How many hours do you need to wear compression stockings. How to choose the right compression stockings. Contraindications to the use of compression stockings

Treatment of varicose veins is carried out in a complex manner using various technologies. Not the last place in the therapeutic scheme is the use of compression underwear.

Before touching on the question of how to properly wear compression stockings or other products of this kind, you should consider the characteristics and features of the use of this underwear.

Medical or compression underwear- knitwear that has a therapeutic effect by applying pressure to eliminate swelling and improve blood circulation.

Reference. The main feature of such knitwear is not only the creation of compression, but its dosed distribution.

Maximum compression is created in the lower part of the leg - in the ankle area. As you move towards the thigh, the pressure decreases, and the lowest indicator falls on the thigh area.

The mechanism of action of compression stockings

These products are made from high quality microfiber, cotton, lycra fibers with good elasticity.

In the manufacture, a special technology of winding the thread is used.

Medical jersey has no seams, is hypoallergenic, hygroscopic and pleasant to the touch.

Products are used to treat and prevent various pathological conditions:

  • post-thrombophlebitic disease;
  • lymphedema, lymphedema.

Consultation is required for the use of medical underwear, which, in accordance with the nature of the course of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient's body, will select the necessary compression of the product and its variety.

Compression stockings: how to put them on

Before wearing compression stockings, you should carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor.

Usually the patient has to wear such products for quite a long time. because the treatment of diseases of the venous system is a lengthy process. Here the issue is resolved individually with the attending doctor in each case taking into account individual characteristics.

Right before putting on the jersey you should perform some preparatory measures that will greatly facilitate the procedure itself:

  1. Nails must be carefully processed (trimmed, filed).
  2. If a person puts on this kind of product for the first time, then it is better to use rubber gloves that will protect the thing from tearing when pulled. For women with a manicure, this will be a real find, since it will be possible to save both the knitwear itself and the nails.
  3. Remove jewelry from fingers, otherwise they will damage the knitwear.
  4. If there are calluses or other irregularities on the feet, then you need to smooth them out first. This is necessary to prevent the formation of puffs.
  5. Stockings and skin must be absolutely dry.
  6. Before putting on, the legs should be in an elevated position for some time.

Before putting on compression stockings, you should prepare by performing simple manipulations

Also, the question of when to wear compression stockings is important. It is better to do this in the morning right after, and shoot it in the evening before going to bed.. Doing this correctly will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from the treatment.

Ways to put on underwear

There are several ways to properly wear compression stockings. Both methods are quite simple to perform, but still require some skill.

The first way looks like this (illustrated in the picture below):

  • stockings are turned inside out to the heels, at the heel they are turned out again - a cuff is made;
  • the foot is inserted into the track and the material is straightened;
  • then the product is pulled up the leg, while simultaneously turning outward;
  • at the final stage, it is necessary to straighten the stockings from the feet to the thighs, straightening the folds in parallel;
  • then carefully fix the product with a silicone insert.

Illustration 1 of how to put on compression stockings and pantyhose

Knitwear should be evenly distributed, since this is what determines the dosed pressure.

The above method of putting on knitwear is not the only one. There is another technique that is performed as follows:

  1. The stocking unfolds so that the heel "looks" at the person.
  2. Further, the jersey gathers into an accordion along the entire length into a fist and is not released until it is put on.
  3. The product fits the foot to the ankle.
  4. The heel is located with the thumbs and is carefully put on the leg, the material is stretched in parallel to the ankle.
  5. Next, the material is gently released from the fist and stretched.
  6. If wrinkles appear in the process, then they need to be smoothed out or again collect the material into a fist to the place where wrinkles form and slowly repeat the procedure.

The second way of putting on knitwear is somewhat reminiscent of putting on ordinary tights and stockings.

You can use any method, the main thing is not to rush and do everything carefully. After some time, the acquired skill will allow you to shorten this process as much as possible.

These two methods are suitable for putting on stockings, as well as putting on leggings, golf and tights.

Reference. Knitwear 1st and 2nd grade compressions can be worn on their own, but 3rd and 4th grade requires the use of special tools, since it is difficult to do it manually.

To facilitate the procedure for putting on knitwear, several effective devices have been invented today:

  • special sprays;
  • butlers.

Devices that greatly facilitate the process of putting on medical underwear

Specially designed sprays can be found in pharmacies, their average price is approximately 500 rubles.

