See what “Modes of transport” are in other dictionaries. Types of transport Transport is divided

Vehicles are devices designed to move people, various loads and various equipment installed on the vehicle from one place to another. Types of transport are classified depending on the environment in which the vehicle operates and transportation is carried out. There are water, land, air, underground and space vehicles. There are also combined vehicles capable of moving in several environments - amphibians, airplanes, and some types of hovercraft.

Types of water vehicles

Water transport includes vehicles that carry out transportation by water - rivers, oceans, canals, seas, reservoirs and lakes. The main mode of transport for water is a ship. Depending on the depth of the reservoir, water transport is divided into the following types:

  • river - ferries, barges, river trams, hovercraft;
  • marine - cruise ships, heavy carriers, tankers, container ships.

The disadvantages of water vehicles include their low speed, seasonality of navigation and the possibility of direct intercontinental communication, while the advantages include large capacity and low minimum transportation costs.

Types of cargo vehicles

A freight transport can be considered a vehicle that moves in any environment. There are cargo planes, cargo ships, cargo trains, and a variety of ground wheeled cargo transport. The following types of ground trucks are distinguished:

  • Trucks combined with a body - flatbed trucks, vans, vans;
  • Self-propelled tractors designed for towing trailed equipment and trailers;
  • Trailers without their own engines, which are designed for coupling with a tractor as part of a road train;
  • Semi-trailers with a coupling device - tilt, flatbed, platforms, trawls, refrigerators, dump trucks.

Types of special vehicles

The category of special vehicles includes vehicles used for purposes other than civilian ones or having special equipment. There are the following types of special vehicles:

  • Cars, motorcycles and buses of operational police services;
  • Ambulances;
  • Municipal utility vehicles - snow removal equipment, watering machines;
  • Military transport (armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles, etc.);
  • Emergency vehicles, fire trucks;
  • Intra-production transport used in large enterprises.

Main types of vehicles

In addition to the medium of movement, transport differs in functional purpose. There are general transport (public), personal transport and special-purpose transport (technological and military). Vehicles can also be classified into several different types according to the energy sources used into the following categories:

  • electric vehicles;
  • thermal engine transport;
  • vehicles with a hybrid engine;
  • transport without its own engine - sailing and driven by muscle power.

Modern and promising types of transport include magnetic levitation vehicles and driverless automatic transport.

– this is the distribution of various cars into groups, classes and categories. Depending on the type of design, parameters of the power unit, purpose or features that certain vehicles have, the classification provides for several such categories.

Classification by purpose

Vehicles vary in their purpose. Passenger and trucks, as well as special-purpose vehicles can be distinguished.

If everything is very clear with passenger and cargo cars, then special vehicles are not intended for transporting people and goods. Such vehicles transport equipment that is attached to them. Thus, such means include fire trucks, aerial platforms, truck cranes, mobile benches and other vehicles equipped with one or another equipment.

If a passenger car can accommodate up to 8 people without a driver, then it is classified as a passenger car. If the vehicle capacity is more than 8 people, then this type of vehicle is a bus.

The transporter can be used for general purpose or for transporting special cargo. General purpose vehicles have a body with sides without a tipping device. They can also be equipped with an awning and arches for installation.

Special-purpose trucks have various technical capabilities in their design for transporting certain goods. For example, the panel carrier is optimized for convenient transportation of panels and building slabs. The dump truck is used for mainly bulk cargo. The fuel tanker is designed for light petroleum products.

Trailers, semi-trailers, spreader trailers

Any vehicle can be used with additional equipment. These can be trailers, semi-trailers or dissolutions.

A trailer is one of the types of vehicles used without a driver. Its movement is carried out by means of a car using towing.

A semi-trailer is a towed vehicle without driver participation. Part of its mass is given to the towing vehicle.

The spreader trailer is designed for transporting long loads. The design includes a drawbar, the length of which may change during operation.

The vehicle doing the towing is called a tractor. This car is equipped with a special device that allows you to couple the car and any trailer. In another way, this design is called a saddle, and the tractor is called a truck tractor. However, a tractor-trailer is in a separate category of vehicles.

