Why dream of dark chocolate. Chocolate and chocolates. There are phases of sleep

Seeing Chocolate in a dream (according to the Housewife's dream book)

Chocolate, chocolate candies- expressions of gratitude for certain services; internal conflict, which arose due to sexual dissatisfaction, broken relationships. Refusing to accept candy or chocolate as a gift is a way to attract attention.

Why does a woman dream of Chocolate (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

Chocolate - Dreaming of chocolate means your ability to provide for people who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business. Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Analysis of the dream in which Chocolate was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

Chocolate - Treat someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of. Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is quite possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect intimate life. Burn yourself with hot chocolate - you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Why dream about Chocolate (interpretation from the Great Dream Book)

Chocolate - You will be visited by good ideas.

What did Chocolate dream about according to spiritual sources (Bible dream book of Azar)

There is chocolate - To the pleasant

Why dream of Chocolate in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Chocolate - Dreaming of chocolate means that you will provide very well for those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates predicts suitable work partners for you. If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments. Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

Features of a dream about Chocolate (according to the Culinary Dream Book)

Chocolate - Drinking chocolate in a dream is a sign of some kind of loss and violence, this is how you decipher what you dream about.

The meaning of sleep about Chocolates (Modern dream book)

Chocolate - Quarrel, family troubles.

If the dreamer dreamed of Chocolate (interpretation of the magician Yuri Longo)

Chocolate - Eating chocolate in a dream means that in reality you are striving for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you. Cooking chocolate in a dream - you love to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and evoke their envious feelings. It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life. Treating someone with chocolate - a dream means that in reality you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail. If in a dream you were treated to chocolate, in reality they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after sleep.

Why is the image dreaming (according to Miss Hasse's dream book)

Chocolate in a dream (interpretation Esoteric dream book)

Chocolate - Receive, buy to bad health, weakness. Eat, drink to a protracted illness.

Why dream and how to interpret Chocolate according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Chocolate - Good condition health.

Why dream according to the signs of Chocolate (Slavic dream book)

Chocolate - trouble, illness. Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.

The meaning of the dream about Chocolate dessert (Jewish dream book)

Chocolate - There is chocolate A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will take some trifle for an important omen; a dream that occurred on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to good health; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to listening to flattery and praise. Buy chocolate A dream that occurred on Monday night warns that you are too trusting of a person who wants to deceive you; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you are too worried about your health; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday warns that you need to pay off old debts or thank the person who once helped. Receive a chocolate set as a gift A dream that occurred on Monday night is a joyful surprise; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a variety of pleasant experiences; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday portends unexpected luck in a very difficult matter.

Meet Chocolate in a dream (a clue from the dream book of the healer Akulina)

I dreamed of Chocolate - Competitors take advantage of your gullibility. What you do brings you only losses, and they make a profit; Imagine that you are giving chocolate to someone. stranger, passerby or neighbor.

What does the dream image mean (according to the British dream book)

Chocolate – Chocolate holds a special place. From a chemical point of view, it is a complex food that causes a number of pleasant reactions in the body (except for those people who are allergic to chocolate), very similar to falling in love. The name of the plant from which chocolate is made is translated as the food of the gods, and a huge number of people will completely agree with this designation! Have you eaten chocolate alone? With others? Did you give it to a person or did someone give it to you? Chocolate is a favorite gift for lovers for each other, a symbol of feelings. However, too much chocolate can cause excess weight: do you feel guilty when you eat it? Are you in love or did chocolate act as a substitute for romantic feelings?

Why do you dream of Chocolate (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Chocolate - You dream of chocolate - your ideas are your prospects; one by one, realizing your ideas, you will be at the beginning of a big business, from which you will feed all your life. It is as if you are drinking hot chocolate - failures will pass quickly, and prosperity will be long-lasting. Chocolate seemed stale to you - a dream of illness. You see chocolates - a dream promises you reliable, successful business partners.

What does a dream with Chocolate mean, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why dream of eating chocolate in a dream - for a love affair.

If in the summer you dreamed of eating chocolate in a dream - to receive gratitude - this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

In the fall, why did you dream of chocolate - There is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.

In winter, why dream of chocolate - Transient joy.

In life, we use many different metaphors, even unconsciously.

AT different occasions life metaphors and allegories come different, but when everything is very good, we say that everything is “in chocolate”.

Chocolate cannot have bad or unpleasant associations. Because everyone adores him - both children, and old people, and lovely ladies, and strong men. Chocolate is the best recognition of sympathy, gratitude or apology, a gift to a child or a congratulation on a holiday.

It is eaten with pleasure by the rich and simple people, a huge number of gourmet treats are made from it. Sweet, fragrant, delicious chocolate - what can it mean when it appears in a sweet dream?

