What to do if the patient has no appetite. “I haven’t eaten anything for several days”: why my appetite has disappeared and how dangerous it is. Getting rid of poor appetite at home

A good appetite speaks of a person's good health. The feeling of hunger signals that the body requires restoration of energy costs and replenishment of nutrients. It happens that a person loses interest in food, and sometimes even feels disgust for it. may be accompanied by nausea.

Nausea occurs as a result of a malfunction in the digestive system. Then the stomach, which has to move food to the intestines, pushes it up with reverse contractions of the esophagus. Often nausea ends with vomiting - involuntary powerful emptying of the stomach through the mouth. Discomfort from nausea and vomiting is aggravated by general malaise in the form of:

  • general weakness;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • active sweating;
  • rapid breathing and pulse;
  • increased salivation.

Nausea and vomiting can be a harmless, but completely natural, defensive reaction of the body to some kind of irritant, such as overeating or spoiled foods. And they can be symptoms of serious illness and indicate the need for medical attention. Therefore, the causes of the disorder should be determined as soon as possible and the necessary measures should be taken to improve the condition.

Loss of appetite and bouts of nausea in women

In women, such ailments are more likely to occur against the background of hormonal changes during menstruation or during pregnancy. This is considered normal and is not a symptom of the disease. But, weakness, dizziness or severe pain is a reason to see a doctor.

Menstruation and premenstrual syndrome:

  • Before the onset of menstruation, jumps in estrogen and progesterone during the period of hormonal adjustment are accompanied by strong emotional experiences, neurosis, and insomnia. These processes are natural and disappear with the beginning of a new cycle, but women may experience a slight malaise and lose their appetite.
  • During menstruation, prostaglandins are produced that irritate the circulatory, muscular, and nervous systems, provoking uterine spasm and the occurrence of severe, but tolerable pain. The production of serotonin increases, leading to stagnation of fluid, the appearance of edema. Changes negatively affect the woman's well-being, being the norm, they pass quickly, do not require intervention.

Pregnant women with hormonal changes and changes in progesterone levels may experience toxicosis, passing by 14 weeks. Many expectant mothers feel a strong aversion to food, frequent bouts of nausea and impulses to. This is not a disease and early toxicosis does not pose a threat to the health of a woman or a child, if the pregnant woman does not worry all the time. During this period, the expectant mother should be provided with proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, good rest.

An important reminder: the stomach of a pregnant woman should not be empty, you should eat fractionally, in small portions. This will relieve painful nausea and vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting in children

Children often experience nausea and vomiting. They can feel nauseous after active games on a full stomach and get sick in transport. Vomiting in a child may appear as a result of overeating or nervous tension. If this happens occasionally and is not accompanied by other symptoms, there is no cause for concern.

With a cold, when the baby is tormented by a runny nose, cough and sore throat, he is usually sick of eating. ARI needs to be treated. As you recover, the feeling of hunger will begin to appear.

If the appetite has disappeared for a short time, the type of food does not cause disgust in the child, there is no need to make hasty conclusions and feed it with pills. Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • the baby is lethargic and sleepy;
  • he has a headache or dizziness;
  • temperature appeared;
  • increased or slowed pulse;
  • vomiting is frequent, severe, mixed with blood or accompanied by diarrhea;
  • the child is sick as a result of an injury to the abdomen or head.

If disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract do not cause severe discomfort, quickly pass, and vomiting brings relief, there is no reason to panic. It is necessary to alleviate the condition by taking an antiemetic drug or using a folk remedy: drinking green tea, dill water or water with lemon. The main recommendation is diet. A few days after the attack, everything fried, sour and dairy is excluded from the diet.

Urgent medical attention is needed in case of complete refusal to eat, frequent vomiting, severe nausea lasting more than a day, fever and diarrhea.

In order to make up for the lack of all trace elements in the body, a person must eat properly and rationally. In the event that there is no appetite, and the food itself causes rejection and a lot of other unpleasant sensations, then the person needs help. Lack of appetite can be caused by many reasons, including not only diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Few people know, but on a nervous basis, this can also happen. In what situations lack of appetite is accompanied by nausea and weakness, we will find out further.

In order to understand what to look for the reason, specifics should be taken into account. all present symptoms:

  1. Lack of appetite - the fact that a person would not hurt to eat is signaled by the brain, the neural endings of which send a signal to the digestive organs, forcing a person to think about food. As a result, gastric juice is gradually produced, and the level of insulin in the blood also increases. If there is no appetite, then the brain is busy with completely different, more important things at the moment. It can also be supported by diseases of the digestive tract, as a result of the progression of which, lack of appetite occurs as a natural protective reaction.
  2. Nausea - this process is also quite physiological, it is necessary in order to release the contents of the stomach in critical situations. This sign is extremely important in diagnosis, because in combination with other symptoms it allows a more accurate diagnosis.
  3. Weakness is a state known to everyone, especially those people who are forced to work hard and hard. A person with special difficulty manages to perform the usual actions, while feeling an increased load and fatigue.

Nausea, weakness and lack of appetite, perhaps the most common symptoms that both adults and children are familiar with. What prerequisites can influence the emergence of such a clinical picture?


If we systematize all the possible causes that can cause weakness with nausea and a complete lack of appetite, then they can be conditionally divided into two large groups: pathological and non-pathological.

