I remember a wonderful moment of attitude to what I read. "I remember a wonderful moment": analysis of the message, features of the composition, genre, language. Means of artistic expression

Mikhail Glinka's romance "I Remember a Wonderful Moment" to the verses of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is one of the most famous romances. The history of this romance began in 1819, when at one of the evenings in the house of Alexei Olenin, president of the Academy of Arts, Pushkin saw his nineteen-year-old niece Anna Kern. At dinner, Pushkin relentlessly watched Anna and did not spare her praise. He was captivated by her beauty.

And soon he will write:
"I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty."

Perhaps the impression that the young beauty made on the poet turned out to be so unusual also because Pushkin had heard a lot about Kern's unhappy marriage. The main culprit of this marriage was her father. She was in her seventeenth year when she liked the divisional general Yermolai Kern. The general was over thirty years older than her.

Anna Petrovna Kern

Anna was a romantic girl who grew up on French novels. She was not only beautiful, but distinguished by independence and originality of judgments. Of course, she couldn't like the general in any way. Many have already wooed her, but her parents preferred the brave general. Anna was convinced that she would fall in love when she became the wife of a general, and she agreed because of her youth. A year later, her daughter Katya was born.

Years passed, Anna Kern blossomed in all her feminine glory. She was an enthusiastic admirer of Pushkin's poetry. Anna never fell in love with her husband, the general, and over time, the break in her relationship with the core became inevitable. It so happened that in the summer of 1825, Anna Kern came to her aunt Praskovya Osipova in Trigorskoye. At this very time, Pushkin was serving a link in the village of Mikhailovsky, which was located in the neighborhood. She was waiting for Pushkin's arrival from day to day, and he arrived ...

Anna Kern subsequently described this event as follows: “We were sitting at dinner, when Pushkin suddenly entered. Auntie introduced him to me, he bowed low, but
he didn’t say a word, timidity was visible in his movements. He was very uneven in his manner: now noisily cheerful, now sad, now timid, now impudent - and it was impossible to guess what mood he would be in in a minute. he decided to be amiable, then nothing could compare with the brilliance, sharpness and fascination of his speech.

One day he came to Trigorskoye with a big book. Everyone sat down around him and he began to read the poem "Gypsies". For the first time we heard this poem, and I will never forget the delight that seized my soul. I was in rapture both about the flowing verses of this wonderful poem, and from his reading, in which there was so much musicality - he had a melodious, melodic voice. .. A few days later, my aunt suggested that everyone take a walk to Mikhailovskoye after dinner.

Arriving at Mikhailovskoye, we did not enter the house, but went straight into the old, neglected garden, with long avenues of trees, where I stumbled every minute, and my companion shuddered ... The next day I had to go to Riga. He came in the morning and at parting he brought me a copy of Onegin's chapter. Between the pages, I found a four-fold postal sheet of paper with verses: "I remember a wonderful moment." When I was about to hide this poetic gift in the box, he looked at me for a long time, then convulsively grabbed it and did not want to return it, I forcibly begged them again, what flashed through his head then, I don’t know ... "

In the modern version, Glinka's romance appeared nine years later in 1839 and was dedicated to Anna Kern's daughter, Catherine. In the music of the romance - the tenderness and passion of the flowering of love, the bitterness of separation and loneliness, the delight of a new hope. In one romance, in a few lines, the whole love story. Fate wanted the composer, whose marriage was unsuccessful, to fall in love with his daughter with the same strong love as the poet loved his mother - Anna Kern.

At the beginning of 1839, he first saw Anna Petrovna's daughter Ekaterina at the Smolny Institute, where she was studying at that time. Glinka recalled: "My gaze involuntarily rested on her: her clear expressive eyes, an unusually slender figure and a special kind of charm and dignity, spilled in her whole person, attracted me more and more."

Catherine knew music perfectly, showed a subtle, deep nature, and soon his feelings were shared by her. Anna Kern by that time had married a petty official who was twenty years younger than her and was quite happy. Her favorite saying was: "The course of our life is only a boring and dull period, if you do not breathe in it the sweet air of love."