It is curious what chocolate is dreaming of - is it worth waiting for good news after such a dream or should you be wary? Wealth or great love, easy life or gifts of fate - what to expect? The dream book will help you deal with this.

The most important thing is to know that "chocolate" dreams do not carry disturbing signs and cannot bode bad. To see in dreams, eat or buy, give or receive as a gift yourself - the meaning of those dreams that we dream at night depends on this.

So before asking what chocolate is dreaming of, be sure to remember what it was like, what you did, and what happened in general? For example:

  • You are chocolates, bars or bars.
  • You dream of white chocolate bars.
  • You see a lot of chocolate goodies in your dream.
  • We saw a dream in which chocolate lies on the counter or in the window.
  • You dream of other people eating it.
  • Dreaming of stale chocolate.
  • Seeing chocolates in a dream.
  • There is sweet, milk chocolate in a dream.
  • Or bitter, black.
  • You choose chocolate in a dream, you think which one to buy.
  • Cook chocolate cream, icing, brew hot chocolate in a dream, and so on.
  • Drink hot chocolate.
  • They got burned.
  • You received a chocolate bar or sweets as a gift.
  • Give it to someone.

Such "chocolate" dreams are almost always pleasant and sweet, and the interpreter will tell us why chocolate is dreaming.

See - but do not take!

Did you see chocolate in a dream? What was he like? Remember in detail and accurately, because of this the meaning of dreams changes greatly.

1. As the dream book says, if you dream of a chocolate bar, you just had to see it from the side, which means that you can provide someone who depends on you. And moreover, it will definitely bring you complete satisfaction and great genuine joy.

2. White chocolate seen in a dream can portend a beautiful and sweet life, sophistication and luxury.. You will enjoy life with taste and allow yourself a lot.

3. Seeing a lot of chocolate in a dream - know that your dreams will come true very soon. Dream boldly, believe in dreams - fate favors you, and miracles will begin soon!

4. Such a dream, in which sweets, bars or other chocolate goodies are on store shelves, or displayed in a window, speaks directly about the fact that you are now striving for a better life.

But these aspirations are still in your plans, you see in your imagination how to achieve a sweeter life, but it's time to start taking action! Otherwise, plans may remain plans.

5. If you had to eat chocolate in a dream, not for you personally, but for someone else, and you are watching this, this is a hint of your envy. The dream interpretation indicates that you should take care of your success, and not watch how other people get something.

6. A stale treat warns of the possibility of getting sick. So you take care of your health, do not treat it negligently so as not to be treated later.

7. Beautiful chocolates seen in dreams promise you the appearance of very good, rare and reliable partners in business, business, colleagues, assistants. Trust them, open up, and your business will dramatically go to success and prosperity.

So sweet!

There are chocolate sweets - a pleasure. What if in a dream?

It is curious why chocolate is dreamed of, which happened to be eaten, and not only. You could give someone sweets, buy them, or even cook them. So what exactly did you do with him in sweet dreams?

1. As the dream book indicates, the sweet, milk chocolate that you ate in a dream portends a carefree, easy and pleasant life. But remember that it won't be like this forever - so still don't forget about your important matters and obligations!

2. The bitter, dark chocolate that you were treated to hints at carnal pleasures, sensual pleasures and pleasures. You have an adventure that will bring a lot of fun!

3. If in your dreams you chose chocolate treats on the counter, thought what to buy, this directly indicates a crossroads in your life.

You have to make a choice, and it can be, for example, not so easy because all the options are good. But the choice is worth making!

4. If you have prepared chocolate icing or cream, cooked cocoa or hot chocolate, or made any other chocolate dish, this is a good dream. You build your own life, and you do it skillfully. Go on, build your happiness!

5. Drinking fragrant hot chocolate in a sweet dream means that in reality you will soon meet your love! And no less! So get ready.

6. But if you not only drank, but also burned yourself with a hot drink in a dream, this means that your partner will surprise you very much. You will be amazed by his temperament, ardor and tenderness. Surprise must be extremely pleasant for you! So do not underestimate your chosen one.

7. As the dream book says, the chocolate that you received as a gift from someone in a dream indicates the likelihood of receiving courtship from a gentle and sensual person. You will be surrounded by passionate attention and beautiful romance, enjoy it!

8. And if in a dream you yourself treated someone with chocolate or sweets, soon you yourself will give your partner tenderness, endless affection.

Your chosen one will greatly appreciate your skills, be proud of them, and consider you a very exceptional lover (or mistress). So, if you underestimated yourself in this area, then it’s in vain!

Everyone wants a "chocolate" life, that's for sure. But everyone must build their own happiness - and sometimes it seems like a difficult task.

To take life easier, to be able to relax, to enjoy life, to enjoy small amenities - this is an art that makes life happy. Author: Vasilina Serova

If you see chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those who depend on you.

Dreamed chocolates promise you great business partners.

Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment.

If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.