Indexing and types

Previously, in the USSR, each vehicle model had its own index. It designated the plant where the car was produced.

In 1966, the so-called industry standard OH 025270-66 “Classification and designation system for automotive rolling stock, as well as its units and components” was adopted. This document not only made it possible to classify types of vehicles. Based on this provision, trailers and other equipment were also classified.

According to this system, all vehicles whose classification was described in this document had four, five or six digits in their index. Using them, it was possible to determine vehicle categories.

Decoding digital indices

By the second digit one could find out the type of vehicle. 1 – passenger vehicle, 2 – bus, 3 – general purpose truck, 4 – truck tractor, 5 – dump truck, 6 – tank, 7 – van, 9 – special purpose vehicle.

As for the first digit, it indicated the vehicle class. For example, passenger vehicles, classified by engine size. Trucks are divided into classes based on weight. Buses were differentiated by length.

Classification of passenger vehicles

According to the industry standard, passenger wheeled vehicles were classified as follows.

  • 1 – especially small class, engine capacity was up to 1.2 liters;
  • 2 – small class, volume from 1.3 to 1.8 l;
  • 3 – middle class cars, engine capacity from 1.9 to 3.5 liters;
  • 4 – large class with a volume above 3.5 l;
  • 5 – the highest class of passenger vehicles.

Today, the industry standard is no longer mandatory, and many factories do not adhere to it. However, domestic auto manufacturers still use this indexation.

Sometimes you can find vehicles whose classification does not fit the first digit in the model. This means that the index was assigned to the model at the development stage, and then something changed in the design, but the number remained.

Foreign cars and their classification system

The indices of foreign cars that were imported into our country were not included in the list of vehicles according to the accepted norm. Therefore, the Certification System for Motor Vehicles was introduced in 1992, and its modified version has been in effect since October 1, 1998.

For all types of vehicles that came into circulation in our country, it was necessary to draw up a special document called “Vehicle Type Approval.” It followed from the document that each vehicle must have its own separate brand.

To simplify the certification procedure in the Russian Federation, they use the so-called International Classification System. In accordance with it, any road vehicle can be classified into one of the groups - L, M, N, O. There are no other designations.

Categories of vehicles according to the international system

Group L includes any vehicles with fewer than four wheels, as well as ATVs:

  • L1 is a moped or vehicle with two wheels that can reach a maximum speed of 50 km/h. If the vehicle has an internal combustion engine, its volume should not exceed 50 cm³. If an electric motor is used as a power unit, then the power ratings must be less than 4 kW;
  • L2 – three-wheeled moped, as well as any vehicle with three wheels, the speed of which does not exceed 50 km/h, and the engine capacity is 50 cm³;
  • L3 is a motorcycle with a volume of more than 50 cm³. Its maximum speed is higher than 50 km/h;
  • L4 – a motorcycle equipped with a sidecar for carrying a passenger;
  • L5 – tricycles whose speed exceeds 50 km/h;
  • The L6 is a lightweight quad bike. The weight of the equipped vehicle must not exceed 350 kg; Maximum speed no more than 50 km/h;
  • L7 is a full-fledged quad bike with a weight of up to 400 kg.

  • M1 is a vehicle for transporting passengers with no more than 8 seats;
  • M2 – vehicle with more than eight seats for passengers;
  • M3 – vehicle with more than 8 seats and weighing up to 5 tons;
  • M4 is a vehicle with more than eight seats and a weight of over 5 tons.
  • N1 – trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons;
  • N2 – vehicles weighing from 3.5 to 12 tons;
  • N3 – vehicle weighing more than 12 tons.

Classification of vehicles according to the European Convention

In 1968, the Convention on Road Traffic was adopted in Austria. The classification provided in this document is used to designate different categories of transport.

Types of vehicles under the Convention

It includes several categories:

  • A – these are motorcycles and other two-wheeled motorized equipment;
  • B – cars with a weight of up to 3500 kg and a number of seats of no more than eight;
  • C – all vehicles, except those belonging to category D. Weight must be more than 3500 kg;
  • D – passenger transport with more than 8 seats;
  • E - freight transport, tractors.

