Read before using Nucleopeptide for dogs. Helpful information! Nucleopeptide. Myths. Facts Nucleopeptide instructions for use

Description and instructions for the drug Nucleopeptide

Nucleopeptide is a veterinary drug. It is animal-based - made from the spleen of cows. The medicine contains various organic substances, including peptides and nucleotides, which stimulate the active development of muscle tissue, improve liver function, and have a positive effect on animal health. Nucleopeptide is used for dogs, cats, birds, livestock, fur-bearing animals. The use of medicine for pets can improve their exhibition qualities, the condition of the coat, and the musculoskeletal system. If this product is used on farms, it improves meat and dairy performance. The nucleopeptide is non-toxic, can be combined with other medications, and does not cause allergies.

Nucleopeptide is used for:

  • The need to increase muscle mass in animals (young and adults) - healthy, as well as those lagging behind in development;
  • The need to improve the quality of wool, as well as for dermatological problems;
  • Toxicosis in pregnant females;
  • Poisoning;
  • The need to improve the body's resistance, maintain health, including chronic diseases, for example, furunculosis, inflammation, dermatitis and so on;

Nucleopeptide is produced in vials. It can be given orally and injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously, depending on the indications. The contents of the opened bottle should be used on the same day. Thus, the instructions for the drug Nucleopeptide state that to improve immunity and stimulate growth and development, it is given to newborn animals orally before meals once a day. The dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the pet. Later it is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Similar courses can be conducted for adult animals - before exhibitions, in the off-season, during stress. Treatment of indolent pathological processes can be supported by Nucleopeptide injections. This drug is given orally to birds.

Nucleopeptide is contraindicated for:

  • Treatment of animals in the acute stage of the disease;
  • Parallel vaccination;

Side effects of Nucleopeptide

Manufacturers do not report any unwanted effects that may occur with the use of this medication. However, it is always worth keeping in mind the possibility of developing individual intolerance reactions. Monitor your pet's condition after using Nucleopeptide. Discuss any new symptoms that appear during treatment with your veterinarian.

Reviews about Nucleopeptide

Basically, reviews about Nucleopeptide are very positive. Many breeders and simply owners of cats and dogs share their opinions about the drug on specialized forums. It is used both for the correction of existing problems and for prevention, including in newborn animals, as well as for those pets who participate in exhibitions:

- My male dog was not gaining weight well. I just didn't eat well. At the same time, he was completely healthy. I started injecting Nucleopeptide and my activity and appetite increased. Came in great shape. Based on immunity, I can say that I did not get infected during one epidemic and very easily survived another illness. At the same time, other dogs that did not receive Nucleopeptide became ill.

- Out of six dogs of the same litter, all were given Nucleopeptide. Four had noticeable results in both weight and coat. One girl was allergic to it. And another one, I don’t know why, didn’t react at all.

- Pulling out premature puppies. They were almost completely bald and in general were in terrible condition. The nucleopeptide simply helped them survive. The fur grew instantly. By the time of distribution to their owners, the puppies did not differ from full-term ones. Now all the dogs are healthy.

However, there is an opinion that the fame of Nucleopeptide was created primarily by advertising:

- I don’t trust miracle cures for “everything” either for people or for dogs. My cat had no reaction to Nucleopeptide.

It is best to consult your veterinarian regarding the use of this drug. It is the doctor who, having formed an idea of ​​your pet’s health, will be able to advise whether he needs a course of Nucleopeptide or whether it will be unnecessary.

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This article is an instruction adapted for non-professionals on the use of the immunostimulating agent Nucleopeptide, made from bovine spleen, in animal husbandry.

Composition and release form

The medicinal product contains the following active ingredients:

  • Peptides.
  • Nucleosides.
  • Pyrimidine and purine bases.

The injectable product appears as an opaque yellowish-brown liquid of a light or rich shade. When settling, a thick layer forms, which is removed by shaking. In this case, the contents foam. The medicine is bottled in sterile bottles 5; 10; 100; 200 cm 3, as well as ampoules of 1 ml.


Nucleopeptide components stimulate the secretion of thyroid hormones. The result is normalization of nitrogen metabolism and activation of growth regulators. The mechanisms of interferon synthesis are launched, which helps to increase the body's resistance. The liver has additional resources to carry out its detoxification function.

The digestibility of feed components increases, which is manifested by an increase in productivity. The nucleopeptide has a positive effect on the condition of the coat and skin. The medicine is successfully combined with antimicrobial, chemotherapeutic agents, premixes, and vitamin supplements. Substances that are components of a biostimulant do not have an adverse effect on the body, therefore the medication is classified as a safe drug.


