An apple will get rid of warts. Conspiracy of a wart on an apple How to get rid of a wart with an apple

» » » Apples

Every experienced gardener knows that dacha work is not easy. Diseases of fruit trees, especially apple trees, are becoming a serious problem for summer residents. Instead of juicy fruits, we get sick trees with healthy pests.

Unfortunately, nowadays there are many diseases that affect apple trees. The main thing is to detect the disease as quickly as possible and begin timely treatment, so as not to regret later that the tree died. Let's talk about the most common diseases of apple trees.

– one of the most common and harmful diseases for your fruit pets

While the death of a tree due to apple scab is a rare occurrence, the tree suffers in another way. The yield of the apple tree decreases, the fruits turn into small, dry, twisted fruits. Reduced shelf life, loss of desired vitamins and minerals in fruits are a consequence of the presence of a harmful guest at your dacha.

Pest control methods

Scab can and should be treated. There are several options for fighting:

  1. Basic wrestling technique- This is the destruction of affected apple tree leaves.

Every autumn, summer residents rake up fallen leaves, send them to compost, and cover the ground with them to a depth of 7-8 cm. It is also necessary to remove all rotten fruits from the site. It is useful to spray trees with growth stimulants, thereby maintaining tree health.

  1. Chemical treatment scab.

Scientifically proven drugs of chemical origin: fungicide "Rayok"; systemic fungicide "Strobi"; contact preparation "Abiga-Peak"; Fitolavin solution.

Preventing the appearance of dark spots

  1. Removal of all existing weeds;
  2. Selection of extremely resistant varieties of apple trees;
  3. Regular removal of deeply affected, fallen, rotten fruits;
  4. Collection of high-quality fruits intended only for seasonal storage;
  5. Separate storage of absolutely all collected fruits.

Flycatcher - dots on apples

The name is exactly that because Black dots on apples that appear during illness resemble biological waste from flies.

Elimination of the disease

If this type of disease occurs, apple trees need to be sprayed, and also, if possible, capture land cover. Preparations such as copper sulfate and oleocuprite can be safely used. All this needs to be done before spring. This will be the first stage of treatment. Later (second stage) spraying is carried out using copper oxychloride, phthalan. In a couple of weeks it will be time for the third final spraying. It accepts previously used drugs of your choice. It is worth knowing that apple trees need to be sprayed several times a season. The solutions can also be alternated with each other.

The best results in treatment can be achieved if only the treatment is carried out before the main causative agent of the disease penetrates the plants, so you should not let your guard down.

Powdery mildew

A fungal disease that is distinguished by its rapid spread throughout the entire dacha area. Fungal spores spread quickly through rain, wind and human factors(through country equipment).

The disease is detected by summer residents in the spring during active bud bloom. The virus spreads to the entire surface of the apple tree, settling with a white coating. The fruits spoil, lose their taste, and often die. When a tree becomes completely ill, the ovaries begin to fall off, the branches dry out and die. At the same time, the dew becomes an expressive brown color.

Prevention of occurrence

  1. For better disease prevention and protection against dew, spraying still healthy trees three times with fungicides.
  2. Healthy sulfur pollination at least four times, but only in the summer.
  3. The room with seedlings must be ventilated a sufficient number of times, maintaining a clear humidity regime and avoiding strong drafts.

If you decide to grow apple tree varieties resistant to powdery mildew, then cutting off the shoots affected by the disease is a prerequisite. They need to be removed both in winter and spring, especially at the end of flowering, when the organs of the tree become clearly visible.

How to get rid of white plaque

  1. Compliance with key agricultural practices, i.e. prevention of soil drying out.
  2. Fulfillment of all points disease prevention.

Fruit rot - why did it appear and what to do?

Apple trees are one of the most common diseases of fruit trees in general. Scientific name: apple moniliosis.

Rot is several times more harmful than scab, because it tends to infect trees en masse.


Foci of the disease appear in several places at once, spreading over the surface of the entire fetus. The fruit pulp becomes soft and unsuitable for eating. After a week, the brown spots transform into blurry yellowish circles. These are the oppressive spores of the fungus, through which the infection entered the garden.

Branches and rotten fruits left on the apple tree are also sources of infection.. If the sanitary treatment of the tree is not carried out properly, then the damage to the fruit increases. Later, the formations harden, and bacteria subsequently multiply in them. Fruit rot can visit your garden several times a season.


  • Damage and cracks in the tree bark;
  • The relationship of infected fruits with healthy individuals;
  • Damaged apple peel;
  • The presence of other diseases in the apple tree;
  • Susceptible varieties of apple trees.

How to deal with this problem

  1. Perform pruning dried branches, bad fruits and dry leaves;
  2. Recycling from an apple tree;
  3. Appropriate seasonal fruit harvesting ;
  4. Spraying crowns;
  5. Treat other diseases apple trees;
  6. Try treat all existing infections;
  7. Protect apple trees from mechanical and chemical damage.


Cytosporosis is a common fungal disease, which mostly affects only weak and old apple trees. It causes isolated focal drying of the tree bark.

The bark affected by the disease usually dies, and in its place impressive cracks appear.

Already dead pieces of bark are covered with a viral fungus, which appears in the form of small tubercles. Old branches, which cease to be part of the tree if they do not overcome the disease, are also not immune. The tree, weak from frost and scorching sun, dies after about 5 years of fighting the disease.


The cytospora fungus is the main causative agent of this disease. Its size is very small, no larger than an ordinary bacterium. The virus overwinters in cracks in the bark or in clots called spores. Rain and wind carry it to other trees, where he also settles down in the blink of an eye. A person can infect his tree with cytosporosis simply by using garden shears.

Prevention and treatment

It is important to follow a number of rules when treating apple tree cytosporosis:

  1. Man needs to maintain the health of his trees, increasing their resistance to disease.
  2. Fertilize with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers trees known to be susceptible to disease
  3. Preventive spraying trees with fungicides.
  4. Usage resistant varieties of apple trees.

Agricultural and technical measures play a huge role in the fight against cytosporosis, because effective pruning of branches, application of the necessary fertilizers, and regular watering can save the life of a tree.

For the prevention of cytosporosis whitewashing of trunks and skeletal branches is required (for 10.5 liters of water: 3 kg of lime, 300 g of vitriol and 1 kg of clay).


Bacteriosis is a very serious disease caused by specific types of bacteria. It can attack a tree abruptly and unexpectedly, killing it within one season.

In sick trees, the bark becomes covered with dark spots, which will later cause the bark to die. The depressions formed by the disease guarantee cracking and peeling of the bark. The buds begin to turn black, completely taking on the color, and the leaves are framed at the edges. All the foliage eventually curls, withers and hangs on the tree in black icicles. The disease can occur quickly and chronically.

In a quick scenario, the tree dies in one summer. In the chronic version, the tree becomes sick and dies gradually over the next few years.

It is easiest to detect the disease or its prerequisites in May.

Measures to combat bacteriosis of apple trees

  • At the very beginning of the development of this disease, it is recommended treat the wood with 50% zinc chloride three times with an interval of 3-4 days.
  • Autumn and spring cut out the affected branches with capture of 7-8 cm of healthy tissue.
  • Disinfect the cut 1% solution of copper sulfate, or 3% solution of iron sulfate, or 5% carbolic acid with mandatory coating with garden putty.
  • The best option is prevent bacteriosis in early spring, then when the hated disputes are actively multiplying.

milky shine

Milky sheen is a little-studied disease, and methods of combating it are little known to scientists and breeders. There is a version that the shine appears due to freezing of the tree trunk or acute starvation of the plant (water or mineral).

It is believed that infection occurs through a poisonous mushroom, whose spores penetrate into the tree through cracks or other damage in the bark. The shine itself is a gray metallic color, but this is only on the upper side of the sheet. On the bottom, the color changes from purple to brown during the period of illness.

Fungal spores infect wood mainly in damp, wet weather. At such times, it is better to refrain from pruning, so as not to replenish the mechanical wounds of the apple tree trunk. The disease spreads from one branch to entire hollow parts of the tree over several years.

Signs of milky shine

At the same time, science does not know exactly what kind of fungus infects trees and what control methods to use against it. It is known that the virus penetrates wood, destroying it. Externally, the disease is invisible until the leaves are covered with a metal curtain. As a result of this disease, the fruits become tasteless and unsuitable for storage and consumption.

