The fairest sign of the zodiac. Horoscope of shortcomings, or which zodiac signs are the worst. Aquarius and Pisces

Cancer born in the year of the Dog Chinese horoscope, often lights up with bold ideas, and at the same time is not inclined to stop halfway: nature has endowed him with active, energetic character, who can’t wait to bring his plans to life as soon as possible! The Cancer-Dog’s impetuous actions do not always turn out to be well thought out, justified and useful, but despite this, he most often stubbornly continues to stick to his line, doing what gives him pleasure.

Sometimes periods increased activity and gambling enthusiasm in the Cancer-Dog are replaced by thoughtfulness and even detachment. He is not averse to fantasizing, soaring in the clouds, delving into his feelings and experiences. At such moments, Cancer-Dog tends not to notice what is happening around, which can be perceived by others as detachment. Those who are close to him should remember: people of this sign of the Eastern Zodiac horoscope are very receptive and compassionate by nature, it’s just that the vector of their attention is not always directed outward, from time to time it is turned inward.

However, for most of his life, Cancer-Dog really needs society and communication, and in a fit of enthusiasm he is able to ignite those around him with his ideas (a trait that can help him achieve considerable heights). Also, material wealth plays a significant role for him, for the sake of which he is able to work persistently and for a long time. Sometimes due to weakness expensive things Cancer-Dog cannot resist bouts of unbridled waste, but since he knows how to not only spend, but also earn, this does not cause too much damage to his wallet.

Cancer-Dog Love

Cancer-Dog in love is a tireless enthusiast! He is ready to go around the world in search of his soulmate, and then make another circle around the planet - as a honeymoon. The main criterion for choosing a partner in his case is the pleasure he gets from communicating with his loved one, and his height, weight, age and level of well-being are completely unimportant for the Cancer-Dog.

Do not hope that Cancer-Dog will completely dissolve in your relationship. He has many interests and friends, and he is not ready to sit on an iron chain at home. The Cancer-Dog woman, in addition to you, will always take care of her friends, elderly relatives and even black children in a Zimbabwean village, and the man of this zodiac sign has his own male company, in which the female sex has no access. However, it is completely safe to let him go free: Cancer-Dog has no inclination towards adultery.

Sexuality of Cancer-Dog

Cancer-Dog hopes to find in his permanent partner a companion for a journey into the world of sexual fantasies - compatibility in bed plays a huge role for him; he considers it unacceptable to satisfy his needs on the side. It can be difficult for him to reveal his true desires, so his soulmate faces a difficult task - to liberate the Cancer-Dog and achieve his recognition!

Celebrities of the Cancer sign born in the year of the Dog:

Alexander Shirvindt, Soviet and Russian director, actor.
Bolo Yen, Chinese actor.
Valery Kipelov, Soviet and Russian musician.
Gustav Klimt, Austrian artist.
George Bush, American politician, 43rd president.
Giorgio Armani, Italian fashion designer.
Mireille Mathieu, French singer.
Pavel Nakhimov, Russian naval commander.
Peter Paul Mauser, German gunsmith.
Pierre Cardin, French fashion designer.
Sylvester Stallone, American actor.
Samuel Colt, American gunsmith.
Erich Maria Remarque, German writer.
Jan Matejko, Polish painter.

But participating in the semi-pornographic film “The Italian Stallion” and appearing in episodic roles as gangsters and hooligans was not at all what this “handsome, athletic guy with huge sad eyes” was aiming for. Sylvester Stallone, performer of courageous and strong people, is a very sentimental and sensitive person. And this is known to everyone who has heard about his relationships with women and his mother.

There are a lot of Cancer-Dogs, interesting and wonderful, so there is no reason to stop our “types and characters”. Admiral Pavel Nakhimov, who defeated the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Sinop, was distinguished by unparalleled courage and humanity. He was at the same time a courageous and very modest man, even very reserved. Contemporaries said about Pavel that he served twenty-four hours a day (for this reason the sailor did not have a family). Nakhimov was mortally wounded during the defense of Sevastopol, which he led.

