Franchise for the provision of services. Franchise of the affiliate network “City Services. What are the benefits of buying a franchise in the service sector?

The modern Russian services market is far from perfect. The country's population still rarely uses the services of domestic workers, real estate agencies, dry cleaners, etc. The credo of our time: “Cheap and cheerful!”

That is why, when choosing a franchise service, it is necessary to rely on the existing priorities and needs of society. For example, nowadays a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, while men remain conservative and committed to gyms, girls prefer visiting middle-class fitness clubs. With the right choice, you can get by with relatively small investments, especially since in small towns there is practically no competition in this area of ​​business.

Basic options for franchises providing services to the public for beginning businessmen

Continuing to consider the criterion of the needs of society, it should be noted that when choosing a franchise in the service sector, you can choose an almost win-win option: a car gas station. The population will always need fuel, however, competition in this business area is incredibly high. Thus, when choosing this area, you should purchase a well-known brand.

Given the relatively low cost of franchising the service, the payback for a business in this area occurs on average within a period of two to five years. For example, you can receive a stable income in just 2 years.

The real estate business is virtually uncompetitive. However, due to this fact, basically all organizations operate as independent businesses and do not resort to it. It should be remembered that low competition is not a guarantee of success. If you have no experience in running a real estate business, it is better to enlist the support of a franchisor.

There is also a completely opposite situation. We are talking about those business categories in which there is a chance to survive only if you buy a franchise. This is the case. The fact is that people, as a rule, trust only already well-known tourist operators and are unlikely to go to newcomers. The same applies to businesses in the provision of communication services to the public. Today you should pay attention to the franchises of communication salons and.

Some service areas require licensing in accordance with Russian legislation. For this reason, many franchisors (for example, owners or), in addition to having the necessary premises, experience, number of personnel, etc., make a requirement such as obtaining a license.

Building your own business in the field of services to the public through a franchise is profitable and convenient. Its undeniable advantages are low cost and virtual absence of competition. But you need to take a competent approach to choosing a franchise, correctly assessing your capabilities and the needs of society.

A period of crisis is a difficult time for business, but this does not mean that it is “dead”. The sphere of providing services to the population is always in demand, but not everyone can survive in a highly competitive environment. The main task of an entrepreneur is to invest money wisely, that is, with minimal risks and quick payback. Is it possible? Yes – and a service franchise will help you with this.

Franchising schemes and their application in difficult economic conditions

A service franchise allows you to open your own business under someone else’s (already known, promoted) name in the shortest possible time and with comprehensive technical and marketing support. Despite the fact that it costs more than starting a business from scratch, this scheme is the surest solution for starting your own business in times of crisis. Why?

Firstly, franchises for the provision of services allow you to open an already open and, importantly, quite successful business. That is, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to take into account all the details, nuances and risks, study the market, choose the “right” segment and start even in the absence of brilliant or even simply unique ideas, as well as deep knowledge in marketing, management and business development.

Secondly, business franchises, a service sector that offers more and more every year, can be standard or anti-crisis. What are we talking about? Franchisors, taking into account the current situation, are developing special anti-crisis business plans, according to which it will not be at all difficult to survive during the crisis.

Thirdly, restaurants, coffee shops and establishments providing other services to the population do not stand idle even in the most troubled times. The main thing is to choose a more or less free segment in which you will not have many competitors.

What franchisees need to know

A franchise allows you to provide services to the population under a contract. That is, the franchisor and franchisee sign an agreement, the provisions of which they undertake to comply with. You cannot violate the contract (sanctions for violations depend on the specific conditions of the franchisor). If you lose money, you won't get it back. Therefore, a franchise catalog of services that you can choose from is not in itself a guarantee of success and requires compliance with a number of conditions. But if you do everything correctly, you can be sure that you will not only open, but also quickly grow, attract clients and start earning income.

Important! A franchise of services for business or the public may have a different payback period. It is listed in the catalogue. When choosing, we recommend taking this parameter into account.

If you decide to buy a franchise, you will provide services to the public on the franchisor’s terms. He expands his presence in the market, and you start with minimal risks. This model is a kind of compromise, therefore it has certain advantages and disadvantages. Weigh the pros and cons of choosing this scheme, and then make a decision. But experts agree that if you decide to open your own business providing services to the public during a crisis, then the safest way to do this is by purchasing a franchise.

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You have opened a franchise section in the field of providing services to the public and B2B. Project descriptions include franchising conditions, business financial indicators, payback calculations and partner reviews.

Here you can find franchise offers from companies providing various services: household, entertainment, accounting, legal, children's, educational, transport, construction, marketing. You will also find franchises of staffing, real estate agencies, photography studios and business services companies.

Use the Altera Invest catalog to select and buy a suitable franchise. In the section you will find offers in a wide price range: from 104’900 to 1’140’000 ₽. Depending on the investment, the business will pay for itself in 2 to 24 months.

What are the benefits of buying a franchise in the service sector?

Franchising allows you to start a business based on the experience of a successful company. Use sales methods that work and are profitable.

Benefits of franchising:

  • You are getting franchisee book - a ready-made guide to opening and running a business. It describes in detail all the actions that will help you avoid mistakes and build effective business processes.
  • The franchisor always supports the franchisee. Consults on emerging issues.
  • He helps with starting a business, paperwork and training.

Franchising services: how to choose an offer and not make a mistake

To buy a suitable franchise in the service sector, contact Altera Invest. Franchise curators will select an offer that is suitable in terms of price and management experience. We will organize negotiations with the franchisor and provide legal support when drawing up a commercial concession agreement.