How to fight?

You should grow zoned trees, purchase disease-resistant species, and monitor the winter hardiness of the individual, that is:

  • do not grow trees in wet, swampy areas;
  • do not deprive the apple tree of a range of fertilizers to increase immunity;
  • water trees abundantly only in the first half of the growing season;
  • in autumn and spring, the trunks should be coated with lime milk (2 kg of lime per 10 liters of water) with the addition of copper sulfate;
  • trim and burn severely affected parts of the tree;
  • clean the bark from mechanical damage and cracks, disinfect them with a solution of copper sulfate (10-20 g per 1 liter of water).

If all efforts to combat the disease are in vain, then it is advisable to destroy the infected trees.

Recently, the phenomenon of black cancer has become increasingly widespread in gardens. Apple trees are the most susceptible to this disease. can rake entire massifs, so it is considered an extremely dangerous and serious incident.

“Antonov fire” - the second name of black cancer is based on a fungal disease, which affects weakened and old trees, slowing down its development so much that it cannot heal itself.

First, brown spots appear on the painful area, pressed into the cortex. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, the tubercles are very small. It is precisely them that gardeners do not notice, missing the opportunity to cure the tree ahead of schedule. Subsequently, the bark begins to crack, char, and eventually falls off.


  • Spots on leaves. In early spring, when the leaves bloom, strange spots appear on them. The lesion appears mild, but later increases in size. Purple spots are covered with a black crust, the bodies of a black virus.
  • Leaves fall prematurely. Shortly before the fruit ripens, the apple tree begins to shed cancer-affected leaves. The yield decreases, the quality deteriorates - the changes are noticeable immediately.
  • Fruit rot. Instead of the long-awaited harvest, you get rotten fruits covered with brown spots.

Why does the trunk of an apple tree turn black with black cancer?

Symptoms of black cancer:

  • The formation of brown spots on the bark, which are initially invisible,
  • Sooty black coating on the bark,
  • Charring of the affected area on the tree trunk,
  • Healthy bark rises, peels off,
  • Cracks and other damage are located throughout the surface of the bark,
  • Over time, the condition of the tree only worsens.

How to treat?

  1. High agricultural technology- is an effective protection against black cancer of apple trees

The main thing is not to forget about:

Therapeutic measures are based on point No. 1 (agricultural technology). Preventing a disease is easier than curing a tree.

Active treatment is carried out in the spring. It consists of cleaning the wounds of the diseased and healthy cortex. Diseased bark should be disinfected with a 2% solution of copper sulfate. Copper-based eco-paints for bark are also effective.

Root cancer

Root cancer is a bacterial disease. Swells and growths of different sizes form on the roots of the tree, which begin to rot. Bacteria penetrate through soil pests.

Appearance of root cancer

They look like whitish tumors, soft in structure. The growths can reach 12 cm in diameter, compacting to a hard wooden state.

It is noted that the diseased tree sharply increases in growth, after which it begins to sag.


Root growths create a nutritional deficiency for the tree, reduce its resistance to the environment and durability, and also delay sap flow, reducing productivity.

Measures to combat root cancer

  • Before planting seedlings, they need carefully inspect for defects or external signs of illness.
  • If growths are found, they should be removed, and disinfect the root area.

It is better to plant seedlings of new trees in place of grain or legumes. It is this soil that will provide a good basis for growth. Also, planting mustard next to the apple orchard is a good prevention against root cancer.

Rust on an apple tree

Apple tree rust is a common and very dangerous plant disease in the garden.. It is not difficult to solve rust - formations (pustules) appear on the apple tree. They have a variety of sizes and shapes, but when cracked, they are showered with a rusty-colored powder. This is a viral fungus.

Signs of rust on an apple tree

  1. Raised spots and stripes rusty color with a characteristic powder.
  2. Drying and falling off leaves.
  3. Star-shaped growths yellowish tint on the leaves.

Rust fungi spend the winter on juniper bushes, so it is better to avoid such a pleasant neighborhood.

Why is rust dangerous?

  1. Causes complete death of leaves, and then other parts of the tree.
  2. Reduced winter hardiness, fruit quality, yield in general, loss of the tree as a whole.
  3. Loss of moisture, which means slowing down photosynthesis in plants.


  • Protect the apple tree from juniper in general or with greenery.
  • Remove all diseased parts of the tree if it is already infected.
  • Spray chemicals on damaged areas.
  • In the spring, resume cleaning the affected areas followed by disinfection.

Brown spot (phyllostictosis)

It affects the leaves of not only apple trees, but also pears, plums, and quinces. Angular, rounded spots with a brown rim appear on the leaves.

The spots can blend in with the color of the leaves, covering the entire surface. In the center of the pigments there are clear black dots, the mushrooms themselves. The affected tissue (leaves) peels off in the form of a transparent film and then dies.

Brown spot damage occurs when trees are treated with concentrates, so summer residents think that the spots are a specific reaction of trees to pesticides. Young leaves are infected to a greater extent, which then lose their elasticity and rich color.

The disease develops in conditions of humidity and poor ventilation, where the air is stale.

Protective measures against leaf disease

  • Preference is given to disease-resistant apple tree species;
  • Compliance with agrotechnical and chemical care rules;
  • Application of fertilizers, fertilizing, spraying and natural solutions.

Measures to combat the disease

  1. Growing resistant varieties.
  2. In personal plots - collecting and burning fallen leaves.
  3. In industrial gardens - plowing to destroy affected leaves.

Prevention of apple tree diseases

It is necessary to carry out prevention of any diseases, both in young and adult plantings. Particular attention should be paid to apple trees that do not have biological protection against pathogens. And, of course, it is important to purchase new garden crops that are full of health and beauty. In order for your apple orchard to enjoy its harvest, you need to know the general rules for caring for it, as well as the dangers that can be avoided.

  1. Viruses.

To prevent viral diseases prematurely, a system is implemented to protect apple trees from pests. It includes sprays against aphids and cicadas. To do this, use insecticides available in your stores.

  1. When to spray an apple tree?

In early spring before the buds open, and also in mid-autumn until the first cold weather. This prevention destroys insects and fungal plants that encroach on the health of apple trees or, conversely, develops the tree’s immune system against them.

  1. Natural immunity.

The main prerequisite for the normal growth and development of a tree is the presence of stable immunity. This can be achieved by following the rules of caring for the apple tree: fertilizers, fertilizing, watering, pruning the crown, killing weeds, cultivating the soil, spraying against bugs. All these procedures will guarantee the good health of your garden pet.

  1. Small leaves.

To prevent your garden from becoming small-leaved among the trees, you can plant alfalfa near the apple tree, which provides nearby plants with phosphates, zinc and copper.

  1. Whitewashing an apple tree.

The schedule for whitewashing apple trees is 2 times a year. At the same time, remember that you need to whiten not only the tree trunk, but also the branches of the lower tier.

  1. Fertilizing the apple tree.

Feeding is carried out 3-4 times per season. Root feeding is intended for soil penetration, and external feeding is a spraying method. The rule is that in dry weather we use liquid fertilizer, and in wet weather we use dry fertilizer.

  1. Pruning branches and processing the trunk.

Sanitary pruning is the removal of broken and diseased branches. Cleaning the bark is mandatory, after which all cracks in the bark are treated with varnish.

  1. Digging the soil.

After removing weeds and excess plants, begin digging the soil to a depth of 10 cm. Try not to injure the roots of the tree. While digging, spread mineral fertilizers around the perimeter, which will be perfectly absorbed by the roots during this period.

You can remove any wart yourself, but an inexperienced person is not always able to get rid of a wart the first time by reading the spells chosen from the following. Don’t despair, if for some reason you don’t succeed the first time, try another plot and luck will definitely be on your side.

Wart spell for the waning moon

To get rid of a wart, you need to pick a dry straw in the evening on the waning moon and, upon returning home, poke (without piercing the wart) the tip of the straw into each wart and at the same time read a spell that will help get rid of warts :

From dry there will not be young,
A fish will not make a bull,
You can't get milk from a rooster.
So you can't sit on my body either
And die in a bad month.


The ritual and reading this spell to get rid of warts You can only read it on the waning moon!

