White discharge from the vagina in girls and women. Is it necessary to be afraid of white discharge and mucus in girls

No matter how strange it may seem, but discharge in girls, even newborns, is normal. As a rule, they are odorless, liquid and have a whitish color. Babies who are a few days old may even have brown or bloody discharge. There is no need to be afraid of this. This is the result of the hormone estrogen entering the girl's blood during fetal development. After birth, the uterus begins to react to it. Usually, the discharge is extremely scarce and disappears after a short time.

A variant of the norm is considered discharge from girls in adolescence. They should be transparent and not abundant. No specific odor should be detected. At the age of 11-15 years, girls begin intensive preparation for the first menstruation. Luteinizing hormone is produced in large quantities. This provokes the production of "whites".

So why are the girls observed at the age of 5-10 years, and sometimes even earlier? In fact, there can be many reasons for this. Discharge is not considered pathological if:

There is a tendency to be overweight;

The child has experienced a stressful situation;

Circulatory failure is detected;

The girl has an atopic condition;

There is a tendency to allergies;

Due to long-term use of antibiotics, the balance of the vaginal microflora was disturbed;

The mode and nature of nutrition has changed;

Reduced immunity.

There is no need to panic if the discharge is the result of one of these reasons. Once removed, they go away on their own.

It is a completely different case if the discharge in girls has a yellow or even greenish color. This is direct evidence that the child is developing a disease. Most often, after all the tests, the diagnosis is "vulvitis" or "vulvovaginitis". Although these similar diseases are related to gynecological diseases, they should not be confused with venereal diseases. These are inflammations of the mucous membrane of the vulva. In many cases, the disease does not even affect the vagina. Therefore, there is no reason to be afraid to go to a pediatric gynecologist.

Vulvitis develops for various reasons:

Due to the excessive sensitivity of the baby's skin to hygiene products (soap, shampoo, sometimes creams);

Due to the ingress of small particles of dirt or accumulation of dead skin cells;

The cause may be irritation from the fabric when swaddling or from the powder with which the diapers are washed;

Thick in girls, similar to mucus, may indicate a foreign object inside the vagina;

If, in addition to the discharge, there is a presence that intensifies at night, then these are probably symptoms of the presence of pinworms.

There are a lot of answers to the question of why a girl has a discharge. To find out for sure, you need to contact your pediatrician. Especially in cases where there is a suspicion that the child, while playing, has placed a foreign object in the vagina, or if there are signs of helminth infection. The presence of a serious infection will be indicated by thick, abundant discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor.

In both women and girls, vaginal mucous discharge is a natural process. Whites - they are the secretion of the vaginal mucous layer - help the genitals, both internal and external, get rid of bacteria, dead particles of the epidermis, and the remnants of menstrual blood. At the same time, the presence of completely white-white discharge is far from always the norm; under the influence of certain reasons, the secret can turn into a symptom of pathological processes. In a similar way, impaired functionality of the reproductive system can manifest itself. Depending on the influencing factors, the released liquid is able to change the volume, shade, smell, and consistency. Various diseases may be accompanied by white discharge without itching or with it, burning sensation and other uncomfortable sensations are not excluded. To understand when to seek medical help, you need to familiarize yourself with the provocative causes of white discharge in women.

In what cases you should not worry

It should be remembered that in girls during the period of maturation, any discharge should be completely absent. Otherwise, you can suspect the presence of diseases of the urinary system. In completely healthy women and girls, the presence of secretions that are white, odorless or with a sour tint is characteristic. Such a smell is quite natural, since the vaginal environment is slightly acidic due to lactobacilli, which form lactic acid, of which the microflora is mostly composed. Pathogenic microorganisms, for the most part, are not able to survive and multiply in such an environment.

As for the amount, girls often have a larger volume of secretion in the vagina when compared with the secret of women in reproductive age and menopause. This is understandable, given that the body at a young age continues its formation, during this period the hormonal background stabilizes. In older ladies, this process is completed and completely settled.

