Dou New Year's Eve invitation. New Year's party invitation. Announcement - an invitation for parents to a New Year's party

Half a century ago, on the eve of the New Year holidays, bright greeting cards and telegrams scattered all over the world. There was simply no other way to convey warm words and invite them to New Year's Eve. And if, ten years later, a cell phone and Skype communication were a pleasant novelty, now such a congratulation is trite and even boring. But it’s quite another thing to create unusual invitations for the New Year 2020, you can find free templates on the site and infect hundreds of kids, friends, relatives and colleagues with your festive enthusiasm!

  • Christmas tree invitations for kids
  • Why a template and not a postcard?
  • Varieties of templates
  • And finally

Invitation of a relative, friends and just good acquaintances

December has just come into its own, and everyone has one question on their ears: where and with whom to celebrate the New Year, whom to invite? Most of the population of our country, and not only, prefer to celebrate this day in their own circle, at home, with friends or just in a good company. And so that the children, relatives and friends whom you so want to see at home during the New Year holidays, be sure to find their way to you, send holiday invitations to all of them. And you just need to download the New Year template you like for free, fill it out at your own discretion, print it out as you wish and send it out in any way: to the postal address, email, private message on the social network, via Skype, hand it over or hide it under the pillow.

Invitation to a matinee in kindergarten and at school

How many efforts, diligence, creative forces the kids make to create their own New Year's show in their kindergarten or at a matinee at school. And the main audience for whom all this festive miracle is being done, of course, are parents, sisters and brothers, grandparents.

The invitation template does not overshadow the holiday cards made by children, but rather become another festive decoration. With the help of a ready-made postcard, organizers of children's creative events will be able not only to congratulate, invite parents to a New Year's party, but also indicate the date of the children's holiday and, possibly, clarify some details that adults should know about in advance so that the holiday is a success.

Christmas tree invitations for kids

Charitable foundations, private companies, entrepreneurs and big businessmen often organize a Christmas tree for the children of their locality or their employees. And at such children's events, any little thing can make a big difference. Getting a personal invitation to a carnival for kids can be more valuable than the Christmas tree itself. Colorful, bright congratulatory templates with fairy-tale characters will resonate in the open hearts of the kids.

2020 eve corporate party invitation

If on December 31 most of us are at home or with friends, then a week before that, enthusiastic congratulations are already heard all over the world and champagne splashes are flying at corporate parties. And although word of mouth among colleagues works flawlessly, it is better to make an announcement about a corporate New Year holiday more solemnly. For example, you can send out unusual invitations for New Year's Eve with home delivery or email, you can download free templates.

What it will be: poetic lines with a call for a holiday in a playful or ironic form, or an official text in a short form, depends on business relations between partners, colleagues, guests. For example, for managers and middle-level colleagues, poetic lines about how valuable and dear to the company each employee is and how many bright and unexpected surprises await everyone at the party where the Snow Maiden awaits them will perfectly suit and cheer up. As for business partners and chief specialists, it is better to remember the prose and the official tone. In any case, the notice of the celebration and the invitation to the New Year tree must have a festive, original look, contain the name of the person to whom it is addressed, the congratulations on the holiday itself, the exact date, place of the event and the name of the company.

There is no opportunity, time or imagination is not enough to make a decent option - look at the templates for invitations for the New Year and choose the one that suits your situation. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, it is better to make a little more samples than the number of those present at the Christmas tree, and send out the notification itself another 3 weeks in advance.

Why a template and not a postcard?

In fact, there are thousands of options for New Year's cards with ready-made text on the net, on the shelves of bookstores and in kiosks. What is easier? However, it is very difficult to choose an option that is suitable for a particular situation. If you liked the look, the text does not match the intended style. And then, what if each invitee wants to whisper words addressed only to him? Invitations for the new year in the form of templates allow you to solve this problem, just choose the appropriate layout, find the lines you like, combine everything into one holiday greeting - print it out on a printer or send it electronically.

Varieties of templates

Annual experience shows that the celebration of the New Year largely depends on how organized and thought out its preparation itself is, no matter at home, in the office or at a common Christmas tree. But that small part that can spoil the whole fabulous mood depends on the little things. If you want the holiday to be a success, make invitation cards.

