Large purebred cats. What is the biggest cat in the world: domestic breeds, photo. Records of other large cat sizes

Different breeds of cats are significantly different from each other, and have their own unique features of appearance and personality, which are considered the signatures of the breed. One of these traits is height and size.

And if you're looking for a really big feline friend, or just wondering which domestic cat breeds are the giants of their species, here are the 10 biggest cat breeds in existence.

Average height at the withers and weight - 33 cm, 9 kg.

Open our list of large cats with short "plush" hair. The British, as fans of the breed affectionately call them, are distinguished by their unobtrusive nature, they value personal space very much and are suitable for people who are not inclined to squeeze their pets in the arms.

Height and weight - 40 cm, 9 kg.

Surprisingly, such a beautiful creature is not a product of long-term selection, but a gift of nature. Turkish Vans are one of the oldest cats in the world. There is even a legend that the ancestor of the Turkish Vanir was on Noah's Ark and did not let the mouse gnaw a hole in the vessel. In gratitude for this, the Lord laid his right hand on him. Since then, many Van cats have had a human finger mark on their left shoulder.

A curious feature of these cats is the texture of the wool, reminiscent of cashmere. It has water-repellent and dirt-repellent properties.

Height and weight - 40 cm, 9 kg.

It is quite possible that the Siberian cat was originally not Siberian at all, but Asian, and it had common ancestors with Angora and Persian cats. Siberian is one of. Russian merchants, who actively traded with the Central Asian countries, brought from there not only goods, but also long-haired cats, which perfectly took root in the harsh Siberian climate.

Be that as it may, how the breed of Siberian cats was formed precisely on the territory of Siberia. They make excellent companions for allergy sufferers as they produce less of the Fel D1 protein, which is a common allergen trigger.

Height and weight - 40 cm, 9 kg.

This long-haired breed is native to Norway and is no stranger to cold climates. In appearance, Norwegians are similar to the Maine Coon and Siberian cats, and are very popular both in Norway and in neighboring Scandinavian countries.

Height and weight - 40 cm, 10 kg.

In fact, the ragamuffin is the same ragdoll, only “in a different wrapper”. The differences between these breeds are minimal, and lies in the variety of colors of ragamuffins, and the structure and color of the eyes. If ragdolls have only blue and oval eyes, then ragamuffins have rounded eyes, and can be of any color.

And although the ragamuffin is not the largest domestic cat in the world, it is perhaps the most affectionate and trusting. Even if she is in danger, she will not attack, but only hide.

Height and weight - 40 cm, 10 kg.

Having taken all the best from Burmese and Persian cats, ragdolls are distinguished by a calm temperament and kind character. They love to sit on their hands and are excellent companions for quiet people who have a lot of time to devote to this affectionate feline creature.

Height and weight - 40 cm, 10 kg.

Compared to the lynx, which the pixie bob is very similar to, it may seem tiny. But this did not prevent representatives of this breed from taking their place in the top 5 largest cats.

Pixiebobs are often compared to dogs, due to their tendency to learn tricks and commands, as well as enjoy walking on a leash. An interesting fact: some pixiebobs can have up to seven fingers on one paw.

3. Housey (chausie, shausie)

Height and weight - 40 cm, 15 kg.

Some of the largest cats in the world were bred relatively recently - in the 60-70s of the last century. Abyssinian cats were crossed with wild jungle cats in an attempt to get an animal with the grace of a wild cat and the character of a domestic one.

As a result, breeders got a playful and very mobile creature that loves the company of a person very much, but does not like to sit on its hands. Houses are devoted to their owners, and tolerate other animals in the house.

Height and weight - 41 cm, 12 kg.

One of them is known for its large size and noble disposition. Maine Coons are the largest domestic cats that have no recent kinship with wild cats, as the first and third numbers in our ranking.

Representatives of this breed are friendly, not capricious and have a long life expectancy (for cats) - 12.5 years or more.

Maine Coon named Barivel is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest cat in the world. From ears to tail, it reaches 1.2 meters. The name Barivel means "Clown" or "Joker" in the local Italian dialect. Despite such a lively name, he is, according to the owners, something of a living couch, spending his time reclining and eating generous portions of chicken and fish.

1. Savannah

Height and weight - 60 cm, 15 kg.

