Comparison of drugs - absorbents for cleansing the body. Top best. Absorbents for cleansing the body, preparations, tablets Types of sorbents for cleansing the body

Absorbents for cleansing the body, this is a list of drugs that will come to the aid of a person in case of such incidents as:

  • digestive disorders;
  • bloating;
  • gas pollution;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • unhealthy changes in appetite.

All of the above indicates slagging of both the intestines and the body as a whole. Absorbent agents will help get rid of such a depressing condition. Absorbents designed to cleanse the body are natural preparations that will not only improve the condition from the inside, but also, as a direct consequence of cleansing the intestines, will give the skin a beautiful, healthy appearance, as well as add confidence and good mood every day.

What types of absorbents can there be?

The most popular means of absorption, and simply cleansing the body, include such well-known drugs as:

  1. Polyphepan.
  2. Polysorb.
  3. Enterosgel.
  4. Smecta.
  5. Activated carbon.

Indications for use

Each of these remedies, known to absolutely all people, has its own “preferences,” that is, indications for use:

  • Polyphepan is a medication that copes well with intestinal slagging against the background of any intestinal diseases. It is also the best drug when the body is exposed to salts of heavy metals, alcohol, food allergens and bacteria acquired from uncooked meat foods.
  • Polysorb is the only absorbent for the intestines that is capable of removing endogenous toxins and residual breakdown products of protein foods that form when the digestive system is clogged. That is, in fact, this medication will rid the intestines of all the rot accumulated inside, resulting from overeating and abuse of unhealthy heavy food. Also, the medicine copes well with its tasks in viral forms of hepatitis, without causing any side effects on the liver.
  • Enterosgel - an absorbent such as Enterosgel has fully deserved its popularity among women. The medicine helps well with allergies of unknown nature, relieves the intestines of accumulations of pathogenic microorganisms, helps alleviate toxicosis, prevents heartburn and the appearance of gastritis and ulcers, and is well tolerated in diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  • Smecta is a traditional, known to great-grandmothers, absorber of everything harmful inside the body and not only removing waste and toxins from it, but also therapeutically relieving symptoms such as stomach pain, cramps and spasms, flatulence, bloating in the abdomen, indigestion.
  • Coal is the most “natural” of all adsorbents. Completely universal and safe, capable of effectively cleansing the body against the background of such difficulties as dyspepsia, salmonellosis, long-term medication use, and contact with chemicals.

What is an adsorbent?

Adsorbents are substances that absorb harmful toxins or any other formations only with their surface; in contrast, absorbent substances absorb pathogenic compounds as a whole.

However, the division of these drugs is not entirely accurate, for example, activated black carbon behaves both as an adsorbent and as an absorbent; Smecta, Polyphepan, and a number of others have the same quality. Disputes among doctors lead nowhere, so many pharmacists, in their descriptions of powders and tablets, use a simple term that covers both types - sorbents.

From the point of view of taking any product as a cleanser for the body, absorbent drugs are more effective than adsorbents. However, when it comes to the urgent removal of toxins that poison the body, for example, in case of food poisoning, the adsorbent acts more harshly, more efficiently and faster.

What types of adsorbents can there be?

Adsorbents are designed to solve problems such as:

  1. The need for rapid and high-quality sorption.
  2. Do not cause additional irritation to the intestinal walls.
  3. Do not cause any toxic effects of your own.

These products are no less important than absorbents, since in addition to helping with poisoning, they also have the following effects:

  • reduce the level of bilirubin in the body;
  • regulate the concentration of urea;
  • improve lipid metabolism processes.

Pharmacists produce both absorbents and adsorbents in the form of tablets, gels, suspensions and powders. The most popular and in demand are the following drugs based on:

  1. Coals are Karbolen, Carborong, Carbactin and activated carbon itself.
  2. Polyvinylpyrrolidone are drugs such as Enterodes and Enterosorb.
  3. On a magnesium-aluminum base - well-known - Almagel, Gastal and Phosphalugel.
  4. Sucralfate - only one medicine is available - Venter.
  5. Lingins and celluloses are drugs such as Filtrum-STI, Polyphepan, Lignosorb, Entengin.
  6. Medical natural clay - indispensable drugs for allergies - Neosmectin and classic Smecta.
  7. Alginic acids are a unique medicine, the only one of its kind - Algisorb. It is good both in cleansing the intestines and in normalizing its microflora, especially for allergies.
  8. Natural resins are drugs such as Cholestyramine and Colestipol.

Other sorbents

In addition to dosage forms produced by pharmacology, certain products can be used to cleanse both the intestines and the body as a whole:

  • coriander;
  • pectin (citrus peel);
  • garlic;
  • green tea.

Of course, there is no question of replacing medications produced by pharmacists with products, but their regular use will significantly facilitate the task of sorbents and will be an excellent preventive measure against slagging in the body, especially with allergies.

Monitor bowel cleansing

In essence, this phrase means a planned day for cleansing both the intestines and the body as a whole, that is, “unloading”. For regular, constant cleansing of the body from toxins, a drug such as Polysorb is well suited.

However, in some cases, other means are more optimal, for example:

  1. For bloating and flatulence, it is worth cleaning the intestines using a product such as Enterosgel.
  2. To remove toxins, internal accumulations of gases and with a tendency to diarrhea, Polyphepan is ideal.
  3. In case of intestinal infections and allergies, Polysorb and Neosmectin will help the most.
  4. In case of kidney or liver diseases, you need to cleanse the body carefully; for a “planned fasting” diet, Polysorb, Coal and Enterosgel will be good.

Video: absorbents for cleansing the body.


The mention of such a term occurs quite often, and many people think that these are some separate types of sorbent substances, different from everything else.

In fact, pharmacologists have combined a number of both adsorbents and absorbents into this group, guided by their certain general qualities and indications for use in certain situations.

The list of enterosorbents used by doctors to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract for various infections and exacerbations of chronic diseases includes:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Polysorb;
  • Smecta.

It is this group that doctors prefer to use if it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances if the patient has:

  1. Acute intestinal infection.
  2. A severe allergic reaction to any product that has entered the stomach.
  3. If there is a suspicion of accumulation of heavy metal salts in the body.
  4. In case of trophic ulcers or severe forms of burns.
  5. For viral hepatitis.
  6. In case of ailments such as kidney failure.
  7. For preventive measures for workers of chemical enterprises.
  8. In case of crisis dysbiosis in the intestines.