In all women of reproductive age, the cells of the mucous membrane of the vaginal layer are constantly updated, dead particles are mixed with the mucous component. The exudate of the uterine neck is also mixed with white secretions (leucorrhoea), respectively, during ovulation, secretion production increases, it becomes more viscous. With secretions in women, whites are intended to act as a kind of filter - they cleanse the genitourinary system of pathogens and help eliminate many infections in a natural way, without the use of specialized treatment. Considering the female discharge in the vagina, their volume and type, it can be noted that they depend on:

  • From the age group to which the woman belongs.
  • From the general physical condition of her body.
  • From the level of hormones in the body.
  • From the number of sexual partners.

White discharge in women is considered normal if the following factors are present:

  • The secret in girls and women is not particularly noticeable in terms of color - more often it is transparent, which does not exclude the predominance of white, yellowish or cream shades.
  • The unpleasant odor is completely absent.
  • Normal secretions are liquid, their consistency is watery, in the ovulation period they resemble the transparent stretching protein of a raw egg.
  • Normally, watery discharge that forms in the vagina and goes out during the day should not exceed a small spoon.
  • Depending on the circumstances - before menstruation, after intercourse, or when a woman is in an excited state - the amount of secretion in the vagina can increase.

Note! It should be borne in mind that depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, the consistency of the secret can vary significantly.

Changes in the menstrual cycle and other features

Given the number of factors affecting the characteristics of the vaginal secretion, it is not surprising that in each individual case the secreted fluid may vary slightly - from transparent to white. But there are also common features, since they change according to a certain pattern:

  • If we consider the first half of the cycle, we can note a transparent discharge, which, with its viscosity, resembles the raw protein in a chicken egg.
  • The next stage is the preparation of the uterus for ovulation, which occurs approximately on the 12th or 14th day. In this period, there are odorless, produced by the cervix. This consistency is justified by the need to provide sperm with easier penetration into the fallopian tube for fertilization of the egg.

  • The second half of the cycle is accompanied by the production of whitish secretions. There is no reason to worry if whitish whites are not combined with an unpleasant burning sensation that occurs after urination, itching.
  • About a week before menstruation, the consistency of the secret changes, thick white discharge appears, of which there are quite a lot, often lumps are observed in the mucus, which are exfoliated epithelium. It is during this period that a change in smell can be observed - it becomes sour, as the uterus cleanses itself of various microbes and infectious pathogens. But at the same time, even abundant discharge in volume should not exceed the maximum rate of one teaspoon.
  • After menstruation, another transformation occurs - liquid white discharge appears, resembling raw egg white in its consistency.

There are a number of situations in addition to the menstrual cycle, which, while not being pathological, affect the characteristics of the secret. In a girl, the secret may acquire a whitish hue after the first sexual intercourse. This is due to the fact that the body needs to get used to the new microflora that has entered it, it automatically activates protection against possible infectious and bacterial pathogens. White discharge, odorless and itchy, is characteristic of women who have placed an intrauterine device. If strange mucus appears on pads or underwear, you need to go for a consultation with a specialist - it is possible that the uterus is not able to accept this contraceptive, so you need to choose another option to protect against unwanted conception. Frequent stressful situations and douching can also change the properties of the secreted secret, this phenomenon is also observed with:

  • Regular use of intimate gels, condoms with lubricants.
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives and using vaginal suppositories for contraception.
  • Problems with personal hygiene and a rare change of underwear.

  • The predominance of a sedentary lifestyle, when there is stagnation of blood in the organs located in the small pelvis.
  • Carrying out therapy with the use of antimicrobial drugs with a wide spectrum of effects.
  • Use of synthetic underwear.

Note! There are many reasons why white whites appear, but only a qualified doctor can determine the exact root of the problem after all the necessary tests have been carried out.

Often, it is possible to cope with whiteness simply by changing your habits - you need to regularly wash yourself, use underwear made from breathable natural materials, and try to eliminate stress from life.

Vaginal secret during pregnancy

Carrying a child is another natural process, which is characterized by the development of a vaginal secret. Pregnancy becomes a powerful factor that changes the hormonal background, while gynecologists attach special importance to whites, since they are a good indicator of the state of the fetal egg. The changed hormonal background affects the functionality of all systems, organs of the expectant mother, which is why there are changes in the properties of the secret, which must be constantly monitored. In cases where the discharge is thick, acquires a pronounced white color or changes it to a different shade - pink-red, brown, yellowish with green, gray, begins to be accompanied by painful manifestations, it is necessary to contact a specialist and analyze the selected smear from the vagina.