Here is a photo of the largest cat in the world. However, experts have not come to a consensus as to what maximum size a savannah can reach. The fact is that this breed is a recent creation, resulting from the crossing of domestic cats (most often Siamese) and a serval, an African wild cat.

Savannah is rarely seen not only in Russia, but also in other countries. She is, and the cost of a kitten reaches 22 thousand dollars.

By nature, the largest cat in the world is more like a dog. She is calm, gets along with other pets, and is very devoted to her owner.

People have always been interested in "the very best", always wanted to have something out of the ordinary. That is why today we are familiar with cat breeds that are domestic and have very solid dimensions. Some are even listed (and continue to be listed) in the Guinness Book of Records. We bring to the attention of readers a kind of rating of the largest breeds of domestic and wild cats according to various criteria (weight, height, length, etc.).

domestic cats

It is worth saying that today the largest cats in the world are considered: savannah (or Ashera, which some connoisseurs consider a new species, while others consider the same savannah) and maine coon. The largest also include the domestic jungle cat, ragdoll, pixie-bob and Russian Siberian cat. Now about each breed and the largest representatives in more detail.

This cat is distinguished not only by its large weight, but also by its size - both in length and height. As much as an animal of this breed weighs, the Maine Coon usually weighs (i.e., from 12 to 15 kg), but especially large individuals have a mass of up to 20 or more kilograms.

Truth, savannah is a relatively domestic cat, because a wild African serval and an ordinary cat participated in the creation of the breed.

Interestingly, one representative of this breed was even placed in the Guinness Book of Records - she is the tallest individual, having a height at the withers of as much as 48 cm. By the way, the savannah is also one of the most expensive breeds in the world: a kitten can be bought for 5000-25000 dollars!

Maine Coon

The average specimen of this breed weighs from 8 to 10 kg, however, individual individuals have been recorded, the mass of which reaches as much as 15 kilograms.

These cats are distinguished not only by their large size, but also by their unusual appearance, making them very cute: with fluffy tassels on their ears, with soft long hair of various colors, they are very popular among those who want to have the very best.

The record holder of this breed is the longest cat in the world.- 1 m and 23 cm the length of his entire body, including the tail.


Domestic reed cat, or as this breed is also called - housei, chausi, shauzi. In the weight category, this is by far the largest breed among domestic cats, because It can weigh up to 18 kg!

The "parents" of this breed were the wild reed cat and the Abyssinian cat. The breeders who developed the new species had the sole purpose of keeping wild cats out of captivity.

The resulting "kitty" is very friendly, but at the same time it has the power and strength of a wild beast.


This breed is distinguished by a rather large mass of males - 8-9 kg is not uncommon for them. These are very calm (up to phlegmatic), imperturbable, absolutely non-conflict cats.

pixie bob

Lynx in miniature - you can’t say otherwise about this breed. These cats took absolutely everything from their wild "big brother": they have wool of the same color, and tassels on the ears, and a short tail (only 5 to 10 cm long).

The maximum weight that animals can reach is 8 kilograms for a cat and 5 kilograms for a cat. Also a lot.

Siberian cat

The breed of Siberian cats stands apart, which is more popular in our regions. Here, too, we will talk about weight: some "boys" can reach a weight of 12 kg with an average of 9 kilograms, while "girls" have a weight of 5-6 kilograms.

Siberians are distinguished by very long and fluffy hair, and hypoallergenic, which is important for allergy sufferers, loving cats, and affectionate nature. In addition, they are very beautiful, and their photos often adorn calendars and other printed materials.

Of course, one could write about the thickest specimens of various cat breeds that are not particularly large, but Now such "records" are not fixed, because again, in pursuit of something unusual, people go too far and simply ruin their pets by overfeeding. Moreover, such cases are quite rare. Still, for the sake of interest: the officially registered weight of the fattest domestic cat (not purebred) is 21 kilograms!

Wild cats


The first step of the rating rightfully belongs to a hybrid of a lion and a tiger, called a liger.(father is a lion, mother is a tigress). These are the largest cats in the world.

An animal named Hercules, raised by people (in the wild, the habitat of tigers and lions is different, and they do not meet) is also a record holder: he is the largest among all known ligers (weight - 408 kilograms, length - 3 m 60 cm, and height at the withers - 1 m 80 cm).

It is worth noting that another hybrid of a lion and a tiger, a tigrolev (mom is a lioness, dad is a tiger) is not as large as his brother.

Amur tiger

At the second stage - the Amur (Far Eastern, Siberian, Ussuri) tiger.

This "cat" weighs 300 (and even a little more) kilos, and has a body length with a tail of 4 meters.

Bengal tigers are slightly smaller in size and weight.

a lion

Third place, of course, the lion. This, by the way, the only cats living in pride families all the rest are singles. Lions weigh about 250 kilograms, have a height at the withers of about 1 m 23 cm, and a body length of up to 2 m 50 cm.


Leopard (spotted) or panther (black). It is considered the most insidious and unpredictable of all felines., and panthers are more aggressive. Weight - 100 kg, height at the withers - 80 cm, body length - up to 2 meters. That's where the really big cats are!


Lives in the jungle of Central and South America, animals gather in flocks only during the mating season, hunt near water bodies. They weigh about 90 kilograms, body length - 1 m 85 cm, height at the withers - about 65 cm.

Approximately the same size and weight in cats such as puma (mountain lion, cougar, also lives in America), irbis (snow leopard, lives in Central and South Asia, has a long tail and short legs).


Separately, it is worth mentioning the unique animal cheetah - a cat with dog paws.

It can be called relatively large - it does not have too much weight (60 kg) and a body length of about 150 cm.

Cheetah is the fastest cat in the world.

Among the prehistoric cats, the largest was the smilodon (saber-toothed tiger). He weighed about 500 kilograms, that is, not much more than a liger. But he had very large fangs and was stronger and more agile.

The human nature is such that everyone wants to have all the best, the biggest and the rarest. This also applies to the cat world. After all, it is not in vain that new breeds of cats are being bred each time to achieve their place in the Guinness Book of Records.

So felinology does not sleep and each time creates more and more types of cats and each of them has its own characteristics.

When discussing the largest types of cats in the world, everyone evaluates them according to different parameters. For some, the size of large breeds depends on the length of the cat, for some, weight plays a role, and for others, the indicator is height.

Leaders of the nomination "The largest breed of cat"

To date, two fierce rivals vying for the title of "largest breed of domestic cat" are: Savannah and Maine Coon.

It is no secret that a representative of the Ashera clan intended to become the third competitor. But, as it turned out, this breed was a fictional creation of a felinologist and, as such, does not exist, but simply issued by the savannah under the mask of an allegedly new unique Asher individual.

After the exposure, this participant was disqualified from the competition, but it is worth knowing about some of the nuances regarding this case. After all, to this day there has not yet been a court decision regarding this breed.

A thorough genetic examination is being carried out to reveal the truth about the creation of Ashera. The owner of this newest species, Brady, says that these two cats are completely different breeds.

He explains that the only similarity of these breeds is the serval gene, and the genes of the Asian leopard and also the predatory cat are also mixed in the Asher (see).

I place - Savannah breed

Breed characteristics

  • This species is considered a big cat in terms of weight, and also stands out for its height and long body.
  • Weight: 12-15 kg (approximately the same weight as the Maine Coon, while it is known that there are other representatives reaching more weight, about 20 kg).
  • Height: about 60 cm.

As for the belonging of this breed to domestic representatives of their own kind, one can argue for a long time, since it was born from a combination of African serval species with a simple cat. But if you think about it, the ancestors of most pets were wild.

The heiress of this breed, a cat named Trouble, was the first to bother to get into the Guinness Book of Records. Her height then reached 48cm at the withers. Therefore, she had the title of the highest.

II place - Maine Coon breed

Description of the breed

  • Maine Coons are not only large cats, but also charming pets with sharp tassels on the tips of their ears, like lynxes, fluffy hair and a variety of colors.
  • Weight: from 8-15 kg.
  • Height: up to 41 cm.
  • Stewie is a thoroughbred cat from this breed, broke the record and became the longest cat in the world. The length from the tip of his fluffy tail to the nose was 123 cm.

III place - representatives of the Chausi breed (Chauzi)

Description of the breed

  • In addition to the above two legitimate contenders for the title of "biggest cat", you can imagine a representative of jungle cats, the Chausie breed (also known as Chausie or Housey).
  • Weight: reaches 18 kg.
  • Height: 40cm.