Non-pathological causes

These reasons unrelated to disease. They arise if external pathogenic factors exert their influence on the body, or they occur as a natural process. Their main feature is as follows:

  • symptoms last no more than 4-5 days, after which they disappear on their own;
  • do not require medical attention and medication;
  • do not have life-threatening side effects on the body;
  • may be repeated, but not more than once a month;
  • do not cause acute weight loss.
  1. Menstruation and premenstrual syndrome - in the course of hormonal adjustment and preparation for fertilization, a woman's body is literally subject to the actions of hormones. Sharp jumps in progesterone and estrogen, to which the body adapts gradually, can provoke nausea, weakness, and loss of appetite. When the cycle ends and a new one begins, a woman may also experience headaches and abdominal cramps, which is a completely natural process that does not require intervention.
  2. Overeating, especially at night - when during the day a person did not have the opportunity to fully eat, and meals were reduced to a maximum of fast food, then when you come home, where a delicious dinner is waiting, it is difficult to control yourself. As a result, the digestive tract organs did not have a load all day, and in the evening, when, in fact, the body and all its systems are preparing for sleep and slowing down their life support processes, the food eaten can cause poor sleep. Eating a heavy meal before bed leads to nausea, which indicates the inability of the pancreas to produce the right amount of enzymes. The symptoms are especially acute in the morning, when nausea can continue with vomiting, which will lead to weakness and lack of appetite.
  3. Prolonged fasting - unauthorized refusal of food, allegedly in order to lose extra pounds, can cause nausea and weakness. The fact is that if food does not enter the stomach for a long time, the produced secret adversely affects the mucous membranes, causing irritation. Sometimes nausea occurs immediately after a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger. Lack of food reduces performance, and also provokes weakness.
  4. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - observed in people who constantly experience fatigue and loss of energy. This condition is typical for people who work seven days a week, and the number of hours of work is greater than rest. Workaholism is commendable, but it affects health. The lack of proper sleep affects the nervous system and the brain, which can give the wrong commands to the entire body.

These reasons are most often encountered in everyday life, since the modern rhythm of life makes it impossible to eat well and have normal rest.

Pathological causes

Associated with the presence of a disease in the body. In most cases, medical attention is required to eliminate. This group includes the following reasons:

  1. Dysbacteriosis is an intestinal disease in which the balance of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms involved in the digestive process is disturbed. Poor digestion is detrimental to the entire body, since it is not possible to get all the nutrients from food that it is rich in.
  2. Endocrine diseases - hormonal imbalance and lack of production of certain hormones can provoke nausea, sometimes vomiting, followed by weakness and lack of appetite.
  3. Chronic diseases of the digestive system, which have become aggravated - most often such symptoms are inherent in gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as gastroduodenitis. Nausea, weakness and lack of appetite are the first signs that old diseases require attention and timely preventive treatment.
  4. Mental disorders - if a person constantly experiences increased emotional stress and stress, while there is no rest and support from loved ones, depression may occur. This psycho-emotional state implies indifference to everything that happens around, and is also accompanied by a lack of appetite, nausea and general weakness.
  5. Intoxication - if pathogenic microorganisms are active in the body, this provokes intoxication. Especially often, such processes occur in the stomach and intestines, when, getting from outside, bacteria begin to actively “get used” to the body and take everything that is available from it. In this case, nausea and loss of appetite are the primary signs indicating the presence of pathogenic microflora.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases - similar symptoms are familiar to people suffering from chronic arterial hypertension, when the pressure in the body is increased. Nausea in this case can manifest itself even after eating, and weakness is dictated by the deterioration of blood vessels.
  7. Drug dependence - if a person voluntarily or out of necessity constantly takes medications, the gastrointestinal tract receives a tremendous load, digesting and assimilating chemical compounds. As a result, nausea and lack of appetite can indicate the presence of gastritis and peptic ulcer, as well as pathologies of the pancreas.
  8. The presence of oncological diseases - when a person has cancer (no matter what organ), and chemotherapy is carried out, all processes in the body go astray, including digestion. Appetite decreases, against which fatigue and drowsiness appear. Nausea and vomiting may occur, especially after taking chemotherapeutic agents.
  9. The presence of an infection or virus in the body - many will think about why, when you are sick, you don’t feel like eating at all. The answer is very simple. The fact is that at the time of active production of leukocyte cells, the body concentrates all its forces precisely on this process, allowing the patient to recover as soon as possible. Lack of appetite in this case is a justified measure. An excessive amount of toxins can provoke nausea and weakness, which can only be eliminated by maintaining sufficient water balance.

Also, a decrease and complete lack of appetite, weakness and nausea, inherent in the following categories of the population:

  1. Drug addicts - long-term use of narcotic drugs gradually reduces the sensitivity of the brain and nerve cells, which leads to social degradation. At the same time, all the processes occurring in the brain are aimed at only one thing: the search for a dose at any cost.
  2. People who smoke - nicotine kills microscopic cells in the stomach. Hence, the process of splitting food is somewhat complicated. In addition, tobacco smoke saturated with tar can affect the circulatory system, causing anemia.
  3. Alcoholism - the abuse of alcoholic beverages, which is carried out systematically, leads to disruption of the digestive processes, and also has a devastating effect on the cells of the pancreas and liver.
  4. Toxicosis of pregnant women - manifests itself as a protective reaction of the body. At the beginning of pregnancy, the hormonal background is rearranged in such a way that all conditions are favorable for the development of the fetus, although the body itself tries in every possible way to reject the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign substance.

TOP 5 reasons

Among the most rare diseases that speak of their existence, by provoking nausea, lack of appetite and weakness, there are:

  1. Diabetes mellitus - is determined by a metabolic disorder in the body, as well as the absorption of glucose. A person for quite a long time may not suspect that he has problems with the pancreas and the hormonal system. Pathology can develop over years and decades, until it takes an acute form with more dangerous symptoms.
  2. Neurosis is a disorder of mental balance in which a person, under the influence of external stimuli, leaves the comfort zone. Nausea in neurosis appears exactly after the appetite disappears. It is logical to assume that if food does not enter the body, then there is no energy, and as a result, weakness appears.
  3. Pathology of the thyroid gland - a rather small size of this gland can cause big health problems when its activity becomes uncontrolled. Lack or excess of thyroid hormones provoke various pathologies and diseases that are difficult to correct and treat.
  4. Oncology - in 95% of all cases of cancer diagnosis falls on a random examination. A person may not be aware of his problem, and the usual morning sickness, lack of appetite and weakness will be attributed to increased fatigue at work.
  5. Anorexia is a disease associated with a mental disorder, is the most life-threatening. Long-term refusal of food plays a cruel joke on a person, subsequently provoking a complete disgust for any food, even if it previously caused complete delight. Sudden weight loss always accompanies dizziness and insomnia. Absolutely all processes in the body are disrupted, so all available forces are aimed at maintaining vital processes.

When is medical help needed?

Only 3% of all patients who report persistent nausea, weakness and loss of appetite seek medical help. The majority of conscientious patients are ready to give thousands for a “pills for all diseases” recommended by a kind aunt from a pharmacy.