Glinka dreamed of going abroad with Ekaterina, but the plans were not destined to come true. Catherine is sick. Doctors suspected consumption, advised them to live in the countryside, and Anna Kern and her daughter went to the parental estate of Lubny, and Glinka to the family estate of Novospasskoye. So they parted forever...

But two great people Pushkin and Glinka erected a "monument not made by hands" to two beautiful women: Anna Kern and her daughter - Ekaterina Kern, a monument for all time to the glory of the "wonderful moment of love" - ​​a message to all who love forever.

The poem "K ***", which is often called "I remember a wonderful moment ..." on the first line, A.S. Pushkin wrote in 1825 when he met Anna Kern for the second time in his life. For the first time they saw each other in 1819 at mutual acquaintances in St. Petersburg. Anna Petrovna charmed the poet. He tried to attract her attention to himself, but he did not succeed very well - at that time he had only graduated from the Lyceum for only two years and was little known. Six years later, having again seen the woman who once so impressed him, the poet creates an immortal work and dedicates it to her. Anna Kern wrote in her memoirs that on the day before her departure from the Trigorskoye estate, where she was visiting a relative, Pushkin gave her the manuscript. In it, she found a piece of poetry. Suddenly, the poet took the sheet, and it took her a long time to persuade her to return the poems back. Later, she gave the autograph to Delvig, who in 1827 published the work in the collection Northern Flowers. The text of the verse, written in iambic tetrameter, acquires a smooth sound and a melancholy mood due to the predominance of sonorous consonants.
TO ***

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. Storms gust rebellious
Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
My days passed quietly
Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

The poem K *** “I remember a wonderful moment ...” by A.S. Pushkin dates back to 1825. The poet, Pushkin's friend A.A. Delvig published it in "Northern Flowers" in 1827. This is a poem about love. Everything that is connected with love in this world, A.S. Pushkin had a special attitude. Love in life and work for him was a passion that gave a sense of harmony.

See the full text of the poem “I remember a wonderful moment ...” by A.S. Pushkin at the end of the article.

The poem is addressed to Anna Petrovna Kern, an attractive young woman whom the twenty-year-old poet first saw at a ball in St. Petersburg in the Olenins' house in 1819. It was a fleeting meeting, and Pushkin compared it to the vision of a divine beauty from Zhukovsky's beautiful work Lalla Ruk.

When analyzing "I remember a wonderful moment ...", one should pay attention to the fact that the language of this work is unusual. It has been stripped of all specifics. You can see five words repeated twice - deity, inspiration, tears, life, love. Such an exchange " forms a semantic complex related to the field of artistic creativity.

The time when the poet was in southern exile (1823-1824), and then in Mikhailovskoye ("in the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment"), was critical and difficult for him. But by the beginning of 1825, Alexander Sergeevich coped with himself, with his gloomy thoughts, and "an awakening came in the soul." During this period, he saw A.P. Kern for the second time, who came to visit Praskovya Alexandrovna Osipova, who lives next door to Pushkin, in Trigorskoye.

The poem begins with a review of the events of the past, the time spent

"In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of noisy fuss ... "

But the years passed, and the period of exile began.

"In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement,
My days passed quietly
Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love."

The depression did not last long. And Alexander Sergeevich comes to a new meeting with a feeling of the joy of life.

"The soul has awakened
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty."

What was the driving force with the help of which the life of the poet regained its bright colors? This is creativity. From the poem "I visited again ..." (in a different edition) you can read:

"But here I am with a mysterious shield
Holy Providence dawned
Poetry as a comforting angel
She saved me, and I was resurrected in soul "

Concerning themes of the poem "I remember a wonderful moment ...", then, according to a number of literary experts, the love theme is subordinate to another, philosophical and psychological theme. Observation of “different states of the poet’s inner world in relation to this world with reality” is the main thing that is being discussed.

But no one canceled love. It is represented in the poem on a large scale. It was love that gave Pushkin much-needed strength and adorned his life. But the source of the awakening of the author still served as poetry.