The main task for creating this breed, crossing the reed cat and the Abyssinian (see all), was the idea of ​​​​breeders to get a variety of domestic cat, to protect wild cats from captivity.

See also what exists in the world, its weight and dimensions.

The goal was achieved and today shawzi gets along well with people and treats them quite lovingly.

IV place — charming ragdoll cats

Description of the breed

  • although it differs in size from ordinary cats, it is difficult to call it giant. Given that the big ones in this breed are mostly males, and not all of them.
  • Weight: 9 kg.
  • Length: 1 meter (record).
  • These cats, especially of their breed, are also called rag dolls. And all thanks to their built-in dispassionate ardor, good looks and non-aggressive behavior at the genetic level.

V place - shorthaired pixie-bob (domestic lynxes)

Description of the breed

The next, but not the last representative of the cat giants is the artificially bred short-haired pixie-bob, the domestic lynx. These cats, outwardly, are not much different from lynxes.

They are like representatives of these animals, but in miniature: the same sharp tassels on the tips of the ears and color. And also a pixie bot is attached with a short tail (5 cm, sometimes 7-10 cm)

  • Weight: males - 8kg, females -5kg

VI place - representatives of the North, Siberian cats

Description of the breed

  • Representatives of the breed are Siberian cats from Russia. Among fellow tribesmen, they stand out for their size.
  • Weight: in males it reaches a maximum of 12 kg, and in females up to 5-6 kg.
  • A feature of this individual is their external fluffy and glorious appearance. They are like a big and bright lump of affection. At the same time, scientists guarantee that Siberian cats are among the hypoallergenic breeds, which means they do not provoke an allergic reaction in sensitive people.

Curious cases

One of the criteria for giant cats is also their weight. And in this case, the winner was none other than SpongeBob, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records under the category of the most chubby cat.

Its weight was 15 kg. To date, this cat has had to be put on a serious diet. And by a certain decision of the founders of the book, this section of the record was withdrawn for the safety of feline representatives, so that breeders would not sacrifice their health for victory.

For a long time, such nominations were awarded repeatedly, and the Austrian cat Chiimiya had the most impressive result. He weighed about 21 kg and subsequently died of obesity.

Of course, having the biggest cat in the house is nice and partly becomes pride, but the main thing is, first of all, love for the animal and taking care of it.

When we talk about cats, we most often imagine a cute little fluffy creature. But it happens that this animal reaches a larger size than a lap dog. It's always very impressive. Today, very large breeds of cats have been bred in the world. Their prices are quite high. However, we hope that in our selection you will be able to find a pet for yourself.

Maine Coon

To date, these are the largest cats. The Maine Coon breed is distinguished by luxurious long hair. These animals have a long, slightly elongated rectangular body. Their fur is water repellent. The weight of males sometimes reaches ten kilograms, and females - does not exceed five. Maine Coon differs from other cats in an unusual voice with a distinct vibration. These animals appeared about a century ago.

Often these beauties are called "cute giants" because of their calm nature. They are very friendly, appreciating the care and love of the owner, getting along well with children. They are able to play with them all day long, and never, even by accident, scratch the baby.

For the color of these animals is called a raccoon cat. Their amazing appearance with ears with tassels and a huge fluffy tail cannot leave anyone indifferent. Some representatives of the Maine Coon breed are included in the Guinness Book of Records. The price of such a charming kitten is from 15 to 50 thousand rubles.


These are very beautiful cats. Savannah attracts not only with its impressive size. This beauty conquers animal lovers with her grace, the habits of a real leopard, which emphasize her beauty. Savannah is covered with a short thick coat with a spotted color. The size of such pets is almost three times the size of domestic cats we are used to.

The Savannah is native to Africa and was bred from wild cats. These "babies" love to jump, and they easily "fly up" to a height of three meters. This is a rather capricious creature, so you should not go for a walk without a leash - your pet can just run away, it will take a long time to look for it.

A small "leopard" is not cheap - from 4 to 20 thousand dollars.

Siberian cat

These are not the largest cats. The Siberian breed is well known to Russians. The animal is large, physically developed. The mass of individual individuals reaches 10 kg. The wool of these northern beauties is very thick and long, a characteristic feature is a luxurious fluffy tail. Coat color can be very varied.