We drank hot chocolate in a dream - perhaps you have recent times not everything is fine in personal life. Don't take these failures personally.

The reason for the fiasco may be in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.

Burned with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with irrepressible energy and temperament.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Dream about chocolate

Seeing chocolate - you will provide very well for those who depend on you;

Seeing chocolates are suitable partners in work;

Stale chocolate - illness, disappointment;

Drinking hot chocolate is prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

See also Candy.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What do dreams mean Chocolate

Chocolate - Receive, buy - to bad health, weakness. Eat, drink - a disease of a protracted nature.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

The meaning of dreams Chocolate

Chocolate - Treat someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of.

Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is quite possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in the bad mood of your partner or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.

Burn yourself with hot chocolate - you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see chocolate in a dream

To dream of chocolate signifies your ability to provide for the people who depend on you.

Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business.

Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment.

Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Chocolate

Eating chocolate in a dream portends a deterioration in well-being during the coming day.

Buying chocolate is a loss of a significant amount.

Chocolate with nuts is a sign of satiety in love and the search for a new partner.

A dream where you are presented with a large set of chocolates as a gift speaks of the unfulfillment of dreams.

Melted chocolate - to a frank confession and tears of remorse.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Meaning Chocolate

Competitors take advantage of your gullibility. What you do brings you only losses, and they make a profit.

Imagine that you are giving chocolate to some stranger, passerby or neighbor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing chocolate in a dream

If you eat chocolate: this means that in reality you seem to lack positive emotions, and you need to try to brighten up your life in some way.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

Sleep Prediction Chocolate

Eating chocolate means that in reality you are striving for an easier life.

It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return.

People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you.

Cooking chocolate: you love to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and cause their envious feelings.

It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life.

Treat someone with chocolate: a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to use this for your own purposes.

Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail.

If you were treated to chocolate: in reality, they will try to deceive you in order to benefit.

The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Interpretation of dreams from

Chocolate is not in vain associated with us with the sweet life. Interpreting what this delicacy we love is dreaming of, the dream book portends success, prosperity and love. If the product disappointed you in a dream, for example, it turned out to be spoiled or too hard for you, then do not rush to be upset: the dream foreshadows only temporary difficulties, which are in some way motivation and an incentive to action. If you saw in a dream chocolate, it means that soon you will meet your true love. A wave of romantic experiences awaits you, sincere feelings and the very inspiration that is peculiar only to lovers.

