Question 7 for the story Royal Analostanka. Characteristics of the main character Royal Analostanka: Real name. chapter. Rescue and loneliness

The book chosen is a wonderful fairy tale “Puss in Boots Looks for Treasure.” The authors of the book are Sofya Leonidovna Prokofieva and Genrikh Veniaminovich Sapgir. We spent a long time choosing a book to read: opinions differed, each time more and more new authors were proposed, because so many wonderful books have been written about cats and seals. Dear friends, if you have not yet decided on the choice of book to read, then I suggest you read on March 1, 2013, on World Cat Day, the amazing work of Seton-Thompson “Royal Analostanka”.

Seton-Thompson, Ernest. Royal Analostanka. - M.: Amphora, 2010. - 96 pp. - (For the guys about the animals)

This is the life story of one cat of a mysterious breed - Royal Analostanka. "Her fur is silky and beautiful. She is numbered in the first ranks of the feline aristocracy. But despite all her prosperity, social position, royal rank and fake certificate, she is never as happy as when she manages to sneak away into the twilight and search the backyards."

Before gaining recognition as a feline aristocrat, the book's heroine was a stray cat. An accident separated her from her mother, human cruelty separated her from the kittens she gave birth to, and then, thanks to her unique coloring, the beautiful cat became the object of business for her new owner, the Japanese, who presented her at a prestigious exhibition in front of high society. Here is an excerpt from the book:

“First-class cats were placed in the middle of the central hall. A whole crowd gathered around them. Ropes were stretched along the hall, and two policemen made sure that the crowd did not linger. The Japanese made his way into the thick of the crowd. He was too short to look over his shoulders, and although the well-dressed audience shunned his rags, he still could not squeeze through to the middle cage. However, he realized from the comments of those around him that here was the highlight of the exhibition.
- Well, isn't she beautiful? - said a tall woman.
- What grace! - was the answer.
- This lazy expression of the eyes is created by centuries of refined life.
“It would be nice to have this magnificent creature!”
- How much dignity! How much peace!
“They say her ancestry goes all the way back to the pharaohs.”
And the poor, dirty little Japanese marveled at his own courage. Did he really manage to squeeze his slum into such a society?
- I'm sorry, madam! — The director of the exhibition appeared, making his way through the crowd. — Here is the artist of the Sports Newspaper, who was ordered to make a sketch of the “pearl of the exhibition” for immediate publication. Can I ask you to step aside a little? That's it, thank you.
- Oh, Mr. Director, can you persuade me to sell this magnificent creature?
“Hm, I don’t know,” was the answer. - As far as I know, the owner is a man of great means, and it is difficult to approach him. But I’ll try, madam, I’ll try. As his butler told me, he forcibly agreed to expose his treasure... Listen, where are you going? — the director grumbled at the shabby man, who impatiently pushed the artist away from the aristocratic animal.
But the shabby man wanted at all costs to find out where purebred cats were found. He glanced at the cage and read the label, which stated that “the Blue Ribbon and Gold Medal of the Knickerbocker Society Show were awarded to the thoroughbred, certified Royal Analostanka, bred and exhibited by the noted fancier J. Mali, Esq. (Not for sale)". The Japanese took a breath and looked again. Yes, there is no doubt: there, high up on a velvet pillow, in a gilded cage, guarded by four policemen, flaunting a pale gray fur coat with bright black stripes, his bluish eyes slightly squinted, lay his slum pussy. She was very bored. She didn’t appreciate the fuss that was made around her.”

Many times the Japanese sold it to different hands, and the Royal Analostanka always returned to the house, which she confidently considered her own...

I would like to tell you separately about Ernest Seton-Thompson, a Canadian naturalist writer who, more than a century ago, told the story of the adventures of a street cat of an unusual breed.

The writer was born on August 14, 1860 in South Shields (County Durham, England), but 6 years later his family moved to Canada. A farm, nine brothers, school, then a move to Toronto, a loving mother and a father who wrote down everything he spent on his son. Young Ernest often went into logging and drawing animals, but mainly to avoid his violent father. Animals, birds, Indians and hunting are what attracted the future writer from childhood. However, the boy's parents were indifferent to his hobby. In a large and almost poor family, my upbringing was quite harsh. For example, money for books and much more, considered unnecessary, was not allocated by parents. Having once seen the book “Birds of Canada” in a store, Seton-Thompson decided to buy it at all costs. The book cost one dollar. To raise this money, Ernest sold his rabbits, carried firewood to his neighbors, collected insects for an English woman’s collection, and competed with his brother in chopping wood for a whole month, earning the missing cents. And now the desired and main treasure of childhood - the book "Birds of Canada" - is in your hands! “I was over the moon,” Seton-Thompson recalls in his autobiography.