All these drugs are united by the principle of their action - they enter into all possible relationships with harmful substances, due to which the reliability of cleansing the body increases significantly.

The most optimal absorbents for cleansing the body will be different for each person; it can be either one drug or several types for joint use. In order to know exactly what is suitable in each specific case, you need to undergo examinations, consult with doctors and follow their instructions.

Absorbents in case of poisoning are necessary to remove toxins from the body, cleanse the stomach and intestines, and prevent the accumulation of harmful substances. Despite this beneficial effect, medications should be used with caution, choosing the optimal remedy in each case.

Mechanism of action

This group includes chemical compounds that, like a sponge, absorb toxic components. Next, the sorbents bind toxins and come out with them, restoring the person’s normal state.

Using sorbent, the clinical picture is removed for the following types of poisoning:

  • food;
  • alcohol, including counterfeits;
  • drugs;
  • medications, such as morphine;
  • chemicals;
  • poisons.

Sorption agents relieve withdrawal symptoms, eliminate attacks of nausea and vomiting, and remove waste products of bacteria and rotaviruses. But they are not omnipotent - they do not affect toxins that have managed to penetrate the bloodstream.

Types of medications

Drugs are differentiated according to the method of influence:

  1. Adsorbents. The toxic component is bound to form a solution or solid compound. Excreted through the excretory organs.
  2. Absorbents. First, they condense the harmful substance, then come into contact with it and evacuate it.
  3. Ionites. They absorb particles, replacing them with others.

The last group differs in its mechanism of action.

In addition, medications are divided into categories depending on the component:

  1. Carbon. Typical representatives are Activated carbon, Sorbitol, Ultrasorb.
  2. Silicon. Present in, Atoxil, Polysorb.
  3. Polyvinylpyrrolidone. Located in Enterosorbents.
  4. Lignin. Lingosorb and Filtrum were created on the basis of this substance.
  5. Chitin. A well-known medicine is Chitosan.
  6. Marine brown algae. An effective remedy is Algisorb.
  7. Alimentary fiber. Contained in pectin and bran.
  8. Peat. Included in Siala.
  9. Minerals, alumina, aluminum. Active elements of Smecta, Gastal, Almagel.

Cellulose is also used as an enterosorbent.

Drugs that can absorb and adsorb are classified as the same type, since the principle of influence is the same.

Powders used to relieve intoxication

When poisoned, particles of this dosage form absorb harmful substances and do not allow release. Cleaning occurs naturally.

Absorbents cope with the following compounds:

  • toxins;
  • cholesterol;
  • allergens;
  • bilirubin;
  • urea.

Powders are considered the most effective for cleaning, as they have a larger collecting area.


Convenient to use at home.

They have a porous structure and, upon contact with biological fluid, disintegrate into particles, which increases absorption qualities. The only negative is that you need to swallow a significant amount of the product, which is difficult if you vomit.

The most common is Activated carbon, which is often used for adsorption during intoxication of adults and children. It is easy to calculate the dose of the drug - it is usually recommended to take 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

This type is effective, but inferior to powder absorbents.


This form was developed recently, but has already gained popularity. A typical representative is Enterosgel. Positive qualities include ease of use if a child is poisoned:

  • Easy to swallow.
  • Does not cause discomfort in the mouth.

Among absorbents, gel is the least effective, so it is suitable for children, but is not recommended for adults.

Absorbents from food

There are also folk recipes. Food ingredients also have qualities that help improve the condition of poisoning.

Natural ingredients used to cleanse the body:

  1. Bran. Coarse fibers contain vitamins and minerals and act similarly to absorbents.
  2. Seaweed, fruit. The polysaccharide pectins contained in the composition cope well with radionuclides, mercury, salts of other heavy metals, paint fumes, and reduce the concentration of cholesterol.
  3. Vegetables and grains. They have a good effect for the regular removal of accumulated toxins. But it is better not to use in case of acute food poisoning, for example, poisonous mushrooms or stale fish. In this case, professional medical assistance is necessary.

The products, in addition to their cleansing effect, saturate the body with microelements and vitamins, which is necessary for rapid recovery.

Before using natural absorbents, you should make sure that they will not worsen the condition.

The most common drugs for poisoning

The most popular drugs are:

  1. Activated carbon. Affordable and easy to use. In demand for most food intoxications.
  2. Polyphepan. The drug is based on lignin. Recommended for children and pregnant women.
  3. Enterosgel. The active substance is methylsilicic acid. It is even used for poisoning in newborns.
  4. Polysorb. Contains silicon. It is considered a broad spectrum absorbent.
  5. Smecta. Contains clay. It acts rather slowly, despite the powder form, but is also inexpensive.

Almost any representative of this group of medications disrupts the intestinal microflora, so it must be taken with pro- and prebiotics, and supplemented with fermented milk products after therapy.

What is prescribed for children?

Absorbents are indicated for children in case of poisoning, allergic reaction, or pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. List of the most common drugs:

  1. Lactofiltrum. Prescribed to infants over one year old.
  2. Polypephane. It is even used in the treatment of infants.
  3. Smecta. Pre-dissolves in water.
  4. Enterosgel. It is also recommended to stir in liquid.
  5. Activated carbon. Suitable for any age.

Therapy should not last longer than a week. In case of acute poisoning, it is used to provide first aid. Further dosage, as well as frequency of administration, is determined by the doctor.

The use of enterosorbents in the treatment of allergic reactions

Often, negative reactions to any substance or product are due to hypersensitivity. Patients experience nausea and vomiting, which can be controlled with medication.

  • Activated carbon or white;
  • Enterosgel;

Should be used in the absence of contraindications in the complex treatment of an allergic reaction.

Side effects of drugs

When using sorbents for poisoning, do not forget that they are medicines, which means they have contraindications and undesirable effects.

Overdose, use of expired drugs, and improper use can lead to negative consequences:

  1. Activated carbon. Causes constipation and diarrhea. Concomitant use with other drugs reduces the effectiveness of therapy.
  2. Atoxil and Polysorb. Delayed excretion of stool, which causes colic.
  3. Sorbex. Admission is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and nausea, defecation disorders, and nutritional deficiencies.
  4. Polyphepan. Long-term use leads to loss of minerals.
  5. Smecta. Among the side effects is vitamin deficiency.
  6. Enterosgel. Increased gas formation, abdominal cramps, and possibly a persistent aversion to the drug.
  7. . Risks of allergic reactions.