The actor and master of revealing the images of mentally broken people, Alexander Kaidanovsky (“The Lost Expedition”, “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own”, “Stalker”, “Golden River”) was called “someone no one” for his, perhaps, facelessness. He acted often, but was not in demand. He played a lot of roles of white officers, subtle natures (Cancer), educated, but finding themselves in cruel conditions of war and survival (Dog). “In his roles, Kaidanovsky clearly expressed his “personality.”

The mission and fate of his heroes is determined in advance, hesitation and hesitation are no longer necessary - “a stranger”, “a loner passing by”, “on his own” and “neither ours nor yours”. He had many wives, many films. The actor died of a broken heart.

The “combat” character traits of this astrological group are demonstrated by the designer and manufacturer of airships Ferdinand Zeppelin; gun inventors Samuel Colt and Paul Mauser; the creator of the Messerschmitts, Willy Messerschmitt, and the creator of the Katyusha rockets, Georgy Langemak. However, it should be noted here that Dogs are inventors by vocation and spirit, and Cancer-Dog would prefer to invent something military than to fight. Or he will call for fight, holed up in some pleasant place: Hans Eisler - composer, author of political songs (“Comintern”, “Song of the United Front”); philosopher Herbert Marcuse, spiritual inspirer of the student revolution and ideologist of left-wing extremists; sculptor Sergei Konenkov (once famous primarily for his “Militant Worker”).

Dogs are born inventors and practical innovators. Among them you can find not only gunsmiths, but also fashion designer, creator of military uniforms for the Italian army Giorgio Armani (Carden has already been mentioned), innovator pianist Harvey Van Cliburn, motorist and founder of Rolls-Royce Charles Rolls.

Among politicians, public figures and military men, the following characters can be noted: Robert Schumann - the initiator of the unification of Europe and the first president of the European Parliament; Mark Bloch - historian, hero of the Resistance; Mikhail Lesin is the head of the Ministry of Press and a businessman. The rest, and there are a fair number of them - generals, admirals and ministers of war - are familiar only to professional historians.

But in the acting and directing skills of Cancer-Dog, there are masters: Pavel Pankov (“Chief of Chukotka”), Alexander Shirvindt (“The Irony of Fate…”), Sydney Pollack - director, actor, Oscar winner (“Tootsie”, “Horseless Horses Are Shooted”) , isn’t it?”, “Three Days of the Condor”), Donald Sutherland (“MASH”, “Casanova Fellini”), Ivan Lapikov (“Eternal Call”, “Andrei Rublev”, “They Fought for the Motherland”), Chris O 'Donnell (Batman and Robin) and many, many others.

In science, Cancer-Dogs gravitate towards exact disciplines. Why? Return to the story of Leibniz. These are physicists, chemists and organizers of science: William Bragg, Hugh Dryden, Elias Corey, Leon Lederman.

Since the Dog is a born fighter for justice, you can find your own political observers in any astrological group. For Cancer-Dogs this is Otto Latsis. In sports, Cancer-Dogs do not shine very well, but the names of hockey player Vladimir Vikulov, figure skater Sergei Shakhrai, tennis player Andrei Cherkasov speak for themselves.

Let us note among the representatives of this astrological combination the famous artist Jan Matejko, depicting heroic, dramatic and historical subjects; playwright Jean Anouilh; poet, translator of The Divine Comedy, Shakespeare and Moliere Mikhail Lozinsky and surveyor, after whom it is named highest peak peace - George Everest.

Cancer-Dog woman horoscope

Cancer-Dog women do not demonstrate professional preferences. But we can note their good voice, acting talent and will to win.

Let's list famous names, to make sure that this is not a weak representation: opera singer, Metropolitan Opera soloist Dorothy Kirsten; actress Maria Vinogradova (“I’m Walking Around Moscow”, “Kalina Krasnaya”, “Office Romance”); famous fencer Tatyana Logunova; folk singer Larisa Trukhina; model Karen Mulder; rhythmic gymnastics champion Elena Shalamova; singer Linda Ronstadt; the so-called singer and so-called writer Natalya Medvedeva.

Let us especially note the mystical inclinations of Dogs and Francoise Cabrini, the first American saint. Dog women generally lead, along with Pig women, in the number of saints and religious ascetics. Here is Mother Teresa (Virgo-Dog), and many others can be remembered.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year: