The evolution of the theme of the homeland in the poetry of A. Blok. Theme of the Motherland in A. Blok’s lyrics Introductory speech by the teacher

The theme of the homeland in the lyrics of A. A. Blok. A. A. Blok’s image of Russia is complex and multifaceted. He absorbed everything: joy and grief, duality and inconsistency. The homeland is important in the life of the people and each individual. Over the years, the image of Russia in Blok’s work is filled with more and more significant content, becoming more specific and realistic.

Love for his country gives the poet a powerful creative impetus; it evokes delight even with modest signs: “our Russian road, our Russian fogs, our rustles in the oats...”. Russia may be poor, but there is no country dearer to Blok’s heart. The theme of the homeland already sounds in the poet’s early poems. In “Autumn Will” (1905) the image of the homeland is inseparable from the native Russian nature. And even though this autumn landscape is inconspicuous, the poet exclaims:

Shelter you in the vast distances!

How to live and cry without you!

The poem “Rus” was published in 1906, it is dedicated to Russia. In it, Rus' is presented as something holy, sacred. She is ancient, enchanted, pagan:

Rus' is surrounded by rivers

And surrounded by wilds,

With swamps and cranes,

And with the dull gaze of the sorcerer...

The prayerful tone of the poem captivates the reader:

She is extraordinary in dreams too.

I won't touch her clothes.

The lyrical hero thanks

Rus' for the salvation of the soul:

I rocked a living soul,

Rus', in your vastness you are,

And so - she did not stain

Initial purity.

The poet talks about comprehending the secrets of the spirit of the Russian people, the spirit of Rus', by which it lives.

The poet identifies the image of Russia with a woman. In the cycle of poems “On the Kulikovo Field” he exclaims:

Oh, my Rus'! My wife!

The long way is painfully clear to us!

None of the poets before A.. A.. Blok addressed Russia in this way. Blok compares Rus' to a woman, a wife, with whom he has to go a long way, full of hardships, disappointments and losses. “On the Kulikovo Field” is a premonition of future storms and tragedies. The poet sees the entire path of the country - “from the Kulikov field” to modern days. Blok attaches exceptional importance to the Battle of Kulikovo as a historical event. He calls it “a symbolic event in Russian history,” which is “destined to return” and the solution to which lies ahead.

A number of symbols convey to us the experiences of the lyrical hero, full of anxiety, inner strength and energy:

And there is no end! Miles and steep slopes flash by...

Stop it!

The frightened clouds are coming,

Sunset in the blood!

The image of Russia is multifaceted: “I heard Your voice with my prophetic heart / In the cries of swans,” “Your face is not made by hands.” The image of Rus' is also identified with the image of the Mother of God.

Blok’s images have a deep inner content, and the symbols take on new meanings:

Again with age-old melancholy

Feather grass bent down to the ground.

Again beyond the foggy river

You are calling me from afar...

A lot of anxiety, heavy forebodings. The phrases “age-old melancholy” and “mighty melancholy” appear repeatedly. No matter how the poet described the present of his homeland, he always believed in its future. In the fifth poem of the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field,” the lyrical hero foresees “the beginning of high and rebellious days.” Anxiety and anxiety are emphasized by the words “as it used to be.” The last stanza sounds like a warning:

The heart cannot live in peace,

No wonder the clouds have gathered.

The armor is heavy, as before a battle.

Now your time has come. - Pray!

A. A. Blok expressed his love for the Motherland and the people in the poem “Russia,” dated 1908. This work combines a realistic beginning and romantic elation: Russia, poor Russia,

I want your gray huts,

Your songs are windy to me -

Like the first tears of love!

The real image of Russia is devoid of bright colors:

Again, like in the golden years,

Three worn out flapping harnesses,

And the painted knitting needles get stuck in loose ruts...

(But the poet believes in his homeland, he admires it:

Let him lure and deceive, -

You won't be lost, you won't perish,

And only care will cloud

Your beautiful features...

And again Blok compares Russia with a female image:

Well? one more concern -

The river is noisier with one tear,

And you are still the same - forest and field,

Yes, the patterned board goes up to the eyebrows...

With a few words, the poet paints a vivid, familiar image.

In the life and work of A. A. Blok, Russia is a very special topic. It was Russia that became the poet’s happiness and pain, hope and consolation. According to V. M. Zhirmunsky, “Blok differed from his predecessors in that he approached the fate of Russia not as a thinker - with an abstract idea, but as a poet - with intimate love.” Russia in the works of A. A. Blok appears as an element, as a country of still unknown energy and strength. It leads to the “eternal battle”, points the way forward, to the future.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok is a brilliant poet of the 20th century, one of the most outstanding representatives of Russian symbolism. His poems fascinate with their swiftness, expressiveness, and unusual colorfulness. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova wrote: “Blok is not only the greatest European poet of the first quarter of the 20th century, but also a man of the era.” The main theme in the work of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok is the theme of the Motherland. Whatever he wrote about, it was all about Russia. The beginning of this theme is heard in the poems “Autumn Will” and “Rus”. The feeling of spaciousness, infinity, embodied in the images of boundless forests and steppes, rivers, appears in Blok’s poem. The same feeling of spaciousness is born in the images of wind and path. The lyrical hero feels involved in this poverty, and in these distances, and in this open space: Shall I sing about my luck, How I ruined my youth in drunkenness... I will cry over the sadness of your fields, I will love your open space forever... There are many of us - free, young, stately - Dies without loving... Shelter you in the vast distances! How to live and cry without you! In the poem “Rus,” which was written in 1906, the main thing in the image of the Motherland is mystery. Blok associates Russia with a mysterious beauty who believes in divination. The country rests in slumber, preserving a bewitching mystery and fabulousness: So - in my slumber I recognized poverty in my native Country, And in the flaps of its rags I hide my Soul's nakedness. In later works, Russia turns from Beloved into Wife: “O my Rus'! My wife!" The word “wife” in Blok’s lyrics has multiple meanings. “Wife” is a poetic ideal, that “Eternal Femininity” that will “save the world.” And also a woman - this is the wind, this is space. In this poem (“The River Spreads”) Rus' appears before us in the form of a steppe mare that rushes through blood and dust: And eternal battle! We only dream of peace Through blood and dust... The steppe mare flies, flies And crushes the feather grass... And there is no end! Miles and steep turns flash by... Stop it! The frightened clouds are coming, the sunset is in the blood! Sunset in the blood! Blood flows from the heart! Cry, heart, cry... There is no peace! The steppe mare gallops! Here, Blok’s homeland is violent, chaotic, intoxicated. In the poem “Russia” Blok again confesses his love for his homeland. The poet’s image of the Motherland seems to come to life in the guise of a woman, strong and incredibly beautiful. This image is dynamic, it seems to bifurcate, transition, flow from one channel to another: first it is Russia, then a woman “with robber beauty” and an absurd fate, then again Russia, the Motherland, open spaces - “forest and field”, and then again a woman - “patterned board up to the eyebrows.” The motif of the road, melancholy, but along with it the confidence that the poet’s long-suffering homeland has a future and pride for it runs through the entire poem. Only Blok can love such a Russia and confess to it: Again, as in the golden years, Three worn out harnesses fray, And painted knitting needles get stuck in loose ruts... Russia, poor Russia, Your gray huts are to me, Your wind songs are like tears to me. first loves! In Blok’s later work, the theme of the homeland began to be associated with the spiritual and moral motive and image of Christ, and not just with the ideal of Eternal Femininity. Often these two images merge: I don’t regret what happened, I understood your height: Yes. You are the native Galilee to Me, the unresurrected Christ. And let another caress you, Let him multiply wild rumors: The Son of Man does not know where to lay his head. The image of Christ in Blok’s work is, on the one hand, lyrical, and on the other, epic and folk. Blok speaks about such a Christ in the poem “Motherland”: Once upon a time there, at a height, the grandfathers chopped down a hot frame and sang about their Christ. In the image of Christ, the news of which comes from dark Russia, there is no humility, he brings retribution And rusty drops from the forest, Born in the wilderness and darkness, Bring to frightened Russia the News of the burning Christ. The Motherland appears completely different in the poem “New America.” If in Blok’s early works we see a poor, impoverished Russia, now we see a Russia that was able to rise, gain the necessary power, and stand on par with the advanced states. The author seriously thought about what role national industry could play in Russia’s “great birth for you.” “The future of Russia,” he wrote, “lies in the barely touched forces of the people and underground wealth.” In the last stanzas, the brilliant poet says that the fossil riches of the homeland will help its renewal: Black coal is the underground messiah, Black coal is the king and the groom here, But not terrible, bride, Russia, The voice of your stone songs! The coal groans, and the salt turns white, and the iron ore howls... Then over the empty steppe a new star of America lit up for me! However, idealization of the image of the Motherland is alien to Blok. During the period of patriotic upsurge, at the beginning of the war, when patriotic anthems were heard everywhere, the poet wrote a poem that shocked everyone with its directness - “Sin shamelessly, heartlessly...” Terrible, ugly images paint pictures of a spiritually wretched life, a life of sin, drunkenness, hypocrisy and hypocrisy. These are churches with “spit-stained floors”, icons in poor frames. And the one who left “a copper penny” in the church will deceive someone with that same penny. The one who bowed will push the “hungry dog” away from the door with his foot, will drink tea “under the lamp by the icon” and count the money from the “pot-bellied chest of drawers”, and then will forget himself on the feather beds in a “heavy sleep”. An ugly, scary picture: And under the lamp by the icon Drinking tea, snapping the bill, Then salivating coupons, Opening the pot-bellied chest of drawers, And falling on the feather beds In a heavy sleep... Yes, and so, my Russia, You are dearer to me than all the lands. Whatever the Motherland appears to us in Blok’s work - poor, wretched, rebellious or rich - in all the poet’s poems we feel his love for Russia. He is ready to love what no one has forgiven before him. This is true love, love not “thanks to”, but “in spite of”, love not for something, but just like that. This is truly love. And in this boundless love, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok became a great national poet, a symbolist poet, a poet whose name will remain on everyone’s lips for a long time, a poet who had the right to speak on behalf of the generation: “We are the children of the strange years of Russia.”

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Essay on a work on the topic: The theme of the homeland in the lyrics of A. Blok

The collection of poems about Russia, along with new poems that appeared for the first time, included poems published several years ago. And each poem carries a certain ideological load; it is a kind of link in the chain. The book opens with a cycle of poems about the Kulikovo Field. This cycle sets the tone for the entire collection - the poet’s enlightened sadness and wise love for Russia, even this:

And under the lamp by the icon

Drink tea while clicking the bill,

Then salivate the coupons,

The pot-bellied one opened the chest of drawers,

And down feather beds

Fall into a heavy sleep...

How much spiritual strength and true love do you need to have in order to say after this:

Yes, and so, my Russia,

You are dearer to me from all over the world.

The book contains more than twenty poems, and almost each one represents a new stage in the lyrical knowledge of Russia. From the first bitter revelations to the final lines:

And again we come to you, Russia,

We arrived from a foreign land.

The cycle “On the Kulikovo Field” opens with the poem “The River Spreads.” Here, Blok’s homeland is violent, chaotic, intoxicated; her path is “in boundless melancholy.” In the poem “On the Kulikovo Field,” the heavenly Beloved guards the sleeping warriors:

And when the next morning, a black cloud

The horde moved

Your face, not made by hands, was in the shield

Light forever. In lines:

The frightened clouds are coming,

Sunset in the blood! -

not only a human rebellion, but also a natural element - a revolt of the sky. The poet wanted to wake up his native Russia, but instead blood is shed everywhere.

But Blok has another, completely opposite Rus' -

With swamps and cranes

And the dull gaze of the sorcerer.

This is old Rus'. Her interpretation is similar to Pushkin's; “There are miracles there, a goblin wanders there, a mermaid sits on the branches...”

And I didn’t understand, I didn’t measure,

To whom did I dedicate the songs?

What kind of God did I passionately believe in?

What kind of girl did you love?

the poet spoke.

But Blok does not feel sorry for Russia:

I don't know how to feel sorry for you

And I carefully carry my cross...

He firmly believes in her future:

You won't be lost, you won't perish,

And only care will cloud

Your beautiful features...

Favorite images appear in “Last Farewell”:

More forests, glades,

And country roads and highways,

Our Russian road,

Our Russian fogs,

Our rustles at all.

The poet is not concerned about the political fate of his native country, but about the salvation of its living soul. He approaches the fate of Russia not as a thinker with an abstract idea, but as a poet - with intimate love. Russia for him is the Beloved, and just as its features change - from the Beautiful Lady to the muse of the last poems, so the feeling for the homeland is expressed in the changing symbols of romantic love. At first, as a bride, wife or mother, she resembles her Beloved with her bright features:

Here she is - with a crystal ringing

Filled with hope

I circled it in a light circle... ...

This is a light image of heaven,

This is your dear...

Only Blok, with his personal, sensual, intimate perception, can love such a Russia and confess to it:

Again, like in the golden years,

Three worn out flapping harnesses,

And the painted knitting needles knit

Into loose ruts...

Russia, poor Russia,

I want your gray huts,

Your songs are like wind to me, -

Like the first tears of love!

But the poet’s intimate and personal is inseparable from the universal: the image of a bride, wife is associated with the eternal beauty of the Beautiful Lady, the World Soul...

