The most shocking phenomena. Strange phenomena and shocking facts come from China. Meat Rain in Kentucky

For some, adoption is the last chance to become a mom and dad, for others it is an act of goodwill. In any case, this is a benefit for the child. Today, throughout the world, the adoption of children left without parental care for one reason or another is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. Well, public people are just in plain sight.

Tatyana Ovsienko and son Igor

The famous director Vladimir Naumov and his wife Natalya Belokhvostikova have a family adult daughter Natasha and little adopted son Kirill

Angelina Jolie
The most "promoted" in Hollywood mother of many children is Angelina Jolie: together with Brad Pitt they are raising six children - three boys and three girls.

Svetlana Sorokina and daughter Tonya

Actor Alexey Serebryakov is raising three children - stepdaughter Dasha and adopted sons Stepan and Danila

Ekaterina Georgievna Gradova with her daughter Masha, son Alexey and grandson Andrey (left)

Sharon Stone
After three unsuccessful attempts to have a child with her husband Phil Bronstein, the couple decided to adopt the baby. So, in 2000, Roan Joseph Bronstein appeared in the family. While divorced, Stone adopted two more boys, Laird Vaughn Stone and Quinn Kelly Stone.

Actress Irina Alferova, in addition to her daughter Ksenia, has an adopted son and two daughters whom she adopted after the death of her friend

Actor Viktor Rakov and son Daniil

Statesman Pavel Borodin, son Vanya and daughter Natasha.

The pop diva became a foster mother for two children from a poor African country - Malawi. David and Mercy are not orphans, but the families in which they grew up were so poor that they were forced to send them to an orphanage (children from one orphanage).

Lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, daughter Dasha and son Maxim

Spouses Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina, in addition to their own son Andrei, also have an adopted son, Mikhail

Nicole Kidman
Married to her first husband Tom Cruise, the actress adopted two children - daughter Isabella Jane and son Connor Anthony. After the divorce, the children remained with Nicole. In his second marriage to Australian singer Keith Urban, a daughter, Faith Margaret, was born; she was carried by a surrogate mother.

Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock adopted a charming boy, Louis Bardot, whom she named after her favorite singer Louis Armstrong. Now the 49-year-old actress is planning to adopt a girl; Sandra does not want Louis Bardot to grow up alone.

Michelle Pfeiffer
In 1993, Michelle adopted a girl, named Claudia Rosa at baptism.

Meg Ryan
In 2006, Meg Ryan adopted a little girl, Daisy, who was born in China.

Charlize Theron
In mid-March 2012, it became known that Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Charlize Theron had adopted a child. Little Jackson was born in the USA, he is African American.

For young journalists, Svetlana Innokentievna Sorokina is the standard of journalistic professionalism and honesty. In 2013, the TV presenter and director was awarded the symbolic 10th level of journalistic rigor. She has a huge number of awards, of which Sorokina calls popular recognition the most valuable.

Svetlana Sorokina (maiden name Sarykova) was born in January 1957 in Pushkin, Leningrad region. The parents of the future journalist were intelligent workers. Dad worked as a military builder, and mom taught history at school. The cult of education reigned in the family. The parents dreamed that their daughter would grow up to be an erudite, intelligent person. And Svetlana tried to live up to these dreams. The girl studied well and graduated from school with a gold medal. Get higher education the girl decided without leaving her beloved city. She entered the Forestry Academy, choosing landscape architecture.

The habit of doing everything well, no matter what I undertake, was reflected during my studies at the academy. Svetlana Sorokina, as one of the most successful students at the university, was offered to enroll in graduate school.

The idea of ​​television journalism came to Svetlana when the girl, like other students, worked as a tour guide. While showing tourists the local attractions, of which there were a great many in Pushkin, Svetlana noticed how attentively the people listened to the young guide. She managed to tell stories in an interesting and informative way. It was probably then that the journalist “woke up” in Sorokina.

Unexpectedly for her loved ones, Svetlana becomes a student in a special broadcasting studio formed at Leningrad Television.