Here is another memory: “Once my father called me into his office. He opened a large income and expenditure book and told me: “You, my son, are already twenty-one years old. You have reached adulthood. From now on, all responsibilities are to ensure your existence.” you must take it upon yourself. I protected you with all my might... But there is another side to the matter. He began to leaf through the thick volume of the income and expenditure book, pointing out the expenses that he wrote down on my account, starting from the day of my birth. The entire amount. was calculated in the amount of 537 dollars 50 cents. - Until now, I have not calculated interest. But from today I will calculate six percent per year. This I consider necessary not only to protect my interests, but also in order to. you began to understand your responsibilities as an adult. I was shocked to the core and sat, petrified, unable to utter a word, and only thought to myself, Oh, a difficult minute of life, and not a penny has been achieved yet! money in your pocket. No prospects. Nothing but a huge debt."

The young man's life didn't start out easy. At the age of sixteen, Seton began writing his first book - about Canadian birds, and in 1876 he took up a brush for the first time - and three years later he received a gold medal from the Toronto Society of Fine Arts. It seems to me that this difficult period of his life is best characterized by the following passage from his autobiography: “Meat was too expensive, and I refused it. Usually for breakfast I had porridge with milk, coffee and a piece of bread and butter. I have coffee for myself. prepared from bran, molasses and crushed beans, I mixed, kneaded all this, and then baked it into a solid mass, after dividing the dough into pieces the size of a nut, designed for a cup of boiling water. Such a drink resembled real coffee in appearance and taste.” He also studied at the Academy of Painting and Sculpture in London, where in 1881 he organized the first exhibition of his works. Ernest became an artist, received medals and first places at exhibitions for his paintings. And also one of the best naturalist writers, despite everything.

A year later he returned to Canada; in the same year he adopted the family name and henceforth signed himself “Ernest Seton-Thompson” or “Thompson-Seton”. He painted birds and wild animals, being convinced of his calling - to paint. However, his books brought him real fame - for the first time, stories about animals were written so truthfully and vividly, with accurate and deep knowledge of their behavior and way of life. First literary work Seton-Thompson, "The Life of the Prairie Grouse", was published in 1883. The writer created accurate and expressive stories, real biographies of animals, as he was convinced that animals are a priceless heritage of nature. He traveled a lot. Thompson could never live long in major cities– he was inevitably drawn to Canadian and American hunters, farmers, Indians, and most importantly, to animals. Not being a fan of city life, he led a nomadic lifestyle, living for a long time in forests and prairies.

Writer Ernest Seton-Thompson is rightfully considered an unsurpassed connoisseur of nature. North America. In Canada, he received the position of “state naturalist,” which gave him the opportunity to devote himself entirely to the study of animals. Trying to stop the senseless and aimless extermination of wild animals, Seton-Thompson organized the Forestry League in Canada, the purpose of which was to study native nature and protect animals by young people. In 1906, the writer met Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts movement. Together they actively promoted the ideology of living in harmony with nature. Since 1910, Seton led the Boy Scout movement in America, and in 1915 he founded the Woodcraft League, the American analogue of the Boy Scout movement.

Seton-Thompson's books have been published and reprinted hundreds of times. The most famous of them are “Domino”, “Stories about Animals”, “Rolf in the Woods”, “Animal Heroes”, “My Life”. “I knew the torment of thirst and decided to dig a well so that others could drink from it” - these wise words famous writer and the naturalist wrote in the preface to his book "The Little Savages." In it he talks about the adventures of two boys in the Canadian forests, and about the life wildlife and the indigenous inhabitants of the forest wilderness - the Indians. The stories about the Indians with whom the author had to communicate during his travels are permeated with a kind of humor and anxiety for their future. They are full of respect for the people living in difficult conditions Canadian North. Seton writes about the exceptional honesty of this people and generosity towards each other.

Contemporaries were surprised to discover the whole world presented by Mr. Thompson. It turned out that one person amazingly combines the talents of an artist and a writer! And also a scientist. This is truly a rare gift. Seton-Thompson wrote a number of scientific works on zoology. During his life, he published a huge number of popular science articles in various periodicals. He should also be recognized as one of the founders of naturalistic ecology; it was he who drew attention to the detailed study of animal behavior. Later this zoological science was called ethology. Seton-Thompson's main scientific work is the multi-volume Life of Wild Beasts.