In case of poisoning, a person uses any absorbent present in the home medicine cabinet. But in the future, it is advisable to consult a doctor and perform therapy with products with minimal side effects that are suitable for removing toxins.

Many people want to cleanse their body of waste and toxins, but do not always know how to do this. In this article we will talk in detail about what sorbents are, as well as what types of drugs are best used in various situations. In addition, you should find out in more detail whether it is worth using such a remedy without a doctor’s prescription, and without specific indications, whether the medicine will harm the body. In this article we will answer all the patient’s questions.

How does the sorbent affect the body?

Sorbents for children and adults are specially developed preparations that can be produced in the form of powder or tablets. Today there are several dozen names of these drugs, but it is very important to choose a medication that is suitable for a specific problem. Sorbents can be synthesized from chemicals or of natural origin.

The main property of this medicine is the absorption of allergens, toxic substances, and harmful components. In medical practice, doctors often use various types of such powders for the complex treatment of allergic reactions, serious food or drug poisoning, as well as intoxication of the body, which was caused by a malfunction of one of the organs.

Important! Scientists have known about the benefits of sorbents for children and adults for several decades. These drugs are used to completely cleanse the body. If earlier healers used fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as birch charcoal and bran to cleanse the intestines, today you can simply use the product in the form of tablets or powder.

The main effect of sorbents on the body is as follows:

  • absorption of harmful substances that affect the patient’s body. These can be allergens, toxins, various types of poisons and radionuclides;
  • Due to the absorption of harmful components, the load on the working organs begins to gradually decrease. As a result, the patient's condition improves;
  • the removal of cholesterol and other products that are processed by the organs of the human body is significantly accelerated;
  • digestion processes are noticeably improved, and the gastric mucosa will be protected, since the components in the powder help create a special film on the surface of the mucous membrane.

Fact! In modern medicine, sorbents are used for allergies in adults, and the product also helps with damage to the heart muscle, autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors in organs and infectious diseases.

In what cases is sorbent used?

Indications for the use of sorbents for children and adults may include various types of diseases. Doctors identify several cases where absorbent substances help patients:

  • any type of allergic reaction;
  • elimination and correction of dysbacteriosis;
  • atopic dermatitis of varying degrees;
  • food poisoning of the body;
  • intoxication with large amounts of alcohol or medications;
  • overdose of narcotic and toxic components;
  • renal and liver failure in the chronic stage;
  • various diseases of the digestive system;
  • acute infections developing in the intestines;
  • lipid imbalance in the body.

Important! Such drugs are usually prescribed in order to alleviate the symptoms of a patient who is being treated for alcohol or drug addiction. Instructions for use indicate that the medication can be used to prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

If we talk about everyday life, then everyone probably has an adsorbent substance in their first aid kit that will help with poisoning. In addition, many people use this drug to cleanse the body of toxins that remain after drinking alcoholic beverages. We can say that sorbents are an excellent option for relieving hangover syndrome.

Speaking about alcohol poisoning, it should be mentioned that after taking the medicine, the patient must empty the intestines of feces; this can be done with an enema or a laxative. If the intestines are not cleansed in time, toxins will again begin to be released into the blood, thereby worsening the patient’s condition. In some cases, intestinal adsorbents are taken before drinking alcohol, then in the morning the person will not experience a hangover syndrome.

Contraindications for use

Like any other drug, absorbent for children and adults has a certain list of contraindications that should be heeded. It is very important not to use the medicine if the patient has certain health problems described below. Taking the sorbent is prohibited in cases where:

  • the patient has gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • the patient suffers from erosion or ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • a person suffers from intestinal obstruction;
  • the patient has an individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary component of the drug.

Before starting treatment, you must read the instructions that come with the drug that has sorption properties. In addition, to begin cleansing the child’s body with these drugs, it is necessary to consult with the treating doctor. The doctor will be able to identify the presence of contraindications to the use of the medication.

The best types of sorbents

There are several dozen different sorbents that are used for allergies in children, as well as for various diseases and poisoning in adults. Below we will tell you in more detail which sorbent is better, describe their names and actions.

Activated carbon

To begin with, we should highlight this particular absorber of harmful components. Activated carbon tablets are quite cheap and affordable, and they perfectly absorb all the harmful substances contained in the human intestines and stomach. As doctors say, it is activated carbon that helps quickly bind toxins and then remove them from the body. The drug is taken to remove heavy salts, allergens and alkaloids. In addition, the medication can be used to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from the intestines.

This remedy is recommended for use for various types of intoxication, for example, doctors prescribe charcoal for alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, and chemical poisoning. In addition, this remedy helps remove toxins from salmonellosis, food poisoning, nausea and diarrhea. You can use enterosorbents if there is an increased amount of acid in the stomach.

How to take the product:

Activated carbon is used immediately before meals, the medicine is taken three to four times a day, and it is important to correctly calculate the dosage. For ten kilograms of the patient’s weight, only one tablet of medication is taken. First, the tablet is crushed to a powder state, and after that it is taken orally, washed down with plenty of purified drinking water.

Important! During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child or adult, since the sorbent can cause serious health problems. The medicine causes various side effects. For example, with prolonged use of the medication, nutrients begin to be poorly absorbed, which results in insufficient vitamins and minerals in the body. Bowel movements may change, diarrhea may occur, or constipation may occur for a long time.

Drug analogues

Analogues include such types of drugs as Sorbanks or Carbolong. The price of these substances will be noticeably higher, but the effect is absolutely similar to activated carbon. You can find analogues in the form of capsules, tablets and powder. It is worth noting that analogues may contain additional plant components.


The main active ingredient of the drug is methyl silicic acid. It is this substance that collects all harmful toxins and allergens, and then removes them from the patient’s body. The product can be prescribed to pregnant women to eliminate signs of toxicosis; in addition, the capsules help eliminate pathogenic bacteria from the intestines and improve the functioning of the liver gland and kidneys. With long-term use, Enterosgel improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

The product has an enveloping property, therefore it protects the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach from serious damage. In addition, Enterosgel has a positive effect on rectal motility, thereby relieving constant constipation. You can use medicine to get rid of allergic reaction attacks.