  • Why dream of chocolate - Dream Interpretation: "that dream portends your ability to provide for people whose lives largely depend on you.
  • Why dream of "eating chocolate" - Dream Interpretation: those who were lucky enough to taste goodies in a dream will have a long-awaited romantic adventure that will bring you real pleasure. However, the novel promises to be short-lived, as it may seem at first glance. (cm. )
  • Why dream of white chocolate - Dream Interpretation: such a dream means that someone's life is in your hands and you can provide for it and make it comfortable.
  • Why dream a lot of chocolate - Dream Interpretation: a dream predicts that in the near future your relatives will not have urgent need in nothing: you are able to provide your family with well-being and a decent standard of living.
  • Why dream of "buying chocolate" - Dream Interpretation: the dream explains that the breakdown that you have at the current time is not so much related to your actual state of health as it is provoked by your desire to control everything around you. Sometimes you take on more than you can afford. You should delegate some of the obligations and stop being afraid that you will be let down. (cm. )
  • Why dream of "eating chocolate" - Dream Interpretation: Anyone who loves to eat chocolate in a dream can actually grab a tidbit. A dream characterizes quite natural aspirations: a decent income, respect for the people around you, luxury and comfort with minimal effort.
  • Dream Interpretation why chocolate is dreaming - Dream Interpretation: In life, a dream foreshadows some kind of situation in which it will be difficult not to be tempted, and this temptation may concern not only the love sphere.
  • Why dream of a chocolate bar - Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed of a chocolate bar, then this speaks of imminent fun, entertainment and pleasure. However, they still have to be earned, that is, to make a little effort or find a worthy use for one of your many talents.
  • Why dream of "seeing chocolate" - Dream Interpretation: Having seen chocolate in a dream, you can be firmly convinced that you can provide well for those who depend on you.
  • Why dream of white chocolate - Dream Interpretation: a dream portends the beginning of a white streak in your life. Finally, the period of unrest and failures is left behind, and you can safely move forward. You have done a great job, now is the time to enjoy your work.
  • Why dream of "treating with chocolate": if you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate in a dream, then regard this as a compliment. Such dreams are usually visited by attractive and self-confident people. What you see in a dream allows you to admit, without undue modesty, that you are indeed desirable.
  • Why dream of "giving chocolate" - Dream Interpretation: if in a dream you were presented with chocolate, a bar or a box of chocolates, this may be a sign of the onset of a narrow black stripe soon. But with some effort, you can overcome it. Most importantly, don't be discouraged. After it, a long period of well-being will surely come, when everything will be “in chocolate”. (cm. )
  • Why dream of worms in chocolate - Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed of worms in chocolate, then your head will be visited by ideas that can lead you to wealth or introduce you to a wealthy person. (see)
  • Why dream of chocolate with nuts - Dream Interpretation: a dreamed delicacy testifies to the satiety of love, that you are actively looking for your soulmate. You are not interested in one-time relationships and you hope to meet your love for a long and happy life. (cm. )
  • Why liquid chocolate is dreaming - Dream Interpretation: in this case, it all depends on what you do with it: 1) If you are preparing liquid chocolate, then you yourself are the creator of your own destiny and all the events that take place in life largely depend only on your solutions; 2) If you drink liquid chocolate - this means that soon you will meet your love; 3) If you get burned by liquid chocolate, then you will be surprised by your partner. You will be able to discover new pleasant qualities of a partner that you have not noticed before.
  • Why dream of chocolate biscuits - Dream Interpretation: If you dreamed about chocolate biscuits, then in the near future you will meet a soul mate who will love you with all his heart.
  • Why dream of chocolates - Dream Interpretation: Chocolates in a dream are a guarantee positive emotions, incredible impressions and new ideas. To explain what chocolates are dreaming of, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the dream, the plot, the emotions experienced and look at these meanings in the dream book. Each person must interpret his own vision individually, following a meaningful chain from actions performed in a dream to real events taking place in his life. A presented box of chocolates predicts material well-being and the opportunity to increase your financial savings. A dream in which you buy chocolates promises a long-awaited arrival of distant relatives, which at first will somewhat surprise and amaze the dreamer, but will soon make him incredibly happy. If you treat you with chocolates in a dream, then you will find unbridled sexual passion that can warm up anyone, even a very demanding and unapproachable person.
  • What is the dream of marshmallows in chocolate - Dream Interpretation: no doubt, when you see marshmallows in a dream, only pleasant surprises. In most cases, marshmallows dream of an unexpected and unforgettable gift. If you dreamed of marshmallows in chocolate, then your financial condition will change in the near future. better side maybe waiting for you new job, which will significantly increase your wallet. (cm. )
  • Why dream sweet chocolate- Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed of sweet chocolate, this portends incredible adventures, enjoyment and great success.
  • What does it mean if you dream of chocolate - Dream Interpretation: when you see chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you can provide for all your relatives and friends. Dreamed chocolates promise you new business partners with whom you can achieve high results. Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment. If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you after a short period of unfavorable moments in your life. Burnt with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with endless energy and patience.
  • Why dream of milk chocolate - Dream Interpretation: milk chocolate dreams of financial assistance which you are forced to render to the detriment of your interests. However, in the end, the sacrifice you make will only benefit you, which will not necessarily be reflected in monetary terms.
  • What does it mean to "eat chocolate in a dream" - Dream Interpretation: eat chocolate in a dream - good sign, the main thing at the same time is to enjoy the process itself, only in this case it is possible to say with confidence about positive and pleasant changes in life. If you see in a dream how another person eats chocolate, this is a sign of envy on your part. If chocolate is eaten with someone, it is a sign of unity and partnership between people.
  • What does it mean if you wipe chocolate in a dream - Dream Interpretation: if you wipe chocolate off yourself, it means that you are serious about the end result and will be able to overcome any difficulties in your path. In case you wipe chocolate off another person, know that you are not a lonely person,
  • at a difficult moment in your life, people close to you will support you.
  • in chocolate - Dream Interpretation: when there was peanuts in chocolate in a dream, you should treat this with due attention, since you are rather superficially assessing your personal life and don't give it enough time.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Loff

Why dream of chocolate? Chocolate in any interpretation portends success, prosperity and well-being. If you eat chocolate in a dream, then this indicates a very good deal in the near future or a very promising project. If you dreamed of chocolates, this indicates the financial stability of your partners.

Psychological Dream Interpretation

Why dream of Chocolate in a dream - Dream Interpretation: There is chocolate - for carnal pleasures, rich and long-awaited.

Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those people who are very dependent on you. Chocolate candies, dreamed of in a dream, portend you reliable partners in business. Stale chocolate dreams of despair. If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then pleasant surprises await you. If you drank hot chocolate in a dream, it means that not everything is “sweet” in your personal life lately.


If you had a very "sweet" dream - you had a chance to eat chocolate in a dream, you saw a chocolate bar or chocolates, then this means that an equally sweet forecast awaits you. The chocolate that you dreamed about is associated with carnal pleasure. If the chocolate that you tried in a dream tasted good, then in reality you are able to deliver unforgettable pleasures to your partner. But the chocolates that you saw in a dream are a sign of reliable comrades or partners in financial matters.