The poetic size of the work is iambic. Pentameter, with cross rhyme. Compositionally, the poem "I remember a wonderful moment" is divided into three parts. Two stanzas each. The work is written in a major key. It clearly sounds the motive of awakening to a new life.

“I remember a wonderful moment ...” A.S. Pushkin belongs to the galaxy of the most popular works of the poet. The famous romance by M.I. Glinka, based on the text “I remember a wonderful moment”, contributed to an even greater popularization of this creation.


I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time,
And dreamed of cute features.
Years passed. Storms gust rebellious
Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.
In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
My days passed quietly
Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.
The soul has awakened:
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again
And the deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.


Who is not familiar with the poem by A. S. Pushkin “I remember a wonderful moment ...”, striking in its simplicity, lightness, melody? Is it possible to find lines dedicated to the beloved, surpassing these in tenderness and trepidation:

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

I don’t know about you, but I can say with confidence that I haven’t met you yet. Reading and rereading them, every time I imagine a young woman of divine beauty and think: “How happy you are, Anna: the poet of the century, the Russian genius dedicated lines to you that have become immortal.”
Having met Anna Ietrovna Kern, the nineteen-year-old wife of General Kern, once, back in 1819, at his acquaintances in St. Petersburg, the then still young poet was struck by her beauty and charm. They did not have any love story, they just exchanged a few ordinary phrases - but the poet's heart was broken: he had never met girls of such radiant beauty before.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

So the poet wrote, desperate to ever forget the image of the one that conquered him with her “cute features” and “tender voice”.
But time did its job: there was no more opportunity to see Anna (the years of exile came for Pushkin), the poet's passion began to slowly dissipate and he "... forgot your gentle voice, your heavenly features."
It is unlikely that the poet could count on a new meeting, and it took a lot of time: first the southern exile, then the exile to Mikhailovskoye, the poet's family estate. The “heavenly” features were erased from his memories. But what fate does not arrange for a person - here, in Mikhailovskoye, with old friends of the Osinovs, neighbors on the estate, he suddenly saw her, as charming and beautiful as before. Anna Petrovna came to visit to his relatives. "Lovely features" again haunted, made me think about myself. Pushkin began to visit the Osinovs often, listened, spellbound, to fashionable romances that Anna Petrovna performed while sitting at the piano.
Here is how the author captured this meeting, the hours spent with his beloved and his state of mind:

The soul has awakened
. And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again
And deity, and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

Anna's stay with the Aspen soon came to an end.
Pushkin came to see her off and gave her a chapter of Onegin, recently published in St. Petersburg. Between the pages was enclosed a small sheet of poetry. It was “I remember a wonderful moment...”.
The poem is divided into three equal parts. Each of them has its own thought, its own tone. The first is calm, filled with the author's memories of "cute features". The second is about the long years of imprisonment, which erased the image of the beloved. The mood of this part of the poem is also sad, sad. But how different is the third part! She is filled with life from an unexpected meeting, filled with joy, happiness, which filled the entire poet.
The main thing that the author wanted to convey with this poem was the bright memory of love, the joy of an unexpected, and from this twice as sweet, meeting with what seemed lost forever.

Love is the essence of every human life. It is this feeling that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin teaches to appreciate in many of his works. Love was the inspiration for the poet to create his masterpieces. In the love lyrics of a genius, many philosophical and everyday problems are considered. An example of a brilliant and brilliant amorous message is Alexander Pushkin's poem "I remember a wonderful moment." An analysis of this creation will show you the inspired state of a man in love, the features of the composition and language of the masterpiece. The generally accepted version of the title of this work is "K***". In this title, it is hidden to whom "I remember a wonderful moment" is dedicated. Well, it's worth getting to know this mysterious lady.