A year later, Svetlana Sorokina made her debut on television. The girl was hired as a freelancer for the Telecourier analytical program. Another year passed, and in 1987 the existence of a talented journalist was noticed. At the personal invitation of Sorokina, she joined Nevzorov’s increasingly popular project “600 Seconds”.

This program, according to Svetlana Innokentyevna, turned out to be a school of journalistic excellence. Here the girl quickly becomes a professional and acquires her own style. Sorokina had to cover crime news, so the girl was constantly at the forefront of events, learning to react quickly and adequately.

Soon Svetlana Sorokina becomes the main TV presenter of “600 Seconds”. The middle generation of Russian viewers remembers this program. When the program went on air, all matters were postponed. The stories and reports of Sorokina and Nevzorov were watched with bated breath.

It’s no wonder that in 1990 Svetlana Sorokina was invited to Moscow. The journalist was entrusted with hosting a program that was considered the symbol of VGTRK - “Vesti”. And the journalist hosted the program masterfully. Few people after Sorokina managed to hold the attention of the audience so brilliantly. It is noteworthy that Svetlana Innokentievna was also the direct creator of the project, developing issues from “A” to “Z”.

Sorokina worked as a presenter and political commentator until 1997. This was the peak of the journalist's popularity. She received the Order for Personal Courage after covering the events of 1993. And a TEFI figurine appeared in Svetlana Sorokina’s piggy bank.

In 1997, the famous television journalist moved to NTV. Here she becomes the author and presenter of popular and urgent projects"Hero of the Day" and "Voice of the People". These programs immediately turn into the most rated ones.

During the same period, Svetlana Sorokina made her debut as a documentary director. Her projects, released from 1997 to 2006, are of great interest. For the first time in long years and even decades later, the veils of secrecy began to peel away from the authorities. People saw its representatives not as monumental statues, but as ordinary creatures of flesh and blood. Sorokina’s documentary “Heart” talked about the operation that Boris Yeltsin underwent. The film “Purely Russian Murder” revealed the motives for the murder, and the film “The First First Lady” told about the life.

After the release of Svetlana Sorokina’s projects, her already impressive number of awards doubled. But the sharp criticism of the authorities, which the famous journalist allows herself, does not go unnoticed.

In 2002, Svetlana Sorokina hosted a new author’s program “Nothing Personal,” but after five episodes the show closed. According to fans of the journalist, the experimental format of the program, which is incomprehensible to television viewers, is to blame here: strangers, transparent partitions, full-wall screen.

In 2003, Svetlana Innokentievna began hosting the talk show “Basic Instinct.” But the program was soon closed.

In 2005, Sorokina left television for the Ekho Moskvy radio, where she hosted the program “In the Circle of Light.” Soon a television version of this program will appear on the Domashny channel. But only 4 issues were released. The latter sharply criticized the Russian judiciary. The reaction of the channel’s shareholders, in particular Alfa Group, to the words that the Russian court is a police court, and the FSB interferes in the work of the “third power,” was the immediate closure of the show.

In 2006, Svetlana Sorokina became a TV presenter social project Channel Four “Together we can do everything!”, which helped orphans and children with serious illnesses. The social television program received two TEFI statuettes: in 2006 in the “Publicistic Program” category and in 2007 in the “Special Project “Television and Life” category.

In 2009, Svetlana Sorokina was appointed a member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation. But already in 2011, Svetlana Innokentievna left her position. In this way, the TV presenter protested against the massive falsification of the results of the State Duma elections.

After such a brave act, the journalist’s television biography also suffered. Svetlana Sorokina began to appear on air only on the Echo and Dozhd channels. Fans are arguing whether the TV presenter independently decided to turn away from federal channels or whether this was how punitive measures were taken against a popular journalist who was not afraid to publicly declare election fraud.

However, Svetlana Sorokina continues to work and periodically appears on air. From April 27 to December 29, 2015, Svetlana Innokentievna hosted her own talk show “Sorokina” on the Dozhd TV channel.

