Causes of rashes on the cheekbones in women. Acne on the cheekbones in women: causes, treatment, advice from a beautician. Pimples on the cheekbones: the reasons for the failure of the internal organs and systems

It is not so rare to see a girl with beautiful features, which, alas, are practically not perceived due to a strong acne rash. This problem is also characteristic of adult women, since pimples often appear on certain days of the monthly cycle. How to deal with this scourge and can all acne be cured?

Causes of acne

Acne on the cheekbones is a fairly common occurrence, but its causes can be different - but regardless of what causes them, acne becomes a serious psychological problem and this is what pushes us to look for ways to treat it.

Cheekbones are one of the most noticeable parts of the face that cannot be hidden by hair or makeup, and pimples on them immediately become noticeable to others, which cannot but strain. Acne on the cheekbones can look like single large inflammations with or without a core and as an extensive rash. A rash most often indicates either an allergic reaction, or that there is a malfunction in the liver or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Provoke increased production of sebum, which contributes to the appearance of acne on the cheekbones, and factors such as overweight, the presence of chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver, the wrong diet, which is dominated by fast carbohydrates and fats, can also provoke.

There are other reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. large single rashes are a manifestation of hormonal disorders, increased oiliness of the skin or a consequence of improper care. With hormonal problems in adolescence, such rashes are often permanent and should be treated under the guidance of an endocrinologist and a dermatologist in a complex manner. With increased work of the sebaceous glands, the pores become clogged with secretions and dirt, an infection joins and inflammation of the follicles occurs, up to severe suppuration and the appearance of scars - acne. That's what they call rashes of this kind. Such rashes cannot be cured on their own, a dermatologist and a cosmetologist are needed here;
  2. Often the cause of acne is stress. There are two scenarios for the development of events: according to the first, stress causes a malfunction in the hormonal system, and as a result, the appearance of acne. According to the second scenario, stress leads to the abuse of spicy, fatty and sweet foods (“jamming”, known to everyone), which ends with an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands and blockage of the ducts. In order to avoid such phenomena, with a tendency to acne, you need to lead a measured lifestyle and not abuse junk food;
  3. the presence of skin mites is another reason that provokes the appearance of acne on the face, including in the cheekbones. These pests seriously worsen the condition of the skin, causing a rash, after which scars may remain;
  4. poor care is one of the main causes of acne in young girls and boys. An active lifestyle, playing sports, lack of time for yourself - all this leads to the fact that the pores become clogged and inflamed. Adequate care at this age includes daily cleansing, the use of scrubs every three to four days, and drying procedures.

Heredity also plays an important role in the appearance of acne. Those people whose parents had problems with rashes should be extremely attentive to the condition of the skin. Too active work of the sebaceous glands, wide pores - all this can be inherited and provoke the appearance of acne in the cheekbones.

Passion for fatty and fried foods, sweets also provokes the formation of a rash.

Basic Treatments

The way to treat acne on the cheekbones depends on the prevalence of the rash and the cause of its occurrence.

Cosmetic treatments for acne on the cheekbones today give an excellent effect. These are, as a rule, hardware cleaning methods: laser, ultrasonic, diamond and vacuum. Home techniques include peeling, baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs, lotions. The best herbs for treating skin problems (in the absence of allergies) are chamomile, calendula, string and celandine. Chopped sauerkraut is used as a soft scrub, which cleanses the skin, disinfects it and fortifies it. You can use this mask no more than 4 times a week.

To eliminate the rash, preparations based on mineral and organic substances are used. This is a product that contains zinc and erythromycin, Curiosin gel, which contains zinc with hyaluronic acid.

Treatment of acne on the cheekbones is based on the use of essential oils of lemon, grapefruit, cedar, lavender. They are not applied to the skin in their pure form: they are added to masks or creams in the amount of 3-5 drops.

Here are some more tips to help get rid of the problem of acne on the cheekbones:

  • it is necessary for some time to abandon the foams, gels for washing. Instead, you can use tar soap, which has proven itself to be an effective antiseptic;
  • to relieve inflammation, you can wipe the cheekbone area daily with salicylic alcohol;
  • a procedure such as washing with chamomile decoction in the morning will help to cope with the rash faster;
  • in the morning you need to drink a glass of clean water, and throughout the day - at least 1.5 liters;
  • do not touch your face with your hands, squeeze out acne - this can provoke the entry and development of infection.