The drug is prescribed in cases where the patient experiences:

  • food or drug allergic reaction;
  • kidney damage caused by infection or toxins;
  • damage to the liver gland by toxins and infection;
  • development of cholestasis;
  • manifestations of nausea and repeated vomiting;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • abdominal pain;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

This product is available in the form of a gel and paste; you need to take no more than 45 grams of the active ingredient per day. This dose should be divided into three doses by an adult. The gel is dissolved in a small amount of water, and then the prepared solution is drunk. You can use Enterosgel after meals, or an hour before meals. The cost of the medicine is within 350 rubles. Side effects such as nausea and vomiting may occur


This drug is available in powder form and is prescribed for children of almost any age. Smecta quickly stops attacks of vomiting and also prevents diarrhea. The powder can be dissolved not only in ordinary water, but also in baby porridge, baby food, or juice. If the child is under 12 months old, then no more than one sachet of the composition is used for him. From two years old, you can give children two sachets of the remedy. It is very important to consult your doctor about how to properly give this medicine to your child.

Fact! Smecta is not used for worms, since to remove toxins it is necessary to use stronger sorbents, the names of which have already been indicated above.


This remedy has become very popular in medicine over the past few years. The powder contains highly dispersed silicon, which plays the main role of an absorbent substance. The product is produced in the form of a white powder; it is necessary to dissolve the active component in a small amount of water and then take the medicine orally.

Polysorb is used:

  • with high bilirubin levels;
  • with excess fat and cholesterol in the blood;
  • when pathogenic microorganisms appear in the intestines;
  • during attacks of urticaria and allergies;
  • when the body is intoxicated.

It is worth noting that this remedy also helps to strengthen the body's immune system and improve the functioning of the digestive system. The product is absolutely safe, so it is given not only to children, but also to pregnant women. Polysorb has a minimal number of contraindications, these mainly include individual intolerance to the components in the composition and serious stomach pathologies.

Sorbents for intestinal cleansing are products that help a person cope with various diseases associated with poisoning. The human body is affected by everything - ecology, water, food. And it contains toxins. In some cases, a person independently, without thinking about it, poisons himself by drinking alcohol, tobacco and poor nutrition. Such a drug is able to “absorb” and remove harmful components that enter the human body. The sorbent is used as an active agent for cleansing the intestines.

What are sorbents

A sorbent is a product of natural or synthetic origin that purposefully absorbs substances containing toxins and poisonous components that enter the body. It is worth noting that the sorbent is not able to break down in the body when exposed to stomach acid. It is excreted naturally in its unchanged form, “capturing” harmful components with it. This component will significantly facilitate the work of the liver in detoxifying and cleansing the body.

There are two main types of sorbents:

  1. Natural - found in foods such as vegetables, fruits, cereals and nuts. These sorbents include pectin, cellulose, fiber and bran.
  2. Synthetic. This group includes carbon, zeolite and ion exchange sorbents.

Depending on the method of influence on the body, sorbents can be divided into the following groups:

  • Adsorbents - capable of absorbing all toxins. They work on the principle of a sponge.
  • Absorbents - accumulate harmful substances on their surface.
  • Chemical absorbers - act on toxins using chemical components.
  • Ion exchangers - combine toxic substances using the ion exchange process.

Enterosorbents can be designated as a separate group - these are medications that help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Such medications, by binding, remove toxins, toxic components, pathogenic microflora and decay products after drinking alcohol and poor-quality food. While using enterosorbents, you can cleanse the intestines without using an enema at home.

Contraindications and indications for use

It is not recommended to use sorbents to cleanse the intestines uncontrollably, since there is no benefit to the body from such actions. In some cases, excessive consumption of sorbents can even harm intestinal function. For example, a large amount of activated carbon in the body can lead to problems with stool and cause constipation, so if you want to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole of toxins, you need to familiarize yourself with some indications for use.

They are as follows:

  • excess body weight - thanks to the sorbents that enter the body, fats are not digested, but are excreted naturally;
  • acute food poisoning;
  • poisoning by poisons of various origins;
  • in case of poisoning with narcotic drugs or medications;
  • excess alcohol in the body;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • acute and chronic kidney diseases;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas;
  • allergy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • for psoriasis, rheumatism and multiple sclerosis;
  • recommended for people who develop ischemia and atherosclerosis, as well as in case of hangover syndrome;
  • hangover condition.

It is worth noting that a special sorbent can be administered to patients at an inoperable stage of cancer to alleviate the condition and reduce the pain factor. In this case, all organs that are exposed to toxins are freed from them. If at least one of the above factors occurs, doctors recommend taking a short course to cleanse the body using sorbents. But you should not self-medicate, and if you have at least some doubts about your own health, you should first consult with your doctor to determine the maximum correct dosage of the drug.

Despite such a positive effect of sorbents on the body, it is still worth remembering that, along with harmful substances, they can also remove beneficial components from the body, therefore, in parallel, it is recommended to use a multivitamin complex.

Sorbents are contraindicated:

  • for stomach ulcers;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • if the patient has malignant neoplasms;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Almost everyone knows what sorbents are and how natural cleansing of the body occurs, but the use of the drug is quite individual and primarily depends on the chemical composition and method of action on the body. So, if some remedies must be taken before meals, others after food. It is also worth remembering that they are used separately from other medications, and the interval should be at least 2 hours.

Before using the sorbent, it is still worth reading the instructions and correctly calculating the dosage. So, for example, when using a debited product, the calculation usually occurs in the ratio of 1 tablet per 10 kg of person’s weight.

It is recommended to drink enterosorbents with plenty of liquid, and during the entire course of treatment to drink much more than the daily amount of water than usual. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to use this group of drugs for more than 14 days, and start the next course of treatment no earlier than 7 days later.

Commonly used sorbents

Any sorbent has its own special qualities, and before you start using them, you need to consult a doctor and choose the most suitable option. It is worth remembering that all of these are natural remedies for the intestines and cannot cause serious harm to the body.

Activated carbon

This is one of the most common drugs used to cleanse the body of toxins. Activated carbon is considered one of the budget products that can be purchased at every pharmacy. Surely everyone has it. The only drawback of charcoal is that it can have an aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. For this reason, charcoal is contraindicated for diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, and intestinal bleeding. As a rule, the daily norm is no more than 7 g for an adult patient, and it must be taken an hour before or after a meal.


This drug is made from cedar bark and is considered many times more effective than activated carbon. The main advantage of this product over charcoal is that it does not irritate the mucous membranes, and in parallel with toxins, it removes allergens, harmful cholesterol and pathogenic bacteria.

The main contraindications of Polyphepan include constipation and anacid gastritis. As a rule, the drug must be used 3 times during the day, 1 tbsp. l.