Nucleopeptide is prescribed under the following circumstances:

  • For young pigs and ruminants for the purpose of immune correction, as well as increasing growth.
  • For dogs and cats:
  1. To stimulate the growth of young animals.
  2. To build muscle mass in adults.
  3. For the treatment of dermatitis, otitis, improving the condition of the coat.
  4. In preparation for an exhibition or before transportation to relieve stress and strengthen the immune system.

Methods of application

The injector is filled with the contents of the bottle, homogenized by shaking. The drug is used for the following types of animals:

  • Ruminants and pigs.
  • Dogs, cats.
  • Fur animals.
  • Bird.

Ruminants and pigs

For newborns, medications are administered orally in the following doses:

  • For calves - once 100–150 cm 3 for three days in a row.
  • Lambs and piglets - 25–30 ml at a time.

To stimulate growth, growing and fattening livestock are given subcutaneous injections into the lower part of the neck of 0.15 ml/kg body weight for three days in a row. The further course includes 4–6 injections at a two-week interval. More than 30 cm 3 of Nucleopeptide should not be injected into one point. 10 days before the intended slaughter, the drug is discontinued.

Dogs and cats

Nucleopeptide is administered orally to newborn babies. A single dose is 2–10 ml and depends on the baby’s weight. The course of administering the drug is limited to three days. The portion for oral administration for canine and feline puppies is 0.3 ml/kg; for injection use, the dose is pierced 2 times less. The drug is taken for 3 days.

There are times in the life of carnivores when the use of Nucleopeptide is required. These are physical overloads, shedding or the need to tidy up the coat. A course of 12–15 injections with a two-week interval of 0.3 ml/kg is indicated. If there is a need to repeat, the cycle is resumed after a two-month break.

The preparation program for the exhibition includes preventive treatment of the animal with Nucleopeptide. This must be done in advance, 4 weeks before the event. Over the course of 3–5 days, the pet is injected with the medicine in a standard dosage, 0.3 ml/kg.

Fur animals

The nucleopeptide is prescribed to accelerate growth and improve the quality of fur. In addition to subcutaneous administration, intramuscular or oral administration is allowed in the same doses as for dogs. To improve the quality of fur, 4–6 weeks before slaughter, animals are pierced for 5 days in a standard dosage.


If the poultry has ruffled plumage and a depressed state, 0.5–2.0 ml of biostimulant is poured into it for 5–7 days in a row.

Side effects

When using Nucleopeptide, there is a possibility of exacerbation of a permanent illness. With continued treatment, painful symptoms weaken. An allergic reaction of a hypersensitive individual to the components of the drug cannot be ruled out.


It is forbidden to use Nucleopeptide in debilitated animals and in acute diseases accompanied by hyperthermia. The drug aggravates post-vaccination complications.


The nucleopeptide is canceled 10 days before the intended slaughter of the animal.

Storage conditions

The nucleopeptide cannot withstand freezing and overheating. It is kept in a place protected from solar radiation at 2–25 ºC. Such conditions retain the therapeutic properties of the drug for 2 years. If solid particles are found in the ampoule or vial or the sediment does not break up when shaken, the medicine should not be used. An opened ampoule or bottle is stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Another drug has become available to the livestock breeder, which allows increasing weight gain, preventing diseases, and making pets attractive. There is no need to use antibiotics or chemotherapy drugs.


Name (lat.)

Composition and release form

The biological product Nucleopeptide is an extract from the spleen of cattle containing peptides, nucleosides, nucleotide bases and other biologically active compounds of at least 1 mg/ml. In appearance it is an opaque liquid from light yellow to yellow-brown color, foaming when shaken. Upon settling, an easily broken sediment forms. Packaged in 5, 10 and 100 ml in glass bottles, hermetically sealed with polymer caps and packed in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological properties

The nucleopeptide contains only natural components that have a complex effect on metabolic processes, regulating the hormonal and immune status of the animal. The drug increases the secretion of thyroid hormones and androgen hormones within physiological limits. Thyroid hormones stimulate the growth and development of the body, growth and differentiation of tissues, have an anabolic effect on protein metabolism, and activate growth hormone. Low molecular weight peptides in the drug have regulatory functions, which determines the therapeutic effect in the treatment of chronic and autoimmune diseases. The nucleopeptide increases the body's resistance by activating the synthesis of interferon mediators, increases the resistance of liver cells to the effects of toxins and poisons, and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. When using the biological product, there is a significant increase in the average daily gain of muscle mass of the order of 12 - 25%, feed conversion improves, which is especially important for productive animals used for fattening and subsequent slaughter. Nucleopeptide can be used in combination with antibacterial drugs, vitamin-mineral complexes and other chemotherapeutic agents. In terms of the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, Nucleopeptide is a low-hazard substance and in recommended doses does not have a locally irritating, resorptive-toxic or sensitizing effect.