Svetlana Innokentyevna also began appearing on Internet television. In 2015, Internet users saw an hour and a half dialogue by Svetlana Sorokina on the topic “Russia: 15 years later” as part of the “April Dialogues” project “ Open Library" The physical discussion took place on April 25 of the same year in the library named after.

Personal life

Svetlana Sorokina represents the category of people who “burn” at work. Trying to do everything they undertake in in the best possible way, such people devote themselves to their own business without reserve.

Svetlana Sorokina’s personal life consists of two marriages. Both ended quickly. Nothing is known about the journalist’s first wife, but the TV presenter kept the last name of her first husband.

With her second husband, television cameraman Vladimir Grechishkin, family happiness and idyll ensued. But television did not leave the spouses time for two, taking away all their strength. The couple broke up.

Svetlana Sorokina was also credited with having a relationship with, but the TV journalist denies such rumors. Svetlana Innokentievna claims that she has been friends with the minister for a long time and once, for fun, invited him to celebrate New Year.

When the previous intensity and busyness disappeared, Svetlana Sorokina thought about family. In 2003, Antonina’s adopted daughter appeared in the journalist’s life, dear person, which warmed a woman’s life with warm light. Svetlana Innokentievna took Tonya from an orphanage and managed to replace the girl’s own mother. Svetlana Sorokina does not have her own children, but her adopted daughter has long become like family to the journalist.

Svetlana Sorokina now

Today Svetlana Sorokina is working on a new series of programs and giving lectures at the Faculty of Media Communications of the capital’s Higher School of Economics.

Since May 2016, Svetlana Sorokina has become the TV host of the talk show “#EveningIHillary” on the Dozhd TV channel. The TV presenter's colleagues on the program were Arina Kholina and.

Today, the journalist continues to work as an independent journalist, Svetlana Sorokina writes freelance articles and comments on events in public life.

On January 15, 2017, journalist and TV presenter Svetlana Sorokina celebrated her anniversary. The TV journalist turned 60 years old.


  • 1988 – “600 Seconds”
  • 1990 – “News”
  • 1997 – “Hero of the Day”
  • 1997 – “Voice of the People”
  • 1998 - “Yeltsin’s Heart”
  • 1998 - “Purely Russian murder”
  • 1999 - “Congress of the Vanquished?”
  • 1999 - “The First First Lady”
  • 2000 - “The brilliance and poverty of Gokhran”
  • 2000 - “Victory. One for all"
  • 2001 - “Virgin Soil”
  • 2001 - “Songs of War”
  • 2002 - “Swan”
  • 2003 - “The Amber Ghost”
  • 2002 – “Nothing personal”
  • 2003 – “Basic Instinct”
  • 2005 - “Punisher”
  • 2005 - “Russian captivity”
  • 2005 – “In the Circle of Light”
  • 2006 – “Together we can do everything!”
  • 2006 - “Russians”
  • 2011 - “Civil Defense”
  • 2015 – “Sorokina”
  • 2016 - “#EveningIHillary”

Svetlana Sorokina is a famous Russian journalist and social activist, born in the small town of Pushkino near Leningrad on January 15, 1957.


Interest in literature and humanities Svetlana was vaccinated by her mother, who had a philological education and worked as a teacher. My father was engaged in military construction and often went on business trips. Therefore, the mother was mainly involved in raising and educating her daughter.

But Sveta did not cause much trouble for her parents. She liked to study, she was calm, diligent and easily completed her homework on her own. No one was surprised that she graduated from school with an excellent certificate. Here's a choice future profession The parents were somewhat disappointed, especially the mother, who thought that her daughter would follow in her footsteps.

But Svetlana, who always showed creative abilities and loved nature very much, decided to enter the Forestry Institute in order to later study landscape design. She was inspired to do this by the beautiful Leningrad palace parks, in which she madly loved to walk with her parents.