This is the perfect pet for people with allergies. But if you need a calm and phlegmatic pet that you can pick up and caress at any time, then the Siberian cat will not work. Her character is wayward. But the owners are guaranteed to get rid of rats and mice, as they are excellent hunters.

Siberian cat will cost you from one to fifteen thousand rubles.

norwegian cat

In Russia, far from all the largest cats are widespread. The Norwegian Forest breed is not yet very popular in our country. This cat is very similar to the Siberian. It looks very large thanks to the double water-repellent wool coat. Fur color is different. Cats grow to very impressive sizes - the weight of males reaches 12 kg, and cats - up to 5 kg.

This is a very sociable, sociable and playful animal. Despite its size, the Norwegian cat is very graceful and elegant.

The average price for a Norwegian Forest kitten ranges from 5 to 40 thousand rubles.


These beautiful reed cats were considered wild until 2003. The breed was bred by crossing Abyssinian cats and reed cats. Animals are distinguished by smooth and short hair. They have a narrow head, muscular paws, broad chest and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. Tassels on the tips of the ears.

Domestic chausies weigh up to twelve kilograms (males). Despite their impressive size, these cats have a gentle disposition and friendly character, they require affection and tenderness from the owner.

For a baby of this breed, you will need to pay from 7 to 35 thousand dollars.

pixie bob

Large domestic pixie-bob cats are also known as Hemingway cats, domestic lynxes. Very little is known about their origin. It is hidden by numerous secrets and legends. Most likely, they appeared as a result of natural intergenerational matings. However, it is impossible to deny that breeders took an active part in the formation of the breed.

Cats by adulthood gain up to ten kilograms of weight. Tassels on the ears and a short tail make them really look like a lynx. A characteristic feature of this breed are multi-toed paws.

Pixie kitten costs from 25 to 100 thousand rubles.


This is still a very young breed. Its name literally translates as "rag doll". The cat received this strange name for reduced muscle tone. The breed was bred by crossing a Burmese cat with a Siamese cat. Animals are divided into two types - colorpoint, which are more like a Siamese cat, and bicolor, which have white spots on the muzzle and paws.

Ragdolls are chocolate, lilac or blue in color. These animals are quite phlegmatic and good-natured. Future owners need to know that these cats, unlike representatives of other breeds, cannot fall on their paws from a height due to muscle relaxation.

Such a baby can be purchased for 10-35 thousand rubles.


Why these animals, having a regal appearance, received the nickname "ragamuffins", is not known for certain. There is an assumption that this breed originated from stray cats, which "married" with a thoroughbred ragdoll. But the fact that ragamuffins always participate in the “largest cats” ratings is well deserved by the breed - most of its even females weigh about 6 kg, and cats - 10 kg.

Ragamuffin has luxurious thick fur, which is a bit like a rabbit fur coat. It can be of a different color, for which there are no strict requirements. It is distinguished from most cat breeds by its huge and unusually expressive eyes.

These large domestic cats are very friendly and sociable, hard to endure separation from the owner. Often they are called angels for their affection for people and gentle disposition.

The price of such a handsome man is from 80 thousand rubles.


This magnificent feline looks very much like its wild ancestors. And by nature it is a large, but domestic cat. The breed cannot be called the largest, although it is also small - males weigh about six kilograms. Animal lovers in this breed are attracted by sociability and the possibility of training.

Most Ocicats easily get used to walks on a leash, they are very quick-witted. Such cats follow the commands of the owner and some tricks that they like.

Ocicats are very fond of being petted and pampered all the time, and require this even from strangers, which sometimes makes them obsessive.

The price of a small ocicat ranges from 30 to 80 thousand rubles.

Cats are the most popular pets. Recently, large pets have become popular. If you are going to start such an animal, contact a specialized nursery, where you will be offered a purebred and healthy baby.

The largest domestic cats in the world enjoy no less popularity than their miniature relatives. Today's article is dedicated to these amazing creatures.