Before putting on compression stockings, spray on the wrong side. This treatment provides a better glide of knitwear when stretched, as well as softening and moisturizing the skin.

Butler is a special device for putting on medical underwear. The tool allows you to put on the product without effort, folds and stretch marks of the material.

Today, a variety of models of butlers are produced for any occasion: standard, folding, special for tights, hospital, etc.

Such a device can be an indispensable assistant, allowing you to save time and effort.


If the doctor has prescribed knitwear, then it is important to know how to properly wear compression tights and stockings.

This knowledge will make it easier to put on the product and increase the efficiency of its application.

Wearing is one of the best ways to maintain the affected vessels with varicose veins. Doctors assure that compression underwear can be used not only at different stages of vascular diseases, but also as preventive measures.

With regular use, medical stockings and tights increase the tone of the veins and prevent their swelling by creating optimal compression. The question is often asked - what is the peculiarity of such underwear and how to properly wear compression stockings so that they have the expected effect?

What is medical knitwear and when to wear it

To understand how the therapeutic effect of compression stockings is achieved and, you need to know how problems with veins arise. Blood flows through the vessels to the heart, while walking, the muscles of the legs work like a pump and push the blood to the upper body.

The reverse outflow of liquid down is prevented by valves located in the vessels. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, eats improperly or suffers from certain diseases, blood circulation and related processes slow down significantly, stagnation begins to appear. With increased pressure, the structure of the walls of the veins changes, they begin to stretch and take on a different shape.

Thanks to the unique sewing technology and dense structure, therapeutic stockings and stockings squeeze the capillaries and create the necessary compression, thereby regulating blood flow.

If you know how to properly wear compression stockings and stockings and wear them regularly, you will be able to achieve the following effects:

  • blood will be evenly distributed throughout the vessels and veins, which will prevent expansion in certain areas;
  • pressure will be uniform in all areas;
  • blood circulation will accelerate, thereby stabilizing the overall blood flow, which will positively affect many metabolic and internal processes;
  • puffiness will decrease;
  • the probability will decrease by several times.

If you know how to properly put on compression stockings, then after a couple of weeks of socks, you will notice positive changes on the surface of the legs. As for pain and tingling in the legs, they will disappear almost immediately.

  • the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the legs after a working day;
  • severe swelling of the lower extremities;
  • spasms and periodic pain;
  • manifestation on the surface;
  • the first signs of trophic ulcers;

Important! The use of compression underwear is recommended for people involved in professional sports and those who spend a lot of time on their feet.

How to put on

How to put on compression stockings? Experts assure that there will definitely not be any difficulties with products of the first and second classes, since they are not too dense and tight. Similar products are worn in the same way as leggings made of tight knitwear.

But the situation is completely different with stockings of the third and fourth classes, due to the increased density, many patients cannot put them on above the shins. To facilitate the process, it is recommended to use a special device - a butler.

This device is a metal frame and has special holders, due to which the process of stretching the elastic fabric is greatly facilitated. The undoubted advantage of the product is that even a patient who is weakened after a serious illness can wear compression underwear with it.

How to put on compression stockings with a butler? It is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. The butler must be placed on the floor so that it stands steadily on the surface.
  2. Then the therapeutic jersey is pulled onto the frame (on the arcuate part) so that the heel looks at the person, and the toe is directed in the opposite direction.
  3. Next, the butler is pressed to the floor and the leg is inserted into it so that the toes reach the bow of the product.
  4. Now the butler is slowly lifted up until it reaches the level of the knee, after which the butler can be lowered.

The approximate duration of this procedure is about 4 minutes. Since the butler greatly simplifies the process of putting on medical stockings, every person suffering from a serious form of vascular pathology, as well as the elderly who use stockings with a high pressure class, should certainly have one.

Ways to put on compression underwear

When to wear compression stockings? it is recommended to wear them daily for several hours a day (depending on the stage of the pathology), and also to wear them if you plan a long walk or hike. To facilitate the process, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  1. The product must be turned inside out.
  2. After that, insert the foot into the track and slowly straighten the material. The most important criterion is that the foot must be tightly covered with fabric.
  3. After the material must be carefully moved up the limb, turning it to the outside.
  4. When the stockings are put on, it is necessary to smooth out all the wrinkles that have appeared (if they have formed).