Conspiracy for warts on an apple

Spells for the treatment and removal of warts pretty good a way to remove warts using magic in several days. It is for this reason that this healing spell for warts read on an apple so popular. Only an apple that has fallen from a tree (popularly called carrion) is suitable for a conspiracy. Having found such an apple and brought it home, cut the apple into three parts, touching each part of the apple to the wart 3 times read this conspiracy :

Which apple is eaten,
And which apples dry out.
Same for you, wart,

dry up and die
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Apple slices that you could conspire to reduce your warts you need to bury it outside in different holes. Once the apple rots, you can get rid of warts once and for all .

Conspiracy of warts with potatoes

A spell for warts is made using raw potatoes. cut into two halves on the street. You need to throw one half back over your head, and use the remaining half of the potato tuber to rub the wart while you read a spell that will help remove a wart :

Get the warts off my skin,

Using a spell, switch to potatoes.

As the potato rots, the wart will come off.


After information warts on potatoes you need to bury half the potato in a dry place so that it dries there and does not sprout. When the potatoes dry out or rot and Warts will come out quickly .

Wart spell with thread

Conspiracy of warts with thread most a powerful way to quickly get rid of and remove warts using magic . The old people with whom I lived last year in the village told me this way to treat skin from warts by bringing them together onto a thread. Can remove all warts on the body, face, hands and feet with this simple spell . Warts on the fingers, toes, and feet (plantar warts) can also be cured by reading spell for warts on a red thread . The ritual is as follows. To cast a spell, you need to take a thread and, after counting your warts, tie the same number of knots on the thread, say on the thread wart spell :

13 devils, 13 brothers, harness 13 swamp toads,
Drive along 13 roads, remove warts from slave (a) (name).
How can these 13 toads not converge in one place?
So the warts will not return to the slave (name).
An old oak. Steel tooth.
Key. Lock. Language.


After reading spell for warts with thread you need to come to any crossroads of roads or paths and in the center of the crossroads throw a thread charmed to reduce warts and leave without looking back. Wart spell on a thread helps get rid of all warts for one ceremony.

© Copyright: Magician


  • Treatment of varicose veins with spells is a very common folk method. This is a very good and proven method that allows you to quickly and independently cure varicose veins right at home. Treatment of varicose veins occurs with the help of white magic, and all you need is to read a strong conspiracy prayer against varicose veins. Many people who tried to treat varicose veins with the help of a spell prayer experienced improvement and relief the very next day, about which you can read many positive reviews, but there are also those for whom the spell for varicose veins could not be removed, but they are a minority. Treatment of varicose veins with a conspiracy should be carried out after sunset. As soon as the sun sets, move your little finger counterclockwise around the veins and varicose veins protruding on the legs, read the healing plot against varicose veins:

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  • A good and strong time-tested spell for the head that will help to talk about migraines and noise in the head. The spell will help you quickly get rid of headaches. To independently treat headaches using magic, you need a knife and the words of an old spell that you need to memorize. Take the knife by the blade in your right hand and slowly cross your head with the handle of the knife, repeat the proven prayer for headaches three times:

  • Today we will tell you how to spell sciatica yourself using a spell and how quickly this spell will help and teach you a simple ritual for treating back pain due to sciatica. If you are tormented by radiculitis and back pain haunts you, this simple magical ritual with independent reading of the words of the spell prayer for radiculitis relieves lower back pain for many people the first time. If you get sciatica in windy weather, go outside and read the words of the conspiracy against back pain (lower back) against radiculitis 4 times to the north, south, east and west:

  • A conspiracy to conceive a child helps to get pregnant even if a man or woman is diagnosed with infertility. You need to read the infertility plot a few minutes before conceiving a child, once by the husband and once by the wife. The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

  • Treatment of a sore throat and sore throat with the help of a spell can be done independently with the help of water. Invoking water for a sore throat and rinsing a sore throat with water can quickly relieve pain and cure a sore throat in 1 day. Depending on the age of the person, an adult or a child, fill a container with water so that there is enough water for 3 gargles: morning, lunch and evening, and always half an hour before meals. Taking a jar of water by the bottom with your left hand and covering it with your right hand, say the words of the conspiracy to treat a sore throat:

  • A spell for back pain that the patient should read on their own will help to speak to a sore back. This is a very simple and effective way to treat a sore back with a spell that all village healers and midwives recommend trying. To read the plot, the patient must lie down with his sore back on any threshold in his house and say the spell so that his back does not hurt:

  • We will tell you a plot on how to reduce illness to a straw doll. This is the most powerful and widespread method of healers and healers, which is used to remove any disease from a person. By choosing this magical method of getting rid of a disease and transferring it to a doll made of dry straw, the animal or plant does not suffer, much less transfer the disease to another person; these black methods of reducing the disease are used only by warlocks. With the help of a conspiracy to reduce the disease, you can transfer the disease to a straw doll; you can heal terminally ill people by reducing their illness to a straw effigy or a doll made of dry straw. The doll is dressed in clothes made from the clothes of a sick person. Having prepared the doll for the disease, you need to leave the house and place the doll on the ground, draw a circle around it. After completing this ritual, read the words of the conspiracy to remove disease and illness from a person:

We will consider in detail the plot for warts read on an apple - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Modern people resort to the services of doctors to treat diseases, take medicine and go under a scalpel. In ancient times, when medicine as such did not exist, people rushed to healers for help. One of the purposes of visiting the local sorcerer was the desire to get rid of a wart - a skin growth that spoils the appearance of the body.

Some of the magical rituals are available for a person to perform independently. But to obtain results, you need to adhere to certain rules for their implementation. The main one is faith in achieving the desired effect and faith in the magic itself. Healers claim that the lack of faith of the sufferer will nullify the efforts of even the most experienced specialists.

An important condition that reinforces the effectiveness of rituals is their conduct during the waning moon. To get rid of growths, any manipulations and reading of conspiracies must be carried out after the full moon, when the night star is in its waning phase.

But you should not abuse magic “things”. If the problem has not been resolved within a month, it is better to repeat the ritual on the next waning moon. You can also resort to performing another ritual.

Carrying out magical treatment during the period of waning of the cold luminary is identified with a person’s desire to get rid of a wart or other ailment. And vice versa, if the help of higher powers is required in obtaining something, rituals are performed on the waxing moon or on the full moon itself.

How to charm a wart to wilt

Spells against warts to wither their bodies are endowed with high magical power. Before reading the text, you need to take a fruit, root vegetable or vegetable and cut it in half. Most often, an apple is taken for this purpose (regardless of the variety, color and taste preferences) or a raw potato.

If it is an apple, rub the wart with its half and say the following words:

After pronouncing the words three times, half the fruit is placed on a plate and the vessel is placed in direct sunlight, causing the apple to wilt and dry out. As soon as this happens, it is taken away from the house and buried without witnesses. By this time, the papilloma should have gone away. After the ritual, the second half of the apple is allowed to be eaten or thrown away.

To read the plot warts on a string You can already take a potato to help. It is advisable to perform the ritual early in the morning. So, having cut the root vegetable into 2 parts, rub the new growth with each of them, saying the words (three times):

As soon as this action is completed, the halves are tightly tied with thread and the potato is buried in a place where people do not walk. When burying a root crop, the action is reinforced with the following words:

If the wart is not on the arm, but on another part of the body, it is called in prayer.

The considered conspiracies against warts create an energetic connection between it and the fetus. Drying of the fetus is transferred to the neoplasm.

How to remove a wart using trees

When reading conspiracies and prayers for warts, it is a good idea to enlist the support of nature. For example, with a request for healing from growths, you can turn to mountain ash.

The ritual is carried out by going to the tree and christening each papilloma three times with a needle. At the same time repeat three times:

Ritual using birch and water- carried out to remove papillomas from the hands. Its implementation begins with 11 days of infusion of water in a glass jar. On the 12th day, coinciding with the period of the waning of the moon, they approach the birch tree and squat near its trunk on cards. Then they wash the wart with the water they brought and read the following text:

The plot is read 9 times while washing hands, and the water should be absorbed into the ground. The ritual must show its effectiveness within 2 months.

Dripping celandine juice onto the warts, raise your palms to the night sky and whisper three times: “A month, a young month, take me with you. Take away the warts and bring me back quickly.”

