10 fairy tales about animal names. Russian folk tales about animals. Animals in English fairy tales

Elena Mikhalenko

Tales about animals. Chick

Once upon a time there lived a little yellow fluffy chicken. He was very kindcognizant, he was interested in everythingbut. The chicken dreamed of seeing a forest, a river, a field and many other things that I heard from the elders. But his mother always told him: "Be carefulwife, don't leave the yard. A sly one lives in the forest a fox who loves to eat little chickslyat, and high up behind the clouds lives an evil kite, whichwho can seize you with sharp claws and carry away." Once the chicken still did not holdhuddled and went for a walk far from home. Kawhat a huge and wonderful world he opened! How interesting it was! And that's when the chick already walking on the way home, he suddenly saw over a huge black shadow.

Baby right before guessed that this is a terrible kite. Bedny chicken rushed to run as fast as he could, butthe kite was rapidly approaching. Seemed like a spathere is no hay. Suddenly the chicken saw a largea clearing where yellow dandelions grew.

“These flowers are as yellow and fluffy as me. And I won’t be seen among them, ”I thought chicken and quickly darted into the thicket. Oh, how his little heart beat! When he caught my breath and realized that the danger had passed, then I thought: “What wonderful flowers they are! They are look like little suns and the same las kovy".

Meanwhile, an evil kite was flying over the clearing and thought, “Where did that chicken go? After all, he couldn't get far. There are only demons aroundsensible dandelions. Soon they will turn into fluff, and the wind will carry them away.

And the golden dandelions quietly rocked heads and thought: "We will soon become pushinkami and fly away to no one knows where. But still we are not lived in vain in the world - we saved the life of this cute little chick."

Good stories about animals. Hedgehog

There lived a hedgehog. ordinary: smallsmall, gray, prickly. And also he was sad because he lived owlsseven one. The hedgehog had no relatives or friendsZey. He was brought up by his old grandfather hedgehog, who ordered his grandson to firmly remember a fewpitchfork First, you need to take care of yourself and don't count on anyone. Second: you can'twaste time. And the third: you are nobodyryy and prickly - not needed.

It was by these rules that the hedgehog lived. He didn't playwith other animals and did not go to visit. From a neighborWe only talked about business. And just through the forestI didn’t walk like that - after all, I had to take care of myselfsya. The hedgehog knew that after a warm summer and Godthat cold snow will come with the fruits of autumnwinter. And in winter, the worst thing is to be left withoutfood. Therefore, he spent all his free time onthen to make more stocks. hedgehog onlearned best in the forest to pick mushrooms and yagody, finding them even in the most secluded corners.

At home, he dried them on a thread and foldedon the shelves. Sometimes he brought wild apples from a hundredhorn garden, wheat grains from the field. Stocksincreased every day. And then one daythe hedgehog was surprised to find that his treasurewow is full. “Now I won’t disappear in the winter,”he thought. But just in case, I decided to doStocks are also in the room. It took a littletime and it soon became clear - nothing moreYou don't need to stock up, and there's nowhere to store it.

“What are you going to do now?” - ponderedHedgehog. He began to sort out his wealth and underread them, but soon he became terribly boredbut. And then the hedgehog went for a walk.
It was very strange to walk through the forest withoutevery business. Hedgehog with interest considershaft of bright flowers, motley butterflies and miscellaneousshaped bugs, listened to the singing of birds and arrowsgrasshopper cat. "Well, walking, it turns out,nice," he thought, walking further and further along thepath. And suddenly the hedgehog saw an old squirrel,sitting on a branch of a huge spruce.

“Good afternoon,” the hedgehog greeted politely.

And is he kind? - sadly asked squirrel.

Did something happen to you?

It happened? I think no. just came old age.

This is bad? - asked the hedgehog.

Good is not enough. I can't jump anymorebranches, collecting nuts. Yes, and chewing them is already workbut. Picking mushrooms is also hard, because I'm badI see. So I think that winter will come soon, and,It looks like I'm going to have to starve.

The hedgehog was amazed, he never thoughtXia that it can be hard for someone what he delay without any effort.

