How much sleep does an adult need to sleep? Sleep norm. What threatens sleep deprivation in adolescence How many hours you need to sleep at 15 years old

Very often, teenagers stay up late at computers, go to bed already in the middle of the night, but they still have to get up early in the morning to go to school. Some parents are alarmed that a teenager does not have time to get enough rest during the night, and some consider this phenomenon to be in the order of things and are not very worried about this. But in vain, since lack of sleep in adolescence is fraught with a variety of problems, both physically and psychologically.

Sleep rate for a teenager

Researchers have found that about 9 hours of full sleep can be considered the norm for sleep for teenagers. Eight hours of sleep is already considered a critical norm, and it is better not to allow less than this amount of time allotted for a teenager's sleep. If a teenager does not devote enough time to sleep, this can provoke many different disorders in his development - these are physical, emotional, and psychological deviations.

Sleep deprivation and social problems in adolescents

Adolescent sleep deprivation is associated with social problems. First of all, lack of sleep affects the performance of a teenager, he also has problems in communicating with others. It is worth noting that lack of sleep makes a teenager irritable, negatively disposed towards people around him throughout the day, both adults and peers. He experiences a lack of normal communication at home and at school, which, in turn, provokes the development of psychological problems.

Psychological problems

The researchers concluded that lack of sleep causes psychological problems in adolescents, such as depression, thoughts of suicide, and the desire to harm oneself. Scientists note that similar problems occur in adolescents who went to bed after midnight. Moreover, the less time a teenager has for sleep, the higher the likelihood of developing various psychological diseases.

In addition to psychological problems, adolescents also have physical problems. Sleep deprivation is very often associated with the development of obesity, with adolescent girls most often affected by overweight. Lack of sleep in adolescents is also very often associated with the development of such a disease as vegetative-vascular dystonia. You need to know that the signs of this disease are fatigue, weakness, headache, a tendency to faint, a feeling of lack of air, poor adaptation to heat or stuffy rooms, increased sweating and other disorders.

As you can see, there are many problems associated with lack of sleep in adolescents, so parents should bring to the attention of a teenager what negative consequences arise as a result of sitting at a computer or in front of a TV screen until midnight. Lack of sleep negatively affects not only its quality on that particular night, but can also affect natural biorhythms and provoke the development of insomnia.

The duration of sleep with voluntary awakening varies greatly. There is a nurse in London who sleeps no more than 50 minutes a night, but there are people who can sleep 12 hours.

For children, the norm of sleep is established: children from 3 to 6 years old need to sleep 11-13 hours; from 7 to 8 years - 11-12 hours; 9-13 years old - 9-11 hours; teenagers and young men from 14 to 20 - at least 8-9 hours.

An adult should determine his norm, but the main thing he should strive for is to accustom himself to wake up at the same time. No alarm!

Five o'clock in the morning is the first peak of human biological activity. We usually wake him up. The next one is at 11 o'clock, and so on.

For the last quarter of a century, scientists have recommended half-day naps of 15 to 30 minutes. Even the great Leonardo da Vinci lay down every four hours, closed his eyes and returned to work in 15 minutes. His method is simple - it is meditation and turning off consciousness, but then he was alert again! It is known that our brain does not perceive more than 4 hours of active work. But everything has rules and exceptions. Napoleon lived on the principle of two-phase sleep - he went to bed between 10 and 12 pm, woke up at 2 am, worked until 5 am, then slept again until 7 am. And Churchill worked until 3-4 am, got up at 8 am and slept during the day. To each his own.

Up — Reader reviews (28) — Write a review - Print version

nurseAugust 4, 2015, 23:07:13

Thank you for the article. Now I know how much I should sleep.

Hi all!
I am twelve years old. And I sleep 9.5-10 hours. Sometimes I sleep 11 hours.
This is fine?)

I am 14 years old. I sleep 2-3 hours, sometimes I don't sleep at all. Is this the norm?

I am 12 years old, I always sleep differently on weekdays: 8-10 hours, on weekends: 10-13 hours

I sleep 7 hours I'm 10 years old is this normal?

I sleep 2-3 hours a day and I'm as alert as ever.

I am 10 years old, I sleep on average 7, 8 hours. This is normal, I wonder if it will affect me and my body?

I sleep for 5 hours and I feel fine, each person is individual and everyone needs to sleep as much as the body needs

I am 12 years old and I sleep 3-4 hours on weekdays and 9-12 hours on weekends. This is fine?))

I'm 14, I like to sleep as long as possible. Could this be the norm?