How to get rid of warts with a spell when there are a large number of growths at one time? First you need to pick a thin twig from a tree and stock up on woolen threads. Next, the new growths are counted and, based on their number, a thread is made around the branch with leaves. The procedure is completed by burying the “craft” in damp soil and reading the magical text:

Rituals with onions, lard and peas, oak broom

A purple onion and a knife will help get rid of papillomas.

After cutting the vegetable in half, rub the new growth with each part and say:

The text is read three times over each growth. At the end of the ritual, the halves of the vegetable are taken to a deserted intersection and left on the road. They leave without turning around or talking to the people they meet along the way.

How to charm a wart with peas and lard? Add a piece of lard to the cooked fruits and say:

At the end of the manipulation, the fat is given to the dog or hidden in a gutter designed to drain water.

An oak broom will help you magically remove a wart. On the waning moon, it is steamed in a bathhouse and doused with a glass of hot water. The flowing drops are collected in the same glass and the words are whispered 3 times:

Spell for warts: read on an apple, how to get rid of them with a thread, how to spell for removal

How a wart spell can affect the rest of your life

The problem of the occurrence of the disease, as well as conspiracies for warts, is familiar to many. The disease appears both in adolescence and old age. In a mature person, warts can occur as a result of infection with the HPV virus (human papillomavirus).

Many sources describe methods for removing cones using medical and folk methods. They are quite effective, but do not provide the main thing - guarantees against relapse.

How to talk to a wart

Conspiracies will tell you how to get rid of the disease. Special treatment for these formations usually ensures complete healing without the appearance of growths in the future. These methods are recognized in our time by medicine, since they are based on the most powerful means - self-hypnosis.

The sounds that we make during a conspiracy are energy. If directed correctly, it will help the treatment. When the patient firmly believes in healing, the tumors disappear.

Healing with spells is a safe and clean method. There is no need for surgery, anesthesia, or taking chemically unsafe drugs. Spells can be used to cure tumors on any part of the body, in adults and children. But you should know how to speak to a wart correctly and with great effect.

Typically, the reading method is used when there are multiple warts that would otherwise have to be removed surgically. A conspiracy against warts is a manifestation of magic. If you have any convictions, then you can pick up a remedy for warts from the pharmacy. This is just a chemical reaction.

You can believe in it or not, but if the patient decides to resort to magical powers, some rules must be followed:

How to get rid of a wart. Spells and reading

How to speak to a wart with a thread

For this ritual, find or buy red wool yarn. Tear off a piece of yarn 20 to 30 cm long. Wait for the waxing moon phase, when the month is still very short. Take the yarn, go out into the yard, hold the thread over the growth and say to it: “Growing moon, calling with you, take all my warts to you for good.”

Then a piece of yarn is buried in the yard to a depth of 20 cm. When the thread undergoes the process of rotting, the source of the disease will begin to disappear. It will completely disappear after the piece of yarn rots. A person will learn for himself how to charm a wart with a thread.

There are several options for phrases that need to be spoken. For example: “The young moon is shining in the sky, taking away warts from me forever.” If there are a lot of growths, you need to tie knots in the yarn according to the number of growths.

Most often, a green apple is used for this purpose, but other colors are also possible. The fruit is cut into 2 halves, the middle is rubbed into the formation. During the rubbing process, you must say: “Little apple, help me, take away the wart. The red fruit will wither, the skin will become clear. Amen!"

Then the used fruit is placed in a cup or plate and left there until it withers. When the fruit completely withers, it must be buried in the ground.

Conspiracy of warts with potatoes

The ritual is performed with a medium root crop. This procedure requires potatoes and thin sticks. You can use matches or sharp sticks. There should be the number of spots. With this arsenal you need to go out onto the road at the crossroads. Then touch the growths with matches: touch the first wart with the first stick, the next - the next formation, and so on.

Say: “The first toothpick is the first wart” and so on. All used matches (toothpicks) must be stuck into the potato, so it is easier to perform the ritual with sharp toothpicks. A potato studded with toothpicks should be thrown under the wheels of cars and said: “The road is long, the beauty is clear. Take all dirt away from me."

There is another potato conspiracy. You need to take a potato and a thread. Cut the vegetable in half and grate the cut side into the formation. At the same time, say: “I wash my hands with potatoes, the warts fade little by little. Amen!".

Then both halves of the vegetable crop are tied together with a stored thread and buried in the ground with the words: “When the potato rots, then my wart will go away.” The moon must be waning.

Conspiracy to remove warts with celandine

The ritual with celandine is well known and often used. They stock up on medicinal plant juice in advance and infuse it. During the waxing moon, a ritual ceremony is performed. They leave the house. All flat warts and other types are smeared with plant juice, saying: “Clear young month, I’ll go for a walk with you. Send all the warts far away so that it will be easy for me to go home.”

The simplest ritual during the waning moon is the grass spell. It is performed in the warm season, when the grass is growing. The patient picks a bunch of any grass from the ground and finds the longest grass in it. With it, he touches each formation on the skin in turn with the words: “Dry grass will not become young, a bull will not become a calf, autumn will not pass into summer. And the wart will leave me, melt, disappear.”

Ritual with a branch

This ritual combines a conspiracy for a thread and a branch. You need to get some thread and a branch of some tree. Then the patient counts all the formations on his body. Knots are made on a piece of yarn according to the number of cones.

A thread with knots is twisted around a branch, after which the branch is buried in the ground. When burying, you need to say: “The branch will not be forever green. And decay will take the string, and my wart will disappear.” As the branches gradually rot, growths will disappear.

According to another version, you need to wrap the yarn around the branch so that there are as many turns as there are formations on the skin, and you don’t have to make knots. When burying this structure in the ground, you should say: “The twig rots, the rope smolders, and with them my warts.”

This spell is used by a healer from Siberia, who has successfully used it more than once. It requires water infused for 11 days. During the waning month, they take water with them outside and look for a birch tree nearby.

Near the tree you need to sit down and wash the infected areas of the skin with prepared water with the sentence: “Water washes dirty hands, makes them clean, warts go away. They will flow into the ground from me forever. Amen!".

You need to say this 9 times until the water you bring runs out. After a month, the formations will begin to disappear. If you need to understand how to quickly remove a wart at home, then you should turn to antiviral drugs for internal and external use.

You need to take a bottle of castor oil, lubricate the foci of the disease with it, cross each formation with the handle of a knife and say: “Spin, turn black, spin, swirl away. Leave me alone and don’t be disingenuous with other people. Run through the wide fields, drown yourself in the deep pool.”

Maundy Thursday Ritual

It is effective to remove tumors from the skin during Holy Week, namely, on Maundy Thursday. On this day, Orthodox believers paint eggs for Easter and consecrate them in the Temple. With such a colored egg you need to cross all the formations on the skin, saying: “Get away, warts, from my body, through the valleys, through the swamps, through the forests and through the fields.

Lord God, heavenly father, intercede for me, protect me from sadness and pain, from evil people and caustic speeches, from cruel plans and from deep warts. Now and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Readable text removes tumors quite quickly. You can carry out a conspiracy without auxiliary items.

Conspiracy against warts on the waning moon

During the period of the waning moon, when the full moon has not yet ended, it is necessary to go out into the yard after sunset and turn around so that the moon illuminates the growths and multiple formations on the skin. Then they need to be moistened with saliva and spat over the left shoulder.

At the same time, you need to say 7 times: “Wart, you sit for a while, and then go along the lunar path.” The enchanted growth disappears within a month.

Spells on food products

Warts are the result of damage

Healers believe that multiple warts are a consequence of damage to a person. If you remove the damage, then the neoplasms will disappear.

Removing damage is a more complex process, but its effectiveness is also higher. You need to catch 13 live frogs. To begin, place it in a wide-necked jar. Then take a piece of yarn and tie a knot over each new growth. There should be 13 such knots in total. Tear the thread into pieces with a knot on each.

Tie one piece of thread to the leg of each frog. After this, release the animals into the wild in the forest and say: “Go away, toads, to hell. Let every devil choose his own path and not walk close to God. He will take a wart from the servant of God (name). Everyone runs away in different directions, the growths fly away with them forever. Language. Lock and key. It will truly be so!”

