Rebound effect after jess should be taken. Oral contraceptives and their healing rebound effect. When resorting to the rebound effect

The idea to cause a short-term inhibition of the function of the entire annular hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system (HPO) with subsequent restoration of its function is not new. It was first expressed in the 1930s, when the ability of testicles to restore spermatogenesis after inhibition of this function with the help of exogenous androgens was shown in an experiment. This phenomenon has been named "rebound effect", which in English means restoration.

In domestic clinical practice, E. I. Kvater (1960) was the first to use the rebound effect, conducting cyclic hormone therapy with sex steroids on the principle of simulating a normal menstrual cycle. Subsequently, many modifications of this treatment method have been proposed.

With the advent of synthetic steroid combined contraceptives, in which doses of hormones were selected that turn off ovulation by inhibiting the hypothalamic-pituitary system (HPS), in particular, to stimulate ovulation by the type of rebound effect. The combined estrogen-gestagen oral contraceptives of the second generation (non-ovlon, bisekurin) that we have at our disposal also have a pronounced inhibitory effect on HHSS, so they are successfully used for treatment by the type of rebound effect.

Oral contraceptives of the third generation, containing small doses of steroids (trikvilar, triziston, ovidone), mainly have a peripheral effect and inhibit the cyclic function of HHSS only with prolonged use (more than 6-12 months).

Analogues of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RG) are still produced by only a limited number of foreign companies, they are expensive and not available for use in wide clinical practice in our country.

Are there fundamental differences between the use of LH-RH drugs and sex steroids in the rebound effect? What are the advantages of either method? What complications can arise? Both types of treatment are not species-specific, unlike gonadotropic hormones. Synthetic analogs of LH-RG practically do not give side reactions, as they are polypeptides with a short life span. However, it should be noted that they cannot be used orally, but only intramuscularly, intravenously or endonasally, and due to the instability of these drugs endonasally they should be administered every 8 hours.

Prolonged (more than 3 months) use of releasing hormones in this mode leads to the appearance of signs of turning off the function of the ovaries: dryness in the vagina, atrophy of the uterine glands, decreased memory and performance, bad mood, sleep disturbance, hot flashes, headache.

Any planning woman wants to get pregnant as soon as possible, ideally on the first try, that is, in the next cycle. The majority mentally sets certain dates for the desired conception, and if pregnancy does not occur during this period, unpleasant thoughts about possible problems and even infertility creep in. In search of answers to your questions, you can turn to friends who have gone through something similar, to Internet forums, doctors and specialized literature. Often from various sources there is information about the mysterious and healing rebound effect that drugs from the group of hormonal oral contraceptives have.

Does the rebound effect promote conception?:

The rebound effect is essentially a withdrawal effect, that is, the reaction of the female body to the abrupt withdrawal of the drug. While a woman is taking the medicine, her hormonal background is under the control of the medicine, the function of the ovaries and the hypothalamic-pituitary system is turned off. After the cessation of the entry into the body of the medicinal substance, ovulation occurs and, as a result, pregnancy.
Counting on the subsequent rebound effect, doctors prescribe the drugs "Yarina", "Janine", "Jess", "Marvelon" and others. As soon as the drug is discontinued, in most women, the work of the pituitary and hypothalamus resumes, under the influence of a natural burst of hormones, the ovaries are activated. There is a natural stimulation of ovulation. Thus, the rebound effect will be useful primarily for those women who suffer from endocrine infertility.
Couples need several months or even a year to conceive a child. Therefore, the appointment of oral contraceptives with the expectation of a rebound effect is justified only when the period of active planning exceeds a year.
Before treating infertility with this method, you need to be sure of your husband's fertility. Therefore, the delivery of a spermogram is one of the mandatory examinations that are included in the set of tests for infertility. Well, in the meantime, a forced break has formed in the planning business, use this time to the maximum - go through fluorography, do physiotherapy, treat existing diseases, including infections.
The doctor should warn that oral contraceptives have the exact opposite effect on some women. Instead of activating the reproductive system, you can get its inhibition for several months. This is rare, but it does happen.