But it should be remembered that cosmetic procedures, home and salon, are just an aid in the implementation of a full-fledged treatment. Without treatment, they will either give no pronounced result, or it will be short-lived. You need to act directly on the problem that caused the rash on the cheekbones.

The appearance of rashes on the face is a very common problem and you can deal with it by finding out the root cause. Most often, acne occurs on the cheekbones. It is quite difficult to hide with makeup or hair, so you need to act immediately.

Pimples on the cheekbones causes

  • Heredity. Experts have found that most often the appearance of acne is associated with genes. If your parents, grandparents suffered from acne and wide pores, most likely you will experience the same fate. But, you shouldn't get upset. To date, there are a lot of ointments, lotions, creams that effectively remove irregularities on the face and hide all the "problems".
  • Hormonal disbalance. During the period of the menstrual cycle, menopause, during pregnancy, lactation, problems at the hormonal level may occur. As a result, rashes of a different nature and acne appear. To clean the dermis, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe the necessary hormonal agents that contribute to the normalization of the general condition of the body.
  • Horny cells. Pimples on the cheekbones can occur due to an excessive accumulation of dead cells that lead to clogged pores. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly clean the epidermis with masks, scrubs, lotions. Note: if there are inflamed pimples on the skin, it is forbidden to use the above remedies, otherwise the infection will spread through the skin and there will be even more pimples.
  • Emotional overstrain (stress, constant depression, nerves). Remember that stress is the main enemy of health. Therefore, before panicking about the appearance of acne on the cheekbones, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, normalize the mental state, and only then proceed to the treatment of rashes. Try to go outside more often, breathe fresh air, get enough sleep and the like.

  • Constant skin contact. Such a habit entails the multiplication of harmful microorganisms and leads to the formation of purulent wounds.
  • The use of medications. It often happens that acne on the cheekbones appears due to non-compliance with the dosage and duration of medication. In this case, you need to visit a doctor and replace the current drug with a more gentle and safer one.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If there is a large amount of acne on the cheekbones, then immediately check the liver, intestines, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas. What symptoms indicate problems with these organs? These are constant constipation, diarrhea, flatulence; pain in the right hypochondrium; heaviness in the stomach, especially after a meal; bad breath/bitterness; sometimes there is a slight feeling of nausea; pain in the gastrointestinal tract () . If you notice one of the above symptoms, immediately contact a specialist for an examination.
  • Subcutaneous mites. The presence of this type of microorganisms can lead to severe rashes and pustules, smoothly turning into scars. In this case, competent treatment and the use of active antibiotics are necessary.
  • Having bad habits. It's no secret that junk food, smoking, chronic lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, alcohol adversely affect the condition of the skin. If you want to have beautiful and healthy skin, reconsider your lifestyle, start small. And after a while you will really notice a 100% result.

Acne on the cheekbones in women, how to treat?

To get rid of this problem, remember a few rules: in the morning, drink a glass of plain water every day (this will help "start" the work of the intestines; do not forget about the water regime (at least 1.5 l) to keep the body in good shape; remove harmful ingredients from the diet (fried , fatty, too salty, pastries, etc.), try to be less stressful, take a thorough facial care.

Cosmetic procedures

They will help cleanse dead skin cells, improve metabolic processes and remove “annoying” acne. It should only be performed by a dermatologist / cosmetologist.

  • laser peeling (absolutely painless procedure, copes with different types of acne on any part of the body)
  • chemical type of peeling (the dermis is exposed to the action of a selected acid)
  • ultrasonic cleaning
  • vacuum peeling (recommended if there are white pimples)
Use of medicines
  • gel: Metrogil (has a bactericidal effect, effectively removes acne); Skinoren (helps to cope with teenage pimples + prevents scarring); Baziron AS (prevents the appearance of pimples); Curiosin; Dalacin.

  • ointment: Differin (promotes the regulation of sebum); Retinoic (normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands + removes inflammation on the skin); zinc (quickly dries rashes + heals pimples); salicylic; sulfuric (removes redness on the skin); ichthyol (disinfects + relieves inflammation on the skin); Klindovit (antibiotic, directed against inflammatory processes on the skin); Vishnevsky (pulls out "everything" from a pimple, heals quickly);
  • Zinerit lotion (effectively cleanses the dermis of acne in a short period of time)
  • Klindovit cream (there are antibiotics in the composition, it quickly removes redness and clears the skin of acne).
The use of folk methods
  • lemon compress. We take a slice of lemon, apply to the cheekbones and hold for up to 10 minutes.
  • baking soda. To reduce oily skin and stop the appearance of new acne, you can use a simple recipe: take baking soda, add a little water and stir until a mushy state forms. We process the pimple with the resulting mixture and hold it for up to 60 seconds.
  • to speed up the recovery of the skin after acne, you need to take the protein, beat and apply up to 10 minutes.