Prayer for warts

No magical items are required for reading. The prayer for warts is simple. You just need to get up early and go out into the field at dawn. There, read the prayer three times: “Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit, deliver me, the servant of God (name), from such dirty tricks. Help me overcome it."

Here you need to point your finger at the wart or papilloma. The prayer is repeated 3 times. After reading the prayer, you can go home. After a month, the growths begin to disappear. If reading does not help, repeat the procedure again in a month.

Advice from healer Natalia Stepanova

This Siberian sorceress practices a spell for warts on meat, which was described above. The second method she suggests is the ritual with peas and lard. You need to boil the peas, then put the lard in there. At the same time, say: “I cook lard in peas so that warts do not appear. Amen".

The most effective way, when other conspiracies for papillomas and warts do not help, is the ritual with bread. On odd days of the month they buy white bread and leave the change to the seller. The bread must be baked from wheat. The ritual is performed on a pitchless night, when there are clouds in the black sky and nothing is visible.

The bread is torn into 4 pieces and placed in 4 corners of the room, while reading: “In the name of our Lord, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Christ took a bath, then sat down for the meal, tasted the bread, ate his fill and said: “Whoever divides the bread into 4 parts will free himself from misfortune. All dirt will come off, fall into the bread, and retreat from the servant of God (name). The servant of God (name) will remain pure. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

In the morning, pieces of bread are picked up and carried into the yard. The pieces are placed under 4 different trees. When the birds peck the bread, the growths on the skin will disappear.

The man in the video shares his experience of how to heal a wart using self-hypnosis.

Spells for warts

The effectiveness of treating warts using a spell has been confirmed by many people. A magical ritual will help get rid of skin growths and improve your psychological and physical condition.

Conditions for successful treatment

Magic book and dried herbs

Spells for warts, as an effective folk remedy, defeat an unpleasant disease in the fight. The process consists of treating the growth with a folk remedy to transfer all the negativity to it.

To successfully combat skin bumps, you need to carefully prepare. Conspiracies are carried out - observing the necessary conditions:

  1. Strong faith. If a person is initially not serious about the process, it is better not to start. Why do something you don't believe in? The result can please only a determined and confident person.
  2. It is necessary to take into account the lunar phases. Most conspiracies are read on the waning moon. Some rituals are performed for growing. You definitely need to remember this!
  3. Rituals are held on women's and men's days. Suitable for women - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. For men - Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.
  4. Everyone, having become familiar with the conspiracy, must choose a method that is suitable only for him.

Conspiracies work in different ways. Rituals should be performed in complete psychological calm. Negativity can block the power of a conspiracy.

Sometimes you won’t be able to remove warts the first time. You definitely need to try again, use a different method. Centuries of experience have confirmed the power of rituals. You should look at them more closely.

The most effective conspiracies

There are several ways to charm warts with thread:

On cotton thread

  1. It should be measured.
  2. For this ritual, the required length is 30 cm.
  3. The action takes place on the street.
  4. Possible near open windows.
  5. You should make sure that the new month begins.

Carry out the following actions:

  • Touch each wart with a thread;
  • Carefully count all growths;
  • Tie knots on the thread so that their number matches the number. How many warts does a person have?
  • Quietly read the spell for warts on a string: “The new month, take all the growths with you”;
  • Bury the thread deep into the ground. If a person lives in an apartment, then a flower pot is suitable for this.

On a harsh thread

  • Tie the wart with a thread without tightening the knot all the way and begin the plot. “The thread will become a knot, the wart will become a goat. Bend over and fall off. As the thread rots, let the growth go away. Let the hole in the ground be empty and my skin become clean.”
  • You should knit three such knots until the end of the plot and read it the same amount;
  • After completion, lift the thread and tighten the knot tightly;
  • Bury the tied knots in the ground.

This ritual is carried out for three days.

On a yellow thread

  • They hold it over each growth on the skin and say the following: “This thread will not come undone and you will not grow together with me.”
  • Tie knots according to the number of warts;
  • Take a potato, cut it and hide a thread with knots inside;
  • Bury deep.

Everything should be done secretly from people.

Conspiracy using an apple

  • Early in the morning, cut the fruit in half;
  • Rub the cut part into the nodules on the skin;
  • Ask, the apple will take away the warts forever;
  • Place on a plate and hide away from everyone.

The apple will first begin to wither, then dry up. Take it, bury it deep, away from people.

Potato spell

  • Before sunrise, cut the potatoes in half and cut parts, as if you are washing yourself with them and removing everything bad from the body, rub the areas with growths;
  • Afterwards, combine the potatoes into a whole, tie with a rope;
  • Bury it with the thought that the potatoes will rot and everything will go away.

Spell on a twig

Helped many people with different types of warts. Stages of implementation:

  • Count all growths;
  • Tie a branch of any tree with the same number of knots and bury it.

You need to mentally ask: “Let the twig with the string rot and let all the warts disappear.”

Conspiracy for meat

Be sure to take raw meat.

  • Wait for a moonless night;
  • Rub the warts;
  • Bury in a place where people do not walk and dogs cannot dig.

When the meat rots, everything will pass.

Moon conspiracy

Should be done during the full moon.

  • Find a place where moonlight shines;
  • Place your hands under it and rub as if to “wash”;
  • Say: “I’ll drive you away with the light, I’ll send you to the moon.”

Tree plot

Made on the waning moon

  • Leave the water to stand for 11 days;
  • Wake up early in the morning, pray, go outside, go to the birch tree, sit down and wash with the prepared water;
  • Imagine how everything bad leaves the body and soul;
  • You should repeat washing 9 times with pure thoughts.

Onion spell

It will help remove multiple warts.

  • A purple bulb is required;
  • Cut in half and grate any protruding knots;
  • Leave the used bow at an intersection where people do not walk.

Conspiracy with celandine

Natural juice of celandine

The juice of the herb has long been used to remove warts. It works if done in the growing phase.

  • The juice must be squeezed out one day before use;
  • All activities should be carried out outdoors;
  • Lubricate each tubercle with juice. Proceed with caution as it is highly poisonous. Make sure that clean skin is not touched;
  • They stretch out their hands to the moon with their palms and ask her to take away all the warts and return the person home healthy;
  • Repeat meaningfully three times.

Potato spell

Perform actions in the new month phase:

  • Find a blind crossroads;
  • Use a match to touch the growth and stick it into the potato. Continue like this until the end. One match – one wart;
  • Mentally imagine how the warts move inside the vegetable;
  • At the end, leave everything at the intersection, turn your back and ask the roads to take all the sores away;
  • Leave quickly and silently without looking back.
  • You shouldn't talk to anyone at home.
  • Try to spend time in complete silence and calm.

Conspiracies will work if a person believes. Ugly formations will leave the body if the will is gathered together, time, place and desire are taken into account when performing magical rituals.

Spells for warts. How to get rid of warts - all conspiracies against warts

You can remove any wart yourself, but an inexperienced person is not always able to get rid of a wart the first time by reading the spells chosen from the following. Don’t despair, if for some reason you don’t succeed the first time, try another plot and luck will definitely be on your side.

Wart spell for the waning moon

To get rid of a wart, you need to pick a dry straw in the evening on the waning moon and, upon returning home, poke (without piercing the wart) the tip of the straw into each wart and at the same time read a spell that will help get rid of warts :

A fish will not make a bull,

You can't get milk from a rooster.

So you can't sit on my body either

And die in a bad month.

The ritual and reading this spell to get rid of warts You can only read it on the waning moon!

Conspiracy for warts on an apple

Spells for the treatment and removal of warts pretty good a way to remove warts using magic in several days. It is for this reason that this healing spell for warts read on an apple so popular. Only an apple that has fallen from a tree (popularly called carrion) is suitable for a conspiracy. Having found such an apple and brought it home, cut the apple into three parts, touching each part of the apple to the wart 3 times read this conspiracy :

Which apple is eaten,

And which apples dry out.

Same for you, wart,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Apple slices that you could conspire to reduce your warts you need to bury it outside in different holes. Once the apple rots, you can get rid of warts once and for all .

Conspiracy of warts with potatoes

A spell for warts is made using raw potatoes. cut into two halves on the street. You need to throw one half back over your head, and use the remaining half of the potato tuber to rub the wart while you read a spell that will help remove a wart :

Get the warts off my skin,

Using a spell, switch to potatoes.