Prescribed to large and small cattle and pigs to increase weight gain during fattening and increase the resistance of young animals. Nucleopeptide is used for dogs and cats to accelerate growth in young animals and increase muscle mass in adult animals, to restore coat in case of skin diseases and improve the quality of coat in healthy animals, including in preparation for exhibitions. In the complex treatment of chronic, sluggish inflammatory diseases of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and otitis, with retarded growth and development, as well as to increase resistance in all animal species.

Doses and method of administration

Before use, the bottle with the drug must be shaken. For fattening animals, to increase weight gain, Nucleopeptide is administered subcutaneously into the middle third of the neck at a dose of 0.1 - 0.2 ml/kg of live weight, but not more than 30 ml in one place, once a day for 3 days in a row, then once every 15 days for 2 – 3 months. 10 days before the slaughter of the animal, the drug is stopped. Nucleopeptide is administered orally to newborn lambs and piglets at a dose of 25–30 ml per head, and to newborn calves at a dose of 100–150 ml per head during the first three days of life, once a day. Young cattle and pigs are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly at a dose of 0.1 - 0.2 ml/kg of live weight once a day for 3 days. Newborn puppies and kittens are prescribed 2–3 ml for small animals and 5–10 ml for larger animals directly into the oral cavity before feeding for 3 days. For grown-up puppies and kittens and adult animals, apply subcutaneously at a dose of 0.1 - 0.2 ml/kg or orally at 0.2 - 0.4 ml/kg once a day for 3 days in a row. Before the exhibition, the drug is prescribed for 3 to 5 days a month before the intended events, subcutaneously or orally in the same doses. For increased physical activity and to improve the condition of the coat, the drug is used once every 15 days, but not more than 6 months, after which it is necessary to take a break of 2 - 3 months. In combination with specific therapy for skin and chronic diseases of various etiologies, the drug is administered subcutaneously or orally to cats and dogs at 0.1 - 0.4 ml/kg body weight daily for 5 - 7 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after a month.

Side effects

In very rare cases, hypersensitive animals may develop an allergic reaction to the components of the Nucleopeptide. The drug can aggravate the course of chronic and hidden diseases, which is not a reason for its discontinuation.


Individual hypersensitivity of an animal to Nucleopeptide. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug to animals during the period of immunization, as well as during acute infectious diseases and exhaustion.

special instructions

Do not use the drug if there are mechanical impurities or sediment in the bottle. When manipulating the drug, use only sterile needles individually for each animal.

Storage conditions

In a dry and cool place, protected from direct sunlight and out of reach of children and animals, separate from food and feed at a temperature of 2 - 25 ºС. Shelf life - 2 years. Opened bottles are stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator.

Our pets need vitamins, strengthening the immune system and the body’s defenses no less than us.

During the illness of their dogs, good owners give them various vitamins, dietary supplements, and supplements so that the virus does not go too far and cause bad complications. Among these veterinary drugs is Nucleopeptide.

Nucleopeptide is a biological product made from the spleen of cattle, with the addition of various useful substances and components. It is a universal remedy and is widely used for different types of animals, including dogs.

It strengthens your pet's immunity, and also accelerates growth and development, improves metabolism, and restores hormonal levels.

It is used to increase the animal’s body weight, in case of violations of the outer layer, so that the coat becomes thicker and better.

Examples of dog diseases when it is necessary to give Nucleopeptide:

  • otitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • hair loss;
  • weight loss, exhaustion;
  • furunculosis;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • growth retardation;
  • various skin diseases and inflammations;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • weakened immune system, etc.

Instructions for use

The drug must be stored away from sunlight, in a well-ventilated area, at 2-25 degrees Celsius.

How to give?

The use and dosage of Nucleopeptide directly depends on the reason for taking it. It can be taken as an injection, or you can simply pour it into the mouth along with water.

Before use, the bottle with the drug must be shaken!


Let's look at the most common reasons for Nucleopeptide treatment and dosage.

If you are preparing your dog for exhibition or competition and you need to increase its mass, as well as improve the quality of its coat, then you need to give it subcutaneous injections.