He wrote about 40 books, mostly about animals. All his life he had an unquenchable passion to unravel the secrets and riddles in the life of birds and animals, a passion to tell people about these secrets and convey the beauty of animals in drawings and figurines carved from wood. The books that the great naturalist writer gave to humanity instill a sincere love for nature.

Ernest Seton-Thompson. Library of books. Kadnay Timofey 5 “A” class MAOU “Economic Gymnasium”

Ernest Seton-Thompson is a British-born Canadian writer, animal artist, naturalist and public figure. One of the founders of the Scout movement in the USA. Since the United States played almost as significant a role in Seton-Thompson's life as Canada, he can rightfully be called an American writer.

Born on August 14, 1860 in South Shields (County Durham, England), but 6 years later his family moved to Canada. His father came from an old English noble family. He was a farmer, had a large family, and the impressionable boy often played with his brothers in the forest. Animals, birds, Indians and hunting - this is what attracted the future writer from childhood.

Seton-Thompson was not only interesting writer, but also an artist. Until 1896, he studied fine art in London, Paris, and New York, after graduating from the College of Art in Toronto at the age of 19.

Seton-Thompson's first literary work, “The Life of the Grouse,” was published in 1883. The writer became famous in the USA and Canada for his collections “Wild Animals as I Know Them” (1898), “The Lives of Those Who Are Hunted” (1901). ), as well as the 8-volume work “The Life of Wild Animals” (1925-1927).

Not being a fan of city life, Seton lived for a long time in the forests and prairies. He wrote about 40 books, mainly about animals. Bright and entertaining, funny and sad, touching and kind, full of adventure Ernest Seton-Thompson's stories have long been loved by many generations of readers. The famous Canadian writer and artist became the world's first author of stories whose heroes were real forest inhabitants. There is no child or adult who would be indifferent to the courage and sense of humor of the wild pig, the loyalty to duty of the restless puppy Chink, the sharp mind and amazing charm of the jackaleen named Tito and the courage of the wise leader of the giant wolf Lobo "Lobo"

“Domino” There is not a child or adult who would be indifferent to the amazing fates of the fox Domino and the rabbit named Jack the Warhorse. Both the fox and the rabbit differed from their fellows in their rare beauty, intelligence and courage. These qualities made both Domino and Jack desirable prey for hunters, but they also helped them overcome all dangers and gain the most precious thing for a wild animal - freedom.

"Arno" The heroes of this book - wolves, pigeons, dogs, bear cubs - love, yearn, make friends, fight for their freedom and even dream. And all this is not the author’s imagination.

"Royal A nalostanka"

“Johnny Bear” Johnny Bear was considered the biggest delicacy in the reserve. If it was a question of a delicious dinner, he showed miracles of intelligence, ingenuity and even courage, although he was not known as a desperate daredevil. But Johnny's life changed dramatically when, on his way to the kitchen, he met an ordinary yard cat...

Animal Heroes Silver Speck Mustang Pacer Jack – Warhorse Arctic Prairie Lobo the King of Currumpaw

Ernest Seton-Thompson died on October 23, 1946 in the American city of Santa Fe (New Mexico).

In addition to being a writer, he was also an animal artist, naturalist and public figure of British origin. One of the founders of the Scout movement in the USA. Since the United States played almost as significant a role in Seton-Thompson's life as Canada, he can rightfully be called an American writer.

I read a story by Seton-Thompson called "The Street Singer." This story talks about the relationship between two sparrows - a sparrow, which the author named Randy, and a sparrow, Biddy.

He was raised by canaries from childhood, so he built nests differently from ordinary sparrows, and also had an ear for music and loved to brag about it. But one day all the cages fell to the floor, their doors opened, the canaries returned, and Randy flew away and began to live in freedom. Here he found Biddy. Both are completely different, but loving friend friend.

It seemed that they could not live together, they fought among themselves all the time, but still they somehow found mutual language. Everything would go well, but the whole story ends with Biddy dying - she was strangled by the ribbon she was carrying to the nest - and Randy, because in his sadness he began to sing even more, was found by the owner of that pet store and brought back . It seems to me that there is more to this story deep meaning than at first glance.