You shouldn't be so sad, I'll try youhelp,” he said to the squirrel.

The hedgehog ran home, took the basket and sentclimbed into the spruce forest. He knew that there was alwaysfind strong mushrooms. And indeed, toin the evening the basket was full. On the way backthe hedgehog picked some more ripe blueberries.

The old squirrel was still sadly sitting on place.

Here, this is for you, - said the hedgehog.

To me? - the squirrel was surprised. - But this is loe wealth!

Well, what are you, it's just a basket of mushrooms, - hedgehog smiled.

No, baby. For me, it's not just azinka mushrooms. You saved me from hunger and sadnessthoughts that no one needs old people us.

And the hedgehog saw how squirrels roll from the eyes shed tears.

I don't want you toKali, he said. - Pertomorrow I will come again to you.

Come. I will be waiting for you.

The hedgehog was walking along the path, he was very excited.For the first time in his life found out that I maybe someone is needed, that they are waiting for him. It wasso unexpected and so happy! When the hedgehogapproached the house, he saw a hare neighbor.

She was very worried about something.

Good evening, - the hedgehog greeted, -did something happen to you?

Yes, yesterday I saw a wolf nearby, and thoseI'm afraid to go far and leave rabbitsalone. But they want to eat, but I have nothing at all feed them.

Nothing to feed? - the hedgehog was amazed. - Uyou don't have any supplies at home?

What supplies are here! When so manyth small children, no time to walkthrough the forest, I can hardly find food onevery day to feed them!

The hedgehog ran home and brought the harea basket of berries and a few ripe apples, whichrye easily fit on his back.

Here, take and feed the rabbits. Nowit's too late to go to the forest. And tomorrow I canbring you more.

Do you just want to give it to us? -the rabbit was surprised.

She is used to seeing the hedgehog always like thisserious and uncommunicative. Beasts even doMali that he is stingy.

Of course, because it’s not at all difficult for me toarmy of berries, mushrooms and other tasty things.

Come visit us, - invited the hare.

The hedgehog went into a small house. There were sixthero of tiny bunnies - cute, fluffy, up togullible. At first they were a little scared of himprickly needles, but then quickly got used to it.The evening flew by unnoticed, as it was veryfun. Especially the hedgehog, because for the first time he was in visiting friends!

The next morning, the hedgehog, as usual, set off with azine into the forest. Now he worked harderthan always. Turned out to care about someonevery nice. When he brought mushrooms to the oldsquirrel, she was already waiting for him. She cooked aherbal herbal tea. The squirrel lived for a long timethey knew many amazing stories.The hedgehog was so interested in listening to them! Thenhe went to the orchard for apples for the bunnies, and theyagain they played merrily all evening.

Now the hedgehog's life has completely changed.He made friends, he gladlycould them. And they also tried to pleasehis prickly friend. Squirrel storiesgave him fairy tales, taught him to distinguish between forestmeta. She really fell in love with the little hedgehog!The hare tried to prepare for his arrivaldelicious lunch, and the bunnies came up with everything but you games.

Soon the hedgehog met a magpie,the wing was wounded, and began to bring herbread grains. There were a lot of people in the forestcalves who needed help. And now atthe hedgehog had so many things to do that sometimes he didn’t evenenough time. But he never got boredand was not sad, the hedgehog discovered many new importantrules. He realized that when you only care aboutitself, it does not bring joy. The hedgehog also found outthat doing good is very pleasant, and most importantly - everyThe home needs to be loved.

Good stories about animals. Piglet

I lived in an ordinary water village yardnot at all an ordinary pig. In appearancehe was like everyone else: small, pink, withfun curled ponytail and cute buttwheelbarrow. But it was a very neat pignok. His fur was pink, clean,because he washed his face every day. Eatthe piglet was able so that he did not spill a single dropwhether, a when I went for a walk, I went around all the puddles,not to get dirty. But no one can replace thischal, because everyone is used to thinking that pigs -dirty. He kept hearing the dog gotold her puppy: “You eat like a pig!Turned the bowl over again! And the chicken screamed atchickens: “Do not climb into a puddle, otherwise you will be dirtywe are like pigs!” And what is the most offensive: so domali all the inhabitants of the yard.