  • so that pimples on the cheekbones do not worry, make homemade lotions: take aloe leaves, put in the refrigerator for 10 days, then chop, squeeze the juice and wipe your face with it 3 times every day. You can also use calendula as a lotion: take dry leaves of the inflorescence (1 tbsp), pour hot water (0.5 l), leave for 35 minutes, filter and wipe your face 3 times a day. Another recipe: take glycerin (5 ml) + water (50 ml) + lemon juice (1 tablespoon). We connect and wipe the inflamed areas on the skin 2 times a day.
  • iodine. To dry acne, you can use ordinary iodine: put on a cotton swab and wipe the affected areas pointwise. It is allowed to apply 2 times a week.
  • to clean the skin from keratinized particles, do the following: first, steam the face with a steam bath, then take a couple of drops, treat the skin with castor oil and leave for 7 minutes.
  • use of the talker. There are different compositions, so only a specialist should prescribe.
  • aspirin mask. What is needed for this? We take aspirin (tablets) 3 pcs, water (4 drops) + honey (1 tsp). We mix all the components, treat the face and leave for 15 minutes. We wash everything with water.
  • oatmeal-based mask (has a scrubbing effect). Add protein (1 pc) + oatmeal (1 tbsp) + lemon juice (1 tsp) + salt (a pinch) to the bowl. Mix, treat the skin for up to 15 minutes and rinse.
  • a simple mask of aloe and streptocide (tablets). We combine the selected components and process certain areas with acne. After we wash ourselves with soap (household).
  • to reduce a pimple, you can use a mixture of parsley and aloe.
  • Ordinary cosmetic clays also help. We take green / white clay and treat the face 2 times a week for 15 minutes. Rinse afterwards with warm water.

  • to relieve inflammation and cleanse the skin, pay attention to the following mask: take honey (1 tablespoon) + egg (1 pc). Add warmed honey + egg to the bowl, mix and apply on the skin for up to 10 minutes. Another recipe, no less effective: you need to combine honey (1 tbsp) + hydrogen peroxide (3 drops) + aloe juice (2 tsp).
  • ice cubes. What will be required for this? We throw chamomile (100g) into water (1l) and send it to boil on the stove. Then we remove and insist up to 24 hours. Pour the prepared broth into ice molds, place in the freezer for a day and use it as a tonic in the morning.
To prevent acne on the cheekbones, remember a few recommendations:
  • It is not recommended to use other people's cosmetics. Wash powder/cream sponges regularly with soap and water to prevent bacteria from accumulating.
  • pay attention to the composition of the product: avoid components such as isopropyl myristate, lanolin, laureth-4, red dyes. Give preference to only natural cosmetics with an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • never squeeze pimples on the cheekbones, this will lead to an even greater spread of infection
  • try to eat healthy ingredients (less pastries, fried, fatty, too salty, sweet). And also, preservatives, chemicals, dyes should not be present in the composition - they have a toxic effect on the body, settle and all this is reflected on the skin in the form of acne

  • do not forget to regularly cleanse the dermis with tonic, scrub, masks. Never touch inflamed areas on the skin with dirty hands, otherwise suppuration may occur.
  • do not wash too often (more than 4 times a day). Why? In addition to dirt, important bacteria are also washed off, which then make the skin more vulnerable to external factors.
  • Before going to bed, make sure to wash off your makeup.
  • regularly 1-2 times a week make masks for acne
  • do not forget to take a vitamin complex, breathe more fresh air, relax
  • you can make a special cleansing water for washing based on lemon juice, apple cider vinegar. As an antiseptic, use tar soap for washing.

A rash on the face can appear anywhere, but most often women are concerned about acne on the cheekbones. The reasons why they occur are also varied. But, knowing the most frequent of them, you can prevent the appearance of this defect, or else, recognize the "distress signal" sent by the body.

Pimples on the cheekbones: the reasons for the failure of the internal organs and systems

The most common reason why acne occurs on the cheekbones is various malfunctions in the digestive system or other body systems.