Consider a number of situations where medical assistance is really urgently needed:

  1. Nausea does not go away for more than 5 days, increases after waking up and ends with vomiting.
  2. In addition to general symptoms, more specific manifestations appear: pain in the abdomen, throat, back.
  3. The body temperature rises and is not knocked down by any medications.
  4. There is an acute onset of pain.
  5. There are bleeding.

In these cases, it makes no sense to try to help a person on your own. Self-medication is not only inappropriate, but can also cause complications. The most correct choice is a consultation with a doctor and a complete medical examination.

What actions can be taken?

If the appeared nausea, lack of appetite and weakness can be compared with the prerequisites (overeating, poisoning, PMS), and the general condition of the patient does not cause concern, you can take actions such as:

  1. Drink plenty of pure mineral water.
  2. Take medicines with enzymes: Pancreatin, Mezim, Pancreazim, which will speed up the digestion process, and also help digest everything that the body could not break down on its own.
  3. PMS pain and lack of appetite can be eliminated with cranberry juice, nettle decoction and chamomile tea.
  4. If there are signs of infection or a virus on the face, the main task in this case is to maintain water balance (to prevent dehydration and accelerate the removal of toxins from the body), as well as taking antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

Of course, the main reason is connected precisely with malnutrition, so you can reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms and completely remove them using the following recommendations:

  1. Refuse fast food, eat only healthy food.
  2. Eat fractionally, not in one meal, but in 5-6. The smaller the portion, the faster it is digested and absorbed in the body, without burdening it.
  3. Drink more pure mineral water, since it is the lack of water in the body that provokes a violation of all vital processes at the cellular level.
  4. Eat lean meats and fresh vegetables.
  5. Refuse fasting, even if it is for medicinal purposes. Only sports and proper nutrition contribute to weight loss.
  6. Pass an annual medical examination, without ignoring the testimony of doctors.

Thus, the unpleasant symptoms of nausea and loss of appetite can be associated with more than a hundred diseases, different in their direction. This fact indicates that if the symptoms do not go away on their own, and the clinical picture is supplemented by new manifestations, then you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

The better a person eats, the better he works. This has been considered since ancient times. The future son-in-law was first invited to dine, and only then was it determined whether he was suitable for their daughter.

Therefore, lack of appetite and nausea indicates in most cases the presence of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Infectious diseases

Very often, in the absence of appetite, the patient may notice symptoms such as weakness, general malaise, nausea, bad mood, headaches, and performance problems.

Such symptoms indicate the presence of general toxicity, the cause of which is hidden in a chronic infection. In most cases, it is found in the urinary system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

With an infectious infection, the period of the acute phase alternates with a period of remission.

With an exacerbation, additional symptoms appear such as pain, diarrhea, problems with urination, as well as a sharp increase in temperature.

In order to defeat this disease, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the infection.

Since these types of infections go along with very strong toxicity, therefore, in most cases, the patient complains of such a problem as loss of appetite.

Hormonal disorders

With hormonal disruptions, there is a decrease in cravings for eating food. In parallel, the following symptoms occur:

  • Nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Constipation.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Memory problems. General carelessness.

In this case, all these problems are associated with changes and malfunctions in the production of hormones. For example, the fault may be a violation of the thyroid or pancreas.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In case of violation of the digestive organs, there is a loss of appetite, and so strong that a person does not even want to take even the most favorite dishes.

Additionally, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, symptoms such as bitterness in the mouth, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, and weakness occur.

Very often the causes of these ailments are pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis or enteritis.

Patients in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a subconscious refusal to eat, as a source of new painful sensations.

Especially intense pain occurs with a disease such as esophagitis. This is an inflammatory process in the esophagus. Appetite disappears completely, painful sensations appear during swallowing food.

Benign and malignant tumors

A decrease or complete lack of appetite may occur due to the presence of benign or malignant tumors. It is tumors that lead to a malfunction of the whole organism and metabolic processes.

Refusal to eat is very common, as well as general malaise, weakness, nausea, night sweats, sudden weight loss, and an unexpected rise in body temperature may also occur.

Very often a person who has eaten meat quite calmly cannot even look at it. This occurs in the presence of cancer. It is clear that this diagnosis cannot be based on the presence of such a reaction.

Diseases of the nervous system

Very often people lose their appetite with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. For example, depression, frequent stress, neurosis can be to blame.

The most difficult disease in which there is no appetite is the presence of anorexia nervosa. With this disease, there is a complete refusal to eat food.

Young women are more susceptible to this disease. This is especially common when a girl does not like her body and tries to lose weight in any way.

First, there is a desire to try some kind of diet, and then the desire to lose weight becomes an obsession. The girl begins to see herself as very fat, even with complete exhaustion.

There is weakness, exhaustion, decline in vitality, nausea, no appetite.

The girl has lost her appetite, she tends to induce vomiting after eating, and the food that her relatives give them is quietly thrown away.

Gradually, symptoms such as swelling of the lower extremities, the formation of soft white hairs on the body, pale skin, shortness of breath, heart rhythm failure, and the absence of menstruation appear.

In the presence of depression, frequent stress and nervous strain, it gradually leads to a complete failure of the lack of appetite.

In this case, an additional problem arises, such as lethargy, apathy, tearfulness or increased irritability.

Reasons for lack of appetite

This condition can be caused in such a case:

  • Depression.
  • Osteochondrosis, as well as other diseases of the spine.
  • Violations in the work of the endocrine system.
  • Concussion. Meningitis.
  • A sharp increase in pressure. Acute heart failure.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Acute or chronic pancreatitis. Diabetes.
  • Side effects from the use of drugs.

The number of causes is very large, so determine which cause leads to lack of appetite. The doctor may prescribe the necessary tests, as well as medication treatment.

chronic fatigue syndrome

Quite often, with a loss of appetite, the possible reason lies in the presence of chronic fatigue. The main symptom of this disorder is an insufficient amount of energy after the person has woken up.

Such a symptom occurs if a person does not lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as frequent stress at home and at work.

Treatment with drugs for this symptom is impossible.