But one day the owner brought a new cow.She was very important and solid. Cowslowly went around the whole yard, looking at him
residents. Everyone wanted her to pay attentionthem attention. When the cow approacheddewdrop, she suddenly stopped and lookedroared at him with her big surprisedeyes: “Moo-u-u, what a clean and tidypiglet. I have never met such people. Poshook me up with your mom, m-m-maybe we let's make friends..."

The piglet was so stunned by the unexpectedty. He saw that everyone was looking at him in surprise.him. The pig was embarrassed and ran into the barn.
He sat there and thought about what had happened.Yes, I heard the dog say sternly to the puppy:“You are so dirty that it is a shame to go out with you
outside. That's when you learn to eat rightbut, like our piglet, then let's go for a walk!

And then the little piggy realized that it had comethe happiest day of his life.

Good stories about animals. Duckling

A water swampy pond lived a duck withwith their ducks. And next to the aspen treesparrow family nest. mother duck andmother-sparrow spent all day fussing thatto feed their chicks and teach everything,what is needed in life.

The children grew up quickly. Sparrows are already onstarted to fly a little. And ducklings are the mosthe loved to swim. It worked out very well for them.great. And only one duck
didn't want to dip. Honestlysaying he was just afraid dive into the cold water. At first, mother duck persuaded himtry and then get angry. "You areyou're breaking our family, all normal ducks are preswim red," she said. And brothers andsisters teased him with a coward. It was so embarrassing!

And yet the duckling could not overcome his fear.

Once, when he was sitting on a hummock and basking onsunshine, a little sparrow got out ofnests and began to fly and notjump from bump to bump. But his wings
were still very weak. Sparrow don't hold backshuddered and fell into the water. He began to choke anddrown. And then the duckling jumped up, jumpedinto the water and quickly swam towards the sparrow. Hegrabbed the poor chick with his beak by the feathers andpulled out on a bump, and he fell next to him, suffocatingfrom fatigue. When the sparrow recovered fromfear, he said:

What a brave duck you are. I didn't even know thatyou are so good at swimming!

I didn’t know myself, - the duckling answered and smiled sank.

Good stories about animals. frog

Frogs lived in the water swamp. All of themwere green, big-eyed and noisy.

Among them three little lagoslinga. The two older ones were terribly lazy andcareless. They slept all day, basking insunshine. These frogs were even lazyhuddle after mosquitoes and midges, because I eat them butmom power. The old frogs often scolded them:

Shame on you, lazybones, isn't momhave to feed such big children?! You are solazy that you can't even get away from a heron!

In response, careless frogs only laughedand shouted: "Kwa-ha-ha, qua-ha-ha, it's just th fluff!

But the third, smallest frog,He was quick, inquisitive and agile. Healready managed to find out every corner in his bolothose who knew how to get their own food and knew more manyyour useful things.

One day, returning from a walk, hethe fact that a huge long-legged heron approachedvery close to their home. The frog is veryafraid for his brothers. He quickly jumped tohome and shouted: “Hurry, hurry! Save yourself!"

Lazy frogs did not even have time to understand thathappening - so fast they hid underhuge water lily leaves. Only nowthe little lazy ones figured out the dangerthreatened them. Several hours passed. frogshe calmed down and got hungry. home wozspinning was dangerous. little frog said:

Mom won't find us here. You'll have tohunt for mosquitoes.

We do not know how, - the brothers answered embarrassed.

But it's quite simple! Look - skahall kid and began to teach them how to jump andcatch mosquitoes.

Of course, nothing worked at first. I'll lie downshata jumped clumsily and flopped funnybellies back into the swamp. But graduallythey learned to catch mosquitoes. They even likewanted to hunt.

When everyone is full, the lazy little frogswhether to thank and praise your little one brother.

You saved us from death! You are the smartest andthe bravest frog in the world, they said they.

The little frog became so embarrassed thathis green cheeks flushed. He is embarrassedsmiled and croaked cheerfully:

Kwa-ha-ha, kwa-ha-ha, that's just nonsense!