Coming up with an invitation to the New Year 2020 and their templates, the compilers tried to foresee different events and their development. Conventionally, all invitations can be divided into official - for organizations, children's - invitations to a New Year's party and unofficial - for people close to each other and just acquaintances. You can choose from templates for celebrating the New Year with friends, family, children, invitations for parents. There are invitations to the Christmas tree, to a holiday, to a meeting with Santa Claus or just to visit. Colorful images can differ both by gender - for men and women, and for children. So children's invitations are made in a bright, colorful form, full of cartoon characters and fairy-tale characters. These may be original double-sided samples. Couples in love can be advised to download a romantic, love or family invitation. But, and for corporate purposes, there are always options with an official appeal and a call for a general gathering at the holiday.

Rules for drawing up an invitation

Depending on where the Christmas tree will be held, it is worth considering the template itself or the type of the finished invitation, its text and method of sending.

The holiday notice must include:

- appeal - friend, beloved, respected colleague, etc.;
- the name to whom the postcard is addressed;
- happy New Year;
- wishes of the very best;
- what awaits him at the holiday;
- dress code - ceremonial, masquerade, carnival;
- place and time;
- the author of the invitation.

Tatiana Koshcheeva

Announcement - an invitation for parents to a New Year's party.

Holidays in a preschool institution are one of the most interesting, favorite and exciting forms of organized joint leisure for adults and children. Very soon, the long-awaited holiday for everyone - the New Year!

subsides New Year's fuss: roles are approved, words and poems are distributed among the kids, groups, a music hall are decorated,

And parents looking forward to the holiday to admire and rejoice for their child. It remains to notify them of the place and time of the celebration.

On a paper basis, a composition of fir branches was outlined with a pencil.

The required number of loops was prepared from strips of green paper. With the help of glue, they were fixed along the contour of the branches in two rows.

The finished branches were decorated with cones, tinsel and paper crafts.

To make cones, we needed brown paper squares. From the squares we glued the bags. They laid the bags on the base from the bottom up, open side down.

The balls were made from circle bags. You can fold the bags with the colored side inward.

And the whole poem ends, which will invite everyone to the holiday. We printed it out.

Making it announcements - invitations, not only cheered up the children, but also aroused even greater interest in the upcoming holiday.

Related publications:

"Creative Week" Newspaper - announcement for parents and colleagues. It's a creative week in our kindergarten. Week of open doors.

New Year's party for kindergarten in the middle group "New Year's Trouble" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type "Herringbone" New Year's commotion. New Year.

LEADING: A merry winter brought us a holiday, the Green Christmas tree came to visit us. Good Grandfather Frost brought us the Christmas tree here, so that we can go to the New one.

New Year's party for the nursery group To the music, the children enter the hall. Leading. Here came the tree to the guys. To us for a holiday in kindergarten. Lights, how many toys - How beautiful.

New Year's party for the preparatory group New Year's party for the preparatory group of the Vedas. Hello boys and girls, moms and dads. grandparents! Hello everyone.

Characters: Nastenka, Marfushenka, Snowflakes, Snowmen, Forest Animals - children. Stepmother, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus - adults. Standing on the stage.

New Year's party for the little ones Sounds like a Christmas song. Children enter the hall, stand around the Christmas tree. The teacher says: - Look, guys, how beautiful we have.

The New Year will quickly break into our lives very soon. Many companies will celebrate its coming with celebratory corporate parties for employees and partners. You can notify everyone about the place and time of the event by phone, e-mail or word of mouth. But you want everything to be top notch.

Start over - send targeted original invitations to the New Year's corporate party. The text can be poetic, playful or official - it all depends on the status, personal qualities of the guest and your imagination. There is no time and talent for writing - use ready-made options or slightly improve them. You can even peek at ours.

Invitations in verse

New Year's poems, by definition, cannot be serious. Such an invitation is hardly suitable for business partners or company management, but for middle managers and ordinary colleagues - that's it.

Every employee is valuable to us.
New Year, as an important holiday,
Great for corporate
Your colleague is calling you personally.

There will be a bright program
Santa Claus and Dog Barbos,
Dances, contests and jokes,
And a whole load of gifts.

Feast at the festive table -
We look forward to seeing you!
Appearance is up to you
Pass - super mood!

Where are we going with a colleague?
There is no secret in this.
We won't let the team down!
Oh no, oh no, oh no!

I received an invitation
I won't break the chain.
The boss invited me
And I'm calling you!

Celebrate this time
Great New Year!
The soul and body will go to dance,
And maybe fly away!

We are our brave team:
We are waiting for courage indomitable!
Where are the dances, laughter, program, potion,
We will provide all the fun!

Grab yourself by the neck,
I dare to tell you.
Because the New Year
Waiting for you, me and all of us!