In this case, it is necessary to eat right, exercise, eliminate sources of stress, and also monitor the correct sleep pattern. Additionally, it is recommended to take vitamins.

Other causes of loss of appetite and what to do

Why do symptoms such as loss of appetite, weakness, nausea, vomiting occur? This may be due to health problems or poor lifestyle choices.

  • Unpleasant odors can be the cause. Everyone reacts differently to certain smells, so try to avoid smells that don't suit your body.
  • The body needs proper rest. You can’t restore yourself for the whole week on a weekend. Therefore, after a hard worker, it is necessary to allow your body to fully relax.
  • It is necessary to alternate dry and liquid food. The ideal option for the body would be if you drink a glass, and preferably two glasses, of water before eating. This must be done 20 minutes before eating, after drinking any drinks, it is not recommended.
  • You should stop eating fatty, fried or salty foods.
  • You can eliminate nausea with a slice of lemon.
  • Ginger is a good remedy for nausea. It can be added grated to food.

loss of appetite in pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, lack of appetite is considered normal. This indicates that serious changes are taking place in the body. Very often at this time taste preferences change.

Another reason for the lack of appetite in pregnant women is nausea, which is common. Toxicosis leads not only to nausea, but also to vomiting at the mere mention of food.

loss of appetite in children

This condition is very common in young children when they are teething. The child becomes capricious, often cries, the temperature may rise and there may be problems with the stool.

Appetite problems can be caused by a viral infection. For example, it may be stomatitis. Its cause is the herpes virus.

In adults, it manifests itself as a cold in certain places. Sores appear in the oral cavity, which cause pain.

Children often lose their appetite even for those foods that they used to love. This is due to the fact that the body is constantly growing and it needs to diversify its diet. Do not force your child to eat what he does not want.

What is dangerous for the body lack of appetite

A person eats so that his body receives the energy necessary for life. In a healthy body, everything is under control: both the production of enzymes and the protection of the body from viruses.

If there is no appetite, then this indicates a lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body. This leads to a malfunction in the entire body and organs. Anorexia gradually develops.

In most cases, this disease is formed due to psychopathological disorders that are associated with a woman's dislike for her own body.

In this case, you need to contact a therapist. Most likely, he will refer the patient to a psychotherapist, endocrinologist, nutritionist and gastroenterologist.

It is possible to normalize the functioning of the body only if the causes of the appearance of this symptom have been eliminated.

When to see a doctor

Only 3 percent say that symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite and weakness appear constantly.

Most patients listen to any advice from acquaintances and strangers, neighbors, just to forget about malfunctions in the body.

There are a number of reasons why you should contact your doctor for help.

  • Body temperature rises sharply. It cannot be eliminated with the help of drugs.
  • Nausea does not go away for a week and intensifies after waking up.
  • Additionally, there are painful sensations after waking up and end with vomiting.
  • Bleeding appears.

When such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Eliminate such symptoms at home is not worth it.

What to do

Much depends on the causes of symptoms such as nausea, weakness, lack of appetite. If before that there was a holiday and the patient could overeat or get poisoned, then the following tips should be used.

  • Take medications. For example, it may be Pancreatin, Mezim. These are artificial enzymes that help the body repair and digest food. They additionally help to eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve the burden on the pancreas, gallbladder and liver.
  • If the main cause of this condition is the presence of a viral infection, then you should consult a doctor. It is he who will prescribe the necessary medications. In most cases, these are antibiotics. Additionally, you need to take a lot of water. This will help to remove toxins and waste products that are not suitable for it from the body.
  • If there is no appetite, then this is due to premenstrual syndrome, and additional nausea and pain occur, then folk recipes will serve as good helpers. For example, it can be cranberry juice, chamomile tea or nettle tea.


If the main cause of symptoms such as nausea and lack of appetite is malnutrition. You can eliminate them if you use the following recommendations.

  • It is necessary to take food often, but in small doses. The smaller the portion of food, the better it will be processed by the body. You need to eat so many times so as not to feel hungry throughout the day.
  • It is necessary to give preference to low-fat dietary meats. For example, a chicken or a rabbit will do.
  • Vegetables and fruits are recommended to be taken raw, boiled, must be cooked in the oven or slow cooker.
  • You can't completely stop eating. In this case, the body does not receive the necessary trace elements.
  • You should give up snacks, fast foods, as well as convenience foods. You need to eat only healthy food.
  • You should undergo a medical examination every year.

There are a very large number of diseases that can lead to lack of appetite.


Due to the fact that nausea is a signal of certain diseases, treatment should be aimed at restoring the body. It is important not to engage in treatment at home, but to consult a specialist.

If nausea appears for some other reasons that are not associated with diseases, then the causes must be eliminated. For example, it can be unpleasant odors, harmful food.

In the presence of pregnancy, the woman should be given rest. You can eliminate the symptoms with the help of a drug such as Meclozin. Nausea in the first stages quite often, and it is necessary to take medicines safely.

What medicines to take if you feel sick

Only the attending physician can prescribe medications. He bases his choice on an individual examination.

Most often, in this case, antipsychotics are used, such as Aminazin, Diazepam. In some cases, drugs such as Diazolin, Pipolfen, Cerucal are prescribed.

Treatment with folk recipes

At home, for the treatment of these symptoms, such methods of restorative therapy are suitable. They can be taken as additional methods, and basic.

  • Lemon and soda. For this recipe, half a teaspoon of lemon will do, along with the juice from half a lemon. This remedy effectively helps to eliminate the symptoms of nausea.
  • Potato juice. It is prescribed for the treatment of a large number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Potassium permanganate. It is recommended to take if you feel sick after eating a large amount of food.

Useful video

A healthy appetite is considered to be nothing more than a clear sign of excellent health, general well-being and mood. The term " appetite"derived from the word" ", which in Latin means " pursuit" or " wish". Appetite is a sensation that is directly related to the body's need for food. Plus, it is also a physiological mechanism that regulates the intake of various nutrients into the body. Unfortunately, not everyone has a good appetite, which indicates directly a malfunction in the work of one or another organism. Given this fact, this problem should be taken very seriously. In no case do not leave this fact without due attention. Right now we will tell you how the reasons loss of appetite as well as methods by which the current situation can be corrected.

Appetite - what is it?