In his later work, Blok began to associate the theme of the homeland, and subsequently the revolution, not only with the ideal of Eternal Femininity, but also with the spiritual and moral motive and image of Christ. Often these two images merge:

Without regretting what happened,

I understood your height:

Yes. You are my native Galilee

To me - the unresurrected Christ.

And let someone else caress you,

Let the wild rumors multiply:

The Son of Man does not know

Where to bow his head.

The image of Christ in Blok’s work, on the one hand, is lyrical in nature, and on the other, epic and folk. Blok speaks about such a Christ in the poem “Motherland”:

Once upon a time there, on top,

Grandfathers chopped down a hot frame

And they sang about their Christ.

In the image of Christ, the news of which comes from dark Russia, there is no humility; he bears retribution:

And rusty forest drops,

Born in the wilderness and darkness,

Carrying frightened Russia

The news of the burning Christ.

The epic and lyrical images of Christ from poems about Russia, combined, will become in the poem “The Twelve” a tragic symbol of the “Russian structure of the soul.”

So, we have traced the evolution of the theme of the homeland in Blok’s work from the ideal of Eternal Femininity - Russia - Beloved, wife, mother, to the complex, ambiguous image of Christ, carrying within itself the ideological spiritual and moral quest of the poet, as well as the fusion of these two images.

A joyful holiday, a great holiday,

Yes, the star is not visible because of the clouds...

You are standing under a wild snowstorm,

Fatal, native country.

A. Blok

The theme of the Motherland, Russia, has always been leading in the work of A. Blok, who inextricably linked his destiny with the life of his native country. But the poet’s attitude towards Russia changed in the process of his formation, changes in his views and aspirations.

In A. Blok’s early poems “Autumn Will” and “Rus”, Russia appears to us as a country with a rich past that permeates its present, but wretched and impoverished, “where a blizzard violently sweeps up to the roof - fragile housing,” where

All the paths and all the crossroads are exhausted by a living stick, And the whirlwind whistling in the bare twigs Sings the legends of antiquity...

This is a country not only of riotous fun, vast distances and open spaces, but also of prisons, taverns, cemeteries - that is, human poverty and suffering. However, the poet accepts it even as imperfect, admires the pristine nature, and plunges into its secrets and mysteries.

Rus' is girded by rivers and surrounded by wilds, with swamps and cranes, and with the dull gaze of a sorcerer.

In Blok’s early poems, Russia is dormant, but it is also “extraordinary in a dream,” since the faith of “diverse peoples” and “legends of antiquity” is alive in it. For the poet this is the Motherland,

Where sorcerers and sorcerers enchant the grains in the fields, and witches amuse themselves with devils in the snow pillars of the road.

Despite its deep sleep, poverty, rags, the “native country” gave life and hope to its talented, spiritually rich people, and nurtured the poet himself.

You rocked a living soul, Rus', in its vastness, And now - it did not sully the Original purity.

In A. Blok’s later poems about the Motherland, Russia literally awakens from its slumber and, believing in its own strength, rushes forward. The poet feels this awakened power and, despite the fact that the huts are still gray and the country is poor, he understands that it is no longer possible to feel sorry for her - she can stand up for herself, even if some sorcerer manages to take possession of her. robber beauty":

Let him lure and deceive, - You will not be lost, you will not perish, And only care will cloud Your beautiful features... Well, then? One more care - One tear makes the river noisier, And you are still the same - forest, yes field, Yes, patterned cloth up to the eyebrows...

Blok feels that for such a country everything “impossible is possible”; even a long road is easy for it, since the dangers and hardships of the path cannot frighten it - too much bitter and sad things are left behind. Material from the site

Behind the snows, forests, steppes, I cannot see Your face. Is it just a terrible expanse before your eyes, an incomprehensible expanse without end?

A. Blok sees the future prosperity of the country in the development of industry, which will be able to turn Russia’s potential natural resources into actively used ones, which will transform the country, lift it out of dirt and poverty, and elevate it to the level of the advanced states of the world.

The coal groans, and the salt turns white, and the iron ore howls... Then over the empty steppe a new star of America lit up for me!

That is why the poet is so happy about “cities of workers’ shacks,” the sights of factory chimneys and multi-tiered factory buildings, and the groans of factory whistles. With pride and delight, A. Blok sees how his native country is trying to throw off the shackles of poverty, rushing towards a new dream - powerful and strong:

In the deserted expanse, in the wild You are still the same as you were, and not the same, You turned into a new face for me, And another dream excites me...

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