Monkey Man from Delhi. City of dead monkeys. Archaeological sensation. Analysis of ape-man photographs

Mass hysteria is a general term used to describe a situation in which different people suffer from similar hysterical symptoms due to a phantom illness or unexplained event. History knows several similar cases, which will be discussed in this review.

1. Mumbai sweet water

"Mumbai sweet sea water" - a 2006 incident in which Mumbai residents claimed that the water in Mahim Creek, one of the most polluted rivers in India, which flows into thousands of tons of raw sewage and industrial waste every day, suddenly became "sweet ". A few hours later, the people of Gujarat began to claim that the sea water at Tithal Beach had turned into fresh and sweet. Local authorities, fearing the possibility of a serious outbreak of water-borne diseases such as gastroenteritis, banned the drinking of muddy water, but this did not stop the Indians. The next day the water became salty again.

2. An epidemic of laughter in Tanganyika

The 1962 Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic was an outbreak of mass hysteria believed to have started near the village of Kashasha on the west coast of Lake Victoria (present-day Tanzania). It is possible that some kind of joke at a local boarding school that caused a small group of students to start laughing served as the start of the incident. As a result, laughter turned into a real epidemic - a week later half the school was giggling, and a month later it had to be closed for quarantine. The children were distributed to other schools, which soon also began an epidemic of uncontrolled laughter, affecting thousands of people. After 6-18 months (in different areas), the epidemic disappeared as mysteriously as it had begun.

3. Hindu milk miracle

This phenomenon, which is considered by many Hindus as a real miracle, occurred on September 21, 1995. Before dawn, a Hindu at a temple in south New Delhi offered an offering of a spoonful of milk to the statue of Lord Ganesha. Suddenly, the milk disappeared from the spoon, as if the idol had drunk it. The news spread quickly and by mid-morning it was found that the statues of the entire Hindu pantheon in temples all over North India were drinking milk, and "taking" it in incredible quantities. At the beginning of October everything stopped.

4 Maybug Epidemic

In 1962, a mysterious illness broke out in the garment department of an American textile factory. Her symptoms included numbness, nausea, dizziness and vomiting. Rumors quickly began to circulate that the disease was carried by some mysterious "Maybug" that bit the factory workers. Soon a mysterious illness appeared in 62 employees, some of whom were hospitalized. The media began to actively write about this case. After research by company doctors and specialists from the U.S. Center for Infectious Diseases Public Health Service, it was concluded that the case was mass hysteria, as no evidence of beetle bites was found.

5 Soap Opera Hysteria

"Morangos com Açúcar" is a Portuguese soap opera about the adventures of a typical Portuguese youth, which is very popular among children and teenagers. In May 2006, an outbreak of the "Morangos com Açúcar virus" was reported in Portuguese schools. 300 or more students in 14 schools reported symptoms similar to those experienced by the characters in a recent episode. These included rashes, difficulty breathing and dizziness. As a result, some schools were forced to close. The Portuguese National Institute of Medicine eventually declared that it was not a disease, but mass hysteria.

6. Toxic Lady

Gloria Ramirez of Riverside, California was nicknamed the "toxic lady" by the media after her body and blood had a negative effect on several hospital workers. She was taken to the hospital in 1994 due to the effects of cervical cancer. The medical staff who were present at the examination began to feel ill and eventually fainted. Gloria's body gave off a garlicky and fruity odor, and her blood contained grains of a strange paper-like substance. The oddest thing about this case is that everyone affected by Gloria subsequently had normal blood test results.

7. War of the Worlds

"War of the Worlds" is an episode of an American radio drama that first aired on the Columbia Broadcasting System on Halloween October 30, 1938. The listeners, who turned on the radio not from the very beginning of the production, took the play, staged by the Mercury Theater on the Air under the direction of Orson Welles (based on the novel by H. G. Wells "War of the Worlds") for the pure truth and fell into a panic. As a result, attempts to evacuate began throughout the United States, mass hysteria, and even martial law was introduced in some places.