Appetite is a rather ambiguous concept, which is directly related to the functioning of a number of brain structures, which are called the food center. This center is located mainly in the hypothalamus and cerebral hemispheres. Immediately, we note that both the presence and absence of appetite are determined by a number of very diverse factors.

Their list can include:

  • the quantity and quality of food;
  • nutritional conditions;
  • the speed of assimilation of food;
  • the amount of water contained in body tissues;
  • fat storage level.

During the meal, the appetite gradually dulls. This is not surprising, since the food eaten stretches the walls of the stomach, after which they are digested. Then the cleavage products are absorbed by the body, causing in turn a feeling of fullness.

Types of disorders

Modern experts distinguish 2 types of appetite:
1. general or “I want to eat!”: in this case, a person does not care what to eat;
2. specialized forms: in this case, a person wants to eat something specific, which indicates a lack of some substance in his body. The body may lack both fats and carbohydrates, minerals, proteins or vitamins.

Any appetite disorders are often referred to as one single term, namely dysrexia . There are certain subgroups of this pathological condition.
Among them can be counted:

  • hyporexia: deterioration or poor appetite;
  • anorexia: complete lack of appetite;
  • hyperrexia: pathological increase in the desire to eat;
  • bulimia: uncontrolled gluttony;
  • parorexia: various perversions of appetite.

Causes of disorders

The list of reasons that can lead to loss of appetite is huge.
Here are the most common ones:

  • dementia ( dementia due to disease or damage to the brain);
  • heart failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypothyroidism ( a condition characterized by a prolonged and persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones);
  • chronic pathologies of the liver;
  • lack of zinc in the body;
  • hepatitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • anxiety states;
  • nervous disorders;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • (blood pathology resulting from genetically determined insufficient or completely absent synthesis of hemoglobin by the body);

  • Crohn's disease ( recurrent chronic disease affecting various parts of the digestive tract);
  • acute viral hepatitis;
  • a course of drug therapy, including chemotherapy drugs, morphine, codeine, or antibiotics;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • drug use, including heroin, amphetamine and cocaine;
  • cancer of the stomach, colon, blood, lungs, pancreas, or ovaries;
  • hypervitaminosis ( excessive amounts of vitamin D in the body);
  • kidney inflammation;
  • flu condition;
  • pneumonia.

Some bad habits can also significantly worsen your appetite. So, for example, between meals it is not recommended to consume sweets or soft drinks. Often, appetite worsens against the background of anorexia ( loss of hunger associated with a neurological disease, hormonal dysfunction, or malignant tumors).

How dangerous is it?

Poor appetite is a rather dangerous phenomenon. The thing is that the food that we eat is, in a way, a link between our body and the external environment. In addition, numerous functions are assigned to food, namely energy, bioregulatory, plastic, protective, and many others. It is thanks to these functions that the body manages to both synthesize and build new cells. In addition, food provides the body with the necessary amount of energy, takes an integral part in the formation of hormones and enzymes, improves the functioning of all organs and systems, and also significantly increases the body's resistance to various pathological conditions.

Food products have another important function, namely signal-motivational. It is with its help that the appetite is stimulated. Experts say that the feeling of hunger occurs at times when there is a decrease in the level of nutrients in the blood. Simply put, appetite controls the intake of the right amount of both vitamins and proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and fats into the body. It follows that poor appetite can cause nutritional imbalance ( ratio of food components).

What are the consequences of prolonged lack of appetite?

If a person does not want to eat for several weeks, this can lead, first of all, to the depletion of the whole organism, which is due to a lack of nutritional components that are so necessary for the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. Often the consequences are determined by the very cause that provoked a deterioration in appetite. So, for example, in people suffering from diabetes, malfunctions of both the nervous system and the kidneys, liver or eyes may occur. If the patient has cancer, prolonged lack of appetite can lead to his death.

Other consequences include:

  • decreased brain activity;
  • beriberi;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system.

loss of appetite during pregnancy

A fairly large number of pregnant women notice that in the first months of gestation, they lose all desire to eat. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is in the first 3 months that the formation of both internal organs and fetal systems takes place, so high-quality nutrition in this period is simply necessary. Only food can enrich the baby's body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Loss of appetite in the first months of pregnancy is most often due to a lack of vitamin B in the body. AT 9 , i.e. folic acid, and iron. These trace elements are considered to be the main ones for the body of both the expectant mother and her child. To enrich the body with these components will help eating a large amount of buckwheat and apples. Folic acid can also be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets. It should be taken strictly according to the prescription of the doctor, so as not to be mistaken in the dosage. Most often, patients are prescribed from 400 to 800 mcg of this drug per day.

If you lose your appetite during pregnancy, experts recommend using the following tips:

  • walk outdoors as often as possible. After such walks, you will certainly want to eat;
  • make a meal schedule for yourself and strictly follow it;
  • buy new dishes that you will like. It is best to opt for red dishes. It's no secret that the red color stimulates appetite;
  • the table should be served beautifully so that it is pleasant to sit at it;
  • try not to eat alone. It is best to find yourself a company among which you will be pleased to sit at the dinner table.

Loss of appetite in the baby

When a newborn stops eating, young mothers are very worried about this. This is not surprising, since babies cannot yet tell what the true reason for their refusal to eat is. Do not panic ahead of time. In the very first place, the baby may refuse to eat due to the onset of a cold. Often, such small children refuse to eat due to the stress that they had to endure.
The thing is that even the most ordinary change of scenery can become a very stressful situation for them. Do not assume that the crumbs do not understand anything at all. They are especially acutely experiencing a change in both the climate and their environment. In such cases, try to give the baby as much attention as possible. You should visit a specialist only if the loss of appetite is accompanied by a significant decrease in total body weight.

loss of appetite in children

Babies' eating habits change all the time. Sometimes the child eats more, sometimes refuses to eat at all, and throughout the day, and sometimes for several days. In most cases, children refuse to eat when they do not feel hungry or do not feel well. Fatigue can also cause a child to refuse to eat. Often they eat sandwiches all day instead of eating three full meals. Children also have their own preferences regarding how exactly food is prepared and presented to them. So, for example, they are happy to eat raw carrots, but steamed carrots simply cannot be forced to eat them.