Diseases of the internal organs

The most banal reason for the appearance of a rash on the cheekbones (as well as on other parts of the face and body) is too wide pores on the skin and an increased amount of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. In fact, this condition is a genetic predisposition that is inherited. And the main treatment in this case is the correct and very thorough daily care for problem skin.

However, very often acne appears due to improper functioning of any of the digestive organs. In this case, as a rule, a person, along with acne, has the following symptoms:

  • unstable bowel function (constipation or diarrhea);
  • nausea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • feeling of discomfort in the right hypochondrium.

Frequent rashes localized on the cheekbones in combination with one of the above signs are a good reason for examining the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In some cases, acne can be dealt with by simply changing the habitual diet. To do this, it is worth minimizing the consumption of fatty foods, fried foods, flour and sweets. And to focus on the use of foods high in vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Hormonal disruptions

Hormonal imbalance often causes acne on the cheekbones in adolescents and women at certain periods.

Synthetic clothing in contact with the skin can also cause an allergic rash on the cheekbones and neck.

stressful situations

Doctors say that prolonged psychological stress or strong emotional shock can also cause acne on the cheekbones.

In addition to problems in your personal life, difficulties at work or school, stressful situations can also include lack of sleep, physical fatigue, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and the use of alcohol and drugs.

And although it is most likely impossible to find a direct link between stress and rashes, you should know that acne appears as a response of the body to an irritant.

Extreme situations, as a rule, cause a sharp release of hormones into the blood: testosterone, adrenaline, corticosteroids, norepinephrine. And all these substances have the ability to negatively affect the condition of the skin. You can talk about this in a little more detail.

When certain hormones enter the muscles, heat transfer increases in them, which causes increased sweating.

Testosterone can significantly increase the work of the sebaceous glands. Adrenaline promotes a strong opening of the pores. As a result, they become very vulnerable and easily accessible to pathogenic bacteria.

In a state of stress, a person often does not control his actions, combing acne, touching his face with not very clean hands, etc. This becomes an additional cause of purulent inflammation on the skin.

The causes of acne on the cheekbones can be varied. But it is possible to cure them, and possibly completely avoid the appearance, by carefully analyzing the state of the body and reconsidering the usual way of life.

You can learn more about the causes of acne on the face from the video.

Knowing the exact causes of acne on the cheekbones, you can quickly find the most effective methods of treating them.

Many women face such a problem as acne on the cheekbones. The causes of rashes can be different. For some, this is due to internal diseases, while for others it is due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. Yet the main reason is the excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands. In girls and boys, this mainly occurs at the age of puberty. But when they appear in an adult woman, this is a signal to deeper problems. The causes of the disease and treatment will be discussed in detail in this article.

Before proceeding with the treatment and cleaning of the skin, you should know the nature of the occurrence of the disease. The main reason is in the sweat and sebaceous glands, which, being close to the surface of the skin, become clogged with keratinized dermis. As a result, inflammation occurs, which causes discomfort. But there are individual cases that should also be studied.

Subcutaneous acne on the cheekbones in women causes:

  • Emphysema of the respiratory tract. Weak lung function can cause rashes.
  • Incorrect use of cosmetics, in particular the use of foundation by women on affected areas of the skin.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, namely pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and constipation, heaviness in the stomach.
  • Non-observance of personal hygiene.
  • Stress. During nervous tension, the skin becomes defenseless and cannot cope with the growth of bacteria. As a result, it slowly recovers.
  • An unbalanced diet is one of the most common causes of acne on the cheekbones in women. Consuming a lot of fatty, sugary, carbonated, rich and spicy foods leads to these kinds of problems.
  • Hormonal disruptions. Due to the production of a large number of steroid hormones-androgens in the body, the reproductive system is disrupted.

Why do acne appear on the cheekbones?

Understanding the causes of acne, you can choose the right treatment. Because if you treat them incorrectly, you can not only not achieve the desired result, but also worsen the situation.

What to do in such cases:

  • A consultation with a dermatologist will help identify the actual causes of inflammation. Based on the results of passing the necessary tests, you will be prescribed a course of treatment.
  • A balanced diet is the key to clear skin. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Reduce the consumption of fried foods, highly spicy and salty, bakery products to a minimum, and reduce the amount of sweets in the diet.
  • Proper use of cosmetics. Before applying foundation and other makeup bases, lubricate the face with a protective cream or apply special anti-acne products, these include: Zinerit, Baziron AS, salicylic ointment, Levomikol, erythromycin ointment, sulfuric ointment, ichthyol ointment, synthomycin ointment, "Effezel", "Dalacin", "Metrogil", "Oxygel", "Skinoren Gel".
  • Less stressful situations, more relaxation. Do relaxing face masks, body baths to reduce androgen levels.
    Do not pop pimples at home. The procedure requires preliminary disinfection and sterilization.