As the potato rots, the wart will come off.

After information warts on potatoes you need to bury half the potato in a dry place so that it dries there and does not sprout. When the potatoes dry out or rot and Warts will come out quickly .

Wart spell with thread

Conspiracy of warts with thread most a powerful way to quickly get rid of and remove warts using magic. The old people with whom I lived last year in the village told me this way to treat skin from warts by bringing them together onto a thread. Can remove all warts on the body, face, hands and feet with this simple spell. Warts on the fingers, toes, and feet (plantar warts) can also be cured by reading spell for warts on a red thread. The ritual is as follows. To cast a spell, you need to take a thread and, after counting your warts, tie the same number of knots on the thread, say on the thread wart spell :

13 devils, 13 brothers, harness 13 swamp toads,

Drive along 13 roads, remove warts from slave (a) (name).

How can these 13 toads not converge in one place?

So the warts will not return to the slave (name).

An old oak. Steel tooth.

After reading spell for warts with thread you need to come to any crossroads of roads or paths and in the center of the crossroads throw a thread charmed to reduce warts and leave without looking back. Wart spell on a thread helps get rid of all warts for one ceremony.

Treatment of varicose veins with spells is a very common folk method. This is a very good and proven method that allows you to quickly and independently cure varicose veins right at home. Treatment of varicose veins occurs with the help of white magic, and all you need is to read a strong conspiracy prayer against varicose veins. Many people who tried to treat varicose veins with the help of a spell prayer experienced improvement and relief the very next day, about which you can read many positive reviews, but there are also those for whom the spell for varicose veins could not be removed, but they are a minority. Treatment of varicose veins with a conspiracy should be carried out after sunset. As soon as the sun goes down,

The opening of the swimming season every year on July 6th is precisely on this day and the day of Agrofena Swimsuit is celebrated. There is a good old ritual - a tradition according to which you need to take a bath in any natural body of water on this day and read a prayer for health. According to ancient belief, if you perform this ritual, a person will not get sick all year. A spell on Agrofena to gain health

An old and proven conspiracy against night sweats will help get rid of excessive sweating during sleep. Spells have already talked about a very effective spell for stinking sweat and received a lot of feedback from people who really helped this spell get rid of hyperhidrosis. People also asked to tell us about a conspiracy to treat night sweats and we are fulfilling the request. The spell for night sweats is read in the morning on bed linen wet from sweat. When you get out of bed, read the spell in bed. The ritual to get rid of night sweats is carried out three times in a row. Prayer spell words for treating excessive nighttime sleepiness

A good and strong time-tested spell for the head that will help to talk about migraines and noise in the head. The spell will help you quickly get rid of headaches. To independently treat headaches using magic, you need a knife and the words of an old spell that you need to memorize. Take the knife by the blade in your right hand and slowly cross your head with the handle of the knife, repeat the proven prayer prayer for the head three times

Today we will tell you how to spell sciatica yourself using a spell and how quickly this spell will help and teach you a simple ritual for treating back pain due to sciatica. If you are tormented by radiculitis and back pain haunts you, this simple magical ritual with independent reading of the words of the spell prayer for radiculitis relieves lower back pain for many people the first time. If you get sciatica in windy weather, go outside and read the words of the conspiracy against back pain (lower back) 4 times to the north, south, east and west

A conspiracy to conceive a child helps to get pregnant even if a man or woman is diagnosed with infertility. You need to read the infertility plot a few minutes before conceiving a child, once by the husband and once by the wife. The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

Treatment of a sore throat and sore throat with the help of a spell can be done independently with the help of water. Invoking water for a sore throat and rinsing a sore throat with water can quickly relieve pain and cure a sore throat in 1 day. Depending on the age of the person, an adult or a child, fill a container with water so that there is enough water for 3 gargles: morning, lunch and evening, and always half an hour before meals. Taking a jar of water by the bottom with your left hand and covering it with your right hand, say the words of the spell for treatment

A spell for back pain that the patient should read on their own will help to speak to a sore back. This is a very simple and effective way to treat a sore back with a spell that all village healers and midwives recommend trying. To read the plot, the patient must lie down with his sore back on any threshold in his house and say the plot so that his back does not

We will tell you a plot on how to reduce illness to a straw doll. This is the most powerful and widespread method of healers and healers, which is used to remove any disease from a person. By choosing this magical method of getting rid of a disease and transferring it to a doll made of dry straw, the animal or plant does not suffer, much less transfer the disease to another person; these black methods of reducing the disease are used only by warlocks. With the help of a conspiracy to reduce the disease, you can transfer the disease to a straw doll; you can heal terminally ill people by reducing their illness to a straw effigy or a doll made of dry straw. The doll is put on clothes made from clothes

This plot helps in treating facial skin from acne, blackheads and acne; it is called a spell for clear skin. Immediately after reading this plot, the very next morning the skin on the face and body becomes clean and healthy. You need to read the spell for clear skin strictly at midnight on Thursday 3 times in a row, while pouring clean water on yourself from head to toe from a ladle. Immediately after reading the plot three times, you need to wipe yourself from face to toe with a new white towel, always without a pattern. In the morning, you need to take the towel on which the ritual was performed to clean your skin and get rid of acne and acne to the forest and, having found any aspen, tie the towel to an aspen branch. Don't go home

A good and powerful way to get rid of a strong cough using magic is to read an effective and proven cough-relieving spell yourself. Treatment of cough with a conspiracy is carried out as follows. Buy a new needle and use it to hem the hem of a dress or shirt so that the stitch goes back counterclockwise. When you finish hemming, before tying a knot at the end of the thread, say the words of the healing spell from

A spell helps against a tick bite - a prayer against ticks that you need to read to yourself before going to the forest or a place where ticks accumulate. You can read the prayer for a conspiracy against tick bites both at home and while directly in nature. It happens that a person has already been bitten by a tick and what to do in such a situation. First, without wasting time, remove the tick from the skin and on the way to the nearest clinic you need to talk about the tick bite. The conspiracy against a tick bite is performed as follows. Take a dry blade of grass (from the root) and move it around the wound counterclockwise, saying the prayer for tick-borne incantation three times

A strong conspiracy told by a village grandmother-witch will help you get rid of the foul odor of sweat and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). A conspiracy against sweat will quickly help rid the body of excessive sweating for any person: a woman or a man, a child or an adult, you just need to read the magic words of the spell - the conspiracy and perform a simple ritual. The conspiracy against hyperhidrosis of the armpits, arms and legs has already helped people. You can read a lot of real reviews about the anti-sweat plot and be convinced of its effectiveness. Conspiracies will tell you about the 2 most effective conspiracies for the treatment of excessive sweating: One can be read at home, the other is a conspiracy for sweating

There is a proven method against boils and ulcers that will help to instantly reduce inflammation on the skin and get rid of boils, boils or purulent inflammation using a white magic spell. There is no need to spend money on expensive creams and pharmaceutical products against boils. A conspiracy from Chiri will help you, which you need to read yourself or ask a person close to you to do it. A plot against a boil or a plot against chiriya is a fairly effective method of combating this disease, which is successfully used in folklore

The spell for warts is best read on the waning moon. When you go outside, find a dry straw that is still standing and not knocked down by the wind or pressed to the ground. To whisper a wart, tear off a straw and carefully touch the straw to each wart that needs to be removed 3 times, read the plot for the treatment of warts.

We have already learned quite a lot about from previous articles. We got acquainted with their different varieties, how to choose the right seedlings and how to choose them correctly.

We also learned about how necessary it is to always have an excellent harvest.

Growing apple trees is a worthy, respected job. In response, the apple trees gratefully gift us with a harvest of fragrant and plump fruits.

But apple trees, like any living organism, can also get sick. Apple tree diseases can cause great harm to our beloved fruit trees and deprive us of a long-awaited harvest.

Therefore, we need to try to create conditions in the garden so that our trees grow healthy and strong. Protecting a delicate garden from disease is the main task of a gardener.

If they did sneak into our garden, then it is very important to determine this at an early stage of their development, then it will be easier to defeat the disease.