Review: I read Seton-Thompson's story “The Royal Analostanka”. This is a slightly sad story about the life of a slum cat who lost her family, but realized her ambitious dream. There are many adventures in the story, which every now and then gets into main character- cat. She is deceived, betrayed, sold, and she just dreams of a quiet life in her native slum “house”. Unexpectedly, fate moves her to a luxurious house, they love her there, surround her with affection and luxury, but this makes her sad, the pussy constantly misses its home. The main driver of the Royal Analostanka was love for the Motherland. Aspiration is a sense of direction, it is powerful, because the pussy always knew that it was choosing the right path and, without regretting anything, it sacrificed everything for the sake of life in the slums dear to its heart. I was struck by the character’s resilience, the heroine so desperately strove to live where she once felt good, where she once lived with her mother, brothers and sisters, and then with her children. the main idea The story is that, no matter where you are and no matter how good or bad you feel there, there is nothing better than returning to your sweet home, and no matter what it is, the main thing is your home and you always feel good there .

Characteristics of the heroes: Domino is the most lively, the strongest, the most savvy, the most dexterous fox. Every day he became smarter, more careful, more beautiful. Winner, never gave up; fought for his life and Belogrudka’s. Always ready to help and save. Belogrudka is a small red female with a lush white shirtfront. At first she snapped, but was not angry with Domino. Then I was at one with him. Fast, brave, courageous, a great mother. Abner Junes was a lanky, blond, freckled boy who climbed trees for crows' nests instead of herding cows. He watched the fox cubs not like a boy, but with the awe of a future naturalist. I hunted foxes only in winter. He was proud of his dog. Hekla – hunting dog, strong, brave, large, fleet-footed, angry, with a special, unforgettable voice. Fought with Domino. Not as smart as Domino, because Domino outsmarted the dog. Died on an ice floe, brave.

Review. I liked the story "Domino" by E. Seton-Thompson because it tells a very interesting story life of a black and brown fox. When Domino was little, he was already the bravest, the bravest. This was seen in the episode when they had to move to new house. His mother carried the first one to a new hole, and then the rest. He was also the most savvy because he could easily run away from dogs, he knew traps, how to confuse dogs. He never gave up when chased by dogs and a doe who thought he had attacked her baby. But he ran very fast and was able to escape from the doe. I was especially worried about the life of the black-brown fox when hunters staged a roundup of foxes. The hunters thought that Domino had killed the sheep, and when they released a flock of dogs, Belogrudka had to run away, and Domino helped her. He was brave, daring, and savvy in this episode. He did not give up when he was wounded, but continued to run away. Domino wanted to lead the dogs into a trap, but then he had to sacrifice Belogrudka. Then he jumped onto the ice floe, followed by his enemy Hekla. But Domino did not give up and survived. And Hekla died under the waterfall. I will be happy to re-read this wonderful story.

Summary: The events of the work take place in 2237. By order of Henry William Field, Thomas Wolfe, one of the great writers of the past, is brought from the past. After his arrival, he goes to Mars to write a book about travel and other worlds. An incident occurs that nearly sends Thomas back in time. Fortunately, he remains in this time and continues to write the book. After arriving on Earth, he is destined to travel to 1938 - the time in which he will die.

Characteristics of the main characters: Henry William Field is an amateur writer whose works have not been published, a major financial tycoon. Able to clearly set tasks and organize the activities of others. Thomas Wolfe has good intuition - a writer from the past who is sent to the future. His character is dominated by punctuality, passionate, obsessive when writing books. Professor Boulton - created a time machine and went back in time to deliver Thomas Wolfe. It is dominated by perseverance and gentleness at the same time.

Review: There were several moments in Ray Bradbury's work “On the Eternal Wanderings and on the Earth” that I really liked. The first thing I especially liked was the degree of human development: interplanetary flights, teleportation and other achievements of science and technology. I also really liked the moment when Thomas was almost pulled back into the past. But he overcame time and finished the book. The only thing I didn't like was this. that he was forcibly returned to the past. This work makes you think about the fact that you should always strive for something, even if it seems that everything is already there, everything is open and achieved. I realized that you can't rest until you reach your goal. The book teaches that if you set yourself a task, you can always accomplish it.

The amazing world of animal life is one of the main themes to which Ernest Seton-Thompson devoted his short works. “Royal Analostanka” is a story about a cat born and raised in the slums. The fascinating plot and difficult fate of a homeless animal have aroused keen interest among readers of different generations for many years.

Chapter 1 Rescue and loneliness

Scrimpen Lane resounded with the cries of a liver merchant. Every day he distributed treats to cats whose owners paid for food on time. They waited on the sidelines and sometimes managed to take the spoils from the lucky ones. Among them was an inconspicuous gray cat. This is how Seton-Thompson begins his story “Royal Analostanka”.

Returning to the box that was her home, the gray cat saw a huge black cat devouring her cubs. The mother managed to save only one of them.

A few days later, the cat, who climbed onto the ship in search of food, found herself far from her home. And her little descendant, born in the slums, was left completely alone.