The largest exotic domestic cat, similar to a leopard, is the Ashera. This breed was bred by the British in 2006, mixing the genes of an ordinary cat with the genes of an African serval and an Asian leopard cat. The breed was named after the pagan deity Ashera. The weight of the animal can reach 14–15 kg with a length of one meter. Outwardly, Ashera resembles a sphinx. It is also believed that representatives of this breed do not cause allergies. To purchase a kitten, you must register in the queue. You have to wait about a year. Every year, an English company that breeds this breed grows up to 100 individuals. Despite the high cost, there are enough people who want to buy the largest cat in the world. The Ashera is considered the perfect pet for sleeping, rubbing against legs and playing with children. For nutrition, ordinary cat food is suitable. The advantage of this breed is that they can be walked on a leash.

The minimum cost of a kitten is $22,000.

Savannahs are often called domestic cheetahs. A distinctive feature of this breed, in addition to its impressive size, are also considered large round ears. Wool - thick has a chocolate, golden, silver or brown hue with spots. The neck is long, the physique is powerful. The growth of the animal reaches 0.6 m, weight - 15 kg. The Savannah was created by crossing an ordinary domestic cat with African Serval, Egyptian and Siamese Mau, Bengal and Oriental Shorthair cats. A cat of this breed is active, jumps well, has a curious but calm character, adapts well to any conditions. Representatives of this breed love attention, non-conflict, get along well with other animals. The minimum cost of the savannah is 5-10 thousand dollars. The price depends on the sex of the animal: cats cost more, because males up to the fourth generation cannot have offspring. Also, the cost of the animal is affected by similarity with African servals: the more it is, the more expensive the cat.

The breed of beautiful, hardy Maine Coon cats, or the Manx raccoon cat, was bred about a century ago in North America. The animal reaches maturity at the age of four. Maine Coon cats weigh about 15 kg, cats - much less. The nature of the representatives of this breed is gentle and good-natured, despite its impressive size. Their voice is considered a distinctive feature. Unlike other cats, he has a bright, distinct vibration. It turns out that the animal does not meow, but makes gentle sounds. In addition, they differ from other cats in body shape, head and coat texture. Maine Coons have a slightly elongated head, and wide ears at the base are decorated with tassels. The tail is the same length as the body. Representatives of this breed are mobile and curious, they combine strength and power, combined with a good-natured, gentle disposition. They are also good hunters. The price of a Maine Coon kitten is in the range of one to two thousand euros.

Maine Coon cats like to bring objects thrown to them, like dogs.

For a long time, this reed cat breed was considered wild. She has been appearing at TICA shows since 2003. The Chausi breed was obtained by crossing the Abyssinian cat with wild reed cats of a gray-yellow or gray-brown color. The animal has a powerful physique. The paws are muscular, the head is narrow, the chest is wide, the eyes are almond-shaped, the coat is short, adjacent to the body. The tip of the short tail is black, tassels are located on widely spaced ears, and edges grow in the auricle. A domesticated reed cat weighs 6–12 kg. Character - kind, obedient and flexible. These graceful animals with a royal posture require attention. With a lack of attention, chausi are sad. There are times when an animal even loses interest in life. The minimum cost for a kitten of this breed is a thousand dollars.

The breed was bred in America. Pixie bob is translated from English as "elf with a short tail." The animal looks like a lynx. It has a powerful body and multi-toed paws. Wool is short and semi-long. This is a relatively young registered breed. The maximum weight of the animal is small: for cats - 10 kg, for cats - 5 kg. Pixie-bobs are restrained, tactful and unobtrusive. They are very dedicated. They are wary of strangers, but without aggression. Also representatives of this breed are playful and love affection. The cost of a kitten is in the range of 1000-5000 dollars.

In America, pixie-bob cats are considered a national treasure. Therefore, it is not allowed to take them out of the continent.

On average, the weight of British cats ranges from eight kilograms. Sometimes males reach 12 kg. England is considered the birthplace of this breed. She appeared in the 19th century as a result of crossing Persian cats with English domestic ones. The Briton differs from other animals with a wide chest. His paws are also powerful, rounded, the tail is thick with a rounded end. Also, representatives of this breed have a round head and cheeks, ears are small. The body of the animal is covered with short dense hair. The character of the British is famous for its independence. They tolerate loneliness well.

Russia is considered the birthplace of Siberian cats. The coat of representatives of this breed is voluminous and long. The maximum weight reaches 12 kg.