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Welcome to the fairy tale world! In this magical world, there is always a place for marvelous landscapes, brave heroes and talking animals. But, most importantly, every fairy tale about animals has its own unique happy ending.

What do fairy tales teach?

Are these little stories really that simple? It turns out not. Each fairy tale about animals has a good name, a full-fledged plot, colorful characters that largely reflect the essence of what is happening in reality. Thus, with each new fairy tale, the child learns to explore this vast world.

In fact, children's fairy tales about animals are the first textbooks for kids in a difficult school of life. With their help, the child learns that kindness is the most valuable gift for a good person, and it always defeats evil. Friendship is no less important than hard work, and kids learn about it from fairy tales about courageous and noble heroes who, in spite of everything, overcome all difficulties. In addition, fairy tales about animals teach love for neighbors and respect for elders, compassion for the poor and honesty in everything.

The peculiarity of children's vision is such that all the stories told are perceived for the most part on an intuitive level, and the perceived situations and characters acquire a real appearance only later. Therefore, the choice of the first books for your baby should be approached with special attention. It's great if there are or in the new book. And it is better to start with well-known, kind folk tales about animals.

Russian folk tales about animals

The main characters of such fairy tales are wild animals. Although there are many stories about pets. According to legend, the first about animals appeared in an era when hunting was one of the main crafts. Mothers told their children stories about powerful representatives of the animal world, and children, due to their developed imagination, already attributed human features to the characters. Tales about animals were passed down from generation to generation, and with each retelling, the characters acquired new features.

In Russian folklore, fairy tales about animals were interpreted in different ways. But the main acting characters have always been: a fox and a wolf, a hare and a bear, a dog and a rooster; goat and bull.

The character of the fox came to us from Western fairy tales. The cunning, deceit and cunning of the fox has always made her stronger than her eternal companions, the wolf and the bear. And this is not at all surprising, because the wolf's anger, greed and at the same time not insight did not give him even a tiny chance in competition with the fox.

But the bear character is rarely endowed with any characteristic features, and the little reader always has the opportunity to create his own image of the hero. The cowardly hare, the proud rooster, and the stubborn goat and bull were not always like this. Most of the features attributed to these characters are firmly rooted in Russian folklore precisely because of the traditional vision of these animals.

As for the plot, in about animals there is always a place for deceit and meanness, but the courage, courage and kindness of the main characters conquers everything. The plot of many fairy tales about animals is based on life situations that adults experience every day in the real world. And due to the colorful depiction of characters and comical descriptions, little readers perceive all the stories quite realistically, but at the same time, such stories evoke only good associations. After all, every fairy tale about wild or domestic animals has a happy ending.

Tales of different peoples of the world

No one can say for sure how many fairy tales have been written in our centuries-old history. Each nation has its own stories, parables and legends that reflect its culture and traditions. These animal tales are always about something new and unknown. In them you can meet mysterious creatures, visit places that no one will tell you about. And what could be more interesting for a young adventurer?

Each story is a small magical world with its inhabitants and laws. Landscapes, images of characters, situations and the finale in children's fairy tales of different peoples of the world are rarely repeated. Therefore, reading fairy tales about animals is always interesting. Indeed, despite the quite logical name, it is not known until the very end how the next story will end. Kids perfectly perceive the images described in such fairy tales. Thanks to the skill of writers, even great villains are perceived as good magicians.

Regardless of age, each of us at least once in his life recalled those wonderful moments of his childhood joy in anticipation of another journey into the world of fairy tales. But in the life of every child there should be happy moments filled with joy and magic!

Russian folk tale "The Fox and Cancer"

The fox and the cancer stood together and talked among themselves. The fox says to the cancer: "Let's run a race with you." Cancer replies: “Well, fox, come on!”

We started to race. As soon as the fox ran, the cancer clung to its tail. The fox ran to the place, but the cancer does not unhook. The fox turned around to look, wagged its tail, the crayfish unhooked and said: "I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse"

The black grouse was sitting on a tree. The fox came up to him and said:

- Hello, grouse, my friend! As soon as I heard your voice, I came to visit you.

“Thank you for your kind words,” said the grouse.