Category E allows drivers to drive road trains that consist of a tractor. You can also include here any vehicles of classification B, C, D. These vehicles can operate as part of a road train. This category is assigned to drivers along with other categories, and it is added when registering the car in the vehicle certificate.

Unofficial European classification

In addition to the official classification, there is also an unofficial one, which is used quite widely. It is quite popular among vehicle owners. Here we can distinguish categories depending on the design of vehicles: A, B, C, D, E, F. This classification is mainly used in reviews by automotive journalists for comparison and evaluation.

Class A contains small vehicles of low cost. F – these are the most expensive, very powerful and prestigious car brands. In between are classes of other types of machines. There are no clear boundaries here. This is a wide variety of passenger cars.

With the development of the auto industry, new cars are constantly being produced, which subsequently occupy their niches. With new developments, the classification is constantly expanding. It often happens that different models can occupy the boundaries of several classes, thereby forming a new class.

A striking example of this phenomenon is a parquet SUV. It is designed for paved roads.

VIN codes

In essence, this is a unique vehicle number. This code encrypts all information about the origin, manufacturer and technical characteristics of a particular model. Numbers can be found on many integral components and assemblies of machines. They are mainly located on the body, chassis elements or special nameplates.

Those who developed and implemented these numbers have introduced the simplest and most reliable method, which greatly simplifies the process of classifying cars. This number allows you to at least slightly protect cars from theft.

The code itself is not a jumble of letters and numbers. Each sign carries certain information. The cipher set is not very large; each code has 17 characters. These are mainly letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. This cipher provides a position for a special check number, which is calculated based on the code itself.

The process of calculating the control number is a fairly powerful means of protection against interrupted numbers. It is not difficult to destroy numbers. But making a number so that it falls under the control number is a separate and quite complex task.

In conclusion, I would like to add that all self-respecting automakers use general rules for calculating the check digit. However, manufacturers from Russia, Japan and Korea do not adhere to such protection methods. By the way, using this code it is easy to find original spare parts for a particular model.

So, we found out what types of vehicles there are and looked at their detailed classification.

Classification of transportation depending on the location of the points of departure and destination of goods and passengers and the modes of transport used for transportation. V. are distinguished: intra-farm (that is, within industrial and agricultural enterprises...

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A type of insurance is the insurance of specific homogeneous objects in a certain amount of insurance liability at the appropriate tariff rates. Insurance relations between the insurer and the policyholder are carried out by type... ... Wikipedia

Types of scales- 1. Types of scales 1.1. Truck scales Scales for weighing trackless vehicles, adapted for driving them over Source: GOST 29329 92: Scales for static weighing. General technical requirements...

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- ... Wikipedia

Specialized (from the Latin specialis special and species variety) include those types of transport that are focused on a specific range of goods or special conditions for the transportation of goods or passengers. 

III abroad is used... ... Wikipedia A branch of economic geography that studies the territorial distribution of transport and transportation, its patterns, conditions and features of the development of transport as part of the territorial economic complexes of countries and regions in connection with ...

Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • Books Types of transport (PD-6443), Dear adults, before starting the game, cut all the cards along the dotted lines. In the box you will find 8 sheets for cutting. This game will help kids in easy and varied ways... Category: Educational games Series: Road alphabet for children,
  • Publisher: Red Cat

The very name - special transport - implies the uniqueness of this type of vehicle. Almost any car used for special purposes differs from its “civilian” counterparts in its internal contents (special engine, interior, additional equipment), and some of the special vehicles are also distinguished by their unusual appearance.

We can give a formal definition of special transport:

Special transport is a specially equipped vehicle designed to solve specific problems.

A classic example of special transport is a car that is used in the activities of the “power” structures of the state: law enforcement agencies, intelligence and counterintelligence services, rescue services and other paramilitary forces.

Types of special transport:

Police transport

The first example of special transport was a police trolley, designed in 1899 by engineer Frank Loomis. The customer of this unusual vehicle was the Akron Police Department (USA, Arizona). A “civilian” trolley equipped with an electric unit was used as the basis. The power reserve of this device was 30 kilometers, and the maximum speed reached 25 km/h. As special equipment, stretchers were used to transport wounded (or particularly violent) passengers from the scene of the incident to the police trolley.