I'm 12 and I go to bed at 21:00 and wake up at 7:00

My name is a secret secretJune 17, 2019, 07:53:22
city ​​Novosibirsk

I sleep little for my age and it affects my body, I don't get enough sleep. I am 13


1. Amvrosimova T. Night life or everything about sleep. Journal "Health". 2011. No. 3.

2. Berezhkova L.V. How to get rid of insomnia. Neva: St. Petersburg, 2003. 42 p.

3. Shpork P. Son. Why do we sleep and how do we do it best / P. Shpork; per. with it.; ed. V. M. Kovalzon. M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010. 234 p.

Sleep plays an important role in daily routine. In the light of modern ideas, sleep is considered as an active activity of the body, only organized differently than daytime life. Human sleep is the main and in no way indispensable form of relaxation and a way to restore the body's strength and energy, especially for a growing organism. The mode and duration of sleep is one of the criteria and indicators of a healthy lifestyle. The problem of insufficient sleep of students is the subject of concern and attention of specialists, because lack of sleep leads to significant health problems.

The purpose of our study is to identify the compliance of students' sleep duration with the recommended physiological norms. Research objectives: 1. To study the effect of sleep on human health and performance. 2. To study the physiological norms of sleep duration and compare them with the sleep duration of students.

Object of study: students of TI (f) NEFU. Subject of study: sleep and its duration. The study involved 178 students of 1-5 courses studying at the full-time department of the Technical Institute (branch) of NEFU.

Sleep is an effective way to relieve mental and physical stress. It is not for nothing that a weakened, sick person or a person who has been in extreme situations for a long time is able to sleep for a long time. This is the physiological protection of the body, the need, as a treatment, is due to complex psychophysiological processes. As noted by I.P. Pavlov, sleep is not just rest, but an active state of the body, which is characterized by a special form of brain activity. In particular, during sleep, the analysis and processing of information accumulated by a person over the previous time takes place. If such sorting was successful, then the brain is freed from excessive information accumulated the day before, and is again ready to work. Thanks to this, a person's neuropsychic state is normalized, working capacity is restored. Sleep provides programming processes in the brain and performs a number of other functions. During sleep, changes in the entire vital activity of the body occur, energy consumption decreases, systems that have suffered an overload (overwork or painful changes) are restored and begin to function. Sleep eliminates fatigue and prevents the exhaustion of nerve cells. There is an accumulation of energy-rich phosphorus compounds, while the body's defenses increase. Chronic lack of sleep contributes to the so-called collision - the appearance of neuroses, deterioration of functional and decrease in the body's defenses.

Violations of the biological rhythms of the body, the regimen and duration of sleep lead to a deterioration in the physical and psycho-emotional state, depression, behavioral disorders and aggressiveness of adolescents and students. In addition, lack of sleep impairs memory, thinking, concentration and attention span, reduces the speed of psychomotor reactions, which negatively affects learning outcomes. Students need a sufficient amount and quality of sleep due to biological maturation and high educational and psycho-emotional loads at this stage of ontogenesis.

Sleep is closely related to the body's circadian rhythm of alternating day and night, light and darkness. During sleep, the energy and functional reserves of the human body are updated and accumulated. People sleep for about a third of their lives. Events and activities during the day affect how you sleep at night and how you feel the next day. The more a person is awake, the more sleep he needs. Sleep performs the so-called homeostatic function, relieving the feeling of fatigue.

Sleep is associated with the production of several very important hormones. This is why lack of sleep can cause health problems. Melatonin is a hormone that protects against stress, premature aging, improves immunity and prevents cancer. Up to 70% of its daily value is produced during sleep. Its production begins at dusk, peaks in the dark - from midnight to 4 in the morning, and falls by dawn. Urban residents have problems with a lack of melatonin more often than rural residents, due to the strong illumination of cities at night. Somatotropic hormone (growth hormone) slows down aging, improves memory and regulates the activity of the nervous system. The peak of its production occurs at the beginning of the night, 2-3 hours after falling asleep. Sleep disturbances lead to a decrease in the production of somatotropic hormone. Grelini leptin: the first is responsible for appetite, the second - for the feeling of satiety. Those who do not get enough sleep increase their appetite, and hence their weight. Therefore, losing weight need to improve sleep. Studies have shown that women who get enough sleep lose weight 2 times faster than those who do not get enough sleep.