2-3 chapters. Independent life

Without waiting for his mother, the gray kitten went in search of food. This was not an easy task, since sometimes only potato peels could be found in the nearby trash cans. One day, the kitten was well fed by a black man who worked in the shop of a bird seller, a Japanese Mali. But more often I had to hide, especially from angry dogs. For two months, the hero of the story “Royal Analostanka” explored all the surroundings and learned to avoid danger. A new craft became a real salvation for him - he learned to open loose or damaged lids on milk cans - they were left on the porch of regular customers by the seller.

4-5 chapters. Happiness of motherhood

By August the kitten had turned into big cat with beautiful light gray fur. Black, tiger-like stripes and white spots gave her incredible elegance.

Somehow, near our heroine’s apartment, two people started a fight big cat: the already familiar black one and the yellow one coming out to meet him. The latter won and won the beauty’s heart. And in early October, in the box, Mother felt incredible happiness. One day, after a successful outing, she returned home, well-fed and satisfied. Suddenly a small brown creature appeared in front of her. The cat mistook him for a mouse and took him to the box for her cubs. It turned out to be a rabbit who became a member of the family.

The happiness ended the moment the Japanese found kittens next to the shop and ordered the black man to kill them. Returning to her box, the mother held the killed rat in her teeth. This saved her life - such a cat is always needed. Then the black man crept up to the box where the cat and rabbit were lying, and carried them into the shop. This is how the heroine of the story “Royal Analostanka” found herself in captivity for the first time. During the four days spent in the cage, her fur was washed and fluffed up. The Japanese decided that the cat could be sold and kept it.

Chapter 6 Victory at the exhibition

Chapters 7-8. Life with people

The Royal Analostanka was sold for one hundred dollars to a luxurious home. Growing up in the slums, she was never able to get used to the new way of life. She was caressed and fed deliciously. And the terrible behavior was attributed to aristocratic origin, eccentricity and impractical upbringing. With great difficulty, the cat managed to escape from the hated house. However, she returned to the slums for a short time: a Japanese and a black man caught her and returned her to Fifth Avenue for a reward.

And in the spring the cat was taken to the dacha. It was a long and unpleasant journey, which Seton-Topson describes in detail. Royal Analostanka immediately fell in love with the kitchen, where there was always a garbage can, and the woman who prepared the food smelled of her native slums. And although the cat was fed plenty, she felt unhappy and dreamed of returning home. Soon such an opportunity came up. The owner's son tied a jar to the beauty's tail, causing him to get hit with his claws. Hearing the howl, the boy's mother threw a book at the cat, and it ran away. Hiding in the attic, the Royal Analostanka waited until nightfall, after which she set off on a long journey.

Chapters 9-10. Homecoming

Many dangers awaited her along the way. These are vicious dogs, and menacing boys, and previously unseen two-eyed monsters (she was taken to the dacha in one of them). And almost constant hunger. During the day she usually hid, and at night she set off on her journey. I had to go back more than once, including by ferry. Finally she recognized the place where she had walked during her first escape. A little more - and she will end up in her native yard and climb into her box. This is how you can briefly describe the heroine’s journey.

Royal Analostanka was stunned. Instead of the usual buildings and smells, she discovered ruins and mountains of garbage. How could she have known that they had decided to build a bridge here?

The cat found shelter in one of the neighboring blocks. September has passed. One day, in search of food, the animal made its way to a bucket, hoping to find slop there. And suddenly the cat discovered familiar prints on the handle. And then I heard the black man’s voice. He threw a piece of meat to the animal, which was immediately grabbed by the cat and taken to a safe place.

Chapters 11-12. Everything worked out

The summary of “Royal Analostanka” ends with a story about the beginning of a new life for a cat. Now she came to the door where the black man lived and whenever she was hungry, she received food. One day, after a busy week, the cat found an almost fresh rat and decided to hide it. At that moment, the homeowner came out of the familiar door along with the black man. He was delighted by the rat-catching cat, and he agreed to partially pay for her food. And the black man did not skimp. Now the Royal Analostanka received the largest piece from the liver seller. And although the cat never caught a rat, the black man collected dead rodents and each time made everything obsolete so that they caught the eye of the owner of the house. In addition, he sold his beauty more than once (and the cat still looked luxurious and outshone all the rest of her relatives) in full confidence that very soon she will come back. After all, despite all the honors given and the imposed aristocratic title, in her soul she always remained a resident of the khrushchev.

That's how it is summary"Royal Analostanka" - one of best works Ernest Seton-Thompson.