition of our skin, the strength of our nails, and the shine of our hair. If we consider vitamin b2 under a microscope, then the substance will look interesting: it is a large crystals with needles, collected in tall cones. In its pure form, the microelement has a pronounced bitter taste, which is not at all guessed in ready-made dishes.

B2 is officially registered as a food additive E101 and is considered the safest among all preservatives used by factories and food processing plants. Also, the additive is used in pharmacology, added to food for cattle for feeding, added to creams and used in many other areas of life.

The physical properties of vitamin B2 (another name is riboflavin) - it is quickly absorbed into the blood, it is highly soluble in water, which is why it is called water-soluble. In terms of human benefits, the role of vitamin B2 is enormous. It is necessary for energy production and all metabolic processes, affecting the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by the body. Also, riboflavin, an important participant in the production of red blood cells, is responsible for saturating tissues with oxygen.

A big plus of the microelement lies in the excellent ability to be absorbed from food. There are some nuances here: for example, it quickly enters the bloodstream from boiled or stewed vegetables. Also, doctors do not advise taking it on an empty stomach - vitamin B2 is practically not absorbed on an empty stomach. But on a well-fed vitamin replenishment happens several times faster.

What is vitamin B2 for?

Vitamin B2 is involved in all body processes. The lack of riboflavin quickly causes various failures, fraught with formidable pathologies in a neglected state. But an excess of a substance is practically never found, so do not be afraid to eat it often.

Vitamin takes an active part:

  • in lipid, carbohydrate, protein metabolism;
  • in the growth of bone and muscle mass in children and adolescents;
  • in the production of red blood cells, and, as everyone knows, without erythrocytes it is impossible to imagine normal hematopoiesis in humans;
  • in the "opposition" of sugar surges - riboflavin promotes the production of glycogen, an important substance for normalizing blood sugar levels. This is an excellent prevention of diabetes;
  • in stopping the formation of blood clots;
  • in weight loss. Since the enzyme accelerates the absorption of fats from the intestines and generally speeds up metabolism, which helps a person lose weight faster;
  • in improving vision - this property of riboflavin is widely known to oculists. They necessarily prescribe a course of vitamin therapy to elderly people who have a predisposition to cataracts;
  • in relaxing eyes, overloaded with work at the computer, frequent reading of books;
  • in improving the condition of hair, skin, nails, it works especially effectively in tandem with vitamin A;
  • in the fight against severe headaches. Riboflavin in its pure form is prescribed in courses for migraines in adults;
  • in the removal of disorders of the nervous system during psycho-emotional overload, the treatment of chronic insomnia.

It has been proven that it is riboflavin that treats insomnia and generally calms a person. He is also credited with the function of updating the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Vitamin B2 helps the thyroid gland to work efficiently, without failure, which has a positive effect on the hormonal background of a person, which means his general well-being.

Riboflavin as part of vitamin complexes is always prescribed for elderly people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, patients with epilepsy. It is recommended for children to take it during the flu and cold season to raise immune forces.

Vitamin B2 acts as a kind of protective shield, saving the eyes from the damaging effects of the sun's UV rays. It is highly appreciated by dermatologists for its help in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, acne (including severe forms). Surgeons recommend drinking a course of vitamin B2 after surgery for rapid regeneration of affected tissues.

There are practically no contraindications to taking the microelement. It is shown to people from birth to old age. The only exceptions are allergies, that is, individual intolerance to the component, but it is rare. Another complication is even less common - fatty degeneration of the liver.

What foods contain vitamin B2

A lot of delicious foods rich in vitamin B2 are available to a person. Milk and red meat are considered record holders: beef stroganoff, in sour cream - tomato sauce, as they say, the doctor prescribed. B2 is present in bread, beer, cereals. With proper budget planning, any family will allow itself to eat healthy meals. See what foods contain riboflavin, and then make a menu. Below we have given a table that indicates the content of trace elements per 100 g of product.

Sources of riboflavin in foods

  • milk, any dairy products - 3 mg;
  • yeast (in beer and bread) - up to 4 mg;
  • almonds, cashews, pecans, hazelnuts, brazil nuts - about 1 mg;
  • coffee (boiled from grains) - 1 mg;
  • grapes - 1 mg;
  • rye, lentils, millet, buckwheat - 1 mg;
  • beef, pork, chicken and lamb liver - up to 3 mg;
  • kidneys of pork, beef - 1.6 mg;
  • butter - 0.5 mg;
  • spinach, sorrel, broccoli, white cabbage - 0.5 mg;
  • figs, dates, raisins - 0.5 mg.