Since then, almost all police (or militia) vehicles have inherited the main design principles of the first model of special transport - the “civilian” basis of a special vehicle, the presence of special inventory or equipment “on board” the vehicle, the presence of color markings on the body, allowing the identification of this vehicle vehicle, such as a police vehicle (truck, snowmobile, motorcycle, bus, etc.).

A modern police car is usually created on a reinforced civilian car platform. A special, “police” version is produced only by Ford and GM or similar giants of the auto industry. Of course, a civilian car requires fine-tuning the chassis, strengthening the engine and installing additional devices - long-distance communications, medical equipment, weapon mounts. Part of the interior is dedicated to a kind of bullpen on wheels. A significant advantage for a police car is the spacious trunk, which can accommodate additional equipment - means for blocking violators, special equipment for recording violations.

A variety of classes of vehicles can be used as a donor car - from a sports car to a heavy SUV or minibus. The latter option is preferred by special police units, since it is very easy to hide a hidden observation point inside a roomy minibus or simply use the spacious interior to transport a special forces group equipped with massive weapons or equipment to the scene of an incident.

The transport of structures responsible for counterintelligence activities (or reconnaissance) differs from police cars in their external invisibility in civilian traffic. Such machines are not distinguished by special markings or special signals, since they are designed to carry out operations hidden from general attention. But this vehicle also belongs to the category of special vehicles, so a special filling is hidden under the “regular” body, indistinguishable from its civilian counterpart.

It is the special services that prefer exclusively the internal finishing of the car. Most often, a high-performance engine, communications and tracking equipment are installed on a production vehicle. Sometimes glass and housing are armored. Of all the types of special vehicles, it is the special services vehicles that have the most ordinary appearance. Very often, ordinary drivers have no idea what kind of car is moving next door, assuming that the cars of counterintelligence officers and spies look like this:

Rescue transport. Ambulance. Fire trucks.

Completely different problems are solved with the help of rescue and emergency response vehicles. Unlike the cars of counterintelligence officers and spies, the cars of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire service, ambulance and other similar structures shine in the general traffic flow like a Christmas tree. Flashy colors and an abundance of special signals, both visual and audio, demonstrate that these cars belong to a separate caste of transport, used in special cases that cannot tolerate delay or delay. But the special transport of rescue services is distinguished not only by the colorful paintwork - under the flashy colors of the durable body there are hidden very complex mechanisms and devices that allow you to solve any problem.

It is these models of special transport that can be called truly unique. For example, an “Ambulance” is an outwardly simple car that can be distinguished in the general flow of traffic only by the special color of the body and the “chandeliers” of the special signal. But this simplicity is deceptive.

Behind the standard body of the minibus is hidden a special set of equipment that allows you to begin treatment or a set of resuscitation measures already on the road.

Ordinary citizens do not even know that there are more than a dozen variations in the configuration of ambulance vehicles, which differ in the types of assistance provided. There is a psychiatric, obstetric, neurological, pediatric, cardiological "Ambulance".

The vehicles of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the fire department are equipped with no less special equipment. However, unlike the Ambulance, the Ministry of Emergency Situations transport has all the “chips” of the design visible from afar. For example, a fire ladder - this type of special transport cannot be confused with another vehicle. After all, not a single military, civilian or police car has the main distinguishing principle - a huge sliding staircase.

The first examples of such equipment appeared in 1951. Modern ladder trucks can “reach” up to a height of 60 meters. The basis for aerial ladders, as a rule, are the chassis and frames of trucks.

The classic fire truck, equipped with a tank, pumping station, hydraulic trunk on a carriage and other devices designed to fight fire, has a no less original appearance.

This “monster”, based on the chassis of a heavy, eight-wheeled MAZ-543 tractor, is capable of transporting more than 10 tons of water and about a ton of special powdery suspension.

A separate category of special transport are armored trucks, buses or cars designed for transporting extremely harmful and dangerous substances. Transport for collectors can also be included in this category.