How to choose a drug to get a rebound effect?:

To achieve a rebound effect, doctors usually prescribe hormonal oral contraceptives of the second and third generation. Their reception continues for 3 months. It is also possible to prescribe third-generation drugs in combination with steroids. This course of treatment lasts 5-6 months. Do not take Diane-35 if you expect a withdrawal effect.
To achieve activation of the female reproductive system after discontinuation of the drug, analogues of the luteinizing releasing hormone can be used. The difficulties of such tactics are due to the practical inaccessibility of drugs in this group - their small assortment and high price.
Which of the combined oral contraceptives (COCs) to choose depends on a number of factors - body weight, age of the patient, estrogen level, the presence of benign formations in the uterus and / or mammary glands, indications of diabetes mellitus, bleeding disorders and other problems.
Gestagen contraceptives are suitable for those women who are overweight, have fibroids or fibroadenomas, as well as elevated estrogen levels. With low body weight or too painful periods, it is better to use combined preparations.
The doctor must be responsible in choosing an oral contraceptive for the treatment of infertility. If your gynecologist advises “to drink any hormonal contraceptive”, do not count on the positive effect of treatment from such a “specialist. It is also dangerous to prescribe COCs to yourself in order to achieve a rebound effect. Due to the wrong choice of drug, an already disturbed hormonal background will aggravate the condition.

Who should not take COCs to achieve a rebound effect?:

In some cases, taking oral contraceptives to treat infertility is not indicated:
- the period of active pregnancy planning is less than 1 year;
- pathological deviations in the partner's spermogram;
- violations of the blood-clotting system: thrombosis, thrombophilia, and so on;
- severe pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
- arterial hypertension (higher than 160/100 mm Hg);
- hepatitis, cirrhosis and other severe liver diseases;
- a long (over 20 years) history of diabetes mellitus, the presence of diabetic angiopathy;
- smoking more than 15 cigarettes per day, despite the fact that the woman's age is more than 35 years;
- the presence of pregnancy (before starting COCs, pregnancy should be excluded again).

The experience of a woman about unsuccessful attempts at conception is quite understandable. If for some time everything does not go according to plan, the search for causes and answers begins. Rereading the numerous information on how to influence conception, you will surely come across the concept of " rebound effect". What is this beast and how effective is it?

What's this?

The rebound effect is called the undo effect. Its essence lies in the use of medications that inhibit the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and, accordingly, a decrease in hormone production. After their cancellation, there is a natural release of hormones and thus the onset of pregnancy is stimulated (in approximately 96% of cases). Most often, for this method of stimulation, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs, such as Yarina, Zhanin, etc. but like any method, there are some features that should be discussed with the doctor.

When resorting to the rebound effect

Since the method is associated with the use of hormones and is, in a sense, an enhanced measure, a couple should plan pregnancy for at least a year by the time it is used. And constantly, without interruption for treatment and protection. The partner must and you must. By the time you need to stop using protection, both of you should have completed the necessary treatment. In addition, the doctor must warn about the possible absence of a rebound effect and inhibition of reproductive function for some time.

For treatment, hormonal contraceptives of the second or third generation are prescribed. The choice of a particular remedy depends on such individual factors as age, weight, sensitivity to drug components, estrogen levels, as well as the presence or absence of extragenital pathologies and diseases. Only a doctor can choose the necessary medicines, you don’t need to try to heal yourself, you can earn yourself even more problems with hormonal disorders.

Contraindications to treatment with the help of the rebound effect

  • bad spermogram,
  • pregnancy planning less than a year,
  • heart disease, thrombosis,
  • hypertension,
  • diabetes,
  • cirrhosis, hepatitis,
  • smoking in high doses and age over 35 years,
  • pregnancy.