The average sleep duration of a person usually depends on numerous factors, ranging from age, gender, lifestyle, nutrition and degree of fatigue, to external factors (general noise level, location, etc.). The duration of sleep in newborns, adults and the elderly is 12-16, 6-8 and 4-6 hours per day, respectively. Also, in spring and summer, with a sedentary lifestyle, with a small amount of carbohydrates in the meal, as well as outside the city, the normal duration of sleep can be only 5-6 hours, and with sudden loud sounds (or during loud music) and bright lighting, it is possible even a complete lack of sleep. In general, in case of sleep disorders, its duration can range from a few seconds to several days. There are also times when it takes an adult 12 hours to sleep with a reserve of energy or recover from hard work and sleepless nights. Sleep duration less than 5 hours (hyposomnia) or violation of the physiological structure are considered risk factors for insomnia. Starting from the age of seven, the norm of sleep is 10 hours. In adolescence (12-18 years) - about nine hours. From the age of eighteen, a person is considered an adult and his sleep rate is 8 hours. As the age increases, the sleep rate gradually decreases and by the age of 60 reaches the level of six hours of sleep per day. It is generally accepted that students need to sleep 7-9 hours a day. The most physiological period is the period from 23 to 7-8 in the morning. .

The survey we conducted made it possible to find out that 20.7% of the surveyed number of students sleep for 8 hours, 24.7% - 5 hours, 17.9% of the respondents - 6 hours, 16.3% of students sleep 7 hours, in 7% of students sleep for 4 and 9 hours, and 5% of students sleep for 10 hours.

Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that half of the students experience a lack of sleep.

Thus, sleep is a physiological protection of the body from excessive information, a period of recovery of the neuropsychic and physical state. Sleep has a therapeutic effect of maintaining the body in good health and helps to increase vigor and human performance. The physiological norm of sleep for people of student age is 7-9 hours. On the basis of our analysis, we can state that only 44% of the students surveyed have a normal sleep duration. 49.6% of respondents do not get enough sleep, 5% oversleep. In this connection, it is necessary to study the causes of lack of sleep among students and develop valeological recommendations.

Bibliographic link

Chertsova A.I., Prokopenko L.A. SLEEP AND ITS DURATION // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2015. - No. 5-4 .;
URL: (date of access: 03/24/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

People rarely think about such a concept as "sleep norms and how much a person should ideally sleep." If he gets up in the morning refreshed and well-rested, then it would seem that it makes no difference whether a person slept for five, seven or ten hours. However, there are medically sound averages for healthy sleep duration, which can fluctuate for subjective reasons.

Definition and rules of healthy sleep

From the first days of the existence of a little man, they begin to accustom him to the daily routine, developing such concepts as “day is the time of wakefulness” and “night” is “time of rest”. These behavioral responses and sleep norms are further fixed for life.

But life is not a courier train moving exactly on schedule. Therefore, over time, the duration and rate of rest undergo changes. And what should be a healthy sleep, how much does a person need to sleep a day in order to feel rested, efficient and energetic?

In a dream, many biochemical processes take place that have a beneficial effect on all human organs and systems, relieve the mental and physical fatigue accumulated during the day, and tone the body as a whole. Actions aimed at improving the quality of sleep are the key to its usefulness and viability.

Healthy sleep - the principles of its formation

The mechanism of strong normal dreaming is based on a number of observations, tips and recommendations from sleep experts.

  1. Compliance with the daily routine. Try every day, regardless of weekends and vacation periods, to go to bed at night and get up in the morning at the same time. This contributes to a clear adherence to their internal biological clock - biorhythms. Villagers can serve as a good example - the centuries-old rural way of life with agrarian and livestock concerns has developed in them the habit of going to bed at sunset and getting up at dawn. Of course, today, especially in urban conditions, such a schedule is unattainable, but the very principle of constancy of the hours of going to bed and getting up in the morning is important here.
  2. Optimal sleep duration. A healthy adult should sleep, according to scientists, at least 7-8 hours. However, sleep time is not the only metric that determines its benefits. The qualitative component is also important, because a healthy rest is a dream without awakening, lasting continuously. Therefore, a person often feels completely asleep, falling asleep even for 5-6 hours than if he slept for 8-9 hours, but restlessly and intermittently. However, it is generally accepted that healthy sleep should last 6-8 hours.
  3. Waking up in the morning should not be accompanied by a long rise, you should not luxuriate in bed for a long time - there is a chance to fall asleep again. You can stretch a little to stretch your joints and limbs, and cheer up a little before starting a hard day.
  4. The last hours before leaving for the realm of dreams should be spent in a calm, mood-setting atmosphere. It is better to refuse action films, programs with a high intensity of emotions or negative news. You don't need to be physically active either. Thoughts, feelings, all human organs should come into a state of harmony and peace.
  5. You should not kemar during the day, especially for those who have trouble falling asleep. True, 15-20 minutes of a light nap often gives strength and clarity of thought, so a daytime siesta is a purely individual matter.
  6. Physical activity, emotions, worries should fill the daylight hours. In the evening, you need to create a relaxing environment, with a light, light dinner, at least 2 hours before diving into the arms of Morpheus. Alcohol, smoking, coffee are the main enemies of healthy sleep.