This product contains crushed silica, pre-enriched with oxygen. This is one of the most powerful sorbents, even in small dosages. As a rule, Polysorb is not only able to remove all toxins and waste from the body, but also helps in the fight against intestinal diseases. This remedy is often prescribed for viral hepatitis.

The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 24 g. And it should be taken 3 times a day 1.5 - 2 hours before meals. Before use, Polysorb must be dissolved in cool water. On average, the course duration ranges from 3 to 14 days.


This product has a selective effect. The main direction of Enterosgel is the elimination of toxins from the body that appear as a result of inflammatory processes, various types of poisoning and allergic reactions. Methyl silicic acid is the active component of this product and causes a detoxifying effect.

The main advantage of Enterosgel is that, in addition to toxins, it does not remove beneficial components from the body and activates peristalsis in the intestines. As a rule, this drug is prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases, dysbiosis and skin diseases. The average daily dose for an adult is no more than 45 g.

Intestinal sorbents occupy an important place in cleansing the body, as they remove all harmful components, toxins and waste without harming health. But before you start using them, you should still consult with your doctor.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

With the need to use sorbents Every person has encountered it at least once in their life. Today, there are a huge number of sorbents that are designed to bind certain chemical structures, including those of biological origin. Among the huge class of sorbent substances, there are specialized medical ones that can be used internally. Medical sorbents are used in cases of poisoning to bind various substances that enter the human body and cause negative consequences. Different types of medical sorbents are designed to bind also various classes of toxic substances. Next, we will touch only on sorbents, which are used in medicine to bind and remove toxic substances from the human body.

Sorbents – what are they?

Sorbents are chemical substances that can selectively absorb gases, vapors or other substances from the surrounding space. Sorbents can be of the following types, depending on the nature of the interaction with the absorbed substance:
1. Forming a solution with the absorbed substance.
2. Thickening the absorbed substance on its own branched surface.
3. Entering into a chemical bond with the absorbed substance.

Sorbents with a solid structure can be granular or fibrous. Fibrous materials have greater sorption capacity and the ability to be reused.

Sorption of various toxic substances in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract is a method of therapy that has been known to people since ancient times. The Egyptians used the sorbing properties of coal for external and internal use, and scientists of ancient Greece also paid attention to the therapeutic possibilities enterosorbents. In Russia, birch charcoal was considered one of the effective methods of treatment in the practice of traditional healers. In modern history, lignin preparations (for example, Polyphepan) were successfully used in the ranks of the German regular army to combat food poisoning among soldiers. Soviet specialists used lignin to combat intoxication in people who found themselves in the zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

Sorbents for the body: medications

Today in medicine, the class of sorbent substances is classified as drugs that have certain positive properties that allow them to be used specifically as treatment. In some cases, sorbents are used as single drugs, which are sufficient to cure a disease. In other situations, sorbents are used as part of combination therapy, together with other medications.

Modern medical treatments widely use sorbents and enterosorbents that act in the gastrointestinal tract. Sorbents for the human body can prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, which are the cause of death for many people. Thus, sorbents bind bile acids, prevent fats from being absorbed into the blood from the intestinal lumen, and help remove these substances from the human body. Thus, sorbents lead to the effect of starvation of the body, when a person eats as usual, without feeling the discomfort caused by real starvation caused by a lack of food.

Sorbents cope well with all kinds of poisoning, binding chemicals that cause these conditions. Sorbents bind toxic substances, prevent them from entering the bloodstream and remove them from the body, thereby relieving symptoms and normalizing the human condition. A class of sorbent drugs that are used for treatment to help cope with the symptoms of the following conditions:

  • acute food poisoning;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • poisoning;
  • drug poisoning;
  • drug poisoning;
  • state of abstinence in patients with drug addiction and alcoholism (colloquially “hangover” and “withdrawal”);
  • acute and chronic renal and liver failure;
  • pathology of the pancreas;
  • pathologists of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic diseases;
  • immune-related pathologies (for example, bronchial asthma, rheumatism, food allergies, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis).
In medical practice, sorbents are used to treat malignant tumors. This treatment method consists of blocking the microvessels (chemoembolization) through the arteries that feed the malignant neoplasm. Embolization of blood vessels is done using tiny beads consisting of a sorbent substance onto which a drug for treating a tumor (chemotherapy) has previously been adsorbed. As a result, the chemotherapy drug, which suppresses the reproduction and further growth of the tumor, is delivered directly to the site of the lesion and begins to gradually be released from the sorbent. This gradual release of the chemotherapy drug into the tumor tissue leads to effective treatment and minimization of side effects. Unfortunately, this technique has not been introduced into widespread practice in Russia and is used only in scientific centers.

In everyday practice, sorbents are widely used to relieve alcohol intoxication or treat acute food poisoning. The sorbent can be taken before heavy drinking - then the drug will bind the excess amount of alcohol and toxic breakdown products, and a hangover will not occur the next morning. If a person wakes up after a “good” feast with a sore head and all the characteristic symptoms of intoxication, then you can also take a sorbent, which will almost instantly correct the situation. But remember that after taking the sorbent, to relieve a hangover, it is necessary to empty the intestines within 2-3 hours, otherwise the associated toxins will begin to be released back, absorbed into the blood and again lead to the appearance of symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

In medical practice, the following main drugs are used as sorbents:

  • Activated carbon in tablets or powder;
  • Carbolene tablets;
  • Sorbex in capsules;
  • Carbolong powder;
  • Polyphepan in tablets, powder and granules;
  • Smecta powder;
  • Enterosgel in capsules;
  • Sorbolong capsules;
  • Atoxil powder;
  • Polysorb powder;

These drugs have different properties, since they contain various substances with sorbing abilities. That is why different sorbents are recommended for the treatment of various pathological conditions for which they are most effective.

Characteristics of sorbents

In medical practice, substances from the class of enterosorbents, which act in the lumen of the intestine and other organs of the digestive tract, are used for oral administration. Enterosorbents have a diverse structure, bind various substances that enter the body from the outside or formed as a result of vital activity, and have a toxic effect. Enterosorbents contain chemicals of various structures as an active component, therefore they bind toxins by adsorption, absorption, ion exchange or complexation. Today, successful methods for treating many pathologies using these substances have been developed. The drugs are used, as a rule, as part of complex treatment in the presence of severe pathologies.

All sorbents used in medical practice have two properties that determine the indications for use, as well as the strength of the chemical substance. So, any sorbent is characterized by the following properties:
1. Sorption capacity is the amount of substance that the sorbent is able to bind per unit of its mass.
2. The ability to sorb a wide variety of chemical structures of various sizes and masses (for example, the ability to sorb both whole bacteria and alcohol molecules).