The use of the rebound effect in the treatment of infertility is quite possible, but you should not rely on the advice of those who have already undergone treatment or on your own intuition. Jokes are bad with hormones, therefore such treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Any woman planning a pregnancy a little longer than the period that she mentally set for herself begins to worry very much. For help and advice, you can contact a doctor, on the forum - to women who measure basal temperature, you can ask your friends who have given birth. Listening to advice on pregnancy planning, you can learn for the first time about the magical and mysterious “rebound effect” and its role in conceiving a child. Let's see if this effect is really so magical and if it will help you open your own pregnancy calendar soon.

What is the rebound effect, how does it treat infertility?

The meaning of the rebound effect, or the effect of withdrawal, is the temporary drug "turning off" the ovaries by inhibiting the hypothalamic-pituitary system, followed by the abolition of drugs to obtain ovulation and pregnancy. In other words, first you are prescribed medications, most often these are combined oral contraceptives (COCs): Janine, Yarina, Jess, and others, when taking which the production of your own hormones is inhibited, and the sensitivity of receptors to hormones is enhanced. After stopping the pills in 95% of cases, the work of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries system resumes, natural hormones are released, and thus natural stimulation of ovulation is obtained. It is assumed that in this way the chances of pregnancy in the first cycles after discontinuation of drugs in women are increased.

What Your Doctor Should Warn You About

Before the appointment of such treatment, the couple should plan pregnancy for at least a year. On average, this is the period required for healthy couples who are sexually active without contraception to conceive a child. Taking oral contraceptives, you “take away” these three months from your planning. Twelve months before the start of treatment, you should not have in total, but in a row, without breaks for temporary protection and examinations, with regular sexual activity on the days of the expected ovulation.

During or even before the start of taking COCs, it is imperative to check the husband's fertility - to pass a spermogram. If necessary, treatment should be completed by the partner before contraceptives are discontinued. You can use the time of a forced break in planning a replenishment in the family for testing (not hormonal), treatment of infections, and fluorography.

The doctor should also warn you about the possible reverse effect of COC use - not getting an ovulatory cycle "on cancellation", but inhibition of the reproductive system for a couple of months.

The choice of drugs to obtain a rebound effect

To obtain a rebound effect, oral contraceptives of the second or third generation are prescribed for 3 months or third-generation drugs with small doses of steroids for 5-6 months. The drug is oral contraceptives, the wrong choice of drugs can disrupt the hormonal background, lead to changes in weight and body systems.

Contraindications for infertility treatment using the rebound effect

  • Planning for pregnancy less than 12 months;
  • Poor spermogram in the husband;
  • Deep vein thrombosis, risk of thrombosis, congenital thrombophilia;
  • Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Hypertension with upper pressure above 160 mm Hg. and lower above 100 mm Hg. Art.;
  • Severe liver disease (acute viral hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver);
  • Diabetes mellitus with angiopathy or duration longer than 20 years;
  • Smoking more than 15 cigarettes a day over the age of 35;
  • Pregnancy (OCs are prescribed only if the absence of pregnancy is confirmed)

Today, the contraceptive market is filled with various new products of all kinds. Active couples can choose the method of protection against unwanted pregnancy of their choice. But, nevertheless, oral contraceptives in the form of tablets are considered the most popular. They are characterized by a high level of protection and have a beneficial effect on the overall well-being of a woman.

In pharmacology, this type of protection is abbreviated as OK (oral contraceptives). About 70% of women of childbearing age use them. But few people know that they are also used for treatment, thanks to the unique rebound effect. What is it and what is its role in the process of conception?

Rebound effect: what is it and how does it work?

The rebound effect is a phenomenon in gynecology that is actively used to stimulate pregnancy. It occurs when you cancel the reception of OK.

This effect occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the body of a woman. The thing is that most oral contraceptives inhibit the production of hormones during ovulation. The egg does not come out, hormones are not released, as a result, pregnancy does not occur.