A cozy bed, cool air in the bedroom, a positive attitude, complete darkness in the room - these factors will help you fall asleep quickly and serenely.

Average sleep duration

It should immediately be clarified that advice on how much a person needs to sleep per day is given for healthy people. For patients, long-term rest is necessary, he himself is a healing tool for restoring and increasing the body's defenses, to fight the disease.

If we consider the recommended sleep duration of 6-7-8 hours, then, based on the individual characteristics of the body, 5 hours is enough for someone to get up alert and rested (Napoleon can serve as an example). The well-known German physicist Einstein needed at least 10-12 hours to sleep.

A person, according to his own feelings, well-being and observations of the state of health, decides how much he needs to sleep.

And although the duration of dreams is influenced by the human factor and subjective reasons, for the average citizen, the figure of 8 hours is the most acceptable. In addition, the optimal duration of sleep varies depending on the age and gender of the person.

Sleep variability by age and gender

American scientists from the National Foundation for Somnological Problems have developed recommendations regarding the required number of hours of rest for various age groups. The inverse relationship between age and sleep duration is clearly shown in the table.

In addition, it was found that fluctuations in the duration of sleep negatively affect its quality and well-being. That is, the same number of hours of rest contributes to physical and spiritual health.

Men and women need about the same amount of time for healthy sleep - 8 hours. Finnish medical scientists calculated to the minute the required number of hours for men - 7 hours 42 minutes, for women the time was 7 hours 38 minutes. The data were determined on the basis of a survey of 3,700 respondents of both sexes.

However, there is another point of view: a woman needs at least 8 hours to fully recover, while a man needs 6.5-7 hours.

This postulate is substantiated by the differences in brain activity in the representatives of the stronger and weaker sex. It has been proven that women have more complex brain activity, they are able to simultaneously solve multiple tasks and process the amount of information 5 times faster than their male counterparts. And since sleep is the time to "reset" the neurons of the brain, women need additional time to resume vigorous activity.

Regardless of the gender of a person, those whose work is related to solving complex problems and making important decisions need longer rest than workers with less responsible responsibilities.

The most useful time for sleep

People who prefer to go to bed well after midnight and get up at 10-11 o'clock in the afternoon believe that they fully fill the need for a good rest. But this is far from true. The centuries-old experience of our ancestors indicates that it is most useful to go to bed 3-4 hours after sunset.

A table of the value and importance of sleep has been compiled, and according to it:

  • The time from 22 o'clock is the stage of the revival of the central nervous system.
  • The dawn hours from 4 to 5 in the morning are the time of Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, the symbol of the new coming day.
  • The next hour symbolizes harmony and peace.
  • The interval from 6.00 to 7.00 is a period of freshness and cheerfulness.

Thus, the effective time for overnight recovery is the hours before midnight. During this time period, the regeneration of nerve cells of the whole organism occurs, sleep has a rejuvenating and healing effect.

Is sleeping during the day good or bad?

A number of European countries, especially the Mediterranean countries, practice a daytime siesta - a short afternoon rest. Of course, this is also due to the peculiarities of the climate (it is hard to work in the midday heat), but it was also noticed that even a short half-hour rest gives a new influx of energy, increases visual and mental concentration, and increases efficiency.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. The optimal time for a daytime nap is no more than 30 minutes. Prolonged daytime sleep leads to an imbalance in the human biological clock, causes headache, lethargy and apathy. And at night there will be difficulties with falling asleep.

Many beliefs are associated with a bad dream at sunset. The time between 16 and 17 hours is considered the worst for rest, because according to the legends of the ancient Slavs, the sun, leaving the horizon, draws and takes away the energy of a sleeping person. During this period, Morpheus does not add strength, but shortens the hours of life, a person gets up not rested, but exhausted. To believe or not to believe in myths is everyone's business, but doctors do not recommend sleep during this time period. Even if you really want to sleep, it is better to wait a little, endure and lie down closer to the night.