This is not an army draft.
Not a cinema ticket.
For this time break
The boss allocated the budget!

And of course it's not a game.
Spartak - Lokomotiv!
Dancing, fire, this, heat,
A corporate party awaits there!

In short, in a tuxedo, or in a T-shirt.
Order: do not be on pins and needles!
It's a happy new year!
The whole team is waiting for you!

Colleague, tirelessly
We worked together for a whole year!
The road is straight for you and me
Celebrate the temporary flight!

I sincerely invite you
Corporate friend!
Here, I'm sending you an invitation.
There's a big gap there!

In a good establishment
Celebrate the New Year!
Take your mood
And positive platoon!

At the end, you can specify the time and place of the party by referring to the employee by name.

Texts of invitations in prose

In invitations to a corporate party for the main specialists of the company and business partners, it is preferable to use a strict, official style, no matter where you will be: in the office, a country boarding house or a restaurant. But the New Year is a special holiday, which means that the text should not be dry and faceless.

In a restaurant

Dear _________, on behalf of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and our company, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you indomitable energy, grandiose plans, stable growth and prosperity. May the coming year be successful, and all past failures become a launching pad for professional take-off.

We invite you to a New Year's dinner, which will be held at the restaurant ______, (name, date, time). We hope that the festive program and warm atmosphere will bring pleasant, positive impressions.

Sincerely, _______.

To a club or other entertainment venue

Dear _______, please accept sincere, heartfelt congratulations on the New Year from all employees of _______ (company name). We wish you health, well-being and prosperity. May the coming year be a record year in terms of the number of professional achievements, personal victories and successfully completed projects.

We invite you to become a guest at the festive New Year's program, get a boost of energy, positive and good mood. We are waiting for you ___________ (name, address, date, time).

Sincerely, _______.

New Years at the office

Dear, _______, ______ (name of organization) wishes you a Happy New Year. We wish that the era of change brings only positive changes, and let there be a clear decision, unbending will and true professionalism behind every smile of fortune.

We invite you to a New Year's corporate party in our office ______ (day, time).

Sincerely, ______.

Invitations to a corporate party of a lighter and even playful nature are perfect for colleagues. They can be just fun or pretty cool. It all depends on the number of employees, their degree of creativity, relationships and the general mood in the team. And we also collected ideas for holding.

In the cafe

Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the White Metal Rat are already laying a chic table and waiting for you (you) in the cafe (restaurant) ______ (name, date, time) for a reckless, extravagant, incendiary party in honor of the New Year. In the program: dancing until you drop, songs until you are hoarse, fun until you lose your pulse.

We assure you with an oath that the management of the company will be very upset by your (your) absence - it is not possible to eat and drink everything by yourself. So attendance is a must!


Dear colleague, the management of the company sincerely admires your (your) success and offers to leave all the roles in the past in order to enter the image of a cute Rat at a fun New Year's party, which will take place _______ (place, date, time). Happy New Year and may it bring only joyful events, and all the bad things will disappear like champagne bubbles.


Colleague, leave the old year a tired look, last year's Pig - intractability and cockiness. Load your bones into a formal suit (dress) and, at the speed of the symbol of the year - the Rat - rush to the New Year's corporate party, which may not take place without your extraordinary personality. We hope that you will not let you down, and in return we guarantee excellent fun, exquisite bourgeois dishes and, possibly, a personal plate with a drink-weary face.

Do not miss your chance, he is waiting for you _______ (place, date, time).

Invitation templates

New Year's invitations require colorful design. You can create a sketch yourself or connect a support group, but in the pre-holiday bustle, there is often no time for this. As an option, buy ready-made postcards, but they often come with text that does not always correspond to what you want.

The most reasonable way out is to use a ready-made invitation template. The form can be printed on the printer and enter the missing information by hand. By clicking on the button, you will find two formats: Word (there you can simply correct the desired text) and in image format.jpeg (you can print this picture and enter the data by hand).

Just don't leave everything to the last minute. This is especially important for ladies, because they need to think about the main party of the year. Therefore, it is advisable to send out invitations at least two weeks before the upcoming event. Happy New Year! And may your holiday be on top.

On the eve of the winter holidays, many users want to find original invitation templates for the New Year 2019. This type of appeal is intended not only for private events, but also for kindergarten, corporate parties, school, etc. There are several options where to get invitation templates: order in salon, download for free on a specialized web resource, do it yourself, create it in graphic editors or online services. We suggest downloading a gallery of New Year's sources for Photoshop in PSD format or printing images on a printer. We also recommend reading a few tips on how to write an invitation correctly.