The situation is a little more complicated with tights, since they need to be worn simultaneously on both limbs. The main rule is not to rush and rush, otherwise the process will only drag on.

Important! It is strictly contraindicated to sharply pull stockings or stockings up, since this method will not bring the desired result. Also, with sharp jerks, there is a possibility of damage to the product.

Despite the fact that a certain algorithm has been developed on how to put on compression stockings for surgery, many patients still cannot cope with the task or this process takes them too much time. In such situations, you can use auxiliary methods.

How to put on compression stockings as quickly as possible? Follow our advice:

  1. In pharmacies and specialized stores, you can buy sprays that will facilitate the process of pulling tight knitwear. The tool can be applied both on the skin and on the wrong side of the product. It will moisturize the epidermis and make it more slippery, so that the tights will be put on faster. The undoubted advantage of such sprays is that they care for the skin and prevent puffiness. The approximate cost of 1 bottle is 500 rubles.
  2. You can also wear thin rubber gloves on your hands. They will provide a more reliable grip and prevent damage to knitwear (this is especially true for owners of long nails).
  3. The product must be completely dry.
  4. Before pulling on the stockings, it is recommended to raise the legs and hold them in a horizontal position for about 10 minutes, this will prevent the swelling of the veins.


How to wear compression stockings and what degree of compression to choose, you need to decide together with your doctor, who will help you choose the best product, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

To date, manufacturers of medical devices have invented a wide variety of compression stockings. Such products are stockings, stockings to the thigh and buttocks, tights and just compression bandages.

These devices have gained wide popularity among patients suffering from chronic venous insufficiency and, probably, every vascular surgeon prescribes them for different indications. Stockings are easy to use. Often they are indistinguishable from ordinary tights. But, are these products really that safe? Is it harmful to wear compression stockings?

Compression knitwear consists of a fabric base, most often of synthetic origin (for example, polyamide) and elastic fibers (elastane). Manufacturers have invented different types of weaving threads and ratios of components, because of which, it was possible to achieve different degrees of compression on the lower limbs.

Stockings can be prescribed for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes in case of varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, pregnancy, surgical interventions and after thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities.

Types of compression stockings

All firms produce underwear for men and women. The latter can be complemented with lace or a pattern. Also, you can choose according to the color type of the patient's skin. Manufacturers also take into account the fact that people have different heights and weights. There are five stocking sizes for this.

To determine it, you need to change several parameters: the circumference of the lower leg in the place where its largest diameter, the circumference of the thigh in its middle third, the length from the beginning of the lower leg to the knees and the distance from the heel to the inguinal region. Further, according to special tables, the size of the required stockings is determined (XS, S, M, L, LX, XL).

But, the main classification is the division according to the degree of compression that underwear exerts on the lower limb.

There are several classes of compression underwear:

  1. Preventive - pressure on the limb up to 18 mm Hg. Art. They are used primarily to prevent the development of varicose veins in a group of people who are predisposed to it. These are overweight patients, pregnant women or people whose work involves excessive stress on the legs.
  2. The first class of compression is compression at the level of 19-22 mm Hg. Art. They are used in the initial stages of varicose veins. Effectively help with the "tired" legs syndrome, edema, minor varicose veins in the lower extremities, vascular network.
  3. The second class is a pressure of about 23-32 mm Hg. Art. Used only as directed by a doctor. Indications are pathological conditions accompanied by chronic venous insufficiency, but provided there are no trophic changes on the skin.
  4. Third class - compression is 33-45 mm Hg. Art. To use them, you need to get a prescription from a doctor, since it is impossible to buy these stockings just in a pharmacy. Indications for use: pronounced trophic disorders, lymphostasis, deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, post-thrombophlebotic syndrome.

The last is the fourth class - compression over 45 mm Hg. Art., are used in rare cases and only in surgical hospitals under the supervision of a physician.

The mechanism of action of products

Varicose veins are a disease that affects mainly the venous vessels of the lower extremities. Occurs with a strong stretching of the veins due to a decrease in the elasticity of the walls.

In this case, the valves located on the inner side of the vessels lose their ability to completely block the lumen, and the blood begins to flow in the opposite direction. This, in turn, triggers the process of even greater stretching of the venous wall.

The lower extremities are filled with blood and varicose veins begin to appear on the surface of the skin. Gradually, the liquid begins to seep through the vessels and penetrates into the surrounding tissues. This is how patients develop swelling.