Subcutaneous acne on the cheekbones in women causes

Acne on the cheekbones, the causes of their appearance and symptoms - a question of interest to many. For some, this is a hormonal failure, and for others, a hereditary factor.

Heredity - when the rash is inherited in the family. In 85% of cases, acne is transmitted to children.

Demothecosis - when the skin on the face is affected by a subcutaneous mite. In most people, this tick does not cause any activity. However, in some, due to contributing factors such as bad habits, malnutrition, weakened immunity, it causes allergic reactions in the form of inflamed acne.

Bad habits also cause acne on the cheekbones. Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking leads to an unpleasant cosmetic defect. Alcohol and cigarette smoke contain caustic chemicals that penetrate both the body itself and the surface of the dermis. Poisoning of the body is reflected on the skin of the face.

The use of antibiotics also affects the small rash. The use of antibiotics has a bad effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which, as a result, affects the state of the epidermis.


Treatment of acne on the cheekbones in women can be done both independently and with the help of a specialist in this field.

Home treatment tips:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Cleanse your face from impurities in the morning and evening, apply special lotions, tonics and masks for acne.
  • The use of acne medications that are available without a doctor's prescription.
  • Review your diet. Basically it should be: cereals, vegetables, fruits and pasta from durum wheat. Meat is best consumed boiled, baked and steamed.

If there is no improvement with careful treatment and compliance with all of the above rules, then you need to contact a specialist. The dermatologist will give directions for tests and, after receiving the results, prescribe the necessary drugs.

A very urgent problem for many of the fair sex is the appearance of acne on the cheekbones. In addition to the fact that such a phenomenon does not add beauty, it also indicates a violation in the functioning of internal organs. For this reason, if a rash is found in this area, you should visit a doctor.

Why do acne appear on the cheekbones?

According to Chinese medicine, the areas where acne forms are interconnected with the work of internal organs. Because of this, the face is considered an indicator of health. The appearance of acne under the cheekbones is a reflection of the state of the correspondingly located lung, that is, on the right - right, on the left - left. When acne on the cheekbones is located near the eyes, one can judge a violation of the functioning of the kidneys or probable dehydration.

To accurately determine the cause of the formation of rashes, you need to seek medical help, namely, visit a dermatologist so that he gives directions to the appropriate laboratory tests. Based on their results, the doctor will be able to choose the right remedy that will help get rid of acne on the cheekbones.

Causes of acne on the cheekbones in women in adulthood

Age-related acne can occur if:
  1. In a woman's body, the level of hormones has changed dramatically, which often happens during menopause and menopause.
  2. Previously, the wrong treatment of acne was carried out, or it was not at all.

Acne on the cheekbones in women in adulthood is formed due to hormonal imbalance. Closer to forty years, the amount of estrogen and progesterone in the female body decreases. During this period, if a woman’s immunity is weakened, she will not eat properly or take care of her skin, this will lead to the intensive functioning of the sebaceous glands, which will result in an inflammatory process.

Usually, ladies in such a situation go to a dermatologist or a beauty salon for cosmetic procedures, although the cause of the disease in most cases can be eliminated by a gynecologist or endocrinologist. Drug therapy is carried out using hormonal contraceptives or antiandrogens.

What can not be done when acne appears on the cheekbones?

There are methods of caring for skin prone to rashes, which not only do not bring the desired result, but can also aggravate the situation. In the presence of acne on the cheekbones, it is highly not recommended:

  • Steam the skin.
  • Use a scrub.
  • Wash with laundry soap, as it has a very aggressive effect.
  • Use alcohol-based products.
  • Squeeze acne.

The first thing to do when rashes form on the cheekbones is to establish the cause of this phenomenon, and only after that, eliminating, if possible, provoking factors, begin treatment.

Purulent acne, which are located above the surface of the skin, very often try to squeeze out. This process breaks the structure of the skin, resulting in an increased risk of penetration of harmful microbes. If the pimple does not give rest, squeezing is allowed only after the hands, nails and face are disinfected. However, it is advisable to carry out the following manipulations instead - apply ichthyol ointment to the pimple and glue a bactericidal patch on top.