Possible causes of loss of appetite in a child

One of the most common causes is the onset of a cold or any other pathology. In such cases, there is no need to force the baby to eat. The best thing to do is pay close attention to how he behaves. It is quite possible that in a few hours he will complain of pain in some part of the body, or you will notice a fever or a rash in him. Sick children should be given as much liquid as possible in the form of juices, tea, water or broths. All food should be easy to digest. The body doesn't need any more stress. As soon as the child recovers, his appetite will immediately return to him.

Often, babies refuse to eat due to the use of a certain amount of sweets. It can be both cookies and carbonated drinks, sweets or juices. All of these foods tend to suppress appetite. If dinner is not ready yet, and the child asks for food, then instead of sweets, offer him a few vegetable sticks for a snack.

Emotional stress is another fairly common cause of loss of appetite. In such cases, the most important thing is to find an approach to the child. Soothe him, caress him and help the baby get rid of the problem with joint efforts. If nothing can be done on your own, then show the baby to a specialist who will definitely help you.

Factors affecting the baby's appetite

1. Intensity of hormone synthesis: the child grows unevenly. So, for example, in children under one year old, as well as in adolescents, there is a production of a very large amount of both sex hormones and parathyroid hormones, as well as the thyroid gland.

about and not surprising, since it is during these periods of life that the child grows and develops especially rapidly. Given this fact, his appetite, as a rule, increases;
2. Seasonal patterns: since in winter the body produces much less hormones, the child eats less, but in summer everything happens the other way around;
3. Individual features of metabolic processes: surely many of you have noticed more than once how two well-nourished children have different body weights, i.e. one of them is recovering, but the other is not. In this case, a special role is given to the amount of not eaten, but digested food;
4. Level of energy costs: regular consumption of food allows you to enrich the body with both all the necessary nutrients and lost energy. It's no secret that children are especially mobile, therefore, every day their body loses a fairly large amount of energy. The more energy they expend, the better they eat.

Diagnostic methods

To identify the true cause of poor appetite, the patient is most often referred to a number of examinations. Among the diagnostic methods that are used in such cases include:

  • HIV test;
  • Assessment of kidney function;
  • Assessment of hepatic function;
  • barium enema ( x-ray analysis of the colon);
  • Blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Pregnancy test;
  • abdominal ultrasound
  • Study of the thyroid gland;
  • Colonoscopy ( visual inspection of the lower parts of the digestive tract from the inside);
  • Sigmoidoscopy ( examination of the sigmoid colon).

The last two studies are carried out only if the specialist suspects the presence of cancer. In some cases, it can not do without the help of a psychotherapist.

Appetite Loss Therapy Methods

The course of therapy for the loss of normal appetite is determined, in the very first place, by the cause that led to the development of this condition. If some pathological condition is to blame, then the appetite returns immediately after it is cured. By itself, appetite is restored during pregnancy, so expectant mothers most often do not need special treatment. If a person stops eating normally due to nausea, then you can’t do without special medications. In most cases, these patients are prescribed promethazine or ondansetron.

Surgical intervention is performed in patients who have a deterioration in appetite caused by appendicitis. If a person suffers from dementia, then the course of treatment involves the use of special high-calorie nutrient mixtures. In extremely severe cases, artificial nutrition is prescribed directly through the gastrostomy tube.

Deterioration of appetite due to a decrease in the total amount of thyroid hormones is treated with special drugs that tend to replace the missing hormones. If the appetite worsens against the background of an infectious disease, then it can not do without antibiotic drugs. And finally, for oncological diseases, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery are performed.

Tips for those who have lost a good appetite

1. Forget about breakfast in bed and snacks in the bedroom or nursery;
2. Clearly follow a certain schedule for eating, and do it in rooms designed for this;
3. Sitting at the dinner table, in no case do not rush. Meals should last from 20 to 30 minutes;
4. Between meals, drink as much liquid as possible in the form of coffee, unsweetened tea, or gas-free mineral water;
5. Minimize the consumption of both chocolate and many other sweets;
6. Regularly consume cabbage juice, which tends to perfectly stimulate the appetite;
7. Eat meat broths or broths as often as possible;
8. Various sauces also help to improve appetite, so add them to any dishes;
9. Learn the concept of the norm and never overeat;
10. You need to eat often, but at the same time in small portions;
11. Carefully review the medications you are taking;
12. Exercise regularly;
13. Eat only those foods that suit your taste.

medicinal plants

1. Recipe #1: take 20 gr. herbs centaury umbrella, pour it with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then we filter the infusion and take it 2-3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. From the same plant, you can also prepare a special tincture, which should be taken 40 drops three times a day. Both remedies will help both improve appetite and restore the normal process of digestion;

2. Recipe #2: mix 1 part of calamus roots with 2 parts of wormwood, put everything in a bottle and fill it with good vodka. After 10 days, we filter the tincture and use it for oral administration, 25 drops three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals;

3. Recipe #3: excellently increases appetite and gentian yellow. We take 20 gr. root of this plant, carefully grind it, pour vodka and leave to infuse. Then we filter the tincture and take it 1 glass 3 times a day. Before use, the required dosage should be diluted with a small amount of water;

4. Recipe #4: 1 tsp crushed parsnip roots, pour 400 ml of water and let it boil for 10 minutes. Then we leave the broth to infuse for another 30 minutes, filter it and take it according to the following scheme: 1st week - 0.25 cup 3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals; 2nd week - three quarters of a glass immediately before meals;

5. Recipe number 5: pour 200 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. chopped melissa herb. After 4 hours, we filter the infusion and take it orally in half a glass four times a day before meals. Every day we prepare a new infusion;

6. Recipe number 6: you need to take 1 tsp. anise fruits and pour them with 200 ml of hot boiled water. After 60 minutes, we filter the infusion and use it for oral administration in half a glass 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals;

7. Recipe number 7: steam 1 tbsp. l. blue cornflower flowers in 2 cups of boiling water. As soon as the infusion is infused, we filter it and take it in 3 divided doses 30 minutes before meals;

8. Recipe number 8: take 4 tsp. raspberries and pour them with 400 ml of boiling water. After 3-4 hours, the infusion is ready for use. It is recommended to take it in half a glass four times a day. It is very important to use it exclusively in the form of heat;

9. Recipe number 9: carefully grind the rhizomes of calamus, after which 1 tsp. Pour the resulting raw material with 2 cups of boiled water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. All this time the pan should be covered with a lid. Then we filter the broth, add a little sugar to it and take half a glass inside 3 times a day before meals. This remedy is especially effective if the appetite has worsened against the background of the development of some kind of gastrointestinal disease;

10. Recipe number 10: grind 2 tsp. dandelion roots and pour raw materials with 1 cup of boiled water, after cooling it. After 8 hours, we filter the infusion and use it for oral administration, one quarter cup four times a day. The use of this tool will improve the process of digestion, and, consequently, restore appetite.