Condensed blood can form blood clots within vessels or embolize away from the primary site of thrombosis. These conditions have life-threatening consequences. The reasons for development are:

  • hereditary factors;
  • pathology of the circulatory system;
  • flat feet;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • uncomfortable shoes, especially high heels;
  • long stay in a sitting position;
  • standing work;
  • inactive lifestyle.

To prevent the progression of varicose veins, surgeons instruct the patient to wear stockings. Through the pressure that the product exerts on the leg, an artificial narrowing of the lumen of the vessels occurs.

Under the influence of pressure, the work of the valvular apparatus improves and blood regurgitation does not occur.

Useful properties of compression stockings

The benefits and harms of compression stockings depend, first of all, on whether the doctor has correctly prescribed the compression class, and also on whether the patient adheres to the recommendations for use.

Scientists conducted studies, and based on them meta-analyzes, which proved that medical knitwear is effective in chronic venous insufficiency.

Stockings perform a number of useful functions - they narrow the lumen of venous vessels and prevent the development of varicose veins in pregnant women. In addition, they reduce swelling in the lower extremities and improve lymph outflow.

Optional compression stockings:

  1. prevent the development of infectious diseases on the legs;
  2. improve skin trophism;
  3. prevent thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  4. reduce the risk of developing pulmonary embolism;
  5. eliminate pain, cramps in the legs;
  6. prevent the formation of trophic ulcers;
  7. improve the course of postoperative periods.

In addition, stockings have an advantage over other types of compression underwear. For example, elastic bandages require certain skills to use. They can slip during the day, which brings discomfort to the patient. Also, bandages do not always fit the style of clothing, especially if the patient needs to work in the office and in a certain uniform.

Stockings, on the other hand, practically do not differ from ordinary clothes and are very easy to use.

Harm from compression underwear

Of course, medical stockings are a useful product, but even they have their negative sides and can harm the patient. The harm of compression stockings for varicose veins occurs when used improperly.

With the wrong choice of the degree of pressure on the leg, signs of tissue ischemia may occur. The patient will experience limb numbness, discomfort, or pain. If the compression is low, the effect of this therapy will not appear. Therefore, before using medical knitwear, it is necessary to consult with a vascular surgeon.

The length of stay in stockings depends on the degree of chronic venous insufficiency. For example, in the third stage of varicose veins, it is recommended to wear the product all the time, even during sleep. The most common complications are: ischemia of underlying tissues, bedsores at the site of compression due to improper dressing, allergic reactions to the material.

Compression products can harm when there are contraindications to their use:

  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • open ;
  • individual sensitivity to the materials of the product;
  • limb wounds;
  • burns;
  • having a diabetic foot
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency in the stage of decompensation.

But, more patients respond positively to compression stockings. The result becomes noticeable even on the first day of use.

Also positive is the fact of the moderate cost of the product. The average price of stockings is 1500 rubles.

Rules for using stockings

A large part of the effect depends on whether the patient wears medical knitwear correctly. They need to be put on in the morning before the patient plans to get out of bed. 10 minutes before this, it is recommended to raise the legs to an elevation, to ensure maximum outflow of blood. Then the underwear is gradually put on, you need to make sure that it does not twist and wrinkles do not form, because in these places there will be additional compression on the skin. Stockings must be worn throughout the day.

In order for the product to serve as long as possible, you should properly care for it. Medical knitwear must not be washed in a machine, only by hand washing. In this case, it is not recommended to use aggressive detergents, only laundry soap is allowed. Dry them on a horizontal surface, avoiding excessive heat radiation and direct sunlight. Stockings should be stored folded and straightened.

Varicose veins are one of the most common diseases of the circulatory system of the lower extremities. With this disease, the valves of the veins cease to close normally. The result is a violation of blood flow, which leads to swelling, fatigue and pain in the legs, which can provoke serious complications.

Anti-varicose stockings are compression hosiery, the wearing of which allows you to stop the development of the disease and improve the condition of the veins. They normalize blood flow and eliminate almost all symptoms of the disease. To achieve the optimal therapeutic effect, you need to clearly know how to wear compression stockings for varicose veins.