The story of Pushkin's poem "I remember a wonderful moment"

The lines belonging to the pinnacle of world love lyrics are dedicated to a secular beauty named Anna Kern. This beauty was idolized by many fans, among whom was the emperor himself. Her maiden name is Poltoratskaya. An easy-to-remember surname was given to her by her elderly husband. So, the famous masterpiece was intended for the secular beauty of St. Petersburg Anna Kern. The first meeting between the future lovers took place at a gala reception in 1819. A beautiful woman immediately aroused an ardent passion in the young poet. But the fatal temptress was married at that time. Secular laws did not allow married women to express their feelings.

The coquettish Anna, in turn, did not even pay attention to the unattractive Alexander among the eminent gentlemen. Some statements and remarks of the young man even annoyed her. The next time they met at the Trigorskoye estate (1825). By this time, Anna had already become a fan of Pushkin's work. The lady was simply charming and did not behave so timidly as before. When doing the analysis "I remember a wonderful moment", it is worth mentioning that it was after this incident that Kern's message was written. Such attention was very flattering to Anna, but did not cause mutual feelings. Soon Pushkin went into exile in Mikhailovskoye and agreed with the beauty about correspondence.

For two years the poet dedicated passionate confessions to Kern. She was for him a deity filled with incredible virtues. The most ingenious confessions are dedicated to the beauty. Later, he became jealous of her, which he sometimes expressed insultingly. In 1827, Anna separated from her husband and began an affair with her husband's nephew, 20 years her junior. Alexander Sergeevich was disappointed in her. Once, a connection nevertheless took place between the lovers in St. Petersburg, after which the poet completely lost interest in his muse. She also became the happy wife of the same young nephew.

In the analysis "I remember a wonderful moment" it does not hurt to mention that this message was published by Kern herself in Delvig's almanac "Northern Flowers" (1825). Being half a year younger than Alexander Sergeevich, she outlived the poet by 42 years. Anna concluded that Pushkin did not seriously love anyone.

Main motive

Getting acquainted with the analysis "I remember a wonderful moment", in the poem, readers clearly see the main theme. It is, of course, love. Pushkin gives his beloved a short description of his life between their first and second meeting, when he was going to Mikhailovskoye. During this time, a southern exile flashed, a bitter disappointment in life, the creation of pessimistic works. But the bad mood of the poet changes the image of the divine muse. Joy returned to the author's work. It was during this meeting with the heroine that his soul awakened.

message idea

An analysis of "I remember a wonderful moment" cannot be imagined without highlighting the main idea of ​​the poem. Pushkin shows love not only as a feeling for a woman, but also as an inspiration for creativity. Love for Alexander Sergeevich is a sincere, deep, magical feeling that completely took possession of him. In addition, Pushkin wanted to show the inner world of the poet in cruel reality.

Composition of a masterpiece

The composition of the poem consists of three fragments. Each of these episodes has its own meaning and mood. The first part conveys to the reader the poet's memories of the meeting with the genius of pure beauty. The second part is a description of the dark days in captivity, when there was no inspiration. The third fragment conveys the state of mind of the lyrical hero, who once again wants to create and love.

Genre originality

Now we know to whom "I remember a wonderful moment" is dedicated. Define the genre of the work. This is a love message. The poet did not deprive him of philosophical reflections either. You can see moments from Pushkin's biography. The first stanza talks about life in St. Petersburg, the second - about the southern exile, the third - about the forthcoming exile to Mikhailovskoye.

Features of the language and means of expression

The vocabulary of the poem "I remember a wonderful moment" is filled with epithets and comparisons. Like a musical refrain, the colorful phrase "tender voice" is repeated twice. All rhymes are filled with harmony and song. No wonder the famous composer M. I. Glinka wrote a romance based on this text.

In addition to repetitions, there is inversion, parallelism, silence in the message. The poet resorts to a rhetorical question. With the help of complex syntax, Pushkin achieves lightness and clarity of the text. The author uses direct and reverse word order, different positions of epithets, alternation of anaphoras. To write the message, the poet used iambic pentameter with cross rhyming. The alternation of vowels in assonance gives the poem melodiousness and smoothness.

This ingenious creation of a genius is known in many parts of the world. In 2013, a book was published, which collected translations of this work of Pushkin into 210 languages. 13% of Russians surveyed called this work their favorite.