And in my hometown there were places worthy of attention, often visited by tourists. As a student, Svetlana often led excursions, and already in her early years she became a freelance employee of a local excursion bureau. After receiving her diploma, the talented girl was offered a place in graduate school, and she decided to take advantage of this chance.


But the experience of working as a guide left its mark on Svetlana’s biography. She liked talking to people, telling them Interesting Facts and answer sometimes unexpected questions.

Therefore, when she learned about the recruitment for a course of television announcers announced at Leningrad television, she decided to study there, not yet planning to seriously connect her life with television.

But fate decreed otherwise. A beautiful and talented girl with clear and expressive diction was immediately noticed. Just before graduation, she was offered a freelance position for the Saturday weekly news program Telecourier, which she gladly accepted.

Less than a year had passed when Svetlana was invited by Boris Nevzorov himself, who was already a great authority on television. She joins his creative team, which produced the super-relevant program “600 Seconds”.

And, although at first it was very difficult for her to work at such a frantic pace that Nevzorov set for his employees, it was there that she felt that she was becoming a professional.

At first Sorokina studied organizational issues and wrote texts. But over time, Nevzorov decided to try her as a co-host. And Svetlana coped with the task so professionally that she was soon officially approved for this position. It was she who brought her national fame and the love of millions of viewers.

Sorokina’s further career is developing rapidly. At the invitation of VGTRK, she moves to Moscow and begins working in the editorial office of the country’s main news program, Vesti. Moreover, she not only reads texts as a presenter, but also takes an active part in creating the updated image of the program.

For her significant contribution to its development, Sorokina receives her first TEFI.

In 1997, Sorokina was lured away by the rapidly growing commercial channel NTV, which is famous for its sharp socio-political programs. There she begins to work on author's releases. The programs “Hero of the Day” and the talk show “Voice of the People” had the highest ratings and were always shown in prime time.

At the same time, she tries her hand at creating documentaries that introduce viewers to the personal qualities of the country's outstanding political figures. The films “The Swan” and “Yeltsin’s Heart,” dedicated to the extraordinary events of the early 90s, although they caused a mixed reaction from critics, did not leave anyone indifferent.

By personal invitation, in 2003 Svetlana moved to Channel One and released a new political show, “Basic Instinct,” which is extremely popular.

But less than two years later, the project was closed, and the journalist moved to Ekho Moskvy radio, where she created a new original program. But they soon stop broadcasting her because of Svetlana’s too direct statements.

Then she turns her attention to children's problems. On Channel Four, which kindly provided the talented journalist with airtime, Svetlana creates a series of programs about orphans, “Together We Can Do Anything,” the purpose of which is to attract attention to neglected children and raise funds for them.

The program is quickly gaining momentum, finding a strong response from viewers and public organizations, and bringing Svetlana to a new level of popularity.

In 2009, Sorokina began working in the presidential office at the Human Rights Council. But she also did not last long in this position because of her love of truth. In 2011, when she began to actively speak out against massive fraud in the parliamentary elections, Svetlana was correctly asked to leave her post.

She did not resist and returned to television journalism, which she continues to do to this day.

Personal life

Sorokina is the surname of Svetlana’s first husband, about whom practically nothing is known, except that the union lasted only a few years. For the second time, Svetlana married at a more mature age to a like-minded person, the famous TV cameraman Vladimir Grechishkin, with whom she created her first original programs.

At first everything was going just fine. But when Svetlana was offered to move to Moscow, her husband categorically opposed such changes - after all, his friends and favorite job remained in Leningrad. Life in two cities quickly turned out to be unbearable, and the couple decided to separate peacefully, maintaining good relations.

Svetlana decided not to tempt fate anymore. She has already come to terms with the fact that her job will not allow her to have a family. But it so happened that after forty, in 2003, while working on a program about abandoned children, Svetlana met Tonya, a resident of one of the orphanages.

With daughter Tonya

She could not part with this child and officially formalized the adoption. This is how she started her own little family. And now the journalist feels completely happy.