With the abolition of contraceptives, in most cases there is a surge of hormones, so the chances of getting pregnant increase. The rebound effect occurs in 95% of cases, so it is actively used by couples who have problems conceiving a child. Before that, they must go through a series of preparatory procedures:

  • A couple should try to get pregnant on their own for at least a year. This time includes the time of active sexual life without treatment. If pregnancy does not occur, then we can talk about possible problems.
  • The partner must be tested for sperm quality ().
  • A woman and a man must undergo a complete examination and, if there are pathological factors, undergo treatment.

The doctor should warn patients that the rebound effect is individual. This means that the amount of hormones released can be different. In addition, such an effect may not occur at all.

OK reception scheme for the rebound effect

The course of treatment and administration of OK is prescribed by a doctor. You can, of course, use the classic regimen, and stop after 3 months, but it is best to consult a specialist.

Gynecologists for the withdrawal effect prescribe treatment according to two schemes:

  1. 21 days of taking one tablet, then seven days off. Repeat the course at least three times. During the seven-day break, spotting similar to menstruation can be observed, this indicates the active work of the ovary. The chance of getting pregnant is about 95%.
  2. 62 days of taking one tablet daily. After cancellation, menstruation does not begin, but intermittent discharge may occur. The probability is also about 95%.

The course should be chosen at will, but with the advice of a doctor.

Which drug is better and how much to drink?

Many couples are interested in how long it takes to take OK for the rebound effect to occur. According to experts, this is at least three months. During this time, the body accumulates hormones, normalizes its condition and, when canceled, is ready to become more active. The course can be extended, it all depends on the desire of the partners.

Also an important question is how long does the cancellation effect itself last? There is no definite answer to this question. Experts say that the highest threshold of activity is observed in the first three months. The first ovulation after discontinuation of the drug occurs in 98%, so the probability of becoming pregnant is quite high. In the second month, active ovulation also occurs, but the activity of hormones is about 80%. This is a pretty high rate and many couples have managed to get pregnant. During the third ovulation, it is also possible to conceive a child, the hormones are still quite active. After three months, the rebound effect continues only in 30% of cases.

The specific drug plays an important role. On this issue, it is better to consult a doctor, today in pharmacies you can find a lot of funds. The specialist will help you choose the right one, based on several criteria:

  • The age of the patient;
  • The weight;
  • Individual tolerance of the components of the drug;
  • Saturation with estrogens;
  • Detection and character in the mammary glands;
  • The presence of fibroids in the uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • The presence of genital diseases, including sexually transmitted infections.

The following drugs are very popular today:

  • Marvelon;
  • "Jess";
  • « »;
  • "Yarina";
  • "Logest".

These drugs can be taken at any age at the same dosage - one tablet per day. After the age of 35, the course of treatment increases, for the rebound effect it is necessary to drink OK for about 5-6 months, only after that a cancellation is prescribed.


Today, many couples use the rebound effect for the pregnancy process. This is a time-tested and specialist method that requires lengthy preparation, but the effect is worth it.

Despite the high efficiency, the cancellation has a number of contraindications. It is not taken in the case when the use of hormonal drugs is contraindicated.

  • The woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • Partners have been trying to get pregnant for several months (up to a year);
  • Deviations in the spermogram of the partner, if the activity of spermatozoa is low, then stimulating therapy is required for the man;
  • The woman has problems with alcohol and smokes a lot;
  • Severe pathological conditions of the liver, namely hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • Various forms of diabetes;
  • thrombophilia;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Chronic hypertension.

Before using the rebound effect, both partners must undergo a full examination.

The likelihood of pregnancy with the withdrawal effect is quite high. But for this it is necessary to comply with all doctor's prescriptions. It is not worth trying on your own without advice. And it is very important to be examined before starting the process. In most cases, problems do not arise as a result of hormonal disorders, but when exposed to other pathological processes. In this case, complex treatment of partners is required, which should be supervised.