In the Year of the Pig, the most relevant image for the design of the invitation will be a totem animal according to the Chinese calendar. Especially pictures with a pig will look original in kindergarten or elementary grades. Children and their families will surely love this graphic design. But for corporate events, a completely different style is needed than in the DOW. And if the meeting is planned to be attended by foreign partners or clients, you need to write a text in English.

How to write an invitation

First of all, you need to consider that the original picture is not the main component of the invitation card. The text is of primary importance. The goal is for a person to feel the importance and energy of the event and want to attend it.

  1. It is recommended to compose a text of 4 - 7 short sentences divided into 2 - 3 paragraphs.
  2. Do not write dry formal phrases. It is better to replace them with lines that set the tone for the party and uplifting.
  3. Poems cannot be used for official corporate parties. Only personal prose will do. For private, children's, friendly and school events, you can find it on the Internet or come up with your own cool invitations in verse. There are no strict rules here. The main thing is that the recipient feels the whole atmosphere of the holiday.
  4. You do not need to send invitations by mail, but it is better to hand them in person. This is a reliable way to find out if a guest will be able to attend New Year's Eve.

New Year Invitation - Templates for Photoshop

If you are familiar with working in this graphic editor, then we offer several interesting templates in a multi-layered PSD format. If not, then you can ask friends or relatives to do this business. Surely you have a friend who has at least basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop.

Download sources >>

Download templates for printing on a printer

This gallery contains beautiful images of invitation sheets. Dimensions allow you to print pictures on A4 paper using a laser, inkjet or dot matrix printer. You can also choose special envelopes.

Every year before the New Year corporate parties are held not only by enterprises. Employees of preschool and educational institutions organize fun morning performances, evenings, competitions and performances for children. Such cultural events are attended by relatives of the children, management, special guests, etc. Therefore, one of the important factors in the organization is the preparation of invitation cards.

Where to find invitation templates

In the vastness of the worldwide web, you can find a huge number of sources. They are distributed on specialized sites, photo hosting sites and blogs dedicated to this topic. You can also download a large selection for free from us. She has incorporated several options for invitations:

  1. for Photoshop;
  2. for coloring (popular in kindergarten and elementary grades);
  3. pictures with the ability to print on a printer or printing device;
  4. templates with ready text.

Before you decide what suits you best, you need to know the subtleties of these options:

Pictures for Photoshop intended for editing in a graphical editor. They are provided in PSD format, thanks to which you can change the display of all elements, add your own content, including text, photos and much more. Of course, one cannot do without special skills. You need to have at least basic knowledge of working with the application.

Coloring is the most original invitation card. It's perfect for kindergarten or elementary school. Children will be happy to paint it for their parents. This is another way to develop creativity in kids. Also, pupils of senior groups of preschool institutions can themselves try to write a short invitation.

Large templates in the most common graphic formats. Such content is easy to print on a printer. Color laser, inkjet, LED and photo devices are suitable for it. To create an exclusive invitation, you need to use designer paper or high-density A4 office sheets with a matte finish. Photo paper will also work.

Blanks with text is the perfect solution for quickly creating invitations. Such pictures already contain a ready-made appeal, all that remains is to write the recipient's initials, address and other information. Such sources are used to convene a large number of guests, for example, to school events or a corporate party.

New Year Invitation Text Samples

It should be noted that a beautiful picture is an insignificant part of the invitation card. The main component is the text. It depends on him what desire the recipient will have after reading. The goal is not only to simply call a person, but also to convey the importance, energy and atmosphere of the event. Therefore, we have included invitations for all occasions in the material, choosing the best ones from a huge number of options (in our opinion):

For a corporate party

In the search for the meaning of life, it becomes obvious that true wealth does not lie in the accumulation of material wealth. It is important to know that there is a true friend and partner nearby, tested by time and actions. A reliable companion is a fulcrum in overcoming any obstacles.
We will be glad to meet you at the New Year's Eve ... date ... in the restaurant ... We hope that the holiday in the circle of friends, partners and colleagues will be a pleasant and interesting event for you.”

For kindergarten and school

An original invitation for parents and students is best written in poetic form. Therefore, we have selected some beautiful works:

And now let's move on to the most important thing - the choice of templates. Under each gallery poster, you will find a link to view and download the source files to your computer. Content hosted by Google. The drive is therefore free of viruses and malware.

Download free gallery of invitations for the New Year 2018


For coloring in kindergarten and school