Herbal preparations

1. Collection number 1: mix 1 part of wormwood herb and dandelion officinalis with a half part of common yarrow herb and the same amount of white willow bark. 1 st. l. pour the resulting collection with 1.5 cups of hot boiled water and leave to infuse for 30 - 40 minutes. After that, we filter the infusion and take it orally in half a glass three times a day 10 minutes before meals;

2. Collection number 2: take 20 gr. centaury herbs and fragrant rue leaves, 10 gr. leaves of sage officinalis and the same amount of angelica roots. To prepare this remedy, pour 3 cups of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. received fee. After 30 minutes, we filter the infusion and take it 1 glass three times a day. It is very important that this infusion be taken before meals;

3. Collection number 3: we immediately note that it can be given even to children. We mix 15 ml of burdock tincture, anise seeds, vegetable glycerin, chamomile root and ginger, after which we place the resulting mass in a dark, cool place. Before each use, the product must be shaken thoroughly. It is recommended to take it in 1 tsp. before every meal;

4. Collection number 4: it can also be given to a child. We take 7 mg of sassafras, sarsaparilla, as well as chamomile roots and mix it all with 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger root and 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting product is placed on fire and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then we filter the broth, add a little honey to it and take 1 tsp. before eating.

General information

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of hunger and appetite. Hunger is a reflex that manifests itself if the body does not receive food at a certain time. The mechanism of its development is as follows: the level of glucose in the blood decreases, after which a signal is sent to the centers of hunger. At this moment, a person may feel an increased secretion of saliva, an aggravation of the sense of smell, a pulling sensation "in the pit of the stomach." This area is a projection of the stomach, so it always lets a person know about the feeling of hunger.

note! When hunger appears, a person does not have a desire to eat only certain foods. He eats everything.

Appetite is a special manifestation of the feeling of hunger, in which individual favorite foods are selected. It is influenced by the time of day, emotional state, national identity of a person, religion, finally.

Decreased appetite refers to a state where a person does not want anything. There is a concept of a change in appetite when habitual taste needs are violated. Doctors also diagnose a complete lack of appetite, leading to anorexia.

Causes of loss of appetite

Decreased appetite is usually preceded by:

    • Intoxication of the body due to inflammation or poisoning. Due to the fact that at such moments he spends all his energy on removing toxins, digestion of food fades into the background.
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by pain, discomfort.
    • Malfunctions of the organs of the endocrine system in diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance.
    • Oncology (cancer of the stomach, colon or blood).
    • Autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis).
    • Depression, neurosis, neuropsychiatric disorders.
    • Side effects after taking pain medications - morphine, ephedrine.
    • Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Excess fatty foods in the diet.
    • Metabolic disorders due to malnutrition.
    • Adaptation of the body during physical exertion, to which it lends itself for the first time.
    • Little mobility and sedentary work.
    • Individual lactose intolerance, celiac disease.
    • Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Important!A dullness of appetite can also be caused by quite harmless habits, namely: the abuse of chocolate, coffee, powerful energy drinks..

It should be noted that there are diseases in which a person also loses the desire to eat.

This is about:

    • Bronze disease, or Addison's disease, is an endocrine disease associated with dysfunction of the adrenal glands.
    • Still-Chaufer disease - juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
    • Typhoid.
    • Dementia.
    • Gastroesophageal reflux - when the contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus.
    • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
    • Schizoaffective disorder.

Associated symptoms

There is an opinion that a good appetite is a sign of health. Due to the fact that during the day the feeling of hunger and appetite replace each other, a person saturates his body, while remaining at the same weight. This is a kind of balance that ensures normal life.

If this balance is disturbed for psychological or other reasons, the appetite may disappear. Along with it, the feeling of hunger sometimes disappears.

Note! The lack of desire to eat for several hours is not a reason for frustration. This happens when a person eats a too high-calorie meal at a previous meal. In other words, at such moments the body is provided with energy for a longer period of time.

The lack of hunger for 5 - 8 hours makes you think. By the time they expire, the level of glucose in the blood will certainly decrease, and the person will feel a breakdown, weakness. After saturation, the stomach, full of food, will stretch, the concentration of glucose will increase and a signal will go to the brain and the need to stop saturation.

Interestingly, scientists have found that a person subconsciously chooses those products that his body needs at a given time. Athletes prefer to eat salty foods after training to make up for the loss of salt due to sweating.


In case of loss of appetite, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe a complete examination of the body, including:

What to do if you lose your appetite

If diseases that could cause a decrease in appetite are identified, therapy is prescribed to eliminate them. In parallel, doctors recommend adjusting the schedule and portioning of meals. In other words, they advise eating 5 - 6 times a day in small portions. The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. For one absorption of food, you need to spend about 30 minutes, chewing the pieces slowly.

Snacks should be avoided. Sweets should be replaced with fruits, sauces and marinades with spices, as they whet the appetite. For some patients, doctors prescribe vitamin B, zinc, which enhance the sense of smell. It is also important to observe the drinking regimen, especially when playing sports.

Note! Nausea during this period is removed with Promethazine and other similar drugs. To improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, hormone substitutes are prescribed. Dementia is treated with high-calorie nutrient mixtures, inflammation with antibiotics.


Appetite and its absence are not always associated with some diseases, especially if it is not accompanied by any additional negative symptoms. And in vain: after all, excessive or insufficient appetite can be an indicator of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, and other pathologies.