In medical practice, what is of greater importance is the ability of a substance to sorb diverse chemical and biological structures that may end up in the human gastrointestinal tract. In other words, what is important for a medical sorbent is the non-selectivity of its sorption capacity, but the ability to absorb everything.

Other properties of sorbents determine their preferential use in the treatment of a particular pathological or functional condition. Typically, these properties are highlighted by manufacturers and taken into account when choosing a specific sorbent. So, in addition to the basic properties inherent in absolutely all drugs, sorbents have the following characteristics:
1. Toxicity.
2. Biological compatibility with body tissues.
3. The degree of traumatization by the sorbent to the tissues of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Today, enterosorbents are divided according to the form of release into granules (all types of coal), powder (Carbolene, Cholestyramine, Povidone), tablets, paste and food active additives (pectins and chitin).

For oral administration, the following chemical structures are used as enterosorbents:

  • activated carbon (Carbolene, Sorbex, Carbolong);
  • aluminosilicate (Smecta);
  • Lumogel (Enterosgel, Sorbolong);
  • silicon-containing sorbents (Atoxil, Polysorb, White coal);
  • organominerals (Polyphepan);
  • composite sorbents;
  • dietary fiber (Pectin, Chitin).
Let's consider the main therapeutic properties and side effects of sorbent drugs that are available on the domestic pharmaceutical market:
Name of the drug and dosage form Average dosages Side effects
Activated carbon (powder and tablets)Treatment of poisoning - dissolve 20-30 grams of the drug in water and drink the resulting suspension. For the treatment of flatulence, take 12 g of coal orally as a suspension in water 3–4 times a day.Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, black stools. Use for more than 2 weeks leads to impaired absorption of microelements, vitamins, hormones and nutrients. Use simultaneously with other drugs reduces their effectiveness. Hemoperfusion with activated carbon can provoke embolism, bleeding, a decrease in the concentration of potassium and calcium in the blood, a decrease in body temperature and a decrease in pressure
Carbolene (tablets)Take 0.5 grams 3 – 4 times a dayDiarrhea and constipation, disruption of the flow of nutrients into the body and the development of their deficiency
Sorbex (capsules)Take 2 – 4 capsules (1.5 – 3 g) three times a dayNausea or vomiting. Use for a long time may lead to the development of constipation and diarrhea, which disappear after discontinuation of the sorbent. In addition, long-term use (more than 2 weeks) can create a deficiency of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins and hormones due to impaired absorption in the gastrointestinal tract
Carbolong (powder)Take 5 – 8 grams three times a dayConstipation, diarrhea, deficiency of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins
Polyphepan (powder, granules, tablets)Take at the rate of 0.5 - 1 gram per 1 kilogram of body weight, dividing the resulting amount into three doses per dayUse of the drug for more than 20 days leads to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, since the process of their normal absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. For long-term use of the sorbent, it is recommended to take vitamins and calcium.
Smecta (powder)Take 9–12 grams per day, dividing this amount by 3–4 timesConstipation, vitamin deficiency due to long period of use, impaired absorption and assimilation of nutrients
Enterosgel and Sorbolong (capsules)Take 30–40 grams three times a day or 1–2 capsulesNausea and increased gas formation (flatulence). Feeling of disgust for the drug after 2–3 doses due to renal or liver failure
Atoxil (powder)Take at the rate of 150 mg per 1 kilogram of weight, dividing the resulting amount into 3 to 4 doses per day. In case of serious condition of a person, the dosage can be doubledConstipation
Polysorb (powder)Take at the rate of 150 - 200 mg per 1 kg of body weight, dividing the resulting amount into 3 - 4 doses per dayConstipation
White coal (suspension and tablets)The suspension is taken at the rate of 100 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day, divided into 3 to 4 doses. Take 3 – 4 tablets (1.9 – 3.4 g) 3 – 4 times a dayNot found

In addition, each sorbent drug has age restrictions at which you can start using the drug. Another important characteristic of medicinal sorbents is their ability to injure mucous membranes with their particles. The possibility of their use in pregnant women and young children is described in the table:

Sorbents approved for pregnant women Sorbents allowed from the first day of life Sorbents used from 1 year Sorbents used from 3 years of age Sorbents used from 7 years of age Sorbents used from 14 years of age
EnterosgelSmectaAtoxylEnterosgelCarbolongWhite coal
SorbolongPolyphepan SorbolongSorbex
SmectaPolysorb Karbolen
Polyphepan Activated carbon
Activated carbon

Activated carbon, Karbolen, Sorbex and Carbolong, which are, in essence, different medicinal forms of coal, scratch the mucous membranes. Polyphepan, Smecta, Enterosgel, Sorbolong, Atoxil, Polysorb and White Coal do not scratch the mucous membranes.

Optimal sorbent for the treatment of various conditions

If it is necessary to bind toxic substances in the stomach, then sorbents in powder form are best suited for this purpose. But for the active binding of toxins located in the intestinal lumen, it is better to prefer a sorbent in granules. Any acute pathology, including allergies or poisoning, is best eliminated with non-selective coals (for example, Sorbex, Carbolong, Karbolen). However, in other cases, it is better to prefer any other sorbents other than activated carbon, which has limited sorption capacity compared to new generation drugs.

Therapy and prevention of alcohol intoxication, or poisoning, best occurs with the use of lignin sorbents (for example, Polyphepan, Lignosorb, Liferan, etc.). Within two hours after taking these sorbents, you should empty your intestines, since otherwise toxic substances will begin to be absorbed back into the blood, and the symptoms of alcohol poisoning will return again.

Many diseases in the treatment of which sorbent drugs are used are accompanied by dysbacteriosis of varying severity. In principle, any sorbent will reduce the manifestations of dysbacteriosis and improve the condition. However, if this condition is present, it is better to choose sorbents with the addition of prebiotics, for example:

  • Lactofiltrum (lactulose + lignin);
  • Lactobioenterosgel (lactulose + Enterosgel);
  • Sorbolong (inulin + Enterosgel).
It is these sorbents that are best used in the treatment of various intestinal infectious diseases, which are always combined with dysbacteriosis.

Therapy of liver diseases is optimal with sorbents containing lactulose (Lactofiltrum, Lactobioenterosgel), since they prevent the formation of encephalopathy, which develops due to damage to brain structures by toxic substances circulating in the blood, since the liver cannot cope with its functions of neutralizing and eliminating them.