Development of a secret in the early period of gestation

If we consider the indicators of the urogenital examination, which should be observed when taking tests during pregnancy, normally leukocytes should not exceed 15 units that fall into the field of view. In this case, the flora mainly consists of rods, other microorganisms should be absent, although a small content of Staphylococcus aureus is not excluded. Despite the absence of infections with such results, the secret may be present, normally it is transparent, and in some cases there are both milky and white shades.

When the egg leaves the follicle during the ovulation period, progesterone begins to predominate in the blood. This hormone creates and maintains favorable conditions for conception and attachment of the fetal egg to the wall. With a successful conception, progesterone is not only stored in a significant amount, but also actively increases to provide the necessary conditions for the embryo. The formation of cervical mucus also begins. It forms a kind of plug that prevents the penetration of pathogens. Since cervical mucus is usually part of the secretory fluid, a strong discharge is observed with the successful conception of a child. There is another medical theory, according to which abundant white discharge is the result of accelerated regenerative processes, when the vaginal epithelium is updated at a faster rate, which allows dead cells to take part in the formation of mucus.

Thanks to progesterone, the secreted mucus becomes not only plentiful, but also dense, but this condition is observed for 12 weeks, after which estrogen begins to show greater activity. With an increase in its concentration, the vaginal mucus liquefies significantly, often causing discomfort in the perineal area due to high humidity.

Despite certain inconveniences, there is no reason to worry if white liquid discharge or mucus of a denser consistency is not accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor, itching, swelling and burning of the genitals, pain in the lower abdomen. Despite the fact that a secret with the described properties is a recognized variant of the norm, the risk of developing a urogenital infection against its background should be prevented. To do this, you will need to pay increased attention to hygiene:

  • Wash yourself twice a day, if possible, refusing to use soap products during a confirmed pregnancy, using them only to maintain the cleanliness of the anus.
  • Use sanitary napkins, changing them when wet.
  • Switch to underwear made from natural fabrics.

Development of a secret in the later stages of gestation

Transparent or white discharge in women carrying a child is often observed in the later stages, shortly before the expected birth. This phenomenon accompanies the discharge of the mucous plug, fragments of which are contained in the whites. Accordingly, the secret in this case can be considered as a sign indicating the approach of labor.

In cases where, in the late period of bearing a child, pains of a pulling nature are felt in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen, be sure to go to the leading specialist. If the secreted vaginal leucorrhoea is abundant liquid, while intensifying over the next few hours, it is reasonable to assume the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid - it means that it is time to visit the maternity hospital.

When to show concern

It will not be superfluous to ask how dangerous the secret that stands out is. White discharge from the vagina due to increased density may cause some concern, but if they are not accompanied by an unpleasant odor, there is no reason to worry. At the same time, there are a number of signs, in the presence of which an appeal to a gynecologist becomes a necessity:

  • vaginal secretion in women of childbearing age is completely absent;
  • there is a change in the usual shade of whiter;
  • in the mucus there are clots resembling cottage cheese in consistency;
  • vaginal secretion emits an unpleasant pungent odor;
  • whites are accompanied by discomfort, soreness in the genital area.

Note! Despite the fact that white thick or with a sour tint may be the norm, quite often these properties indicate inflammatory processes occurring in the vagina or appendages.

Against the background of infection, tissues begin to secrete an increased number of leukocytes and lymphocytes, they actively destroy pathogenic microorganisms and fungus, and the vaginal mucus is stained in a milky shade. Also, abundant discharge and itching can be accompanied by numerous gynecological pathologies.

Development of candidiasis

This gynecological pathology is observed in almost every second case. Candidiasis, which provokes the penetration of Candida fungi into the body, is commonly called thrush. With the development of the disease, damage to the mucous membrane of the vaginal layer is observed. The secret released under the influence of mushrooms is thick and resembles in its consistency and color thick sour cream with a sour smell and white color. When urinating, flakes and lumps may be present in urine, after the process, severe itching often occurs, and painful sensations are not uncommon during intercourse. Usually candidiasis occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • the period of bearing a child;
  • hormonal changes;
  • frequent stressful situations, depressive states;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • violation of the rules of hygiene in relation to the genitals;
  • damage to the mucous layer during intercourse;
  • wearing underwear made of synthetic fabric;
  • abuse of spicy foods;
  • prolonged use of antimicrobials;
  • sharp climatic changes.