The fox pretended not to hear, and says:

— What are you talking about? I can not hear. You, black grouse, my friend, would go down to the grass for a walk, talk to me, otherwise I won’t hear from the tree.

Teterev said:

- I'm afraid to go to the grass. It is dangerous for us birds to walk on the ground.

Or are you afraid of me? - said the fox.

“Not you, I’m so afraid of other animals,” said the black grouse. - There are all kinds of animals.

- No, black grouse, my friend, yesterday the decree was announced so that there would be peace throughout the earth. Now the animals do not touch each other.

“That’s good,” said the black grouse, “otherwise the dogs are running over there.” If everything was the same, you would have to leave. And now you have nothing to fear.

The fox heard about the dogs, pricked up her ears and wanted to run.

— Where are you? - said the grouse. - After all, there is a decree, the dogs will not be touched.

“And who knows,” said the fox, “maybe they didn’t hear the decree.”

And she ran away.

Russian folk tale "The Little Fox and the Wolf"

Grandfather and grandmother lived. Grandpa says to grandma:

- You, woman, bake pies, and I will harness the sleigh and go for fish.

Caught fish and carries home a whole cart. Here he goes and sees: the fox curled up and lies on the road. Grandfather got down from the cart, went up to the fox, but she did not move, she lay like a dead man.

- Here's a gift for my wife! - said the grandfather, took the fox and put it on the cart, and he went ahead.

And the little fox seized the time and began to throw everything out of the cart, one by one, one fish and one fish, everything one fish and one fish. She threw out all the fish and left.

- Well, old woman, - says the grandfather, - what kind of collar did I bring you for a fur coat!

- There's a cart and a fish, and a collar.

The woman came up to the cart: no collar, no fish, and began to scold her husband:

- Oh, you, so-and-so! You even dared to cheat!

Then the grandfather realized that the fox was not dead. I grieved, I grieved, but there was nothing to do.

And the fox collected all the scattered fish, sat down on the road and eats for itself. The gray wolf comes

— Hello, sister!

— Hello, brother!

- Give me the fish!

- Catch yourself and eat.

- I can not.

- After all, I caught it! You, brother, go to the river, dip your tail into the hole, sit and say: “Catch, fish, both small and large! Catch, fish, both small and large! The fish will grab onto its tail.

The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole and began to say:

- Catch, fish, both small and large! Catch, fish, both small and large!

Following him, the fox appeared; walks around the wolf and says:

- Clear, clear stars in the sky,

Freeze, freeze, wolf tail!

- What are you, little fox-sister, talking about?

- I'm helping you.

For a long, long time the wolf sat at the hole, his tail froze; I tried to get up - it was not there!

“Eka, how many fish - and you won’t pull it out!” - thinks.

He looks, and the women go for water and shout:

- Wolf, wolf! Beat him, beat him!

They ran and began to beat the wolf - some with a yoke, some with a bucket, some with anything. The wolf jumped, jumped, tore off his tail and started running without looking back.

“Good,” he thinks, “I’ll repay you, sister!”

In the meantime, while the wolf was puffing its sides, the fox-sister wanted to try: would it be possible to pull off something else? She climbed into one of the huts, where the women baked pancakes, but hit her head in a tub of dough, got smeared and ran. And the wolf to meet her:

- Is that how you study? I've been thrashed all over!

- Oh, wolf-brother! - says the fox-sister. - At least you bled, but I have a brain, I was nailed more painfully than yours: I trudge by force.

“And that’s true,” says the wolf, “where are you, sister, to go, sit on me, I’ll take you.”

The fox sat on his back, and he carried her. Here is a fox-sister sitting and slowly humming:

- The beaten unbeaten is lucky,

The beaten unbeaten is lucky!

What are you talking about, sister?

- I, brother, say: "The beaten one is lucky."

Yes, sister, yes!

Russian folk tale "The Fox, the Wolf and the Bear"

The fox lay under a bush, turned over from side to side, thought and wondered: what would she eat, what would she profit from. I decided to hunt chickens in the village.

A fox is walking through the forest, a wolf runs towards her and asks:

- Where, godfather, are you going, wandering?