Lack of sleep or oversleeping - two phenomena with negative consequences

As you know, there are 24 hours in a day. In the case of a person's daily routine, the rule of three eights applies: 8 hours for work, 8 for rest, and the remaining 8 for sleep. Eight hours of sleep for work is a constant established by labor laws. But with the other two eights, any transformations take place. The hours of night rest are subjected to especially great changes. People either solve pressing matters through sleep, or prefer to get away from problems, plunging into night dreams.

The result is lack of sleep or oversleeping. Both of these have a negative effect on the body.

  • Lethargy, apathy, isolation.
  • A decrease in the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy, as a result, a depressive complex develops, a person becomes nervous and irritable.
  • Decrease in working capacity, analytical abilities, logical thinking.
  • There are signs of external aging and physical deterioration.
  • Health problems of all organs and systems.

Consequences of oversleeping:

  • Depression, drowsiness, causing a person to fall into oblivion again.
  • Pain of a neuralgic and somatic nature, as the normal oxygen supply of the blood flow is disturbed, plus a long position of the body in one position causes numbness of the limbs and muscles.
  • Weak physical activity leads to weight gain.

Even a Russian proverb was invented about the danger of a long sleep: Whoever sleeps the most lives the least.

As can be seen from the comparison of two negative disorders of somnological behavior, it is most useful to stick to the golden mean and practice 7-8 hours of rest. Healthy full sleep indicates a clear and well-established work of human organs and systems, any violations, especially chronic ones, serve as an indicator of the manifestation of failures in the functioning of the body, which cannot be ignored.

How much sleep do you need per day?

Although the need for sleep in different people varies slightly, this difference is insignificant, and the vast majority of people (from the very young to the very old) need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

Most people who consistently sleep less than 7 hours simply do not realize the damage to the body caused by fatigue and lack of sleep. “Although they think they get enough rest during the night, in reality they just don’t remember what it is like to be well rested,” says Robert Rosenberg, director of the Center for Sleep Disorders, USA.

The amount of sleep a person needs depends on several factors, including age, genetic predisposition, circadian rhythms, and quality of sleep. Generally:

Babies need approximately 16 hours of sleep.
A child from 2 to 5 years old - 11-13 hours.
Teenagers need an average of 9-10 hours of sleep.
Adults need 7-8 hours for the best rest, although for a small number of people this amount can vary from 5 to 10 hours.
Women during pregnancy usually need to sleep a little longer - 8-9 hours.

Adequate sleep is even more important for a child than for an adult. Overwork is one of the causes of health and behavioral problems in children. At school age, sleep deprivation occurs more often in children than at an early age. No wonder 10% of younger students fall asleep in class from time to time! And the older the child, the more likely it is that he is not sleeping enough.

Too much sleep or too little sleep has been found to increase the risk of early death.

An adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep. If you rest 9 hours or more, then the probability of dying in the next 11-17 years doubles. Oddly enough, but most likely the cause of death will not be cardiovascular diseases. Depression, low social status and cardiovascular disease exacerbate the situation. If you sleep 5 hours, then the risk of dying increases by 1.7 times, and the development of cardiovascular diseases - by 2 times.

If you sleep less than 7 hours, then you can:

Increase weight;
develop hypertension.
develop type 2 diabetes.

Little sleep is deadly!
According to research published last year, people who regularly get less than 7 hours of sleep perform just as badly as those who haven't slept for 2-3 days! What's more, these studies suggest that sleep deprivation increases the risk of death by 26% in men and 21% in women.

The cause of death can be both accidents caused by poor coordination and weakening of attention, and deterioration. Other studies have shown that lack of sleep impairs the body's hormonal system, immune system, and metabolism, and thus can lead to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Lack of sleep can snowball into the previous days. If you deprive yourself of several hours of sleep for several days in a row, a “sleep deficit” appears, which is extremely harmful to the body.

Sleep deprivation can cause:

Memory problems.
Decreased reaction.
Weakened immunity.
Increased sensitivity to pain.
Violation of the vital systems of the body.
Sleep deprivation is especially detrimental to people driving a car. Studies show that coordination in people with a lack of sleep is just as impaired as people under the influence of alcohol. By the way, lack of sleep increases the effect of alcohol on the body. That is, sleep-deprived people get drunk faster and stronger than well-rested people.

Of course, everyone has their own body. And only he knows how much a person needs to sleep. The body itself controls and restores the functions of a person in a dream. Even lethargy and drowsiness in many diseases is a protective form of the body, in which it restores itself in this way. The main thing is to always find time for a rash, but not to stay in bed after waking up.