If white vaginal discharge after diagnosis becomes a sign confirming candidiasis, special therapy is needed to avoid complications.

The appearance of bacterial vaginosis

Quite often, patients develop bacterial vaginosis, which is a non-infectious pathology. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms cannot be fully considered the cause of the disease, since they are found in small quantities in the microflora of almost every woman. However, when the natural balance of lactobacilli and pathogens changes, bacterial vaginosis is formed. There is a whole list of factors that contribute to a failure in the system and provoke the development of the disease:

  • douching, in which the normal microflora is washed out and conditionally pathogenic organisms immediately come to its place;
  • the use of contraceptive creams or suppositories, which include 9-nonoxynol, condoms treated with the same substance;
  • change of sexual partners;
  • therapy with antimicrobials.

Among the symptoms indicating the formation of bacterial vaginosis, grayish or white discharge with the smell of rotten fish, itching in the vagina, burning sensation that appears during urination. At the same time, the unpleasant odor is increased in the case of sexual intercourse without the use of a condom, since the ejaculate with an alkaline pH increases the production of volatile amines. The secret that accompanies bacterial vaginosis, in consistency and volume, almost does not differ from the norm - the amount of white discharge is small, they practically do not leave stains on linen, they are homogeneous. The main danger of the disease is a high risk of subsequent inflammatory pathologies of the uterus, appendages, complications during childbearing, childbirth, which may be premature.

The development of mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis

These pathologies develop under the influence of microorganisms belonging to the mycoplasma family, which are a cross between bacterial and viral agents. They may also appear as white discharge. Both mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas are classified as conditionally pathogenic organisms - in most people they do not provoke the development of pathological processes, and therefore do not require treatment. You can get infected with mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis:

  • during sexual intercourse without the use of a condom or during oral sex, although this path has not been proven, however, it is considered quite probable;
  • there is a high risk of transmission from an infected mother to a child through the placenta and when it is born through the birth canal;
  • possible infection by the hematogenous route when blood moves to various tissues and organs.

As for the symptoms, the signs are similar to those that occur during the development of candidiasis - whitish discharge appears with an odor that gives off sourness, itching occurs along with a burning sensation. Often, specific symptoms are completely absent, hence the increased risk of not getting timely help, which can result in infertility.

Formation of trichomoniasis

The most commonly diagnosed venereal diseases include trichomoniasis, under the influence of which inflammatory processes begin in the genitourinary system. The causative agent of the disease is Trichomonas vaginalis, it passes from carrier to carrier as a result of unprotected intercourse. If pathology is observed in a woman carrying a child, his infection occurs in the process of birth. The incubation period is 4-28 days, so the first signs may appear as early as the first seven days after infection. Sometimes the disease develops asymptomatically, otherwise it is accompanied by:

  • white vaginal discharge appears, the shade can also be yellow, green or absent altogether;
  • vaginal mucus may foam;
  • the smell of vaginal secretion resembles rotten meat;
  • vaginal fluid secreted by trichomoniasis may be bloody and foamy;
  • there is itching, dryness, burning sensation, discomfort;
  • in the process of intercourse, pain occurs, after the act, a bloody discharge appears;
  • dull pain appears in the lower abdomen, soreness may accompany the process of urination.

In the chronic form of the course of the pathology - and this is a period exceeding two months - the symptoms are almost imperceptible - the vaginal secretion is scanty, it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching, dryness periodically develop in the genitals, sexual contacts do not give pleasure, given the pain of intercourse. The disease increases the risk of developing viral infections - HIV or human papillomavirus. No less high is the likelihood of developing cervical cancer. In cases where trichomoniasis is formed during the period of bearing a child, missed abortion, spontaneous abortion, premature labor, intrauterine infection may occur, fetal development may be delayed.