8 Delhi Monkey Man

In May 2001, in the Indian capital of New Delhi, multiple evidence of encounters with a strange ape-like creature began to appear, which appeared at night and attacked people. Eyewitness accounts were often inconsistent, but generally described as a creature about 120 cm tall, covered in thick black hair, with a metal helmet, metal claws, glowing red eyes, and three buttons on its chest. More than 15 people allegedly suffered from bruises, bites and scratches.

9 Penis Panic

In the case of this mass hysteria, the men suddenly experience the belief that their genitals are getting smaller or completely disappearing. The penis scare has been observed all over the world, especially in Africa and Asia. Local beliefs in many cases hold that such physical changes are often fatal. It is becoming increasingly clear that these forms of mass hysteria are more common than previously thought. Injuries are often also seen when panicking people resort to needles, hooks, fishing line and thread to "prevent their penises from disappearing."

10 Dance Plague

The plague of 1518 is a sudden outbreak of uncontrolled dancing in Strasbourg, France (then part of the Holy Roman Empire). Many people danced right on the street for several days without rest. The outbreak of the dancing plague began in July 1518, when Frau Troffea, for no reason at all, began to dance provocatively in the street in Strasbourg. This went on for anywhere from four to six days. Within a week, 34 more people joined it, and within a month, about 400 dancers were already observed. Most of these people eventually died of heart attack, stroke, or exhaustion.

However, unusual behavior is not only an epidemic, but also a cultural tradition. Confirmation of this is the story about.

Today, almost 75 years later, the story of the ape-man has received a new breath. More recently, it has flooded the pages of the Internet and has become the subject of discussion in various parts of the world. Who exactly is the so-called ape-man? What's this? Mutation, deformity or unknown ancestor of man and ape, an anthropological miracle?

Analysis of ape-man photographs

Critics of this photo claim that traces of makeup and prostheses are visible on the boy's face. In addition, in their opinion, the boy could not have such a hairstyle, and he could not be so clean-shaven. Refuting their opinion, supporters of the existence of a man-ape argue that all this could be appropriate if the boy was photographed immediately after his discovery in the jungle. The photographs show that he is in a suit, already among people. This means that it could well have been put in order and only after that photographed. It is also noteworthy that his palm is clenched into a fist - this is how the monkeys move (helping themselves when walking with their hands).

According to one assumption, this boy may also be an ordinary person with birth defects or mutations.

It's hard to pinpoint whether these photos were fakes, but they still make us wonder about the "missing link". Attempts to find the Yeti and Yovi in ​​Australia are essentially aimed at finding the answer to a burning question that scientists have been trying to explain for many centuries. Perhaps these photographs are fake, but they make us ask ourselves again and again - is it true that humans evolved from monkeys and are they our ancestors? Throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, reports of wild and mythical ape-like animals living in remote and remote places have inspired readers around the world.

Archaeologists have discovered a whole city of dead monkeys. The find is thousands of years old. This means that thousands of years ago the Earth was the planet of the apes. There was a certain superior race of monkeys, and people were subordinate to them. It remains a mystery how monkeys could survive in the cold climate of Siberia. And what was this highly developed civilization?
However, the ancient epic Mahabharata was formed here and ancient myths and legends arose, many of which may be true.
Documentary project. Planet of the Apes.

Ape-man found in the jungles of Brazil, 1937

Material sent Yuri Etoya

And taken from the Army Karus website
My version.

The date is not correct. Historians come from the traditional History, which is a literary hoax that the intelligentsia concocted in the 20th century.

If you use a false information base, all your theories will be just as false as the original information from the intelligentsia.

I think that originally there was a civilization of people. And the city was built by people. And the monkeys came already ready. Monkeys either killed people and settled in their homes, and then they themselves died out of hunger. And their bones remained in the captured city of dead people.

Or - the second option. People themselves invented these great apes, brought them closer to themselves as servants and slaves, and as a result, apes, which are very well adapted to imitate human behavior, once decided that people were superfluous on the planet. And then something happened that is described in the novel by Pierre Boulle: "Planet of the Apes."

There are also stories of the Cossacks about the death of civilization in the 14th century, when people began to degrade into monkeys. And then, in the 14th century, the Cossacks had the First War of people and Hanuman monkeys. Hanuman lived in Europe, Russia and were ape people who were Europeans, and ... were cannibals.