- I'm going, kumanyok, to the village, to hunt chickens! the fox answers.

- Take me too! Otherwise, I will howl, the dogs in the village will bark, the men and women will scream.

- Let's go, let's go, kumanek! You will help!

A fox and a wolf are walking along the road, a bear is dragging towards it and asks:

- Where, sister, are you going, wandering?

- I'm going, brother, to the village, to hunt chickens! the fox answers.

- Take me too! And then I will roar, the dogs in the village will bark, the men and women will scream,

"Let's go, let's go, brother!" You will help!

They came to the village. Lisa says:

- Come on, fat-fifted bear brother, go to the village. And when men and women chase after you, run away into the forest. I'll bring chickens to your share.

The bear walked through the village. Men and women saw him, grabbed stakes and yokes, and began to beat the bear. The clumsy one escaped, barely carried his legs into the forest.

Lisa says:

- Come on, kumanyok gray top, run to the village! Men and women ran after the bear, but the dogs remained. They will smell you, they will chase you, you run into the forest. I'll bring chickens to your share.

The wolf ran to the village. Dogs smelled him, ran, began to bite. The wolf barely carried his legs into the forest, he remained a little alive.

Meanwhile, the fox entered the chicken coop. I grabbed the chickens and put them in a bag. And it was like that. She ran along the hillocks, along the stumps, along the sparse bushes and ran into the forest.

The fox put the bag of chickens on the ground. And in another bag, which was larger, she put stones, cones and acorns and attached them nearby. She sat down under a bush to rest. A wolf and a bear came running and shouting:

“Hey fox, where’s the prey?! Where is our share?!

- Yes, there are bags of chickens, - says the fox, - take any.

The wolf and the bear rushed to prey. They chose the largest and heaviest bag, stuffed with stones, cones and acorns, and dragged it into the forest.

And the fox laughed at the stupid wolf and bear, put the bag of chickens on his back and ran to his hole.

Russian folk tale "Like a wolf lived with a peasant"

There lived a wolf. He was tired of chasing hares, walking through the forest hungry. He decided to become a rooster and live with a peasant. He thinks: “The rooster is sitting on the fence, screaming songs all day. The owner feeds him for it. He came to the blacksmith and says;

The blacksmith forged it. The wolf took the cock's voice and went to the village. He climbed the fence and sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!” The man went out into the yard. He sees that a wolf is sitting on the fence and cries like a cock. He took him to his service - to wake up at dawn. The night has come. The wolf went to sleep. In the morning the peasant woke up, looked, and the sun was already overhead, work was in full swing in the field. The wolf did not wake him up at dawn with a cock's cry. The peasant took a stick and drove the wolf out of the yard.

The wolf ran away. He walks, beaten, through the forest and thinks: “It’s bad to be a rooster. I will become a better dog. The dog sits by the porch, barks all day. The owner feeds her for it. The wolf came again to the blacksmith and asked:

The blacksmith forged it. The wolf took the dog's voice and went to the village. I climbed into the peasant’s yard, sat down at the porch and let’s bark: “Woof-woof, woof-woof!” A man came out onto the porch: He sees - the wolf is sitting and barking like a dog. I took him to serve myself - to guard the house. Sat, sat the wolf at the porch. The sun baked his withers. He went and hid under the barn in the shade. And a thief got into the house and took everything that was good. A peasant returned from the field, looked - everything in the house was stolen. The wolf did not save. The peasant got angry, grabbed a stick and drove the wolf out of the yard.

The wolf ran away. He walks, beaten, through the forest and thinks: “It’s bad to be a dog. I'll make myself a better pig. The pig lies in a puddle, grunts all day. The owner feeds her for it. The wolf came to the blacksmith and asked:

Until autumn, the man fed the wolf. In autumn he came to the barn and said:

“You won’t take fat from this pig, but you’ll take off the skin for a hat!”

The wolf heard that the peasant was going to rip off his skin, jumped out of the barn and ran into the forest. No longer lived with the man.

Russian folk tale "The Frog and the Sandpiper"

A sandpiper flew to a new swamp. He saw a frog and said: - Hey, frog, move to my swamp to live. My swamp is better than yours. In my swamp, there are big bumps, the banks are steep, midges fly into the mouth by themselves.