Development of gardnerellosis

Gardnerellosis refers to sexually transmitted pathologies and is transmitted through sexual contact. The main, and sometimes the only symptom indicating the development of the disease, are rotten fish. The volume of the vaginal secret is very large, it has a homogeneous consistency and can be colored in white, gray, yellowish. In addition to the smell and color, gardnerellosis is distinguished by itching, its complications are inflammation of the uterine cervix, the appearance of erosion and cancers.

Approximately 50% of the affected patients have an attachment to the disease of vaginitis, while itching, vaginal burning are not uncommon - these signs are aggravated by intercourse or urination. The danger of the disease is that it can be complicated by colpitis or vaginitis, and other gynecological pathologies.

The development of cervicitis and other pathologies

Cervicitis causes inflammatory reactions that occur in the cervical region, which extends into the vagina. A characteristic symptom of the disease is a cloudy white vaginal discharge, which is mixed with pus. The disease is formed under the influence of various infectious pathogens, cervical injuries that appear during labor, against the background of postoperative scars. Cervicitis can develop due to reduced immunity. Often, pathology is accompanied by inflammation of the vagina, vulva, eversion and ectopia of the uterine neck.

Symptoms of inflammation of the cervix In addition to all the listed diseases, whitish discharge, itching can be accompanied by thyroid pathologies and sugar disease. In some cases, a curdled or watery white secretion and the appearance of itching are accompanied by the formation of oncology. Another possible reason for the formation of white mucus is HIV infection during unprotected intercourse.

How are they diagnosed and classified?

White discharge in the diagnosis of pathology is classified as different types, focusing on the particular department in which the disease occurs, which is accompanied by this symptom:

  • Tube whites are formed under the influence of inflammatory processes or a malignant neoplasm in the fallopian tubes.
  • The uterine secret indicates the formation of fibroids or polyps in the organ. Such whites can also accompany malignant pathologies.
  • Cervical secretions include those that occur when there is a violation of the production of mucus by the glands due to endocrine pathologies. In a similar way, the formation of inflammation, stagnant processes due to scars or ruptures on the uterine neck can affect. The influencing factors also include polyps and infectious pathogens.

  • Vaginal leucorrhoea is manifested as a consequence of irritation of the mucous layer or its damage due to improper douching, due to mechanical injuries or against the background of a violation of the normal microflora in the organ.
  • The vestibular white secret, accompanied by itching, is formed against the background of excessively active functionality of sebaceous jelly, accompanying diabetes mellitus, violation of hygiene rules, mechanical irritation and inflammation.

In cases where women have doubts about vaginal mucus, they go to the clinic. This is a completely reasonable decision, since only the treating specialist, based on the results of the tests, can determine the cause of the problem and determine how to resolve it. But a lot also depends on the woman - in particular, the correct preparation for visiting the gynecologist:

  • A few days before the examination, the use of pharmaceutical preparations in the form of suppositories or sprays is contraindicated.
  • It is necessary to refrain from intercourse for several days before the consultation.
  • It is recommended not to use antibacterial substances to maintain intimate hygiene for several days before the examination.
  • Douching is contraindicated a few days before the examination.
  • On the eve of going to the gynecology in the evening, it is required to treat the genitals, using, if possible, Baby soap and warm water.
  • It is undesirable to urinate a few hours before the consultation.

When conducting a diagnosis, an examination on a gynecological chair is necessary. The doctor, using a mirror, evaluates the appearance of the vaginal walls, cervix, determines the presence of inflammation and pathological mucus, as well as white discharge. In addition to the examination, the following procedures may be necessary:

  • Colposcopy, which allows to exclude or confirm erosion or dysplasia.
  • Blood test for hormones.
  • A swab is taken from the cervical canal to determine the flora.
  • Bacterial cultures are carried out for aerobes, anaerobes, the presence of fungi is checked. It is necessary to determine their sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs.
  • If STIs are suspected, PCR diagnostics are performed using ELISA, RIF methods.
  • For an accurate diagnosis, an analysis for the eggworm, intestinal dysbiosis is required.
  • In the presence of pain, a disturbed menstrual cycle, there are suspicions of the development of inflammation in the uterus or appendages, transvaginal ultrasound may be required.
  • Testing for malignant neoplasms and HIV may be required.