A lot of B2 contains vegetable oils: nutritionists recommend dressing salads with almond oil, grape seed, wheat germ. It is important to buy them cold-pressed and fresh. Dairy products are extremely useful for replenishing trace element reserves. A good cheese, a glass of milk will provide the body with a fifth of the entire daily requirement for a substance. An excellent source of the vitamin is a glass of good light beer. Of course, only adults and in moderation can replenish B2 reserves in this way.

Riboflavin daily allowance

To prevent vitamin deficiency, doctors advise adhering to the daily dosage, trying not to exceed it:

  • for children from a month to six months, 0.5 mg is indicated;
  • for one-year-old babies - 0.8;
  • for children under 7 years old - 1.2.

Doctors advise adolescents to eat 1.6 mg. riboflavin, and women 1.5 mg. The greatest need for a trace element occurs during pregnancy and during feeding: it is important to consume up to 2 mg per day.

The need for more vitamin occurs in people who abuse alcohol, anyone who experiences overload at work or during training. The daily dosage for such people is selected individually, although it rarely exceeds 2 mg.

Vitamin B2 deficiency

Hypovitaminosis of vitamin B2 can be indicated by any lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, acne and any other skin disease. The skin begins to peel off (especially on the elbows), the tongue turns red and becomes unnaturally scarlet. Often, pathologies make themselves felt from the side of the eyes - a person cannot look at the light, the eyes are watery, pain occurs. Doctors explain the lack of vitamin B2 anemia, sleep disorders, and general anxiety for no apparent reason.

Vitamin B2 deficiency symptoms

  • conjunctivitis, cataract;
  • migraine;
  • swelling of the tongue, lips;
  • cracks near the mouth;
  • peeling on different parts of the body;
  • sores near the nose, lips (often they are painful, people mistake them for herpes rashes);
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain in the legs with a feeling of heaviness;
  • rashes on the face, especially on the wings of the nose.

It is enough to drink a course of vitamins, eat more often ordinary porridge with milk, cheese or sour-milk products, as an unpleasant sensation quickly passes. Most often, B2 is experienced by people with chronic diseases of the intestines, stomach and those who drink drugs - vitamin B2 antagonists.

An excess of vitamin B2 in the body

The trace element is quickly excreted from the body with urine, leaving no traces. Rarely, but it happens that a person has an excess of vitamin B2 and the first sign is bright orange urine. Other signs of vitamin B2 hypervitaminosis are dizziness, itching, numbness of the limbs, or a slight tingling sensation. A blood test may reveal that the body is not absorbing iron well. But it is impossible to draw conclusions without a doctor's opinion: all these symptoms can indicate other, more serious pathologies. A consultation with a doctor is required. He will advise what to do - adjust the diet, reduce the dosage or stop taking the drug.

The best pharmacy complexes with vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 is found in most tablets and ready-made complexes offered by the pharmaceutical industry. Sometimes vitamin B2 is prescribed in its pure form, for the treatment of diseases where more enzyme is needed. In diseases, drops, injections, tablets can be recommended (riboflavin is often treated with severe headaches). You can not engage in self-medication - drug therapy is prescribed exclusively by physicians.

In small doses, the enzyme contains:

  • Supradin.
  • Komlivit.
  • Complivit Prenatal.
  • Vitrum.
  • Menz Formula (Mens Formula).
  • Univit Kids.

A big plus of ready-made pharmacy complexes is the balance of essential trace elements, matched by age, even gender. For children, these should be only special complexes so as not to encounter hypervitaminosis. They are recommended by pediatricians.

Interaction of vitamin B2 riboflavin with other substances

The essential quality of the enzyme is in the mandatory interaction with other microelements. Together with vitamin B9 (folic acid), it takes part in the synthesis of red blood cells and regenerates tissues. Vitamin A helps him strengthen nails, improve vision, and B1 maintains the level of iron in the blood, preventing anemia from developing. Riboflavin helps other trace elements - it activates the production of vitamin K, B6 and B9.

The trace element is absorbed much better with zinc, copper, iron. Inexpensive offal, dairy drinks, delicious nuts will saturate the body with the right amount of vitamin B2. Indulge yourself with delicious dishes and the lack of enzyme will definitely not threaten you.