Natural sorbents

Natural sorbents are solid natural chemical and biological structures that are not subject to any processing. The use of natural sorbents is indicated for cleansing the body, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and eliminating symptoms of intoxication due to abuse of food or alcohol. Today, the following substances can be classified as natural sorbents:
  • lignin (preparations Polyphepan, Lignosorb);
  • chitin (preparations Chitin, Chitosan, etc.);
  • cellulose (preparations Double Tianshi cellulose, Microcrystalline cellulose, etc.);
  • pectin (preparations Pektovit, Zosterin-Ultra, etc.);
  • Activated carbon.
Polyphepane and activated carbon are sorbents of natural origin with high efficiency, so it is better to use them for the treatment of acute and serious conditions. But to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, to cleanse the body over a long period of time, it is better to use natural substances - pectin, cellulose or chitin. Today, these substances are sold in the form of biologically active food additives (BAAs) produced by various companies.

Pectin sorbent

So, pectin is a biological substance with a polysaccharide structure that is obtained from fruits. Pectin has the property of thickening the existing mass and turning into jelly, adsorbing particles of undigested food and microbes from the intestinal lumen. Thus, it removes toxic substances from the body. Pectin has a stimulating effect on microorganisms that produce vitamins in the human body. In addition, it is able to bind heavy metals (lead, mercury, strontium), cholesterol, and also remove them from the body, which prevents poisoning and cardiovascular pathologies. This substance is made from apples, citrus fruits and seaweed. To cleanse the body, pectin is taken between meals by dissolving half a teaspoon of powder in 500 ml of hot water. This half-liter of pectin solution is left at room temperature, and one glass (200 ml) is taken twice a day. Large amounts of pectin are found in the following foods:
  • beet;
  • black currant;
  • gooseberry;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • grape;
  • melons;
  • cherry;
  • cherries;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • potato.


Chitin has been used since the 50s of the last century as a dietary supplement that has sorbent properties. It effectively binds cholesterol, fatty acids, and removes them from the body. That is, chitin sorbent is an anticholesterol agent that reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, preventing cardiovascular diseases. Today, chitin is used for obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and as a prophylactic before eating fatty foods. Doctors recommend using this sorbent before banquets and parties where large amounts of fatty and unhealthy foods are expected to be consumed (meat, cakes, ice cream, etc.). Chitin, taken before eating fatty foods, will ensure that these substances do not enter the body - that is, the person will remain, in fact, hungry, as if he were on a diet. While using chitin, you can eat fatty foods, sweets, and other favorite and tasty things without harm to your health, since this sorbent will bind all substances that negatively affect health. The drug is taken 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, 2 tablets, washed down with a glass of clean water.


Cellulose perfectly cleanses the intestinal space, penetrating even between the villi and into the deepest folds. Cellulose removes toxic substances, undigested food residues, pathogenic microbes and their waste products from the human body, normalizing its condition, improving the functioning of many organs, etc. Also, this sorbent provides a nutrient medium for beneficial microorganisms, which helps normalize digestion and eliminate the problem of dysbacteriosis.

Chitin should not be taken together with cellulose, which is better to start with 1 tablet twice a day. As the body gets used to cellulose, it is necessary to increase the dose and bring it up to 3 tablets twice a day. Cellulose tablets are taken half an hour before meals with a glass of warm and clean water.


In addition to the listed sorbents, natural fiber includes fiber, which is the main component of products of plant origin. Fiber perfectly removes toxic substances, toxins, undigested and rotting food residues in the intestines, pathogenic microbes, etc. from the body. It helps eliminate constipation and is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis. A large amount of fiber is found in the following foods:
  • nuts;
  • raisin;
  • mushrooms;
  • prunes;
  • strawberry;
  • pearl barley;
  • oatmeal;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • eggplant;
  • pepper;
  • millet;
  • Rye bread;
  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • radish.

Sorbents - instructions for use in children

Most often, sorbents are used in everyday life to combat food poisoning, alcohol intoxication, allergic diseases, as well as for weight loss and cleansing the human body. Let's consider the rules for using sorbents in these common everyday situations.

Most often, sorbents are used to treat food poisoning in children. The next condition in terms of frequency of use is allergic diseases, but most often parents turn to sorbents to save their child from poisoning, diarrhea, nausea, etc. So, the indications for use and dosage of various sorbents in children are shown in the table:

The drug is a sorbent Indications for use in children Dosage
SmectaTreatment of acute diarrhea in the presence of gastritis, enteritis and gastroenteritisA packet of Smecta powder is dissolved in 50 ml of water, compote, puree, juice, baby food or liquid porridge, stirring constantly. Children under 1 year of age are given one sachet per day, children from 1 to 2 years old 1 - 2 sachets per day, children over 2 years old 2 - 3 sachets per day
FiltrumTreatment of salmonellosis and dysenteryGrind the tablets into powder. Children under 1 year old take half a tablet 3-4 times a day, children from 1 to 7 years old take 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. Children from 7 to 12 years old take 1 - 2 tablets 3 - 4 times a day
Enterosgel pasteTreatment of enterocolitis, colitis and diarrheaThe paste is drunk 3 times a day with water. Children under 5 years old take 1 teaspoon (5 g) at a time, children from 5 to 14 years old take 1 dessert spoon at a time (10 g). Duration of therapy 5 – 14 days
Silix-BiopharmaSecretory diarrhea, infectious diarrhea (salmonellosis and dysentery)One packet is diluted in 200 ml of water and mixed, the finished solution is taken 3 times a day. Dosage for children 1 – 3 years old – 0.3 – 0.7 g, for children 4 – 7 years old – 1 g each, 8 – 10 years old – 1.5 g each, 11 – 13 years old – 2 g each, 14 – 15 years old - 2.5 g and from 16 years old - 3 g
Atoxyl250 ml of water is poured into the bottle and the contents of the bag are dissolved. Children from 1 to 7 years old take the drug at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight three times a day
PolysorbSecretory and infectious diarrhea (salmonellosis, dysentery)1 teaspoon of powder (0.6 g) is dissolved in 200 ml of water, the finished solution is taken 3-4 times a day. The dosage for children from 1 year to 7 years is 0.05 g per 1 kg of weight. This dosage is one-time. see instructions
SorbexChildren under 7 years of age take 1 capsule 2-3 times a day with clean water.
CarbolongAdditional treatment for diarrheaThe dosage for children is calculated by weight - 0.05 g per 1 kg of weight. The dosage is calculated as a single dose, and the drug is taken three times a day

All sorbents are taken one hour before meals and other medications. Solutions of Silix-Biopharma, Atoxil, Polysorb, Sorbex and Carbolong can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days, and these drugs can be used for no longer than 2 weeks. Sorbex and Carbolong can give black color to feces.