Features of traditional and non-traditional therapy

After determining the pathology, the attending physician develops a therapeutic regimen in which both traditional methods and traditional medicine recipes can be used. In the first case, the treatment should be complex, prescribe:

  • Etiotropic therapy aimed at eliminating the factor, under the influence of which a white smelling discharge began to form. In accordance with the type of pathogen, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal therapy can be prescribed.
  • In order to restore the natural vaginal microflora, pathogenetic treatment is prescribed.
  • Conduct physiotherapy.

It should be remembered that self-medication is unacceptable in order to avoid various complications. If we are talking about girls who have complaints about pathological discharges, the drugs are mostly prescribed the same as for adult patients, but the dosage is reduced. As for folk recipes that are often used when milky whites with a smell appear in women, any of them must first be discussed with the attending physician.

Note! Traditional medicine should not act as an independent method of therapy, it is used only as an additional tool to the main scheme developed by the attending physician.

When choosing traditional medicine recipes, it is necessary to take into account contraindications and possible side effects, which include individual intolerance to certain herbal components. When preparing medicines at home, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage indicated in the prescription and carefully follow the recommendations.

The most popular folk recipes for eliminating whites

Consider the most popular recipes that can be used for home treatment. Since in cases where white discharge is accompanied by itching in women, thrush is most often diagnosed, let's start with the appropriate recommendations:

  • For therapeutic douching, you can use calendula oil in the amount of two small spoons. To this volume of oil add a few drops of tea tree ether. The resulting mixture with a syringe must be injected into the vagina before going to bed at night.
  • Morning douching helps to get rid of whites; to prepare an effective infusion, it is required to mix crushed oak bark, chamomile, nettle leaf and sage in equal doses (two small spoons). Half of the resulting composition must be brewed in one liter of boiled liquid and insisted overnight under the lid. In the morning, the infusion is filtered and used for treatment.
  • In addition to douching, tampons impregnated with medicines are of great help. Traditional medicine suggests moistening a tampon in fat-free kefir, and then placing it deep into the vagina. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, in the morning the tampon is removed and douched with herbal infusions. The duration of treatment is seven days.
  • Washing is good to carry out using baths with herbal infusions. It is necessary to mix equal parts of chamomile, yarrow, birch buds, juniper, sage and eucalyptus, calendula. Then they must be placed in a thermos and filled with boiled liquid, insisted for at least 12 hours, filtered and used.

There are a number of traditional medicine recipes that are considered almost universal and can be applied to whites of various classifications:

  • Dry blueberry leaves will help get rid of white discharge. To prepare a decoction, a large spoonful of the crushed plant must be brewed in a glass of boiling water, place the container in a water bath and boil for 15 minutes. Then the product is cooled, filtered, used for douching. The procedure is carried out before going to bed.
  • Three large spoons of chopped St. John's wort should be poured with two liters of boiled liquid. After that, it is necessary to cook the remedy for half an hour on low heat. After that, the product is cooled, filtered, used for douching. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening hours.
  • You can use the color of immortal sandstone. A large spoonful of the ingredient needs to be poured with a cup of boiling water, the container is set on fire for another 10 minutes, then the product is infused for half an hour, filtered. It is necessary to take a healing decoction before meals, a single serving is 50 ml.
  • To prepare a healing infusion, you can use mistletoe leaves. A large spoonful of vegetable raw materials is poured into ½ liter of liquid, boiled for 15 minutes, infused until cool, filtered.
  • With watery whites, they drink an infusion of periwinkle. Three pinches of chopped herbs are required to be poured with a cup of water, insisted, taken in small doses.
  • You can use white acacia flowers - when adverse symptoms appear, they are simply chewed, swallowing the secreted juice.
  • When leucorrhoea appears, a decoction is boiled from the leaves of the stone fruit, after which it is taken in a quarter cup in the morning, evening and daytime.

Abnormal vaginal discharge is a sure sign of pathological processes. When they appear, an appeal to a gynecologist is a necessity.

There is a very common point of view that "female" diseases occur only in women and girls who lead a full sexual life. That is why discharge from little girls often frightens parents, is perceived as something sinister and threatening the health of their child. Let's figure out which discharges are considered normal and which are not. What symptoms should you contact a pediatric gynecologist as soon as possible, and when you should not sound the alarm?