There is another unpleasant detail of the behavior of Europeans in the second half of the 19th century: the cohabitation of Europeans with monkeys, and "white blacks", as a result of the fact that white women were thrown into cages with monkeys. The white blacks, with whom Trotsky promised to populate the occupied Russia instead of the killed Whites (People), are a hybrid of man and monkey. More precisely, children born to white women after being raped by monkeys.

That is, there can be a lot of explanations for the bones of monkeys in the city of the dead, and all of them will be more prosaic than those presented here.

After the so-called French Revolution of 1853-1921, which the Cossacks called the Second War of Men and Apes, there is a lot of information left that the appearance of great apes is associated with sexual promiscuity, expressed in cohabitation with monkeys, both erotic exoticism and deliberate rape of white women by monkeys.

It got to the point that, according to zoo workers, some monkeys: gorillas, orangutans, do not react to females of their species as a sexual object. As a sexual object, they react only to women of the white race. And zookeepers are asking white women not to approach cages with monkeys, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Why were these monkeys needed? They can be used as slaves, as soldiers (cannon fodder), in short, where a person cannot be used for the simple reason that the Society will make a scandal.

But even such experiments had to be kept secret from the Society, because once the appearance of such people-monkeys caused the death of the entire population of the planet in the 14th century.

In addition to the Shelling and the highest civilization, when people had already forgotten how to work with their hands, machines did everything for them, there was a third danger: the Hanuman monkeys, who killed and ate the entire surviving population of Europe and Russia, including. These are the stories of the Cossacks about the details of the death of civilization in the first half of the 14th century.

If a human child from birth is placed in a pack of monkeys and he does not see people, representatives of his own species, he will not know anything that his parents knew. He will think he is a monkey and act like a monkey.

And several generations of such children will give humanity the opportunity to forget everything human and become anthropoid apes, a species of primate, a class of mammals. Well, and then grow hair and change to survive in the new conditions. As the Cossacks said, in the 14-15 centuries. this process of turning people into woolly monkeys was swift. It happened very quickly. There was not a single case of reverse transformations of an ape into a man in all the Middle Ages. Although the Cossacks tried to pull their relatives out of such a hole and return them to the human form and the human world. Then the Cossacks realized that it was pointless and abandoned their rescue of the monkeys. Monkeys were not killed, they were simply not allowed to enter the borders of new human settlements. For the same reason, the Cossacks never had monkeys in circuses and zoos. Whatever they are, but these are former people. And people are not kept in cages.

A monkey can never replace a human. Man does not exist without Society. That is, the whole meaning of civilization lies not in an individual, not in the fact that he is a person, but in the Society as a whole. Only in the Society can knowledge, skills and a way of life be transferred, which ensures the general survival in the conditions of civilization.

A monkey can only imitate human behavior. But only. Monkeys seem smart only as long as they have someone to imitate and imitate. As soon as the object for imitation disappears, the monkey will immediately slide into his primitive way of life as an ordinary animal in the wild forest.

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In 1978, during a trip to the United States, the well-known geneticist academician N.P. Dubinin was told by his American colleagues that they were conducting experiments on breeding a hybrid of a person with a monkey, and it would not be long to wait for a positive result.

The scandal erupted in the late 80s, when information about the experiments conducted in the USA became available to the European press. At the initiative of the French president, a national committee on bioethics was even assembled in Paris; its decision banned for three years all research work with human embryos or experiments on them, as well as any transplantation between humans and animals. By the way, scientists from this committee did not rule out the possibility of creating a man-ape.

In Italy, such experiments were called "biological alchemy", the fact of the adoption in the United States of a law allowing patenting "multicellular organisms that do not exist in nature, including animals" caused particular concern for scientists in this country. It was feared that genetic material alien to it would be introduced into the animal world.

“Of course, neither the protests of scientists, religious figures and politicians, nor the hype in the press could stop the work on the creation of various chimeras, started in about fifty laboratories around the world. In addition, not everyone protested ... Many, on the contrary, welcomed such experiments. Some believed that strong and obedient slaves would appear from the “marriage” of a person with a monkey, on whose shoulders it would be possible to shift a number of difficult and dangerous jobs.