Sorbents for allergies

Treatment of allergic reactions in children and adults (diathesis, itching, etc.) with sorbents should begin in the first hours after the first signs and symptoms appear. They must be taken 1.5 - 2 hours before meals. The intake of sorbents and other antiallergic drugs is spaced out for 2 - 3 hours. For the treatment of allergies, the dose of drugs is calculated according to the child’s body weight - 0.2 - 1 g per 1 kg of weight. The resulting value is the daily dose, which is evenly divided into 3 to 4 doses throughout the day. The duration of the allergy treatment course is 6–8 days, but if necessary, it can be increased to 2 weeks. During the last two days of taking sorbents, the dose must be progressively reduced, bringing it to half of the initial dose.

If a severe allergic reaction develops, which is accompanied by uncontrollable itching, redness and peeling of the skin, shock doses of sorbents can be used to quickly relieve these painful symptoms and stop the worsening of the condition. The loading dose is also calculated based on body weight - 2 g of sorbent per 1 kg of body weight. The duration of taking the sorbent in loading doses should not exceed 2–3 days, after which it is necessary to switch to using the drug in normal therapeutic doses.

Sorbents can be used in people prone to allergic reactions as a prophylactic agent to prevent their development. Prophylactic use of these drugs is a way to prevent a recurrence of an allergic reaction and helps to lengthen the time of remission. So, to prevent allergies, sorbents are taken for 7–10 days, in the morning or evening, 2 hours after dinner. The dosage of the drug for prophylactic use is calculated based on a person’s body weight - 0.2 - 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight. People suffering from allergic pathologies should take such preventive courses once a month, during the first three months after a relapse. Then the preventive course is carried out once every three months. The total duration of preventive courses of therapy is one year from the moment of relapse. In general, the frequency of taking sorbents for allergy sufferers may fluctuate, since it depends on the person’s condition, the severity of the pathology and concomitant diseases.

The following medications – sorbents – are best suited for the treatment and prevention of allergic diseases in children and adults:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Carbolene;
  • Carbolong;
  • Sorbex;
  • Sorbolong;
  • Atoxyl;
  • Anthralen;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Multisorb.
It is optimal to use the following agents for allergies as biologically active additives with sorbent properties:
  • natural food fiber;
  • microcrystalline cellulose tablets;
  • Extralact.

Sorbents for poisoning

Most often in everyday life, people encounter food and alcohol poisoning, which are usually treated at home, without the help of specialists. In case of alcohol or food poisoning, you can use any sorbent that is at hand. All sorbents are interchangeable, so if at the first dose a person used, for example, Polyphepan, but it ran out and there is Enterosgel, then you can use it without fear. For food poisoning, these drugs are taken until there is no bowel movement for 12 hours, and for alcohol intoxication - until the symptoms disappear. Let's consider the procedure for using sorbents that are most effective for food poisoning and alcohol intoxication.
1. Activated carbon diluted in a glass of clean water, and this drink is drunk. The dosage is calculated as follows - 20-30 g per time for an adult, and 10-20 g for a child (0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight) 3-4 times a day.
2. Enterodesis, Polividon, Enterosorb taken by adults 5 g (1 packet), children 2.5 g (half a packet) 1 – 3 times a day. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in half a glass of water immediately before use and drunk.
3. Polyphepan And Entegnin also dissolved in water. Adults put 1 tablespoon in 1 glass of water (200 ml), and children - 1 teaspoon in 3 tablespoons of water (50 ml). The resulting solution is drunk in small sips, 3 to 4 times a day.
4. Enterosgel diluted in water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of gel to 2 tablespoons of water. The suspension is prepared immediately before use and taken 3 times a day.

It should be remembered that food poisoning can be treated until the diarrhea stops. But alcohol intoxication can be relieved by using a sorbent, but subject to certain rules. So, after drinking alcohol, to eliminate a hangover, you can take any sorbent in a single dosage, after which you must empty your bowels within two hours. If you can't go to the toilet naturally, you should give an enema. Defecation is necessary, because if the sorbent that has bound toxins is not removed, it will begin to release them back from its surface, which will lead to the return of unpleasant symptoms.

Sorbents can be used to help with poisoning by chemicals, drugs and drugs. In such a situation, the drug binds the toxic substance and removes it from the body. Universal sorbents used for poisoning are activated carbon, Polyphepan and Enterosgel.

Sorbent peeling

Sorbent peeling is the name of the face mask from Mirra. The mask contains microcrystalline cellulose, which actively absorbs fat from the skin surface, impurities, cell waste, and secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands. In this case, sorbents are used externally to effectively cleanse the facial skin.

The best sorbents

According to people who use sorbents, the best drugs in this category are Polyphepan, Entegnin, Enterosgel and Atoxil. However, it should be remembered that these drugs should not be taken just like that, for prevention and in order to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. These are powerful drugs that will perfectly help cope with poisoning and will be effective in the complex treatment of allergic diseases. If you want to cleanse the body, then it is better to choose for this purpose biologically active additives with sorbent properties (for example, pectin, cellulose, dietary fiber, etc.). Therefore, the “best sorbent” will be a different preparation, depending on the purpose of its use.


The cost of sorbents varies, so we give the approximate average prices at which drugs are sold in regular pharmacies:
  • Activated carbon – 6-18 rubles for 10 tablets;
  • Karbolen - 3-12 rubles for 10 tablets;
  • Sorbex – 60-100 rubles 20 capsules;
  • Karbolong - 80-150 rubles per 100 g of powder;
  • Polyphepan - 25-50 rubles per 50 g of granules;
  • Entegnin – 135-170 rubles for 50 tablets;
  • Smecta – 130-165 for 10 sachets of powder, 3 g each;
  • Enterosgel – 275-320 rubles per 225 g of paste;
  • Enterodes – 110-140 rubles for 5 g powder;
  • Sorbolong – 100-120 rubles for 10 capsules;
  • Atoxil - 75-90 rubles per 10 g of powder;
  • Polysorb – 110 – 130 rubles for 12 sachets of powder;
  • White coal - 85-115 rubles for 10 tablets.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.