By themselves, vaginal discharge is characteristic of the fairer sex of all ages, and even newborn girls are not considered an exception to the rule. These secretions are the result of the functioning and spontaneous cleansing of the organs of the female reproductive system.

Normally, the vaginal secretion consists of:

  • desquamated cells of the renewing epithelium that lines the inner surface of the genital organs;
  • mucus formed by the glands of the cervix and body of the uterus;
  • microorganisms;
  • blood cells (leukocytes) and other components.

Vaginal discharge in girls is physiological and pathological.

Normal discharge, which should not be feared

This is considered to be a secret of a light color of a mucous nature, to which viscous threads or crumbly impurities can be attached. Young mothers may not worry if they find this kind of discharge from their newborn girl. Abundant mucous secretions often found in the second week of a baby's life.

In rare cases, a small amount of blood may be mixed with them (as during menstruation). Along with bloody discharge, the girl's nipples may swell slightly, and with light pressure, a thick, cloudy liquid (colostrum) may appear.

Do not worry, this phenomenon is considered absolutely safe and is called the "sexual or hormonal crisis of newborns." This is quite normal and understandable: this is how the baby's reproductive system responds to the increased level of mother's sex hormones that enter the child's body through the placenta or with milk. This condition does not require special treatment. At this time, it is only necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the girl.

Starting from the age of 3-4 weeks of sexual development of the baby, a period of hormonal "rest" begins. From this time until the age of 7-8, when the prepubertal period begins, the mucous discharge in girls almost does not appear.

This stage of puberty is characterized by hormonal changes in the body. With it, under the influence of its own hormones (about 1 year before the onset of the first menstruation), the child again has physiological vaginal discharge. At 9-10, and in some at 15 years old, the discharge in girls intensifies, becomes cyclical and the menstrual cycle is established.

Pathological discharge: causes and accompanying symptoms

Pathological discharge in newborn girls is often very abundant, mixed with blood, pus, accompanied by a sharp, unpleasant odor. They also often occur during hormonal "rest", that is, in the period from 1 month to 7-8 years.

Purulent discharge in girls, they most often appear as a result of inflammatory processes that have affected the external genitalia of the child or the mucous membranes of the vagina.

The reason for this is the physiological characteristics of the child's vagina and vulva. The fact is that the mucous membrane that lines the vagina in little girls has a loose structure and is very tender.

In addition, they do not have the necessary conditions in the vagina for the normal existence of lactic acid fermentation sticks. In adult women, these sticks provide an acidic environment that prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

The child's vagina has an alkaline environment, and conditionally pathogenic (pathogenic) microorganisms are constantly present in it. With a decrease in immunity, non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, allergic diseases, these bacteria begin to actively multiply, which causes the appearance of discharge in girls.

The onset of the inflammatory process is characterized by the appearance of not only pathological yellow or green discharge in girls, but also symptoms such as:

  • redness (hyperemia) of the external genitalia and adjacent areas of the skin;
  • puffiness;
  • moderate or severe burning and itching, which increase sharply with urination.

Yellow-green discharge in girls will indicate the presence of bacterial vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa). If the balance of the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, the child will have grayish or milky creamy whites, accompanied by the smell of rotten fish.

A frothy discharge will indicate the presence of a Trichomonas infection in a little girl. With allergic vulvovaginitis, the discharge will be watery, and the mucous membrane will become very thin and dry.

When is treatment needed?

Treatment for a child can only be prescribed by a doctor. In this case, an individual approach should be applied, taking into account the age of the girl and the presence of any chronic diseases.

First of all, the doctor must determine the causative agent of vulvovaginitis and how sensitive it is to antibiotics. The following shows drug treatment with the use of antifungal, antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

In the acute course of the disease and abundant discharge in girls 3 years of age and older, strict bed rest is necessary.

The birth of a daughter is always a pleasant and joyful event. The first tooth, the first step, the first cold, the first fall - each of these events will forever remain in the hearts of ardently loving mothers and fathers. Being inexperienced, young parents are wary of any previously unknown changes that occur in their daughter's body. For example, the presence of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) in a girl is quite normal, provided that they are transparent or whitish, and mucous, as during puberty, or bloody, which are observed in the first week after birth. Normally, discharge from the genital tract should not have an unpleasant odor or cause concern to the child.