Apple tree diseases

Knowing the signs of apple tree diseases and their treatment is not a difficult task with some experience and knowledge. Let's talk about the most common diseases.


Scab is a fungal disease of apple trees. The leaves of the tree suffer from infection (they dry out and die). Signs of scab are a brownish-green coating and spots on the inside of the tree crown.

The development of fruits slows down, cracks and small dark brown spots appear on their surface.

♦ What to do? Apple scab is treated by treating the soil and the tree itself with inorganic and organic solutions (at the rate of 5 liters of the drug for each tree):

  1. Early spring(before flowering and after the formation of ovaries). Copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water).
  2. In spring and autumn. Urea solution (per 10 liters of water ½ kg of urea).
  3. Regularly throughout the treatment period. Bordeaux liquid (for 10 liters of water, lime and copper sulfate, 300 g each).

Powdery mildew

With this disease, the entire apple tree (buds, leaves, shoots and bark) becomes infected. Initially, a whitish coating appears, which quickly turns brown and acquires dark spots. The leaves dry out, the shoots stop growing, and the entire tree fades away.

If no action is taken, the mycelium spores quietly overwinter in parts of the apple tree and wake up again in the spring.

♦ What to do. Powdery mildew should be combated by spraying the entire tree:

  • Spring. Colloidal 70% sulfur (80 g of the drug per 10 liters of water). Treat the apple tree when the first leaves appear 2-3 times daily, then every 14 days 1-2 times.
  • After the harvest. Bordeaux mixture 1% or copper sulfate (50 g of vitriol and 20 g of liquid soap per bucket of water).

Moniliosis (fruit rot)

The fungal disease of the apple tree has set its sights on the most “delicious” target – the fruits. Rotting spots of a brownish color appear on apples that are just beginning to ripen.

Very quickly, rot takes over the entire fruit. Then the remaining fruits on the tree rot. Apples with damaged skin are especially quickly affected.

♦ What to do. The tree can be well protected from disease with copper-based preparations:

  1. Spring(bud break period). Bordeaux mixture 3%.
  2. Growing season. Bordeaux mixture 1%. The first spraying is when the worm carrion appears, the second after 15-20 days.

Necessarily! As soon as you notice the first signs of apple tree disease, collect all the affected fruits and destroy them, carefully dig up the trunk area of ​​the diseased tree. Do not leave carrion during the growing season of the apple tree - this can provoke the development of the disease.


This apple tree disease affects its bark. The disease begins with the appearance of dark ulcers in certain areas of the tree trunk.

The ulcers enlarge and become red-brown. The affected areas die and die along with the branches.

  • The disease develops at double speed with poor care and watering, too heavy and poor soils.

♦ What to do. The disease can be stopped by removing all affected areas of bark and dried branches. Otherwise, citisporosis will infect the apple tree from the inside and completely destroy it.

Necessarily! Do not forget about proper and timely application of fertilizers. It is especially necessary to feed the apple tree with phosphorus and potassium before the onset of winter cold.

Prevention is very important:

  • In spring and late autumn, tree trunks are whitewashed.
  • In the spring, before the buds completely swell, carry out preventive spraying of apple trees with Khoma solution. Repeat the procedure before flowering (at this time, treating plants with copper sulfate is also useful).

Black cancer

A serious and dangerous disease of apple trees. It affects the entire tree (bark, fruits and leaves). The disease begins with the appearance of spots on the leaves. They are rapidly spreading and increasing.

At the same time, black rot appears on the fruits, the bark cracks and swells.

  • Young trees do not suffer from black cancer. This is a disease of mature trees over 20 years of age. The varieties Pepin saffron, Cinnamon striped, and Papirovka do not suffer from black cancer.

♦ What to do. To avoid encountering a dangerous disease, ensure proper and regular care for your pets.

If apple tree canker has entered your garden, take the following measures:

  1. Trim off any affected branches.
  2. Clean the cuts thoroughly.
  3. Remove any rotten fruit.
  4. Seal all hollows thoroughly.
  5. Check the condition of the apple trees every 2-3 weeks.
  6. In autumn and spring, whitewash the trunks.

Diseased branches should be pruned to cover 1-2 cm of the living area. Treat the cut areas with copper sulfate 1-3% (for disinfection).

Then cover these areas with garden varnish (without adding rosin or drying oil).

Attention! Even if the tree has fully recovered, cuttings cannot be grafted from it. Black cancer is very insidious and can appear after a long time. The most dangerous period is spring, when the weather is warm and humid.

European cancer

This is one of the most serious diseases of the apple tree. . European or common cancer is very difficult to treat. The disease affects the branches and trunk with growths and deep cracks.

Typically, weakened and old trees become infected with cancer, and aggressive conditions (extreme heat or extreme cold) affect the development of the disease.

European cancer has two forms:

  1. Closed. Cancer in the form of swellings completely covers the cracks of the apple tree, leaving a small rotting gap.
  2. Open. Open wounds are forming on the tree, deep and non-healing.

The disease begins in the spring. Reddish bumps appear around infected wounds. These are fungal spores that are easily transferred to neighboring apple trees in the summer.

The tree should be treated and preventive measures taken in the same way as in the case of black cancer.

Root cancer

A dangerous apple tree disease is caused by a bacterium that likes to settle on the root system of the tree. It gets there through wounds and immediately begins active division.

Various hard growths form at the site of contact. Cancerous growths can break down, and then the bacteria enter the soil. There she can calmly wait in the wings for several years.

  • The causative agent of root canker loves neutral and slightly alkaline soils. But soils with an acidic reaction have a depressing effect on bacteria.

♦ What to do. Properly prepare the soil for the apple tree. A year or two before growing fruit crops, areas should be planted with annual herbs, lupine and mustard.

Check seedlings carefully for infection. Cull them if you notice growths on the root system or central root.

Small growths on the lateral parts of the roots should be carefully trimmed (including living tissue) and disinfected by dipping the seedling in a solution of 1% copper sulfate for 5-7 minutes.


Or fire blight is an extremely harmful apple tree disease . The tree may die within a month.

The infection affects all organs of the apple tree (young ovaries and annual shoots are most susceptible to the disease).

  • The infection begins to be active in the spring, simultaneously with sap flow. Warm weather (above +18-20° C) and high humidity contribute to the development of the disease.

You can notice the onset of the disease by the appearance of small droplets (exudate) or a thin film on the surface of the apple tree. The first signs usually appear after flowering.

  • Flowers. Diseased flowers become watery, darken and quickly fade.
  • Fruit. Oily-looking black-brown or red-brown spots form on diseased fruits. Soon they spread to the entire apple. The spots may be accompanied by drops of exudate. Soon the fruits become mummified, and the tree itself becomes “burnt.”

♦ What to do. Unfortunately, according to the experience of gardeners, none of the measures for treating bacteriosis brings tangible results.

The only way to prevent the disease from entering the garden is strict control and checking the good condition of the seedlings, as well as regular inspections of the trees during the growing season.


An infectious disease of the apple tree affects the crown of the tree and can affect the fruit. The first signs of the disease appear in the form of reddish or orange spots of a round shape, similar to pads.

Apple tree rust begins with a leaf disease. Small black dots appear on their upper side, and nipple-like outgrowths appear on the lower side.

The disease begins to develop in the summer (mainly in July). Sick apple trees stop photosynthesis, their metabolism is disrupted, and their water balance suffers greatly. Heavy leaf fall begins, and the harvest drops sharply.

♦ What to do. Immediately remove all affected parts (leaves, hearths, shoots and branches) from a diseased tree. Trim diseased branches, including healthy areas (5-10 cm).

Spray the apple tree with 1% Bordeaux mixture (you can use a 0.4% zineb solution). Treat trees every 10-14 days.

  • in spring(before the first buds appear) clean out the old diseased areas until healthy wood appears. Disinfect these areas with copper sulfate 5%. Then treat these areas with garden putty.
  • As soon as the leaves bloom– spray them with antimicrobial agents (fungicides). Carry out the procedures once every 3 weeks.

Attention! If there is juniper growing in your garden (in case the garden is infected), remove it! Juniper contributes to the spread of the disease. Dig deep into the place where it grew.

Brown leaf spot

Brown spot or phyllostictosis affects the leaves of the tree. Apple tree disease begins with the appearance of various forms of spots of brown-brown, grayish or dark yellow color.