How compression stockings work

The principle of operation of compression stockings is to create uniform pressure (compression), the value of which differs in different parts of the leg. If the pressure in the ankle area is 100%, then in the knee area it decreases to 70%, and in the thigh area - up to 40%. Due to this pressure difference, the optimal mode of operation of the veins is ensured, in which the blood does not stagnate and is easily pushed up.

In addition, stockings against varicose veins reduce the diameter of the veins, which helps to increase blood flow and normalize the functioning of venous valves. As a result, stagnant processes are prevented and effective prevention of blood clots is provided.

  • varicose veins, vascular network, lymphedema;
  • pain and spasms in the calf area;
  • symptoms characteristic of venous trophic ulcers;
  • dermatitis, eczema in the area of ​​the veins;
  • tendency to thrombosis, post-thrombotic syndromes;
  • swelling of the legs, a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, etc.

Important! There are diseases in which it is impossible to wear stockings against varicose veins. Consult a doctor before use!

In particular, compression stockings are contraindicated in:

  • any disease of the arteries;
  • polyneuropathy of the lower extremities, for example, developing as a result of diabetes mellitus;
  • phlebitis with septic complications;
  • trophic ulcers that are not of venous origin;
  • swelling of the legs due to cardiovascular insufficiency.

A contraindication is the presence of an allergy to any of the materials from which knitwear is made.

How long do you need to wear stockings for varicose veins?

One of the main questions is how long to wear compression stockings, and how often to wear them. The period of wearing depends on the stage of the disease.

In the initial stages, compression stockings are usually prescribed for 3-4 months. After that, you need to go regularly. If the symptoms of varicose veins do not recur, then you can stop wearing stockings. With a deep position of the veins, life-long wearing of compression stockings is recommended. If the condition of the veins improves, the doctor may reduce the recommended degree of compression.

You also need to have an idea of ​​how many hours to wear compression stockings for varicose veins to ensure the best therapeutic effect.

  1. It is best to wear stockings all day. In any case, the duration of wearing should not be less than 5-7 hours a day.
  2. It is important to wear stockings correctly. This is done in the morning, without getting out of bed, while swelling has not yet appeared on the legs. If in the morning it is not possible to perform this procedure, then before putting on stockings, you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes with your legs up.
  3. Compression stockings can be removed at night. They should also be removed during water procedures and after they are completed, while the skin is not yet dry.


Compression stockings serve as an effective tool for the prevention of varicose veins, its treatment in the early stages and alleviate the patient's condition with deep vein damage. To achieve the optimal effect, you need to choose the right high-quality compression stockings and follow the recommended mode of wearing them.

Compression methods of treating vascular diseases have been known since ancient times. In our time compression stockings used extensively for the prevention and treatment varicose disease. However, in recent years there have been reports of the dangers of constant wear. compression underwear. Let's try to figure this out.

A few years ago, experts at the National Institutes of Health in Britain stated that compression linen at varicose veins- waste of time and money. Turned out to be wearing compression stocking can be a potentially dangerous treatment because it can increase the risk of thrombosis and trophic ulcers. In addition, great harm can be caused by the use of compression when diabetes, diseases of the heart and arteries.

Scientists argue that the belief about the benefits compression linen is a myth, because it relies only on the subjective perception and feeling of the patient when wearing such knitwear. As a rule, anything that compresses the body excessively, including just tight clothing, is injurious to health. Those who wear compression linen, I think, noted that it only temporarily relieves pain, swelling, spider veins. After removing the stockings, all symptoms of the disease return. That is, underwear does not solve the problem at all, but only temporarily hides the symptoms.

What then happens to the saphenous veins?
They simply cease to fulfill their function: after all, if before wearing elastic stockings valves still somehow worked, then with constant pressure from the outside and impaired blood circulation, muscles and venous valves not just stop working, they atrophy. Here is such a "bear" service is provided by elastic stockings. In this regard, the experts who conducted this study even issued recommendations that call on doctors to revise the treatment algorithms for this disease.
What to do - to wear or not to wear compression underwear?
It is necessary to approach this issue wisely. There are ones that are really effective, as opposed to wearing elastic stockings.

But in some cases the use compression stockings really justified. It should be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor - in the postoperative period, after sclerotherapy, with severe varicose veins, severe lymphostasis of the lower extremities, that is, when there are really serious indications for this. If the doctor has prescribed the wearing of elastic stockings for prophylactic purposes, then you can not wear it all the time to enable venous valves work fully.