The frog believed the sandpiper and went to live in his swamp. Jumping, jumping. There is a stump on the road, he asks:

- Where, frog, are you jumping?

“Each sandpiper praises his swamp,” says the stump. Look, you're in trouble! Come back!

- Where, frog, are you jumping?

- I'm going to the sandpiper in the swamp to live. His swamp is better than mine. In its swamp there are large bumps, steep banks, midges themselves fly into the mouth.

“Each sandpiper praises his swamp,” says the puddle. Look, you're in trouble! Come back!

- Where, frog, are you jumping?

- I'm going to the sandpiper in the swamp to live. His swamp is better than mine. In its swamp there are large bumps, steep banks, midges themselves fly into the mouth.

“Each sandpiper praises his swamp,” says the snail. Look, you're in trouble! Come back!

The frog did not listen to her and went on. It's jumping, jumping. Finally galloped to the sandpiper in the swamp. She looked around: the bumps are from the top, the banks are canopies, midges do not fly. She jumped into the water - and got bogged down in the quagmire, barely got out. She found a dry place and thinks: “We need to climb higher, look around.” He sees - there is a pole nearby. I started climbing up it. I climbed up to the heron on the leg and - right in her beak hit.

Russian folk tale "Ship"

Floating on the river bast shoes. I saw a mouse and said:

She sat in it and swam. A hare is running, he saw a bast shoe and says:

- I, the little mouse!

- Where are you sailing?

- I am sailing to distant kingdoms, to neighboring states, to see others and show myself. And who are you?

- I'm a runaway bunny! Take me with you too.

The mouse took the hare with her, and they swam on. A fox runs, saw a bast shoe and says:

- What a pretty boat, wicker and new from bast! Who is on the boat?

- I, the little mouse!

- I'm a runaway bunny!

- Where are you sailing?

- I am a fox - divya beauty! Take me with you.

They took the mouse and the hare with the fox and swam on. A wolf is running, he saw a bast shoe and says:

- What a pretty boat, wicker and new from bast! Who is on the boat?

- I, the little mouse!

- I'm a runaway bunny!

- I, the fox - Divya beauty!

- Where are you sailing?

- We are sailing to distant kingdoms, to neighboring states, to see others and show ourselves. And who are you?

- I am a wolf - a gray side! Take me with you.

They took a mouse, a hare and a fox with a wolf, and they swam on. There is a bear, he saw a bast shoe and says:

- What a pretty boat, wicker and new from bast!

And roared:

Uh-huh-huh, I'm swimming!

Uh-huh-huh, I'm swimming!

On the water, on the water

To be seen everywhere!

The bear got on the boat. The bast shoe crackled, the bast burst—and the boat fell apart. The animals rushed into the water, reached the shore and dispersed in all directions.

Russian folk tale "How the mice divided the flour"

Two mice lived on the edge of a large field. Their minks were nearby. Once they heard a knock: "You-la-you, you-laty." They think: “What kind of knock is this?” Came out of the holes. They looked, and these are the peasants at the current* threshing wheat with flails. One mouse says:

- Come on, girlfriend, we'll drag wheat and bake pies.

- Let's! the other agrees.

Here is one mouse running around and carrying grain. Another mouse threshes this grain on a millstone. They worked all day. It turned out to be a pile of flour. One mouse says:

- Come on, girlfriend, share the flour! I have two measurements ***, and you have one.

- No, I have two measurements, and you have one! another mouse says. - I worked more than you - I carried grain!

- I worked harder! the first disagrees. - I've been turning the millstones all day!

— No, I worked harder!

- No, I! ..

They argued, argued - who should take how much flour. An hour passed, two ... It was already getting dark. Suddenly a strong wind came up, picked up the flour and scattered it all over the earth.

Two mice grieved and dispersed to their minks.


*Tok - a platform for threshing grain.

** Millstone, millstone - here: manual stone wheel for grinding, grinding grain into flour.

*** Measure, measure—here: Russian folk unit of flour capacity, cereals.

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