On the upper side of the leaves you can see black dots (these are pycnidia with an abundance of spores). The disease develops rapidly in humid summer, especially in the second half.

  • Brown spot causes heavy, premature leaf fall. The apple tree variety Streifling (autumn striped) is especially sensitive to the disease.

♦ What to do. Select resistant varieties of apple trees for the garden. Regular collection and destruction (burning) of fallen leaves. Burn leaves as far away from your garden as possible.

For preventive purposes, spray trees with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Attention! You should not try to fight brown spot with preparations containing copper. Such substances only stimulate the development of infection.

Other problems of apple trees

In addition to apple tree diseases, trees may encounter other unpleasant surprises. To prevent troubles from taking the garden owner by surprise, he needs to know about some features in the life of fruit-bearing plants.

◊ Fusion of flowers or fruits. This is an anomaly and is due to disturbances in the development of inflorescences when they are still in their infancy. Flowers/fruits begin to grow together at the very beginning of their growth.

  • Apple tree varieties with a compact inflorescence structure are most susceptible to anomalies. During development, the flowers become too close to each other and grow together.

The reason for the anomaly is unfavorable conditions during the development of flower primordia (the second decade of summer) and in early spring, when the flower primordia increase in size inside the bud.

◊ Lichens. Weakened trees with cracked bark are susceptible to this scourge. Thickening of the crown and poor ventilation provoke the development of the disease.

Lichen looks like a varied coating on a tree trunk (it can be lamellar, bushy or scaly blue-green, yellow-green or silver).

Lichen is a disease of apple trees , a colony of algae and fungi that thrives in warm weather, sunlight and good humidity.

If there is only a small amount of lichen on the tree, you don’t have to worry too much, but an overgrown colony should be removed:

  • During the tree's rest period (early spring or late autumn), clean the trunk with a stiff brush or wooden stick.
  • You can lubricate the affected areas with a mixture of slaked clay and lime. After drying, carefully remove the mass along with the lichen.

After cleaning the tree, spray all branches and trunk with a solution of 3% iron sulfate or oxalic acid for prevention.

There are two common types of it in our gardens:

  1. False. The fungus causes white rot of wood. The affected area becomes very soft and acquires a grayish or yellowish color.
  2. Gray-yellow. It provokes the development of brown rot. Diseased wood tissue cracks and then peels off in cube-shaped pieces.

The tinder fungus can also be a one-year-old formation. This apple tree disease has a hairy orange or light yellow cap.

To remove the mushroom, follow the instructions:

  1. Using a sharp knife, hatchet or saw, cut it off using a healthy part of the tree.
  2. Clean the wound until healthy wood appears, so that a flat, smooth area appears.
  3. Disinfect the wound with a solution of copper sulfate 5%. Then cover the affected area with garden varnish or oil paint. You can also use the following mixture: nigrol (10 parts), rosin (6 parts), wax (1 part) and ash (3 parts).

For prevention, treat neighboring trees with a healing mixture of mullein and clay in equal parts. Dilute the mixture with 3% copper sulfate (0.5 liters of sulfate per 5 liters of mixture).

◊ Frost cracks. These longitudinal, deep cracks in the bark appear due to too sudden cooling. This apple tree disease provokes weakening of the tree.

The apple tree loses its ability to conduct and absorb nutrients and water. And various fungal spores and pests like to settle near cracks.

Very often, frost holes turn into hollows. Trees should be treated in early spring until the cracks are completely healed:

  1. Using a sharp knife, cut the wood along the crack until healthy tissue appears.
  2. Treat the cut surface with copper sulfate 5%.
  3. Cover the wound with a mixture of mullein (4 parts) and clay (6 parts). You can use garden varnish.
  4. For large lesions, the entire tree is wrapped in a layer of burlap or polyethylene.

The piping is updated annually, constantly cleaning out cracks along the edges. To speed up the healing process, furrowing of the bark is carried out.

The procedure is done in May after the first juicing. Using a sharp knife, 3-4 grooves are made along the circumference of the tree trunk from the surface of the soil to the last branch. The grooves are made intermittently, 30-40 cm long.

You can also use the following medicine: chop young sorrel and apply it to the cracks in a layer of 1.5 cm, bandage it tightly. During the summer season, change the dressing regularly to a fresh one.

◊ Sun-frost burns. Such diseases of apple trees look like reddish spots of different shapes and sizes. Their appearance is provoked by sudden daily temperature changes.

The infection is activated in autumn, winter or early spring on the southern or southwestern part of the trunks. Young apple trees and varieties with darker bark suffer the most.

To prevent burns, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations:

  • Whiten the bases of the branches and the trunks themselves with 20% lime. It will be useful to spray the entire crown with lime to protect the tree (in autumn and on warm winter days).
  • In winter, tie the trees with stalks of corn, sunflower, spruce branches or thick paper.

Burns should be treated by cutting away the affected areas and treating them with garden putty or a mixture of clay and mullein. Large parts of the lesions are tied with burlap after treatment.

Now we have become acquainted with the main diseases of our apple trees, and in the next article we will talk about the apple orchard.

See you soon, dear readers and good health to your garden!

The appearance of unsightly tubercles, black spots on branches, rot on fruits, death of the bark of the apple tree - all this may be the cause of more than just excessive watering or too hot weather. These may be apple tree diseases caused by factors beyond human control. Most amateur gardeners who have, say, inherited a plot of apple trees rarely think about the fact that most plants are susceptible to a huge number of diseases, among which you can even find cancer!

The most common diseases of apple trees and how to combat them

1. The most common apple tree disease is scab. This is a fungal disease that can be caused by excess humidity and stagnant air inside the tree crown. Scab occurs on the leaves of trees, after which it moves to the fruits.

A characteristic sign of scab is small greenish-brown spots on the inside of the leaf. On fruits, this disease appears in the form of light brown or dark brown spots, not large, but numerous. Their texture is reminiscent of kiwi skin.

Measures to combat scab include spraying the tree crown and treating the soil with organic and inorganic solutions:

  • Treatment with urea solution in autumn and spring (0.5 kg per 10 liters of water), approximately 5 liters of water are spent on the tree.
  • Treatment with copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 l); 2 stages: early spring before flowering and after fruit set.
  • Use of Bordeaux mixture (300 g of lime and the same amount of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water).

A mandatory preventive measure is to remove excess branches on the apple tree in the spring.

2. Another common fungal disease of apple trees is powdery mildew. The disease affects young shoots, foliage and inflorescences of the tree. It looks like the appearance of a whitish coating, which gradually turns brown. Under the influence of the disease, the leaves curl and fall off, and the same happens to the fruit ovaries. The last stage of the disease is the appearance of small black dots.

The fight against this apple tree disease comes down to spraying with solutions of colloidal sulfur (a mixture of 70% concentration is diluted in a ratio of 80 g per 10 liters of water). Trees are treated 2 - 3 times in the spring: when the first leaves appear, then another 1 - 2 times every 2 weeks.

Also, the drugs “Skor” and “Topaz” have shown themselves to be effective in the fight against powdery mildew.

3. The most serious apple tree disease, difficult to cure, is common cancer. Its causes lie mainly in weather conditions: excessive cold or heat. Cancer can also appear due to injuries caused to the tree: rough removal of branches, lack of subsequent treatment of wounds.

Apple tree cancer is a lesion of the trunk or powerful skeletal branches with deep cracks and growths, leading to the drying out and death of the affected branches. Advanced cancer can lead to the death of a tree.

You can avoid the occurrence of such a disease if you properly care for the tree. If the tree does get sick, you should immediately begin treating it:

  • First, all affected branches are removed, and the bark around the wounds is cut out.
  • Then the wood is treated with antiseptic agents.
  • Cover the wounds with garden pitch, preferably without drying oil or rosin.

4. Fruit rot. An unpleasant disease that is more a consequence than an independent disease. Rot appears where other diseases, such as scab, have occurred. Rot affects only the fruits, without touching the foliage or branches of the apple tree. When rotten fruits appear, it is very important to promptly remove them and burn them or bury them far from fruit trees.

When fighting diseases of apple trees, you need to burn the affected branches and foliage! And this should be done as far as possible from garden trees and shrubs.