One of the most famous English legends associated with the raven is that the famous black birds that live in the Tower of London will fly away when the last member of the ruling royal family dies, and then Britain will perish.

"Love" story in the zoological park

Among newspaper publications in 1980, a curious message flashed from China, which dealt with the events of 1967. A Chinese news agency reported, “A female chimpanzee artificially inseminated with human semen became pregnant. The pregnancy lasted three months and ended due to the death of the animal. The report also noted that death was due solely to "the negligence of those responsible for the monkey." It turns out that China dealt with this problem back in the 60s.

Obviously, the Chinese learned about similar work in the United States much earlier than the Europeans and did not fail to mark their priority in this area, hinting that everything was going well for them, but they overlooked the monkey ... The Europeans, having received this information, then did not understand why it was necessary to notify the world about such a long-standing experiment, and even an unsuccessful one, and they called this message strange ...

Is it really possible to get a human-monkey hybrid? Already in the new millennium, an unusual “love” story thundered all over the world: in the National Zoological Park of the Smithsonian Institution, the gorilla Jessica gave birth to an unusual cub, whose father was clearly a man ... Suspicion fell on the 53-year-old ranger Michael Washington. It was not possible to ask the alleged father of an unusual child: immediately after the news of the pregnancy of the monkey, he hastily fled, because there were no males in the zoo ...

Americans are sure that this is the first case in the world when, as a result of sexual intercourse between a man and a monkey, offspring appeared. The baby was named Jason, his chromosome set in many ways resembles a human one.
- Outwardly, the cub looks more like a man than a primate. - says Dr. David Wildt, who observed the newborn. - He is completely devoid of hair, limbs, ears, eyes - everything is like in humans. All he got from his mother was his nose. But the most important thing is that the structure of the baby's larynx is human, which means that, unlike the monkey's mother, he will be able to master speech.

Of course, the baby was immediately taken away from the gorilla. The police took over the caretaker, he is wanted throughout the country to be charged under the article “Cruelty to animals”. It is possible that the monkey "Romeo" has already been caught and is serving a sentence. Although it seems wild, cases of human cohabitation with a monkey happened before Michael Washington.

In one of the draft versions of the novel War and Peace, Dolokhov confidentially informs Anatoly Kurakin: “I, brother, loved a monkey. Now beautiful women are the same.” It is believed that L. N. Tolstoy largely painted the image of Dolokhov from his ancestor - Count Fyodor Tolstoy, nicknamed the American, who became famous for cohabiting with a monkey. Even becoming a member of Krusenstern's round-the-world expedition, the count did not part with the monkey. The captain of the ship, not wanting to endure such depravity, ordered the American's "mistress" to be thrown overboard. Because of this, the count fell into such a rage that he even made an attempt to raise a rebellion on a ship, for which he was landed on one of the islands in the Pacific Ocean, from where he had to travel to St. Petersburg for a whole year.

There is evidence that sailors of the Middle Ages also “dabbled” with monkeys, in particular, the team of the Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral, apparently, was so hungry for sexual pleasures on a long voyage that they mistook female primates for ... native women. Sailors considered tails and hairiness to be just a local exotic ...

Ukrainians and Belarusians, according to the "Concise Encyclopedia of Slavic Mythology", believed that the evil spirit in the form of ravens flies through the yards at night, setting fire to the roofs, and also circles over the house of a dying sorcerer to take his soul with him when she leaves the body.

Who was the Indian monster?

So, according to the American press, a hybrid individual, albeit miraculously, can still be born. But what do the scientists say? Monkeys and humans have a different number of chromosomes: humans have 46, and apes have 48. It is believed that because of this, it is impossible to get offspring in natural conditions.

Well, if it is impossible in nature, then with the current level of genetic engineering, the creation of various monsters, including a hybrid of apes and humans, in laboratory conditions cannot be ruled out. Although, according to journalist Oleg Shishkin, who is researching this issue, such a hybrid does not yet exist. He believes that such a grandiose sensation would not have been possible to hide and information about it would certainly have leaked out, causing a heated controversy in the society of primatologists.