As a rule, the appearance of yellow vaginal discharge in a girl, regardless of the age of the child, is very scary for parents who are trying their best to protect their child from various infections and diseases. It is possible to find out the cause of yellow discharge in a girl only with a comprehensive assessment of the child's health, history taking and certain laboratory tests.

Puberty is a possible cause of yellow discharge in a girl.

The appearance of yellowish discharge in a girl does not always indicate a pathological process. In some cases, yellowish discharge from the genital tract is observed in adolescent girls who have reached puberty. A cause for concern is the discharge, which has become grayish or greenish in color, has become thicker and smells of rotten fish. All these signs indicate the presence of vaginosis, which is most characteristic of girls aged 11-15 years. Bacterial vaginosis is a condition in which there is a violation of the microflora in the vagina. In this case, the cause of the disease can be frequent acute respiratory infections, hormonal imbalance in the body, poor nutrition, poor personal hygiene, metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes), etc.

The girl has yellow discharge. Maybe it's vulvovaginitis.

As a rule, the appearance of traces of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor on the girl's panties indicates an inflammatory process. If such discharge is accompanied by redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching and pain during urination, then we are talking about vulvovaginitis, an infectious and inflammatory disease.

Most often, girls under the age of 8 are ill, which is associated with the peculiarities of the vaginal microflora in childhood. At a young age, before the onset of sexual development, there are no lactic acid bacteria in the microflora of the girl's vagina, the main function of which is to protect against infection. The absence of lactobacilli in combination with a weakened immune system or an allergic history are favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogens. Vulvovaginitis with the appearance of yellow discharge in a girl is usually caused by streptococcus, enterococcus, fungal microorganisms, staphylococcus aureus, and also E. coli.

The main reasons for the development of vulvovaginitis and the occurrence of yellow discharge in girls:

1. Infection:

  • getting dirt and infection into the vagina (unwashed hands, sitting on the floor without underwear, swimming in a dirty pond);
  • helminthic invasions, namely, pinworms that crawl into the vagina (discharge is accompanied by itching in the perineum and around the anus, which intensifies at night).

2. Exposure to chemicals:

  • severe allergic reaction to soap, cream or shampoo used in daily care.

3. Mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa:

  • inflammation in the vagina, as a result of irritation and diaper rash from swaddling;
  • a foreign body stuck in the vagina, which the child accidentally put into the vagina (in this case, the discharge acquires a dark yellow tint and a pronounced unpleasant odor).

The girl has yellow vaginal discharge. What to do?

The first thing to do if a girl has yellow discharge is to visit a pediatric gynecologist. Only a specialist is able to accurately determine the cause of the disease, conduct all the necessary studies and prescribe an effective treatment.

Some sources of information posted on the Internet, when a girl has yellow discharge, strongly recommend waiting a week, in the hope that the symptoms of the disease will disappear on their own. Under no circumstances should this be done! At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In no case do not self-medicate! The use of herbal baths or other home remedies does not eliminate the cause of yellow discharge in girls, but only erases the symptoms of the disease, thereby complicating the diagnosis process.

Depending on the alleged cause of the yellow discharge in the girl, the pediatric gynecologist prescribes the appropriate research method:

  • if a foreign object is suspected in the vagina, a vaginoscopy is performed;
  • to determine the causative agent of urogenital infection (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.), its sensitivity to a particular antibiotic, a smear and sowing of the vaginal microflora are performed.

The girl has yellow discharge. What to treat?

The treatment plan for vulvovaginitis is determined individually after evaluating the results of the studies. Symptomatic therapy includes the use of powders and baths to reduce itching and redness. The elimination of pathogenic microorganisms is carried out by prescribing antibiotic therapy, as well as the use of special suppositories and ointments for the sanitation of the vagina. To exclude the recurrence of the inflammatory process, with yellow discharge in girls, drugs are prescribed to strengthen the immune system, namely, complexes of vitamins and minerals. To restore the microflora of the vagina, eubiotics are used - preparations containing bifidus and lactobacilli.