A month before the event, one injection of 0.1 ml per 1 kilogram of weight must be given for 5 days. Or according to another scheme: inject once every 15 days. The course of treatment should not last more than six months; it is necessary to take breaks of 2-3 months.

To boost immunity in bad weather or during periods of animal stress, you need to give him injections for 3 days. For 1 kg 0.1 ml-0.2 ml.

If your pet is overtaken by any chronic illness like otitis or eczema, then you need to carry out a complex of treatment for a week, taking the medicine with the expectation that 0.1-0.4 ml of liquid is needed per 1 kg of weight. Take Nucleopeptide (subcutaneously or orally) in parallel with the main treatment. If necessary, repeat the course after 1-1.5 months.

Side effects

The drug does not have pronounced negative consequences after use. That is why it can be consumed even by puppies, pregnant and lactating dogs.

Of course, before use, it is better to consult a veterinarian, because like any medicine, Nucleopeptide contains components to which the animal may develop an allergy. The probability of this is small, but it still exists.

There is no need to use the drug if the animal has fever and chills.

If the drug is administered subcutaneously, it is necessary to work with it carefully and observe the rules of personal hygiene so as not to introduce any disease or infection.

If the solution has expired, it should be thrown away and not used on your animal.

For puppies

Puppies are most often given Nucleopeptide to speed up their growth and development. Newborns are prescribed 2-3 ml once for small representatives, 5-10 ml for larger ones.

It is better for newborn puppies to give the solution in the mouth, rather than as an injection, before meals, for 3-4 days.

Puppies over 3 months old can be given injections with the drug during illness. The dosage will be determined by the treating veterinarian; in no case should you come up with it yourself.

Pregnant and lactating

There are no contraindications for pregnant and lactating animals to take Nucleopeptide. But if you want to start giving your dog this drug, then it is better to ask your doctor about its dosage and frequency of administration in order to avoid allergies.

During toxicosis, dogs, on the contrary, are advised to give Nucleopeptide; it helps stop nausea and a weakened state.

Before vaccination

Before you start taking Nucleopeptide before vaccination, it is better to consult a specialist. Because each medicinal vaccination has its own components, which, when combined with Nucleopeptide components, can cause an allergic reaction. This is different for all animals.

Breed characteristics

There are no exceptions among any breeds. Nucleopeptide can be taken by any breed of dog. It all depends on the individual tolerance of the components of this product.


Dog breeders

1. “I picked up my dog ​​on the street when she was still a baby, when she was in a frail and sickly state. She was very thin and frail. At first I didn’t want to eat anything at all; I had to feed her through a pipette. They thought that she would not last long, well, she was very weak.

They took her to a veterinarian we knew, he looked at her and immediately prescribed her to take Nucleopeptide. He indicated the required dosage and the time period during which it was necessary to take the drug.

After finishing the course of treatment, Bonya (that’s my dog’s name) got stronger, became much bigger, faster, and now my husband and I don’t have time to feed her. In general, the drug helped very well!”

2. “My dog ​​developed strange rashes on his chin that he constantly scratched. At first, the veterinarian advised me to apply a special ointment, but this did not lead to anything normal; the allergy seemed to flare up even more.

I read a lot of forums for dog breeders about what to give in this case, and came across Nucleopeptide. Many people praised it, because the drug has no side effects.

I consulted with a doctor and, after his approval, began injecting intramuscularly. The dog stood firm and did not whine, as if he understood that this was a treatment. Within a month, all the rash disappeared.

Besides this, the fur stopped shedding completely and became smooth and shiny. Not a bad drug. I recommend it to everyone!”


“Throughout my work I use Nucleopeptide very often. A very good drug, the effectiveness of which has been clinically confirmed as a result of ongoing research.

The advantage of this product is not only its effectiveness, but also its natural composition. After all, it is made from the spleen of cattle, and it is the main organ of the immune system.

Anna, veterinarian with 5 years of experience.

What to replace or supplement with?

The most popular Nucleopeptide analogue is Gamavit. It has the same properties as Nucleopeptide, namely: strengthens the immune system, increases endurance and increases the animal’s body weight. In terms of price, these drugs cost approximately the same.

Very often, dog breeders are afraid to use new drugs on their pets, fearing allergies or other alarming consequences, but Gamavit, like Nucleopeptide, has no side effects.


The use of Nucleopeptide will make your pet a beautiful and large representative of its breed, improve its immunity, endurance and make its coat more beautiful and thick. Thanks to its universal action, it is suitable not only for an adult animal, but also for a puppy, a pregnant dog, and a lactating dog.

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