Dangerous goods are transported in a specially prepared body that prevents contact of the harmful substance (or container with a harmful substance) and the environment. Therefore, the most interesting part of special trucks or tractors is such a body (or trailer). There are covered cargo compartments, tanks, thermal containers and more.

The main purpose of these containers is to protect the environment from their contents.

Collection vehicles are designed for a diametrically opposite purpose - to protect the contents from the environment. To do this, they use prepared chassis from minibuses and a special “armored” body.

Special armored vehicle AS-1925 "ONEGA". There's even air conditioning inside.

By and large, a collection vehicle is a hybrid of a mobile safe and a police vehicle. Inside the armored building, separated from the driver's section, a group of armed people is always on duty. Therefore, in addition to space for a safe, the collector's car must also have space for passengers, which increases the volume of the body. In terms of technical support, the collector's car is not inferior to other police cars. Such a specialized vehicle necessarily contains communications equipment, a satellite beacon, and special equipment activated in emergency situations. It is this feature of the “structure” of a collection vehicle that makes us talk about it as an ideal special vehicle.

Universal(railway, automobile, water, air):

Wide range of products;

Two-way correspondence of transported goods;

High concentration of traffic;

Reducing social labor costs;

Use of predominantly large-scale production;

Special(conveyor, rope-suspended, pipeline, hydraulic, pneumatic):

Station character;

Narrow specialization of vehicles;

One-way flow direction;

Low transportation costs;

The need for other modes of transport;

2. Classification of special types of industrial transport.

1.According to the method of action:

Periodic (cyclic) action;

Continuous action;

2.According to the method of moving the cargo:

Sliding along the supporting surface;

Movement by a load-carrying body (stationary supports, rollers, wheels, air cushion, hydraulic flow, pneumatic flow);

3. By design features:

With traction body;

Without traction body;

4.By type (type) of cargo movement:


In the horizontal plane


In space

6.For intended purpose at the production site:



3.Performance of transport vehicles.

In units of mass (t/h)

In volumetric units (m 3 / h)

1.Theoretical Q T (determined by the design capabilities of the machines)

2.Technical Q technical – taken into account:

Physico-mechanical properties affecting load capacity and capacity.

Technological breaks.

3. Operational – for a longer period of time (days/month/year), taking into account:


Acceptance and handover of shifts


For cyclic machines. Q T depends on:

Capacity of the load-carrying body V k (m 3)

Rated load capacity q(g)

Operating cycle duration T r (h)

Q c.t = V k /T r

Q c.t = q/T r

For continuous machines:

Q n.t = 3600*F 0 *V(m 3 /h); Q n.t = 3600*F 0 * γ R * V(t/h)

V is the capacity of the load-carrying body per unit length and linear speed of its movement.

F 0 – capacity per unit length, expressed by the cross-sectional area of ​​the material on the load-carrying body.

For continuous transport where the cargo is moved in separate vessels:


Bucket elevators

Q n.t = 3600*V/α

V - movement speed

.α is the distance between individual vessels.

For cyclic transport:

Q c.t = V k *K v /T r; Q c.t = q*K q /T r

4. Characteristics of transport cargo.

Main types of bulk bulk cargo transported by industrial transport.

Iron ore

Sand and sand-gravel mixture, etc.

Their characteristics:

1. Bulk mass of a material - mass of material per unit volume in freshly poured form.

K r =γ /γ r >1; K p - loosening coefficient.

Bulk mass< удельной массы на K р.

Loosening coefficient K r:

Coal, ore, rocks (1.3.....1.6)

Loose weather(1.1....1.3)

γ p - bulk mass.

γ is the mass of the material in its dense form.

2. Angle of repose - the angle formed by the side surface of a freely poured stack of bulk material with the horizon.

(Figure) When moving, φ changes in calculations f≈0.7

3. Lumpiness - quantitative distribution of cargo particles according to their size.

4. Degree of uniformity of particle sizes of bulk cargo.

It is characterized by the coefficient:

K 0 =α max /α min; α min and α max are the sizes of the largest and smallest particles.

sorted - cargo - ordinary

α av =α max +α min /2 or α max or α min of which particles≥10%