After squeezing out acne, unaesthetic marks remain on the skin, which are very difficult to eliminate. To avoid this, acne treatment should be carried out at the very beginning of the development of the disease. In addition, it should be comprehensive and include dietary adjustments, the use of quality care products, the use of local medicines.

In acute purulent forms of acne, treatment is carried out using drying agents. Drying of congestive acne or traces of them with zinc-containing products is not required. In this situation, you should use delicately acting cosmetic preparations containing exfoliating substances. This is salicylic acid.

If you use the latter often, you can dry out the skin. To compensate for the lost moisture, you should use special cleansers containing moisturizing ingredients - hyaluronic and lactic acid.

When caring for acne-prone skin, you need to do three things:

  • Clear.
  • Tone up.
  • Moisturize.

For the first step, it is advisable to choose products that do not contain substances that have an aggressive effect, since they can lead to a violation of the skin's protection. In addition, often such drugs cause allergic reactions.

The second stage is carried out in order to neutralize cleansers, prepare the skin for nutrition. The composition of cosmetic tonics includes 90% water, as well as glycerin and other additional components. When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin and ensure that it does not contain flavoring ingredients and alcohol. Acne-prone skin can be toned with ordinary mineral water. If you can make a mistake when purchasing a tonic and choose the wrong product, then this will not happen with mineral water, since it does not contain any aggressive additives, preservatives and other harmful components.

A well-chosen moisturizer will help improve the appearance and solve many problems that are associated with rashes. The functions that the right cream should perform are moisturizing, protection, nutrition. Components such as hyaluronic acid and urea are responsible for moisturizing. The remedy will protect the skin from the rays of the sun and free radicals if it contains vitamins and antioxidant substances. Nutrition is provided thanks to ceramides and saturated acids.

Medical therapy

Differin is currently considered one of the most effective drugs to help get rid of acne. It is not addictive, and after the end of treatment does not contribute to the deterioration of the skin.

The tool reduces the production of sebum, reduces the rate of keratinization of the skin, helps dissolve sebaceous plugs. Thanks to these actions, the skin acquires a healthy look. The drug is sold without a prescription, available in the form of a cream and gel. The first is intended for the care of sensitive and dry skin, the gel is better for owners of combination skin, as well as oily skin. The drug is applied at night after using a cleanser and tonic. The application should be targeted, only problem areas are treated. The drug has only one drawback - it is its high price. If it is not possible to purchase such a tool, you can buy a more economical option - a drug of a similar action produced in India Klenzit.

With a high severity of acne, therapy with drugs for external use will not bring results. In this situation, you do not have to wait, you need to immediately go to the doctors - an endocrinologist and a dermatologist.

Also, you should not go to extremes and purchase specialized anti-acne products in pharmacies if a pair of pimples forms on the cheekbones during menstruation. It is enough just to carefully care for the skin and carry out spot treatment with salicylic acid (1-2 percent solution).

With properly selected treatment, the condition improves after one to three months of regular use of drying drugs. It is considered a variant of the norm, when acne increases at the beginning of therapy. It is necessary to take this into account and not give up treatment. If after three months the skin condition has not improved, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures to identify the cause of this phenomenon. In this case, home care will need to be supplemented with the use of antibacterial drugs and drugs, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background.

Preventive measures

In order not to face such a problem as the appearance of acne on the cheekbones, you should follow a few recommendations:

  1. Eat a balanced diet. You need to include more plant foods and whole grains in your diet. The fiber they contain will help cleanse the intestines and remove toxins and toxic substances from the body. It is also worth giving up harmful products - buns, fast food, soda, sweets, fatty and fried foods.
  2. Get rid of bad habits (cigarettes, alcohol).
  3. Ensure complete sleep. Normal rest will be the key to strong immunity and healthy nervous system.
  4. Spend more time outdoors. Without sufficient oxygen, normal functioning of the body is impossible. Therefore, you should walk every day and ventilate the room.
  5. Wash off makeup when you get home. If possible, you should abandon the use of tonal products: cream, powder, masking pencil, etc. You need to use good quality cosmetics.
  6. The daily volume of liquid consumed should be at least two liters. It is better if it is pure water. The first glass should be drunk immediately after waking up. So it will be easier for the body to remove metabolic products that have accumulated during sleep.
  7. Regular exfoliation is recommended. This is necessary to remove dead skin cells and open the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Periodically, you should contact beauty salons to undergo cosmetic procedures - acid peeling, cryodermabrasion, etc.

Video: why do acne appear after 30 years?