Rare changes in appetite occur during periods of hormonal surges - mainly in women during periods before menstruation or during pregnancy. If the appetite disappeared suddenly and without objective reasons, and this condition continues for a long time, accompanied by a sharp weight loss, you should consult a doctor to rule out serious diseases: cancer, diabetes, and so on. Perhaps the lack of appetite is caused by neuropathological ailments or indigestion. dysbacteriosis. An accurate diagnosis will be made by the doctor, after conducting the necessary tests.

Poor appetite in a child can be caused by insufficient activity or lack of physical activity necessary for his age. If the child has always had a good appetite, which suddenly disappeared, there may be violations of the systems in the body.

So, the main serious reasons that there is no appetite:

  • diabetes - can be accompanied by both an increase and a decrease in the desire to eat, the same changes in appetite occur during pregnancy.
  • stomach cancer - characterized by selective appetite - certain foods are rejected, mainly meat, sometimes there is complete indifference to meals, anorexia.
  • gastritis - a chronic form of gastritis is marked by a lack of appetite due to a decrease in the activity of the pancreas.
  • sitophobia - occurs as a derivative of stomach diseases and is manifested by a conscious refusal of food, due to fear of pain after eating, for example, this condition is typical for patients with stomach ulcers.
  • other problems of the gastrointestinal tract - usually any problems with the stomach lead to a decrease in appetite in various formats.


Let's see what appetite is and why it is not there during illness. Appetite is translated as "desire or desire." That is, we are talking about the pleasure brought to a person during the absorption of food. If we rely on the medical interpretation of the concept of "appetite", then doctors refer to it the physiological mechanisms that make people fill their nutritional needs.

Appetite is a concept associated with the work of special parts of the brain. They are called food centers, the most active of which are located in the cortex and hypothalamus. Thus. the desire to eat is formed in the head.

Why Appetite Occurs

The brain has a center responsible for food. There are signals about the amount of food consumed, the degree of its digestibility, the consumption of reserves by burning energy. A signal about the desire to eat - appetite - appears ahead of the natural depletion of resources, and even a change in the usual diet will lead to the appearance of alarming "beacons".

Causes affecting the presence of appetite

  • the rate of metabolic processes in the body;
  • the presence in the blood of substances necessary for existence;
  • water balance;
  • fat storage;

Appetite arises as a result of the contraction of the walls of the empty stomach. Appetite also increases when conditioned reflexes to taste and smell are triggered. Visual stimuli in the form of a clock, the hands of which are approaching lunch time.

Inhibition of appetite occurs during the period of eating, when the walls of the stomach stretch, nutrients enter the bloodstream, gradually changing the hormonal background. As a result, the brain receives a command about satiety. Satiety is felt no earlier than 15 minutes after the start of the meal. Therefore, in order to prevent overeating, you should spend at least 20 minutes at the table, chewing your food slowly and thoroughly.

Types of Appetite

  • willingness to eat any food - common;
  • selective appetite, reflecting the need for a particular group of substances - proteins, fats or carbohydrates;
  • psychological nature - "jamming" of a bad mood, resentment, etc.

Appetite starts the preparatory processes of digestion of food - the separation of saliva, the secretion of gastric juices, and if there is no appetite all the time, this indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other body systems.

Sometimes there is no appetite due to psychological problems or mental disorders, the desire to eat can be affected by a brain tumor.

Appetite excites a change in the level of sugar, especially its sharp increase in the blood. If you eat a dozen sweets or drink half a liter of sweet soda, sugar can increase its content in the blood by 2-3 times, the body tries to quickly get rid of the excess, processing the latter into fat. At the same time, sugar again falls below normal, giving a signal to the food center about the need to eat to make up for the lack. So the hunger comes back.

Mental disorders affecting appetite

Mental dyslexia combines all types of appetite disorders - both its unmotivated increase and its absence.

  1. Hypo- and anorexia - respectively, a decrease or complete absence of appetite.
  2. Bulimia and hyperrexia - gluttony and a pathological increase in appetite
  3. Parorexia - perverse changes in appetite.

Appetite disorders should not be confused with pseudo dyslexia. This is a state when a very hungry person eats literally with a wolf appetite, and an overeat at a banquet in the evening does not feel hungry in the morning.

Bulimia and complete lack of appetite

Gluttony or bulimia is a serious disease characterized by uncontrolled appetite. At the same time, a person is not able to stop eating even after absorbing the necessary norm of food. Daily uncontrolled eating of large amounts of food disrupts the work of all body systems, which, unable to cope with excess sugar, protein and fat, processes everything into reserves, as a result, the work of the excretory system and liver is overloaded. Overeating leads to obesity and diseases of the internal organs. The walls of the stomach stretch, demanding more and more food each time. This problem needs urgent treatment. This condition can be observed in a child, and in a teenager, and in an adult.

A complete lack of appetite or anorexia is mainly observed in people on a strict diet. This is more of a psychological "fad" - eat as little as possible or, in general, stop eating in order to become slimmer. The next step is taking diuretics and laxatives. Gradually, the body is depleted, the coordinated work of its organs is disrupted. It is necessary to get out of the state of such a “hunger strike” in a hospital, and after that a person will have a long psychological rehabilitation.

Often stress at work, loss of loved ones, divorce, serious illness of parents lead to ignoring food and lack of appetite. Quite often, people, on the contrary, "jam" problems or difficult life situations.

In the case of anorexia, with a pathological desire to lose weight as much as possible, its reverse side manifests itself in bulimia. The mechanism is as follows: unable to withstand long-term restrictions and refusal of food, breakdowns occur with overeating, after which patients induce vomiting and take laxatives, trying to remove products from the body before they are absorbed. Patients with anorexia-bulimia are difficult to cure, since most of them do not consider their own condition as a disease. Firstly, they do not gain excess kilograms, and secondly, trying to eat and get rid of food alone, they do not flaunt their habits.

Violations and changes in the habitual perception of food are an alarming symptom and require observation by a doctor. To help deal with poor appetite can:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • nutritionist;
  • psychotherapist.

Sometimes it is necessary to consult all four types of specialists for a comprehensive solution to the problem. The first thing to do is to make an appointment with your primary care physician. He, after the initial examination, will direct you to the necessary specialist.