However, in my opinion, in this opinion there is some underestimation of the secrecy of truly secret works, information about which can actually become public, but in twenty or thirty years. You can only learn about such research by chance due to some extraordinary incidents in secret laboratories engaged in this kind of research. Perhaps such a case occurred already in the new millennium in India.

In April 2001, the Indian city of Ghaziabad was unsettled. There were persistent rumors that a real monster appeared in the vicinity - a monkey man who behaves very aggressively and attacks people. Local newspapers wrote almost daily about new victims of the monster, posted photographs of people with scars from teeth and claws. The authorities at first ignored these rumors, considering the whole commotion to be the fruit of the fantasies of the inhabitants or the result of the tricks of some prankster. However, when a man, fleeing from a monster, fell from the roof and crashed, they willy-nilly had to take up the search for a mysterious creature.

All attempts by law enforcement agencies to catch or shoot the monkey man (the authorities gave such an order, although in India monkeys are sacred animals) did not lead to anything. Meanwhile, the monster began to meet in the suburbs of Delhi - Noida. There was a report in the newspaper that several residents of the suburbs saw a huge dark-colored ape-like creature in the wasteland. Meanwhile, the number of victims of the monster grew. The fact is that due to the heat, many Indians sleep on the roofs at night, and the fear of the monster made people jump down in panic at any scream, while many broke limbs, and sometimes even crashed to death.

The victims of attacks by a mysterious creature that roamed the city blocks at night showed scientists and journalists the deep scratches left on their bodies by the claws of the “big evil monkey”. The identikit of the creature was repeatedly shown on Indian television, but all the efforts of the police and volunteers from the self-defense units to stop the atrocities of the monster remained to no avail.

And at the end of the summer, the mysterious creature seems to have moved from malicious "hooliganism" to murders. On the bodies of two alleged victims of the monster, the police found numerous stab wounds. A reward of 50 thousand rupees was appointed for the capture of the monster, but it remained unclaimed. The police carried out a large-scale operation, a real raid on the monster, in which 3,000 people participated, but it ended in failure. After that, the ape-man suddenly disappeared, a little time passed and the rumors about him subsided, and the population calmed down.

Monster from the secret laboratory

Someone explained this whole story as mass hysteria, they say, there was no monster, just someone invented a monster, and then the popular rumor picked up this story and off we went ... Heat, night power outages, overly superstitious people with a rich imagination - all this, according to Indian scientists, has led to such massive self-deception.

Here is a simple explanation of several months of a nightmare, dozens of victims, thousands of frightened people. Is it really that simple? Maybe the authorities hastened to hush up this story in this way in order to hide the truth and at the same time justify their impotence? A similar conclusion suggests itself in connection with the rather sensational information that flashed in the press.

If you believe her, then the Indian man-ape was still caught, but not by the local police, but by the American special forces ... The fact is that the monster that frightened the Indians seemed to be the product of American secret developments ...

On April 14, in close proximity to the Indian border, terrorists attacked the DFS12 laboratory, located on the territory of the US Air Force base. Of course, if the base at that time had functioned for its intended purpose, the attackers would most likely have received a worthy rebuff, but in 2001 only a small research laboratory remained operating on its territory. Its terrorists managed to capture and destroy.

While the news of the attack reached the Americans, and their representatives arrived at the base, local looters had already managed to visit the ruins of the laboratory. They then said that among the dead employees there were also the corpses of strange ape-like people with thick hair all over their bodies ... Well, a few days after the attack on the laboratory in India, a terrifying ape-man appeared. Quite a strange coincidence, isn't it?

It is possible that the monster escaped from the secret laboratory during the attack and, having broken free, set off in all serious ways. Why didn't the Americans immediately catch him? Here, I think, the whole thing lies in politics and the interests of the special services. Maybe the Americans immediately offered their help, but the Indians proudly rejected it. And most likely, the Yankees prudently waited for the Indians to “bake” and they themselves ask for help, and in exchange for not disclosing this whole story, they took their monster into their hands.

So, if this information is reliable, then the Americans, having started their work in the 80s (or even earlier!), nevertheless achieved success and a hybrid of man and ape was created, and more than one. It turns out that Professor Ivanov's dream came true? Let's not rush to conclusions, let's wait for new messages.

Andrey Khotenov